
adam_gzul, jamespage https://code.launchpad.net/~openstack-ubuntu-testing/+activereviews <- in case you didnt see, ive proposed the 2013.1.3 updates there, since the grizzly branches are still hosted there. if you think we should migrate to ~ubuntu-server-dev, let me know and ill adjust accordingly00:04
zuladam_g:  yeah can we migrate them over00:11
failmasterit doesn't necessarily means that we have the device mounted on /boot during initrd stage? http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#prefix00:23
twbI'm after backported kernels for lucid.  I don't see them in lucid-backports.  Am I looking in the wrong place?00:36
qman__twb, there are backported kernels from maverick, natty, and oneiric in the form of linux-image-generic-lts-backport-oneiric00:41
qman__not sure if anything newer exists outside of PPAs00:41
twbHm, I was looking in lucid-backports, not in PPAs.00:42
qman__those ones are actually in lucid-updates00:42
twbYes, I see them now, thanks.00:43
twbThat has 3.2, which I think will suffice.  If it's not, can you tell me where the ubuntuized git branches live?00:45
twbAha, kernel.ubuntu.com looks promising00:46
myhrlinhi, I'm trying to open a program to X via ssh.  It used to be on certain systems I could simply DISPLAY=:0.0; firefox; or something00:50
myhrlinbut now it's not working; would someone know how to accomplish this?00:50
sarnoldmyhrlin: try first, ssh -X hostname firefox   then ssh -X -Y hostname firefox00:51
sarnoldthe -Y enables less-secure options that might be required all the same00:51
twbUse -X, not -Y.  The manpage is misleading, -Y is for when you trust the network00:51
sarnoldtwb: oh?00:51
myhrlinsarnold: oh I'm not trying to forward an X session through ssh00:51
sarnoldmyhrlin: oh!00:51
twbsarnold: as you say, it's the less-secure version00:52
twbmyhrlin: then 1) you really should; but if you insist; 2) learn about xhost and xauth.00:52
sarnoldtwb: I didn't think it had anything to do with network trust, but how much you trusted the X client on the remote machine00:52
twbsarnold: sorry, I am misremembering, you are right.00:52
sarnoldtwb: I believe myhrlin just wishes to display the contents on the remote machine as well...00:53
twbsarnold: the key point is a lot of people see "-Y trust" and thing it is safer than -X, which is backwards.00:53
sarnoldtwb: ah :) that's well worth correcting. :) hehe00:53
sarnoldmyhrlin: I'm pretty sure I've used DISPLAY=:0.0 foo    myself..00:53
sarnoldmyhrlin: try export DISPLAY  ?00:53
myhrlinsarnold: right, it does not seem to be working -- oh right... export00:54
twbmyhrlin: if you want an X app to connect to a remote X server, you do "DISPLAY=example.net:0 xlogo"00:54
twbThis will not work by default because example.net has to be told to allow connections from the app server, with xhost(1) and (or?) you have to export the MIT cookie from the X server and put it on the app server, using xauth(1).00:55
twbUnless you ultimately trust every single device on your network, you should use ssh -X instead, because otherwise the traffic is unencrypted and Bad Things can happen.00:56
sarnoldtwb: think "oh crap my window manager on my usual desktop is broken and I can't get a new terminal to run "killall windowmanager ; nohup windowmanager &"  -- I've restarted busted window managers via ssh before, bloody convenient thing to do once in a while. :)00:57
sarnoldtwb: I think myhrlin is attempting to solve a similar problem -- start a program on an existing X server from the same machine as the X server, but you're not sitting right at the keyboard that very second..00:58
twbsarnold: ah, then I misunderstood what he's trying to do.00:58
sarnoldtwb: I may have misunderstood too, but :0.0 gives me hope I'm on the right track. :)00:58
twbsarnold: in your use case, you simply need to ensure DISPLAY is set and XAUTHORITY points to the cookie fiel00:58
sarnoldmyhrlin: ^^ note the bit about XAUTHORITY :) that might be another variable to try00:59
twbThe latter can be skipped if it's in the default place (~/.Xauthority), which IIRC it is unless /home is on a network filesystem with root-squash00:59
twbIn any case, myhrlin should get a meaningful error message to help us diagnose the problem further.00:59
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LargePrimesarnold: no.  fighting with the openvpn guys01:37
LargePrimethey not nice like you guys01:37
LargePrimehe complaining cause i use netstat and not ss01:41
LargePrimebut ss no work01:41
twbThen you're using it wrong.01:42
LargePrime netstat -an | grep 1194 works , ss -an | grep 1194 does nothing01:44
LargePrimewhat am i doing wrong?01:45
twbISTR there is some obscure case where it doesn't list UDP properly01:46
twbI confess that's why I still use netstat.  That and it inserting ridiculous amounts of whitespace.01:46
LargePrimedam whitespace insertions01:46
twbFWIW I can reproduce the issue, can't remember the fix01:47
LargePrimeyay, it works03:00
failmastercould someone please help to shed some light on why this configuration stopped working with freshly installed 13.04 http://askubuntu.com/questions/330660/what-is-the-correct-way-to-use-key-file-luks-authorization especially curious if we have /boot accessible at it's absolute path on corresponding to cryptsetup boot stage?03:17
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lifelesshallyn: ls ../20130812/var/lib/lxc/sid/rootfs/06:21
lifelesshallyn: ... --one-file-system with rsync doesn't back up subvolumes that aren't mounted ;)06:22
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ejvNeed help installing mysql on 12.04 LTS : http://dpaste.com/1341424/07:31
failmasterejv, purging it totally doesn't fix it?07:32
ejvman im trying07:33
ejvthis is LTS, this shouldn't even be happening lol07:34
ejvwhen i purge it, it then tries to configure and install it, it's totally messed up07:34
failmasterejv, so when you just `apt-get purge mysql*` it doesn't behave as it sounds?07:35
ejvi can't even dist-upgrade either07:36
failmasteri doubt that problem is about mysql =)07:36
ejvwhatever updates are announced, I install, I usually don't review them07:36
failmasterejv, maybe it would be a good idea to have a look at dmesg?07:37
failmasterbecause until you did everything keeping an eye on reccomendations like e.g. ones related to upgrade07:37
ejvwhen the purge happened, it knocked out the apparmor mysql profile07:39
failmasterejv, no problems related to filesystem in there?07:39
ejvthose init issues look... odd07:39
failmasteror apt cache or something07:39
ejvim not familiar with app cache07:39
failmastersyslog would be closer07:39
ejvi disabled apparmor07:40
ejvno idea what it might be doing07:40
failmasterbefore doing that?07:41
ejvsyslog tail looks quiet07:41
failmasterlook at the whole log files that would catch this accident timeline and never play with apparmor until you know what you're doing07:42
ejvim not playing with it i just 'service apparmor stop' hehe07:42
ejvok i'll renable and backtrack, brb07:43
failmasterat least did you read the package description? lol07:43
ejvfailmaster: i noticed my /boot is full07:49
failmasterejv, it happens due to the fact old stuff wasn't removed07:50
ejvpurging kernels stand by :)07:50
ejvincredible, that was holding my entire system hostage07:52
ejvi don't fully understand how having space in /boot is a dependency for upgrading mysql-server07:54
failmasterthis question could probably take place only after you'll make sure it was the reason07:56
ejvi cleared out some kernels, the panic went away07:57
* ejv shrugs07:57
ejvthanks failmaster, all set now, good for another year i hope08:08
failmasternp you fixed it yourself! =)08:08
ejvit's my job during the day, at the end of the day, im just drained, this is the last thing i want to do ha08:08
failmasterwell i'm lucky enough to not have a life at all lol08:09
ivokswhen is the next server team meeting?08:51
rbasakivoks: probably today at 1600 UTC.09:12
ivoksrbasak: thanks09:17
ThothCastelwhat does sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)   do?09:43
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hallyn_lifeless_: I still don't understand what "arent mounted" means.  You don't manually mount a btrfs subvolume, it's just always there.  If you do "ls /var/lib/lxc/sid/rootfs", do you see the rootfs?12:15
hallyn_If not, then something doesn't match my understanding.  If so, then I'd say indeed this is an rsync bug (high prio, bc I expect it to affect lots of ppl)12:16
hallyn_(also, --one-file-system should ahve nothign to do with whether a sub-fs is mounted, another reason I'm confused :)12:16
stemidI have two identical 12.04 installs where one cannot run apt-get update. it gets 404 errors on many files, including http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/universe/source/Sources and http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/main/binary-amd64/Packages. in all the 404 cases the file eixsts with a .bz2 extension.12:23
stemidI've been trying to see what could differ on one host from the other, in the /etc/apt dir. but the files are identical.12:23
stemidnot even if I generate a new list on http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/generate.php does it work. it must be missing some configuration.12:25
stemidonly from that server12:29
stemid$ host se.archive.ubuntu.com12:33
stemidse.archive.ubuntu.com has address
stemidfunny dns error =)12:33
stemidyet it's using google's public dns in resolv.conf and files dns in nsswitch12:33
jpdsstemid: /etc/hosts ?12:34
hallyn_lifeless_: yeah confirmed, lemme ask on ubuntu-kernel12:34
RoyKstemid: same resolv.conf?12:34
RoyKjpds: the host command does a dns lookup, and doesn't care about /etc/hosts12:35
stemidI see now, the morons who installed it have installed a bind on it12:38
stemidso it's using its own bind12:38
jpdsEvery server should be running it's own bind.12:38
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RoyKjpds: you should have 2-3 servers running bind and then have the other servers using those12:53
hallyn_lifeless_: yeah, so it *is* a different fs according to rsync.  if you don't want to do any snapshot clones, we could add a flag to tell lxc not to make rootfs a subvolume.  (failing that the only 'fix' apart from changing your backup script woudl be to teach rsync something - not sure what)12:54
hallyn_lifeless_: was that what you were after originally?  :)12:54
jpdsRoyK: I was joking about bind everywhere.13:09
jamespageadam_g, zul: seen this before? - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5981288/14:01
jamespagegrizzly cloud archive14:01
zuljamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-novaclient/2.14.1/+merge/17992914:17
jamespagezul: seen this before? - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5981288/14:17
jamespagegrizzly cloud archive on precise14:18
zuljamespage:  no i havent14:18
jamespagezul, keystone catalog is OK14:19
jamespagebut keystone endpoint-list borkes14:19
jamespageinfact *-list borkes14:19
zulwhich versoin is this with?14:19
jamespagezul, whatever is in grizzly CA14:20
jamespagezul, might be some sort of client issue I think14:20
jamespagezul, as my keystone client on saucy works fine against this deployment14:20
jamespagebut the keystoneclient within the deployment breaks14:21
jamespagewhich is breaking openstack-dashboard14:21
jamespagezul, curl'ing the commands works fine14:21
zuljamespage:  possible bug in webob?14:25
jamespagezul, maybe - if I comment out the offending debug code everything springs back to life14:27
zuljamespage:  odd indeed14:28
jamespagefeels like a bug14:28
jamespagezul, spotted the problem - the environment was running essex keystone14:37
jamespagethat sucks14:37
jamespageupgraded and it fixed the problem14:37
zuljamespage:  gah?14:37
frezehi all, is it safe to upgrade the kernel on ubuntu LTS?14:37
jamespagezul, I was helping marco with a demo for tomorrow14:37
zuljamespage:  ah ok14:38
zuljamespage:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/swift/1.9.1/+merge/17993314:40
jamespagezul, not going to get to that for a bit - working on a nasty-ish golang issue right now14:40
zuljamespage:  ok14:40
jamespagezul, oh - go on then14:41
jamespagewon't take long I guess14:41
zuljamespage:  ill find a willing guinea pig14:41
jamespagezul, ^^ that is targetting the wrong branch btw14:42
zuljamespage:  fixed14:43
zuljamespage:  fixed swift14:45
zulroaksoax: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-cinderclient/1.0.5/+merge/17993814:54
roaksoaxzul: done15:04
zulroaksoax:  thanks15:04
zulroaksoax:  one more15:11
roaksoaxzul: done15:12
zulroaksoax:  thank15:12
jamespagehallyn_, can you run todays IRC meeting? I see smoser in the chair but he's out today15:57
hallyn_jamespage: i really can't...15:57
jamespagehallyn_, np - next!15:57
jamespageroaksoax, ^^15:57
anomalyI am using a laptop temporarily for testing.  to cover all the options, would the server installation detect this and use some sort of power management?  I have noticed at times I can not ssh in, but when I tap a key on the keyboard I can.15:58
jamespagearosales, around - you might be chair by default if so15:58
arosalesjamespage, hello15:59
arosalessmoser, hallyn, and roaksoax all out huh16:00
rbasakI think it might be zul's turn again as he was the last person not to do the minutes, AFAICT.16:00
arosalesjamespage, I can chair :-)16:00
jamespagearosales, great16:00
arosalesuh oh zul16:00
jamespagezul, did you not do the minutes?16:00
zulrbasak:  uh...no i hcnaged it16:00
arosalesah I'll take zul's word for it then :-)16:01
rbasakYeah the rota was changed, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server is way behind16:01
* arosales will chair this go around16:01
zulim *not* chairing16:01
arosalesI'll action zul to update minutes16:01
jamespagearosales, thanks16:01
* arosales pulls up instructions, one sec16:01
arosales#startmeeting ubuntu-server-team16:02
arosalessorry wrong window16:02
roaksoaxjamespage: sorry just saw your ping... internet connection crapped on me :)16:03
jamespageroaksoax, np - arosales stepped into the breach!16:06
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adam_gjamespage, do you reckon we should move grizzly branches from ~openstack-ubuntu-testing to ~ubuntu-server-dev? or keep them where they are?16:54
zulhallyn_:  how do you get out of of the lxc console again17:01
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hallyn_zul: ctrl-a q17:36
zulhallyn_:  ahhh17:36
hallyn_zul: it *does* say that in the lxc-console manpage fwiw17:39
hallyn_(so i dont *totally* suck :)17:40
zulhallyn_:  man pages *ppphppt* ;)17:40
hallyn_'those are so 1980'17:41
hallyn_lifeless_: too early to scream victory, but i believe the source of the libvirt leak has been foudn - there was a leak in netcf!  i'm running for the afternoon with Eric Blake's patch to fix that17:57
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hallyn_ahs3: hey, need to push a set of netcf packages (memleaks all-around).  just a heads-up19:32
ahs3hallyn_: groovy.  just say when...19:47
hallyn_jessie has thrown me for a loop.  well lemme start with wheezy19:51
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lifelesshallyn_: cool about the netcf fix; I will test packages if you want19:54
hallyn_lifeless: thx, i was gonig to do the debianpackage first to make sure they can stay in sync, so it'll be a bit yet19:55
digiaQuick 12.04 question. Server crashed last night and today when logging in i get a login loop. I am able to login via recovery and create a seperate account, which i am able to log into. Where would i look to fix the login loop for the main account?20:29
Fuzzbrainconsole or X11 looping?20:56
mgriffinanyone familiar with phpMyAdmin on 12.04? these docs seem wrong https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/phpmyadmin.html because i think i need to modify /etc/dbconfig-common/phpmyadmin.conf and then dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin21:32
mgriffinoh, i figured it out.21:35
mgriffinthe things i place in /etc/dbconfig-common/phpmyadmin.conf and regenerate /etc/phpmyadmin/config-db.php with aren't parsed if i leave dbc_dbname empty in /etc/dbconfig-common/phpmyadmin.conf, this doesn't make any sense ;)21:36
moldyupdated a 10.04 system to 12.04. rootfs on lvm on dmraid. boot fails. i think that it's missing the lvm modules within the initramfs (looking at the initramfs image, i cannot find them). how should i fix this?21:38
mgriffinmoldy: did you read any of the docs?21:43
moldymgriffin: i tried googling for the problem, but i was not able to find a solution yet21:43
mgriffinyou can boot off of a live cd and mount, yeah?21:43
mgriffini have fixed similar on rhel before by booting a rescue, bind mounting all of the things and then chroot, finally update-initramfs21:44
moldymgriffin: yep21:44
mgriffin(bind mount /boot /proc /dev etc inside where you will chroot)21:44
mgriffinperhaps that is overkill, not sure21:44
moldyi mounted /proc and /dev from a grml live pendrive21:45
moldy /boot is not on a separata partition. i should not mount the live medium's /boot, should i?21:45
mgriffinso you have in your livecd /mnt/the_local_disk/etc/fstab21:47
mgriffinlike the local system is mounted somewhere?21:47
moldyafter booting from the live disk, i run mdadm -A --scan and vgchange -a y21:47
moldyafter that, i mount my lv to /mnt/ubuntu21:48
moldybut i think my current problem is that i am missing the lvm modules21:48
mgriffindid you use any bind mount after mounting /mnt/ubuntu (i don't know if this is necessary)21:49
moldyproc and dev21:49
mgriffinso you did bindmount /dev /mnt/ubuntu/dev21:49
moldyi have "lvm2" installed, but i cannot find any lvm modules on the system21:50
mgriffink, did you look in your /mnt/ubuntu/usr/share/initramfs/hooks/21:50
moldythere is a file called "lvm2" in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks21:51
mgriffinor i guss /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/21:51
moldylvm does use kernel modules, right21:52
moldyah, it's called "dm-mod"21:54
moldyi have all sorts of dm-* modules, but no dm-mod.ko21:58
mgriffini think this is pretty clear to follow: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuDesktopLVM22:05
mgriffinso maybe cat /etc/initramfs-tools/modules to see what you have22:06
moldymgriffin: will double-check, thanks22:14
hallyn_ahs3: alas there's a problem.  On jessie i can't build netcf as is.  gnlib issue, gives me:23:11
hallyn_./stdio.h:1012:1: error: 'gets' undeclared here (not in a function)23:11
sarnoldgets(3)? o_O23:11
sarnoldI thought we burned that with fire?23:12
hallyn_sarnold: <shrug>  i dunno what gnulib is doing23:13
sarnoldgets.c:6:2: warning: ‘gets’ is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/stdio.h:638) [-Wdeprecated-declarations]23:14
sarnoldguess we -didn't- burn it with fire. darn.23:15
hallyn_sarnold: well this is in jessie23:15
hallyn_i don't expect it's the case in saucy - though i've not gotten to that yet23:15
ahs3hallyn_: hrm.  i reckon it needs removing...gets() is definitely on the Very Bad Thing To Do list23:19
hallyn_ahs3: it's in /usr/include/stdio.h23:25
hallyn_uh no23:25
hallyn_but it's ingnulib.  so i can't really remove it afaik23:25
ahs3hallyn_: oh, sorry.  i was thinking it could be removed from netcf, not the lib.  nm.23:34
* ahs3 got distracted by a phone call23:35
* hallyn_ got distracted by a bowl bearing delicious hot ramen breaking :(23:44

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