=== scottrigby is now known as scottrigby_away | ||
rmg51 | JonathanD: looks like your Fosscon talk at PACS is an no go | 00:29 |
JonathanD | ok. | 00:30 |
JonathanD | openoffice? | 00:30 |
rmg51 | http://pacsnet.org/meetings.php | 00:30 |
rmg51 | just saw this ^ | 00:30 |
JonathanD | ah | 00:30 |
waltman | "How Printers Work?" # zzzz | 00:34 |
jedijf | waltman: it's a joke | 00:34 |
JonathanD | I'll give you a hint. | 00:34 |
JonathanD | They don't work. | 00:34 |
JonathanD | Talk over. | 00:34 |
jedijf | evernote | 00:34 |
waltman | hah | 00:34 |
jedijf | and i think the printer talk is gonna be skyped | 00:35 |
JonathanD | Just print it. | 00:35 |
jedijf | teletype | 00:35 |
JonathanD | jedijf: we're gonna come get an office in the hive building/. | 00:35 |
JonathanD | jedijf: and put our printers there. | 00:35 |
JonathanD | and have pamphlet stuffing parties. | 00:35 |
jedijf | and sleep there the night before? | 00:36 |
JonathanD | jedijf: yes. | 00:38 |
JonathanD | and store all the crap there so we don't have to bring it down. | 00:38 |
JonathanD | my car is still not unpacked. | 00:38 |
jedijf | mine either | 00:39 |
jedijf | JonathanD: that's actally a good idea | 00:39 |
jedijf | i don't know if you're serious or not | 00:39 |
JonathanD | jedijf: maybe. | 00:50 |
=== dedi_off is now known as dedi | ||
bts3685 | pamphlet_stuffing_parties++ | 02:34 |
bts3685 | JonathanD: what were you trying to talk at PACS about? | 02:38 |
rmg51 | bts3685: he was going to do a Fosscon talk | 02:52 |
bts3685 | ahh | 02:53 |
rmg51 | he started to do one last year as a fill in when the regular speaker was late | 02:54 |
=== dedi is now known as dedi_off | ||
pvl1 | hello | 03:56 |
jthan | pvl1: Hey! | 03:56 |
pvl1 | jeez its been a long time since ive been in here | 03:58 |
jthan | I can relate. | 03:58 |
pvl1 | jthan: how are you | 03:58 |
jthan | Fantastic. How about yourself? | 03:58 |
pvl1 | tired | 03:59 |
pvl1 | should be going to bed. got school in the morning | 03:59 |
pvl1 | are there philadelphia area meet ups or anything | 04:00 |
pvl1 | i just logged back into the forums. havent been there in a long time either | 04:00 |
jthan | Well, you've got a lot of people here from all over the place.. Soo.. there's the whole "ubuntu pa" team which is typically broken (loosely) into Pittsburgh area, Erie-ish area, and Philly | 04:00 |
jthan | A lot of people here are members of PLUG | 04:01 |
jthan | They meet monthly | 04:01 |
jthan | I'm actually a robot and never go to any events. So perhaps someone else can actually tell you real information. :-p | 04:02 |
pvl1 | plug you say | 04:04 |
jthan | http://www.phillylinux.org | 04:05 |
pvl1 | thank you ill check that out | 04:05 |
jthan | Anytime. Tomorrow night is the plug north meeting if it isn't too short notice to make it. | 04:06 |
bts3685 | pvl1: i'm giving a talk tomorrow night at plu- right, what jthan said | 04:06 |
bts3685 | mesh networks! D | 04:06 |
bts3685 | er :D | 04:06 |
pvl1 | bts3685: in filly? | 04:06 |
jthan | pvl1: He disappeared. He may or may not be working. But yes. | 04:09 |
jthan | http://www.phillylinux.org/north.html | 04:09 |
pvl1 | dammit | 04:13 |
pvl1 | bluebell is so far without a car | 04:13 |
jthan | bed time for jthan. | 04:19 |
pvl1 | same | 04:22 |
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=== dedi is now known as dedi_off | ||
teddy-dbear | Morning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else | 12:06 |
cyberanger | morning teddy-dbear | 12:09 |
teddy-dbear | hi JonathanD | 12:09 |
teddy-dbear | oops | 12:09 |
teddy-dbear | hi cyberanger | 12:09 |
JonathanD | me and cyberanger are basically the same person, except for not being the same person at all. | 12:11 |
JonathanD | Hi cyberanger | 12:11 |
cyberanger | hey JonathanD | 12:25 |
cyberanger | how are you both? | 12:25 |
cyberanger | JonathanD: how'd fosscon go this year | 12:25 |
MutantTurkey | upgrading to 13.04 on my laptop... lets see how it goes | 13:29 |
MutantTurkey | might as well just nuke it and go to debian though | 13:29 |
MutantTurkey | i really like the encrypted home filesystem though... | 13:29 |
=== bts3685_ is now known as bts3685 | ||
JonathanD | cyberanger: amazing. | 14:13 |
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adom | MutantTurkey: manually setting up auto-encrypted home directory would be a pretty cool project to document. | 15:24 |
adom | i'm sure its been done before online, but its not something i would look forward to | 15:25 |
MutantTurkey | ubuntu does it seemingly seemlessly | 15:26 |
adom | true. this is why i also like ubuntu (and ubuntu derivitives) | 15:26 |
adom | been using Mint 14 for awhile now at home and i like having my ubuntu without Unity, but its been getting a tiny bit sluggish at times. | 15:27 |
adom | i see myself going through my quarterly cycle again where i try something super minimalistic like Crunchbang and then decide its not enough and try full Ubuntu with Unity and decdie i still cant stand Unity and go back to some derivitive. | 15:28 |
adom | (or maybe finally upgrade my measly desktop at home) | 15:28 |
adom | well, maybe not quarterly, but i think easily bi-annually | 15:29 |
MutantTurkey | debian seems to be working well | 15:29 |
MutantTurkey | on my desktop | 15:29 |
adom | yeah i should go something like debian and tiling window manager for the minimalistic side like fluxbox or Awesome2 or something | 15:29 |
adom | well, Crunchbang should do that for me... | 15:30 |
adom | debian with fluxbox right? | 15:30 |
adom | openbox | 15:30 |
adom | CrunchBang is a Debian GNU/Linux based distribution offering a great blend of speed, style and substance. Using the nimble Openbox window manager | 15:30 |
adom | im going to try it out | 15:30 |
adom | probably this weekend | 15:31 |
adom | anything i should know about possibly switching from ubuntu to debian? anything important not work for some reason like Chrome? dont see why not, since Ubuntu is debian-based... | 15:32 |
MutantTurkey | try spectwm | 15:32 |
MutantTurkey | spectrwm sorry | 15:32 |
MutantTurkey | it's nice, tiled, decent features | 15:32 |
adom | Googling... | 15:32 |
adom | reminds me a lot of awesome | 15:33 |
adom | my main fear is that i won't be able to deal with tiling window manager for my main desktop, as much as id like to admit i would. i love the minimalistic-ness of tiling wms, but during normal PC usage, i find myself burdoned by it more than i like it. | 15:34 |
adom | i might still try it tho | 15:35 |
adom | need to learn the keybinds i think, that's the thing that makes tiling wms great | 15:35 |
TheBoatCapn | Hey, I'm having some difficulties finding some information. I'm trying to make a quick bash script run whenever my machine is unlocked | 15:41 |
TheBoatCapn | I found this: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/28181/run-script-on-screen-lock-unlock | 15:41 |
TheBoatCapn | but the dbus command hangs after it's executed. Seems a bit off | 15:41 |
TheBoatCapn | Or is that and expected behavior? | 15:41 |
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MutantTurkey | adom: it's not so hard... | 15:58 |
MutantTurkey | it probably shouldn | 15:59 |
MutantTurkey | hnag | 15:59 |
MutantTurkey | unless you are waiting for a signal... | 15:59 |
MutantTurkey | then hanging makes sense | 15:59 |
TheBoatCapn | Gotcha. I'll mess with it a bit more. | 15:59 |
adom | MutantTurkey: twss | 16:25 |
MutantTurkey | twss? | 16:40 |
MutantTurkey | that's what she said... ok | 16:40 |
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=== dedi_off is now known as dedi | ||
adom | MutantTurkey: ^_^ | 18:29 |
ChinnoDog | Cuba has a state sponsored operating system based on ubuntu? | 18:49 |
ChinnoDog | Sounds like major Ubuntu win. I want to look at the web site but I can't. Are Cuban web sites blocked in the US? | 18:54 |
bts3685 | prolly but i bet you can find a torrent of it | 18:56 |
JonathanD | you can probably use a proxy in a free country, like Russia, to access it. | 18:57 |
ChinnoDog | probably. Distrowatch says it is discontinued. | 18:57 |
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bts3685 | sad panda | 18:59 |
pvl1 | hello | 20:12 |
ChinnoDog | hi pvl1 | 20:24 |
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=== TheBoatCapn is now known as CaptKyle |
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