
Squirmhi Kilos 05:53
Kiloshi Squirm and others05:53
Kilosvery cold here was 2°c last night05:54
inetprogood mornings06:42
Kilosmorning inetpro Superhuman 06:42
Superhumanmorning boss Kilos 06:48
Kiloshiya maiatoday psy08:13
Kilospsyatw, as well08:14
psyatwhi Kilos08:14
psyatwhi maiatoday08:14
Kiloswbb inna while , gonna try use 7 on a 160g drive to block ubuntu from using the bad blocks08:20
Kiloswish me luck as you wave me goodbye08:20
Kiloscheerio here i go on my way08:20
magespawngood morning08:42
maiatodayhi Kilos, psyatw 08:44
magespawnhi maiatoday08:47
magespawnKilos is off trying to fix a drive08:47
psyatwhello magespawn09:01
psyatwcan you actually fix a drive?09:01
psyatwif there are bad blocks on it?09:01
magespawnhi psyatw09:01
magespawni think he is trying to isolate them into a partition so that no data is written to them09:02
psyatwI see09:02
psyatwI usually use those old drives for operating systems and newer ones for my data09:02
psyatwso I nothing important is lost in case of a hard drive crash09:03
magespawni think that is the general idea, Kilos has built most of his pc's out of spares that have donated09:13
magespawndoes anyone know if k9copy has been removed from the repos?10:05
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
Kiloshi superfly magespawn 11:13
Cantidehi Kilos, magespawn :p11:15
Kiloshi Cantide you are early today11:16
magespawnhey Kilos Cantide 11:16
Cantidei am?11:16
Kiloshehe magespawn seems like a way to save drives. force win onto the bad parts then ubuntu the rest of the drive11:17
Kilosi thought you only came on late afternoons cantide11:17
CantideKilos, I'm currently between jobs, I can come online at any time I please :)11:17
superflyhi Kilos11:17
magespawnunique approach Kilos 11:18
magespawnsuperfly: o/11:18
Kiloshehe yaeh one cant throw away drives of 160g and 500g11:19
Kilosi had already given up on the 160g. it could only run 711:20
Kilosnow 7 has 20g and ubuntu the rest11:20
superflyhi magespawn11:22
magespawngotta go for a game drive, later all11:26
Kilosaw snowy has left13:06
Kilosdid you fight with him superfly ?13:07
Kiloshe didnt even say hi once13:07
Cantidesometimes I don't say hi once =)13:07
Kilosya but we know you now he just lurked for a coupla days13:09
Kilosand you never say hi once man13:09
superflyek't niks gesê13:10
Kilosonce=one time only13:10
Kilosmaybe he is shy13:10
Kilosthere should be a nie at the end of that superfly 13:12
CantideKilos :D13:12
Kilosniks gese nie13:12
Cantideonderwyser Kilos het gese..13:18
Cantidewow, i gotta learn Afrikaans all over again T-T13:18
Kilosmost of us speak englikaans13:19
inetproKilos: wie is snowy?13:36
Kilosek weet nie inetpro hy het nie eers gegroet nie13:36
Kiloswas gister en eergister hier13:37
KilosFOR SALE - computer and Encyclopedia all in good condition. Reason for selling: No longer needed. Got married. Wife knows EVERYTHING ...with Backup hard drive called Mother In Law13:39
Kilossjoe ek nou seer gelag13:41
nuvolarihi oom kilos :>14:13
nuvolario/ lo inetpro, Cantide, superfly, magespawn 14:13
Kiloshellooooo nuvolari  hoe gaan dit seun14:14
Cantidehey nuvolari :)14:14
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom Kilos!14:14
nuvolariwas bietjie huistoe die naweek14:14
Kilosah ek het gedink jy het ons een kant gedruk14:14
Kilosek gaan haal skape14:15
superfly hi nuvolari14:17
SilverCodesuplerfly: did you work with a guy called Sakhumzi?15:16
Kiloshi aquarat 15:27
aquaratlol, hi Kilos15:28
aquarathowzit going ?15:28
Kilosgood ty and you?15:28
Kilosyou the guy using 8ta hey?15:28
aquaratnot as my primary cell @ 8ta15:28
Kilosdidnt you get there yet15:29
aquaratbut I do use 8ta for some 3g modems15:29
aquaratI was considering porting to cell c a while back from voda15:29
aquaratbut they wanted bank statements from me15:29
aquaratand voda only needed a call15:29
aquaratso I stuck with voda :P15:29
aquaratand got an s4 active15:29
aquaratwhich I've just bricked15:29
aquaratbut I'll fix it15:29
Kilosfor a contract package?15:29
Kilosi stay away from all contracts15:30
Kilosyou said something about flashing your modem last time hey?15:30
aquaratdon't think so15:31
aquaratnever had need to flash a 3G modem15:31
Kilosi got an e220 driving me nuts. upgraded from vodafone to mobile partner i think its called but it messes around every now and again15:31
aquaratI'm probabnly not an expert on 3G modems15:32
Kilosmusta been one of the other guys that pops in then disappears for a few weeks15:32
aquaratprobably :P15:32
Kilosi get lost with you okes15:32
aquaratit's cool man15:32
aquaratit happens :P15:32
aquarat3G stuff isn't always as reliable as it could be15:33
aquaratbut I think it'll improve a lot wi9th LTE15:33
Kilosthis thing is much faster than my old modem but after a coupla days of working fine it dont work again till i do the upgrade all over15:34
Kiloslike there is some bug left behind15:35
aquaratprobably is :P15:35
aquaratvoda stuff is generally buggy15:35
Kilosbut np ill catch the oke that told me he flashed his to get it working15:35
aquaratactually most ZA companies have buggy stuff15:35
aquaratlike DSTv15:35
aquarattheir decoders have such issues15:36
Kilosso hows things with you?15:36
Kiloshi Vince-0 where you been15:37
Kilosloooong weekend15:37
Vince-0busy workin n'stuff15:43
Vince-0got some movement on this RMS thing15:43
Kiloswb snowy16:27
Kilosinetpro, sien jy16:27
Cantidei'm doing a subway map viewer app for the showdown16:32
Cantidehope it works out okay :)16:32
Vince-0*question: anyone used a CMS that delivers an audio file to a remote agent (ad-hoc not streaming) and the agent plays it? I'm looking at openbroadcaster.com16:59
inetproKilos: spying on you?17:02
Kilosoh he is spying on me??17:03
Cantidethis has just started now if anyone is interested http://ubuntuonair.com/17:04
Cantideand then join #ubuntu-on-air to ask questions17:04
Vince-0I'm watching!17:04
Cantidecool :)17:04
KilosSnowy, dont be shy, say hi and meet the peeps17:04
Cantidehi Snowy '-'/17:07
Kilosmaybe its his/her mtn connection thats not too good17:10
KilosSnowy, this is the ubuntu help channel but if you need help with another system just ask and someone will help or guide you17:59
Kilosim freezing here so getting ready for bed17:59
Kilosyo refusenik 18:00
Kilosnight peeps . sleep tight18:20
yolandre_thought i was all by myself.18:53
yolandre_wondering whether anyone has advice: trying to install ubuntu 13.04 x64 to dual-boot with win 8 pro.18:53
Cantideoh... i'm not the best one to advise on that18:54
Cantidei've not run win8 before18:54
yolandre_ok. i'm pretty sure that the problem is with ubuntu installer....18:54
Cantidein my experience, i had to install Windows first and then Ubuntu, because Windows would always destroy Grub18:55
Cantidewhich did you install first?18:55
yolandre_agreed: win 1st then ubuntu. installed win 8 pro with much effort. problem is with installing ubuntu though.18:56
yolandre_despite leaving more than ample space as un-partitioned and available the ubuntu installer doesn't see any of the existing ntfs partitions and reports that the entire drive is blank and available space.18:57
yolandre_odd thing: when running ubuntu from the installation media it reflects all existing ntfs partitions...18:58
Cantidehey Squirm 20:59
Squirmheya Cantide 20:59

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