
skellatOkay, LP 1211575 looks notable yet odd01:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1211575 in orage (Ubuntu) "xfce4-orageclock-plugin crashed with SIGSEGV in main()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121157501:02
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NoskcajAre there any xubuntu packages that are still on the "merge" list?06:18
NoskcajAnd does anyone have a moment to try and install gthumb from source?06:19
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knomea friend suggested that we could have some kind of mechanism on the ISO that sends some stats10:41
knomei don't want an automatic mechanism, but we could add a slide on the installer slideshow saying "if you want to register this installation of xubuntu, click here"10:41
lderanso we can get the machine specifications? aye thats a good idea10:41
knomewell no,10:42
knomeinstallation count10:42
knomethe URL could register one user automatically10:42
knomebut also have buttons to tell "this machine actually has more than one user"10:42
knomeso a "3" button, which would update the user count by two, but keep the machine count intact10:42
knomeand sure, we could also gather some hardware information10:42
knomebut everything should be an informed decision10:43
knomei think "register here" is good enough to tell the user "we're going to increase a counter by on"10:43
knomebut i'm not sure how canonical would react to this idea10:44
knomethey haven't been willing to share some data anyway...10:44
knomeanother idea is to create a package10:44
knomethat sends us information10:44
knomeabout hardware, and real user count10:44
knomebut again, i've no idea how canonical would react to that either10:44
lderanthat would be good information to have10:45
knomei would imagine they aren't *too* keen on that10:45
knomebut that'd be continuous submitting, so the server side should be a bit more complex10:46
knomepleia2, ping. you shall read the conversation above and comment.10:48
elfyknome: not sure if you caught my conversation with balloons yesterday, to cut a long story short a bunch of our xfce settings testcases have been marked as archived - he's no idea what's going on and has passed it on to stgraber12:09
knomei marked some archived (or disabled or whatever that is) - but that's to make them not show up in the wrong testsuite12:10
elfyyea - saw those - I've done similar -this is different12:12
elfyfor instance12:12
knomehmpf, right12:12
elfyyea - that was my reaction to when I saw it12:12
elfycan't find anything to show why - nor even how to do it if we wanted to 12:13
* knome looks at it12:13
elfyballoons just thought it was 'wild' lol12:14
knomehmm hmm12:14
knomehttp://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/300/builds/50384/testcases/1586/results :P12:14
elfyhow did you do that?12:15
knomei enabled it in the "core" testsuite12:15
knome(where we don't want it enabled)12:15
knomebut that fixed it12:15
knomedid you file a bug about it, or just poked stgraber?12:15
elfyI poked balloons who poked stgraber12:16
elfyso I guess the question is how to delete things from testsuites 12:17
knomethat needs admin powers12:18
knomebut there is a bug too, this shouldn't happen12:18
elfyit's showing disabled/archived again now12:19
knomeyup, as i disabled it in the other testsuite12:19
knomei tested something12:19
knome(that didn't work)12:19
elfyso if I see balloons before you - there is a bug, but if necessary to get around this we want stuff actually deleted from the xfce core testsuite so the ones we want are not archived12:20
knomei'm filing a bug *right now*12:20
elfyI filed one on packages at the weekend12:21
knomeabout the same thing?12:22
elfyno way to report a bug against a testcase in packages - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-website/+bug/121072812:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1210728 in Ubuntu QA Website "Report a testcase bug missing from package tracker" [Undecided,New]12:22
knomebug 121174612:22
ubottubug 1211746 in Ubuntu QA Website "Disabling a testcase in one testsuite marks it as archived on other testsuites as well" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121174612:22
elfyI confirmed it lol12:22
knomeme too...12:23
elfyI me too'd it as well 12:23
knomegood good12:23
knomehope that gets fixed soon, or i get admin powers on the trackers :P12:23
elfyI'd know which I'd rather ... 12:23
elfyknome: stgraber hasn't taken the bait ... 12:30
elfyhi skellat 12:30
knomeelfy, i'm thinking balloons is trying to lean towards that at least ;)12:31
knomeerr, s/trying/starting/12:31
pleia2knome: instead of doing that, I'd prefer telling people to enable popcon and then just have us mine that data (which already exists!)16:15
pleia2elizabeth@r2d2$:~$ grep xubuntu-desktop all-popcon-results.txt16:15
pleia2Package: xubuntu-desktop                    0     0     0 11699616:15
Unit193pleia2: desktop may not be the best target, it's removed once you remove one of the default applications.  I'd think desktop-settins would be a better one, but could be just me http://paste.openstack.org/show/WJpBl90y905WHZ2INvDV17:03
pleia2sure, it was an example :)17:04
knomepleia2, right17:24
Unit193elfy: We could, but it's already at http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/installing_prebuilt_on_pc.html (which they have updated.) so it'd either be a copy or link to that.17:24
knomexubuntulovely, huh?17:25
* elfy didn't do that - he did install xorg-server-xmir unity-system-compositor17:26
elfyhe did uninstall as well ... 17:27
knomepleia2, soo... is popcon installed by default?17:28
knomepleia2, or, enabled17:28
pleia2knome: no17:28
knomepleia2, so that's a stupid number as well17:28
pleia2probably more accurate than our own opt-in thing17:29
pleia2we can still tell people to opt-in, the procedure would just be enabling popcon17:29
knomeprobably... but then again, it counts computers, not users17:29
pleia2that's what it's for17:29
pleia2that's ok17:29
knomeso, 138k xubuntu computers?17:31
pleia2with popcon enabled, yeah17:31
knomeso my 15k estimate was very tentative17:32
pleia2that's already a lot more than we'd get with any of our own opt-in stats17:32
knomehow are the stats compiled?17:32
knomeis it any xubuntu version?17:32
knomeand/or is there stats for specific versions17:32
pleia2I just downloaded the raw stats from text file http://popcon.ubuntu.com/17:32
knomei'm looking at that too, but i thought you might know more17:32
pleia2just read the README and FAQ :)17:33
Unit19303:54:05 #xubuntu-devel: < elfy> Unit193: I wonder if we should change vanir.unit193.tk/mir/ now that you can install the necessary to a daily17:33
pleia2I don't know much beyond that17:33
knomepleia2, i never read the FAQ!17:33
elfyUnit193: I realised eventually .... * elfy didn't do that - he did install xorg-server-xmir unity-system-compositor17:34
knomepleia2, the README/FAQ do not talk about debian/ubuntu versions17:35
pleia2knome: sorry, I meant to communicate "I don't know, I just read the faq and readme"17:35
knomepleia2, yes, i figured that out. i wanted to communicate "unfortunately they don't tell me anything about that so i suppose the answer to my questions is that we can't track different operating system versions :("17:36
pleia2honestly I don't think it matters, stats always suck, but popcon was specifically designed for this17:36
elfyand argued about in exactly the same way :)17:37
elfy"In short, unless popcon is enabled by default, the statistics from it will continue to be invalid and of very little use, or worse, substantially misleading."17:37
elfybut it's better than a finger in the air I suppose 17:37
knomesure... but it *does* give us some kind of "minimum" value, which is better than nothing17:38
pleia2and enabled by default is a privacy issue (though with shopping lens these days, the argument is much less valid :))17:38
knomepleia2, fffuuu, it's not17:38
knomepleia2, it's perfectly valid nonetheless17:38
elfyI agree 17:38
knomepleia2, i'm just thinking what the correct place would be to tell people to enable popcon17:38
elfywith bith17:38
pleia2sure, for you, but not in the actual discussion17:38
pleia2knome: your idea for a slideshow item was fine17:39
pleia2"want to be counted? click here to learn how to enable popcon" or whatever17:39
knomepleia2, yeah, but i don't want to tell to "install the package popularity-contest"17:39
pleia2then on the page we explain what it is, etc17:39
Unit193Task: standard, kubuntu-active, kubuntu-active  already installed.17:41
knomemaybe the docs.17:47
knomeand then advertise those more on the slideshow17:47
knomebecause they are kind of awesome anyway17:47
knomepleia2, have some time this week? could go throgh the installed slideshow17:48
pleia2knome: yeah, should17:49
knomewe still have a lot of time to do that, but could do that anyway, especially if we're going to add a slide17:49
ochosibtw, if you're doing the new slideshow, be sure to use the latest version of the icon-theme17:50
ochosilink: https://launchpad.net/~landronimirc/+archive/elementary-xfce17:51
knomeochosi, not "new" exactly, but good pointer17:52
knomeochosi, if you have extra time, file a bug report telling which icons need updating :)17:53
ochosii was mostly referring to screenshots17:53
ochosinot many app-icons changed17:53
ochosimostly ff, because its logo was updated with v23 (or 22?)17:53
knomesure, we need to retake the screenshots17:54
ochosiyup, also please use the latest theme version ;)17:55
ochosi /just_saying17:55
knomeis it uploaded in saucy?17:55
knomeif not, can you file a bug telling what kind of weirdo setup we need to do before taking screenshots ;)17:56
ochosiwell i've been waiting for an upload of our artwork packages for a while now...17:56
ochosimr_pouit: ^17:56
knomepleia2, you around later today, like 21UTC or so?18:12
pleia2knome: yeah18:12
Unit193Sooo, are we pretty much done tracking the changes in Mir?18:12
knomepleia2, oki, ping me around that time, or i'll ping you, and let's go through the slideshow18:13
elfyUnit193: I'll be checking my install out over the next week to see if the issues I've seen are any better18:15
Unit193Since 0.0.9 came out over the weekend, I just rebuilt all for that but not sure it matters (not uploaded yet.)18:16
ochosiUnit193: i read somewhere that they want X/Mir to support multi-monitor-setups _before_ uploading it to main, but now it seems to be in main already..?18:19
Unit193Parts of it are still in universe.18:20
ochosiaha, i guess i misinterpreted the phoronix headline then18:21
Unit193unity-system-compositor is all that's left in universe, though.18:21
Unit193Meeting added to the calendar.19:55
knomeUnit193, ta20:00
knomepleia2, i'm ready if you are20:07
pleia2it 20!20:07
pleia2but ok20:07
knomei know!20:07
knomei can wait as well20:07
pleia2nah now is fine20:07
knomedo you have the branch branched?20:07
pleia2what should I be looking at?20:07
knomebzr pull lp:ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu20:08
knomethen in the dir,20:08
knome./test-slideshow.sh xubuntu20:08
knomemeh, yeah20:08
knomei'm typoing20:08
knomei have symlink lp->bzr for that exact reason too...20:08
pleia2it yelled at me because I tried to use clone :) I haz git on teh brain20:09
knomeheh, yeah20:09
knometoo many different vcs20:09
Unit193I use clone most times. :D20:09
pleia2ooh pretty20:10
pleia2ok, I'm looking20:10
knomehehe, good20:10
knomeso shall we start with the first slide20:10
pleia2[slide 1]20:10
knomei was thinking we could change the first <p>20:10
pleia2looks fine to me20:10
knomei mean, it says latest...20:10
knomebut it's not always latest20:10
knomewe might want to slightly change the wording20:11
knome"Congratulations! You have chosen to install Xubuntu [versionnumber]."20:11
knomeor something20:11
knomeapart from that, i'm fine with that slide20:12
pleia2yes, that's nice20:12
Unit193( http://www.dylanmccall.com/ubiquity-slideshow-preview/ )20:12
knomewell bleh20:13
knomei rather test is as it shows20:13
knome[Your web experience]20:13
knomeneed to fix the firefox icon20:13
pleia2Unit193: that's pretty cool :)20:13
pleia2what's wrong with the firefox icon?20:14
knomethey recently changed20:14
pleia2I don't like "web" - email isn't "web" :)20:15
pleia2so probably s/web/internet20:15
knomewell it's basically the same, but...20:15
pleia2web is html pages20:15
knomeif we s/web/internet/, then "They offer you the internet the way..." sounds weird20:15
pleia2not to me20:16
knomefor me, "offering internet" is something that ISP's do20:17
knomewhat if we just did "...from web applications: high performance..." ?20:17
pleia2email is not web20:18
knomeerr, sorry20:18
knomefrom internet apps:20:18
knomethe point was to merge the two <p>'s20:18
* pleia2 nods20:18
pleia2sounds good20:18
knomeok, good20:18
knomelet me do those changes now so you'll be able to review them all when we're finished20:18
knomeany wording ideas for the #1 slide?20:19
pleia2just the Congratulations!20:19
knomeshould we rename the slide title and add "congrats" to first <p>?20:20
knomecould be "Welcome to Xubuntu"20:20
knomeok, done20:20
knome[Instant messaging]20:21
knomeoh, oops20:21
knomei need to update the internet slide shot20:21
knomei'll try to do something version-agnostic this time20:21
knomeso IM20:21
knomeregarding the shot, it's fine20:22
knomeand generally, i think it's ok20:22
knome"is shipping" -> "ships" ?20:22
pleia2ships is more consistant with tense on other slides20:23
knomeok, done20:23
knome[Enjoy your media]20:23
knomei'm fine with that slide as well, but i'll double check the icons20:24
pleia2italicize gmusicbrowser in 2nd paragraph?20:24
knomemmh, sure20:25
knome[In the office]20:25
knometo be consistent, italicize LO (or not, because it's not installed by default)?20:25
pleia2s/in the repositories/for installation20:26
pleia2normal people don't know what a repository is :)20:26
knomeand remove the comma?20:26
knomei'll look at updating the screenshot20:26
knome[The Xubutnu desktop]20:27
pleia2I don't like italics on quick access20:27
pleia2otherwise the text is fine20:27
knomeapplication-menu -> application(s) menu?20:27
knomethat must be something ochosi wrote, he over-uses hyphens20:28
pleia2ah, I assumed it was some command name :)20:28
knomei'll also look to update the screenshot there20:28
pleia2applications menu20:28
knome[Know your desktop]20:28
knomeshould we drop the mention about the docs here and create a new slide?20:29
pleia2maybe add a slide20:29
knomei'm waiting20:29
pleia2add to 2nd paragraph20:29
knome"To learn more about the Xubuntu desktop, along with instructions how to install more software, go to Help in the Application menu or see..."20:30
knomeor sth like that20:30
knomei don't think we need to over-advertise US20:30
pleia2actually, we do need to tell people about USC20:31
pleia2since it's a linux thing, other OSes don't have such things (well, aside from phones)20:31
pleia2that looks good20:32
knomeand drop the xfce mention?20:33
pleia2I think so20:33
knomethat kind of sucks20:33
pleia2we mention it in the first slide20:33
knome[Thank you!]20:34
pleia2-section 20:34
pleia2stray - there20:34
knomethis is a trivial thing, but we currently do xubuntu??? with the nicks20:34
knomewe could go xubuntu?? or even xubuntu?20:34
knomei've never seen more than three webirc users at the same time20:35
pleia2it happens sometimes20:35
knomemy argument is that it is easier to make a difference between xubuntu4 and xubuntu6 than xubuntu412 and xubuntu 46120:35
pleia23 is nice because it makes them more unique (particularly if we ever decide to do channel stats or something)20:35
knomefine then!20:36
* knome sobs20:37
knomebzr branch lp:~knome/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/xubuntu-131020:38
knomefirst desktop slide says "applications menu", second "Applications menu"20:39
knomeochosi, FYI, our default is droid 1020:40
pleia2is good20:41
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy
knomei would fix the casing20:41
knomeeither A A or a a20:41
knomenot A a20:41
knomeok ,done20:42
knomenow i will work on the icons and shtos20:42
knomei'll ping you again later when i've got all of that sorted out20:42
Unit193knome: Since your meetup is over, and elfy confirmed the one that was supposed to be broken works, want another set published?20:59
knomeset of what?21:00
knomefor a reason or another, i'm quite lost21:00
knomeyes, please send me another batch of cookies21:00
elfyUnit193: it failed to reboot though21:01
Unit193elfy: Oh?  Any interesting text output or see that in the daily?21:02
elfynope 21:02
elfynothing at all - just hung21:02
elfythe daily is fine21:02
elfyso in summary - the daily +installing the bits works - mostly - you're works ok - but didn't reboot21:03
elfyok - update the pad with what I've got on these 2 machines - I'll check again before thursday's meeting - but I won't be there for it 21:09
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/44074/ ready to press button.  I'd bet I won't be there for it either.21:10
elfynot sure I'm going to make next week's either - pretty sure I've got to cover hours at work21:12
Unit193elfy: Welp, you're now seeding an outdated iso. ;)21:26
elfyUnit193: no I'm not 21:29
elfyunless there's a ghost doing it 21:29
Unit193There was some American downloading before I stopped and loaded the new ones.21:31
elfyI'm seeding to no-one 21:33
elfybut I've got it there and will leave it overnight21:34
elfyUnit193: is the 32 bit one ok?21:36
Unit193Should be just fine, yep.  Did as much as I could to make sure, everything passed (except what was expected to fail.)21:36
elfyokey doke - grabbing that now then I'll seed it too21:37
Unit193Sure, thanks.21:38
elfyok - both there now 21:40
elfysomeone is grabbing the 64bit from me at mental speeds21:40
Unit193Indeed, 2.2MB/s was what I was seeing, Verizon FIOS.21:43
elfyyea same one21:43
knomepleia2, ping22:05
pleia2knome: pong22:05
knomepleia2,      bzr branch lp:~knome/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/xubuntu-1310 22:05
knomeochosi, ^22:05
pleia2knome: *now* it's a pull :)22:06
knomehow do i know if you deleted my poop22:06
pleia2new firefox icon?22:07
knomeerr, wait22:07
knomei didn't update the tb shot22:07
knomeyeah, that and more22:07
pleia2I mean, I don't see new ff icon22:07
knomeit is the new ff icon... :)22:07
knomemortals are not supposed to notice the difference!22:08
pleia2bah, I can't tell the difference :)22:08
pleia2I see22:08
pleia2looks good to me :)22:08
knomeyeah, except the internet slide is still outdated22:08
knomelet me fix that quickly22:08
knomeshould be version-agnostic now22:12
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jonopleia2, knome FYI: dropped a mail to the list re. tracking GPU testing23:47
jonomight make it easier to track the range of cards tested: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/GPUTesting23:47
texadactyljono, thanks for the URL above - very helpful23:59

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