
davechen1yaxw: ping04:08
axwdavechen1y: pong04:08
davechen1yaxw: i'll find the bug04:08
davechen1ybut we have a prolem when we use deploy --to 004:08
davechen1ywhich causes debug-log to go crazy04:09
axwokey dokey04:09
davechen1yi'd really like to be able to fix it04:09
davechen1ybecause we're leaning heavily on the gui deployed to machine 004:10
davechen1ythe workaround is don't use --to04:10
davechen1yaxw: sorry, i don't know why I'm making this your problem04:10
davechen1yyou didn't write --to04:10
axwheh that's okay, I can look into it04:10
axwthere's no consolidated log on local, so may take me a bit to get set up04:11
davechen1ythat is why we didn't hit it til now04:11
davechen1ybug 121114704:11
_mup_Bug #1211147: Deploying service to bootstrap node causes debug-log to spew messages <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1211147>04:12
davechen1yif it's too hard to fix easily I can stop useing --to04:13
davechen1ybut we're struggling to keep the number of machines deployed down to a reasonable level04:13
davecheneyquestion from the field04:37
davecheneydoes juju upgrade-charm --switch work04:37
davecheneyto switch from cs: to local: ?04:37
davecheneyhazmat: ping04:38
axwdavecheney: don't know that, but to fix your logging problem temporarily...04:40
axwdelete /etc/rsyslog.d/26-juju*, restart rsyslogd04:40
axw(I think)04:40
davecheneyaxw: thanks, i'll work up a one line juju ssh fix04:41
axwon the state server that is04:41
axwdavecheney: I haven't tested it.04:41
axwI don't have canonistack set up atm04:41
davecheneyaxw: testing now04:44
davecheneyhmm, close, but there is still something else going on04:45
davecheneyaxw: on positive news04:47
davecheneydebug hooks is working like a chapm04:47
axwdavecheney: sorry went to get a sandwich04:53
axwglad to know debug hooks is working. sorry about the logging... I'll keep looking04:53
davecheneyaxw: it should work, maybe rsyslog is holding the config somewhere else ...05:05
davecheneyaxw: ahh, it could be that debug-log is brokwn05:06
axwdavecheney: how's that?05:07
davecheneymade a new environment without using --to05:07
davecheneydebug log still spews output05:07
davecheneywhich is a bit of letdown05:07
davecheneyi think the problem is all the \n's have been stripped from the debug log file05:10
davecheneyso tail looks insane05:10
jammorning axw and davecheney, how are things in AU?05:12
axwjam: morning! not too shabby thank you05:12
jamdavecheney: is your debug-log problem bug #1211147?05:12
_mup_Bug #1211147: Deploying service to bootstrap node causes debug-log to spew messages <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1211147>05:12
davecheneyjam: yes, and it is actually our log format05:13
axwstruggling to get back onto canonistack tho..05:13
davecheneyaxw: canonistack is fail05:13
davecheneyjust get ec2 or hp cloud credentials05:13
davecheneyjam: the problem with debug-log is the log format05:13
davecheneyit's stripping the \n05:13
davecheneyso wc -l on all-machines says there are 0 lines05:13
davecheneyand tail prints everything fromthe beginnning of time05:13
jamdavecheney: so "juju debug-log" is just doing "juju ssh 0 tail -nX /var/log/juju/all-machines.log" but you're saying that something in how we are doing rsyslog is causing us to strip all \n chars?05:14
davecheneyjam: that is my diagnosise so far05:14
jamdavecheney: that certainly sounds like a new problem05:14
davecheneyjam: try it05:15
axwdavecheney: I guess there are company accounts for EC2/HPCloud? who do I need to ask?05:15
davecheneyaxw: no05:15
davecheneyyou shold obtain your own credentials and expense them05:15
axwah ok05:15
davecheneyi'm sorry nobody explained this too you05:15
davecheneythis really should be day one induction stuff05:15
davecheneythe company has resources, canonistack05:15
axwactually I think rog mentioned we could expense EC2..05:15
davecheneybut it's frequently not up to the task05:15
jamdavecheney: actually, we do have a company account with arosales for hp05:16
axwthat's a bit sad :(05:16
davecheneyaxw: yeah, there is even a line item on the expense system for those type of expenses05:16
marcoceppijam: I'm not sure it's a company account, more like an account that we have for certain testing05:18
marcoceppiand now the occasional emergency charm school05:18
jammarcoceppi: right. For "testing" which is what axw is doing. vs hosting your own project.05:19
* marcoceppi doesn't know what anyone does. Not even meself05:19
jamaxw: which Canonical will pay for you to host your own project (equivalent of up to 3 m1.tiny (?)) as long as you manage it with Juju to give us feedback on the tool.05:19
axwI better think up some interesting projects then05:20
davecheneyjam: it is quite strange, the output format of the rsyslog config hasn't changed since wallyworld_ landed the fix05:20
davecheneysorry the original support05:20
davecheneyi wonder if it is a hp cloud thing05:20
* davecheney tries ec205:20
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
davecheneyindeed it is05:22
davecheneyit works perfectly in ec2 ...05:22
davecheneyi wonder if it is the hostname05:22
davecheneyjam: i think there are two problems05:26
davecheneyhulk smash causes rsyslog to feed back to itself05:26
davecheneybut also the output format + hp cloud does something strange05:26
jamdavecheney: right, hulk-smash is something I feel we have an understanding of the bug, we just need to fix it. hp cloud stripping '\n' is something new we haven't seen before.05:27
davecheneyjam: understood05:27
davecheneywill treat as a second issue05:27
davecheneyjust trying axw's fix for hulk smash05:28
davecheneyjam: axw confirm that reminging /etc/rsyslog/26-juju* and restarting rsyslog works05:29
jamdavecheney: so that fixes the \n thing as well? or just the syslog feeding into itself?05:30
davecheneyjam: only 121114705:32
davecheneyi'll dig into the log format thing on hp cloud05:32
davecheneyand open a new issue05:32
davecheneyaxw: is it possible to do05:45
davecheneyjuju status 105:45
davecheneyand show only machine 105:45
axwdavecheney: nope05:45
axwonly unit or service05:45
davecheneyaxw: roger05:45
davecheneyquestion, what is the presence ping delay ?05:46
davecheney60 seconds ?05:46
axwthere's a var in presence/presence.go that says 30s, tho I don't claim to understand the workings of that code05:48
axw^ davecheney05:48
marcoceppiSo, juju deploy mysql mysql-1 (using mysql-1 as an alias) throws an error, is this expected06:05
davecheneyaxw: thanks06:22
davecheneyi was able to demo that06:22
davecheneydoes anyone know whre the missing and unknown states show up06:22
davecheneyis that only for machine records ?06:22
axwjam: I reproduced that line-ending bug on lcy0207:06
jamI'm happy it was reproducible, less so that it exists :)07:06
axwI'll look into it after fixing the original problem07:07
noodles775Is StoreSuite known to fail sometimes? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5984006/07:10
axwnoodles775: yeah I think I've seen TestBlitzKey fail before, randomly07:14
jamnoodles775: we are supposed to be rigorous about not having casually failing tests in the test suite, though it seems being away for 3 weeks caused this rigor to diminish a bit.07:15
jam(to land code, all tests must pass on the bot, for example)07:15
rogpeppeaxw, fwereade_, jam, davechen1y, mgz, wallyworld_: morning!07:19
noodles775jam: Yep, although it can be v. hard to fix them when they're hard to reproduce.07:20
noodles775axw: ack, txs.07:20
axwrogpeppe: good morning07:20
rogpeppeaxw: fancy coming to the standup today?07:21
rogpeppeaxw: i don't know what time it is for you then, mind07:21
axwrogpeppe: about 7:30 (dinner time ;)) - but I'll come today07:21
rogpeppeaxw: don't feel obliged - i just thought it might be nice if you could make it07:22
axwrogpeppe: no I would like to come, and I haven't been to one yet07:23
rogpeppeaxw: cool07:23
rogpeppeaxw: how's it going anyway?07:23
axwrogpeppe: not too shabby. working on manual deployment, and fixing a debug-log bug atm07:24
rogpeppeaxw: cool07:24
rogpeppeaxw: some time i hope we can have a way of changing the debug level in an environment dynamically07:26
axwrogpeppe: I believe thumper has a branch in the works07:26
axwit would be nice07:26
rogpeppeaxw: ah, that's good to know07:26
axwjam1: if it interests you: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/121214808:27
_mup_Bug #1212148: rsyslog accumulator strips newlines on openstack <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1212148>08:27
dimiternrogpeppe: hey09:10
rogpeppedimitern: yo!09:10
dimiternrogpeppe: a relation is not an entity, right? we cannot reuse the LifeGetter for it09:10
rogpeppedimitern: hmm, yeah09:11
dimiternrogpeppe: ok09:11
rogpeppedimitern: we could make it an entity, i guess09:14
dimiternrogpeppe: I don't think this is a good idea09:17
dimiternrogpeppe: it's not used as other entities are09:17
rogpeppedimitern: the AllWatcher reports on changes to it, not too differently from other entities09:17
rogpeppedimitern: entities are not all used the same09:18
dimiternrogpeppe: yeah, but there's no agent or client that uses it as its main entity09:18
rogpeppedimitern: that's not true of Service either09:18
rogpeppedimitern: or Environment09:18
noodles775I'm trying to reproduce bug 1208504, but get "Cannot find requested image 81078" when trying to bootstrap on HP Cloud. If anyone has any experience with HP Clound and knows what I'm doing wrong, please let me know :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/5984281/09:18
_mup_Bug #1208504: "error: no instances found" Post bootstrap on HP Cloud  <papercut> <juju-core:In Progress by michael.nelson> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1208504>09:18
dimiternrogpeppe: hmm09:19
dimiternrogpeppe: we can do that later, if we decide to do it anyway09:20
dimiternrogpeppe: and what will be its key? there are 2 keys that are used - id int and a key string (created from the endpoints)09:22
dimiternrogpeppe: the string key is _id in the doc, but is some places the id is also used09:22
rogpeppedimitern: i'd presume the latter, but there might well be reasons why that's a bad idea09:22
dimiternfwereade_: you around?09:22
dimiternand it's even less clear about endpoints09:29
dimiternrelationUnit seems it can be implemented at client-side with only a few methods on the server-side09:33
dimiternfwereade_: when you have some time, we need to have a chat about how best to implement certain uniter objects in the api09:36
rogpeppedoes anyone else see this test failure on trunk? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5984415/09:47
dimiternrogpeppe: you need to update goamz09:48
rogpeppedimitern: ah09:48
rogpeppedimitern: wow, that's an unexpected way for it to fail (updating goamz did fix it)09:49
rogpeppedimitern: do you know what the issue was?09:49
dimiternrogpeppe: yes, it stems from the changes to support instance-state in juju status09:50
axwrogpeppe: sorry, I should have sent an email09:50
rogpeppeaxw: did you update the dependencies file?09:50
axwrogpeppe: uhmm. I forget. I think so...09:50
rogpeppeaxw: cool09:50
axwrogpeppe: the issue fixed in goamz was in the testing server, to pass through the instance state09:51
axwpreviously it was always blank, hence the test failure09:52
axwback later for the standup09:56
* rogpeppe has just discovered how to speed up ec2 local tests from 3 minutes to 6 seconds10:13
dimiternrogpeppe: how?10:13
rogpeppedimitern: change s3.attempts10:14
dimiternrogpeppe: and still all pass?10:14
rogpeppedimitern: yeah10:14
dimiternrogpeppe: cool!10:17
dimiternrogpeppe: is that in juju or goamz?10:17
rogpeppedimitern: goamz10:17
dimiternrogpeppe: ah10:17
mgzyeah, the ec2test local bits are... fun in many ways10:23
rogpeppemgz: apologies for that :-)10:23
rogpeppemgz: i did the bare minimum required to get something working.10:24
rogpeppemgz: what issues are you having, BTW?10:24
mgzgeneral lack of flexibility mostly10:25
rogpeppemgz: right; it wasn't designed to be flexible10:26
mgztests in juju-core rely on hardcoded values that are in goamz, and aren't otherwise exposed or chnageable from inside a test, for instance10:26
rogpeppemgz: the instance address == instance id thing?10:27
mgzlike that, yes10:28
rogpeppemgz: i don't think it should be too hard to interject flexibility in some places10:28
rogpeppedimitern, mgz: https://codereview.appspot.com/1291804410:36
dimiternme too10:36
rogpeppei'd like to have a separate project containing AttemptStrategy, so that both juju-core and goamz can use it, but i'm not sure how gustavo would feel about that10:37
dimiternrogpeppe: lgtm10:38
rogpeppedimitern: thanks10:38
mgzalso. I still wonder if this is really the right way of dealing with eventual consistency things. we poll-wait in a bunch of cases where actually it doesn't matter and operations could just continue10:39
mgzI guess it's simpler like this at least10:39
rogpeppemgz: eventual consistency is very hard to deal with10:49
rogpeppemgz: can you think of a better plan for dealing with it?10:49
jam1rogpeppe: I don't know if you remember me mentioning the s3 thing about 2 months ago, and getting pushback from exposing it as a knob from goamz. I think there was some buy-in that we could have a flag for "disable retries entirely"10:50
rogpeppejam1: ah, ok10:50
rogpeppejam1: i wondered about that10:50
=== jam1 is now known as jam
mgzwell, there are a bunch of places where pushing the handling up a few layers would mean we could make better choices10:50
rogpeppejam1: environs/ec2 is ridiculously slow to test10:50
jamrogpeppe: yep10:50
mgzbut again, I think it's pretty set that it needs to be handled inside goamz, which limits things10:51
jamIt triggers because we check to see if you have any local tools/images/etc that we should be using, and the s3 eventual-consistency code kicks in saying "I don't have anything in your private bucket yet, but I might in 3 seconds"10:51
rogpeppemgz: what places are you thinking of that we are poll-waiting when we don't need to?10:51
rogpeppejam: yeah. that sounds reasonable - that may well happen for real when we're uploading tools10:52
jamrogpeppe: so it is fine that it triggers in real life, adding 3-5s on every bootstrap isn't a big deal. In the case of the test suite, it is detrimental.10:55
rogpeppejam: absolutely10:55
jamgoamz's double *isn't* eventually consistent. :)10:55
rogpeppejam: indeed10:55
jamI was also quite surprised that we were spending 3+min in time.Sleep()10:56
rogpeppejam: almost exactly three minutes in the case of environs/ec210:56
noodles775Could someone please set the following MP to Approved so it lands? https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/juju-core/1183159-ssh-options/+merge/17942211:19
dimiternnoodles775: done11:20
rogpeppejam, mgz, dimitern: alternative formulation that might be more niemeyer-acceptable11:22
dimiternrogpeppe: reviewed11:24
rogpeppedimitern: the other one is just as unclean and should have the same warning really11:25
rogpeppedimitern: well, it's a bit less clean, i suppose as it's less direct11:25
rogpeppedimitern: (the new CL that is)11:26
jamrogpeppe: what about putting the Retry boolean into the s3 constructor?11:26
jamAutoRetry perhaps?11:26
rogpeppejam: that's ok if the tests have access to where the S3 instance is being constructed11:26
jamrogpeppe: well, at least it would be exposed from codebase A into codebase B, and codebase B can expose it up the stack as necesasry.11:27
rogpeppejam: there are many possibilities here11:27
jamI'm a *big* fan of having as little mutable global state as possible11:27
jamdimitern: IIRC the specific objective Gustavo had for the attempts logic was that "real" code shouldn't ever have to tweak this setting because we should make sure it Just Works.11:28
jamI'm not sure that I agree 100%, because site-specific tweaking is always a possilibity (what if your ping time means it takes longer to see a consistent state?)11:28
jamFor our particular use case, the boolean fits better what we actually need11:28
jamand is nice an minimalist11:29
dimiternwell, we can have "just works" and better tests in the same time11:29
rogpeppejam: the sense of the boolean should be the other way if it's exposed in S311:29
rogpeppejam: although11:30
rogpeppejam: i hope nobody is initialising the S3 struct themselves11:30
jamfwereade_, rogpeppe, dimitern, axw, mgz, wallyworld_, natefinch: standup time:11:31
hazmatjamespage, re mulitple networks and juju (bug 1188126) , is there any order to how quantum attaches the nics, or is quantum api usage the only way to resolve the ambiguity?11:41
_mup_Bug #1188126: Juju unable to interact consistently with an openstack deployment where tenant has multiple networks configured <canonistack> <serverstack> <juju:New> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1188126>11:41
jamespagehazmat, the order quantum attaches nics is unhelpful11:42
jamespagehazmat, its attaches then in alpha numeric order for the uuid of the networks11:42
jamespagehazmat, i'd prefer to see some sort of option to specific which network to use in juju - then the instances can be connected to the quantum networks in a deterministic order - i.e. a preferred admin network type arrangement11:43
jamespagehazmat, that might also fit well with using LXC containers when adding extra network interfaces for each container11:45
jamaxw: I did say you could get back to work, not go back to your personal life :)12:02
jamhave a great evening12:02
mgznatefinch: I'll catch up with you after lunch here to do some review/code things12:02
natefinchmgz: cool. probably going to have to be in a few hours, due to my daughter's doctor's appointment.  Not ideal for your schedule, I know. I'll ping you when I'm back.12:03
hazmatjamespage, ala vpc_id/quantum_net_id for an environment?12:05
hazmatjamespage is this primarily a hosts issue when building a cloud, ie the baremetal gets networks for each of the guest tenants its hosting?12:06
jamespagehazmat, no - I hit this purely with openvswitch overlay networking12:07
jamespagewhere I can have any number of L2 networks attached to each instance12:07
hazmatjamespage, does any of that mapping of nic to net id get exposed  in instance metadata, or is quantum the only way to resolve?12:09
hazmatjamespage, you'd want to spec a net id for private net usage via an env setting? or have juju resolve the entire net topology via quantum12:10
jamespagehazmat, not sure about metadata (it might - I'll check)12:11
jamespageits all exposed in quantum of course12:12
jamespagehazmat, specing a net-id for the private network as an env setting works for me12:12
axwjam: hah, thanks :)12:17
sidneican i get a pair of eyes on https://codereview.appspot.com/12859043/ ?12:44
sidneinoodles775: did you get the tests to run to completion?13:09
rogpeppetime for lunch13:12
noodles775sidnei: which tests?13:14
sidneinoodles775: all of them *wink*13:15
noodles775sidnei: sorry - you've lost me. Are you talking about a juju-core test run for which branch?13:15
sidneinoodles775: for any branch, iirc you were having trouble getting a clean test run of the whole suite, and i told you i was running only tests for specific packages.13:16
noodles775sidnei: yes, complete test run works fine. I don't remember the context last week where I was having issues. Perhaps before I had the correct mongedb version?13:17
sidneinoodles775: could be. and you're in raring not saucy right?13:17
noodles775sidnei: saucy locally, but all my dev is on a precise canonistack instance.13:18
sidneinoodles775: ok, so you run the tests on precise.13:18
* sidnei tries on a precise lxc13:20
dimiternrogpeppe, jam, mgz: https://codereview.appspot.com/12906044 - endpoints refactoring as we discussed14:05
dimiternrogpeppe, jam: thanks!14:37
dimiternrogpeppe, jam, mgz: next one https://codereview.appspot.com/12748044 - relations as entities14:41
dimiternrogpeppe: I might have missed something important there14:44
rogpeppedimitern: looking14:44
sidneirogpeppe: if you get a chance, https://codereview.appspot.com/12859043/14:56
* sidnei lunches14:56
cruejonesanyone ever see this on juju bootstrap ... 'juju open.go:89 state: connection failed, will retry: dial tcp connection refused'15:07
cruejonesfull verbose details @ http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5985297/15:08
dimiterncruejones: why sudo ? is that the local provider?15:09
dimiterncruejones: do you have mongo running on ?15:10
dimiternmgz: ping15:11
cruejonesdimitern: does not look like anything is running at that port15:12
dimiterncruejones: does it run on something like 10.0.3.x ?15:12
dimiterncruejones: that's the lxc container address where it should run15:13
dimiternrogpeppe: thanks for the review - updated with your suggestions15:14
cruejonesdimitern: nope15:14
dimiterncruejones: are you using the tarball version of mongo, as described in the README?15:15
dimiterncruejones: ah, sorry you probably followed the procedure there and did make install-dependencies ?15:16
mgzdimitern: hey15:16
cruejonesdimitern: ha, no15:16
dimiternmgz: https://codereview.appspot.com/12748044/ please?15:16
dimiterncruejones: did you get juju-core from source?15:17
cruejonesdimitern: just updated to latest juju-core, setup my environment.yaml and ran 'sudo juju bootstrap'15:17
=== tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk
mgzdimitern: okay15:17
dimiterncruejones: if you can run the tests successfully, that's the first step: "go build ./... && go test ./..." in juju-core/15:17
cruejonesdimitern: ok, having to go there is not so user friendly though15:18
cruejonesmramm: ^15:19
dimiterncruejones: well, I haven't seen this error, sorry, but then again I haven't used the local provider yet15:19
dimiterncruejones: most likely it's an issue with the correct version of mongo and/or lxc prerequisities - that's why we've updated the README to streamline the process15:20
mrammcruejones: we are doing two things to make this better 1) adding error messages when the packages aren't installed correctly15:21
mrammand 2) adding a juju-local-provider package that installs both juju and the local provider dependencies15:21
cruejonesdimitern: sorry, don't get me wrong I really appreciate the help - trying to point out where things could and do go wrong with first impressions15:22
cruejonesor I am just clueless and/or bad luck ... probably a both ;)15:22
dimiterncruejones: you're right, it's not user friendly, but we're trying to make it better and appreciate sharing the problems you encounter15:23
mrammcruejones: definitely, we have to fix this so the process feels seamless and we very much value anybody pointing out where it is not15:23
dimiterncruejones: can you try getting juju-core from source and retry the same, possibly following the steps in the README to see if it helps? 1.12 was some time ago and some changes were already made for the better15:24
cruejonesdimitern: will do after some mid-morning meetings, let you know how it goes .. thx15:26
henningefwereade_: ping15:36
dimiternhenninge: he's out today15:36
henningeAh, that's why. ;-)15:36
henningedimitern: Will he be back tomorrow?15:36
dimiternhenninge: I think so15:37
dimiternmgz: does it look ok?15:44
rogpeppesidnei: you've got a review15:47
sidneicool, not as bad as i expected ;)15:48
sidneirogpeppe: do the changes to instanceData doc need some sort of schema migration between versions?15:48
mgzdimitern: fine I think, though I'm not sure I get all the implications15:49
rogpeppesidnei: i don't *think* so15:49
dimiternmgz: since nothing is using relation as entities yet, there are no implications I can see15:49
mgzfair enough15:50
dimiternmgz: the only issue might be that now you can attach annotations to relations as well15:50
dimiternrogpeppe, mgz: which might be a good thing15:50
dimiternbut there's no api for that anyway15:51
sidneirogpeppe: on a related topic, i think this is wrong: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5985486/15:51
sidneirogpeppe: i think the append should be inside the if s != ""?15:51
rogpeppesidnei: i don't *think* so15:52
rogpeppesidnei: i think you're allowed to say "mem= disk=10M"15:52
rogpeppesidnei: to say "no constraint on memory, but i want to specify that"15:53
rogpeppesidnei: i think that's true for any constraint attribute15:53
sidneirogpeppe: but that's on HardwareCharacteristics.String()15:55
rogpeppedimitern: i don't think you can now attach annotations to relations15:55
sidneirogpeppe: so it ends up as 'mem= ' in juju status15:55
rogpeppesidnei: ha, yes15:55
dimiternrogpeppe: while looking at the code it seemed so, but I might be wrong15:55
rogpeppesidnei: only if you've got zero memory of course15:55
rogpeppedimitern: i think you can only set annotations on entities that embed annotator15:56
sidneirogpeppe: right, which is never the case. the one i hit was one case with OsDisk being nil, but it should never be nil anyway.15:56
rogpeppesidnei: i think the hardward characteristics stuff was probably just copied naively from constraints15:56
sidneiit definitely looks so15:57
rogpeppesidnei: they're so similar (and they share some identical code) that i think they could both sit usefully in the same package15:57
dimiternrogpeppe: ah, right!15:57
rogpeppesidnei: i don't think the h/w characteristics stuff should use uintStr at all, which is just there for that constraint logic15:58
rogpeppeif hc.Mem != nil {strs = append(strs, fmt.Sprintf("mem=%M", hc.Mem))}15:59
sidneirogpeppe: %M? is there an extra char missing there?15:59
rogpeppesidnei: ha ha, %d i meant16:00
sidneik, will make that change.16:00
rogpeppein fact16:00
sidneirogpeppe: in the comment 'Just "return" should be do ok here.' that's meant for the 'return nil' line?16:04
rogpeppesidnei: it's meant for the if and the return16:05
natefinchmgz: back finally16:06
mgznatefinch: ace16:06
sidneirogpeppe: oh, i guess i could just 'return err' without the if you mean? since err will be nil anyway?16:06
sidneiah, not even that since it assigns to err16:07
sidneigot it now16:07
rogpeppesidnei: yeah, and since you've already declared the err return variable, you can use a bare return16:07
natefinchrogpeppe: what's our stance on bare returns? In general I try to avoid them, since they sometimes can return things you didn't mean to return16:10
rogpeppenatefinch: i think in very short functions where it's easy to see everything at a glance, they're ok16:11
rogpeppenatefinch: that said, i try to avoid them on most occasions too16:11
rogpeppenatefinch: in this case, the function's only 3 lines long - it seems reasonable there16:12
natefinchrogpeppe: yeah, for short functions it doesn't matter much... I just usually get to the return and think "really? I'm trying to save 3 (or whatever) characters?" so in practice I never actually use bare returns even though I'm not fundamentally against them16:14
rogpeppenatefinch: yeah, i see that pov16:15
natefinchrogpeppe: I sorta wish I didn't even have the option, then I wouldn't have to argue with myself about it ;)16:16
rogpeppenatefinch: yeah. adg shares your view there, i think.16:16
sidneiallenap: around?16:21
sidneior jtv16:24
allenapsidnei: Hi there.16:24
sidneiallenap: i assume you are somewhat knowledgeable about azure things. im looking at this table http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/dn197896.aspx and wondering which of the two columns for 'os disk-space' i should use to fill in some values16:25
sidneiallenap: or maybe that already comes from roleSize?16:27
sidneioh, it seems to be defined there already, just need to pick one of the two16:27
allenapsidnei: Yeah, that's right, but let me check in GWACL.16:29
sidneiallenap: yeah, im looking in gwacl/rolesizes.go, i just don't know which of the two values to use16:29
allenapsidnei: NewRole's first argument can be "ExtraSmall", for example.16:32
allenapsidnei: That seems to be what Azure expects.16:33
sidneiallenap: sorry, let me be more explicit. when i do 'juju deploy' in azure, do i get a 'cloud service' or a 'virtual machine', more explicitly even, the instance that comes up has OSDiskSpaceCloud MBs or OSDiskSpaceVirt MBs in it's root disk?16:34
sidneiallenap: this is for exposing the os disk size in HardwareCharacteristics and constraints as part of bug #120150316:35
_mup_Bug #1201503: Add os disk constraint <constraints> <juju-core:Triaged by sidnei> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1201503>16:35
allenapsidnei: You get the VM sizes.16:36
sidneiallenap: awesome, thanks!16:36
rogpeppedoes anyone know anything about Config.SSLHostnameVerification ?16:44
rogpeppeit's only mentioned in one place, and that's just to say it can't be used16:44
sidneirogpeppe: addressed comments + added azure info per discussion with allenap above.16:46
sidneiis fwereade_ not around today?16:47
dimiternsidnei: nope, he's off today16:52
sidneidimitern: feel like doing a review? https://codereview.appspot.com/12859043/16:53
dimiternsidnei: sure16:53
mgzsidnei: I have a few quibbles on that branch16:53
mgzwill post comments ina sec16:54
rogpeppesidnei: do you think we ever want to accept blank values for h/w specification attributes?16:54
sidneithanks mgz16:54
sidneirogpeppe: afaict those are mainly filled from instance type, so no?16:54
rogpeppesidnei: i suspect that we don't want the 'if str != ""' parse logic in instance.go16:54
rogpeppesidnei: (which makes the code simpler, and usefully different from that in constraints, i think)16:55
dimiternsidnei: you've got a review17:09
dimiterng'night all17:14
sidneimgz: waiting for your comments17:16
sidneijam: iiuc you're the one looking into migrations between versions?17:17
sidneiah, beat me to it17:19
sidneimgz: i like the root disk suggestion, i was afraid someone would take 'os-' as openstack as well.17:20
rogpeppesidnei, mgz: i nearly suggested root-disk too17:23
rogpeppei like that as a name17:23
rogpeppealthough to be accurate it should probably be root-disk-size, though that's probably more verbose than we want17:23
* rogpeppe smells dal cooking downstairs. time to stop for the day.17:24
rogpeppeg'night all17:24
sidneinatefinch: i renamed to root-disk per rog/mgz suggestion.17:50
natefinchsidnei: cool :)17:51
sidneinatefinch: applied one fix, replied to the rest. seems like it's mostly stylistic issues which i have no opinion about, but neither rog or dimitern catched, so my assumption is that they are fine with them. i'll wait until tomorrow to get a second pass.17:57
natefinchsidnei: yeah, nothing terribly important.17:57
natefincharosales: you around?19:09
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arosalesnatefinch, hello20:22
natefincharosales: hey, was talking to John Meinel, looking for something to work on in juju, and he suggested the HP no instances bug you'd looked at20:24
natefincharosales: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/120850420:24
_mup_Bug #1208504: "error: no instances found" Post bootstrap on HP Cloud  <papercut> <juju-core:In Progress by michael.nelson> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1208504>20:25
arosalesnatefinch, I think michael, noodles775, was working on it20:26
arosalesnatefinch, you may want to touch base with him20:26
sidneinatefinch: yeah, noodles775 has a branch started but seems like it was not on the right track20:28
natefincharosales: has there been anything done on it since the comments on the bug?20:28
natefincharosales: ok, thanks20:28
natefinchYeah, I saw the comment from John about fixing the providers. Luckily, I'm not averse to diving in and changing a bunch of stuff if it makes the code better.  But I'll touch base with Noodles first.20:29
arosalesnatefinch, I am not 100% sure. Best bet would be to confirm with noodles77520:30
natefincharosales: cool, ok, thanks.20:30
arosalesnatefinch, I am guessing the notes are up to date, but I can't say for certain.20:31
sidneinatefinch: what about https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1130372 ? seems like an interesting one20:33
arosalesnatefinch, have you searched papercut bugs?20:34
* arosales gets the link20:34
natefincharosales: yeah, I have. I fixed a couple, the HP bug was just what John suggested looking at20:35
arosalesah ok20:35
natefinchsidnei: that definitely looks like something we need to address20:35
sidneihttps://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1187959 is kinda papercut-ery but might be a bit more involved20:35
_mup_Bug #1187959: juju does not detect instance launch error, waits forever? <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1187959>20:35
natefinchsidnei: it says it's assigned to Danilo, though that was as of 6/15 and nothing's been posted since then20:35
sidneii don't think danilo is working on it20:36
arosalesnatefinch, some low hanging, wishlist bugs:20:39
_mup_Bug #1201628: HP Cloud Boiler-plate (juju init) template has AWS info <bitesize> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1201628>20:39
natefinchsidnei, arosales: We have a team meeting in about 12 hours and a standup a few hours after that, I'll talk to people then. Either of those look appropriate, but the pyjuju seems more important, since we don't want to dissuade people from upgrading from  pyjuju20:39
_mup_Bug #1201628: HP Cloud Boiler-plate (juju init) template has AWS info <bitesize> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1201628>20:39
_mup_Bug #1210593: Show the user all current running environments <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1210593>20:39
sidneihttps://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1190985 is another favorite of mine20:39
arosalesgiven I am partial as I submitted those bugs ;-)20:39
arosalesnatefinch, sorry pyjuju?20:40
natefincharosales: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/113037220:43
arosalesnatefinch, ah ok20:44
natefincharosales, sidnei: I'll keep those on my shortlist if John doesn't have something specific he wants me to work on.20:45
arosalesnatefinch, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1201628 is my vote20:45
_mup_Bug #1201628: HP Cloud Boiler-plate (juju init) template has AWS info <bitesize> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1201628>20:46
arosalesbut like I said I am partial20:46
natefincharosales: that one *is* pretty embarassing... and I presume pretty trivial to fix20:46
arosalessorry I meant to paste, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/120162820:47
_mup_Bug #1201628: HP Cloud Boiler-plate (juju init) template has AWS info <bitesize> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1201628>20:47
arosalesthis one20:47
_mup_Bug #1210576: Show exposed URL after exposing and on command 'show' <papercut> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1210576>20:47
natefincharosales: ahh, neat idea, definitely20:48
natefincharosales: definitely makes for a really good first impression (not that the rest of juju isn't pretty impressive as-is).20:50
arosalesyup, but john may have some other priorities too, so I think your thought process on checking with his is the correct approach.20:51
natefincharosales: yep20:51
natefinchwell, it's EOD for me here.20:52
* thumper looks around for others working21:35
* thumper remembers that he is on the other side of the planet21:35
* davecheney waves21:36
thumpergym time23:54
davecheneythumper: ping23:57

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