
Riddell!testers | 4.11 in raring00:37
ubottu4.11 in raring: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56 for information.00:37
Riddellbah, copy package doesn't want to work http://paste.kde.org/p13184721/01:48
Riddelldantti_laptop: should printer setup pick the driver automatically?01:48
Riddelldamnit, needs --ppa-name added else it breaks, humph02:01
Riddell4.11 copied to raring backports PPA02:10
Riddellyofel: what's in that digikam in ninjas?  it's digikam 3.2 while backports has 3.3 so it didn't copy02:11
* Riddell snoozes02:12
jussishadeslayer: oh shadeslayer!05:55
Riddell!testers | 4.11 for raring in kubuntu-ppa/backports07:47
ubottu4.11 for raring in kubuntu-ppa/backports: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56 for information.07:47
shadeslayerbackports? I'm testing 4.11 for precise from ninjas07:47
Riddellthat's good too, precise is still in ninjas07:48
RiddellI've not tested that at all07:48
shadeslayerwaiting for apt to finish07:48
shadeslayerRiddell: Quantal:07:49
shadeslayer  I'm not interested in Quantal - jriddell07:49
shadeslayer  Drop Quantal and only support Raring / Precise then? This needs to be properly communicated via kubuntu.org IMHO07:49
Riddellthat's my opinion07:56
Riddelland I'm sticking to it :)07:56
shadeslayeryes, but I'm not particularly keen on supporting Quantal as well :P07:57
shadeslayerso we should put an announcement saying "Switch to Precise / Raring "07:57
shadeslayeryofel: see http://paste.kde.org/p6045c9d5/08:46
shadeslayerkwin being removed is not good :P08:46
shadeslayeralso probably why kubuntu-lts-backport doesn't work maybe08:47
soeeRiddell, hows the 4.11 for raring (64)?08:47
shadeslayer[15223.293944] nepomukservices[1545]: segfault at 0 ip           (null) sp 00007fffd70a39a8 error 14 in nepomukservicestub (deleted)[400000+7000]08:50
shadeslayeron 12.0408:50
shadeslayerRiddell: precise works for me, but I would not make it public yet09:02
shadeslayerwe need to sort the HWE stack09:02
Riddellsoee: needing testing in kubuntu-ppa/backports09:22
Tm_Ttime to upgrade KDE09:33
RiddellTm_T: what to?09:34
Tm_TI assume 4.11 is what I'm getting from repos09:34
Tm_Tfrom ninjas it seems09:34
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
shadeslayerTm_T: I'd recommend removing ninjas on production systems :P09:35
shadeslayerit's just for testing09:36
shadeslayerand building09:36
Tm_Toh, I often test09:36
RiddellTm_T: hang on, this is raring?09:36
Tm_Thmm, yes09:36
RiddellTm_T: please test from backports09:36
Tm_Thmm, I wonder why it chooses ninjas instead of backports09:36
Tm_Tlet's kick it a bit09:37
Riddellthey're the same packages, just copied over, but backports needs that final test before announce09:37
Tm_Tdownloading from backports currently09:38
Tm_Tnot proposing any packages being removed or held back09:38
Tm_Tno new packages to install either, which is understandable as I'm already in .11 series (beta/rc)09:40
yofelshadeslayer: kubuntu-lts-backport doesn't really work, but on my notebook 4.11 ran fine with mesa810:31
yofelRiddell: probably the old digikam rebuild, please make sure 4.11 in backports has a digikam build to go along with it10:32
yofelotherwise the kipi-plugins don't work10:32
Riddellah, kipi, that old tricksy library, I always imagine it as a library with an organutang like in discworld10:35
shadeslayeryofel: do you have instructions on how to install the HWE stack without removing kwin?10:35
yofelshadeslayer: not yet10:35
yofelRiddell: oh, and copy amarok from the beta ppa, 2.7.1 is unusable with 4.11 unless patched10:38
Riddellgood point10:38
soeeRiddell, fonts-lyx libopencolorio1 libphononexperimental4 libyaml-cpp0.310:41
soeethose are some new packages to be installed when upgrading ?10:42
Riddellsoee: seems fine10:44
yofelshadeslayer: this seems to work10:54
yofel# apt-get install xserver-xorg-lts-raring libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-raring libglapi-mesa-lts-raring libgles2-mesa-lts-raring libegl1-mesa-lts-raring10:54
yofelsadly doing the same by metapackage doesn't seem to work :S10:56
Tm_T4.11 on raring, all installs nicely11:07
shadeslayeryofel: yeah that looks good11:11
yofelBug 121220411:12
ubottubug 1212204 in Kubuntu PPA "Can't upgrade to KDE 4.11" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121220411:12
shadeslayeryofel: we can just add those commands to the release announcement11:12
yofelyeah, could you remove kubuntu-lts-backport from kubuntu-meta then please?11:13
yofelif it doesn't work it's just confusing11:13
shadeslayerthat's from kubuntu-meta right?11:13
yofelkubuntu-meta in ninjas11:14
shadeslayer!find germinate.pm  saucy11:19
ubottuFile germinate.pm found in germinate11:19
shadeslayerah, not a separate dh package11:19
yofelwhy germinate?11:19
yofelyou can't use germinate here11:20
shadeslayerkubuntu-meta runs dh clean --with germinate11:20
* yofel didn't notice ^^11:21
* shadeslayer is super hungry now11:24
shadeslayeryofel: btw I found something awesomer than the ODROID U211:24
shadeslayeryofel: http://cubieboard.org/11:24
shadeslayerhas a SATA port11:24
shadeslayerand here's another one http://www.marsboard.com/11:26
smartboyhwGood evening shadeslayer 11:28
shadeslayerevening smartboyhw11:28
smartboyhwyofel, Riddell you still haven't replied to the mail yet:P11:28
smartboyhwSo, saucy now in archive right?11:28
smartboyhwI mean, 4.11.011:28
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas 4.11.0 saucy/archive raring/ninjas | 13.10 Alpha 2 released | 13.10 milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://goo.gl/vHRjj |
shadeslayerFree shipping11:29
smartboyhwshadeslayer, what?11:30
shadeslayerMars Board11:30
smartboyhwshadeslayer, wow11:30
* smartboyhw only wants a Ultrabook over $1500 USD11:31
yofelkernel panic, fun11:31
smartboyhwyofel, oh:(11:32
shadeslayersmartboyhw: ultrabooks are overrated 11:32
shadeslayerget a thinkpad11:32
shadeslayerget a T440 whe it comes out11:32
smartboyhwshadeslayer, how much does it cost? And what are the specs?11:32
shadeslayerno idea on cost11:32
shadeslayergoogle around11:32
yofelshadeslayer: *drool*11:32
shadeslayerthere's also the X24011:33
* smartboyhw wonders why Quintasan suddenly has so many blog posts on Planet Ubuntu...11:33
shadeslayerwhich was released recently11:33
smartboyhwQuintasan, look at planet.ubuntu.com11:33
shadeslayeryofel: I'd buy it if I could only think of a proper use for it xD11:33
smartboyhwYou have posts from after UDS-P it seems11:33
yofeltrue :D11:33
shadeslayersure you could host owncloud, but I also want to host mykolab11:33
smartboyhwWhat I want is a 1TB server to mirror things:p11:34
QuintasanWell, looks like editing visibility also causes the bot to pickup the posts as new ones11:34
QuintasanGod damn it11:34
shadeslayerand for that I need a very good internet connection :P11:34
* smartboyhw just fixed his wifi to become faster11:34
Quintasanlol no11:34
QuintasanDon't get a damn T44011:34
shadeslayerwhy not?11:34
smartboyhwAt least it doesn't lag while using IRC + Firefox + sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:34
shadeslayerfwiw it's not even out yet11:34
QuintasanDid you even look at the keyboard?11:34
shadeslayerIt's not out yet11:34
shadeslayeris it?11:35
* smartboyhw does not care about design11:35
QuintasanIf it's going to have the same shitty keyboard as T430 which I have11:35
QuintasanThen srsly11:35
* smartboyhw cares only about spec11:35
shadeslayeralso, I use a external keyboard and mouse11:35
smartboyhw!language | Quintasan 11:35
ubottuQuintasan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:35
shadeslayeryofel: http://www.hotmcu.com/marsboard-a20-dev-board-p-60.html11:35
yofelsmartboyhw: you don't have to be that sensitive...11:36
smartboyhwyofel, because I'm tired of hearing all these words at school...11:36
* yofel grew up hearing them all the time11:36
QuintasanWell, I was going apeshit with that Print Screen key11:37
QuintasanSame as agateau11:37
shadeslayeryeah you can xmodmap that away11:37
QuintasanSome bloody idiot thought it's a good idea to place the Print Screen key where Menu key was supposed to be.11:37
QuintasanNot under Windows :D11:37
shadeslayerand anyway I use a external TVS Gold keyboard11:37
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smartboyhwshadeslayer, you mean the Lenovo ThinkPad right?11:37
shadeslayercheapest ( and the awesomest ) mechanical keyboard money can buy11:37
shadeslayerwith blue cherry switches11:37
QuintasanI'd rather get an older model now that I think about it.11:38
QuintasanThe one with rotating screen from X series11:38
smartboyhwI went to try the soft detachable keyboard of Microsoft Surface RT today, VERY TERRIBLE.11:38
shadeslayersmartboyhw: yes11:38
yofelok, that PrtSc is WTF11:38
yofelalthough on my edge it's at the same place11:39
yofelI just never press it11:39
smartboyhwNice keyboard:P11:39
smartboyhwIgnore my art sense though plz, I never did good at art11:39
smartboyhwWow, build status on raring 4.11.0 looks great11:41
smartboyhwHas it migrated yet?11:41
smartboyhwHmm, is Precise there?11:42
shadeslayerin ninjas11:42
smartboyhwHmm, looks clean too11:42
Quintasanyofel: It's like11:42
smartboyhwshadeslayer, raring in beta or backports ppa?11:43
* shadeslayer realllllly wants that board11:43
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas 4.11.0 saucy/archive raring/backports precise/ninjas| 13.10 Alpha 2 released | 13.10 milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://goo.gl/vHRjj |
shadeslayerbut no justification to buy it11:43
yofelwell, it makes using sysrq less of an acrobatic stunt :P11:43
* shadeslayer has the standard 104 key keyboard11:44
shadeslayerwith the rupee symbol11:44
* yofel likes his old T510 11:44
smartboyhwOK, somebody please fix okular in precise:P11:46
smartboyhwThen we can release it I think11:46
* smartboyhw needs to take a shower, so don't ask him11:46
Tm_TRiddell: all looks good in raring11:47
Tm_Tinstalls fine runs fine11:47
smartboyhwTm_T, has shadeslayer asked you for some ktp raring QA?11:48
yofelnvm okular11:49
* shadeslayer nominates smartboyhw to do the paperwork for Raring SRU11:49
yofelthat's fine11:49
smartboyhwshadeslayer, eh, let me take the shower first plz...11:49
* yofel edits the hook so that ends up in not-installed11:50
smartboyhwyofel, so probably we can migrate it to backports ppa11:50
smartboyhwI mean, 4.11.0 precise11:51
Tm_Tsmartboyhw: not that I know11:51
yofelsmartboyhw: no11:53
yofelsmartboyhw: you can move it once kubuntu-meta finished updating, you've verified that it runs, that the kipi-plugins work fine and that amarok is ok11:53
yofelplease don't push untested software onto users11:54
* yofel had 3 full system lockups in the last half hour11:55
yofelI think 3.11 and lxc don't like each other11:55
yofelshadeslayer: btw, if you ever need to comment out a package in a control file with sed:12:03
yofel sed -e '/^Package: active-documentviewer$/,/^$/ s.^.#.' 12:03
shadeslayeryes I saw that12:03
shadeslayercare to explain?12:03
shadeslayer-> sed newb12:03
yofelfrom "^Package: active-documentviewer$", to "^$" (empty line), do s.^.#. (where the regular / is replaced by .)12:04
shadeslayer$ denotes end of line?12:08
shadeslayerI know ^ denotes begins with12:09
shadeslayeraha cool12:09
shadeslayermakes sense to me12:09
* shadeslayer giggles at http://www.wandboard.org/12:11
smartboyhwyofel, I will probably package amarok once it's tagged (2.8.0)12:14
* smartboyhw goes and does the paperwork for ktp12:16
yofelsure, go ahead12:17
smartboyhwshadeslayer, where does your packages reside?12:17
smartboyhwI mean, ktp raring12:17
smartboyhwAnd can somebody nominate the release for raring...12:17
smartboyhwBug 120883712:17
ubottubug 1208837 in meta-kde-telepathy (Ubuntu) "Please update meta-kde-telepathy to 0.6.3" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120883712:18
shadeslayercan do12:18
smartboyhwyofel, beat shadeslayer :P12:19
smartboyhwshadeslayer, you failed:P12:19
* shadeslayer needs to update his Qt patch12:20
smartboyhwshadeslayer, yofel um in the SRU bug template there is a "Test Case" section, what to write?12:21
shadeslayerwhat do you think it should contain?12:21
shadeslayerso this is one of the things I would probably mention tomorrow12:21
shadeslayerfiling SRU paperwork, have you ever done it?12:21
smartboyhwshadeslayer, once12:22
smartboyhwEr, twice actually12:22
smartboyhwBut this one contains several bugs:P12:22
shadeslayerokay, from now on I will forward all SRU paperwork to you :>12:22
smartboyhwshadeslayer, tomorrow?12:22
shadeslayersmartboyhw: in the email reply12:23
smartboyhwshadeslayer, oh great:)12:23
shadeslayerI will devote some time tomorrow to write a reply since I have a holiday tomorrow12:23
shadeslayerrain \o/12:26
shadeslayerthe awesome kind12:26
smartboyhwshadeslayer, anyways, how to write the [Test case] part? That's the only part I don't know what to write on.12:26
shadeslayerso heavy the street will soon turn into a boat12:26
shadeslayererm, s/boat/river/12:26
shadeslayerwould be weird if roads started turning into boats12:27
shadeslayersmartboyhw: what do you think should be in there?12:27
smartboyhwshadeslayer, instructions on how to run it and how to verify the bugs fixed (but there's 7)12:27
shadeslayernope, this is ubuntu specific, try again12:28
smartboyhwshadeslayer, ..........12:28
shadeslayerwhee the rain is coming inside my room, and the door is like 3 feet away12:28
smartboyhwshadeslayer, tell people to report bugs when there's a regression?12:29
* smartboyhw is running out of "Kubuntu-specific" SRU testcases thinking12:29
shadeslayergo on, what kind of regressions are we looking for?12:30
smartboyhwshadeslayer, crashes12:30
shadeslayernot really12:30
shadeslayerpackaging issues12:30
shadeslayerfile conflicts12:30
smartboyhwshadeslayer, ah, that.12:30
shadeslayerpackages being uninstallable12:30
shadeslayerthose are ubuntu specific things, if KTP crashes it's not our fault ( unless caused by some random patch we threw in )12:31
shadeslayerwe can shout at d_ed if KTP crashes12:31
shadeslayeralso gives a bad rep for future SRU's :P12:31
* smartboyhw asks shadeslayer to have a look at Bug #1208837 now and see if it is correct..12:33
ubottubug 1208837 in meta-kde-telepathy (Ubuntu) "Please update meta-kde-telepathy to 0.6.3" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120883712:33
shadeslayer'unpackaging' ?12:34
smartboyhwshadeslayer, damn, unpacking:P12:34
shadeslayerlooks good to me12:34
* smartboyhw subscribes ubuntu-sru12:34
shadeslayerdamnit gitorious is down :/12:35
smartboyhwshadeslayer, oh:(12:35
soeeuhm my laptop freezed during upgrade but im not sure it it is related to KDE or that i was using Chrome during upgrade12:39
smartboyhwsoee, uh oh...12:40
soeenow sudo dpkg --configure -a started12:40
soeeproblems occured when processing kexi and krita :)12:42
smartboyhwUh oh12:43
smartboyhwThat will probably be my fault, :(12:43
soeekexi : Wymaga: calligra-libs (= 1:2.7.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.04~ppa2) ale 1:2.6.3-0ubuntu1 jest zainstalowany12:43
soee krita : Wymaga: calligra-libs (= 1:2.7.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.04~ppa2) ale 1:2.6.3-0ubuntu1 jest zainstalowany12:43
smartboyhwsoee, eh!?12:44
smartboyhwsoee, run sudo apt-get update again?12:44
d_edshadeslayer: huh, ktp crashes?12:44
soeeapt-get -f install12:44
shadeslayerd_ed: nothing :)12:44
shadeslayerd_ed: <312:44
d_edoh ok12:45
d_eddon't worry me like that :)12:45
soeesmartboyhw, looks like fixed12:45
smartboyhwsoee, phew:)12:45
shadeslayerdeath by ktp crash? surely that'll be a first :P12:45
smartboyhwshadeslayer, good jk12:45
smartboyhwd_ed gets a shock, lol12:46
smartboyhwd_ed, so did you managed to discuss with my mentor on the project?12:46
shadeslayersmartboyhw: so, do you know what -v does when you pass it to debuild12:53
shadeslayerwithout looking at the man page :P12:53
smartboyhwshadeslayer, specify the version12:53
shadeslayerspecify the version for what12:54
* smartboyhw saw it before in a wiki yesterday for dpkg-buildpackage, so probably it will be that...12:54
smartboyhwshadeslayer, for the generated .deb files?12:54
smartboyhwshadeslayer, ah? Source packages? Debian ABIs?12:54
shadeslayernope & nope12:55
shadeslayerlook at the man page now12:55
smartboyhwshadeslayer, man dpkg-buildpackage just gives me -vversion...12:57
smartboyhwProbably version in changelog???12:57
shadeslayerdidn't I say debuild?12:57
shadeslayeroh wait12:57
shadeslayeryeah so12:58
shadeslayerwhat does it do :?12:58
shadeslayerwe should have asked this during the next interview :P12:59
shadeslayerbut okay12:59
yofelthis is so seldomly used that he would've hardly learned about it somewhere else12:59
shadeslayerwell, it's suppsoedly used in SRU's13:00
shadeslayeruh, it's supposed to be used extensively in SRU's13:00
* yofel never did SRU's that needed that13:00
yofelI only use it for merges13:00
shadeslayerI learnt it after ScottK poked me to use it for SRU's13:01
yofelsmartboyhw: so, what's the effect?13:01
yofelthis discussion feels like we're playing taboo ^^13:01
shadeslayerScottK: can you reject call-ui with the ppa1 version13:02
shadeslayersmartboyhw: feel free to take your time btw13:04
shadeslayeryou don't have to answer straight away13:05
shadeslayercan someone QA kscreen plz13:08
shadeslayerpreferably on actual HW13:08
* Riddell out for a couple of hours13:10
* shadeslayer is almost done for the day as well13:11
yofelkscreen what ver on what series from where?13:12
shadeslayerraring ofcourse :P13:13
shadeslayer1.0.1 I think13:13
shadeslayerit's already in proposed13:13
yofelah ok13:13
yofelwhat's up with ~ubuntu13.04.1 in SRU's btw?13:14
yofelnew policy?13:14
shadeslayerwell, I use it to make sure upgrades from raring to saucy work fine when the packages in saucy have the same version, though I could also use Xubuntu0.113:15
yofelwhat do you do when you need to fix something?13:17
shadeslayermy packages are perfect!!! :P13:17
shadeslayerbut yeah you're right :(13:18
shadeslayernow I get to upload the entire ktp stack again13:18
yofelusually it's not an issue because you would fix saucy as well, but still. (and I was confused as this was usally the backports versioning)13:18
shadeslayertrue true13:19
smartboyhwshadeslayer, well, it works in backports so that you don't have to explicitly change the changelog version yourself by editing right?13:25
smartboyhwWhy we have 13.04.1 and 13.04.2!?13:25
shadeslayerScottK: please reject all ktp stuff because I am changing the version to Xubuntu0.113:25
smartboyhwshadeslayer, did you see my answer?13:26
shadeslayersmartboyhw: what answer?13:27
smartboyhw<smartboyhw> shadeslayer, well, it works in backports so that you don't have to explicitly change the changelog version yourself by editing right?13:27
smartboyhwIt's easier I think:)13:27
shadeslayeris that answer to what -v does?13:27
smartboyhwshadeslayer, yeah, and by running -v the changelog will not be altered but the package will be using the -v version no,13:27
smartboyhwshadeslayer, no?13:28
smartboyhwOh gor13:28
smartboyhw       -vversion13:28
smartboyhw              Causes changelog information from all  versions  strictly  later13:28
smartboyhw              than version to be used.13:28
* smartboyhw doesn't understand thhat13:29
shadeslayerfunky thing is dpkg-buildpackage -h documents the flag13:29
shadeslayer  -v<version>    changes since version <version>.13:29
shadeslayerdoes that make more sense?13:29
smartboyhwshadeslayer, oh13:29
smartboyhwUbuntu Edge just passed 10m13:30
smartboyhw200000 away from hitting the record13:31
ScottKshadeslayer: Done13:32
shadeslayerrunning script to fix the version13:33
ScottKyofel: You should also use -v for merges so you get all the Debian changelog entries on the .changes file.13:34
yofelScottK: that's what I do, I just don't use it anywhere else13:34
ScottKAh.  OK.13:35
ScottKYeah, doesn't come up much otherwise.13:35
shadeslayerI wonder where murthy went13:45
shadeslayerI don't see him around these days13:45
smartboyhwshadeslayer, +113:46
smartboyhwWhat happened to him?13:46
shadeslayerScottK: that should be everything13:48
* shadeslayer is afk for a bit13:50
shadeslayeror rather, I'll return tomorrow morning13:50
smartboyhwshadeslayer, tmr morning!?13:56
shadeslayersmartboyhw: yes, I'm tired14:04
smartboyhwshadeslayer, oh:(14:04
smartboyhwGood night then:P14:04
shadeslayerwell, too early to sleep :P14:04
shadeslayerit's only 7:30 PM14:04
smartboyhwshadeslayer, it's 10:04 PM here:P14:04
dantti_laptopRiddell: normally yes (about printer driver)14:35
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=== losdolmos is now known as zorael
Riddelldantti_laptop: any ideas what I'm not installing to make that work? or should I ask till?16:02
RiddellQuintasan, shadeslayer, anyone: plasma active 4.0 tars due this evening16:03
QuintasanWe shall bring them into our repositories!16:03
Riddellsome notes from martin http://paste.kde.org/p2993d2e9/16:03
dantti_laptopRiddell: do you have system-config-printer installed?16:06
dantti_laptopRiddell: basically if you just have system-config-printer-udev it will set it up even if you are not logged in16:07
Riddelldantti_laptop: hmm, I've system-config-printer-udev but not system-config-printer-common (or -gnome)16:07
Riddelldantti_laptop: alas it doesn't just set it up with system-config-printer-udev16:07
dantti_laptopRiddell: so, if you open the add printer dialog now you probably need the -gnome because if had the dbus interface used to find the best driver16:08
dantti_laptopRiddell: btw now I wonde why print-manager package does not depends on the -gnome anymore :P16:09
Riddelldantti_laptop: well it's -gnome16:13
dantti_laptopwell it should at least have a recommends then.. it would be good if the dbus interface didn't depend on gtk but well  :(16:14
RiddellI'll play around a bit with those installed thanks16:14
dantti_laptopyw, if you know the driver you can add using print-manager but s-c-p has a good logic to find the best ones, sadly that isn't easy to replicate 16:15
Quintasanshadeslayer, yofel: My brethren! We shall bestow the glory of new Plasma Active 4 upon our repostories so then can shine brightly and guide lost souls to our distribution16:18
Riddellhmm, precise not happy for upgrade17:40
Riddell akonadi-server : Depends: libboost-program-options1.53.0 but it is not installable17:40
* genii makes a note not to upgrade today17:43
Riddellthat makes no sense, it build-deps on libboost-program-options1.48-dev17:43
Riddellah hah s/saucy/precise/ in sources.list would help17:43
Riddellyes much better17:44
RiddellJontheEchidna: your brother is in #kubuntu :)18:09
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
Riddell!testers | 4.11 for precise in kubuntu-ppa/backports18:16
ubottu4.11 for precise in kubuntu-ppa/backports: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56 for information.18:16
TheOneRinghi does anyone know hefeweiz3n personally? he still has my ac adapter which I lost in bilbao and I cant reach him by mail or irc18:17
yofelRiddell: digikam and amarok were fixed before you copied, yes?18:17
Riddellyofel: hmm, what needs fixed?18:18
Riddellyofel: amarok is 2.7.90 and digikam is 3.3.018:21
yofeldigikam is built against 4.10, but amarok is ok18:21
yofel digikam:18:21
yofel    4:3.3.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04+KDE4.11~ppa1 018:21
yofel         50 http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/beta/ubuntu/ precise/main amd64 Packages18:21
yofel     4:3.3.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04~ppa6 018:21
yofel         50 http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu/ precise/main amd64 Packages18:21
QuintasanGetting 4.11 for raring tested18:21
Quintasanprecise has to be done by someone else or to wait18:22
Riddellyofel: I copied 4:3.3.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04+KDE4.11~ppa1  to backpotrs18:22
yofelthat should be everything then :)18:22
soeeRiddell, Raring tested / https://plus.google.com/communities/108139456908538054874/stream/071f86c9-07eb-4262-b193-650bb605355218:24
Riddellhow's this? https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1118:26
Riddellsoee: all ok?18:28
soeeRiddell, seems so18:29
Riddelllovely thanks18:29
Riddellhow's this? http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1118:30
yofelRiddell: wrong PPA18:32
Riddelltsk, changed it in one please but missed oher18:32
soeeis there some difference using apt-add-repository and add-apt-repository ?18:32
yofelsoee: none, one is a symlink to the other18:32
Riddellsoee: no same thing18:32
Riddellslightly confusing that18:32
Riddellgroovy, I think that's a wrap, I'm going out for a canoe, thanks for your help yofel and others, call my mobile if problems occur (jriddell.org/contact.html)18:39
yofelsure, happy canoeing ;)18:40
QuintasanRiddell: Have a nice...trip?18:42
RiddellQuintasan: just an evening game of polo on the canal18:48
Riddell"KDE Community (@kdecommunity) favorited one of your Tweets!"  woo, we're upstream's favourite :)18:48
Riddellalthough I'm not convinced favorited is a word18:48
Quintasan4.11 on raring went smoothly18:54
* contrast is heartbroken that 4.11 won't be on Quantal.18:55
shadeslayerRiddell: 4.11 from ninjas on precise went smoothly18:59
shadeslayerwe just need proper instructions on the release announcement so that people install the HWE stack18:59
skellatHardware Enablement19:08
yofelshadeslayer: how does it run for you without the HWE stack?19:08
QuintasanWhat the hell...19:09
* Quintasan is totally not following now.19:09
yofelcontrast: well, we *could* do it.19:09
shadeslayeryofel: huh?19:09
shadeslayeryou switched the deps right19:09
contrastyofel: Go onn... :)19:09
* yofel wonders where howards quantal stuff ended up at...19:10
Quintasanso what is this HWE stack you are talking about?19:10
yofel!info xserver-xorg-lts-raring precise19:10
ubottuxserver-xorg-lts-raring (source: xorg-lts-raring): X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.7+1ubuntu4~precise1 (precise), package size 16 kB, installed size 188 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)19:11
yofelkernel/X/mesa backported from raring to precise-updates19:11
yofelwith different names though19:11
yofelmostly intended for the point images19:11
yofelQuintasan: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack19:12
yofelI guess no UEFI support in 12.04.3 for us again19:13
yofelcontrast: on that topic: why not upgrade to raring but stick to quantal?19:16
contrastI've been sticking with Quantal, due to the fact that 1) Unlike Raring, it will be supported until the next LTS comes out, and 2) I assumed new releases of KDE would be backported to it, as has generally been the case in the past. So now it looks like if I want 4.11, I need to update to Raring, and then update to Saucy in two months (since Raring will reach end-of-life in January).19:17
contrastSorry for the long rant -- I recognize you guys are somewhat under-staffed, and I really appreciate all the hard work you all do. :-) I'm just a bit frustrated.19:18
yofelcontrast: *generating* the packages is actually not much work, so we can do that. The harder part would be finding someone to test them.19:19
* contrast volunteers.19:19
contrastWhat all would go into that, specifically?19:20
yofelwell, mostly just confirming that there's no major regression19:22
shadeslayercontrast: or just go back to precise since that will supported for a good amount of time19:22
contrastshadeslayer: I'd rather not downgrade my 2 systems, plus the other 4 systems (friends'/family members') I provide support for. Plus that would entail backporting every package in my PPA to Precise as well.19:24
shadeslayerwhich reminds me19:25
shadeslayerI need to find a way to get the latest hplip into precise19:25
yofelwhy that?19:25
shadeslayersomething that was a huge blocker for using my desktop running LTS for my parents19:25
shadeslayercan't detect my printer19:25
contrastyofel: So basically: on a clean install of Quantal -> apt-get dist-upgrade with kubuntu-backports enabled -> check and make sure everything works ok?19:27
contrastspeaking of printers, on a completely unrelated note, i was shocked to see that lexmark is providing properly packaged linux drivers on their website now.19:28
yofelcontrast: almost, once everything is built on http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.11.0_quantal.html, install it and confirm it works19:28
contrastyofel: so install and test *everything* that's in that ppa? (i don't mind doing that at all if that's what it will take to get 4.11 on quantal, just want to make sure i'm understanding you correctly. :) )19:31
shadeslayercontrast: usually it's just a matter of checking if kubuntu-full installs without file conflicts19:34
shadeslayerand then running some of your choice apps from kubuntu-full :)19:34
yofeluh no, just a general check. Testing all of kde would take quite a while. It's usually checking the desktop in general, 19:34
contrastahh ok. that's a relief then. :D19:35
contrastSo if 4.11.0 gets backported to Quantal, will it be safe to assume that its bugfix releases will as well?19:37
yofelas long as someone can be found to test them19:37
contrastAwesome... So could I be added to a contact list for that or something, in case I don't just happen to show up in IRC on release day? :P19:39
yofelhm, we don't really have that. Just show up around release day: http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.11_Release_Schedule19:40
contrastWill do.19:40
contrastyofel: Is there an ETA for those Quantal builds? Not trying to rush you or anything, just wondering if I should stop refreshing the page every 5 minutes. :P20:25
yofelcontrast: I'm uploading them now, but this will take a few hours until it's built20:26
contrastOh ok. Thanks.20:28
yofelnow they're starting to show up20:37
NoskcajDo you guys want me to look at syncing a few of the KTP packages? smartboyhw made a heap of ubuntu deltas that might not be needed20:47
RiddellNoskcaj: go for it21:39
NoskcajRiddell, i don't have time today to file a bug, but ktp-send-file should be synced. The only changes are in the control file, which is just debian having higher package version requirements22:01
NoskcajAnd ktp-text-ui can be synced, it adds many new features and the ubuntu delta was just an upload22:06
contrastNoskcaj: Are you planning to build those KTP packages for Quantal? I'd be happy to test them if needed.22:35

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