
BobJonkman2cjopcjop: make sure you use the correct package name00:01
BobJonkman2Tab completion usually works, so try "apt-get remove py<TAB>" and see what you're prompted with00:02
BobJonkman2(press the TAB key, of course, don't type <TAB> :)00:02
BobJonkman2Incidentally, I have both Pythonn 2.7 and Pythonn 3.2 installed on my laptop (needed for a course). They seem to co-exist nicely...00:04
cjopcjopTab give me 'Python' as is00:10
BobJonkman2TAB again...00:37
cjopcjop2.6 is next in line amongst a list of other python assorted goodness. There, using the power of deduction, I'm going to go ahead and remove it but should I also use --purge? Should I always use --purge?00:41
BobJonkman2I wouldn;t use purge.00:44
BobJonkman2It's possible some config settings are shared between 2.7 and2.6, so you don't want to wipe them out00:44
BobJonkman2And config settings are small enough you probably don't have to worry about filling up your disk00:45
cjopcjopCheers :)01:30
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