
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
hallyn_lifeless: i was going to push netcf to saucy so you could test the memory leak, but i seem to nto have upload perms again (was sure it had been added to server set last time...)  but you should be able to build your own from  http://people.canonical.com/~serge/netcf-saucy.debdiff01:06
lifelessheh, I'm on raring anyhow; will have a poke01:06
hallyn_lifeless: should be almost identical (but will pushd ebdiff for that in just a moment - of course that will need sru to get into the archive :)01:07
infinityhallyn_: I can sponsor that for you.01:14
infinityhallyn_: Or I can sponsor it to Debian and you can sync.01:15
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hallyn_infinity: thanks.  originally i was going to wait for ahs3 to sponsor to sid and sync from there, but then i was thinking it would be worth testing in saucy immediately.  so i can go either way.01:22
infinityhallyn_: Your call.01:23
hallyn_infinity: ok, pls do push to saucy01:24
hallyn_meanwhile i should figure out why gnulib (under netcf/) wont' build on jessie01:24
infinityhallyn_: Uploaded.  And where is this gnulib jessie build failure?01:26
infinityhallyn_: You mean specifically jessie, but not sid?01:26
infinity... in which I discover that I still don't have jessie chroots, only squeeze, wheezy, sid, and experimental.  Oops.01:27
hallyn_infinity: yeah, only jessie.  one sec, the failure is:01:33
infinityErm, that really *only* fails on jessie?01:35
infinityNow I need to create a chroot just to satisfy my curiosity. :P01:35
hallyn_yeah wheezy and sid were both happy.01:36
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hallyn_so it's complaining that gets is undefined when it's being marked insecure?  weird.01:36
hallyn_apparently cjwatson worked around a similar bug in grub2, commenting in changelog "Avoid assuming that gets is declared"02:04
hallyn_(still waiting for devscripts to install so i can look more closely)02:04
* hallyn_ sees if he can just steal gnulib_gets.patch02:06
infinityhallyn_: So, uhm, it builds on jessie for me.02:29
infinityhallyn_: http://lucifer.0c3.net/~adconrad/netcf_0.2.3-3ubuntu1_amd64.build02:30
lifelesshallyn_: builds fine on raring02:31
hallyn_infinity: well that's whack.  i needed: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/netcf-jessie.debdiff02:31
infinityhallyn_: That patch certainly won't hurt, but curious that it Works For Me. :P02:32
lifelesshallyn_: running that build now, will see if it leaks overnight02:32
hallyn_infinity: wait, that's the wrong version02:32
hallyn_infinity: jessie has 1:0.2.0-5, you compiled netcf_0.2.3-3ubuntu1.dsc ?02:33
hallyn_lifeless: great - thanks02:33
infinityhallyn_: Oh, fair enough.  But who cares, then?  When 2.3-3 migrates, you're good.02:33
hallyn_here's hoping02:33
infinityhallyn_: I assume 2.3-3 has a newer gnulib that deals with glibc >= 2.16 correctly.02:33
hallyn_infinity: heh, i admit i'm not clear on the package migration path ever since jessie was introduced02:34
infinityhallyn_: jessie = testing.  How is that unclear? :)02:34
infinityhallyn_: squeeze = oldstable, wheezy = stable, jessie = testing, packages migrate from sid to testing.02:34
hallyn_what is it waiting on for the sid version to get to jesie?02:34
infinityhallyn_: Looks like migrating it causes libvirt to become uninstallable.02:35
infinityhallyn_: Perhaps just waiting for the two to migrate together, I didn't look.02:35
hallyn_so is it more unorthodox to push fixes into jessie then rather than wait for them to get through sid?02:36
infinityhallyn_: One generally doesn't upload to testing, except in a freeze.02:36
infinityhallyn_: That would be equivalent to an Ubuntu developer uploading to saucy (which we just don't allow, we redirect everything to saucy-proposed, which is our own "unstable")02:37
infinityhallyn_: That said, 74 days without migration is impressive, you might want to look at why it breaks libvirt. :P02:37
hallyn_gotcha.  so a waste of time is what that was :)02:38
hallyn_noted for later thsi week02:38
hallyn_all right on that note i'm heading to bed - \o02:40
lifelesshallyn_: looks good to me02:48
hallyn_lifeless: meaning memleak is gone?02:49
hallyn_\o/  thanks :)02:49
lifelessno growth at all02:49
hallyn_maybe i'll just start the sru right now then02:49
lifelesshallyn_: actually, it may still be leaking03:55
lifelesshallyn_: several hours got a 1M increase.03:55
lifelesshallyn_: but massively better...03:55
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dholbachgood morning07:10
dholbachdidrocks, good work107:53
didrocksdholbach: thanks dude ;)07:53
Cimiknocte, pong07:58
knocteCimi: hello, I have a couple of bugs where I would love to get your feedback, do you mind looking when you have a chance? the bug numbers are..07:59
Cimibugs of what?07:59
knocteCimi: ubuntu-themes08:00
knoctehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/light-themes/+bug/945430 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/121183108:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 945430 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "Lists lack zebra-striping" [Low,Triaged]08:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1211831 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "properties of state pseudo-classes are not applied successfully " [Undecided,New]08:00
Cimiknocte, I'm no longer working on them atm...08:00
Cimithat's why nothing changed in the last cycles..,08:01
knocteCimi: by "them" you mean the ubuntu themes? who should I ping then?08:01
Cimino idea, probably me :-)08:01
CimiI should really recruit someone from community to help approving branches08:02
knocteCimi: I see, well you can give me a nickname and I'll try to convince her/him :)08:03
CimiOK :-)08:05
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didrocksev: hey, small question on whoopsie. How did you handle the fact that you propose the settings per user and the daemon is a system one? Do you have specific dbus call and it's the daemon writing the settings?09:57
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evdidrocks: there's a whoopsie-preferences dbus daemon09:58
didrocksah, so a separate dbus daemon09:58
didrocksthen you just write to config files?09:58
evit will also start/stop whoopsie09:58
didrocksok, thanks ev09:58
evsure thing09:59
rbasakstgraber, hallyn_: around? I can't install mysql-server-5.5 in an lxc container, because it tries to load an apparmor profile. I understand the reason (thanks to http://s3hh.wordpress.com/2012/05/03/lxc-in-precise-and-beyond/) but I wonder if we can make the apparmor profile load in the container a noop in this case?10:05
rbasakstokachu: any news on bug 1121874 please? mysql-5.5 is stuck in saucy-proposed - I think because of a dep8 failure because of the same regression.10:12
ubottubug 1121874 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu) "MySQL launch fails silently if < 4MB of disk space is available" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112187410:12
rbasakIt's be nice to get saucy unbroken too, which we can do either by fixing this properly, or by reverting your last upload.10:13
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seb128does anyone knowing how image build/tasks work exactly could help us to figure out what's the issue with cups-filters/ghostscript-cups11:50
hallyn_rbasak: A few points,11:50
seb128the first one is replacing the second and all rdepends got updated to depends on cups-filter (>= 1.0.36) | ghostscript-cups11:50
seb128but that seems to make CD builds unhappy for some reasons11:50
hallyn_rbasak: 1. stacked apparmor profiles should be coming soon, which will allow the apparmor profile load to work11:50
seb128tkamppeter, ogra_: ^11:50
hallyn_rbasak: 2. the solutionright now is supposed to be to run the container unconfined (lxc.aa_profile = unconfined), I guess11:51
hallyn_rbasak: 3. it seems reasonable to me to have mysql postinst allow apparmor profile load to fail if it is in a container, but we'd have to ask security team how they felt about it...11:51
hallyn_jjohansen: mdeslaur: ^11:52
jamespageslangasek, hey - I started looking at merging samba from Debian but noticed the unreleased splits of the init scripts that you had done had been dropped in unstable - was that intentional?11:53
mdeslaurjdstrand: ^11:53
hallyn_lifeless: well, drat, but i'll run it under valgrind again in a few days and see what i can find11:54
tkamppetercjwatson, hi11:55
mdeslaurjdstrand: don't we already have code to deal with packages loading in a container?11:55
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siretartinfinity: I've uploaded libav9 to unstable yesterday, iow, the transition has started now in debian12:06
rbasakhallyn_: thanks. I was thinking about something like having the apparmor package arrange for _all_ apparmor loads to fail if they are in containers.12:10
rbasakI mean silently noop, not fail.12:10
rbasak(or perhaps just a warning to stderr)12:11
rbasakGiven that we know that lxc security is currently still somewhat limited, I don't think that this would cause a surprise compromise in any real use case.12:11
hallyn_rbasak: but also,12:18
hallyn_rbasak: given that the host is already protected from mysql by the container profile, the mysql profile isn't as crucial.12:19
hallyn_still, stacked profiles ftw :)12:19
rbasakUnless the user's expectation is that the inside of the container is protected by the mysql profile too.12:28
hallyn_rbasak: that expectation would be wrong as per the server guide :)  They can also expect user namespace protection, that woudl be wrong too.  ("sadly" on both :( )12:30
hallyn_lifeless: ok so 'lxc-create -B dir' on a btrfs DOES avoid the subvolume creation for me12:30
hallyn_I'm loath to change default behavior, but at the same time we're nto at 1.0 yet, and I'm not sure where we would document this...12:31
pete-woodsfginther: hi again! I have another project for enabling CI on (https://launchpad.net/indicator-secret-agent) - it should have working support for test and coverage reporting already12:52
fgintherpete-woods, ack, I can get started on it in a few minutes12:52
pete-woodsfginther: awesome! :)12:52
evso scan-build is pretty cool13:02
lifelesshallyn_: ok, so I'll follow your lead here.13:07
lifelesshallyn_: the main feedback I can give you is that while its nice (if you want it) that it happens by default, its very surprising, given that the btrfs docs say subvolumes are == filesystems13:08
lifelesshallyn_: you don't expect lxc-create to make a new filesystem by default, after all.13:08
hallyn_lifeless: yeah maybe it shoudl be teh default with -B btrfs but not when -B is not set13:10
hallyn_meaning, auto-detection of btrfs should perhaps be dropped13:10
hallyn_but i'd have to get input from smoser on that at this ponit.  pretty sure last time he said he was ok with that,13:10
hallyn_but i'm not sure if by now he's come to depend on it13:10
* hallyn_ has to go for a drive, bbl13:10
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jdstrandmdeslaur, hallyn_ , rbasak: /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load already has code to not load in a container13:32
jdstrandrbasak: are you using /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load or are you using the new apparmor upstart stanza?13:32
jdstrands/apparmor upstart stanza/upstart apparmor stanza/13:33
tkamppetercjwatson, can you have a look at bug 1212239? It seems to be a problem of how the images get generated.13:45
ubottubug 1212239 in cups-filters (Ubuntu) "cups-filters is reported to have unmet dependencies with the latest saucy server installations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121223913:45
smoserlifeless, other than your understanding of some bit of documentation in a man page for btrfs, do you have some reason as to why creating subvolumes is bad ?13:52
smoserhallyn_, i think maybe we want something like '-B ANY', '-B NONE', '-B IF_POSSIBLE', '-B btrfs,lvm,none'13:54
rbasakjdstrand: that's odd. The upstart script uses /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load, so I'm not sure why that isn't working. Thanks - I'll look in detail again later.14:00
jdstrandrbasak: note that apparmor-profile-load does this:14:01
jdstrand[ -x /bin/running-in-container ] && /bin/running-in-container >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 014:01
jdstrandrbasak: so maybe running-in-container doesn't exist or isn't working right?14:01
rbasakjdstrand: I'll check. Also, would dh-apparmor in debian/rules affect anything?14:02
jdstrandrbasak: it will put in postinst something to load the profile into the kernel14:06
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jmleddycjwatson: hi, we have some more information about the 4k/4k disk issue bug 106528114:19
ubottubug 1065281 in OEM Priority Project quantal "Installer crashed when trying to partition 4k/4k sector hard disks" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106528114:19
jmleddywe're finally able to get the machine into a state where it can boot14:19
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rbasakWow. That's an impressive bug!14:28
hallyn_smoser: -B btrfs,lvm,dir I'm ok with.  The others sound too magical.  (and '-B dir' is -B NONE IIUC)14:32
smoserliteral 'dir' ?14:32
hallyn_dir for directory14:32
smoserhallyn_, that would be fine then.14:33
smoserthe only thing  i dont like is that i dont want ot have to know a list of what is availalbe.14:33
smoserthus 'ANY'14:33
hallyn_smoser: if there were more possibilities that would make sense...  the thing about lvm and zfs is that there are more parameters14:34
smoserah. well then the comma delimited falls apart anyway14:34
hallyn_we could simply assume that if a vg called lxc or zfs group called lxc exists,14:34
hallyn_then it's "available".14:34
smoseri would do that.14:34
hallyn_anyway I'm goign to opena  bug where we can collect this info and make a decision14:34
hallyn_smoser: thanks14:35
rbasakjdstrand: turns out that there were two errors, and the postinst dh-apparmor warning fooled me into thinking that it was an apparmor problem.14:35
smoseri sweare there was a feature in openstack now for termination protection14:36
rbasakjdstrand: dh-apparmor does "apparmor_parser -r -T -W "$APP_PROFILE" || true" which fails with "apparmor_parser: Unable to replace "/usr/sbin/mysqld".  Permission denied; attempted to load a profile while confined?\nWarning failed to create cache: usr.sbin.mysqld" but of course doesn't cause the postinst to fail.14:36
rbasakjdstrand: thanks for your help.14:36
jdstrandrbasak: ah, good, glad I could help :)14:37
hallyn_smoser: btw, not sure if lifeless has responded (doesn't look like it) - creating subvolumes can be bad because rsync -va --one-filesystem will not back up the subvolumes14:41
hallyn_smoser: lifeless: bug 1212290 is to track this.14:43
ubottubug 1212290 in lxc (Ubuntu) "update backing store defaults at lxc-create" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121229014:43
smoserit seems daily ppa doesnt have14:47
smoser/usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-ubuntu-cloud: line 388: /usr/share/lxc/hooks/ubuntu-cloud-p14:47
smoserrep: No such file or directory14:47
smoserlxc-create: container creation template for source-precise-amd64 failed14:47
hallyn_oh, feh.14:48
hallyn_stgraber: can you add that to lxc.install?14:48
hallyn_(I figured it did the whole hooks directory)14:48
smoserhallyn_, so did i.14:49
smoserand i never bothered 'make install'14:49
hallyn_hm, it does14:49
hallyn_smoser: your patch didn't add it to hooks/Makefile.am14:50
hallyn_lemme do that and runa  new build14:50
smoseryou said "i figured it did the whole hooks directory"14:50
smoseri figured it did that by default too. but it has a manual list.14:50
smoserour "it" was just different in this reguard.14:50
smosersorry to hvae been a pain hallyn_14:51
smoserhallyn_, i could make that have sane behavior if you are interested.14:52
hallyn_smoser: np :)  pushed to git, building pkg now... hopefully won't take too long14:52
smoserie, for hooks to install everything not named 'Makefile.*'14:52
hallyn_smoser: the makefile?  sure14:52
smoseror maybe everything executable14:52
hallyn_that'd probably be best14:53
smoserhallyn_, it seems non-obvious to me how i'd do it without a grep essentially14:55
smoserwildcard in gnu make does not allow for exclude14:55
hallyn_can you do some $(filter) crap?14:56
hallyn_(just thinking however debian/rules often detects arch)14:57
hallyn_smoser: eh, it's probably not worth it.  it's not something that will cause regressions14:58
smoserhallyn_, fwiw, this works15:02
smoserbut would include other stuff in that dir15:03
hallyn_smoser: looks good to me.  more stuff shouldn't be added that isn't meant to be shipped, but if it is we can just make a $exclude variable including makefile*15:04
smoserhallyn_, i'dm be more concerned about stuff in a local checkout15:06
smosergetting installed accidently15:06
smoserie, foo.bk115:06
hallyn_heh, you're not supposed to do that, you're supposed to buidl a package :)15:07
hallyn_ok, let's leave it as is15:07
pete-woodsdidrocks: good afternoon! I have another project I'd like to do releases of (https://launchpad.net/indicator-secret-agent) - it already has jenkins autolanding activated15:40
didrockscyphermox: I think that one will be for you ^15:40
didrocks(please add to the spreadsheet)15:41
didrockspete-woods: any integration tests?15:41
pete-woodsdidrocks: it's not integrated with the shell yet (I'm waiting on the new system dialogue stuff) - but it does have 97% unit test coverage15:41
didrocksgreat ;)15:42
pete-woodsdidrocks: as soon as there is actually some integration happening, I'd be more than happy to write integration tests, however it is I'm supposed to do that (autopilot?)15:43
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infinitysmoser: Your cloud-init SRU has a patch in there (future_utils.patch) with no reference or explanation in the changelog.18:23
infinitysmoser: Rejecting on that basis, please either reference it so I know what it is, or drop it because it's cruft. :P18:24
smoserits just stuff from cloudinit/utils.py in newer versions of cloud-init.18:24
infinitysmoser: Added to make the azure backport easier, perhaps?18:25
infinitysmoser: I don't like guessing. :P18:25
infinitysmoser: But okay, I can let that slide.18:26
infinitysmoser: It's at least more readable than the azure patch...18:26
smoseri'm ok to re-upload if you'll look quickly18:26
smoseri kind of a gree that the patch there should have a dep-3 header18:27
infinitysmoser: I'm looking at it all this afternoon/evening, after some of my walinuxagent concerns are addressed too.18:27
smoserso you want to just NAK that and i'll re-upload ?18:27
infinitysmoser: Rejected.18:27
ogra_infinity, did you notice the image build failures today ?18:28
infinityogra_: I'm off sick (can't you tell from my inactivity on IRC), so no. :P18:29
ogra_seems we have an issue with the old "tasks resolve deps differently to metapackages" ....18:29
ogra_haha, ok, i wont bother you18:29
ogra_its a cjwatson thing anyway i think18:29
infinityErm, wait, which image(s) is this that you're talking about?18:30
infinityogra_: Oh, the cups thing?18:30
ogra_infinity, yeah18:31
ogra_bug 121223918:31
ubottubug 1212239 in cups-filters (Ubuntu) "cups-filters is reported to have unmet dependencies with the latest saucy server installations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121223918:31
smoserinfinity, so i just upload again with same version, right?18:31
infinitysmoser: Yep.18:31
ogra_seems the deps are fine, but the task resolves them backwards18:31
ogra_(the "or" dep specifically)18:31
ogra_i dont think we ever found a proper solution for that18:31
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smoseris 'dch -D some-thing --release' broken for anyone else?18:37
infinityogra_: It's because it recommends and conflicts.18:39
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infinityogra_: At least, that's my best guess.  And it's a bug either way.18:40
* infinity fixes.18:41
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esingHow do I install gummiboot on ubuntu18:44
infinityogra_: Uploaded.  Will test in a chroot to make sure this fixes it once it's built.18:45
* ogra_ hugs infinity 18:46
ogra_(dont infect me though)18:46
smoserinfinity, i uploaded. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5986081/ is diff from last upload.18:55
infinitysmoser: Shiny, thanks.  Once I get utlemming's fixed walinuxthingee, I'll do them together.18:56
infinityogra_: Right, this should definitely fix it.  The problem was that cups-filters Recommending ghostscript-cups landed the ghostscript-cups package in the ubuntu-desktop task.  So, when you went to install the task, it exploded.19:14
infinityogra_: Can't test for sure until it's all migrated to the release pocket and gs-cups falls out of the task, but logically it makes sense.19:14
ogra_yeah, it definitely does ...19:15
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infinityBah, and same fix needs to be applied to cups itself.19:16
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infinityAaaand, the cups testsuite fails now.  Awesome.19:39
infinitytkamppeter: HALP.  CUPS sucks.19:39
infinityFAIL: 35 error messages, expected 33.19:41
infinitySo informative.19:41
tkamppeterinfinity, it worked for me last time, what did you change?19:45
infinitytkamppeter: Nothing in the code.19:45
infinitytkamppeter: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/1.6.3-1ubuntu119:45
tkamppeterinfinity, and why are you rebuilding CUPS?19:45
infinitySee above.19:45
infinitytkamppeter: As it turns out, though, my motivation for uploading doesn't change whether or not the testsuite works. :P19:48
infinitytkamppeter: Anyhow, image builds will continue to be broken until a cups that doesn't Recommend ghostscript-cups actually manages to build.  I leave the testsuite breakage to you, since I suspect you know it much better than I do.19:49
infinityE [14/Aug/2013:13:50:34.039455 -0600] Filter "gstoraster" not found.19:53
infinityE [14/Aug/2013:13:50:34.039476 -0600] Filter "gstoraster" not found.19:53
infinityI'm assuming those are the lines to blame..19:54
tkamppeterinfinity, I see, CUPS needs to build-depend on cups-filters now where Ghostscript-cups has gone away ...19:58
infinitytkamppeter: It does.19:58
infinitytkamppeter: I have it installed here, make check still fails with that.19:58
infinitytkamppeter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5986315/20:00
infinitytkamppeter: So, something more weird is going on...20:00
tkamppeterinfinity, the test suite of CUPS is really broken, it should not depend on cups-filters nor on ghostscript (which is needed by gstoraster which the test suite tries to call).20:08
infinitytkamppeter: Sure, but both cups-filters and ghostscript *are* build-deps, and are installed.20:12
infinitytkamppeter: And it's the server startup that's whining about gstoraster being missing.20:12
infinityWell, "missing".  It's obviously there. :/20:13
tkamppeterinfinity, CUPS does a really bad thing, it links the filters contained in cups-filters one by one into the test filter directory, meaning that CUPS' test suite needs to be changed with every change of cups-filters making the "make check" of CUPS only work with a few versions of cups-filters.20:43
infinitytkamppeter: Ah, I *just* got there myself and was about to upload a fix. :)20:48
tkamppeterinfinity, debian/patches/tests-use-cupsfilters.patch needs to get fixed, adding a link for gstoraster.20:48
infinitytkamppeter: Already one it.20:48
infinitytkamppeter: Test building, thanks for the extra set of eyes on that one.20:53
tkamppeterinfinity, did the package build for you now?21:00
infinitytkamppeter: Oh, erk.  There's also the IPP compliance tests failing.  Fun.21:00
infinitytkamppeter: http://lucifer.0c3.net/~adconrad/cups-str-1.6-2013-08-14-adconrad.html21:02
brendandunity isn't showing even if i run it from a terminal21:19
brendandwhat could be missing?21:19
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infinitytkamppeter: Yeah, those ipp failures have me a little bit stumped.  Possibly a race between creating fake jobs and looking for them?21:26
brendandsorry to ask again, i had to reboot so may have missed a response. i've upgraded to saucy and unity won't seem to start. unity_support_test returns 0 though21:48
slangasekjamespage: "dropped in unstable"> how do you mean, "dropped"?  It hasn't been landed yet at all - but that's something I'm working through this week at DebConf as part of the upstarting of the package22:06
slangasekjamespage: "dropped in unstable"> how do you mean, "dropped"?  It hasn't been landed yet at all - but that's something I'm working through this week at DebConf as part of the upstarting of the package22:08
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tkamppeterinfinity, I have done test builds of CUPS 1.6.3 and 1.7rc1 on my Saucy machine now and I get exactly the same IPP failures. Seems to be that something changed in Saucy which breaks the CUPS tests.22:21
infinitytkamppeter: Alright, I'm uploading an ugly hack for now to ignore the IPP failures, so this can build and images can be buildable again, but obviously this needs looking into.22:30
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tkamppeterinfinity, thank you very much, and sorry for the inconvenience. The test suite of CUPS is really a problem.22:43

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