
darkxstgerardo_, are you using gnome3-staging?00:03
gerardo_I have this version GNOME Shell
jbichadarkxst: yeah I think that's just a Debian-specific packaging bug, see http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/gtk%2B3.0/debian/gir1.2-gtk-3.0.install?view=markup01:05
UltraHRHey there, anyone able to offer some support for the 13.10 alpha?01:59
pr0metheu5hey guys02:16
pr0metheu5I can't figure this out for the life of me; is the DE Gnome Classic or Gnome Shell in Ubuntu Gnome?02:17
jbichapr0metheu5: which version are you using?02:18
pr0metheu5I'm not on Ubuntu Gnome, I was just wondering02:18
pr0metheu5what the default DE is02:18
UltraHRDefault DE in Ubuntu GNOME is GNOME 3.602:19
UltraHR(Not Classic)02:19
jbichaUbuntu 13.10 will also include the new GNOME Classic (which is actually GNOME Shell with several pre-enabled extensions) but GNOME Shell will still be the default02:21
pr0metheu5Okay, gotcha02:22
pr0metheu5thanks =]02:22
jbichathere's a screenshot of the new Classic at https://help.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/3.8/02:22
pr0metheu5That looks very neat02:23
pr0metheu5I'm excited02:24
pr0metheu53.8 is out though, it seems?02:25
ZoiaguyverIt is, you can use it with the 13.04 release by adding the gnome3 ppa02:25
ZoiaguyverBut it becomes the default in 13.10 (3.10 should be in the gnome3 ppa then)02:26
ZoiaguyverGnome makes it seem as though Ubuntu is a release behind, but the problem is the release dates vs testing, Gnome 3.10 arrives in September, Ubuntu-Gnome is in freeze then, so it means 3.10 can't be added :(02:29
pr0metheu5I'm gonna go install gnome 3.8 on my ubuntu install then02:33
ZoiaguyverJust add the gnome3 ppa and do a dist-upgrade and thats it, if you want to try all the 3.8 stuff you will need gnome3-staging ppa aswell, but I've had no issues at all with it on three systems it runs on02:37
homehey, has anyone figured out how to change the theme on apps that still use gtk2 (like firefox)?03:10
a____I think maybe you have to suck off your own face. top fucking lel.03:12
a____░░░░░░░░░░░▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ░░░░░░░▄▀▀▀░▄▄▄▄░░░▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄░▀▄ ░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀░░█ ░░░░░▄▀░░░░░░░░░░▄░░░░░░░░▄▄░░░░░▀▄▄▄ ░░░▄▀░░░░░▄▀â–03:12
homewell, i tried sucking my own face off but that didn't work. any other suggestions? --maybe something more probable/useful03:24
bjsniderhuh, firefox looks like adwaita here03:28
jbichahome: that was just a spammer, ignore him03:28
bjsniderin other words, this doesn't appear to be a problem for me03:28
jbichaa good theme will support gtk2 and gtk303:29
bjsnidercouldn't be a spammer, his message was such a coherent argument03:29
bjsniderhome, what theme are you using?03:29
homebjsnider, i was trying to use zukitwo03:45
bjsnideri guess it's not good enough03:46
homedo you know which themes do work?03:46
jbichadarkxst: oh it's just a PPA bug then as it's for 3.903:50
bjsniderhome, certainly adwaita, the default theme, would work03:53
homeyes. the default theme is fine03:53
darkxstjbicha, yes04:04
ronjHi ricotz jbicha darkxst, does issues with importing your packaged version of libgweather from an extension ring a bell to you? Seems the new Weather extension stumbles on it: https://github.com/Neroth/gnome-shell-extension-weather/issues/137 . I'm just asking in case anything obvious comes to your mind, if not then no worry the developer will look at it17:16
ronjseems it's Ubuntu specific, Fedora & Arch are fine17:18
bjsniderronj, i installed this extension manually and it works17:24
ronjbjsnider, interesting! so for you, installing from the website fails, but manually works, right? for me both fail17:25
bjsniderwith the packaged gweather and do forth17:25
bjsnideri didn't try from the website17:25
ronjbjsnider, what's your version of libgweather* ?17:25
ronjoh, and you installed the recent V2 rework published days ago, right?17:26
ronjfor me the old version (not relying on libgweather) used to work too17:26
bjsnideri have both libs 6.2 and 8.217:27
bjsnideri am using the extension based on gweather17:27
bjsniderapparently the shared libs are not mutually exclusive, but everything else is 817:28
ronjI have both too17:29
bjsniderit says you don't have the typelib file17:29
ronjhmm yeah I missed that, don't know what it means, do you?17:29
bjsniderinstall the above package17:29
ronjok thx trying17:29
bjsniderhave you got gnome-weather installed?17:31
ronjbjsnider, installing gir1.2-gweather-3 and reinstalling the ext did the trick!17:32
ronjyeah it is installed17:32
bjsnidergnome-weather pulls it in17:32
ronjhmmm well it didn't for me17:32
ronjdependency issue?17:32
bjsniderwhat happens if you try to uninstall the typelib package?17:33
ronj... The following packages will be REMOVED: gir1.2-gweather-3.017:33
ronjand that's it17:33
bjsniderhere it also has to remove gnome-weather17:34
ronjbjsnider, should I report a bug on gnome-team's LP?17:35
bjsniderwhere idd you get these packages?17:35
bjsnideri got mine from the stable ppa17:35
ronjturns out I didn't have gnome-weather. and there's no dep issue, now if I try to remove the typelib package, apt-get correctly asks to remove gnome-weather17:38
bjsniderwonder why you didn't have gnome-weather17:39
bjsniderbut anyway, that's what is supposed to pull in the typelib17:39
ronjyup it does. maybe I uninstalled it because I didn't use it17:39
bjsniderso there's no bug17:40
ronjcorrect, ideally the extension dev. could show an error message if gnome-weather is absent, or just communicate the need for gnome-weather via its extension description.17:42
ronjmentioning all that in the GitHub issue17:42
jbichait should be easier with 13.10: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-weather17:58
bjsniderobviously the package created for the extension should pull in gnome-weather18:01
bjsniderthat would have fixed this particular issue18:01
bjsnideri haven't looked at it because i just build it from source, but i suppose it doesn't depend on it now18:03
jbichabjsnider: can you report that to Debian?18:05
jbichajs or python apps usually need to have their dependencies explicitly declared18:06
bjsniderin the app?18:06
jbichait doesn't need to depend on gnome-weather, just the gweather gir18:06
jbichaoh it's part of pkg-gnome, I can fix it in svn at least18:07
jbichabjsnider: ok, we don't necessarily need the Debian bug now18:14
bjsnideri figured depending on gnome-weather was safer because that will pull everything in18:19
bjsniderit may be too vague for debian18:19
jbichabjsnider: but gnome-weather isn't in Debian or Ubuntu yet; there's a licensing problem18:20
bjsniderjbicha, depends on the shared lib too right?18:30
jbichayeah, a gir needs to depend on its library18:32
bjsniderwhat's the stupid licensing problem?18:34
ubot5Gnome bug 703150 in general "Please relicense art to CC-BY-SA 3.0" [Normal,Unconfirmed]18:50
bjsnideroh, just use public domain images18:52
jbichathat's one fix, if you want to submit a patch for that to GNOME, there's only a few days left before the 3.10 Freeze18:54
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