
alfonsojonCan Ubuntu Touch be compiled to run on an arm v6 processor?00:13
alfonsojonI feel Ubuntu Touch could be a great success if it could be used to breathe life into older phones00:16
alfonsojonI have an entry-level Android device from late 2011 and this thing is barely capable once a few apps are installed.00:16
alfonsojonIs Ubuntu Touch noticably faster than Android 2.3.7?00:16
mhall119alfonsojon: I've only run it on Android 4.x capable devices, so I'm not sure00:22
mhall119Ubuntu won't work on armv6 though, it needs v700:23
alfonsojonI should save up for a Nexus 4.00:24
alfonsojonIf I had money, I would contribute to the Ubuntu Touch in a heatbeat00:25
alfonsojonbut, I'm only 16 and failed at applying for a job. so meh.00:25
annerajbsergiusens, i dont think it's a issue of space added a copy of the touch script on the boot.img and it worked succesfully if i left scripts/touch intact.00:32
annerajbwell ill talk to ogra since apparently if i change one line of scripts/touch it breaks00:41
sergiusensannerajb: how are you changing it?00:42
sergiusensthat doesn't make sense00:42
annerajbsergiusens, i tried everything used a sed on the target that compress the boot.img to change it and repack it. now i am copying the complete file from another place and repacking.00:43
annerajbsergiusens, this is how it looks like now http://paste.ubuntu.com/5983196/00:43
sergiusensannerajb: so you unpack, modify, repack?00:44
sergiusensannerajb: can you provide a diff from the original?00:44
annerajbsergiusens, on the original i added only line 28 and it worked 70% of the boot's yesterday00:46
annerajbthis one has a bunch of kmsg gime a min for the diff00:46
annerajbsergiusens, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5983206/00:48
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annerajbsergiusens, i got it i am 99999% when i repack it it's missing +x permission00:50
annerajbnot sure how to set the user group for the initrd but ima set it to 777 and see if it works now00:51
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sergiusensannerajb: line 29 you mean?00:57
sergiusensannerajb: can't you pass in path to init directly instead of modifying?00:57
annerajbsergiusens, path="/dev/mtdblock3" that I had only that yesterday and it worked all morning and after a while at night it stopped working00:57
annerajbsergiusens, like a argument?00:57
sergiusensyeah, something like this https://github.com/janimo/android_device_huawei_u9200/commit/b3f839844fcb996ded1259a31d270236d3081c9c00:58
sergiusensbut with path=00:58
annerajbsergiusens, i still have to add another change talking to ogra he set that i need to add a sleep before my moutn because apparently udevdm settle is not working no my device01:00
annerajbthat would put me on the same state as yesterday where i have it booting but the moutn fails because it moutns too fast before device is ready01:00
annerajbsergiusens, and to finish the night here is a booting dmesg with my touch script after formatting /data http://paste.ubuntu.com/5983266/01:07
sergiusens[    7.255078] VFS: could not find a valid V7 on mtdblock3.01:08
=== n7_ is now known as Guest518
Guest518i can finally install ubuntu touch on N701:17
Guest518but i don't know01:17
Guest518what is password root ?01:18
mhall119Guest518: "phablet"01:19
mhall119is the sudo password for the default Ubuntu Touch user01:19
Guest518is possible dual os in n7 . android + ubuntu touch01:22
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annerajbsergiusens, the last pastebin i linked worked flawlessly that message appears to be a warning or something because /data was mouetnd and i could write to it and read it (thought it only had the lost+foudn folder)02:30
sergiusensannerajb: good02:40
sergiusensplars: if still around (and yeah, I know... :-P) https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/lp1211708/+merge/18003102:40
annerajbi just have to figure out why if i copy the rootfs into /data it breaks -_-02:40
annerajbi been looking at pastebin online and apparently some devices work fine with that message so it may not be a failure. thought somebody is calling kernel_restart02:41
annerajbRestarting system.02:41
cjohnstonsergiusens: +1 from me on lp1211708 MP02:50
sergiusenscjohnston: great, if you approve I'll Happrove02:57
cjohnstonI'm not special though :-)02:58
sergiusensno one should be :-)02:58
sergiusensthanks for the review!03:00
sergiusensah... Day changed... I'm going to bed!03:00
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cjohnstonheh. g'nite03:01
bzoltan1sergiusens: mhall119:  Could you please give me more details on what features the developer mode blocks? You could file bug too :)03:37
mfischbzoltan1: I think they're offline, it's late in their timezones03:52
bzoltan1mfisch: I hope that they will see my answer when they wake up03:54
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mfischbzoltan1: surely ;)03:57
bzoltan1mfisch: at least I see them in the list of nicks who are here :)  So it depends on their client... my pidging beeps when somebody mentions my name :)03:58
RaziRazakHi All04:44
RaziRazakNeed guide to install ubuntu-touch to my samsung tab 204:50
cjohnstonRaziRazak: it isn't one of the supported devices. have you looked at the list of community devices?05:29
RaziRazakSo p5100 are not able to be support by ubuntu-touch is it05:32
RaziRazakAny future plan to for p5100?05:33
cjohnstonno idea05:34
RAOFDepends on whether someone wants to port to the p510005:34
cjohnstonyou can see if anyone from the community is working on it05:34
RAOFRaziRazak: Oh, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices says that someone's ported to the p5110.05:35
RaziRazakP5110 is the model without gsm05:39
RaziRazakP5100 is the model with gsm05:40
RaziRazakHi again05:45
RaziRazakDisconnected just now05:46
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tvoss_sil2100, ping07:28
sil2100tvoss_: pong07:31
dholbachgood morning07:32
segastepGood day! :D07:36
sil2100tvoss_: did anything happen?08:01
tvoss_sil2100, nope :) can you add ci and autolanding for lp:content-hub?08:02
sil2100tvoss_: let me take a look08:03
tvoss_sil2100, thx, the packaging setup is rough to say the least ;)08:03
sil2100tvoss_: will we be daily releasing it in the nearest future?08:04
tvoss_sil2100, might well be, yes08:05
RaziRazakDoes aybody know, p5100 can support ubuntu touch or not?08:09
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JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Soyuz TM-25 landing day!08:58
segastephappy what day ? Hello to btw :D08:58
tvoss_didrocks, https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/location-service/upstart/+merge/18006809:03
didrockssil2100: mind having a look? ^09:03
sil2100didrocks, tvoss_: looking09:04
tvoss_sil2100, great, thx09:04
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sil2100tvoss_: looks ok and builds ok, approved09:13
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tvoss_sil2100, thx09:19
* tvoss_ wonders why the phone is taking 25% RAM on the phone09:21
N33Qhey is there some way to sync ubuntu touch with windows pc to transfer some data on nexus 4?09:22
ogra_N33Q, you can use adb push ... or install openssh-server on the phone and use scp/sftp09:24
ogra_(teh latter via network indeed)09:24
ogra_tvoss_, because its a phone ?09:25
* ogra_ would prefer if the phone took 100% of ram on the phone :P09:25
ogra_asac, new image is testing ... FYI09:26
asacogra_: i suspect we wont be happy though09:26
ogra_well, its looking good so far09:26
asacwe have two runaway processes still ... unity8 and whoopsie :)09:26
ogra_40 of 40 tests green09:26
asacyeah... lets hope for a bit of luck i guess09:26
ogra_oh, whoopsie is still not fixed ?09:27
asacnot sure... didnt see people dancing, so i assumed not09:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 1211417 in whoopsie (Ubuntu) "whoopsie takes 100% CPU on the phone" [Critical,Confirmed]09:27
asacev: news? :)09:27
evogra_: what image is this with?09:27
asacev: can we disable it?09:27
ogra_ev, no image, the tests just started and look all good ... but asac expects us to hit a 100% cpu issue again09:28
asacor should we kick it out?09:28
asacogra_: well, both unity8 and whoopsie have known looping bugs that happen eventually. we have to be very lucky :)09:28
evwell I'd prefer we see if it's still broken in the tests before we do something drastic like kicking it out09:28
asacpeople suspect its the part the blocks our images from passsing tests09:29
evI've been hammering at it with valgrind and splint all morning. Found some minor niggles, but nothing that would point at memory corruption yet. I haven't been able to reproduce it with the latest phablet-flash cdimage-touch --pending yet, but if I can get it to appear, I'll try downgrading whoopsie to see if that resolves it09:31
evI'll have another look at the syslog code, as that's the only big change we've made in quite a while09:31
asacstill i would like to know how we can disable it or if the package has to go out in case we still have a non-green baseline today09:33
ogra_in /etc/default/whoopsie i'd guess09:34
ogra_or by overriding the upstart job from another package09:34
asacogra_: can we do that without uploading whoopsie itself?09:34
ogra_the latter, yes09:34
asaclike in an override logic we do during image production?09:35
asaclets see what happens09:35
ogra_echo manual >/etc/init/whoopsie.override09:35
ogra_thats all thats needed09:35
asacogra_: curious, where would we put such code?09:35
asacin another package? or in some image production scripts?09:36
evyeah, disabling the job is probably preferable as it wont mess with user's configuration09:36
ogra_well, since lxc-android-config carries many such things (though all container related) i would put it there too ... since it is definitely temporary anyway09:36
asacok, but that requires a full package build etc.09:36
ogra_but we can also do it at image production from livecd-rootfs09:37
ogra_everything does09:37
ogra_all bits that can make changes at that level of an image build are in packages09:38
ogra_so an upload is unavlidable ... .09:38
asacogra_: so image production logic is in packages itself?09:40
asacno bzr branch ? :)09:40
ogra_sure, there are bzr upstream braches for the packages :)09:40
asacyou know what i meant09:41
ogra_bur yeah, rootfs creation is all in packages09:41
asacso no09:41
ogra_image publishing and the whole build management as well as pre and post mangling are in cdimage and not packaged09:41
ogra_but the build itself uses packaged bits09:41
ogra_asac, did cypher and chicken talk to you about the bluetooth and indicator changes ?09:46
mptdidrocks, you can subscribe to <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates> to be notified of revisions. The downside is that you'll be notified of revisions to PC-only parts as well.09:46
didrocksmpt: do you update it so often?09:46
didrocks(like should I be scared about the spam? ;)09:46
mptdidrocks, <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates?action=info> ... it varies. 24 times this month, once last month, not at all in June.09:48
didrocksmpt: ok, so should be fine, subscribing09:48
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annerajbogra_, does scripts/touch has some sort of crc??10:01
annerajbif i modify a line on it. it breaks. at first i thought it was space but i could copy the whole file and it woudnt break as long as i didnt modify the touch script.10:02
annerajbweird part is that if i modify the touch script. and it's breaking it "works" as soon as i format /data10:02
davmor2morning all10:07
ogra_no, there is no hashsum or anything10:07
annerajbogra_, well then something really mess up is hiding in my initrd lol. I thought it was permission when repacking it since i never see any of the prinouts of my touch script when it fails just the watchdog.10:09
ogra_well, it could be that your boot.img gets to big for the partition10:11
ogra_have you checked that ?10:11
ogra_(then it might go corrupt on flashing)10:11
annerajbogra_, i thought about it that's why i copied the touch script with another name to the boot.img root and it worked fine10:12
annerajbso i have two touch image files. I also removed lines from the touch/script to see if the smaller size would help (removed the stuff that dosnt work on my cellphone like the find dev)10:13
ogra_btw, did you try putting path=/dev/.... on your kernel cmdline ?10:16
ogra_and not editing the script10:16
annerajbwasnt that not implemented yet and sergiusens was going to work on it?10:17
ogra_no, i'm going to work on it, but it might already work10:18
ogra_iirc the kernel exports all cmdline args to the environment ...10:18
ogra_i'm not sure if it gets handed through to the tough script though10:18
ogra_but i think it would be owrth to try10:19
ogra_(though that doesnt fix the sleep issue i guess)10:19
annerajbogra_, yeah i can try it it still makes me want to know why is this happening when i modify the script because if i made the script smaller same thing happened and that rules out space which was the only thing worrying me.10:20
annerajbanyway how do you pass the cmdline args??10:20
ogra_abootimg -i /path/to/boot.img | grep cmdline10:21
ogra_first check if there is an existing one10:21
ogra_abootimg -u /path/to/boot.img -c "cmdline=<old cmdline> <your addition>"10:22
annerajbthis is a samsung device abootimg dosnt work10:22
annerajbboot.img: no Android Magic Value10:22
annerajbboot.img: not a valid Android Boot Image.10:22
ogra_oh, then you need to look in your BoardConfig.mk i think10:26
annerajbBOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE := console=ttyFIQ0,115200 init=/init no_console_suspend10:27
annerajbis that no_console_suspend desired?10:27
annerajbi read on the flipped page about console having to be on or something10:27
ogra_nah, thats fine10:30
ogra_so just add a path= there10:30
ogra_wow, that init=/init is evil ... what a luck ubuntu initrd uses /init by default10:30
ogra_(usually the kernel would iterate over several locations, that option forces it to only accept /init)10:31
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annerajbogra_, all right i am building it again it's still using the heavily modified touch script thought.10:36
Oroku_Sakistill building cm-10.1...10:37
Oroku_Sakimy source for cm-10.1 builds fine in UT.. does not with the actual cm-10.1... how funny is that.. I have to cherry pick a patch10:38
Oroku_Sakifor tinyalsa.. I guess that is why10:39
evasac, ogra_: what's the jenkins job that was failing due to whoopsie hitting 100% CPU? I'd like to keep an eye on it, rather than waiting for people to come to me.10:41
asacev: we dont see it in jenkins yet'10:42
evoh right10:42
evI thought that's how all this started10:42
asacev: it came out of investigations because we saw flakiness... we are about to land a test that ensures the system calms down10:42
asacthat will reveal that10:42
* ev nods10:42
asacso folks see it locally by just rebooting mako10:42
asacev: the test that triggered us looking for sources of noise, is still failing10:43
asacon mako10:43
asacwhich might indicate that its still there10:43
evasac: I take it someone is digging to find out definitively?10:44
asacev: well, the looping whoopsie is a bug on its own10:44
asacpeople are digging in the dark10:44
asacthe more we can rule out the better10:44
evI noticed you referred to it as such before10:44
evhow is it looping?10:44
asacev: that it consumes 100%10:45
evoh that bit, right10:45
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ogra_asac, did the testers make sure it isnt upowerd that misbehaves as usual ... and whoopsie only being fallout of that ?10:45
evsure, I'm just not yet convinced that it's in whoopsie. valgrind didn't surface anything and I'm not able to as yet reproduce it on the latest proposed mako image10:46
ogra_(i.e. are you sure whoopsie is the only process at 100%)10:46
asacev: but you could reproduce10:46
evasac: I was able to briefly reproduce it with the previous proposed image10:46
asacsure thats enough10:46
ogra_bug 1190792 has often misled us before10:46
ubot5bug 1190792 in touch-preview-images "ueventd in a busy loop on container-flipped image" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119079210:46
asacogra_: but we would see ueventd also going high on top10:47
asacthat wasnt observed from what i remember10:47
evueventd is chewing away at 100% cpu on mine, for what it's worht10:47
asacnot saying its not related10:47
ogra_ev reboot10:47
popeyon my mako when it first showed a high whoopsie cpu, it also had a powerd crash in /var/crash..10:47
asacwhat is a problem are those looping things. thats a super grave bug10:47
asacif you think in the phone context10:47
ogra_processing .crash files perhaps ?10:48
asacand the fact that it makes our autopilot tests more flaki (due to UI tests being async with timeouts etc.), doesnt make it less severe :-P10:48
asacpopey: ok powerd crash can explain that10:48
asacpopey: can you still reproduce?10:48
popeyno, trying10:49
asacok good. do you see ueventd?10:49
popeyit didnt happen with todays flash10:49
popeyflashing at the moment10:49
ogra_asac, everyone sees ueventd every other boot10:49
asacguess that will be visible with the settle test then as well :)10:50
asaci dont see it on maguro10:50
popeyyeah, i have a machine with ueventd at 100% now10:50
popeybut no whoopsie10:50
ogra_we have reduced the racyness as much as we could, buut the real fix waits for an upstart upload10:50
asacfor me its unity8 keeping my thing hot :)10:50
ogra_asac, eaxctly, maguro is a lot slower10:51
asacogra_: where is that upstart upload?10:51
asacso we have a fix?10:51
ogra_so it doesnt see the race trhat often10:51
asacogra_: ueventd goes crazy right after boot?10:51
ogra_asac, the fix is an upstart bridge into the container ... jodh is at debconf so i doubt we'll see it landing this week10:51
ogra_ueventd goes crazy if udev tries to do something with devices while ueventd hasnt finished yet10:52
ogra_we need the equivalent of "udevadm settle" for ueventd10:52
asacogra_: its a start race condition?10:52
ogra_which the upstart bridge is supposed to provide10:53
asacok, so we will see ueventd rumbling right after boot.. thats good10:53
ogra_only happens on startup and more often on mako10:53
ogra_but it persists until reboot10:53
asacthats good. adding my test to default will then show runs clearly that suffer from this effect10:54
asacand we can retry the test until we hit a boot where we dont see that before we can take any results for serious10:54
ogra_well, dont the tests all reboot the device before starting ?10:55
ogra_or does that only happen once ?10:55
* ogra_ thought they use reboot to gain a clean state 10:55
ogra_so you would have to hook into each tests separately if thats the case10:55
ogra_*each test10:55
popeyso i just clean flashed and I have a powerd crashdump in /var/crash10:56
ogra_yeah, powerd needs  to wait for the android event10:56
* ev lunches10:56
ogra_it accesses the sensorservice ... which it only can after the container is up10:57
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asacogra_: no ... we run multiple tests in one boot sequence... the reboots are not nicely marked in the dashboard10:57
ogra_(currently it comes up with dbus ... thats to early, so it crashes until the proximity sensor is there)10:57
asaci want them to run the default test suite after each boot10:58
asacand dont continue if that fails10:58
popeywow, you get quite a few apparmor_parser processes just after boot.. is that one per app?10:58
asacrather reboot10:58
annerajbogra_, the command line parameter was never passed off10:58
annerajb# cat /proc/cmdline10:58
annerajbconsole=ttyFIQ0 no_console_suspend=1 androidboot.serialno=3910:58
ogra_popey, i think it processes the policy files once on first boot10:58
ogra_annerajb, check your kernel config, probably it comes from there instead ...10:59
popeyogra_: whats the process for working around the ueventd issue? kill it?10:59
asacogra_: DEITY just send us an image from the future :)10:59
ogra_asac, so my theory is ... powerd dies  (on purpose atm) ... produces a crash file ... whoopsie sees the file and processes it ... which takes 100% cpu10:59
asac20130816 touch_ro mako11:00
asacmaybe that will show us what we need to change in order to fix it?11:00
evogra_: I've had plenty of powerd crashes on my mako11:00
evwithout it chewing away at 100% cpu11:00
ogra_hard to compare ... we need to disassemble it :)11:00
evbasically one every boot :)11:00
evright, lunch for reals11:00
asacogra_: yeah. thats fine if its that way11:00
ogra_ev, well, that at least proves my theory of powerd dieing on every boot :)11:00
asacbut we could in testing maybe disable whoopsie and run it explicitely in a more controlled manner at the end11:01
asacev: i guess there is a way to stop whoopsie and then run it explicitely once to scrape all .crash files?11:01
asacogra_: so that image is scary ... where is a clock offset?11:03
asacon our image builders? i guess it uses what is in this media-info thing11:03
ogra_dunno, probably on system-image.ubuntu.com ?11:03
ogra_media-info isnt touched on system-image images11:04
ogra_but it provides its own additional stamp on top11:04
asacyeah whatever that is then11:04
ogra_(now dont ask me where :P)11:04
asacogra_: so flakiness confirmed :)11:08
asacSaviq: ^^ :-P11:08
Saviqasac, told 'ya! :P11:09
asacogra_: is there anything else we could do to avoid this ueventd issue until it lands?11:09
Saviqasac, although it might be that *something* made it worse, for sure11:09
asacSaviq: yeah no more annoyance for at least 16h :)11:09
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asacSaviq: i am confident that mterry can nail it down if we dont let it go :)11:09
asacat least give us confidence on what is going on11:10
ogra_asac, no, we cant do much more for ueventd11:10
asacogra_: nothing hacky wacky?11:10
dednicki need to sort out some dependencies for the ubuntu-touch package. It depends on chewie (netowork + sound indicator backends). We need to remove this dependency, but ensure that chewie is still installed on phone for now.11:10
asacgiven we have understood the problem and the real fix is coming its a valid approach imo11:10
ogra_you can add even more sleeps but i doubt that will fix much11:10
ogra_(and it adds to the boot time indeed)11:11
dednicki think we need to move chewie from core see to shell seed ?11:13
ogra_sforshee, mfisch, can one of you approve https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/powerd/fix-semsor-race/+merge/18009511:13
dednickor something...11:13
ogra_dednick, we dont have such a differentiation in the seeds11:14
ogra_there is just touch and adk11:14
dednickogra_: but there is diff between recommend and depends?11:14
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ogra_dednick, no, we fully suppress recommends ... whats not seeded or a hard dep isnt in11:15
* ogra_ hopes we can clean that up at least for 14.04 11:16
annerajbogra_, the kernel had the argument in the config11:16
dednicksigh, do there's no way we can remove chewie11:17
ogra_dednick, i think the plan is to remove it soon, but the indicator porting work isnt fully done as i understand11:17
ogra_annerajb, so try changing it there then :)11:17
dednickogra_: yeah, i was hoping we could remove it as a dependency, indicator-network removes chewie... bit of a ballsup.11:18
annerajbyeah already flashing it11:18
dednickogra_: nevermind. will just sort out dep of network then11:18
ogra_dednick, https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.chewie/+merge/17993711:18
ogra_dednick, but that will cause regressions until all indicator work is done11:19
dednickogra_: ah, ok. thanks.11:19
ogra_so we either needs approval from asac to allow such a regression (and someone t explain what actually regresses) or we need to wait11:19
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asacmy understanding is that indicators will start landing later this week one by one11:21
dednickogra_: no, it's ok. i just wanted the ability to install indicator-network for testing, but it conflicts with chewie, so it makes life a bit hard.11:21
asaci have no idea what this chewie thing would fix us11:21
asacdednick: can you remove it locally?11:21
ogra_asac, chewie is the current backend for the current indicators11:21
dednickasac: with a bit of effort11:21
annerajbogra_, it didnt work even thought cat /proc/cmdline shows it there it dosnt seem to get pass to the touch script (or it get's overwritten11:30
ogra_i'll try to add a cmdline parser to the script later today11:31
ogra_to actually fix that open bug11:31
annerajbogra_, thanks11:32
annerajbima head to work later11:32
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
sil2100tvoss_: hmm, do you know why suddenly something from the platform stack wants to pull in libgles2-mesa on the desktop?12:09
sil2100tvoss_: I mean, do you know of any change that might have resulted with such a change?12:09
tvoss_sil2100, nope, would need to investigate, too12:09
annerajbogra_, let me know when you have the merge so i can pull the diff from it :D12:20
didrockssil2100: you have the reason for the "something"12:26
didrocks/var/log/upstart/otto-setup.log:   Installing libgles2-mesa as Depends of libmirplatform12:27
didrockssil2100: I think we don't have libmirplatform installed as well on the desktop, so need to refresh the dependency list ^12:28
sil2100didrocks: oh, indeed, I didn't know we had such a nifty logging in otto!12:28
sil2100I mean, forgot about that12:28
sil2100didrocks: libmirplatform is in the list already btw.12:29
sil2100didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/add_libmirplatform_extra/+merge/18012012:31
sil2100didrocks: as for HUD - the manual publishing needs to be held, since the changelog entry in that packaging diff looked wrong, so I edited that12:32
sil2100didrocks: also, will have to see if we won't have to release unity-lens-apps in the same time with the new libcolumbus bindings12:32
didrockssil2100: approved12:37
sil2100didrocks: thanks12:37
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sergiusenssil2100: can you add this to your list for daily release? https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/cupstream2distro-config/unity-mir/+merge/179983 ricmm should be able to answer questions, by the name you can guess what it's for ;-)12:56
sergiusenssil2100: greyback as well12:56
sergiusensfginther: reping on ^^12:56
greybacksergiusens: ack12:57
sil2100sergiusens: we were just discussing that in -desktop ;)12:57
sil2100sergiusens: perfect timing12:57
sil2100sergiusens: so, could you make one small modification there?12:57
sergiusenssil2100: as many as you want12:58
sil2100sergiusens: ah! Scratch that, it's fine as it is ;)12:58
sergiusenssil2100: my only doubt was if I should put it in the mir or unity stack, but since it's glue code for unity to talk to mir, the unity stack felt like the right place to be12:59
sil2100sergiusens: I'll poke now Francis to prepare all the CI bits12:59
sil2100sergiusens: I had the same thing, but I personally wanted it in platform12:59
sil2100sergiusens: but unity8 seems like the right place - the unity8 guys are upstream for it, so I guess it's more sane this way13:00
sergiusenssil2100: yeah, I had that one in mind too, but then mir should also be in platform (personal opinion)13:00
sil2100Makes sense13:00
fgintherseb128, ack13:02
didrocksthe thing is that the API of Mir is unstable13:05
didrocksnot sure if it's using the server or client one13:05
didrocksbut the server one is ABI unstable13:05
didrocksI hope the unity-mir API is stable at least?13:06
Saviqwe've passed $10M! :)13:07
fginthersergiusens, one comment13:07
ogra_only 22 to go13:07
sil2100sergiusens: ^13:08
* sergiusens fixes13:09
sergiusensfginther: should that be the default hook?13:09
sergiusensfginther: I will remove the hook line completely13:09
fginthersergiusens, that would work13:09
sergiusensfginther: hmmm, check license headers is not in the default hook, want me to set that?13:11
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fginthersergiusens, yes, that works for this stack13:11
sergiusensfginther: if projects don't comply, they should start fixing it13:11
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sil2100sergiusens: your branch got merged btw ;/13:13
sil2100sergiusens: so you'll have to fix it in a separate one13:13
sergiusenssil2100: how did that happen?13:13
sergiusensoh, ic13:13
sergiusensno worries13:13
fginthersergiusens, argh I must have not flipped the state right13:14
ogra_sounds like some american lawyer trick13:14
ogra_"flipping the state right"13:14
fgintherjust requires the right amount of $$13:15
sergiusensogra_: my chromebook is on precise again, blazing fast, rock solid!13:15
ogra_sergiusens, haha, raring isnt bad either :)13:15
sergiusensogra_: but I get fast unity2d :-)13:15
ogra_sergiusens, we just need to get the Mir guys to make Mir work without the android crap and should get XMir o saucy13:16
sergiusensogra_: with which drivers are you aiming for? :-)13:16
sergiusensdesiring would be a better word13:17
sergiusensfginther: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/cupstream2distro-config/unity-mir/+merge/18012913:17
ogra_the ones i use with the compiz unity on raring atm13:17
* ogra_ uses the manta drivers on his chromebook13:18
sergiusensogra_: which would be similar to building this: https://github.com/hrw/chromebook-mali-driver13:18
sergiusensoh, the manta ones, I have no idea where the ones in that git repo come from13:18
sergiusensoh, they are the google ones13:18
ogra_i think copied out of the chromeos rootfs13:18
sergiusensogra_: from http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/mali-drivers-0.45-r96.run13:19
ogra_anyway, the mantra drivers work fine13:19
* sergiusens needs to try that again13:19
ogra_but according to tvoss_ there is no way to do gralloc stuff without hybris13:20
ogra_and there is no android port to the chromebook that i know of13:20
tmoenicke_mzanetti: ping13:20
fginthersergiusens, thanks13:21
mzanettitmoenicke_: pong13:21
sil2100fginther: in the meantime...13:23
sil2100fginther: we added to the platform stack a new project, content-hud, which would need CI and merger prepared13:25
sil2100fginther: it's daily_release: False now, but will be released in the nearest future13:25
fginthersil2100, ack, when sergio's merge is finished, I'll deploy all the updates13:26
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sil2100fginther: excellent :) THanks!13:27
tvoss_ogra_, except for if you have drivers implementing the android HAL (i.e., the interfaces in gralloc.h) compiled against glibc13:31
ogra_well, i dont ...13:31
plarsballoons: weather app appears to still be failing bad, but getting 1 test passed at least13:31
ogra_but the android mali drivers work with compiz here13:32
ogra_without issues13:32
sergiusensogra_: you can always fall back to the chromebook ones just in case...13:32
sergiusenspoint should be moot thee13:32
ogra_but i doubt they use gralloc13:32
ogra_annerajb, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5985004/13:37
annerajbogra_, thx ill give it a try later13:42
sergiusensannerajb: do you still need that sleep?13:42
davmor2ogra_: what the...... http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/ you're making builds 2 days in the future now what????13:43
ogra_sergiusens, looks like his flash controller operates slow on start13:43
annerajbsergiusens, i probably do still need it13:44
ogra_davmor2, yeah, asac wanted to be able to backport the fixes from friday so we decided to build fridays image in advance13:44
annerajbbut talking to ogra_ yesterday udevdam settle should handle that13:44
sergiusensogra_: retroactive bug fixing?13:45
ogra_sergiusens, pro-retroactive bugfixing indeed :)13:46
ikillcyphersergiusens, and ogra_ :)13:46
* davmor2 begins to wonder if asac and ogra_ are the new Doctor and his companion with their timey wimey shenanigans 13:46
ikillcypherlooks like ubuntu-touch will be coming to xperia z soon ;)13:46
ikillcypherbunching 1 hour with no errors yet13:46
annerajbikillcypher, :D13:47
ikillcypherthanks to mamenyaka13:47
ogra_davmor2, but honestly, that looks like brakage in stgraber's playground13:47
mfischogra_: cool, the sensor is emitting the event now I guess. Thanks for fixing that13:54
ikillcypherFAILED :(13:54
ikillcypherOH NO13:54
ikillcyphercc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors13:54
ikillcypherhome/ikillcypher/xperiatouch/out/target/product/yuga/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/usr/include/video/msm_hdmi_modes.h:214:43: error: narrowing conversion of 'i' from 'int' to 'uint32_t {aka unsigned int}' inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Werror=narrowing]13:55
ogra_mfisch, np, i was looking for the reason the sensorservice races sometimes for weeks ... luckily sforshee poinyted out that powerd treis to access the proximity sensor13:55
cjohnstondavmor2 sergiusens ogra_, is there a way to get the YYYYMMDD.X build number on an upgrade? essentially what you are seeing there with the build being in the future is that adb shell system-image-cli -b gives the 'version' number, and media-info has the original build number that was installed..13:55
cjohnstonWe need a way to get the upgraded build (YYYYMMDD.X) build number instead of the version number13:55
ogra_cjohnston, ah, yeah, system-image images use their own stamp ... you should read that instead and use media-info for the initial install media info13:56
ogra_now dont ask me where that stamp lives :P13:56
cjohnstonogra_: this is checking though to see if the install was upgraded.. So if you started on 20130808 and upgraded to today's build. media-info would still show 2013080813:57
ogra_media-info never changes13:58
ogra_but there is a separate stamp file the system-image images use13:58
evogra_: any idea if we're still seeing whoopsie at 100% CPU in the lab, even with the latest test?13:58
ikillcypherany idea how to fix this13:58
ogra_ev, nope, ask someone who is near the lab ... i.e. plars13:58
evplars: oh hai13:58
cjohnstonev: we were yesterday13:59
cjohnstonnot sure about today13:59
evcjohnston: yesterday was a very different day :)13:59
evI saw it with yesterday's bits too, just not today's13:59
plarsev: I am nowhere near the lab, but yes we are13:59
ikillcypher:'( my errors guys ??13:59
evplars: who can I talk to for more information?14:00
plarsev: me14:00
plarsev: though I'm not sure I have too much more than you already have, I'm a bit confused that you are not able to reproduce it as easily14:00
plarsev: for the rest of us, it's hit or miss, but rebooting the phone once or twice should see it for sure14:00
plarsev: I'm flashing the latest image on my phone locally14:01
evplars:  phablet-flash cdimage-touch --pending ?14:01
plarsev: yes14:01
ogra_ikillcypher, how often did you try googling it before asking us ? :) ... this is all device specific failures ... either related to the compiler defaults (-Werror) or caused by a config option in your kernel14:02
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plarsev: we also have https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/1190792 that describes eventd doing the same thing to us at time14:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1190792 in touch-preview-images "ueventd in a busy loop on container-flipped image" [Critical,In progress]14:03
evplars: is there anything special you're doing after flashing? Is wifi on?14:03
ogra_ikillcypher, try to do some research yourself first :)14:03
ogra_plars, are we 100% sure the whoopsie thing isnt just fallout of ueventd ?14:03
plarsev: yes, it's flashing, then setting up wifi right away14:03
plarsogra_: no idea, but that's why I mentioned it to ev just now14:04
mhall119bzoltan: what do you mean "what features the developer mode blocks"?14:04
evogra_: just trying to find the source to have a look :)14:04
mhall119do you mean what's blocked when developer mode isn't enabled?14:04
Oroku_Sakicompiling cm-10.1 with 3.0.8.. the real cyanogenmod with android.. mainly to verify I get a screen. Then try again with ubuntu touch14:05
Oroku_SakiAnyone know a current kernel config for say, mako with ubuntu touch14:05
Oroku_SakiI looked at phablet git sources, but they all had _NZ set for not used14:06
ogra_ev, of ueventd ?14:06
ogra_ev, thats on phablet.ubuntu.com in the gigantic git tree ... or in the android package in saucy14:06
Oroku_SakiI brunched mako, and the kernel folder is not there.. prebuild kernel?14:07
bzoltanmhall119: yes14:07
bzoltanmhall119: I am going to cut the developer mode to pieces: 1. application development mode 2. platform development mode14:08
mhall119application developer mode is the same as normal user mode, AFAIK14:08
Oroku_Sakinevermind, found it14:08
didrocksbarry: if you have any question before my EOD on the wiki rewrite, do not hesitate :)14:08
barrydidrocks: thanks!  and great meeting14:09
didrocksbarry: I hope you won't need any medecine in rereading the etherpad ;)14:09
bzoltanmhall119:  except it needs ssh access14:11
mhall119ah, right, and openssh isn't installed by default, and not installable unless you're in platform developer mode14:12
mhall119bzoltan: can QtCreator's plugin use adb shell instead of ssh?14:12
ogra_mhall119, that wont be open forever either14:14
Oroku_Sakikernel requirements for lxc The requirement of kernel config is listing in http://lxc.teegra.net/14:15
ogra_i would say if you devellop on/with the device ... we expect the device to be in developer mode14:15
Oroku_Sakihmmm LXC has been in the mainstream kernel since 2.6.29 but there are several configuration options that need to be set so that it can be used.14:15
Oroku_Sakiapp armor was put in around 2.6.36 or so, seccomp should be enabled, and cgroups of course14:16
Oroku_Sakigood info14:16
Oroku_Sakifanotify the same, I was told 2.6.36 is basically a test of new features that are put into the beginning of 3.0 kernel14:16
pmcgowanmhall119, I generally use the command line to avoid the full developer download, bzoltan going to fix it14:16
Oroku_SakiAppArmor, seccomp and cgroup confinement consistently to all apps... http://loco.ubuntu.com/planet/592-may-2013-ubuntu-developer-summit-summary/14:18
ikillcypherchanged int to uint32_t14:18
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kordabom dia14:24
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annerajbogra_, reboot loop now14:38
bobweaver69 ?14:38
ogra_annerajb, great14:38
ogra_annerajb, can you get into recovery without powering down ?14:38
ogra_so that you can check /proc/last_kmsg14:38
ogra_holding the right buttons to get into recovery14:39
ogra_while it reboots14:39
annerajbthe same way you usually get into recovery?14:39
ogra_just make sure you dont powerd down ...14:39
ogra_else the ram console gets flushed14:39
ogra_(and /proc/last_kmsg would be empty)14:40
annerajbhmm cant seen to get into recovery -_-14:40
ogra_annerajb, argh ... there is a typo in the snippet14:40
annerajb*angry fist*14:40
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ogra_annerajb, there is a ;; missing14:42
ogra_between line 30 and 31 in the paste14:43
annerajball right building another boot.img14:45
annerajbogra_, i seem to be having trouble getting into recovery now any ideas why?14:47
pmcgowanChickenCutlass, do I need to enter a bug on the volume control?14:52
ChickenCutlasspmcgowan, I guess.  it works from command line.  Not sure why it broke14:52
ChickenCutlasspmcgowan, need the new indicators anyway14:52
pmcgowanChickenCutlass, strange, what handles the button?14:53
ChickenCutlasspmcgowan, I beleive the server -- chewie or something14:53
pmcgowanChickenCutlass, ok so same issue, if sound indicator is landing can wait for that14:53
ChickenCutlasspmcgowan, right14:53
bzoltanmhall119:  for sure it can... but keep in mind that adb needs physically connected device ... and my plan is to give development access via usb/wlan too14:55
sergiusensbzoltan: you will need to do that thinking abuot image based upgrades and read only filesystems14:57
sergiusensand the fact that adb root will go away, as ogra_ mentioned14:57
mhall119bzoltan: is the .desktop fix for the QtCreator click package creation in saucy?15:10
beunomhall119, o/15:11
beunoalso, wow this is a lot of people here15:11
mhall119beuno: bzoltan: so we need the QtCreator click creation fixed before we get people using the new MyApps15:11
tedgbeuno, But now that you're here, it is complete.15:11
beunothat's like twice as scary15:12
sergiusensbeuno: welcome to the high traffic channel15:12
sergiusensalmost as much as #ubuntu :-P15:12
* beuno already regretted joining15:12
balloonsis anyone else having trouble with phablet-test-run? It's not running things on my manta15:13
gatoxmhall119, hi, just to tell you about it, i've been working these days in these 2 apps: http://youtu.be/uYjG8Iq1cD0 - http://youtu.be/65vvhFt57DU - http://youtu.be/F-_Hsl1Ts1415:13
popeyballoons: other than it locking uip mid-test...?15:13
balloonspopey, no it connects and says runs 0 tests15:13
gatoxoh wrong channel15:14
popeygatox: video unavailable15:14
balloonsreturns ok and ends.. it won't actually run ;-(15:14
gatoxpopey, maybe it's not accesible just yet15:14
beunogatox is like the worst vacation taker ever15:15
gatoxbeuno, jejeejjee15:15
ikillcypherPackage Complete: /home/ikillcypher/xperiatouch/out/target/product/yuga/cm-10.1-20130814-UNOFFICIAL-yuga.zip15:19
ikillcypherxD Ubuntu-Touch On Yuga15:20
ogra_ikillcypher, congrats !!15:20
ogra_how did you get around the error in the end ?15:20
ikillcypherlike finally mamenyaka helped me15:20
ikillcypherthe guy who ported xperia ubuntu-touched15:20
ogra_ah, i didnt see him around today15:20
ikillcypherwell google plus mate :D15:21
ikillcyphernow I need to figure out how to back up my cm10.115:21
ikillcypherand flash this o.o and get it working15:21
ogra_yeah, you only made the very first step15:21
ogra_there is still a lot ahead for a fully working port15:21
ikillcypherwell atleast getting it boot was something everyone wanted to see15:22
ikillcypherfully working port isnt any where near maybe not now but that should be too hard at all15:22
annerajbogra_, i had to flash to CWM recovery instead of the ubuntu one to be able to get into recovery15:22
annerajbgot a dmesg15:22
annerajbogra_, Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!15:23
ogra_annerajb, awesome15:23
ogra_so it mounted15:23
ogra_can you pastebin ?15:23
ogra_abd shell cat /proc/last_kmsg | pastebinit15:24
popeyballoons / sergiusens is there any good reason why, when we run phablet-test-run it calls autopilot like this:-15:26
popey        exec_with_ssh autopilot run -o /tmp/test_results.xml -f xml $TESTSUITE15:26
popeywith -f xml, so the resultant log file is pretty much no use?15:26
popey(for debugging where the test failures are)15:26
popeywhat consumes those xml files?15:26
ogra_sure they are, just usa an xml editor :P15:26
sergiusenspopey: hmm.... jenkins15:27
sergiusenspopey: just don't call it with xml generation15:27
popeythe xml is truncated, shows no detail of where failures occur, that I've seen15:27
popeywhereas a full autopilot log is actually useful15:27
ogra_sergiusens, but then you cant read the log in an xml editor !15:27
sergiusenspopey: iirc, don't use -o15:28
popeybut I need -o so it spits a log out that i can collect15:28
* popey fiddles15:28
sergiusenspopey: so what you mention as a problem may be an autopilot issue15:29
mhall119beuno: where can I upload a new package?15:29
beunomhall119, I don't know, lets find out. Can you now not go back to the app and upload a new version?15:29
mhall119beuno: I'm on https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/3/15:30
mhall119do I have to start all over?15:30
annerajbogra_, i dont think it mounted since i dont see the initrd print that says mounting15:30
beunomhall119, I hope not. Is there a link next to "version number" to add a new version?15:31
mhall119beuno: there's no link next to version number itself, but there is an "Edit" link to the side of each section, including the "Your App" section which contains the version number15:32
ogra_annerajb, well, give me a pastebin :)15:32
annerajbogra_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5985400/15:32
beunomhall119, ah, that's not very intuitive15:32
mhall119beuno: a giant "Upload new Package" button would be great15:32
mhall119clicking the edit button brings me back to the first step in the process too15:33
beunoone sec15:33
mhall119clicking on "Uploading your app" gives me a screen with: "Current version already uploaded. Before a new upload, you must update your application's version."15:33
ogra_annerajb, hmm, i agree, i guess it is the sleep15:33
mhall119oh, so I need to actually bump it from 0.1 to 0.2 on the first screen, and only then can I upload a new package?15:33
ogra_(or the nonexistence of the same)15:34
beunomhall119, yeah, although we fixed that. I think it hasn't been deployed yet15:34
annerajbogra_, well it's not printing the kmsg so i dont think it executed the mount15:34
ogra_it still dies during the flash initialiyation15:35
mhall119beuno: bzoltan: also, there's nowhere on the Packaging form in QtCreator to change the version number of the package, how are developers supposed to do that?15:35
annerajbogra_, so add a sleep somewhere in there?15:35
beunomhall119, yeah, you should file a bug for that. You can edit it in the advanced tab15:36
beunomhall119, so yes, first bump the version, then you can upload. That has been fixed and we're deploying the update later today15:36
mhall119beuno: I assume I can use 0.1.115:37
beunomhall119, yes15:37
beunomhall119, it uses debian rules to check if it's newer15:38
ogra_annerajb, yeah, right before the mount ... start with something radical ... sleep 10 or so ...15:38
mhall119gah, updating the version number brings me back to the details page, so now I have to go back through everything again to upload a new package15:38
beunomhall119, I think15:39
beunothat with the new version added15:39
mhall119oh, wait, now there's an Upload link next to the 0.1.1 version number15:39
beunoyou may now have a link to up..15:39
beunoagain, sorry about that, it's fixed just not yet deployed  :)15:39
beunoand by fixed, I mean it's been like this for years for software center15:39
beunoand we are slowly improving on it15:39
mhall119beuno: ok, uploaded the new package, but my app is still in Rejected state, shouldn't that reset when a new version is uploaded?15:40
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beunomhall119, I think I should of "ask for information" instead of rejected  :)15:41
beunomhall119, looks great now!15:43
beunoaaand I broke something15:43
mhall119poor davmor2, we're breaking everything before he even gets a chance :)15:46
beunomhall119, I messed up, shouldn't of rejected it15:46
mhall119can it be un-rejected?15:46
davmor2mhall119: save me breaking it15:46
beunomhall119, yeah, I need to fiddle with with some things first15:47
annerajbogra_, same thing but this time before the crash i saw system-udevd starting.15:47
annerajb(ie it crashes before the moutn much earlier15:47
beunomhall119, done, back to you now15:48
annerajbogra_, where is system-udevd started because i dont seem it on the scripts/touch being started there (so i dont think we are reaching the sleep )15:49
davmor2beuno: I hope you gave it a thorough review I don't trust that mhall119 as far as I can throw him ;)15:49
beunodavmor2, he's pretty skinny though15:50
* davmor2 wonders if I can break mhall119 code again it's been a while.......now where did I put that big hammer.......15:52
mhall119davmor2: I hand-coded XML-RPC data, I'm sure nothing could possibly go wrong15:52
mhall119beuno: now where can I get a public URL to promote it?15:53
davmor2mhall119: Yay!15:53
davmor2ogra_: during the android guts on a flash I'm seeing a lot of text appear that didn't before should I be worried about that,  I'll try and jot down the error this time :)15:55
balloonsm-b-o, so weather had some failures again..15:55
ogra_davmor2, i always have text here15:55
m-b-oballoons: yes, don'know what happened... wokring on device and locally15:56
davmor2ogra_: I have the last 3 flashes but didn't up until then15:56
balloonsm-b-o, well there is some new improved ideas we could try for timing15:56
Pandixhello everybody...may i ask some simple Qs here!? anybody could help with new tablet ubuntu...15:57
davmor2ogra_: E:Can't open /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command  seems to trigger the text15:57
phablet-chrisI'm wondering why the load avg is so high on my phablet, its not doing anything other than charging, I am logged in via ssh but this is the ouptu from top15:57
phablet-christop - 15:56:32 up 19:41,  2 users,  load average: 7.74, 4.62, 4.1615:57
popeyphablet-chris: paste the rest of top to pastebin?15:59
phablet-chrissure thing http://pastebin.com/Ljgkeqxu16:02
phablet-chrisi just noticed though after I uplugged it the load avg dropped to 1.6 and is decrease16:02
phablet-chrisafter I unplugged it16:03
phablet-christhat was wierd, after uplugging it went back to normal, so I plugged back in and its still fine. I will keep an eye on it and post to pastebin if I see an anomally16:09
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beunomhall119, a public URL to your app?16:12
phablet-chrisprobably becuase I was trying to play led zepplin 3 on you tube and it was stuck trying to dowlaod :)16:12
popeydpm: mhall119 pmcgowan added "System apps" to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Contents so the non-core "Core" apps (which I called "System apps" - got a better term?) show up on all core apps pages.16:13
dpmthanks popey16:14
popeydon't think I missed any out.. feel free to let me know (or add) if I did16:14
Pandixcan i install ubuntu phone on any android device???????????16:15
Pandixand a link to the download page plz...16:16
Pandixcan i install ubuntu phone on any android device???????????16:17
w-floPandix, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices16:17
Pandixcan i install ubuntu phone on any android device???????????16:17
Pandixtnx w-flo !16:18
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phablet-chrisis there a documentaion page for touch? I'd like to contribute as I use it16:19
popeyphablet-chris: we have a wiki, anyone can edit that16:22
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch is the main page, with other pages under it16:22
popeyif you have suggestions for new pages, just shout or edit away!16:22
mterryAre we planning on using plymouth at all in Touch?16:30
ogra_mterry, we would either need a new framebuffer driver in plymouth or enable fbcon on all devices (which isnt possible for most ports due to kernel breakage that will occur with the GL driver then)16:33
ogra_(mali doesnt allow fbcon next to it for example)16:33
mterryogra_, do you happen to know offhand the replacement for plymouth-ready in upstart jobs?16:33
ogra_mterry, no, currently there is a diversion/override for all plymouth bits in the touch images16:35
mterryogra_, OK, thanks16:35
ogra_i imagine we will want some kind of boot splash, and it would be good if that could be plymouth16:35
ogra_but i guess the only way would be some kind of new framebuffer driver then16:36
ogra_inside plymouth16:36
balloonswell, I reflashed to stable to get my phablet-test-run working.. heh, now it only gives me an ssh error :-( ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer16:36
mterryballoons, you might need to run ./run_on_device -s16:36
ogra_bad peer ... this evil norwegian guy16:36
mterryballoons, from unity8 trunk16:36
phablet-chrisheres another spike, now I know for sure nothing running other than top. and its unplugged http://pastebin.com/vfKZ7P3h16:37
balloonsmterry, ty, I'll try that16:37
annerajbw-flo, i wanna thank you for your work on the vision it has helped me on the epic a lot :D16:37
mterryballoons, (it sets up ssh and ppa stuff on the device)16:37
annerajbogra_, i miss any message if you ever sent me one after my last post forgot i was here and closed the laptop and went to get food16:37
ogra_lucky you then16:38
* ogra_ didnt have food yet :)16:38
ogra_annerajb, so the sleep didnt help ? i wonder if we just see log spam that prevents us from seeing important stuff16:38
annerajbw-flo, you had any trouble on the vision while booting from the initrd? (apart from having to hardcode the path)16:39
annerajbogra_, i dont think it has gotten to the sleep before it crashes16:39
ogra_thats weird16:39
annerajblike the line before the kernel panic is starting system-ueved16:39
annerajbogra_,   systemd-udevd[154]: starting version 20416:43
annerajbthat's the last line before the kpanic16:43
ogra_but you got into adb before16:44
ogra_so i dont think it crashes out of the touch script16:44
annerajbi can adb in recovery but not on the loop16:44
ogra_unless you made any heavy kernel changes16:44
annerajbi reverted all of them yesterday16:45
ogra_you could adb when it didnt mount16:45
annerajboh yeah when it didnt mount or when it did and /data was empty it worked16:45
ogra_into the busybox shell ... or couldnt you ?16:45
ogra_so i'm pretty sure the logging is out of order thanks to the flash controller16:45
* annerajb glares at samsung16:46
ogra_are you sure you fixed the typo properly ?16:47
annerajbcase ${x} in16:48
annerajb                        datapart=*);;16:48
annerajbwas that the right line? ogra_16:50
annerajbikillcypher, it worked?16:51
ikillcypherHELL YES16:51
annerajbikillcypher, lol16:51
annerajbyour baby16:52
tj____is ubuntu-touch supported in any form on amd64? the ubuntu-touch package was installable from the default saucy repos after installing from saucy daily desktop ISO. i'm using acer iconia w500 x86 tablet, but after the first boot after installing the ubuntu-touch package and dependencies, it'll just hang on boot16:52
ogra_ikillcypher, YAY16:52
ikillcypherwtf there isnt any back key16:53
ikillcypheruh no back key now Im stuck here o.o in events16:53
annerajbikillcypher, you have to learn to use the ui16:53
ogra_tj____, no, it isnt being tested on x86 at all currently ...16:53
annerajbikillcypher, you swip from left to right across the whole screen16:53
ogra_tj____, (the plan is to support x86 in the future indeed)16:53
tj____ogra_, ok thanks16:54
sergiusensikillcypher: nice16:55
tj____hardwarewise the old w500 is finally supported by default ubuntu kernel with saucy, which was nice. i bought it a few years ago and something's always been broken with it (touch screen, bluetooth)16:55
tj____would be nice to finally put it in use with ubuntu touch ;) maybe i try stock saucy + e17 for now16:55
ogra_well, if Mir runs you should be able to use unity8 and Mir16:56
ikillcypherit is abit of an issue16:56
ogra_just not under the ubuntu-touch rask16:56
ikillcypherlooks like unstable :S16:56
tj____the ubuntu-touch meta package pulled unity8 stuff but afaik no Mir16:57
annerajbikillcypher, now you have to start optimizing it :D16:57
ogra_yeah, Mir on touch is in progress16:57
ogra_should land soon16:57
ogra_the point is that the ubuntu-touch meta is currently knitted with an android container in mind16:57
tj____w500 has an amd APU that works with the KMS radeon driver16:57
ikillcypherwell Im going to flash back cm o.o since this is unstable16:57
ogra_we need to decouple these two parts fro palin x86 installs to work16:58
annerajbikillcypher, remember to post on xda so other people can join in and optimize it16:58
ogra_*for plain16:58
ikillcypherI will16:58
tj____ogra_, ok i see thanks for the info16:58
ogra_it will happen before release ... until then just using the parts by themselves should work16:58
ikillcypherhow do I screenshot o.o16:58
ogra_ikillcypher, i think the release notes link from the topic covers screenshots16:59
ikillcypherwhats with my setting turning black17:00
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ogra_ikillcypher, your setting ?17:01
ikillcypherit is highly buggy on my phone17:02
ikillcypheropen settings makes it black17:02
ogra_ikillcypher, so debug it :)17:03
ikillcypherwell open browser fixes it17:03
ikillcypherdude how do I take screenshot17:03
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annerajbread the change log ikillcypher17:04
ikillcypherwhat changelog17:04
ikillcypherim new o.o remember17:04
annerajbogra_, is this the link you where referring too? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes I dont see anything about screenshots17:05
ogra_hmm, i thought it had something17:05
ogra_here is another link :)17:06
ogra_ikillcypher, http://bit.ly/1d7lly117:06
annerajbikillcypher, you should add the steps to the wiki page :D17:08
ikillcyphero.o it is 1am here17:08
ikillcypherand I have school/work in like 6 hours17:08
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ikillcypherI will probably continue tomorrow17:08
ikillcypherbut first screenshots xD17:08
pmcgowanpopey, thanks, we will soon remove share app, and replace phone with the 3 new ones17:09
ikillcyphercan anyone tell me how to take screenshots o.o17:10
annerajbhere ikillcypher17:10
* ogra_ grins17:11
ikillcypherikillcypher@ikillcypher:~$ sudo adb devices17:11
ikillcypherList of devices attached17:11
annerajbthat's a problem lol17:11
balloonsmterry, that didn't change much.. we're back to "Ran 0 tests in 0.000s"17:11
ogra_at least it is quick17:11
balloonswhich would indicate the tests may not be installed.. checking again.. this thing has been flash so much ;-)17:12
balloonsok, yep installed :-)17:12
annerajbogra_, you have any further ideas for my device? Since that 10 second sleep on the init hasnt been reached. is there a file that get's called like /init thought /init appears to be a binary17:13
annerajbwait my bad wrong file is a script17:13
ogra_i would be surprised if it turned into a binary all of a sudden17:14
ogra_can you paste  your current touch script ?17:14
bzoltanmhall119: there is a   "version" field in the manifest file. But the versioning will come as the upgrade mechanism is in place17:14
annerajbogra_, yeah17:15
annerajbogra_, let me format /data to see if it works -_-17:15
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w-floannerajb, yes, the initrd was too big to fit into the boot partition, so I had to remove adb. Other than that, hard-coding the data partition device node and enabling the VT and VT_CONSOLE kernel config options was enough (I've heard that's not actually needed though). no time now, back later :)17:16
Parth_Hi i want to make port of ubuntu touch for sony xperia z.Need help17:17
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ogra_ikillcypher, werent you porting to xperia z ?17:18
ogra_Parth_, i bet ikillcypher would be happy to have someone helping, he just managed his first boot of a buggy port on that device :)17:20
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annerajbParth_, he just went away i believe or said he was.17:20
Parth_yes , ill be happy to help17:20
annerajbParth_, i dont think ikillcypher is around but if you wanna get started looking at his repositories here they are: https://github.com/ikillcypher?tab=repositories17:23
ikillcypherdamn im tired17:23
ikillcypherParth_, ported17:23
ikillcyphercheck xda soon I will release17:23
ikillcypheror maybe in afew hours I need to sleep dude17:23
Parth_ikillcypher: thanks17:24
ogra_ikillcypher, well, at least point him to your code trees :)17:24
ogra_or do your zip17:24
ikillcypherhow do add my name to devices/ubuntu site17:24
ikillcypherI will do that all later17:24
ikillcypherchill o.o17:24
ikillcypherit is late here17:24
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
ikillcypherhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices can anyone add ?17:25
ikillcypherXperia Z - iKillCypher17:25
ogra_just add yourself17:26
ogra_(you need to log in)17:26
Parth_can you share link to your port17:27
annerajbikillcypher, you should be able to add to the page there is a edit button at the top17:28
ikillcypheromg o.o people have pming me for the port17:29
ogra_ubuntu touch gets you famous :)17:29
mamenyakaikillcypher, wtf??????????17:29
ikillcypherim dozing off here17:30
mamenyakawith what?17:30
ikillcypherI should thank mamenyaka for error helping17:30
annerajband ogra_ and sergiusens lol17:30
ikillcyphermamenyaka I have been up for more then 24 hours17:30
annerajband i think Oroku_Saki lol17:30
ogra_and annerajb17:30
ikillcyphermorning school + work + ubuntu-touch porting17:31
mamenyakaoh come on really now? that's the kind of person you are?17:31
mamenyakaI did everything for you, step by step17:31
mamenyakaand now this17:31
ikillcyphernow what?17:32
ikillcypherwhats wrong with you o.o I dont get you17:32
mamenyakathere is a special place for people like you in hell17:32
ikillcypherI dont get this guy17:32
mamenyakaand now just go to sleep17:32
ikillcypherwhat you need?17:32
timpa special hell for sleepy people?17:32
mamenyakawhat kind of crap you told these people?17:33
ikillcypherI really dont get him why is he scolding me for17:33
ikillcypherI never did o.O17:33
ikillcypherI thank them for help and you17:33
cloakandpigeonCan anyone think of a reason I would be able to get SMS/Calls on ubuntu touch (nexus 4) but not be able to connect to data services?  My phone recognizes Rogers as my carrier, but no data.17:33
ikillcypherask them17:33
timpmamenyaka: be nice :)17:34
* timp off.17:34
mamenyakaI'm nice to nice people17:34
ikillcyphermamenyaka, why did you scold me for o.o17:34
ikillcypherI thank you for the errors and ubuntu-development team for the help17:34
mamenyakaare you kidding me?17:35
ikillcypherwhat else do you want me to do17:35
ikillcypherkernel errors everything17:35
ogra_he means fixes i guess17:35
mamenyakaeverything is what I did for you17:35
ikillcypherwtf ?!17:35
mamenyakahell, you don't even know how to use cd17:35
ikillcypherholy smoke o.o17:35
ogra_mamenyaka, ikillcypher credited and praised you here for helping him before17:35
ikillcypherso you are fighting with me now for credits ?17:35
annerajbmamenyaka, yeah as ogra said he mentioned before you where helping him.17:36
ikillcypherI came here for the past few days trying to set up and got it into brunch17:36
mamenyakaI just wnat a little respect for spending my whole day with you17:36
mamenyakano no, don't get me wrong17:36
ikillcypherI respected you17:36
ikillcypherreally o.o17:36
ikillcypherin what way have I disrespected you17:36
ikillcypheryou have made me and thousands of users happy17:36
mamenyakareally? saying that I helped you error fixing17:36
ikillcypheryes errors and github help17:37
ikillcypherwhat more do you want me to say?17:37
ikillcypherI really dont get you17:37
mamenyakaI said, everything17:37
mamenyakayou don;t even know how to change directories in linux17:37
mamenyakaor to use TAB autocopmplete17:37
ikillcypherok then thanks for everything17:37
mamenyakaor adb17:37
mamenyakavery well17:38
mamenyakathat's what I wanted to hear17:38
mamenyakaafter all this disrespect17:38
mamenyakanow go and bath in all your fame17:38
ikillcypheruh ogra_ care helping out here I think there seems like some misunderstanding going on17:38
ogra_ikillcypher, well, if mamenyaka did most of the work you should say so :)17:39
ikillcypherwell he did help me with alot of stuff17:39
ikillcypherI respected that17:39
ogra_to me it sounded like he helped you with some kernel fixes17:39
ikillcypherbut I did my part too17:39
mamenyakayes, following instructiions17:39
ikillcypherso both of us are to get the credits here17:40
mamenyakayes, you get the credit for having the phone17:40
mamenyakabut please, it's like a 90% - 10% share of the work17:40
mamenyakabut I'm fine with that17:40
mamenyakajust please don;t tell people that I helped you with some vague errors17:40
mamenyakabecause it was alot more than that17:41
ikillcypheryes it was mate17:41
ikillcyphernow let break it over17:41
ikillcyphercause I think thousands of users wont care who got it working but what is working17:41
annerajbthey will care who is going to fix all the issues it has left :D17:42
ogra_ikillcypher, just make sure to give enough credit for the work on the wikipage ... and make sure you help with the upcoming bugs that will certainly show up soon17:43
mamenyakayes, but there are not so many errors, because our devices share the same repos, except for one17:43
mamenyakaand I fixed most of the stuff in the common repos on my device17:43
mamenyakaand he is just using them17:44
ikillcyphernow I really dont like that17:44
ikillcypherhe is being rude17:44
mamenyakajust go to sleep please17:45
awecome on, can we please just all relax a bit?17:46
awecyphermox, two ofono MRs landing today with you as reviewer...17:46
awedon't think we need to do an upload for either17:46
awelet's let a couple stack up first17:46
cyphermoxhaving lunch now but ill review right after17:47
cyphermoxmade some kickass salad :)17:47
awecyphermox, actually though... the first fixes the -dbg packaging, so we might want to upload sometime soon17:47
cyphermoxok. i can upload right after review17:48
awecyphermox, sounds good.  I have some fresh flounder coming out of the frying pan momentarily17:48
ikillcypherand mamenyaka17:49
ikillcyphercredits given17:49
ikillcyphertc mate17:49
ikillcyphercheers everyone17:49
gordonjcpawe: sounds good17:49
mamenyakaikillcypher, be good, and sorry for overreacting17:50
ikillcypherim always good my bro17:51
ikillcypherI have whenever I can17:51
ikillcypherok nights now17:51
awemzanetti, just wanted to give you a heads up that I'll be looking at your PIN/retries bug this week; had a few other bugs stacked up ahead of it17:52
awehopefully this isn't blocking you17:52
hramrachhow do i install Ubuntu touch on an unsupported device?17:52
awehramrach, that doesn't sound like a very good idea17:53
sergiusensmamenyaka: manta currently uses mali drivers btw17:53
aweif its unsupported, then it requires effort to make it supported.  ;)-17:53
hramrachI don't have a supported device so it's the best idea17:53
awenot if it doesn't work17:53
annerajbhramrach, which device?17:53
sergiusenshramrach: what's the best idea? You either need to port it or use the community supported instance of it17:54
ubot5You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices17:54
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annerajbhramrach, it dosnt appear to be supported by cyanogen mod17:54
hramrachubuntu touch is based on Android?17:55
annerajbogra_, why do we flash a ubuntu specific recovery?17:55
ogra_hramrach, it uses the android binary drivers17:55
hramrachbinary drivers for what?17:56
annerajbogra_, i had to remove it because it wasnt working could tha thave to do with my kernel panic?17:56
mamenyakasergiusens, hi! what?17:56
ogra_hramrach, devices :P ....17:56
ogra_hramrach, modem, graphics ... etc17:56
hramrachI have native drivers. con't it use those?17:57
ogra_hramrach, what kind of devizce is that ?17:58
hramracha devboard17:58
hramrachI have a 3D GLES accelerator, a screen and a multitouch tablet18:00
ogra_hramrach, ah ... well, currently the whole setup is built around the assumption that yoou have a minimal android (enough to use the drivers) running in a container and many processes currenntlly talk via libhybris to that container18:00
ogra_so when porting you will hit issues that we didnt plan for yet18:01
hramrachwell, you can run andriod on hte board too18:01
hramrachbut android is difficult to build becasue it requires certain vintage of ancient compiler which cannt build recent kernel18:01
ogra_well, i guess porting that way would be easier18:02
ogra_swimming with the stream ...18:02
ogra_i think you can surely do a native port but it will likely be a lot more work18:02
hramrachI wonder what kind of android image do I have18:03
hramrachanyway, I also have Adam which is listed as WIP18:04
hramrachso how do I install on somewhat supported device?18:04
ogra_on a fully supported device yoou use plablet-flash from the phablet tools package and it does everything for you18:05
ogra_on a community supported device you grab the android zip and tegh ubuntu rootfs zip and flash them as your device requires18:05
hramrachhmm, anad where is that zip?18:06
hramrachhmm, WIP means there is no image18:07
ogra_the official zips for the four supported arches are at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/18:07
hramrachso back to how do I Install on unsupported device18:07
ogra_the unofficial ones are on the devices wikipage18:07
ogra_there is a manual install section18:08
ogra_note that this assumes a recovery mode that can flash autodeploy.zip files18:09
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balloonsiBelieve, ping18:21
iBelieveballoons, pong18:21
balloonsiBelieve, so the file manager had a couple test run snafus, care to weigh some input with me? :-)18:21
sergiusensogra_: community supported devices that are in bold on the wiki can be flash like: phablet-flash community --device [device]18:24
ogra_oh, indeed !18:24
iBelieveballoons, hmm, interesting. are the tests being run on a phone or desktop?18:26
balloonsiBelieve, the tests are run on nexus devices18:26
sergiusensjdstrand: just took a stand at opening a click package on manta grep DENIED /var/log/kern.log greps nothing18:28
pmcgowanogra_, who's responsible for promoting the image? I thought todays would go through18:28
ogra_pmcgowan, it will, i havent found the time to compare all the test results yet18:30
ogra_pmcgowan, but the next one should be built by now too18:30
iBelieveballoons, I'm going to try running that test on the desktop but with the app in phone mode (width  = 50gu)18:30
balloonsiBelieve, which test is that?18:31
balloonstest_open_file isn't going to work on the device, so I simply placed a         if model() == "Desktop": wrapper around it until support lands. The other two failures though are not so cut and dry18:32
iBelieveballoons, any that access places, but specifically the one that failed - ubuntu_filemanager_app.tests.test_filemanager.TestFolderListPage.test_go_home18:32
jdstrandsergiusens: so the app failed to launch but there are no apparmor denials?18:32
balloonsiBelieve, kk, ty :-)18:32
sergiusensjdstrand: yes, if I remove the aa-exec app confinement from the desktop file it does launch18:33
sergiusenslet me validate that again18:33
jdstrandsergiusens: can you paste the output of 'sudo aa-status'?18:33
sergiusensjdstrand: com.ubuntu.dropping-letters_dropping-letters_0.1.2.2 is what I want to launch18:34
jdstrandsergiusens: which app are you launching?18:34
sergiusensor what I'm testing with18:34
jdstrandok, so the profile is loading18:34
jdstrandis loaded18:35
jdstrandsergiusens: can you perform 'sudo sysctl -w kernel.printk_ratelimit=0' and try again?18:35
jdstrandsergiusens: ie, launch it, then do 'grep DEN /var/log/kern.log'18:35
sergiusensah there we go18:36
sergiusensjdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5986018/18:36
hramrachogra_: I would like to install by extracting the filesystem to somewhere, not using recovery18:36
sergiusensjdstrand: /dev/mali018:36
hramrachbut I need a working andriod I guess18:36
hramrachwhich I don't have for either device :/18:37
jdstrandkernel rate limiting ftl18:37
iBelieveballoons, it failed for me too, but I figured out what it was.18:37
ogra_hramrach, well, you actually need the android source18:37
sergiusensjdstrand: I'll update the bug for documenting purposes18:37
ogra_hramrach, grab the tar.gz from the cdimage link i gave you above ...18:37
ogra_so you can at least play with it18:38
iBelieveballoons, because list items don't look right on popovers with a Suru them, we switched to using custom Labels, so the Standard list item's text property (which was used to find places), wasn't being used.18:38
hramrachthere is no android source for specific device, is there?18:38
jdstrandsergiusens: ok, can you add to /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/com.ubuntu.dropping-letters_dropping-letters_0.1.2.2 the following: /dev/mali[0-9] rw, befoer the last brace, then do: sudo apparmor_parser -r /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/com.ubuntu.dropping-letters_dropping-letters_0.1.2.2 and try again?18:38
jdstrandsergiusens: this is the complate line:18:38
balloonsiBelieve, so you think you can make a merge to fix both tests? If so, awesome mate18:38
jdstrand  /dev/mali[0-9] rw,18:38
ogra_hramrach, there are device and non device specific android bits usually18:38
jdstrandsergiusens: (ie, we need the trailing comma :)18:39
ogra_hramrach, a working android consists of both18:39
sergiusensjdstrand: ack, one sec18:39
iBelieveballoons, sure, though maybe not right away. I've already fixed it, I just need the time to upload it and create the merge request.18:39
balloonsiBelieve, k, I'll stand by ;-)18:40
jdstrandI see this is going to be a pain-- ideally we would have an out of process helper so the app didn't need direct access to the device (ala pulseaudio for audio)18:40
jdstrand'this' meaning all this device specific accesses18:40
jdstrandwe can at least get the 4 target devices going though18:41
annerajbjdstrand, like a layer for all device specific access?18:41
ogra_hramrach, the non device specific bits (as well as the device specific bits for the supported devices) are in the git repo from phablet.ubuntu.com18:41
annerajbor rather api.18:41
jdstrandannerajb: yes, but it need to be out of process. a linrary layer isn't enough18:41
sergiusensjdstrand: app opens, I do get other denieds though18:41
jdstrandsergiusens: can you paste?18:42
sergiusensjdstrand: for /dev/ion18:42
sergiusensjdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5986036/18:42
hramrachok, time to search for device specific bits18:42
jdstrandsergiusens: please add:18:43
jdstrand  /dev/ion rw,18:43
sergiusensjdstrand: just in case the first mali error in there is from the previous run18:43
jdstrandsergiusens: then try again18:43
* jdstrand nods18:43
sergiusensjdstrand: success!18:44
jdstrandI'll add those to apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu and upload18:44
jdstrandsergiusens: thanks for your help :)18:46
sergiusensjdstrand: it was all you, I was just a monkey runner ;-)18:46
jdstrandsergiusens: ah but a monkey with the required device :)18:46
* jdstrand doesn't think sergiusens is monkey at all btw :)18:47
* sergiusens is not sensitive18:47
annerajbogra_, when i get home i am going to flash the ubuntu recovery because that may have something to do with why my device going into a reboot loop (with ubuntu recovery it just crashed)18:48
ogra_annerajb, ok18:48
annerajband take a look at the script change see it has no syntax error. apart from that i am really out of ideas -_- apart from commenting kernel_reboot lol18:50
ogra_well, if it fails before the sleep all i can imagine is a typo18:51
annerajbi hope so.18:51
ogra_it worked before ...18:51
annerajbi say that so many times working with code lol.18:52
annerajbit worked (insert time here )ago.18:52
ogra_except that nothing changed in other code apart from the touch script18:52
cyphermoxawe: your ofono ril patch cleanup branch isn't filed for merge... lp:~awe/ubuntu/saucy/ofono/rilmodem-patch-cleanup19:03
cyphermoxis that expected?19:04
cyphermoxI already have the -dbg one approved and applied locally19:04
awecyphermox, yea...my conscience got the better of me, and I decided to do some quick sanity check testing on maguro before proposing19:04
awebuilding now, should propose the MR shortly19:05
mamenyakaguys, unity8.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5986119/19:06
cyphermoxbtw you don't need a .PHONY for the dh overrides19:07
awecyphermox, OK... I got that from sergiusens19:07
ogra_ricmm, or sergiusens ... does any of you have an idea why even though everything on the device runs (SF is up, all processes seem to run fine) the session comes up with a grey/black screen ? mamenyaka cant get his device to work and i'm out of ideas ...19:08
awecyphermox, per https://wiki.debian.org/DebugPackage19:09
sergiusensawe: cyphermox I got that from the debian wiki :-)19:11
awesergiusens, you're a bit slow today19:12
sergiusensogra_: hybris calls missing mappings perhaps :-)19:12
sergiusensawe: yeah I saw after :-P19:12
sergiusensogra_: a quick test is to run test-(the gl ones)19:12
ogra_they work19:12
ogra_mamenyaka, ^^^ right ?19:12
cyphermoxsergiusens: right. I suspect it was just a force of habit addition ;)19:13
sergiusensogra_: is an upstart job blocking unity from launching?19:13
ogra_sergiusens, i see it in the processlist19:13
ogra_in fact the whole session is up19:13
ogra_powerd/powerbutton seems to work19:13
sergiusensogra_: so, I see something similar on manta for sidestage apps... but I am not focusing time into that19:14
ogra_yeah, understood19:14
ricmmogra_: grey in full? or does he see something at all coming on the screen19:14
sergiusensogra_: still... I can't think of anything19:14
sergiusensogra_: take a screenshot!19:15
sergiusensfor real19:15
davmor2ogra_: on the lastest flash if you open the terminal app is it just grey for you?19:15
ogra_ricmm, powerd seems to switch backlight on and off ...19:15
ricmmmamenyaka: sounds like permissions problems19:15
ricmmmamenyaka: can you try to run unity8 as root19:16
ricmmor the glesv2 example19:16
mamenyakathat runs well19:16
ogra_sergiusens, well, mamenyaka would have to :) i'm not sitting on hs lap19:16
sergiusensricmm: the example works19:16
sergiusensogra_: lol19:16
ricmmwhat does well mean?19:16
ricmmrun unity8 as root19:16
ricmmits failing to find an eglconfig19:16
ricmmthat usually means permission issues19:16
mamenyakawould you believe that19:17
mamenyakait works now19:17
* ogra_ does belive ricmm 19:17
ogra_blindly sometimes :)19:17
mamenyakabut could I run unity8 not as root?19:18
ricmmmamenyaka: strace unity8 as phablet user then and figure out where the EACCES are19:18
mamenyakaI mean I have root@ubuntu19:18
ricmmand sort that with correct udev rules19:18
ricmmogra can shed more light on how to setup udev rules for your device19:18
davmor2ogra_: yeah but you also believe in farther christmas elves and unicorns so you're not setting the level high19:19
ogra_(we already set everything with graphics group to 0666, i had hoped that was enough)19:19
mamenyakaso, should I set everything to 0666?19:19
ricmmmamenyaka: no, you need to strace the failing unity819:19
ogra_davmor2, i deny the elves ... but cant deny the unicorns19:19
ricmmand find out what devices are failing to open19:19
ricmmso that you can tune the permissions for them in the rules19:19
aweogra_, what about ogres?19:20
mamenyakawhere do I get strace from?19:20
mamenyakaand where does apt-get get it from?19:20
ogra_awe, ogres on unicorns, yes, indeed19:20
ricmmmamenyaka: what do you mean?19:22
ricmm# apt-get install strace19:22
ricmmon device19:22
ricmmfrom the network19:22
davmor2ogra_: no ogres on dragons chasing elves on unicorns ;)19:22
ricmmprovision it your network setup with phablet-deploy-networking from phablet-tools19:22
ogra_nope, no elves19:23
davmor2man all this talk of 666 now I can't get the omen music out of my head19:23
mamenyakaof course from the netwrok, I was suggesting I have no network connection19:23
ricmmno network because of no driver? or because you dont have the UI to set it up19:24
ricmmif its the later, provision the config with the tools19:24
mamenyakathe wifi was always broken19:24
ricmmotherwise fetch the .deb from launchpad and push it to device19:24
mamenyakafetching it is19:25
ogra_davmor2, awe https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/BGmg11iYfZ4iBVhVF-jYTLZSYVjwzTin930rWl1suLQ=w155-h207-p-no19:25
aweogra_, thanks for ruining my afternoon... hopefully will erase that from my brain before dinner19:26
* awe prefers rabbit flesh19:27
mamenyakais this the one? strace_4.8-1ubuntu2_armhf.deb19:28
awecyphermox, testing looks good, will propose MR19:28
awecyphermox, do you want me to remove the .PHONY?19:28
aweor should I leave per the debian wiki?19:28
aweor is the debian wiki wrong19:28
ogra_mamenyaka, yeah19:28
* awe is full of questions this afternoon19:29
mamenyakaokay, I have strace19:29
mamenyakanow how do I run it as phablet?19:29
ogra_sudo -u phablet -i19:30
mamenyakaoh my god, what should I do with all the output?19:31
mzanettiawe: cool, thanks19:31
ogra_mamenyaka, strace -o all_the_output.log <path to spp>19:32
mamenyakapath to spp?19:33
mamenyakaI did strace unity8 > /home/phablet/log19:33
awemamenyaka, also a good idea would be to read the manpage;  strace has all kinds of control for limiting which system calls are output19:34
mamenyakayes, even the manpage has a lot of that19:34
ogra_mamenyaka, *app19:35
ogra_open("/dev/ump", O_RDWR|O_LARGEFILE)    = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)19:36
ogra_there is your prob19:36
mamenyakaACTION=="add", KERNEL=="ump", OWNER="system", GROUP="graphics", MODE="0666"19:38
ogra_well, check the real file19:38
mamenyakawhat real file?19:39
ogra_open("/dev/ump", O_RDWR|O_LARGEFILE)    = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)19:39
ogra_the file it tries to open indeed :)19:40
mamenyakals -l ump19:40
mamenyakacrw------- 1 root root 243, 0 Aug 14 20:39 ump19:40
mamenyakaI see19:40
mamenyakaso do I add an udev rule for /dev/ump?19:41
ogra_so why isnt that 666 ? is your udev rule not processed ?19:41
mamenyakait's not /dev/ump19:42
mamenyakait's simply ump19:42
ogra_you mean it doesnt live in /dev ?19:42
ogra_udevadm test19:42
ogra_try that19:43
ogra_and see if it shows any errors19:43
mamenyakasyspath parameter missing19:43
ogra_thats fine19:43
ogra_i mean the rules it processes19:44
mamenyakanothing else19:44
mamenyakajust some info19:44
mamenyakais it a problem if I have more than one  ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="ump", OWNER="system", GROUP="graphics", MODE="0666" in the file?19:44
ogra_the last one would apply19:45
mamenyakathen it's okay19:45
ogra_but you should only have one, delete one19:45
mamenyakaokay, and if there are similar ones, only with different GROUP?19:45
ogra_do the other permissions in dev look like the rule was processed ?19:45
mamenyakanot really19:46
ogra_no, not at all19:47
mamenyakahow can I check the device name it is expecting?19:48
ogra_how is your udev rules file called19:48
mamenyakayou get it19:48
ogra_getprop ro.product.device19:49
ogra_grep ^ro.product.device= /system/build.prop19:49
mamenyakano, it's okay19:49
mamenyakawrong shell19:49
mamenyakaso is this it?19:49
mamenyakaoh well19:50
mamenyakaI better kill myself19:50
ogra_thats what you want19:50
mamenyakathank you for letting me waste most of your precious time19:59
mamenyakait is now working19:59
mamenyakadamn, I feel silly19:59
mamenyakastill, font issues, guess I have some other things to do19:59
mamenyakaisn't there a fix for that?20:00
mamenyakaI mean apart from reverting the kernel and drivers20:00
ogra_what exactly, you need to be more specific20:00
mamenyakawell, it's a known problem for some samsung devices20:01
ogra_(fonts to big, upside down, all greek etc)20:01
mamenyakafont is all messed up20:01
mamenyakaall greek if you wish20:01
mamenyakait's misdisplayed20:01
ogra_ah, yeah, on the galaxy S2 that was solved by going to an older mali driver20:01
mamenyakayes, that I want to avoid20:01
ogra_but then, you dont use mali20:01
mamenyakabecause the older driver just needs libandroid and some many other crap20:02
ogra_it is definitely the driver though20:02
mamenyakathere was I think Ricardo Mendosa researching it20:02
mamenyakathat we need more memory to allocate20:02
mamenyakabut never got to the end of it20:02
mamenyakacould you please ask him?20:02
ogra_well, you talked to him above :)20:02
mamenyakaoh great20:03
ogra_(he is ricmm ... )20:03
mamenyakaricmm, can you give me all your knowledge about fixing the font issue with samsung?20:03
ogra_in a can20:03
mamenyakathank you really much for helping me all the time20:04
ricmmmamenyaka: whats the font issue with samsung?20:04
mamenyakathe font misdisplaying20:04
ricmmshows fine on my samsung galaxy nexus20:04
mamenyakait's like unreadable20:04
ricmmwhat device is it20:04
mamenyakaokay, samsung note 10.120:04
mamenyakaor s220:04
ricmm8000 ?20:05
mamenyakaI know about reverting to the odler drivers20:05
mamenyakabut long ago we emailed about increasing some mem allocation20:05
ogra_mamenyaka, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/phablet/i9100/img.pngsimilar to that ?20:05
ricmmwell n8000 uses mali20:06
ricmmI'd say just go with ogra's solution20:06
ogra_ricmm, oh ? it has a pvrsrv device20:06
mamenyakaI did it once for te unflipped, but it needed libandroid.so and other crap20:06
ogra_if it is indeed mali i guess the rollback is the only solution atm20:07
ricmmfor the 10.1 N8000 it is a malii 40020:07
ricmmtrying to find the thread20:07
ricmmmamenyaka: where was this email discussion?20:08
mamenyakaI am searching for it20:08
mamenyakamaybe I private mailed you20:09
mamenyakaafter I got the hint20:09
ricmmI found the email20:10
ricmmmamenyaka: can you try running unity8 with QML_DISABLE_DISTANCEFIELD=120:14
mamenyakahow exactly?20:14
ricmm# QML_DISABLE_DISTANCEFIELD=1 unity820:15
mamenyakahow do I kill of the other unity?20:16
mamenyakaQXcbConnection: Could not connect to display20:16
mamenyakathink I got it20:16
mamenyakaissue remains20:17
ricmmthen I dont really know, short of reverting to an old driver20:18
mamenyakaif I kill unity8, is it enough?20:18
ogra_edit /usr/share/upstart/sessions/unity8.conf20:18
ricmmwhat issue remains, the text garbage?20:18
ricmmor unity8 running20:18
ricmm$ stop unity820:18
ricmmwill stop the shell20:18
ogra_right under the respawn20:19
ogra_then just reboot20:19
mamenyakastop doesn't work20:19
ogra_stop only works as phablet user20:19
ogra_anyway, just edit the file and see20:20
mamenyakahow does this vi work?20:21
mamenyakaokay, got it20:22
mamenyakaoh now what, stuck at bootlogo20:23
mamenyakathis is repeating in logcat: I/ServiceManager( 1727): Waiting for service SurfaceFlinger...20:24
mamenyakaI/ServiceManager( 2087): Waiting for service sensorservice...20:24
=== rtg-afk is now known as rtg
mamenyakaif I reinstall it will work20:24
ogra_you want the fixed powerd that wa uploaded today20:24
ogra_just add an "and android" to the end of the start on line in /etc/init/powerd.conf20:25
ogra_and it should work on next boot20:25
click_hey guys, have some questions as far as porting20:27
mamenyakaso "start on started dbus and android"20:30
ogra_that will make it wait until after the container is up20:32
mamenyakastill stuck20:32
mamenyakaI wait20:32
ogra_currently it tries to access the sensorservice before it is up20:32
mamenyakaoh, should I have that patch?20:32
mamenyakawith the sensors20:33
ogra_no, the above change was the patch20:33
ogra_you wait for the android event20:33
click_bassicly i fallowed the port system using this link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=190800820:33
click_however it still boots into cm 10.120:33
mamenyakaogra_, 3 min uptime20:34
mamenyakastill nothing20:35
mamenyakabut when I fresh install ,everything just works20:35
ogra_well, there is another hack you can do20:37
ogra_cp /var/lib/lxc/android/rootfs/init.rc /var/lib/lxc/android/overrides/20:38
ogra_now edit /var/lib/lxc/android/overrides/init.rc ... look for sensorservice20:39
ogra_and change it from "class late_start" to "class main"20:39
ogra_then reboot and see20:39
mamenyakathis is one messed up device20:42
mamenyakaI mean, same thing, stuck on bootlogo20:42
ogra_even with the sensorservice moved ?20:43
ogra_and edited20:43
mamenyakatriple checked20:43
mamenyaka# cat /var/lib/lxc/android/overrides/init.rc20:44
mamenyakaservice sensorservice /system/bin/sensorservice20:44
mamenyaka    class main20:44
mamenyaka    user system20:44
ogra_yeah, thats fine20:44
ogra_then i'm out of ideas20:44
mamenyakacat /etc/init/powerd.conf20:44
mamenyakaauthor "Michael Frey <michael.frey@canonical.com>"20:44
mamenyakastart on started dbus and android20:44
mamenyakawell, I will reinstall quickly and edit the QML thing20:44
firejimi would like to know if anyone has been working Ubuntu on P511020:46
mamenyakashould I downloaded latest saucy or is the current ok?20:46
mamenyakaokay, wrong question, current updated20:46
* ogra_ goes for dinner ...20:47
houseofbeanI've got Ubuntu Touch on a Nexus 4, and I'm thinking about putting the port on my tf101.20:47
firejimUbuntu touch its a preview, do we know when the official release will be out?20:49
cyphermoxawe: did you propose the merge?20:50
awecyphermox, https://code.launchpad.net/~awe/ubuntu/saucy/ofono/rilmodem-patch-cleanup/+merge/18023920:57
pmcgowanivanka, is that you?20:57
ivankapmcgowan, it is20:57
ivankabut train is arriving so am about to go :-)20:58
pmcgowanoh too bad20:58
ivankapmcgowan, you good?20:58
pmcgowanivanka, hope you're enjoying your new gig20:58
mamenyakagod bless my 300 KB/sec download speed20:58
ivankapmcgowan, I am, thank you. :-)20:59
pmcgowanivanka, well we miss you20:59
ivankapmcgowan, miss you all, of course20:59
ivankapmcgowan, thank you20:59
pmcgowanivanka, things moving along quite well, should have something good for oct21:00
ivankapmcgowan, excellent! I do keep an eye21:01
ivankapmcgowan, got to get off the train now - take care and speak soon. All the best!21:02
pmcgowanivanka, you too, stop by the channel again!21:02
ivankapmcgowan, if my computer is on, I am signed in21:02
ivankapmcgowan, see you round!21:02
mfischmterry: does seb128 know about account services backing some settings?21:05
mterrymfisch, he better21:10
mterrymfisch, i.e. yes21:10
mamenyakaogra_, you gotta be kidding me!!!! it works, font issue gone!21:23
mamenyakaricmm, font issue fixed!21:23
mamenyakaogra_, ricmm noooo, after a little it's getting messed up again21:24
mamenyakacan you please look at this why wifi is failing to connect? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5986581/21:28
mamenyaka[  132.702546] c1 connect failed event=0 e->status 1 e->reason 021:28
mamenyaka[  132.702629] c1 CFG80211-INFO2) wl_bss_connect_done : Report connect result - connection failed21:29
rickspencer3mhall119, is there somewhere I can get a definitive pattern for how to put a flickable in a column and have it and it's contents sized properly?21:30
rickspencer3I feel like I flail around with anchoring and height and stuff every time21:31
ricmmmamenyaka: what fixed it, my DISTANCEFIELD thing?21:36
ricmmand then after a while it breaks21:36
ricmmthats weird as hell :)21:36
mamenyakabut anomalies appear as I use it21:36
ricmmbut it suggests memory exhaustion of some sort21:36
mamenyakathe word phone21:37
mamenyakathe keyboard21:37
cyphermoxawe: done21:37
awethanks dude!21:37
mamenyakaricmm, could you please check out the wifi issue I am having?21:38
ricmmsorry, cant really do so right now21:38
ricmmon a deadline21:38
ricmmmamenyaka: but send me an email with the info and I'll take a look at it later21:39
mamenyakaricmm, email address?21:39
mhall119rickspencer3: I don't think so, not in the Ubuntu SDK documentation anyway, there might be something for generic QtQuick21:40
mamenyakathank you so much21:40
rickspencer3mhall119, hmmm, there must be a pattern for it somewhere21:40
rickspencer3I'll find it somewhere ;)21:40
ricmmmamenyaka: ricmm@canonical.com21:41
mhall119rickspencer3: I only recently figured out the right way to use Flickables and Pages together to make the Header disappear21:41
mhall119we could definitely use some code-design guides21:41
rickspencer3that's some cool stuff21:41
mhall119rickspencer3: if you put your Flickable/Column question into AskUbuntu, we could use it for the Cookbooks on developer.ubuntu.com when it gets a good answer21:42
mhall119(hint, hint)21:42
mhall119since those are pretty much our code-design documents at the moment21:42
SrPxHello, is ubuntu-touch a completely different OS or does it run everything you can run on ubuntu itself?21:43
mhall119SrPx: it's the same Ubuntu core21:45
mhall119 but not all Ubuntu apps will run on it, because it doesn't use the X11 display server or because they just aren't designed for small screens and touch input21:46
mhall119but all of the Ubuntu Touch apps will be capable of running on Ubuntu Desktop21:46
mhall119so, going forward, new apps should be able to run on both21:46
mhall119and old apps that are ported/upgraded to the new toolkits will too21:47
nik90rickspencer3: thinking of app for the showdown :P ?21:48
rickspencer3nik90, schmaybe21:48
rickspencer3I "might" be working on a calorie lookup tool21:49
SrPxmhall119: so I mean, can I run gcc, git, ghc, node.js etc etc on it?21:49
nik90rickspencer3: hehe21:50
nik90rickspencer3: if you are, pls add you app at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/AppShowdownList21:50
rickspencer3nik90, will do21:50
nik90rickspencer3: that's where I am tracking the apps being developed for the showdown.21:50
rickspencer3about to head out though21:51
nik90mhall119: did you know we have a new app called saucybacon :)21:51
rickspencer3I met a Ubuntu user at the deli during lunch yesterday, going to go get a drink with him in a bit :)21:51
rickspencer3good times21:51
nik90rickspencer3: enjoy21:51
mhall119SrPx: I haven't tried most of those, but I believe so.  I can (and have) run bzr and gcc on it21:52
mhall119nik90: yeah, the guy who posted it on Reddit was in here, last night I think21:52
mhall119rickspencer3: I love wearing my Ubuntu shirts in public, regularly get approached by strangers about it21:53
mhall119my wife hates it though :)21:53
mhall119kinda spoils date nights21:53
rickspencer3I had my goobuntu shirt, that gets a lot of questions21:53
balloonsmhall119, haha21:53
balloonsI make my wife wear a ubuntu shirt too.. date night saved!21:54
mhall119speaking of, I need to report a wishlist bug she pointed out using the phone today21:54
sander^homeWill there be a docking station for ubuntu edge? with bluetooth/usb/hdmi/power21:59
balloonsping boiko22:08
boikoballoons: pong22:08
balloonsboiko, it seems like calculator no longer lets me use the plus/minus key on the first number22:09
balloonsboiko, I believe it has to do with this merge: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app/+bug/121087322:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1210873 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Need to enter an operand before using an operator" [Medium,Fix committed]22:09
boikoballoons: yes, I was discussing this with the developer, but someone else ended up approving the change22:09
balloonsboiko, :-( Well the autopilot tests agree, and started failing this morning22:10
balloonsshall we back it out?22:10
boikoballoons: either that or open a bug to track the issue22:10
boikoballoons: btw, I need to get the autopilot tests enabled for the calculator-app CI and autolanding ASAP22:11
balloonsboiko, I'm opening a bug either way. .I have a small fix to the tests I wanted to make22:11
annerajbogra_,  can you send me the diff again i lost the change22:11
boikofginther: would it be possible to enable autopilot for ubuntu-calculator-app CI and autolanding?22:11
fgintherboiko, sure I'll give it a test first22:12
boikofginther: thanks! :)22:12
balloonsfginther, boiko22:12
fgintherbeat me to it22:13
boikoballoons: so, tomorrow I have a meeting with the calc guys, I will talk about this problem (and ask the other guys to be more careful when reviewing MRs)22:13
boikoballoons: fginther: thanks22:13
balloonsboiko, it seems to be reported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app/+bug/121008222:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 1210082 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Change of sign operation only works from the second operand onwards" [Low,In progress]22:13
boikoballoons: but that I think is for that +/- button, isn't it? not for pressing the + or the - buttons, but anyway, this will be fixed tomorrow22:14
balloonsboiko, either way, ok.. thanks :-)22:14
balloonsboiko, have a review if you wouldn't mind tonight.. one line change https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-calculator-app/fix-swipe/+merge/18026022:15
boikoballoons: ok, it looks good, I will just wait for CI to run22:16
balloonsboiko, fginther the negative operand bug and the swipe bug fail on the run :-)22:23
boikoballoons: so, on your MR the mediumtests didn't run, was that expected?22:24
fgintherballoons, was that a good thing?22:24
balloonsboiko, yes, expected because it's not turned on.22:25
balloonsfginther, well a good thing because that's all that failed was the known issue22:25
boikoballoons: ok, approved then22:25
balloonsboiko, the trouble is we can't enable them now that they are broken.. but had we had them enabled, we wouldn't have pushed in the broken tests and code :-(22:26
boikoballoons: nah, just enable them, they guys will have to fix the bug before merging any new code ;)22:27
boikoballoons: or better, wait until tomorrow, I will bring that up in the meeting and after that we enable it22:28
slangasekawe, cyphermox: so I have been finding this week that Ubuntu Touch is utterly unwilling to roam internationally for me automatically, and I can't select a network manually to connect to it.  Aside from updating my phone (which I haven't done in a bit, bug #1210347), is there anything else that you'd like me to do testing-wise while I still *am* roaming internationally? :)22:35
ubot5bug 1210347 in system-image (Ubuntu Saucy) "timeout updating from 20130800 to 20130810" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121034722:35
aweslangasek, roam mobile-data wise?22:36
aweslangasek, 0800 is pretty old in touch terms22:38
slangasekawe: voice22:38
aweslangasek, can you bite the bullet and do a fresh install instead of update?22:38
slangasekawe: made a lot of ofono progress, have you? :)  Ok, I'll update and see if that resolves anything22:38
aweslangasek, my code's being pulled from the archive now finally22:38
aweand although the -dbg package is currently broken, it will be fixed shortly22:39
aweslangasek, once you update, can you please open a bug for this?22:39
aweslangasek, we have others canonical folks that are always roaming22:39
aweso I know it works22:40
awethe ofono scripts are super useful for helping to diagnose such problems as well22:40
awe'specially 'list-modems'22:40
slangasekyes, I can22:40
aweyou can view the current NetworkRegistration properties which should tell you whether you're registered at all22:40
aweslangasek, great22:41
aweslangasek, how much longer will you be 'a roaming'?  ;)22:42
slangasekawe: until Sunday22:42
slangasekafter that, I can try to "roam" with foreign SIMs that won't actually work in the US :)22:42
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
aweok.  i'm around tomorrow, but off on fri, so if you enter a bug, i'll make sure to take a look tomorrow and maybe we can work on the bug some more22:44
slangasekawe: ok, sounds good :)22:45
aweslangasek, have you considered signal strength coverage where you're at?22:45
awejust curious... signal str also should be available via list-modems22:45
aweanyhow, just grab the output from 'list-modems', and that'll be a good place to start22:46
slangasekawe: it's been a consistent problem when my other phone (android, local SIM) has a connection just fine22:54
awewhich phone?  mako?22:55
aweslangasek, hey... I had to ask22:55
slangasekawe: oh, hahaha.  I still have ofono disabled with an upstart override since the last bug I was having. :P22:55
* awe has so many menu choices for what to say next floating across his retinas22:56
slangasekawe: sorry to waste your time ;)22:56
aweno worries...  you've helped me out many times in the past22:57
awebut it definitely made me laugh22:57
awereminds me of one of the first things i ever learned while working on network protocols22:57
awe"is it plugged in"22:58
* slangasek grins22:58

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