
=== scottrigby_away is now known as scottrigby
=== scottrigby is now known as scottrigby_away
=== jthan_ is now known as jthan
pvl1ChinnoDog: havent seen u on a long time. remember your name tho04:07
pvl1least im pretty sure04:07
=== bts3685 is now known as btsSHUTTHEHELLUP
=== btsSHUTTHEHELLUP is now known as bts3685
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else12:02
ChinnoDogpvl1: seen me on IRC or "seen" me?13:22
jedijfparanoid much?13:30
ChinnoDogStop stalking me jedijf13:54
jedijfturn around13:56
=== scottrigby_away is now known as scottrigby
=== scottrigby is now known as scottrigby_away
=== scottrigby_away is now known as scottrigby
=== scottrigby is now known as scottrigby_away
=== scottrigby_away is now known as scottrigby
bts3685jedijf: jthan: pleia2: just registered #project.phree if you want to idle in there16:24
bts3685we can play the silent game16:24
=== hochiBijseK is now known as KesjiBihcoh
ChinnoDogbts3685: What is that channel for?19:16
KesjiBihcohprolly to idle19:17
KesjiBihcohjust like every other channel on any irc server is for19:17
bts3685heh. it's for the mesh network project19:17
ChinnoDogI am good at idling19:18
pleia2ChinnoDog: if you had gone to fosscon, you would know!19:18
pleia2well, you said you never learn anything at conferences :)19:21
pleia2but see, you would have!19:21
ChinnoDogI guess19:22
jedijfChinnoDog: we jest - we missed you19:22
ChinnoDogok. Maybe next time.19:23
jedijfour luck, next time you won't learn anything19:23
ChinnoDogDon't let it be too boring and everything will be ok.19:24
jedijfChinnoDog: actually i think you would of like the vr demo - everyone looked like they were having a good time with the helmet on19:25
jedijfat least it looked that way19:25
jedijfand there were tee shirts19:25
jedijfand demon ears19:25
jedijfand tattoos19:25
MutantTurkeyanyone here worked with fail2ban?19:28
jthanWe've all used it19:28
MutantTurkeyI am properly catching and fail2ban thinks its banning the IP's, but then iptables doesn't appear to actually block them19:28
MutantTurkeyor at least from what I can tell from iptables -L http://paste.kde.org/p87b7dbf1/19:29
MutantTurkeyyes, [ssh-iptables] Ban
MutantTurkeyyet I can still login from that IP (it was my laptop)19:29
MutantTurkeyso it thinks it's blocked, but isn't actually19:29
bts3685MutantTurkey: did you iptables -L -n19:29
bts3685iptables -L -n | grep
bts3685it might have also expired the ban depending on how long you have the expire set to19:30
jedijftime limit19:30
MutantTurkeyno it's still banned19:30
MutantTurkeyweird..... all ?19:31
bts3685that's ACCEPT chain19:31
bts3685except for the last rule in INPUT19:31
MutantTurkeyon like 8?19:32
bts3685what server are you hitting?19:32
MutantTurkey? what do you mean19:32
MutantTurkeyit's a server at my work19:32
bts3685on which server are you attempting to configure fail2ban19:32
jthanMutantTurkey: Did you set it up to save these bans somewhere and reinitiate them on reboot?19:33
MutantTurkeythe specific address?
MutantTurkeyjthan: no, but we don't really reboot often19:33
MutantTurkeyjthan: i am really just starting to get it up and working, haven't even lookd into that19:34
bts3685MutantTurkey: k, do: watch "iptables -L -n | grep" and let me know if/when it pops up19:34
MutantTurkeyyeah I am watching my log messages19:35
MutantTurkeyexcept it's not atching you...19:35
MutantTurkeyweird... i wonder if my regex is kinda crappy still19:35
MutantTurkeybts3685: it should have caught you after like 3 tries19:35
bts3685shonuff. show me your regex. there should be a default rule that ships for iptables-ssh19:35
MutantTurkeyright, seems like opensuse configuration sucks by default.19:36
bts3685.... you're using opensuse?19:36
bts3685that's your problem right there19:36
MutantTurkeygive me a break, i don't get to pick19:36
MutantTurkeyi _know_19:36
MutantTurkeyit is the worst19:36
MutantTurkeythere is nothing good about it19:36
MutantTurkeybut my boss doesn't want to upgrade numerous servers19:37
bts3685but joking aside, did you restart the daemon?19:37
MutantTurkeyjust did19:37
MutantTurkeythose are my regex's19:37
MutantTurkeyah looks like it banned you.19:38
MutantTurkeybts3685: ok looks like you got banned.19:38
jthanMutantTurkey: does the daemon have the rights to actually modify ipt?19:39
bts3685'cept i didn't19:39
bts3685http://pastebin.com/SQxKvU1Y is the default filter for sshd19:39
MutantTurkeyjthan: not sure... doesit need a certain group or something?19:39
bts3685bts@maqabi /opt/dev/phree $ date;ssh root@
bts3685Wed Aug 14 15:39:43 EDT 201319:39
bts3685Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for root19:40
bts3685so, yeah. seems it's not actually applying the rule. check your action.d entry that matches19:40
jedijfand set no root19:41
bts3685and yeah, it needs to execute as root to actually apply the rule, but i don't see why that would be changed unless you installed it from source or something19:41
MutantTurkeyjedijf: I can't.19:41
MutantTurkeyalso bullshit, but yeah I can't19:41
jedijfi didn't even try root assuming it was set to no19:41
MutantTurkeyi've told htem about 500 times, and done it a few, and torn down their excuses over and over again19:41
MutantTurkeybut like I said... they loose everything, i've got it in writing that I told em.19:41
jedijfi would change 22 too, but whatevs19:42
jthanReal men use 2219:42
jedijfthat's why i hang with pleia219:42
jthanShe uses 22, I bet19:42
pleia2I don't believe in security by obscurity19:42
jthanTold you.19:43
bts3685jthan: real men use portknock with a 2+ sequence :P19:43
MutantTurkeyhmmm looks like they can't even use version control properly...19:43
MutantTurkey"iptables.conf, iptables-new.conf"19:43
MutantTurkeyfrom opensuse.19:43
bts3685jthan: it doesn't *hurt* though. relying on a different port shouldn't be the only security for ssh, but it certainly doesn't hurt and cuts down on the skid attempts19:44
jthanbts3685: you go home.19:44
jedijfsysadmins like having reading full logs19:44
bts3685jthan: i *am* home19:44
bts3685telecommute, bitches19:44
MutantTurkeyjthan: fail2ban is running as root.19:44
jedijfoh look, here comes china, it must be tea time19:45
jthanMutantTurkey: wait, did you say you don't have root?19:48
MutantTurkeyI do.19:48
MutantTurkeyI cannot disable root ssh access though19:48
MutantTurkeyah... iptables is not running?19:48
MutantTurkeyis there an iptables daemon?19:48
bts3685not per se19:49
MutantTurkeydidn't think so19:49
bts3685but there is an init script that manages static rules19:49
bts3685i think. i haven't touched opensuse in about 7 years now, so i have no idea what the hell they use these days19:49
MutantTurkeythey do have another firewall, but we aren't using it19:50
bts3685you should honestly just set up shorewall and use that19:50
bts3685especially since it has build-in rate-limiting19:50
MutantTurkey'just setup' doesn't exist on opensuse19:50
bts3685"The standard RPM package from shorewall.net and the mirrors is known to work with SUSEā„¢...." http://www.shorewall.net/Install.htm19:51
MutantTurkeysure, and my fail2ban package was from the repositories19:52
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=== scottrigby_away is now known as scottrigby
MutantTurkeyhmm I can manually execute all the commands20:38
bts3685then check the path for the iptables binary20:40
bts3685try giving it the full path to iptables20:40
MutantTurkeyjust went into debug mode...20:41
MutantTurkeyDEBUG  iptables -n -L INPUT | grep -q fail2ban-SSH returned successfully20:41
MutantTurkeybut I never see my drop action getting called.20:42
bts3685i'm going to quote a man i take great inspiration from, my boss:20:43
bts3685"try harder."20:43
MutantTurkeyyeah looks like its not getting called20:53
MutantTurkeyweirdest fix EVER20:58
=== scottrigby is now known as scottrigby_away
adomwhoa, i think i had two irssi sessions open in two different screen sessions without noticing it21:25
adomwait, no. my nick wouldve changed.21:25
* adom shrugs.21:25
adomdown to one now21:25
adomand this time, ill keep it off21:25
adom(that was a weight loss joke)21:26
adom(you're welcome)21:26
=== scottrigby_away is now known as scottrigby
=== scottrigby is now known as scottrigby_away

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