
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:38
OvenWerksFor those who care... http://imagebin.org/26749101:40
OvenWerksThis doubles the amount of code, but gets rid of the terminal completely.01:42
OvenWerksstill left to do: handle the case if someone hits cancel or change the zenity commandlineso it doesn't show at all if I can.01:43
OvenWerksno such commandline option :P02:29
OvenWerkssmartboyhw: how does this look? http://imagebin.org/26749103:14
smartboyhwOvenWerks, +103:15
OvenWerksTwice the code of course03:15
OvenWerksBut still not a lot03:15
OvenWerksI still need to build a handler for the case where the user hits cancel :P03:16
OvenWerksI dialog explaining why they should not interupt an install and what they will need to do to fix it if they insist :)03:17
smartboyhwOvenWerks, oh:P03:17
smartboyhwOvenWerks, what's the bzr branch of ubuntustudio-installer?03:20
OvenWerksbut the gui progress bar is not in there yet.03:22
smartboyhwOvenWerks, oh:(03:22
OvenWerksI am waiting for review on what is there... not sure if I want to disturb that03:22
OvenWerksI still have some more local testing to do too.03:23
OvenWerksI didn't want to do endless installs for testing so I piped the apt-get output to a file and cat that into my program till I got the gui working right.03:24
OvenWerksNext I have to do the error handler(s) for goofy things the user might do... then I can enable apt-get for test.03:26
OvenWerkssmartboyhw: I need to get this in before FF as well as the menu as one depends on the other.03:28
smartboyhwOvenWerks, OK03:28
cubxequence, that multimedia meeting on Debconf would be very interesting. Take notes! :D06:42
xequencecub: I'm the only one in the team going there pretty much.06:54
xequencesince I have something to bring from Ubuntu Studio, I'm hoping I could take a leading role in designing the metas06:54
cubThat would be great. Funny since I asked about that just days ago. :P06:55
xequencecub: The idea has been around for a while, but not many havge shown interest06:56
cubwe'll see how it goes this time around then06:56
cubxequence, I can't remember, but you did get access to the twitter account right?07:00
xequencecub: I have access to it now, yes07:20
xequencenot using it separately, though I suppose we could07:20
cubNo it just came up yesterday in another discussion07:22
cubthough you being at debconf would be a good opportunity07:23
xequenceSo much stuff floating around right now. I think wew could do updates on our development progress. The webshop is coming up. Things like that07:44
cubWe have a combined PR & Support team? :D And a separate web team.07:46
cubI wouldn't say that PR and support are really that related. Yes, good support is great PR but … well07:47
xequenceThe web team is for designing and maintaining the actual web site07:47
xequenceIN our case, PR and support are07:47
xequencesince we communicate with users directly07:47
xequenceour social sites can do both PR and support07:48
xequencethe LP team gives people access to our website07:48
xequenceas moderators07:48
xequenceBut I guess we could expand PR beyond our own channels07:49
xequenceand in that case, it would be more separated07:50
cubI think so. There's much one could do, but as always. It needs people that have time and skill for it.07:50
xequenceyes, but its good to call for that sort of thing specifically too07:50
xequencemake some plans and try to get someone to work on it07:50
cubholstein and ttoine is already on it?07:51
cubI mean planning.07:51
xequencenot really07:51
xequenceholstein is mainly doing support07:52
xequencettoine is mainly working on our webshop right now07:52
xequenceThe only one doing planning here is probably me07:52
xequencein a broader scope that is07:53
cubhehe among the other 124 things?07:53
xequencemadeinkobaia has some great ideas on the art department, also about structuring it07:53
xequencehoping he'll have time to work on that during this next cycle07:55
cubhmm Lubuntu and Xubuntu has stickers availble at http://www.unixstickers.com/07:55
cubI'd slap a Ubuntu Studio logo on my laptops if they were available.07:55
xequenceyeah, we should get that07:56
* cub is still waiting for the shirts and mug to show up07:57
cubxequence, how long was the delivery to you?07:57
xequencephew, I have an exam coming up next week. need to study some hours each day for that. need to start doing that now07:57
xequencecub: 2-3 days07:57
cubhmm it's been a week for me now. I'm impatient.07:57
xequencemaybe four for the cup07:58
xequencea week sounds too long07:58
cubexams….doh, I should contact my Uni to postpone for another year. :/07:58
xequencecub: You study at the university?07:58
cubBeteendevetenskap at Mittuniversitet07:59
cubsemi-distance courses07:59
cubbut I did the first year 100% as well as work 100%, which became a bit much when we got a kid. :P07:59
xequenceI can imagine :P08:00
cubYou can only do 200% for so long.08:00
xequencettoine should look at unixstickers08:00
xequencehe's the one sitting on the legal stuff, so its better he takes care of that08:01
cubhmm my order is still "In production" meaning it's not even shipped yet..gaaah08:01
xequencemadeinkobaia needs to do the artwork for it, or if he can't, I do it, since I have a pretty good idea of how it's done now08:01
cubyeah, or a similar EU based company. :P Taxes and stuff...08:01
xequencecub: Ah,ok08:01
cubholstein, is there room in the topic for #ubuntustudio to ask people to stick around a bit when asking questions? Seems many leave in frustration when noone answer within a couple of minutes.08:03
knomecub, i don't think that helps a lot. people do the same on #xubuntu09:21
cubHow come the "standard" keyboard shortcut ctrl+alt-t doesn't open a terminal in Ubuntu Studio?09:35
smartboyhwxequence, hmm I can't get one thing to work: The -rt package keeps on overwriting the control files...11:29
smartboyhwAnd making the -image package disappear...11:29
xequencesmartboyhw: Cant help you until at least after FF with that. Too many other things to do right now11:52
astraljavaHey smartboyhw, I've been alright, somewhat anyway. Very busy, now with 2 jobs and restarting my studies in order to find a better one that would eliminate the need to have multiple. =) And how have you been?12:08
cubThat sounds like busy indeed, astraljava !12:10
cubastraljava, what are you studying?12:11
smartboyhwastraljava, oh good:) I'm great here also:)12:14
knomei'd still say the thing keeping astraljava actually busy is something else than the two jobs and studies ;)12:35
knomebut that's just my interpretation...12:35
smartboyhwknome, i.e. ?12:35
knomea lady+12:35
smartboyhwastraljava, sigh:P12:36
knomeit is to my best intentions to keep astraljava busy with the lady though :P12:36
cubdangerous stuff that. Time consuming and need prioritations. ;)12:37
* smartboyhw wonders why this channel suddenly became a gossip channel:P12:38
knomelots of invaluable benefits, too12:38
knomesmartboyhw, didn't you notice this became #ubuntustudio-gossip when i joined?12:39
smartboyhwknome, ok, then I should op and kick you for being the person who starts the gossip...:P12:39
xequenceThis channel is less formal than most, and I think that's quite ok12:39
smartboyhwI know, LOL12:39
smartboyhwxequence, how's Debconf?12:39
knomebesides... is first-hand information told to others when concerning party is around considered gossip anyway?12:40
xequencesmartboyhw: Today is fiedl trip day. I dont have time to go hiking, so I stayed at home12:40
smartboyhwxequence, it's field trip day, and you have NO time? :(12:40
smartboyhwknome, your choice....12:40
xequenceThis is like a vacation from vacation, so I can do some work12:41
cubxequence, sound like Inception. A vacation within a vacation that end up being work.12:42
smartboyhwxequence, you made me feel like you are my Dad:O12:43
xequenceWell, I'm probably not as busy as I should be, but one tries12:46
knomesmartboyhw, what if he *is* your dad?12:46
smartboyhwxequence, it makes me remember my Christmas holidays, never got to enjoy it since exam's directly after it12:47
smartboyhwknome, bah:P12:47
smartboyhwI mean, he is my lifelong mentor for sure12:47
smartboyhwBut DAD, uh hum12:47
xequencecub: Maybe I'm actually on vacation from a vacation from a vacation, but I didn't realize I was asleep12:47
smartboyhwknome, insulting other's father is NOT a good idea12:47
knomesmartboyhw, i'm not insulting anyone12:47
smartboyhwknome, you are directly insulting my Dad that he is xequence sorry12:48
knomesmartboyhw, i'm sorry if i offended you - none meant12:48
astraljavaknome isn't completely off target here, but yeah, there are _some_ other reasons for that, too. =) cub: I need to finish my Bachelor of Economics, major Information Systems science. Not sure what major I'll pick for my Masters after that, though. Need to figure that out during the fall, too.13:00
xequenceastraljava: Nice feeling when you are progressing, somewhere, anywhere :). Good also to hear you found a special friend.13:08
OvenWerksxequence: the installer should be a GUI pretty quick. Just one last detail to figgure out.13:11
xequenceOvenWerks: Ok. I'm redoing -controls too, all though it will be extremely simple. It will have a starter for the installer13:12
xequenceI'll put in the ability to administer rt privilege at least13:13
xequencethen we can see about progressing features for 14.0413:13
xequenceOvenWerks: Oh, and make sure that the metas appear both when you start using the desktop file and from terminal13:15
xequencefor some reason it didn't for me13:15
xequenceI never tried installing anything yet13:15
OvenWerksGa!, he left!13:26
smartboyhwOvenWerks, LOL13:26
knomehe left, me right13:27
OvenWerksit is not meant to do what he expects :)13:27
OvenWerksThe SW to show has to be listed on the command line.13:27
knomeOvenWerks, are you talking about some extended UI for ubiquity to install extra packages?13:28
OvenWerksknome: no13:29
OvenWerksxequence: have you looked at the man page?13:30
OvenWerksubuntustudio-installer needs the names of the packages ti display on the command line :)13:30
OvenWerksthis allows it to be a different installer depending on the desktop file.13:31
OvenWerksknome: We made desktop files for USC that display extra sw we don't ship that is relevent to the sub menu it shows in.13:32
xequenceOvenWerks: Ah. Well, since it needs an argument, it would make sense for it to give an error message13:33
OvenWerksBut USC is cumbersome13:33
OvenWerksA usage.13:33
OvenWerksIt is on my list now.13:34
cubOvenWerks, I did some more test after our discussion yesterday about Orca (for visually impaired). I couldn't get it to work in my 13.04 VM machine. So I tried my 13.04, still no go. 13.04 Live boot on USB, wouldn't start. Installed on my 12.04 laptop, ran ok right away.13:35
xequenceOvenWerks: I'd have it not start the gui at all if no argument was given and give a simple usage, as well as hint to the man page13:35
cubOvenWerks, will continue to test with saucy to see if it act like 13.04 or 12.04.13:35
OvenWerksIt is not meant ever to be run from command line.13:35
OvenWerkscub thanks.13:36
xequenceOvenWerks: Anything can be run from the command line13:36
xequenceOvenWerks: It is run using a command13:36
xequenceand it needs an argument to function as intended13:36
OvenWerksxequence: so that makes sense to not show a blank screen13:36
cubOvenWerks, could be xfce 4.8 vs 4.10 that creates the issue.13:36
OvenWerkscub 4.12 is almost out.13:36
knomenot exactly13:37
cubbut form the release plans I read for 4.10 the support for Orca should have been improved. :P13:37
knomethere is no specific roadmap for the 4.12 release schedule13:37
cubknome, xubuntu 13.10 might still run 4.10 right?13:38
knomemost probably will13:38
OvenWerksknome: almost means ..... not yet ;)13:38
xequenceOvenWerks: If it doesn't break anything, and is a useful feature, it should be put in. The less confusion the better. It only took me 10 seconds to think it was broken somehow13:39
knomei wish it was almost out, using the word "almost" in the sense most people understand it13:39
xequenceOvenWerks: Considering the way the application is designed, only the desktop file seems to be ubuntu studio specific. The application could be named something else entirely - having no desktop file, since it could be used for other things. Then, have a package with a the desktop file "Ubuntu Studio Installer" and have it depend on it13:46
xequenceOvenWerks: The script itself is not Ubuntu Studio specific anyhow, not even multimedia specific. Just a thought13:47
xequenceOvenWerks: I'm gathering you want to add specific desktop files for "extras" having a determined list of extras.13:48
OvenWerksxequence: yes.13:48
xequenceOvenWerks: That means we need to do an inventory on all multimedia applications each cycle, and adjust those starters13:48
xequenceVery hands on approach13:49
xequencewould be better to use search functions, as I believe is how it is done now with software center13:49
OvenWerksnot just MM, but other art forms, but I think that is what you meant13:49
xequenceMM for me is all types of media13:49
xequencemultimedia content creation applications13:50
xequenceto be more specific13:50
OvenWerksI am putting the die with usage in for no arguments.13:50
xequenceOvenWerks: Great. We can figure out more details next cycle.13:51
OvenWerksI also need to catch the user killing the progress bar while install is taking place.13:51
OvenWerksthey need to know that stopping apt-get part way through is not a good idea.13:52
OvenWerks(or any install)13:53
OvenWerksxequence: if there is any interest in this outside of ubuntustudio, I have no problem renaming it.13:55
OvenWerkshowever the package is in review as is, once it is through that, bugs are easy to fix.13:56
xequenceOvenWerks: Depending on the evolution of the script, if it remains being as generic as it is, I think it would be a good idea to rename it, and use something in the line I described for Ubuntu Studio to make use of it13:58
xequenceWe're a bit short in time right now, so better just to run with what we have13:58
OvenWerksI think better to have more use than less.13:59
xequenceI like to think in those terms as well14:01
OvenWerksI started with just installing metas, but by moving the packages to the command line it takes care of our extra installs too. BTW it will not show a package that is not in the repos even if it is on the command line.14:02
OvenWerksso... I should also print an error and die if none of the packages are in repo.14:03
OvenWerksAnd this error should also pop a dialog14:04
smartboyhwOvenWerks, xequence BTW, we are experiencing image build failures the past two days14:13
smartboyhwThe following packages have unmet dependencies:14:13
smartboyhw cups-filters : Conflicts: ghostscript-cups14:13
smartboyhw libavcodec-extra-53 : Conflicts: libavcodec53 but 6:0.8.6-1ubuntu2 is to be installed14:13
smartboyhw libavcodec53 : Conflicts: libavcodec-extra-53 but 6:0.8.6ubuntu2 is to be installed14:13
smartboyhw libavformat-extra-53 : Conflicts: libavformat53 but 6:0.8.6-1ubuntu2 is to be installed14:13
smartboyhw libavformat53 : Conflicts: libavformat-extra-53 but 6:0.8.6ubuntu2 is to be installed14:13
OvenWerkssmartboyhw: any clues why14:13
smartboyhw libpostproc-extra-52 : Conflicts: libpostproc52 but 6:0.8.6-1ubuntu2 is to be installed14:13
smartboyhw libpostproc52 : Conflicts: libpostproc-extra-52 but 6:0.8.6ubuntu2 is to be installed14:14
smartboyhw libswscale-extra-2 : Conflicts: libswscale2 but 6:0.8.6-1ubuntu2 is to be installed14:14
smartboyhw(Sorry for not pasting it in a link but)14:14
smartboyhwOvenWerks, ^14:14
OvenWerksThe cups one will be generic14:15
smartboyhwOvenWerks, did you change the seeds the past few days?14:15
OvenWerksIt looks like libav has gone thrugh some changes14:16
holsteincub: let me look and see...14:18
holstein*re: topic14:18
OvenWerkssmartboyhw: sent it off in a letter to myself...14:18
holsteincub: add something like "| please be patient"14:19
OvenWerkssmartboyhw: it would actually be helpful just to post the error bits on the dev list seeing as the posts we get have nothing in them. I always forget where to find the build logs.14:19
holsteinor, "your patience is appreciated"?14:19
smartboyhwholstein, latter one14:20
OvenWerksholstein: or an answer may take hours :)14:20
smartboyhwOvenWerks, it would be too long that it would basically be spam14:20
OvenWerksor days... but don't say that14:20
smartboyhwMaybe we should make it that only you and me and xequence receives the mail but not the others;P14:20
OvenWerkssmartboyhw: I don't mean the whole build log, just the error and only once.14:21
holstein"ask and patiently wait for an answer"14:21
holstein...something about a smaller community?14:21
OvenWerkssmartboyhw: like just the part you put above.14:22
holsteini'll wait and try and catch cub about it.. i wouldnt mind addressing that in the /topic for sure14:22
smartboyhwholstein, cub should be back shortly14:23
smartboyhwOvenWerks, we should ask the Ubuntu Release team for that I think14:24
cubholstein, perhaps, but as knome said it might not help no matter what we write in the topic. People are impatient. :D14:24
holsteincub: and, the folks who seem to not "get it" seem to not be aware that the topic is there :/14:24
OvenWerkscub: holstein my irc client only shows the first 80 charactors anyway14:25
cubhehe yeah that too14:25
holsteincub: i wouldnt mind addressing the "approriate" quesiton more as well14:25
holsteinfolks dont understand what is studio specific14:25
smartboyhwOvenWerks, your IRC client sucks:P14:25
holsteinand why they might want to ask in #ubuntu or #xubuntu instead.. also, they get redirected from those channels14:25
OvenWerksI think when I first join a channel it puts the whole thing in.14:26
cubholstein, true14:26
smartboyhwholstein, let's wait for xequence to join in the discussion:)14:26
holsteinif someone comes in and says "im running ubuntustudio and cant get my broadcom wifi card to work".. they get redirected back to #ubuntustudio.. and for no good reason14:26
smartboyhwholstein, yeah14:26
holsteinmaybe a link in the topic to specific bot triggers14:26
cubOvenWerks, yes it does show when joining, but not all notice or bother to read.14:26
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:26
holstein^^ for example14:27
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org14:27
holsteinbut, even that bot use is a bit tricky for new folks14:27
OvenWerksanother bot?14:27
holsteinfor folks who think of this as "tech support" and dont understand14:27
cubhmm Digital Audio Workstation, perhaps an update would be in order?14:27
smartboyhwThe problem is that I don't want them storming into #ubuntu-ops complaining about no support..14:27
holsteinOvenWerks: i was thinking just a link in the /topic that would state clearly a few things.. like "for help with broadcom type !broadcom" or visit that link.. or whatever14:28
smartboyhwholstein, the topic will be TOO long14:28
holsteinsmartboyhw: they will though.. and have threatened.. but, thats not what the channel is14:28
smartboyhwWe can't just include everything14:28
holsteinits not "/join ubuntstudio for *guaranteed* tech support"14:28
holsteinits a community portal, and folks dont quite get that at first14:29
knomemaybe a shared wiki page explaining where you can get support for specific things would be good14:29
cub#xfce has "Ask your question and then BE PATIENT AND IDLE FOR A WHILE"14:29
holsteinknome: right? with a bit.ly.. a short thing14:29
cubhehe capitals ...14:29
smartboyhwknome, good idea14:29
holsteini was idle in ubuntustudio for 2 weeks.. and then, i just decided to stay there..14:30
smartboyhwWe can make "Please read *some link* for your issue first before asking"14:30
holsteinthat was my initial inspiration for doing irssi in screen.. so i could *always* be in #ubuntustduio14:30
knomethe other option is to simply tell people in #xubuntu to join #ubuntustudio if somebody there would need xfce support14:30
smartboyhwknome, you mean the opposite?!14:30
holsteinknome: i have a few recruits14:30
knomei mean, the support people14:30
smartboyhwholstein, recruits?14:30
holsteinunit idles there14:31
holsteinand i asked a few others that come and go14:31
knomeideally, people using ubuntu studio should get support in #ubuntustudio14:31
holsteinits quite helpful14:31
cubmost often they have quit their irc before I can tell them to try #xubuntu or #xfce14:31
holsteinknome: ideally...14:31
smartboyhwcub, that's a +114:31
smartboyhwNot realistically:p14:31
knomeof course that puts more burden for the supporters14:31
holsteinknome: and, really, just having a few warm bodies in there saying "hey, try this, and wait" or whatever..14:31
knomeholstein, exactly, which is why it would help to just tell some supported on #xubuntu to join #ubuntustudio14:32
cubknome, good point. That might be better than to send the OP to other channels14:32
holsteinknome: any suggestions? unit /join ed when i asked14:33
holsteineveryone has been quite helpful from the xubuntu team... testing iso's and whatnot14:33
knomeholstein, don't know. probably some emails to mailing lists or sth14:33
knomeholstein, or simply poking people who seem to be active on #xubuntu 14:33
holsteinthere is a user in #ubuntu that i was trying to ask as well14:33
holsteinok.. lets try and just get some warm bodies in there then.. and lets think about a page with FAQ's or whatever14:34
holsteinand i'll revamp the /topic as needed..14:34
* holstein asks that user again...14:35
knomei can try to help with efforts on creating a shared wikipage or whatever, but at this point, i can't promise to lead such an effort14:35
holsteinhes not on.. i asked him in PM and i think he quit before reading it.. that was a few weeks ago, and i got busy14:35
smartboyhwNormally, it will be xequence who leads our doc efforrt14:35
smartboyhwholstein, but don't expect him to work on such things before FF, that was what I was told:P14:36
smartboyhwFF = Feature Freeze14:36
holsteinwell, z equence will see the scroll here, and we can discuss.. no need to fragment if we already have an FAQ page that could just be fixed up14:36
* smartboyhw isn't sure about that14:37
cubNot an FAQ per se, but some good info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio14:37
smartboyhwholstein, BTW xequence = zequence 14:37
holsteinright.. i just though we werent trying to ping him for some good reason :)14:37
smartboyhwholstein, we are with a good reason here:P14:38
cubThen I have found other studio related wiki pages on there that's not linked to ours, I had an ambition to get some work done there during my vacation…but I ended up taking vacation instead.14:38
holsteinwhatever we do needs to be simple and easy for us to maintain.. nothing will ultimately work for every user14:39
cubI do a lot of documentation at work in different formats so when the time is there I could probably gather what we find, that is not already in there14:39
holsteinive dont a lot of support on IRC, and 96% or so is knowing how to use google...14:39
cubI usually spend most time on Ubuntuforums14:39
holsteincub: thats great. i *hate* the forums...14:39
holsteinand i rarely chime in on the mailing list14:40
knomesmartboyhw, from my POV, i don't think this is something that needs to be coordinated by any leader; it can be a community-driven project, even more because it needs to be an inter-flavor one14:40
holsteinjust when i cant leave something Ralph says alone ;)14:40
cubirc is harder since I'm usually trying to do other stuff at the same time and doesn't respond fast enough14:40
xequencecub: Have you been reading through that wiki at all?14:40
holsteincub: having a strong steady presence in the forums is helpful14:40
holsteincub: are you a moderator?14:41
cubxequence, yes, but I get lost after a few clicks14:41
cubholstein, no, i just jump in where I can.14:41
xequencecub: Just look through the front page14:42
xequencecub: There's two places with links to the IRC page14:42
xequencecub: If you want to add something, do it there14:42
xequenceThe idea was always that we add docs to our main site as well14:43
cubxequence, that's good.14:43
xequencebetter first do the docs in the wiki, then move stuff to the main site14:43
holsteinxequence: do we have an FAQ page? something i could easily edit and add a link to on the IRC /topic?14:43
holsteinthat might solve a lot of this. assuming a user reads the /topic... which im not sure they do.. or know what that means14:44
* cub just started to read Jono's book on communities14:44
holsteincub: ive heard its a good read14:45
cubIs Jejeman on ubuntuforums anyone here? He's very helpful in the forums on studio questions14:45
smartboyhwknome, inter-flavour?14:45
smartboyhwOoh, I didn't realize that:P14:45
smartboyhwcub, is there a book?14:46
smartboyhwcub, I don't think so14:46
cubsmartboyhw, http://www.artofcommunityonline.org/get/ there's a PDF14:46
knomesmartboyhw, yes, the art of community14:46
cubcrap, I'm late, gotta run!14:46
smartboyhwholstein, knome: I will help write the documentation if you want:)14:49
holsteinsmartboyhw: thanks!14:49
knomesmartboyhw, sure, thanks14:49
smartboyhwknome, holstein so, 1. Where do we want to place the page?14:50
smartboyhw2. How are we going to collaborate to write on it?14:50
xequenceholstein: This page is the only one that deals with IRC, and is reachable from both our wikis from the header https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/IRC14:50
holsteinxequence: let me scroll through it real quick14:51
xequenceholstein: It just explains how to get online, and which channels are interesting14:51
xequenceso, if anyone likes, just add stuff there14:51
xequenceProbably best to add that in the beginning14:52
holsteinxequence: would you mind if second there were an "faq" section?14:52
holsteinnothing to elaborate.. 14:52
holsteini think the shorter the better.. precise.. just a list of common issues and pages that might help14:52
xequenceholstein: You mean like a FAQ for IRC only, on the IRC page?14:53
holsteinbroadcom issues? go here..14:53
holsteinxequence: right. like 2nd there14:53
holsteinbefore or after the webchat link14:53
xequenceholstein: Just add it at the top, I think14:53
holsteinxequence: OR.. it could be down a bit, and i can link to that specific area..14:53
smartboyhwholstein, nice idea14:54
smartboyhwholstein, wait, xequence's idea is better14:54
holsteinxequence: i'll play around with it.. 14:54
smartboyhwBecause people don't necessarily HAVE to spend time going to the IRC channel if the specific area is at the top, already answering their question14:54
xequenceRight now, the only problem I see is that people don't realize it might take time before one answers14:55
xequencejust adding a note about that in the beginning, like an introduction to what IRC is would be enough, but it's up to the author14:56
* smartboyhw +1's xequence's idea14:56
holsteini think i can link to an area down the page easily though.. and if someone hits that page in a google search, it will be more relevant to that person14:57
smartboyhwxequence, will we have vUDS sessions?15:03
xequencesmartboyhw: When is the next one, do you know?15:03
smartboyhwxequence, 27-2915:03
xequencenot sure if I'll have time15:03
smartboyhwNo then:P15:04
xequencewe'll see15:04
smartboyhwxequence, eh?15:04
holsteinOK.. so, this is what i had in mind.. linking from the main channel15:07
holstein"FAQ for common issues visit http://bit.ly/usircfaq" or something15:07
xequenceholstein: Wait, you want to write a specific page for it?15:08
holsteinthen, the IRC link is still "general" enough if its stumbled upon from the internet.. and the folks who read the topic would see a list that we can manage15:08
xequenceAh, no, sorry15:08
holsteinxequence: i dont think we need one.. if that works for you15:08
smartboyhwholstein, maybe "Please read FAQ at http://bit.ly/usircfaq before asking" 15:08
xequenceholstein: Yeah, i prefer keeping things minimal15:08
xequencethose who want to see the change need to refresh15:09
xequencehelp.ubuntu.com is weird in this way15:09
holsteinyeah, the text is up for debate.. but do you like the linking?15:09
holsteinand the placement on the main page?15:09
holsteinthe "general" idea so far?15:09
xequenceholstein: Ah, I thought this was about informing users that they sometimes need to wait15:10
smartboyhwxequence, I'm wondering if I should update the page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamStructure so cub is included...15:10
xequenceholstein: We should probably link that to another page15:10
holsteinxequence: that will get added as well, and could also be added to that page.. 15:10
xequenceholstein: Something to do with hardware support, let me check15:10
holsteinxequence: sure.. i can undo that or link where ever15:10
xequencesmartboyhw: what teams is cub in?15:10
xequencesmartboyhw: YOu can do it if you want15:11
smartboyhwxequence, good question:P15:11
* smartboyhw checks15:11
smartboyhwWho's Luke Kuhn BTW? He's in the contributor team..15:11
smartboyhwAh, lukefromdc15:11
smartboyhwWe should check on him on the cinnamon progress...15:11
xequenceholstein: this is better for hardware stuff https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/SupportedHardware15:12
smartboyhwxequence, cub doesn't seem to be on any teams;(15:12
xequenceholstein: Just add a section about network devices. Now, there's only audio and graphic cards15:13
xequencesmartboyhw: That's what I thought15:13
xequenceso, no reason to update the page15:13
smartboyhwxequence, yeah, so sad that he hasn't joined;(15:13
xequenceHe'll get there15:13
xequencehe just needs to learn a lot of things, as he's still quite new to all of this15:14
smartboyhwWow, we actually have 299 team members in ~ubuntustudio LP team15:15
smartboyhwUnfortunately, the contributor base is still small;(15:16
smartboyhwxequence, I think the biggest problem is to make people STAY...15:17
xequencepeople in the ~ubuntustudio LP team aren't really contributors, or have at all expressed the desire to be. For now, that group has one good use, and that is it gives you the right to comment on our website15:18
xequenceI've thought about writing to the members of that group now and again, for informational purposes and to try to get people interested in contributing15:20
xequencehaven't got around to it yet15:20
smartboyhwxequence, you want me to draft up something?15:21
holsteinok.. undid changes at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/IRC15:31
holsteini have http://bit.ly/studiofaq pointint to that page15:32
holsteini was thinking, ideally much more general though15:32
holsteinlike dual head questions15:33
holsteinbut, thats a great place to start15:33
smartboyhwOw, I want ScottL back on IRC for one day, just for a chat:(15:36
holsteinyeah.. this isnt going to work for what i had in mind15:36
holsteini would like to link actual frequently asked questions somewhere15:36
holsteinin the topic15:36
holsteinmaybe i should just link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/FAQ and maintain that "better15:37
holsteinxequence: is that OK?15:37
xequenceholstein: Well, this is a hardware support issue, is it not?15:37
xequenceholstein: But I suppose your thinking from a IRC POV, where you add these, I forget the name, like !proaudio15:38
xequenceholstein: Pass me the link to the broadcom stuff, and I'll edit the page15:38
smartboyhwxequence, did you see my message?15:39
xequenceholstein: The FAQ page could surely need some maintenance15:39
xequencesmartboyhw: sorry, what is it you want to draft?15:39
smartboyhwxequence, your letter to ~ubuntustudio:P15:40
xequencesmartboyhw: why now15:40
smartboyhwxequence, :)15:40
xequenceargh, Swizz kb15:40
smartboyhwxequence, I will send you a draft probably next week15:40
smartboyhwxequence, BTW, 12.04.3 is NEXT WEEK15:41
xequenceholstein: There is a hardware section in the FAQ as well15:41
xequenceholstein: What's the link to the broadcom thing?15:46
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:48
holsteinxequence: i was thinking more as a general FAQ for a new user.. but it could be just hardware15:48
holsteinbut the questions are not always hardware15:48
holsteinlots of XFCE specific stuff that could have a link15:48
holsteinnot that anyone will check or notice the link15:48
xequenceholstein: Ok, so, what you were aiming for was just a general FAQ15:49
xequenceholstein: You could also just point to our help wiki15:49
xequence..which includes all of that anyway15:49
holsteinxequence: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio ?15:50
holsteinok.. i'll go with http://bit.ly/usirchelp for now15:51
holsteinthen, that page might get some attention as well..15:51
xequenceholstein: Yes, the first one you linkes15:52
holstein ok.. how about.. Welcome to the Ubuntu Studio support channel | 13.04 and 12.04.2 Now Released http://ubuntustudio.org/download | Support forum http://ubuntuforums.org | Please be patient and visit http://bit.ly/usirchelp if no one is around | General music making and studio chatter is allowed15:56
holsteinxequence: ^15:56
holsteinthen, we can maintain that help page as needed.. adding whatever15:57
holsteinlinks to existing docs or help pages..15:57
xequenceholstein: Why are you using a hidden link? And, might be good to use http://ubuntustudio.org/documentation, as it links to the same page15:58
xequenceer, no it didn't15:59
holsteinxequence: the size15:59
holsteinlet me see if its fits with the normal one16:00
xequenceholstein: Is there a max size?16:00
holsteinfor the topic16:00
holsteinat least, client side...16:00
holsteinxequence: it fit16:01
holsteini removed the xubuntu links.. added the help link and "patience".. lets try and recruit a few more folks to just sit in there and be a presence and go from there16:02
holsteinxequence: cool?16:02
xequenceholstein: Looks fine to me16:02
holsteinxequence: :)16:02
holsteini mean, its one of those, "you cant please everyone" kind of things.. but let roll with it16:02
holsteinand i (or anyone) can just fire up that page and add what is needed.. about broadcom or dual head.. links to resources16:03
holsteinthat new users can ignore ;)16:04
xequenceholstein: I added a link to the wifi page in hardware support16:04
holsteinxequence: and that hardware support is linked at that page ...so i think we have a nice system, in theory16:05
xequenceit's not exactly a big wiki16:05
xequenceso, don't really understand why it would be hard to find what you are looking for16:05
holsteinyeah... folks just needa little "in person" help to get started, usually16:06
xequenceI made extra effort on minimizing it, and making it easy to orientate16:06
holsteindepends on where they are coming from16:06
holsteinthough, even linux users dont know that they can use ubuntu resources, typically16:06
holsteinxequence: i think you have done *great* with minimizing16:06
holsteinxequence: it was a mess..16:06
xequenceholstein: thanks16:06
holsteinthe wiki's in general were so fragmented.. and they look cleaner now16:06
xequenceAll of the maintained pages have the same header16:07
xequenceI'm thinking of adding a side pane to the help wiki that will include links to ALL pages in that wiki16:07
xequencecan't get easier than that16:07
xequencethe "dev" wiki, meaning the one at wiki.ubuntu.com has some more navigational stuff in it, since it's a bit richer in content as well16:08
holsteini need to revisit my wiki page at some point16:09
holsteini have 8 more shows!.. one more week16:09
holsteini have a lot of stuff ive been neglecting16:09
xequenceholstein: Are you being creative at all?16:10
xequenceand not just working all the time :)16:10
holsteinxequence: when i can, actually.. its not too much of a creative drain16:12
holsteinxequence: and i do some tech stuff in the middle of shows.. when i have time16:12
xequenceholstein: cool16:17
OvenWerksxequence: ubuntustudio-installer at branch updated. Commits show changes. Usage included.18:46
OvenWerksWaiting for PPA to build18:46
OvenWerksppa stuff is funny, it emails you to tell you of your upload, but not about the build... which would be more useful.18:54
OvenWerksI guess it is more of a secuity thing.18:54
OvenWerksAnyway: ppa:len-ovenwerks/ppa has ubuntustudio-installer with all the changes.19:05
xequenceOvenWerks: I'll check it out right away19:15
xequenceOvenWerks: looks good to me19:22
OvenWerkscommand line or from menu too?19:22
xequenceOvenWerks: both19:22
OvenWerksI need to test in kde and lubuntu as well. Gnome shell and unity are a problem for me just now.19:24
OvenWerksI'll have to try them out on the new MB19:24
xequenceOvenWerks: I was using gnome-shell. I can't imagine there would be any difference on different DEs, or would there?19:24
OvenWerksShouldn't be, as I already confirmed zenity in all.19:25
OvenWerksJust being through and I have them on disk anyway19:25
OvenWerksThere have sure been a lot of chnages in KDE in a week... over 30019:26
OvenWerksNew qt4 libs a I guess19:27
xequenceSeems like each time there is an update in KDE, they update all the packages19:27
xequenceI see that i the changes mail list. A flood of packages at once19:27
xequenceOvenWerks: you haven't thought about becoming an Ubuntu member and also applying for upload rights in the future19:40
OvenWerkslots more experience needed.19:44
xequenceOvenWerks: Well, sure, but should be managable within the year I think19:55
xequenceOvenWerks: We don't need to know every detail. Just enough to have a grasp on what we need to do for our own packages to begin with19:56
xequenceproblems trickle down all the time19:56
xequenceI added the launching ubuntustudio-installer from -controls19:58
xequenceJust need to add at least rt privilege managing to system settings (which was the original -controls), and maybe also keep memlock tuning19:58
xequencethen I'm satisfied as far as releasing it19:59
xequenceOvenWerks: We only need upload rights for our own package set too20:01
cubAnyone attending http://uds.ubuntu.com/ ?20:11
xequencecub: Well, it's virtual now, so... But, we are probably not having a session of our own20:12
cubNo I just wondered if someone would listen in on everything. I would like to but the time frame doesn't really fit me20:13
cubStill, everything should be watchable afterwards20:16
xequencecub: I attended the last physical UDS, but havent't much followed so much after that. It's good to get an idea of what its like, but I think if you have no particular mission that concerns a session, it might not be worth while to attend20:16
xequenceright, if you don't participate in discussions, you can always watch later20:17
cubthe agenda didn't contain much yet20:24
TheDrumsholstein: Yeah, I've not been much help at all in there, though...21:03
OvenWerkstotem seems to have started working in raring. (at least as a firefox plugin)21:24
holsteinTheDrums: thanks for hanging in there..22:01
OvenWerksTheDrums: just having someone answer is good. People don't feel ignored :)22:03
holsteinyeah. saying anything at all is helpful, since now, they assume the channel is dead22:04

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