
texadactylQuestion: So fall-back to X while testing Intel GMA 3650 (Cedar View) is considered successful?00:01
Unit193I'd call mine a failure, for sure.00:01
texadactylI'd call mine "partial success" in that lightdm successfully fielded the unity-system-compositor failure nad started X for me.  Better than nothing!  (-:00:04
texadactylAt least with the modesetting X driver I am able to setup my display hardware correctly. 00:09
jonotexadactyl, if you have a card unsupported by Mir and it falls back to X, that is the intended outcome00:17
Unit193But it isn't a Mir "success", Mir failed there.00:18
texadactylUnfortunately, Intel seems to have abandoned Cedar View (E.g. GMA 3650) motherboard support.  It's a pity.  Even Intel utility from 01.org cannot recognize their own hardware.  Fortunately, Xubuntu 13.04 and 13.10 have been able to load the modesetting X driver for me.00:21
texadactylI was hoping that Mir would be a new experience of usability.  However, I do like Xubuntu 13.10 in many ways.00:22
texadactylNo complaints.00:22
texadactyljono, I sent a mail to the xubuntu-devel list with feedback related to my card.  Is that sufficient?00:33
texadactyl"XMir on Xubuntu Install Test with Intel GMA 3650 graphics"00:34
Unit193Aha, so you had issues both in live and updated install.00:36
texadactylIts the same detection process00:37
texadactylI suspect that GMA 3650 is not supported.  I am looking for the supported hardware list now.00:38
Unit193I don't think you'll find one, but could be wrong.00:38
texadactylNo worries00:39
texadactylLife could be worse.....I could be using Windoze !!00:40
texadactylttfn, all, don't forget to have some fun today.00:45
jonotexadactyl, so any card that required propreitary drivers should fall back to X gracefully00:52
NoskcajI've got thunar on debian mentors which will allow us to sync it rather than merge it08:00
ochosihrrm, that indicator-sound bug is somewhat bothering, i hope it gets resolved in time for 13.10... (bug #1208204)09:15
ubottubug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120820409:15
elfyochosi: yea09:16
elfygot mine working but it is only a workround09:16
ochosiyeah, we really want that to work ootb09:17
ochosiotherwise we can scrap indicators alltogether in xubuntu09:17
ochosi(until the gtk3 panel arrives)09:17
ochosi(which might be a while)09:17
Noskcajochosi, i've tried to debian merge the indicator. it's possible that has a fix, i'll try and find it09:18
Noskcajnever mind. that was the one i didn't do09:19
knomelderan, if you are interested in a semi-low-hanging fruit bugs, see bug 69731810:51
ubottubug 697318 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Should grab Ubuntu release from /etc/lsb-release or /cdrom/.disk/info" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69731810:51
lderanlow hanging fruit sounds good :P10:52
lderanshall take a look at it :)10:53
lderanit is now on my server for when i get home, also got the new xubuntu ones as well from your email.11:13
texadactylknome/pleia2,slideshow looks nice and all the links work 12:56
knometexadactyl, thanks12:57
texadactylI had to install seahorse (Passwords and keys) myself.  I wonder why it wasn't included as part of the ISO?12:58
texadactylOdd, that12:58
knomepleia2, hai15:03
knomepleia2, do you have an opinion on the xubuntu wordpress theme license?15:03
knomepleia2, i, as the author, am fine with anything that works for xubuntu15:03
knomepleia2, i'm considering if we want to protect the unique look in a way or another though15:04
pleia2knome: apache or gpl2 make my life easiest18:33
ochosiknome: the software-center screenshot has to be retaken with the elementary-xfce-darker icon theme (-> dark arrows), as that'll be the default in 13.1019:28
ochosiknome: and if you want the bottom progress-bar to blend in more with the rest of the window (color-wise) let me know, i guess we can also try to theme that separately (although i guess it's not our top-priority atm)19:29
ochosiknome: other than that it all looks nice!19:29
ochosiknome: /review :)19:29
* Noskcaj just completed the slightly pointless task of updating xfce4 yes plugin20:24
lderanNoskcaj, hussah21:27
* Noskcaj really needs to find something less nerdy to do with his life21:27
lderanknome, looks like we might be able to load the version number by passing it as a url variable to the slideshow, shall experiment21:44
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
lderanknome, i have it working23:01
ochosioh nice, someone backported our 13.04 greybird to 12.04 :) http://cool4y.deviantart.com/art/Greybird-White-Theme-for-Xubuntu-12-04-36918421323:01
bluemirsabreset_active_session '0'23:40
Unit193It done be workin'23:40
Unit193Lag?  Mouse movement lag?  Anything note worthy?23:40
Unit193TTYs work!23:41
bluemirsabremouse is great, windows have some very minor tearing while dragging them23:41
ochosiwhat graphics chip?23:43
Unit193Tearing?  That was supposed to be the one good thing about Mir. :P23:43
bluemirsabreGraphics:  Card: NVIDIA G98M [Quadro NVS 160M] 23:44
bluemirsabre           X.org: 1.14.2 drivers: (unloaded: fbdev,vesa) FAILED: nouveau tty size: 80x24 Advanced Data: N/A for root 23:44
ochosii see23:44
Unit193When you're done, can you  `file xubuntu-xmir.iso`  and make sure it is 0.0.9r970 and document on the pad?23:44
Unit193bluemirsabre: inxi -G23:44
bluemirsabreUnit193: yup, thanks inxi!23:45
bluemirsabreUnit193: link to the pad?23:47
Unit193(Typed it, hope it's right. ;P )\23:47
bluemirsabreyup, its right.23:50
bluemirsabrehave they implemented multi-monitor yet?23:50
Unit193Nope, they *think* they will on the day we decide, 22nd.23:51
Unit193Same with comp bypass.23:51
lderanknome, here it is when you have a few seconds to check to see if it works for you :) https://code.launchpad.net/~lderan/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/test23:51
bluemirsabreUnit193: updated the pad23:52
Unit193bluemirsabre: Thank you very much!  (Was honestly going to wait for a rainy day, not today!)23:54
Unit193I should maybe update the wiki, then.23:54
bluemirsabrelots of free time when my wife isn't home yet :D23:54
Unit193Hah, woo!23:55
bluemirsabreanything else I should test, or am I done for this version?23:56
Unit193Just need to poke it enough to make up your mind, tried glxgears?23:58

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