=== dark_ is now known as DarkPlayer [03:10] anyone around who could help me out in renaming a project? [03:11] jamesh: Which project? [03:11] StevenK: https://launchpad.net/unuty-scope-hollywood to unity-scope-mediascanner [03:11] unity-scope-hollywood, even [03:12] jamesh: Did you need an alias? [03:12] Nope [03:12] jamesh: All done [03:12] thank you === tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas [07:40] maxb: smoser: not reading the whole backlog. but yeah, importer seems to be missing permissions. [07:41] xnox: I think this is probably fallout from attempts to define API access permissions in terms of 'can upload' [07:42] maxb: i remember laney or someone from membership board was giving package-importer team membership, after it expired from somewhere. [07:43] I don't think this is a team issue, I think it is more likely that either the code was changed, or the status of old distroseries was [07:43] ok. yeah, teams look fine. [07:44] I think the problem is that the permissions system now formally acknowledges that core-dev are not allowed to upload to maverick-proposed, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to call SourcePackage.setBranch for it [08:38] xnox: boo [08:39] czajkowski: =) [12:55] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdebug/+bug/1096464 <-- want to set won't fix for this, but can't select it ? [12:55] Launchpad bug 1096464 in xdebug (Ubuntu) "xdebug does not display errors by default" [Undecided,New] [13:08] Mez: that'd be someone on the bug squad I think [13:11] czajkowski: I worked it out - my ubuntu dev team access had expired, revoking my inherited membership to bug control [13:11] so, working as expected. [13:12] cool [15:38] 9 === tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk [18:15] maxb, so what options do i have at this point. if i want to have lp:ubuntu/cloud-init functional again ? [18:15] wrt [18:15] https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/234047 [18:16] Well, ideally we'd get the permissions fixed [18:16] But we could hack the importer code to omit the setBranch API call for selected distroseries [18:18] maxb: there was a temporary loss of privs a while back, maybe just retry the branch? [18:19] No, This has already been done, it is not transient [18:19] ok [20:26] LP build recipies will should build dependencies from the PPA they're building into, right? [21:00] thomi: it will pull deps from the PPA if the version of the dep in the PPA is newer than that of the dep in the main Ubuntu archives, yes. [21:01] thomi: the deps have to be successfully built *and* published, before they'll get pulled, though. [21:02] hmm, something odd is happening then :-/