[12:58] Any bugcontrol members here ? [13:09] !anyone | Mez [13:09] Mez: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [13:09] rbasak: cheers :) Never mind - I got it sorted anyway :) [17:10] shalom01 [17:11] hggdh, ? [17:11] (also hi) [18:20] TheLordOfTime: trying to run a program in the wrong window [18:20] :-) [22:07] hggdh, TheLordOfTime thoughts? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1212356 [22:07] Launchpad bug 1212356 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu is hostile to bugs from regular users" [Undecided,Confirmed] [22:07] I plan to edit the page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs, but I don't want to do so in the dark of the bugsquad. [22:11] balloons: the reason that was done is a large portion of bugs were coming in without enough information to process [22:11] balloons: reading a wiki page isn't a high cost to submit a bug [22:14] micahg, I get the reasons, and I agree having the page isn't a high cost. We can always improve the language and flow of the page, and thus I wanted to open it up to get your thoughts [22:14] ah, ok [22:15] I'm constantly doing the same on our wiki.. trying to not scare anyone off by having too technical descriptions up front, etc :-) [22:39] balloons, *looks now* [22:41] balloons, i agree with micahg on his assessment, but I also see a flaw in how ubuntu-bug operates - for crash bugs it requires or rather suggests the full use of a GUI browser when reporting things such as crash bugs. Also with other bug issues as well, I see things like this, mainly with Debian BTS people going insane trying to loop their heads around the Launchpad BTS [22:41] balloons, but as it stands i think we could revise the ReportingABug stuff to some extent, but generally speaking i don't agree with the bug as is filed [22:42] micahg, can Launchpad set a temporary forced-silence from a registered user on bugs? [22:42] the guy in question who filed that bug is acting exceptionally hostile towards commenters [22:42] TheLordOfTime: the account can be locked if the user isn't behaving [22:43] ah i misread his statements [22:43] stupid small font [22:43] * TheLordOfTime hates his netbook [22:44] TheLordOfTime: yeah, looks like he's being ok now [22:44] his title is strong eh? [22:44] balloons, i think the title could be revised to something like "Ubuntu Bug Filing is not extremely user-friendly." [22:45] but again I'm not a dev and I started with Ubuntu so i find the bug filing system to be sufficient [22:45] :P [22:45] whereas debian people find it to be insane [22:45] alright, feel free to pm me or leave comments here or email. I'm going to try tackling the page tomorrow and see if I can see if anything can be improved [22:46] I changed the bug title [22:46] balloons, ack. [22:46] dinner time.. thanks to you all for the thoughts [22:46] we'll chat again once I've made some edits I'm sure ;-) [22:47] i'm going to go zombie killing on an xbox, because I'm too frustrated with my laptop to do much today [23:44] Hi, could a bug admin please put https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm/+bug/738305 out of its misery as support has ceased for 11.04, thanks :) [23:44] Launchpad bug 738305 in pcmanfm (Ubuntu) "PCManFM Crashed When Accessing a Removable Drive" [Medium,In progress] [23:46] phillw: is it fixed? [23:47] phillw: you yourself marked it in progress, so you should be able to close it [23:48] Since 0.9, to the current 1.1 there has been many bugs fixed. I've not seen it repeated. jtaylor all I can do is mark it as invalid. Is that the correct answer to close it? [23:49] I thought the grim reaper of the bug bot quietly murdered inactive bugs :P [23:53] jtaylor: I assume that marking invalid with comment https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Release_has_reached_EOL is the correct way to do this manually?