=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [06:04] morning all [06:44] good morning MooDoo [06:44] :) [07:18] morning everyone! [07:19] morning === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [07:59] Morning [07:59] hi === schwuk_away is now known as schwuk [08:13] morning all [08:14] AlanBell: alt-tab in 13.10 is even more broken than i first thought [08:14] if you have multiple workspaces [08:15] alt-tabbing will flip to the last window on another workspace, which it should never do [08:15] its not that hard is it? [08:15] other DEs have managed for years [08:15] but unity is special [08:15] "special" [08:16] it rides in the special bus [08:16] "What does your window taste like today?" [08:17] I don't use multiple workspaces that much now [08:17] since the cube was taken away [08:17] cube ftw [08:17] i used to play with it as a distraction from work [08:17] I prefer the flat layout myself.. I tried the cube.. but it's not for me [08:17] I now have a primary workspace and I occasionally put things on other workspaces to put them out of the way [08:18] i try to remember the multiple workspace thing but always get out of the habit after a few days [08:18] after needing to copy paste stuff from firefox to terminal [08:18] * TheOpenSourcerer uses multiple workspaces all the time. [08:18] suspects TheOpenSourcerer is a fvwm guy [08:19] is/was [08:19] mungbean: not twm? [08:19] Nope - 31.04 on my laptop and 12.04 on my desktop at home. [08:19] i used workspaces a lot in solaris openwindows [08:19] opps meant 13.04 [08:19] Motif! [08:19] TheOpenSourcerer: Been using your TARDIS again then? ;) [08:19] Lovely looking WM [08:19] pre motif [08:20] olwm [08:20] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/cd/Openwindows.jpg [08:20] although in my memory it looked better than that [08:20] Good morning peeps :) [08:21] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/38/Mwm.jpg [08:21] ewww [08:22] too.....spongey [08:22] o_O [08:22] spongey? [08:22] somehow motif felt spongey to me [08:22] in the same way that KDE was sharp [08:22] and could cut you [08:23] Is that pronounced "spunjee" or "spongee"? [08:23] yeah, many cuts I got off KDE [08:23] good morning everyone. [08:23] mungbean: its a bug [08:24] mungbean: so yes, other desktops including unity have "managed" it hjust fine for years, but sometimes there are bugs in the development release. fancy that huh? [08:24] Time for a #2. Laterz. [08:24] ... [08:24] oh, unity has had weird alt-tab behaviour every time for me [08:25] i think its by design [08:26] AlanBell: if you have a moment bug 1212586 could do with confirming [08:26] bug 1212586 in unity (Ubuntu) "alt-tab switches workspaces to focus apps, but shouldn't" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1212586 [08:26] But if I have one app, with two windows, both on different workspaces.. should alt-tab tab between those [08:26] ? [08:28] no [08:28] alt-tab never crosses workspaces [08:29] is there one that does? [08:29] alt+` ? [08:29] no, alt+` switches windows of an app [08:29] alt+tab switches all windows on the current workspace [08:30] But is there a workspace-crossing "alt-tab like" key? [08:30] ctrl+alt+tab switches across workspaces [08:30] so yes, there is one [08:30] Oh, that's handy :) [08:33] Good morning all, happy Lion Day! :-D [08:34] What's the service which caches command names to offer alternatives if you type 'sudo' wrong, for example? [08:34] command-not-found [08:34] cheers popey [08:34] popey, I never knew about ctrl-alt-tab, thank you! [08:34] ctrl+alt+` doesn't work though :( [08:35] wow, alistair darling could have been the next master in dr who http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/42962000/jpg/_42962555_darling203.jpg [08:35] That's disturbing [08:35] mungbean: I thought BBC had a fear of beards, or so I read? [08:35] i think the master is to blame for all fear of beards [08:36] popey: Just tried Alt+tab on 13.10 in vbox I don't see that bug, Following the how to reproduce, I just switch to the browser on workspace 1 [08:38] I can't reproduce it popey [08:46] !info molly-guard [08:46] molly-guard (source: molly-guard): protects machines from accidental shutdowns/reboots. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4.5-1 (quantal), package size 11 kB, installed size 84 kB [08:47] How far along would people say that 13.10 is in usability & not having major breakages, contemplating upgrading my laptop to test in regular use [08:48] DJones, I've been using it at home fine even with mir [08:48] xmir* [08:49] diddledan_: Is that now installed by default, or is that still to filter through to the default install [08:49] I haven't upgraded this machine because it's my primary work machine and even though I've had good luck so far I'm still not prepared to commit everything to it [08:50] no, xmir is still a ppa I believe [08:50] Last I'd read about it, it was still install at own risk [08:50] at least I'm getting my xmir from ppa [08:50] Thought that was the case [08:50] I may wait until that filters through to default, then do a fresh install [08:55] I just found a cron entry that was set to fire at 34:00 (yes, 34 o'clock) [08:55] lol [08:56] I can only assume it should have been 00:34 [08:56] Did it actually work though? [08:56] nope [08:56] LOgic prevails then [08:58] DJones, xmir isn't installed by default, but it's in the default repo now. [08:59] DJones, I switched to it on Sunday. For the most part I haven't been able to tell the difference, but Chromium seems to fairly reliably crash it. [08:59] YMMV. [09:14] JamesTait: are you on a single monitor? [09:15] diddledan_: xmir is now in the repos [09:15] but not enabled by default [09:15] AlanBell, I am. Well, my laptop display. [09:17] AlanBell, I plugged my TV into my HDMI port the other night and it worked flawlessly for the first time since I've had the laptop - but I'm pretty sure that would have been before I switched to xmir. [09:17] But after switching from the nvidia driver to nouveau. [09:17] yeah, as far as I know multi-monitor on xmir is at a very rudimentary level [09:18] I'll give it a bash tonight. [09:21] the xmir ppa works on my own multimonitor setup [09:21] thanks AlanBell [09:28] works as in displays different stuff on different monitors, or just mirroring? [09:30] different stuff on different monitors [09:30] spanning [09:30] even plays well with synergy [09:31] unless it's dropped into fallback mode and I've not noticed [09:31] I'll double check when I get home if I remember [09:33] hi folks, i'm streaming two camera from laptops at home with motion, but if i want to get full streaming rather than jpeg stream? What's the next option? [09:34] probably ffmpeg.. Azelphur has done similar [09:35] hrm.. [09:35] that sounds hard [09:36] longer term project for now [09:39] seems motion has a bunch of ffmpeg stuff,, mpeg4 encoding, bitrates, resolutions.. [09:39] so might be possible with the existing program [09:42] zoneminder? [09:42] * hamitron would just use what is there if it gets the job done [09:43] for now it's fine, would just enjoy smoother streamed video [09:43] my dog plays around with his toys, so it would be cool to be able to capture the occational fun moment in nice quality [09:44] just a risk of it becoming one of those things where you say "I will do that sometime", but never around to it [09:44] :/ [09:44] at least that would be the case for me [09:44] :D [09:46] NET||abuse: I used to do the same with Motion to keep an eye on my dog, I thought it'd be quite entertaining, then as time went on, you realise that the dog sleeps all day and only spends about 30 seconds moving the toys around just before I came home to make it look like he'd been playing [09:46] yeh, can happen to me too, but in this case, i really want to do it. I'll be having a neighbours dog over on occasion who has proven a reliable well behaved visitor so it would be great to offer htis to my neighbour when he is at work also. [09:47] DJones: those devious animals :) [09:47] ooh, standup meeting... brb [10:10] AlanBell: I bet there will be pledges for the edge even on the last day when it's still millions off the mark [10:10] It's a pitty, as I do see the idea of the next evolution of convergence devices like the edge [10:11] I think there's something to be said for that kind of all in one, but at the same time. I love my laptop :) [10:11] it would of suceeded if the amount was a lot lower, I suspect realistically it was set that high as they knew it would fail. [10:12] I imagine the cost to get anything off the ground might be just htat high with the manufacturers regardless. so they had no choive [10:12] choice [10:12] maybe Mark will just swoop in and swallow the difference at the end :) [10:13] NET||abuse: oh so naive [and if it does i'll apologies then and buy you a beer] ;) [10:13] that would be silly [10:13] s/it/he [10:13] hehe :) [10:13] I eagerly await that beer [10:17] lol [10:18] NET||abuse: no, he won't though indiegogo, far far too expensive to do that [10:18] wheeee, getting a class two cert for supermatt.net :D [10:18] 4% to indiegogo, 4% to paypal, 20% VAT [10:18] you can still change the target with indiegogo , vbut wahts the point [10:18] don't think you can [10:19] SuperMatt: is that a good thing? [10:19] MooDoo: yup, because it means I have have a wildcard cert, and browsers trust it more [10:19] less warnings = good [10:19] SuperMatt: SSL? [10:19] yup [10:20] what's the point if you're not selling stuff? [10:20] just trust? [10:20] trust [10:20] expensive way of doing it :D [10:20] plus, I've started hosting my own stuff, like tt-rss and owncloud, which I'm also sharing with my friends, so I want a proper cert for them to use [10:20] * hamitron trusts nobody [10:21] something which they can trust [10:21] and I don't mean the user nobody [10:21] ;/ [10:21] ah that makes sense [10:21] AlanBell: i think it's oversimplistic to think mark will pull out a platinum credit card and punch it into indiegogo [10:21] your owncloud is on public internet? [10:21] we talk to indiegogo daily [10:21] it's on my vps [10:21] i can acess it? [10:21] i am scared of securty issues with owncloud [10:21] you can't sign up, if that's what you mean ;) [10:22] i'm scared of security vulnerabilities that would allow an attacker to get my precious [10:22] yeah, ditto [10:22] I don't put anything precious there ;) [10:22] there are regular security issues with it [10:22] and if I do, it's locked up in a truecrypt container [10:22] i have a server that is firewalled, but ideally vpned [10:24] thing is, I use my owncloud to access from work, home, my parents place, etc, so I don't always have the same IP, and I don't wanna tweak the filewall all the time. [10:24] vpn then [10:25] it's just there for saving stuff that I might wanna get at from a different local later [10:25] its more useful than that tho [10:25] vpn is a bit overkill, especially as I use own cloud on my phone, tablet, laptop, work pc, etc [10:26] If there's something *really* precious I don't want anyone to have, it really won't be on my owncloud, at least not without being in a truecrypt container [10:27] truecryp container on your pc , then sync it? [10:27] my keyboard is missing letters today [10:27] mungbean: yup [10:28] just a small one, to contain various things I need to keep safe [10:37] TE UIC RWN JUED VER TE LAY DG [10:37] * bigcalm giggles to himself [10:37] bigcalm: U WOT M8? [10:37] MartijnVdS: hold down both shift keys and then type: the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog [10:38] bigcalm: it looks vaguely Irish [10:38] I'm sure my keyboard would fair better if I didn't have to convert PS/2 to USB [10:42] odd. does the same on a usb keyboard here, but on neither laptop keyboards [10:43] This is via a Alienware USB keyboard: HE QUIK BRON FO JUPED OER HE LA DOG [10:44] THE QUICK BROWN FO JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOGS [10:45] popey: indeed, if indiegogo will accept a different bulk pledge amount without going through the process then maybe it could work [10:45] meh so it looks like microsoft hardware really does rock [10:45] not sure I get what's going on [10:46] where the money doesn't actually change hands, but it brings the total up to meet the target [10:46] It's a test of multiple key press processing. Something directhex was interested in for gaming, I think [10:46] and it doesn't qualify as a sale, or an investment [10:47] curious why it has no issues on either laptop keyboards here [10:47] mac? [10:48] one mac, one HP [10:49] My Logitech keyboard gets the TE UIC RWN JUED VER TE LAY DG one [10:50] my dell keyboard does the same too [10:53] Just tried to move my glasses and poked myself in the eye because I'm not actually wearing them [10:53] bigcalm: http://imgur.com/a4CVG ? [10:56] i punched myself in the face doing up shoelaces the other day [10:57] popey: hahahahahahahahahaha [10:58] popey: https://www.gov.uk/report-domestic-abuse [10:58] popey: Thanks that's made my day :) [10:58] popey: also.. HOW?! [10:58] looking down, pulling laces up tight, laces slip out of hand, hand carries on going upwards to face [10:58] HELLO FACE [10:58] hmm, can't switch motion over to not just do jpg saving. [10:59] right, ffmpeg server approach later [10:59] need to work. [11:20] * czajkowski pokes davmor2 and goes back to work [11:20] * davmor2 prods czajkowski and opens a terminal, the prods czajkowski and does some work [11:21] Terminal prodding [11:37] I like fingering random people in the terminal [11:37] I find it invariably says they're unknown tho [11:38] $ finger bigcalm [11:38] finger: bigcalm: no such user. <-- see? [11:38] o.O [11:40] * DJones remembers early programming days and having to poke memory addresses [11:46] that the beeb or the sinclair? [11:46] or both? [11:49] Neither, Vic 20 [11:50] And later Commodore 64 [11:50] Still don't think I ever filled the 3.5K ram on the Vic 20 with anything I ever did [11:51] only thing I remember actually having to poke, was to read the weird buttons on the atari 600 [11:52] Probably also on whatever the Apple ][ basic language version was before using Cobol [11:52] I liked the Atari's, the cartridge slot hidden under the flap right on top of the case always seemed a cool idea [11:53] Remembering those machines certainly shows my age [11:56] bigcalm: wifey surprise present arrived yesterday http://shop.constantin-weisz.com/de/Herrenuhren/Herren-Automatik/Constantin-Weisz-Herrenuhr-Automatik115.html I recommend opening it in chrome/chromium for the page translation if you want to know details :) [11:58] whoever decided to put MySQL and Postfix together is an evil, twisted human [11:58] DJones: you know you are old when you say when I were lad I remember changing valves on colossus [11:59] davmor2: Nah, when I were a lad, the colossus hadn't been built yet :) [12:00] Monotoko, fighting email again? [12:01] DJones: when my wife looked after old people, there was one lady who would chat about how hard the rationing was and gas street lighting and then that new fangled electric came along and then blow me wasn't there a second world war :D that is old [12:01] i think my wifes gt grandfather was a street lamp lighter [12:02] diddledan_, indeed... I need to get all-(post)@(club).(district).org to go to all the posts in that club in that district [12:02] ergh [12:02] the previous sysadmin said it'd take him 2 hours before he left... I don't believe him [12:02] history | less [12:02] it's a bit odd to think there's people who lives through two world wars, the advent of flight, the space age, etc etc. I already feel old, and all I've got is "I went to school. and then I got the internet." [12:02] falklands war, iraq war, afgan war,.. [12:02] 9/11 [12:02] shauno, you went to school?! [12:03] 11/9 [12:03] mungbean: Falkands wasn't a war, you can't count that one [12:03] I hate that the americans have twisted the date for 7/7 so now we have to call it 7/7 instead because they coined it first! [12:04] Although the people who dies/got injured in it would dispute that [12:04] :P === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [12:04] mm, lunch [12:04] that's a good idea [12:05] hmm, any idea how I'd do the all- thing diddledan_ ? [12:05] none whatsoever! :-p [12:05] I suck! [12:06] Hmmh, lunch... Thats going to be wierd, getting a lunch break [12:07] mungbean: that'll be cold war, falklands, kuwait/iraq, afgan, iraq again, iran (that we weren't in honest gov'nor ;) ) [12:07] DJones, who said anything about a break?! [12:08] none of those really affected me though, which I think is what makes the world wars really stand out [12:08] iraq first time is as far back as I go [12:08] in terms of memory [12:08] diddledan_: Thats true, although working as a contractor, I don't get lunch, changing to employed means I will [12:08] aah [12:08] being employed means you officially get a lunch [12:08] but in reality [12:08] you don;t [12:10] I've always eaten at my desk, although I will need to do a lot of office cleaning once I take over & move into the office first, I'm working on it'll be a "one skip" tidy [12:18] EAT THE DESK [12:18] lots of fibre! [12:23] christel \o/ [12:24] hello AlanBell \o/ [12:29] hello christel [12:31] hellloooo :D [12:31] :) [12:32] christel: Looking at the dodgy looking cafe over the road from here, I suspect eating the desk would be the healthy option [12:35] haha [12:35] christel: you desprogged congrats [12:36] danke schoen :) [12:43] davmor2: cool watch [12:50] bigcalm: ta :) I love it, like you with your pens :) [13:00] :) [13:00] davmor2: did you see the one Hayley gave me for my birthday? [13:01] * Monotoko cries [13:01] I'm going to throw our email server outta the bloody window in a moment [13:05] Monotoko: that bad? [13:06] Really good review of my birthday present: http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/232695-sailor-hakone-yosegi-zaiku/ === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [13:07] MartijnVdS, I'm having one of those days, and Postfix just doesn't help that at all [13:11] what's the milestone? 10.2m? [13:14] bit more than that [13:14] well 32m but what's the other milestone? [13:14] 10.2m exactly? [13:14] $10,266,845 [13:14] cheers [13:15] pebble lol [13:15] they are lame [13:16] :| [13:17] i know somebody with one and they are v gimicky IMO [13:25] One what? [13:26] Pebble watch [13:26] Oh [13:27] Wondering what Samsung will come out with [13:28] so a few months on, what's the opnion of the ouya? [13:31] bigcalm: wow to be fair that is impressive :) [13:33] davmor2: It's very much my every day pen now. I'd take it with me if I didn't value it so much [13:34] pen? for writing..? [13:34] love letters? [13:35] bigcalm: iirc there is a mother in pearl, black onyx checkerboard pen I've seen somewhere that reminds me of that, I bet that is expensive though ;) [13:37] There are 5 fountain pens on my desk. I really need to stop [13:38] Oops, just found 2 more [13:38] i have disdain for such things as i am a left hander [13:39] A pen is not hand centric [13:39] I never have a pen on my desk... [13:39] bigcalm: they are though.. pens with flowing ink = coloured hand [13:39] bigcalm: for me, anyway [13:39] :D [13:39] bigcalm: (fast-flowing ink) [13:41] bigcalm: yes they are, lefthanded nibs are more expensive and less common [13:42] davmor2: that's only if they are cut at a slant. All of my pens can be used by either hand [13:45] bigcalm: no you can get lefthanded no slanting nibs, iirc it's to do with the thickness of leading vs trailing nib tips. The only exception as far as I am aware are the really strong metal nibs like titanium etc. but softer metals like 22crt gold for example has different nib tip weights [13:46] * bigcalm shrugs :) [13:47] bigcalm: see you didn't know there was that much to nib technology did you ;) [13:47] davmor2: not something I pay much attention to. I like driving cars, but I don't know how to build one ;) [13:49] bigcalm: yeah you do, one lego brick at a time following the instruction in the book :D [13:49] Mmmm, lego [13:50] hmmm.. lego [13:50] bigcalm: we were planning a trip to legoland windsor for my birthday but with the mil being so poorly we couldn't get away hence the surprise watch pressie instead [13:52] Badminton tonight, I wonder if we'll end up in that crazy Thai restaurant again in Compton [13:52] davmor2: I can imagine you tearing up the road in their lego cars [13:57] even biros are a problem for left handers [13:57] unless you live in arabic RTL countries [13:57] even pencils can be [13:57] erm [13:57] biros and pencils aren't a problem :P [13:58] no, i type instead. [13:58] fountain pens aren't even too bad really [13:58] Seeker`: pencils = grey side of hand [13:58] Seeker`: biros are fine, but bad ones can rip up paper [13:58] or contortion [13:58] MartijnVdS: is your hand made of rubber? :P [13:58] Seeker`: fountain pens = blue side of hand [13:58] biro ink = smudge too [13:59] mungbean: for those "gel" pens maybe [13:59] I use a biro a lot and don't smudge it. [13:59] you are a leftie? [13:59] mungbean: I am [13:59] I don't think I recall getting grey hands from HB pencils either [13:59] I am [13:59] i can take notes but not fill a page of text [13:59] worst, try using a fountain pen as a left hander, [13:59] its grim and also scratches weirdly [14:00] wait.. #ubuntu-lefthanded? [14:00] INTJ and lefthandies ftw [14:00] #fountain-pen-blue-hands [14:00] more like. [14:00] writing is overrated [14:01] I think aobut 10% of people are left handed [14:01] 15-19% [14:01] so you'd expect 12 people or so in this channel to be left handed [14:01] "Globally, roughly 12% of men and 10% of women are left-handed." [14:01] Seeker`: but not everyone on the channel is active [14:01] only around 15% of the chan are active [14:02] and they're ALL left-handers ;) [14:02] maybe it is because the wrong-handed people are scared of us? [14:02] its genetic [14:02] the fear? [14:02] without the RH gene, then its 50/50 [14:02] Hehe [14:03] thats what i heard and chose to believe without checking anyway [14:03] hello [14:03] Hi [14:03] my parents are both right handed, me and my brother are left handed [14:03] me too [14:03] i am 1/5 [14:03] 2/5 are lefties [14:03] although I play the guitar right-handed, and can use a mouse with either hand etc. [14:04] Seeker`: that doesn't mean that both of them aren't actually lefthanders that were forced to use their right hands [14:04] Yeah, the mouse is a special case for me too.. but that's just because of how it was always set up [14:04] i do nearly everything right handed except writing, scissors, fine painting [14:04] scissors I can do with either hand [14:04] I'm equally bad at snooker with either hand [14:04] scissors I'm bad with [14:05] I can't cut straight if my depended on it [14:05] takes me slightly longer to cut stuff in my right hand, but its not too bad [14:06] stanley knife and a cutting board and I get a better result than I do with a pair of scissors [14:06] i tried cutting our blinds because i got impatient hile wifey was out [14:06] fail [14:06] although i cut my sons hair and did great [14:07] "almost no blood!" [14:07] your blinds...grow? [14:07] 1984 Nobody died [14:07] 1985 Nobody died [14:07] etc [14:07] (c) Steve Coogan [14:07] ? [14:07] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob1rYlCpOnM [14:08] brass eye? [14:08] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Oldelpaso/No-one_died [14:08] Day Today [14:09] close enough :P [14:09] whats is this referring to popey ? [14:09] is there a good book on sysctl variables? I'm trying to find out the implications of setting kernel.shmmax but I can only find stuff about it being set too high to be sensible [14:09] http://www.puschitz.com/TuningLinuxForOracle.shtml#SettingSharedMemory explains some but not all of the implications of changing this, for example [14:10] it was just me picking up on "almost no blood" [14:10] ah lol [14:10] i did make a little mistake and he has a v short bit at the back but if you ruffle his hair it doesn't show [14:11] dwatkins: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/kernel-resources.html explains a little [14:11] thanks MartijnVdS :) [14:13] dwatkins: and I think there's extensive documentation in the kernel source tree (Documentation/ dir) [14:13] http://torrentfreak.com/down-torrent-pirates-130813/ [14:14] EBook Sellers Strike Deal To Share Customer Details With Anti-Piracy Outfit [14:14] * Seeker` needs to re-watch brass eye at some point [14:14] aha, I'd best get me some sauce installed, thanks again MartijnVdS [14:15] or they could spend their energy making it cheap and easy to buy portable ebooks [14:17] mungbean: netbooks monthly fee like netflix but you get to loan books [14:18] have you seen what they offer in libraries in terms of ebooks? mostly smutty mills and boon type stuff [14:19] same as netflix here (.ie), it's all bollywood and chinese. folks that'll licence worldwide without a fight, instead of fighting per-region like the big names [14:19] The office has run out of milk #BritishProblems [14:19] dwatkins: have you no backup boxes of UHT? [14:20] bigcalm: I don't care, I have my own milk ;) (LactoFree) [14:20] Ah [14:20] It's only a problem when people start stealing mine. [14:20] That's very intolerant of you [14:21] i think i'm banned from posting on britishproblems [14:21] mungbean: what did you do? [14:21] rate-limited ;) [14:21] i submitted a post and then realised i made a mistake in teh title [14:21] so i deleted it [14:22] then resbmitted [14:22] shicking behaviour [14:22] *ahem* shocking, I mean [14:22] now any stories i submit since then never appear [14:22] even though previously i submitted stuff with 500 upvotes [14:24] i don't care really , i can change username [14:24] /r/britishproblems has turned to crap anyway [14:25] daily mail, tea, more fake daily mail outrage [14:25] who upvotes the 10 stories about daily mail and kevin bacon? [14:27] DM really should be banned from the internet. I keep running into people who think it's a real newspaper, which just makes me sadface [14:27] I don't even know if I'm subscribed to it any more. [14:27] shauno: do they work for the Daily Mail? [14:27] DM outrgage is dispropritionate to other newspapers [14:27] check this [14:28] http://www.pressgazette.co.uk/content/goundhog-day-why-daily-express-front-pages-may-leave-readers-sense-deja-vu [14:29] most the newspapers in the UK are pretty disappointing, to be honest. DM irk me in particular because they seem to crop up everywhere, constantly [14:29] mainly because of the mock outrage and then people post the link [14:30] also, when a jounralist dies in a war zone the media go crazy [14:30] top story on every TV and paper [14:30] completely insular, you'd think only media and politics are important in this world === alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea [14:50] just remembered i brought a massive hunk of watermelon to work :D [14:51] bro, you like cantalope? [14:52] i need to do 8000 more steps today [14:52] well, 7000 [14:52] is that a quote? [14:53] no, just somehting silly i saw on imgur today [14:54] http://imgur.com/gallery/bl3NCr4 [14:54] roughly [14:54] lol [14:54] my wife visited me at work yesterday [14:54] i met her at bethnal grn [14:55] in the distance i saw her coming , and a mad person had accosted her [14:55] i keep telling her about mad people here, and with in 5 mins of arriving she's been madded [14:55] also, i want to do this http://imgur.com/gallery/YaCLH [14:55] although i have none of the ingredients or equipment to do it [14:56] if only there was a website to show me the best bits of imgur [14:56] mmm molasses [14:56] lol @ dogs [14:57] my brother hated on melon his whole life, then one day said have you tired this cantaloupe, you gotta try it , its lovely. i said i thought you hated melon and said it was like cucumber? nah i never said that === alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g [15:13] man, I can't decide whether to install saucy for apache2.4, or compile it from source [15:14] never compile [15:16] nevr trust someone who uses a fake name. Dave lee travis [15:20] ... I need to pay my AWS bill [15:20] before my server's shut down >.> [15:22] http://www.networkworld.com/news/2013/081413-vmware-ceo-openstack-is-not-272867.html?hpg1=bn [15:23] gnuweb: foureight84 /lastlog dog [15:23] password? [15:23] mungbean: What was the dog reference? [15:23] Just wondered if it was anything to do with this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-23714896 [15:24] it was the link popey posted about rum [15:24] Ah [15:24] and a pic of dogs waiting [15:24] Ah [15:25] I was trying to decide if the Whythe rum is not gone picture was a port-a-potty [15:55] doo de doo [15:55] anyone know anyone around oxfordish way looking for php dev work? [15:56] $work is hiring, you see [15:56] man, kvm without ipv4 is a bit of a trial [16:00] neuro, freelance or employment? [16:00] latter [16:00] fulltime [16:00] perm [16:00] :( I've just settled in Exeter [16:01] with a full time job [16:01] what's the salary like? [16:01] so why are you wasting my time? :))) [16:01] i don't know yet, will find out tomorrow [16:01] well, it could have been freelance - in which case I could do with more freelance work :P [16:01] :) [16:01] yeah, it's not, soz [16:02] GTA V Online trailer video \o/ [16:07] i see the telegraph has decided to wow their readers with unsolicited teenage bare midriffs: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationpicturegalleries/10244946/baremidriffs.html [16:07] (it's pics of a-level result-receiving jumpy people) [16:11] ...right. [16:18] i was never that excited about exam results [16:18] i never cared for exams [16:18] me either, hated em [16:18] but then i also believe revision is cheating :) [16:19] was glad to see the back of school, college and uni [16:19] (yep, i did the trifecta) [16:19] well, did as in i went ... i dropped out of uni :) [16:20] it can be a pretty challenging time to pay for the priviledge of having someone tell you to go off and learn x [16:20] pay? :) [16:20] all i paid for was my travel, food and books [16:20] one of the world's rather sick jokes is that us Channel Islanders have to pay the tuition fees of foreign students [16:20] and beer, lots of beer [16:21] often get housed in the same blocks as people from the other side of world too [16:21] all i got out of uni was beer, laid and unix [16:21] seems like a straight-forward side effect of being a tax haven? [16:21] how would you say the two have any relation? [16:22] well that's what pays for everyone else's "free". you pay less, it buys you less [16:23] well, tax does go to our government instead [16:23] but you'd have thought there'd be a tiny bit of cooperation seeing as our passports say 'British' ¬_¬ [16:23] but ah well [16:26] cooperation about what? [16:26] http://i.imgur.com/he17wYl.jpg [16:26] channel isles are crown dependencies [16:26] couple of cruise ships are in today [16:27] not actually part of the UK [16:27] you just look that up? :) [16:27] nope [16:27] I Know Things [16:27] lies [16:28] sure, whatever [16:28] can always tell cruise ship days, you can never get along the high street ¬_¬ [16:29] is there a particular reason you don't like me, or are you just always like this? [16:29] eh, that's just messing and you're not used to me i guess [16:30] well it's one thing to fanny about, but it's another thing to accuse someone of lying [16:30] are you serious? [16:30] i couldn't tell if you weren't [16:31] i think you need to calm down a bit [16:31] i'm perfectly calm [16:31] i'd be using caps and stuff if i was kicking off [16:31] and you know what i'm like with caps [16:32] i've forgotten already thankfully [16:32] i could remind you if you like :) [16:32] caps are awesome [16:33] although one thing that winds me up is people who Capitalise Every Word In A Sentence For Some Odd Reason [16:34] also yeah, i make no secret that i'm not too fond of you [16:34] and i've politely asked why [16:35] you're not very pleasant to converse with because you're highly opinionated and don't seem to be capable of opening your mind to alternative points of view [16:35] which is your opinion, of course, and you're entitled to it [16:36] thanks for answering honestly [16:36] i do actually appreciate it [16:39] anyway, in other news [16:39] https://stripe.com/blog/introducing-stripe-uk [16:43] hey , i have some ubuntu 12.10 problems [16:43] can anyone please please help me [16:43] !ask [16:43] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [16:45] k , i have dual OS , one is winodos 7 and one is ubuntu 12.10 , I think it is nvidea graphic card driver problem , I try to boot in nomodeset mode , but also i am getting a black screen , anyone kbows [16:45] adding nomodeset should've worked [16:46] (for a single boot) [16:46] @dafty , i replaced the quiet splash by nomodeset , yet getting the same black screen [16:47] how odd, this is in the installed version? did the livecd work? === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [16:49] alan_g|EOD: bomb squad? :) [16:51] #ubuntu-in must be really dead for indian folk to keep coming into -uk [16:52] pretty much all of the localised channels beyond this and main are dead [16:52] shame :( [16:53] I thought -de had quite a big community? [16:53] have you seen the amount of US channels? [16:53] they've set one up for each state [16:53] at least that's the opinion i get from the fact that in #ubuntu everyone tends to send the foreign support seekers to their respective channels, then they come back saying nobody's talking in there [16:54] i guess that's both upside and downside of geeks usually having at least a basic grasp of english [16:54] neuro: that might be because of the size of the states [16:54] oh sure, some of them :) [16:54] ca, tx, ny, etc i can understand [16:54] but i wonder how many alaskan ubuntu users there are :) [16:55] @datty , has anyone answered my question , my net got disconnected [16:55] please cpy and paste whoeva has answered it [16:55] I know a couple. and AK seems an obvious choice for a colo, given that they can't just pop next door [16:56] er, loco [16:56] There are 11 states bigger than the UK [16:56] apparently [16:56] heh i was wondering about 'colo' :) [16:56] yup [16:56] tis a big country [16:56] california will be at the top of the list, i guess [16:57] can you check my problem [16:57] awww: i asked if it wasn't working with nomodeset on an installed copy, but worked with the liveCD? [16:57] alaska, texas, california [16:57] alaska??? [16:58] alaska's freaking huge. it just doesn't look like it in most map projections [16:58] where are you getting these numbers? just checked wikipedia ... uk pop in 2011 was 63.182m [16:59] ca pop in 2012 was 38.041m [16:59] neuro: I was talking interms of area [16:59] yea , it dint work on the installed one , i tried with livecd and when i give run with usb , i get a terminal with " ubuntu@ubuntu " Idk what to do next [16:59] ak pop was 731K [16:59] oh *area* [16:59] awww: what nvidia card do you have? [17:00] area-wise, this is what it never gets credit for; http://www.wtv-zone.com/kingdon/Photos-1/alaska.jpg [17:00] good grief [17:00] the original idea for locos was mainly ubuntu advocacy in 'local' areas [17:00] afaik [17:00] nvdiia Geforce Gt 525M [17:00] @datty , replied back [17:01] ah 525Ms don't work with stock ubuntu apparently [17:01] awww: read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2075423&p=12315916#post12315916 [17:02] hehe you really don't want to be telling people to install bumblebee that can't even boot :) [17:02] that should solve your problem (I think!) [17:02] daftykins: they said they got to a prompt [17:02] shauno, that link no load [17:02] livecd only [17:02] "Ever since the birth of computers, enthusiasts and fans around the world have collected together in garages, universities and pubs to talk about their interest, learn from each other and help promote their interest. Combine this with the huge popularity of Ubuntu, and you have the Ubuntu LoCo project." [17:02] ah doh [17:03] diddledan_: works on my pithy 3g connection :/ [17:03] awww: if you installed ubuntu with an internet connection, it may've installed updates at the same time. you could reinstall with updates disabled / the internet connection disconnected [17:04] awww: sorry - if you boot into your installed Ubuntu OS, get the black screen, try pressing CTRL+ALT+F1 and that should get you to a login prompt. You should be able to log in with the user you created when you installed, and from there you can follow the instructions in that forum post [17:04] most people that install bumblebee on optimus setups before anything much else is working end up with bricked installs [17:04] but ah well, maybe he'll be lucky [17:05] sounds somewhat bricked to me already :) [17:06] @neuro dude , i Have some problems in that terminal 1 ctrl alt f1 , the thing is I give right username and password , it doesnt allow , even that bug exist [17:06] awww: use my instructions at your own risk then, sounds like it may not be 100% fix [17:06] awww: i'm not sure, then [17:07] is there a reason why you're using 12.10 and not 13.04? [17:07] there's no reason , just havent updated , was happy until it stopped workin [17:07] ^ i nearly asked that. it should either be 13.04 or 12.04.2 LTS really [17:08] dont want any nvidea thing o somethin , just want ubuntu to work [17:08] @dafty , dude do you have a solution [17:09] awww: yeah do you see above @ 16:03 when i replied? [17:09] i said reinstall with updates turned off [17:09] if you don't want nvidia, sounds like you'll need a different computer :) [17:09] nah it sounds like an optimus setup, neuro [17:09] i know [17:09] wait, it was working already? [17:10] no no [17:10] @dafty [17:10] awww: download one of the other versions, bear in mind 13.04 is dead come January though [17:11] ebay user agreement update 0o [17:11] "give us your first born"? [17:11] ok , after i boot from livecd i get ubuntu@ubuntu in the terminal [17:11] what next ? [17:11] are you connected to the internet with it? [17:12] cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit [17:12] no , how do i ? i only get a black terminal @dafty [17:12] no gui @dafty [17:13] is it a laptop you have to use wirelessly or something? [17:13] if you were connected with a cable it'd be able to be online [17:13] * neuro sits down and sings a song about Ethernet cables [17:14] ok , if i have a dongle then ? [17:14] yeah that's not going to be easy [17:15] i think you should download a different version to try [17:15] the bit that i'm interested in is that it was working previously [17:15] awww: did you mean that 12.10 was working for you fine until something changed and it stopped working? [17:16] yes ! all of a sudden this happened , [17:16] http://askubuntu.com/questions/330835/no-native-mode-forcing-panel-scaling [17:16] i posted this on forum [17:17] oh so you have an existing install that broke? [17:17] i'd hold shift on startup and pick an older kernel to try booting with [17:17] after that , some day i tried with changing the brightness in windows and restarted , it worked fine until today [17:18] i have the advanced options with recovery mode [17:18] but i dont know what to do to get my org back [17:18] no just pick a different kernel version if there is more than one listed === Hornet- is now known as Hornet [17:22] my net got disc [17:22] sorry [17:22] ! [17:22] can someone please post [17:22] windows sucks [17:22] post what? [17:23] the solutions if u have posted [17:23] awww_: hopefully more than one kernel version is listed on the holding-shift down GRUB menu, pick an older version to try [17:24] that wont take me to some terminal or any weird thing right ? [17:24] ? [17:24] well, depends if it works or not [17:25] you don't want the 'recovery' ones though, just an older version [17:33] support over disconnections, funsies? no sir... [17:36] nor the seeming language barrier [17:43] never fun [17:43] india [17:43] yup, mumbai [17:43] why do we get so many non-uk people here? [17:43] see conversation above :) [17:45] @dafty if ur there , tried all kernels not workig === aww_ is now known as Guest51651 [17:45] ok, i'm out of ideas then [17:46] open source ! help please :P [17:46] my nick is aww itself [17:47] @dafty , is my laptop optimus [17:47] ? [17:47] popey: cuz wez rockin outda house [17:47] if it's got mixed intel on-die and nvidia yeah, it's likely [17:48] k k , dafty provide me a solution dude [17:49] ur the only hope [17:49] obi daft kenobi [17:49] davmor2: woop woop hands in the air! :) [17:50] Guest51651: what's the problem? [17:50] haha BPI guy on the news talking up vinyl [17:50] Guest51651: i'm out of ideas. i'd reinstall with a different version [17:50] davmor2: black screen on GT525M optimus on 12.10 [17:51] popey: yeah there was a beeb news article today about selfmade vinyl [17:51] haven't read it, just saw the headline [17:51] good to see they're keeping up with the times though :) [17:51] @davmor2 , I have dual OS , one is win 7 and is ubuntu 12.10 , the ubuntu doesnt boot coz of nvidea graphic card problem [17:51] they probably think vinyl is the ultimate anti-piracy format [17:51] inded [17:51] and they make money from it [17:51] Guest51651: have you tried in #ubuntu ? [17:51] "rip *this*, you rebel scum!" [17:51] Guest51651: turn the brightness up. there is a bug in pre nvidia 319 version that means the brightness is set to 0 because the nvidia bit doesn't work [17:52] ooh, he did say he'd fiddled with the brightness [17:52] yea i did [17:52] where do i inc my brightness , is it in windows 7 ? [17:52] @davmor2 [17:53] Guest51651: there should be a button combo to do it [17:53] yea yea , do i have to do in winows 7 ? or ubuntu ? [17:54] Guest51651: in ubuntu wait till you hear the drums then turn the brightness up, if you don't hear the drums give it 30+ seconds and then do it [17:54] i dont run ununtu on virual box or some software liek that [17:55] awww: have you tried going into your laptop bios settings to disable the discrete (nvidia) gpu? [17:56] not sure if you can do that on an optimus setup [17:56] nopes , but then i want nvidea for win7 man [17:56] i mean temporarily [17:57] neuro: you can't it is run intel first or just run nvidia I think but forcing nvidia is kinda sucky under linux [17:57] :( [17:57] ooh, new email ... "Dear William, You haven't told us yet that you want to keep playing Lotto by Direct Debit." Damn skippy, I haven't. [17:57] I've never had any luck with my nvidia optimus setup [17:57] ~ £36 a month? forget it [17:58] neuro, it's only 36£ if you play every draw [17:58] Guest51651: you're life gets a lot easier in 13.10 with nvidia-319 and nvidia-prime just need the nvidia-persistence to land and it's complete [17:58] @didledan , did u eve solve it [17:58] diddledan: na, i put two lines on, so i'm ~ £18/mo currently [17:58] i have nvidia geforce gt 525 m btw @davmor2 [17:59] neuro, aah, ditto.. I didn't look to see how much that would cost me [17:59] neuro: nope not possible, there are no controls over the GPUs in optimus systems BIOSs (i'm typing from one now) [17:59] whatever it's costing you now, double it [17:59] £2 a line per draw now [17:59] well, not now [17:59] from 5th oct [17:59] yeah [17:59] sucky [17:59] daftykins: ah :( [18:00] the only dual GPU systems i've used have been macbook pros, and they Just Work :( [18:00] @davmo2 if that doesnt help , then ? [18:00] lol [18:00] my mbp only has intel :-( [18:00] neuro: 'cept when the people install ubuntu on them, as well ;) [18:00] which i don't ;) [18:01] funny, that [18:01] yup! [18:01] i mean i *do*, just as a parallels vm [18:01] and i binned it a while back [18:01] upgraded it to 12.10 and it went haywire [18:01] @neuro , ubuntu sucks man ! and now that it is unity [18:01] awww: you're in the wrong place to say "ubuntu sucks", dude [18:02] if you think ubuntu sucks now, just wait, Microsoft are sure to ruin the next version for sure [18:02] neuro: 12.10 sucked donkeys, 13.04 was way more stable than 12.10 [18:02] i'm looking forward to the end of the month actually ... simcity finally landing on OS X. I get the chance to kick the crap out of my 650M :) [18:02] davmor2: don't think i've tried 13.04 on parallels yet [18:02] the whole unity thing has put me right off to be honest [18:02] diddledan: you mean they didn't already with windows 8 [18:02] glxgears could do that to a mobile chip XD [18:03] davmor2, hmm, morerer [18:03] good word usage there :) [18:03] :-D [18:04] just as well you didn't say "moreish", i'd have been forced to hunt you down, liam neeson style [18:04] Guest51651: can you get into repair mode? [18:04] what if he said 'these distros are moreish' ? [18:05] @neuro , what do you do ? [18:05] i'm a sysadmin, why? [18:05] I'm a devadmin [18:05] daftykins: nicely done :) [18:05] "I don't know who you are ..." [18:05] so that was ok? :O [18:06] well you said it in quotes, soooo ... [18:06] I need to watch part 2 [18:06] diddledan: it's rubbish [18:06] oh [18:06] I break ubuntu :) well I most deal with incoming apps at the moment and part time break ubuntu, but I'm good at it :) [18:06] diddledan: *but*, it's entertaining rubbish [18:06] phew [18:06] it's nowhere near as good as the original, it's a retread with a stupid plot [18:06] bah [18:07] they had a great potential [18:07] but it has liam neeson kicking arse, so, you know, there's that [18:07] plus, famke janssen. [18:07] mmmm [18:07] exactly [18:07] tasty [18:08] i still haven't watched more than the first 5 minutes of Unknown, i really should [18:08] at least just to say i've seen it [18:09] o_O I've received a spam that says in the subject line (gmail didn't alter it!) "[suspected spam]" <-- is there a benefit to alerting your userbase that you're emailing them crap? [18:11] on the plus side, however, I must have had a wayward youth judging by all the old friends that have just broken with their boyfriend and want to sleep with me [18:13] 0o [18:13] all being >1? [18:14] several per day. the problem is I don't remember knowing them. [18:14] oooh i see now, you refer to more spam mails [18:14] :D [18:14] :-) [18:14] i really am far too slow these days [18:14] =| [18:14] lol [18:18] In debian, how do I see what DNS server it's using? [18:19] Azelphur, isn't it in /etc/resolv.conf? [18:19] /etc/resolv.conf [18:19] @davmor2 : did not work [18:19] diddledan: yea, is that definitely the one it's using? [18:19] because according to that file I'm using google DNS and...its down [18:20] both of them?! [18:20] daftykins: seems unreachable [18:20] that's the only one I have set [18:20] /etc/nsswitch.conf will show you the ranking order of what priority configured nameservers use [18:20] i think they have too [18:20] they're both responding to me [18:20] also use opendns as a fallback? [18:20] is davmor2 there here [18:21] Azelphur: if it can't reach them, is your default gateway not borked? [18:21] i tried his method dint work @neuro [18:21] daftykins: don't think so, I'm ssh'd in ok. [18:21] awww: pass then maybe have a look on askubuntu [18:22] Azelphur: routes don't affect data coming in [18:22] hav posted there also , but what do i when i get a termianl where ubuntu@ubuntu is appearing [18:22] daftykins: how do I check the route? [18:22] Azelphur: route -n [18:22] daftykins: route isn't installed [18:22] oh balls [18:23] err [18:23] o_O [18:23] ip route [18:23] daftykins: traceroute looks sane [18:24] http://pastebin.com/XvsabYUe <-- route [18:24] http://pastebin.com/aSVfkyGm <-- traceroute [18:24] ? [18:25] last hop is google [18:25] lol :P that is the first hope [18:25] neuro: yea, I just realised that myself! [18:25] google DNS...officially broke? [18:26] you're in ny? [18:26] neuro: server is, yes. [18:26] right [18:26] google dns is anycasted so it uses a local system [18:26] i.e. the server uses a different system to me in the uk [18:27] * neuro has a nosey from new jersey [18:27] so I can tell you that both dns servers are running fine but it doesn't map to what your server sees [18:27] added to work around it in dns [18:27] and are opendns' ones [18:27] wouldn't hurt to have a fiddle [18:27] yeah, i'm hitting the same 72.14/16 [18:27] so 'nslookup domain' is failing? or stalling [18:28] i can get to [18:28] daftykins: couldn't ping or resolve any DNS [18:28] neuro@challenger:~$ host sony.jp | grep "has address" [18:28] sony.jp has address [18:28] fun [18:28] neuro: guess the particular server my server was directed to was down (probably round robin or something?) [18:29] yeah maybe? [18:29] i can't route to the last hop [18:29] as in i can't get out of whatever local network i'm tracing from [18:30] in your trace, the third hop is above.net [18:30] then hops 4-9 are all google [18:30] fun [18:30] well, set up lots more redundancy on the DNS now, and it works fine [18:30] i can only get to hop 5 [18:30] 6-9 are unreachable for me [18:30] so solved, was obviously on googles side though ( didn't work, added as a fallback, and it worked) [18:30] yeah totally google's side [18:30] fun :) [18:31] either that or your provider's router hasn't had its routing table updated [18:31] well, provider is InterNAP tier 1 [18:31] you should always have more than one server entered [18:31] so, it should update real fast [18:31] daftykins: indeed, I now have 4 (google and open) [18:32] your first hop is internap? [18:32] neuro: yup [18:32] blimeh [18:32] still, they're manned by hoo-mans [18:32] that the new service from your dad's connections? [18:32] and hoo-mans make mistakes [18:32] lol [18:32] daftykins: nope, that's my server. [18:32] would be funny if it was [18:33] hehe yea, wouldn't mind 1gbit at home ;) [18:33] what, this? this multimode 10G fibre coming into the house? pfff, tis nothing. [18:34] haha [18:34] oh i get you now [18:34] would nice to be an ISP just to have a Netflix edge cache server in my spare room [18:34] doesn't anybody store the medias anymore :( [18:35] * neuro points to his 13TB of NAS [18:35] some, then [18:35] ja [18:35] i cba to upgrade my 5TB one [18:35] plus, you know, they have blinkenlights [18:35] my 3ware 9650SE can probably only take 2TB disks max [18:35] :( [18:35] same with my readynas nv+ [18:36] i think my nv+ v2 can take 3TB [18:36] 197GB free on that now - don't even really get anything [18:36] so lately i've just deleted rubbish films to regain some space [18:36] see, that's what netflix is for :) [18:36] if they have the rubbish films, you just bin your local copies [18:37] actually, i'd be tempted to do that were it not for the fact their library floats, varying in line with their current licensing deals [18:38] nah i'm not paying anyone for that [18:38] tut :) [18:38] to have access to rubbish films, i mean [18:38] :D [18:38] ah :) [18:39] i'm one to talk [18:39] ;) [18:39] i keep paying my lovefilm sub despite the fact i never use the thing [18:39] D: [18:39] madness [18:39] picture quality is awful [18:39] they usually use PAL masters [18:39] which is actually my biggest gripe [18:40] movies were not meant to be played at 25fps [18:41] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyhrYis509A&list=RD02etviGf1uWlg [18:41] don't click that D: [18:41] dammit!!!!! [18:41] it's not safe D: [18:42] just managed to close it before it started playing [18:42] that's a BAD davmor [18:42] * neuro larts davmor2 [18:42] neuro: same XD [18:42] all i saw was the title and i was like nononononononononono [18:42] this channel needs title reading bot functionality [18:42] * popey watches http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080339/ on netflix on ipad [18:42] dear god that's evil [18:42] haha [18:42] cmd-w! *mash*mash*mash* [18:42] one of the best films ever [18:42] why would anyone do such a thing [18:42] thank god I closed it in time [18:42] because they are pure unadulterated evil [18:43] popey: i picked a helluva day to stop sniffing glue [18:43] ☻ [18:43] I clicked on the playlist for THE BOMB (these sounds fall into my mind) And it's been great till that came up and I thought I shouldn't suffer alone [18:44] there was no need to inflict that on us [18:44] you can close browser tabs, you know [18:44] no-one's forcing you to watch youtube [18:45] or ... wait ... are they? [18:45] i wonder what Barbie Girl would sound like, if autotuned [18:46] worse [18:46] davmor2: I have a spotify playlist of 90s music if you want [18:46] davmor2: http://open.spotify.com/user/martijnvds/playlist/1g55QqilucQ0qr1x4Sv5fw [18:46] neuro: the men with green skin only go when I listen to youtube ;) [18:47] MartijnVdS: I have my own collection this was just to see if the music it picked was any good :) [18:47] neuro: thats... possible? @_@ [18:47] davmor2: ok, but if you ever need inspiration, feel free ;) [18:47] MartijnVdS: :) will do [18:50] the bomb isn't even on that playlist :S [18:51] i thnk you just wanted to make us listen to barbie girl [18:51] ali1234: the bomb was the track I wanted to play initially and then I notice the play list it pulled up to the right so thought I would let it play [18:52] ali1234: to be fair it's been pretty good up till barbie girl [18:53] oh nirvana next [19:03] whoa.. https://www.humblebundle.com/ [19:03] Do you like movies about gladiators? [19:03] 4 million!? [19:03] jeez [19:07] so edge is getting closer to the magic pebble sum [19:07] ☻ [19:07] not really magic [19:07] symbolic maybe [19:07] popey: why can't it be magic, 3 is magic it's a number :P [20:11] did or does anyone ever use cacert.org certificates? [20:12] i have a friend who did [20:12] I've used them, but they were a hassle (don't know if they still are) [20:13] is there a benefit of using their system over gpg, I wonder [20:14] central authority does have it's perks [20:14] as well as it's detractions [20:16] i was going to play with hosting my own firefox sync setup, i think i'd have to buy an SSL cert though [20:17] diddledan: more clients understand S/MIME (Outlook even supports it!) [20:17] but good luck finding people with the CaCert root cert installed [20:17] yeah, that's the suckage [20:18] nobody has the cacert root cert [20:18] not even mozilla are willing to use it by default [20:18] diddledan: StartSSL has free S/MIME certs [20:18] diddledan: http://www.startssl.com/?app=1 [20:19] yeah, startssl are pretty good [20:28] clear night for an iss flyover at ~22:10 [20:30] AlanBell: we haven't passed the pebble yet [20:30] $10,227,335 [20:30] pebble=$10,266,845 [20:32] ooh.. ISS in 2 minutes here? [20:33] hergé's adventures of 22:10 [20:33] ooh, so close [20:33] eh [20:33] how can it be in 2 mins [20:33] its over the pacific [20:34] popey: spaceweather says 10:24 PM.. [20:34] wait.. why is it showing YESTERDAY [20:34] popey: yeah, I started writing that and hit post when I finished writing, and forgot to wait [20:34] popey: false alarm. [20:34] heh [20:34] Missed one today @ 21:35 [20:35] d'aww [20:36] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/2012_S1 [20:36] ^ that one might be cool [20:36] "Around the time it reaches perihelion on 28 November, it may become extremely bright if it remains intact, probably reaching a negative magnitude." (= very bright) [20:39] how bright? [20:40] not brighter than a very bright star, apparently [20:41] is there a nova to look at? I saw something earlier about one but can't find it now [20:43] http://www.planetary.org/blogs/emily-lakdawalla/2012/3390.html is a lovely image that kind of shows our insignificance [20:43] the total perspective vortex [20:44] :) [20:44] insignificant factor 10 [20:48] it's so much worse than that, when you look at the distance between galaxies [20:48] and how many of them there are [20:48] yip [20:49] yeah, there are more than several galaxies [20:49] it's bad enough at that point though [20:52] a long time ago in a galaxy far far away [20:52] an overrated franchiese got sold to Disney [20:52] -e [20:54] franscheisse? [20:55] cunning [21:16] I've never actually seen that before. susprisingly bright [21:17] yeah [21:17] wifey has friends over, dragged them outside to see it [21:17] I just saw the ISS too :) [21:17] that was cool [21:19] but slightly odd standing outside on my own thinking "well according to popey, I should wave .." [21:26] heh [21:28] he tricked you again huh :( [21:29] Today I learned empty alkaline AA batteries bounce when dropped, full ones don't. [21:32] that's because they're hollow when they're empty [21:32] the juice gets sucked into the electronics leaving an empty shell [21:33] 0o [21:34] lies [21:34] i don't believe that [21:34] which bit? [21:34] what popey said [21:34] aah [21:34] which by process of elimination means you believe what I said [21:34] you wouldn't want to give them such a bashing anyway [21:35] sure [21:37] i just watched 3 videos showing it [21:38] http://www.eevblog.com/2013/08/15/eevblog-508-can-you-test-battery-charge-by-dropping-it/ [21:42] i still don;t believe it [21:43] ali1234, a random blog says it's true! [21:43] it's too perfect [21:43] he's quite a well known engineer [21:43] it's the internets, it knows everything! [21:44] ... including what colour my undies are... :-/ [21:45] watching one of his vids where he tears down an archimedes a3000 [21:47] we need to do a proper double blind test [21:47] or rather someone else does, cos i still think it's a joke [21:50] * AlanBell has some batteries [21:54] some are bouncier than others, not entirely sure it correlates to charge levels yet [21:56] the not-bouncy ones seem to work fine in my LED torch [22:00] going to run a pair of bouncy ones totally flat in the torch (might take some time) [22:00] hmmmm [22:00] i have a theory [22:03] i would guess the chemical reaction is producing a small amount of gas and pressurising the cell [22:11] perhaps it is a secondary effect. perhaps the battery heats up during discharge, which causes the material inside to expand, deforming the case somehow [22:12] someone try this with brand new rechargables vs empty ones vs ones you charged