
OberonKing Hi, I resently install kde 4.11 in Mint 15 KDE.... all works fine, but, if I plug an usb stick nothing happends, fdisk -l see it ok but nothing in dolphin or notification.... any Ideas??01:16
OberonKingi use kubuntu-backport to install it01:16
tonalHello All04:00
tonalI update kde from Kubuntu Backports ppa04:01
tonalAnd Kopete crash for start04:01
tonalIn console I see: kopete: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/kopete_icq.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5Oscar6Client15connectToServerERK7QStringtbS3_04:02
tonalHow to resolve it?04:02
tonalMy OS - Kubuntu 13.0404:03
nerdtronhave you tried reinstalling kopete? sudo apt-get purge kopete04:05
nerdtronalso before installing kopete again, show hidden file in your home folder, rename the folder .kopete to .kopete.bak04:07
nerdtronthen launch kopete again04:08
tonalI reinstall: aptitude reinstall kopete04:22
tonalI see error string - problem in /usr/lib/kde4/kopete_icq.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5Oscar6Client15connectToServerERK7QStringtbS3_04:23
tonalIMHO developer change name for function or its signatures, but forget change client code...04:25
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crumbzIs it possible to add a new calender on korganizer for example for scheduled workouts, or any other category?07:05
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ubottugenni: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:54
tonallast Kopete crash for start with console out: kopete: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/kopete_icq.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5Oscar6Client15connectToServerERK7QStringtbS3_09:12
tonalHow to resolve it?09:12
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bassoany decent docks for kde?10:47
bassosince i now can get global menu it would be nice to get a decent dock also :)10:48
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six86hello. since I updated to KDE 4.11 yesterday I have no kubuntu-desktop package anymore. I also cannot reinstall it because of hold back broken packages packages. There are also other packages missing like kde-window-manager and kde-workspace. I can login but i ave no window manager, no window decorations and so on... can someone help me please?12:09
smartboyhwsix86, :O12:10
smartboyhwCan you access the Konsole?12:10
nick87720zhi people. Did anyone upgrade to 4.11 without troubles?12:13
smartboyhwnick87720z, what's your issue?12:14
smartboyhwTell us please..12:14
nick87720zwhen i try, it want to remove kwin-style-qtcurve12:14
nick87720zand many other packages12:14
voltyhi, after doing upgrade X doesn't start12:14
smartboyhwnick87720z, hmm12:14
voltyhow can I fix this pls?12:14
nick87720zi'm about kubuntu backport12:15
ladyleeim new here12:15
ladyleei need to know a few things about kubuntu installation12:15
smartboyhwnick87720z, can you give me a paste of the apt-get output?12:15
smartboyhw!paste | nick87720z12:15
ubottunick87720z: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:15
smartboyhwladylee, yes, just ask。。。12:15
ladyleedoes it easily install and configure net by itself like ubuntu?12:16
nick87720zyep. I already made some non-destructive upgrades12:16
smartboyhwladylee, yes, we use the same installer (ubiquity)12:16
nick87720zfor now i have removed tasks-icons12:16
nick87720z(looking to log in muon)12:17
ladyleedoes it have gimp and other graphical options as in linux mint and ubuntu etc?12:17
smartboyhwladylee, Kubuntu IS Ubuntu to be honest12:17
smartboyhwJust comes with different packages pre-installed12:17
smartboyhwSo, what's available on Ubuntu, you get it on Kubuntu12:17
voltysorry but, since quite urgent, i repeat and restate: after upgrading yesterday X doesn't start (no mouse pointer or whatsoever); how can I fix it, what should i reinstall, why this mess?12:18
monkeyjuiceladylee: maybe try a live cd and look at it first12:18
ladylee_ does it have gimp and other graphical options as in linux mint and ubuntu etc?12:19
ladylee_sorry got dc12:19
smartboyhwladylee_, yes12:19
monkeyjuiceyes ladylee_12:19
six86smartboyhw: yes i can12:20
nick87720zsmartboyhw: there are not only kubuntu upgrades, but as for qtcurve - it's removal is caused by kubuntu upgrades12:20
smartboyhwsix86, nick87720z probably you two have the same problem...12:20
six86strg-alt-f1, but not the graphical window in kde, because i cannot get focus there12:20
nick87720zsmartboyhw: kde-plasma-desktop only causes vast removal12:22
yofelnick87720z: what kubuntu release are you on?12:23
monkeyjuicehang around smartboyhw is trying to get more help here12:23
* smartboyhw forgotten the debug apt-get command...12:23
nick87720zsmartboyhw: i'm using kubuntu-backport ppa with ubuntu 12.0412:23
smartboyhwsix86, what release are you using?12:23
smartboyhwvolty, ^12:23
nick87720zmore exactly, initiall it was ubuntustudio12:23
smartboyhwnick87720z, hah!?12:23
smartboyhwIt shouldn't fail though12:24
tonallast Kopete crash for start with console out: kopete: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/kopete_icq.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5Oscar6Client15connectToServerERK7QStringtbS3_12:24
tonalHow to resolve it?12:24
nick87720zsmartboyhw:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/599251012:24
nick87720zmay be some packages are forgotten during rebuild?12:25
smartboyhwtonal, what release?12:25
smartboyhwnick87720z, we just batch-copy12:25
yofelnick87720z: they probably need a rebuild12:25
yofelat least I know that none of the were tested12:25
yofel*of them12:25
smartboyhwtonal, wait..12:25
tonalI update for Kubuntu baskport ppa12:25
nick87720zon gentoo i have 4.11 enough long time12:26
voltysmartboyhw, i' m too with kubuntu-backport ppa, going to force reinstall of kdm, then of kubunut-desktop12:26
nick87720z(very soon as it was released, at least much earlier than there)12:26
yofelnick87720z: please file a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+filebug and post the apt output there, then we can look at it12:26
yofelhm? 4.11 was released 2 days ago12:27
smartboyhwtonal, what architecture?12:27
tonal$ uname -a12:27
tonalLinux hius2 3.8.0-27-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 9 00:17:05 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:27
smartboyhwtonal, weird weird12:27
voltyif i cannot fix i'll just reinstall kubuntu and never again trust backports12:28
yofelvolty: is kubuntu-desktop installed?12:28
smartboyhwtonal, we have two symbols that aren't added, but it shouldn't fail to look up a symbol12:28
smartboyhwIf the symbol doesn't exist, we would have build failures over here...12:28
six86so any ideas how i can reinstall kubuntu-desktop?12:29
yofeljust 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop'12:29
six86mh no :)12:29
voltyyofel, of course, everything worked fine until yesterday, for many years now12:29
tonali reinstall kopete: aptitude reinstall. But error also.12:30
six86yofel: http://paste.kde.org/pe9d1256d/12:30
smartboyhwtonal, hmm.....12:30
ladylee_thank you smartboyhw i was so worried that i would get stuck after installing kubuntu :$12:30
yofelvolty: what does your /var/log/Xorg.0.log say?12:31
smartboyhwladylee_, you won't:)12:31
yofelsix86: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop kde-window-manager kde-workspace12:31
yofelthat should show a bit more12:31
smartboyhwtonal, report bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+filebug first please....12:31
smartboyhwI will try to see what exactly has happened...12:32
smartboyhwBut a missing symbol should have been captured on our side, not on user side..12:32
six86yofel: http://paste.kde.org/p6e2f6ca3/12:32
voltyyofel, i'm on windoz now, going to check the log, thnereinstall kdm and kubuntu-desktop, then install a parallel, same, kubuntu without ppa's (like i did until few month ago), thx12:33
smartboyhwsix86, what does sudo apt-get install libegl1-mesa-drivers give you?12:33
yofelvolty: did you manually switch to kdm?12:33
yofelif not then lightdm is what's used12:33
yofelon 13.0412:34
* smartboyhw likes LightDM:P12:34
yofelsix86: are you using the X/mesa backports?12:34
six86I use xorg/edgers12:34
smartboyhwsix86, DON‘T。。。12:34
yofeloh, you're on 13.0412:35
voltyyofel, no, it was a standard install, default kdm, something went wrong because of configuration files (bugs of ppa) or because of messing between integrated updater and apt-get cli12:35
yofelvolty: default is lightdm12:35
yofelnot kdm12:35
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yofelsadly, without logs I'm really clueless what the issue is. the X log might tell something, otherwise look at the apt logs in /var/log/apt/ whether something went wrong there12:36
voltythx a lot12:37
six86So even if I remove the edgers repo, i cannot install anything. How can i fix the mess?12:37
yofelsix86: what does aptitude say if you try the same thing?12:37
yofelthat doesn't give up as fast as apt does12:38
six86Gives me two possibilities: Keep the old version or leave the issue unresolved12:38
nick87720zyofel: Is it enough to insert links to logs, which i already inserted?12:39
yofelby saying no you can cycle through a few different solutions12:39
yofelnick87720z: links to paste.ubuntu.com are fine12:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1213066 in Kubuntu PPA "Upgrade to 4.11 causes vast packages removal" [Undecided,New]12:41
nick87720zha :012:41
smartboyhwnick87720z, :)12:41
six86hm, so what is the actual problem now? Are there problems between xorg/edgers and 4.11?12:41
yofelsix86: I'll try to replicate that in a bit here12:41
yofelwe certainly don't test mixing backports and edgers12:42
smartboyhwnick87720z, I have an impression that it might be a problem with KXStudio or something12:42
smartboyhwsix86, edgers is really NOT recommend for users AT ALL.12:42
nick87720zneed to check, does first case involve kxstudio stuff12:42
six86yofel: thx, I never had problems with that combination, there was a reason why I used edgers some time ago, but I can't remember12:43
smartboyhwnick87720z, yes12:43
yofelsmartboyhw: well, most of the plasma widgets probably have an issue with libtaskmanager, for the rest someone needs to investigate12:43
smartboyhwI saw kxstudio-desktop-kde here12:43
smartboyhwyofel, libtaskmanager?12:43
yofellibtaskmanager4abi3 is now libtaskmanager4abi4, and they're not co-installable12:43
smartboyhwyofel, so, we forgot to break/conflict12:44
yofelno, a few external packages need rebuilds12:44
smartboyhwyofel, eh, I will rather ask Riddell about rebuilds:p12:44
six86yofel: how does this sound to you: http://paste.kde.org/pcbd8c5a4/ ?12:44
yofelsmartboyhw: do it yourself, it's not really his job. Those are all 3rd party widgets12:45
nick87720zno, kxstudio is not reason12:45
nick87720zrather more: kxstudio-desktop-kde4 is affected12:45
yofelhm, just installing stock 13.04 + backports + edgers works fine here12:47
yofelsix86: can you find at least one solution where aptitude does install kubuntu-desktop?12:48
yofelnick87720z: I cannot find kxstudio-desktop-kde4 in the archive12:52
smartboyhwyofel, that's PPA..12:52
smartboyhwIt's another distro12:52
six86yofel: I don't think so. looking thorugh the possibilities for minutes now :)12:52
yofelok, then someone else find out what's broken there12:53
nick87720zyofel: i did not say, that it is in kubuntu backports12:54
smartboyhwsix86, run sudo apt-get update again, and try the solutions..12:54
smartboyhwnick87720z, we get it, don't worries:P12:54
yofelnick87720z: ok, no problem, but then there's not much we can do. I'll check if there's anything we can help with though12:54
six86yofel: but apt-get update does nothing new?!12:56
yofelupdate won't do anything if nothing was changed12:56
six86Yes, and what should i try then?12:57
smartboyhwsix86, what does sudo apt-get -o Debug:pkgProblemResolver=yes install kubuntu-desktop give you? Paste it in paste.ubuntu.com12:58
tonalsmartboyhw, https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/121307212:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1213072 in Kubuntu PPA "Kopete crash on startup: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/kopete_icq.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5Oscar6Client15connectToServerERK7QStringtbS3_7" [Undecided,New]12:58
smartboyhwtonal, thank you12:58
six86smartboyhw: http://paste.kde.org/pfde2cfff/12:59
smartboyhwsix86, same command, replace kubuntu-desktop with kde-window-manager13:00
yofelnick87720z: we can fix kwin-style-qtcurve, the other kwin styles are broken with 4.11, and for the plasma widgets you'll have to ask whoever provided the packages you use13:00
six86smartboyhw: http://paste.kde.org/p57357761/13:00
nick87720zstrange, i have qtcurve with 4.11 in gentoo for gtk213:01
smartboyhwsix86, same command, replaced with libegl1-mes-drivers13:01
yofelnick87720z: it's a packaging issue, just needs to be updated13:01
six86smartboyhw: http://paste.kde.org/pa7766e3a/13:01
nick87720zkde in gentoo is 4.10.5, 4.11 is in overlay and it is masked....13:02
smartboyhwsix86, yes, it's your xorg-edgers problem13:02
smartboyhwPlease remove it13:03
six86smartboyhw: edgers are removed since this morning...13:03
smartboyhwsix86, not properly then13:04
smartboyhwDid you use ppa-purge?13:04
six86smartboyhw: no just removed the list file13:04
six86smartboyhw: commented out the entry13:04
smartboyhwsix86, you should use ppa-purge next time.13:05
smartboyhwsix86, sudo apt-get install libglapi-mesa=9.1.3-0ubuntu313:05
six86smartboyhw: E: Version '9.1.3-0ubuntu3' for 'libglapi-mesa' was not found13:09
BluesKajHowdy all13:10
six86sudo ppa-purge ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa Updating packages lists PPA to be removed: xorg-edgers ppa Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: xorg-edgers ppa13:16
six86ppa-purge doesn't do much13:16
smartboyhwsix86, my fault, =9.1.30ubuntu0.313:16
six86smartboyhw: http://paste.kde.org/pe8de679a/13:17
six86is installed...13:19
smartboyhwsix86, sudo apt-get install wine gives you that it's installed? Weir13:20
six86apparently wine isn't installed anymore since the 4.11 update...13:21
six86apt-get install wine is going to install it13:21
six86smartboyhw: ppa-purge didn't work. I just apt-added xorg-edgers and then ppa-purged. It worked. Lets see what the upgrade says13:28
smartboyhwsix86, sure:)13:28
six86Installing kubuntu-desktop13:30
smartboyhwsix86, \o/13:31
six86Yay, happy window decorations :D13:34
six86Thanks smartboyhw and yofel for pointing out to the xorg-edgers again. I first suspected it, but after commenting the sources list i thought this is not the problem.13:36
smartboyhwsix86, next time, to remove a PPA please use sudo ppa-purge and seriously don't use xorg-edgers EVER again13:37
six86Whats so bad with xorg-edgers (not that I remember why i used it on ths machine...)?13:38
smartboyhwsix86, it's SO unstable13:39
six86I think it had someone to do with Nvidia drivers and my BSc thesis two years ago... its just on this machine...13:39
six86So now i can safely update my notebook, too. :D13:40
douglI have a rotating cube for a desk top when I hook up 2 monitors both rotate the desktop at the same time... is there any way to rotate them individually withoug a seperate x server going?13:42
ladyleei download 13.04lts of kubuntu14:00
ladyleebut it says that iso.bin not found or something14:00
smartboyhwladylee, 1. 13.04 is NOT an LTS.14:00
ladyleeits not bootable14:00
ladyleeoops sorry my bad yes14:00
smartboyhwladylee, what did you use?14:00
ladyleeits the new version14:00
ladyleei used a usb14:00
ladyleeto boot14:01
FloodBotK1ladylee: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:01
smartboyhwladylee, I mean, what software did you use to put the image into the USB?14:01
Okitainladylee: so, did you follow instructions from the website?14:01
ladyleetheres an inbuilt software usb image writer in linux mint 15 that i used to make the bootable usb14:01
smartboyhwladylee, I would recommend you to use dd14:02
smartboyhwdd if=kubuntu-13.04-iso of=/dev/sdb14:02
smartboyhwladylee, that's the greatest tool ever:P14:02
ladyleelet me check is dexter mint has DD in its store :P14:03
smartboyhwladylee, no14:03
smartboyhwladylee, just type it in terminal14:03
Okitainladylee: yes, it bloody does.14:03
OkitainIN TERMINAL.14:03
ladyleeno such file or directory14:05
smartboyhwladylee, well, of course it's the name of your image...14:08
smartboyhwdd if=<your iso> of=/dev/sdb14:09
tester56ladylee, if you have no experience with dd please be careful!14:09
yofeluhm, make bloody sure that sdb is the flash drive14:09
ladyleedo u know how to format a usb on linux?14:09
yofelsmartboyhw: please be careful when recommending dd to novices14:10
yofelyou can do a lot of damage with it14:10
smartboyhwyofel, OK14:10
ladyleeits my first laptop and first tiime using any sorta distro of linux ubuntu or kubuntu :$14:10
smartboyhwWell, maybe I should have recommended unetbootin, sorry..14:11
tester56ladylee: Then please forget dd14:11
smartboyhwladylee, how did you install Linux Mint then?14:11
tester56ladylee: you want to place the iso on a usb, right?14:11
ladyleei had ubuntu 13.0414:11
ladyleeon my system14:11
ladyleethat i upgraded or installed14:11
smartboyhwladylee, use Unetbootin14:12
smartboyhwsudo apt-get install unetbootin14:12
smartboyhwIt's a simple GUI tool14:12
smartboyhwMuch better than the usb-creator you use (it is buggy)14:12
Zoiaguyverusb-creator doesn't work 9/10 times (buggy is an understatement)14:12
Zoiaguyverunetbootin is the "recommended" usb program afair, dd works great aswell (if you have dd_rescue installed)14:14
ladyleetrue. it didnt remove the previous distro this time on the usb. it created the other files over the previous ones.14:14
ladyleehence why i couldnt boot the usb14:14
ladyleereally an understatement :D14:14
Zoiaguyverunetbootin should give you the option to format the usb14:15
Zoiaguyverjust make sure to use "fat" or "fat32" if you intend to use it in anything but linux14:15
ladyleethe option has many options. which one to choose? 13.04 hdmedia?14:17
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Zoiaguyver13.04 desktop should be there14:17
smartboyhwladylee, you HAVE downloaded the ISO right?14:17
smartboyhwladylee, there should be a place where you can select the ISO14:18
ZoiaguyverOh if you got it already there should be a little folder button on the right hand side where you can click to find the iso14:18
ladyleeit says to reformat the usb to fat3214:20
ladyleehow to do that now14:20
Okitainladylee: do you have gnome-disk-utility or gparted installed?14:21
OkitainIf yes, then use them.14:21
ladyleeit has its own utility called DISKS14:22
ladyleethat has the format option14:22
ladyleeinstallling gparted14:25
ladyleehow to convert to fat32?14:35
tester56ladylee: convert what to fat32?14:36
ladyleethe usb to create kubuntu bootable usb14:36
tester56use gparted or sth. similar14:37
Okitainladylee: Run gparted, find your device, delete every partition and create one on fat32.14:37
ladyleei did remove everything14:37
tester56now make a new partition and slect fat3214:38
ladyleeby removing partitions has it already converted to fat32?14:38
ladyleebecause it didnt give any kind of option14:38
OkitainRight-click on empty space, choose "make new partition", select fat32.14:39
ladyleeirt says that i have gpt partition table14:40
ladyleeits asking me to create an msdos partition14:41
OkitainSay yes.14:41
ladyleeto the msdos partitioning?14:41
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nick87720zThanks for qtcurve. The case with skulpture is not clear.15:07
ladyleeafter alot of tries i finally managed to make a new partition on the flash drive.out of 8gb theres 7.52gb primary partition converted to fat3215:08
ladyleeso now i can write the kubuntu file and easily install it ryt?15:08
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foobArrrI tried kde 4.11 yesterday because of a bugfix I was waiting for, I installed it from the kubuntu backports ppa. but after encountering a few new problems, I decided to downgrade again, I removed the ppa with ppa-purge. now after login akonadi_agent_launcher and akonadi_maildispatcher_agent together have 100% CPU15:52
foobArrrsorry, premature return15:52
foobArrrtogether have 100% CPU usage. the system becomes unusable after a few seconds. I made them unexecutable for now. any idea what is the cause and how to fix this? (I made backups before the upgrade, so if all else fails ...)15:54
NanduXHey guys, does somebody have any issues with the Alpha release? I want to upgrade to try it out15:56
geniiNanduX: #ubuntu+1 is probably the better place to enquire15:59
geniifoobArrr: Does ~/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error or ~/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error    have anything interesting in them?16:02
Alex_ZionHi everyone, I just upgrade to kde 4.5.11, and I cannot undestand why are changed the folder structure of my media folder , using a username folder on top of it ....16:04
foobArrrakonadiserver.error doesn't exist. akonadi_control.error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5993252/16:05
Alex_Zionof course breaking everything was connected to any folder on media ...., thanks guys , there is a good reasons for that ?16:05
Alex_Zioncan I have all my folder back where it was , would be very nice to have a system that doesn't change those things upgrading , because anytime are hours to reconfigure everithing ....16:09
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AlexZionwell , nobody answer , like always here , when someone just complain about something wrong , it's just a troll right .....16:16
AlexZionthanks anyway , even for all the problem you gift to me with this kind of change .....16:17
BluesKajAlexZion, no, probly because nobody else has seen your issue before , takes a while to figure it out16:17
BluesKajAlexZion, instant gratification isn't available here16:18
AlexZionwell anyway the problem is there and is a big problem for people who works daily in kubuntu, and I hope is a problem and not a decision , because I couldn't understand it BluesKaj16:20
BluesKajAlexZion, how can we understand it if we haven't seen it before ?16:21
AlexZionwell , you should BluesKaj because all of my friend in #ubuntu-it.chat , are saying me that they have the same things on their machina ....16:22
BluesKajif your username is is appearing in /media address bar path , then that's something new16:22
AlexZionreally BluesKaj, what a good news ...., and what about all the broken link !?!, yeah , just spend few hours to fix it..., isn't right ?16:23
BluesKajAlexZion, got a screenshot ?, let's have a look16:24
AlexZionthere is nothing to have a look BluesKaj , before I had /media /Dati/AndSoOn/, now I have /media/user/Dati/AndSoOn/, so any reference to virtual hard drive, applications, files , folder sync and everything else , just doesn't works anymore ...., it is quite simple , isn't ?16:26
NanduXcreate a symlink16:27
rudyismydog[08:58] <tonal> smartboyhw, https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/121307216:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1213072 in Kubuntu PPA "Kopete crash on startup: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/kopete_icq.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5Oscar6Client15connectToServerERK7QStringtbS3_7" [Undecided,New]16:27
AlexZionuntil when NanduX, Until someone decide they wnat a different structure ?16:27
NanduXyes, or until the apps catch up (though I don't know what apps you are talking about)16:28
BluesKajvirtual hard drive ?, are you talking about VBox or Vmware , if so that's new infornation, which might not apply to a normal install , AlexZion16:29
AlexZionis not about apps , is about everything , I mean you did changin position to important folder is not just an application problem NanduX, anyway16:29
AlexZionlook BluesKaj until yesterday , I had all my 8 VM drive on a partition that today is NOT anyore there ....., and because someone else decide so ....., I don't like those things ....16:31
BluesKajwell, guess i can't help you there , perhaps if you were more direct about your problem and gave all the info we needed someone would have recognized the problem , right away , but giving bits and pieces of info in between complaints doesn't help anyone.16:34
AlexZionI mean an upgrade move abot 500 GB of my works data without I knew, and trust me , is not a funny things ....., I would like to be the onlyone  who can decide it ......16:34
NanduXAlexZion an upgrade won't move your files... I don't understand your problem but it seems that it just changed the mount point16:35
AlexZionI dont need hel to rebuild my links BluesKaj, I came here just to complaint about what seems to me a HUGE problem, I could expect something similar with win , but not in kubuntu actually ....16:36
AlexZionI dont NanduX and an Upgrade add a root folder to all my partition mounted on /media .....16:37
AlexZionso it means , that creates a folder , and than move everythig ....., I guess NanduX16:37
BluesKajlocal news is on ...BBL16:39
NanduXupgrades don't do that AlexZion16:40
AlexZionok NanduX, think what you want , but Upgrades did it in my case , and it's not fun .....16:41
NanduXI think it changed only the mount point of your partition/drive... if you want to have a static mount point you should configure it in /etc/fstab16:44
AlexZionyou know NanduX, BluesKaj, I use Kubuntu for 100% of my work since 8.04 cames out, and I always trust a lot kubuntu....., but today after this problem my trust on it is suddenly drops down a lot ....16:45
geniiYes. So even if something in automounter or udev adds extra layer of directory or so on /media no update/upgrade will touch the mounts you specify in fstab16:46
AlexZionyeah NanduX, now I'll fix in some way , is not a big problem to fix , just a waste of time .....16:46
NanduXI think it is more a problem of your config rather than a kubuntu problem16:46
mparilloNanduX: Agree that #Ubuntu+1 is a good channel, but I have been running 13.10 since Alpha-1 on a live USB and in a VM since the upgrade to KDE 4.11. It has been solid for me. One little nagging item is that my KDE clock is now set to UTC in the VM. I think it has something to do with symbolic links, but it is not that big a deal for me.16:47
NanduXthanks mparillo, I'm upgrading now, I wanted to make sure of not ending with a broken boot or something similar16:48
mparilloNanduX: Oh wait: I did a clean install; not an upgrade.16:49
AlexZionyeah sure NanduX is just my problem ... :)...., while using kubuntu of course .....  :D, anyway thanka a lot for the great things of kubuntu , much less for those creative solutions .....16:53
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foobArrrwhat do akonadi_agent_launcher and akonadi_maildispatcher_agent do? will bad things happen if I leave them not executable?17:55
BluesKajfoobArrr, no17:56
BluesKajunless you decide to kmail and kontact17:56
foobArrrok, I use neither. I guess I'll just leave this unfixed. thanks.18:00
BluesKajYou can disable akonadi in system settings>startup&shutdown>service manager ,18:14
BluesKajnepomuk search module (tied to akonadi), uncheck that.Then in session mangement18:14
BluesKaj, check "restore previous session" and add akonadi, nepomuk to the "applications18:14
BluesKajto be excluded from sessions" text18:14
FloodBotK1BluesKaj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:14
foobArrrok, thank you18:29
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:50
geniiBluesKaj: It's the same for all the *buntu channels18:52
BluesKajgenii,, the ubuntu factoid had this , dИsolИs instead of desoles18:54
geniiFor me, ubottu shows desoles   but with accents over both the "e". In what you typed, where the e should be, I see what looks to be upper-case N but mirror-reversed18:57
BluesKajwhy no accents available in Americam English ,  i'd like to should switch to Canadian English , but it's not available18:58
BluesKajI copied and pasted that dИsolИs , from the ubuntu text18:58
BluesKajbut Pici fixed it , so no harm done18:59
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ladyleethe display dim setting aint working19:11
ladyleeanyone please :(19:15
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at__alguien sabe como cambiar el canal ?19:18
NanduX /join <nombre del canal>19:19
at__muchas gracias19:19
BluesKaj!es | at__19:20
ubottuat__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:20
ladyleecan anyone help me plz19:21
ladyleei have flash and display issues19:21
ladylee_can anyone help please19:25
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genii!details | ladylee19:30
ubottuladylee: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:30
ladylee_please help19:33
genii!details | ladylee19:33
ladylee_i cannot download flash and im new to kubuntu and i dont know how to dim the light either. seems like something aint working on 13.04 kubuntu19:34
geniiladylee_: For Flash, you just install kubuntu-restricted-extras package from Muon.19:35
ladylee_genii from package manager?19:37
geniiladylee_: Yes.19:37
ladylee_what about dimming the screen light?19:37
ladylee_it says the flashplugin installer is broken19:40
ladylee_cannot be updated or removed19:40
BluesKajladylee_, click on "check for updates" on Muon19:42
ladylee_authentication error bluesjak19:43
BluesKajpassword error /19:45
ladylee_it says authentication error19:46
ladylee_whys that so19:46
ladylee_it didnt ask for no password :S19:47
BluesKajmispelled your password perhaps19:47
BluesKajok , can you open a terminal ladylee_  ,copy and paste or type;  sudo apt-get update19:48
ladylee_it didnt ask for a password19:48
BluesKajnow, sudo apt-get upgrade19:51
ladylee_i used the run command19:52
ladylee_and now its showing me to run in terminal window19:52
ladylee_now asked for password in the terminal window19:53
ladylee_doin gsomething now19:53
BluesKajmake sure muon is closed while the terminal is processing those commands , ladylee_19:55
ladylee_yes closed it before19:56
ladylee_whats it doing?19:56
ladylee_is it fetching updates to do an upgrade?19:56
BluesKajit's looking at which packages on your system need to be updated /upgraded19:56
ladylee_its done reading and fetching lists19:57
ladylee_nnow what to do?19:57
BluesKajnow, sudo apt-get upgrade19:57
ladylee_from the run command/19:58
BluesKajin the terminal19:58
ladylee_should go for a new terminal19:58
ladylee_because thisone not doing anything on this command19:58
BluesKaj is the terminal stopped at the prompt yet ?19:58
ladylee_the update is ..done19:59
ladylee_but nothing is going ahead than that19:59
ladylee_even this command isnt working there19:59
ladylee_like not doing anything19:59
mr-richHello ... Only sorta Kubuntu related ... What should I get? System76 Gazelle or Zareason Virex 530?20:00
yofelmr-rich: #kubuntu-offtopic for idle chatter please, this channel is only for support20:00
ladylee_flash plung in not installed depends on the lib this n that it states20:00
BluesKajladylee_, open muon > settings > configure software sources>other software , make sure the Canonical partners and Third Party sources are checked , then update and upgrade again20:07
ladylee_done that20:08
ladylee_authentication error on the software muon package20:08
geniiladylee_lled?w it as insta: In konsole, does: apt-cache policy polkit-kde-1      ...sho20:12
geniiAnd now they are gone anyhow20:13
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ScottyKgreetings! In Firefox when I click on a bittorrent file, Firefox wants to know where Ktorrent is so it can open it up. Where do I navigate to? Thanks!21:33
Y0Y0  /usr/bin21:35
ScottyKY0Y0 - thanks!21:37
LogicallyDashingI want to configure KDE Telepathy to display a notification when I receive a direct message--but not when I get a new message in a chat room--except when said message has my name in it. Is there a way?21:48
ladyleei just had to get the LTS version of KUBUNTU22:24
ladyleethe other one totally had bugs i guess22:24
ladyleeso many errors and non working apps22:25
geniiThe LTS versions *are* usually better for stability.22:25
ladyleeright now i am using lts 12.04 kubuntu and my issue is that i just updated my OS and now the flash on facebook aint working at all.22:25
ladyleebefore the update the flash was working just fine22:26
ladyleenow it isnt22:26
mtuhi ppl. the 4.11 quantal backports PPA upgrade has totally fried my KDE4, as in it won't start. i see "no DBUS session-bus" in kdmlog. i cannot even startx into it, even though the X server is fine (no errors).22:27
mtuany ideas on how to debug further?22:31
tester56ladylee: what browser are you using?22:33
tester56ladylee: I recommend google-chrome, flash is working always there22:33
tester56mtu: startx is generally no good idea, use "sudo start lightdm" instead22:34
tester56mtu: If you have internet connection, ppa-purge should work22:36
ladyleekonq i think22:37
ladyleebut firefox has the same thing22:37
tester56use chrome, you will see it works as it does not use native flash22:37
tester56or downgrade the flashplayer package22:38
tester56mtu: The responsible people who have enough knowledge to help you can be found on #kubuntu-devel, but they are usually not online right now22:38
mtutester56: thanks for the info. what does ppa-purge do?22:39
tester56mtu: removing a ppa completely and rolling back all changes22:39
NanduXladylee do you have the package flashplugin-installer installed?22:39
ladyleei just installed 12.04 but rite after installing it asked me to update..22:39
ladyleei checked facebook before updating to know if things working alrite there22:40
ladyleeso i know that it was previously working before the update22:40
ladyleehow to check that22:40
ladyleeim new on kubuntu22:40
ladyleei havent used linux ever22:40
mtutester56: thanks, that might be my last resort for today. cheers, mate!22:41
tester56mtu: sudo apt-get install ppa-purge (to install ppa-purge) and sudo ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports to remove it22:41
NanduXladylee open a terminal and type 'apt-get install flashplugin-installer'22:41
NanduXladylee: 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer'22:42
ladyleeit says the flashplugin that i have is already the newest22:43
NanduXladylee, well, then flash is not working for some reason, as tester56 said you can install google chrome, it comes with its own flash plugin22:46
ladyleeyes but its opening half the photos and half the videos and not even playing them :922:49
ladyleeit was fine bfore the upgrade22:49
tester56ladylee: Google-chrome is not in the official repositories as it is closed source22:51
ladyleehmm i shouldnt have updated 12.04 with new sources and pplugins :(22:51
ladyleethat did it22:51
nahwhere can i find config file for iptables in kubuntu?23:13
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