
philipballewThe ubuntu forms twitter account is tweeting weight loss tips.01:33
philipballewI assume people know though.01:33
pleia2philipballew: might want to report in #ubuntuforums01:33
philipballewpleia2, igh!01:34
IdleOneheh, could be a lot worse01:34
philipballewIdleOne, yeah, could be worse.01:34
josehey guys, wasn't the record 10.21 millions?02:56
jose(we've passed that)02:57
josehey guys, can I have some upvotes here? http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1kgrdf/ubuntu_edge_now_mostbacked_crowdfunding_campaign/ :)04:07
smartboyhwjose, yes we did:P04:47
josehence the link I posted04:47
dpmmorning all05:27
joseg'morning, early bird!05:29
smartboyhwHey dpm05:30
dpmmorning jose, smartboyhw :)05:31
joseall going good over there?05:32
dpmyep, everything fine, how's it going with you jose?05:33
joseschool's keeping me busy, but everything's going great dpm :)05:33
dpmcool :)05:34
josethat being said, /me moves to bed05:34
josesee you all guys soon!05:34
dholbachgood morning06:50
smartboyhwHey dholbach06:50
Tm_Tgood morning06:51
dholbachhi smartboyhw06:51
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smartboyhwdholbach, welcome back:)11:22
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=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dholbachall right my friends - have a great weekend! :)17:08
cielakyou know, I was wondering23:04
cielakif you guys from the community team could announce that you're going to shave off you head/beard/(whatever is appropriate) IF the Edge campaign reaches 32M23:05
cielakthen a lot of people would reconsider taking the Enterprise Bundle23:05

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