
cjohnstonawe: looks like restarting NM fixed it today!00:00
cjohnstonawe: if your typing in terminal, do you see the text disappear at times?00:01
awecjohnston, I don't use the terminal all that much, I prefer to adb into the device00:02
aweon my desktop when text disappears, I blame compiz00:03
cjohnstonI play with terminal on the device every once in a while (read when I'm too lazy to find a cable)00:03
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elkngcjohnston: you and "sjohnson" are same person ?00:12
chrisd_is there a way to kill sidstage from the commnad line, i tried opening the phone on a nexus 10 and its hung00:20
thomiuhhh.. odd question: after 'adb shell; sudo su - phablet' I can't type the letter 'm' - nothing appears in my terminal00:40
RAOFBut you can type other letters?00:40
thomiit's clearly not my keyboard, see? mmmmMMMMmmm00:40
thomiand other terminals work...00:41
thomiand the root account on the phablet device work as well!00:41
chrisd_do any you guys run terminal outside of the side stage on nexus 1000:41
chrisd_sidestage is way too small to run terminal app00:41
thomiRAOF: ahh, apparently having 'horizontal-scroll-mode' set to on means you can't type 'm' O.000:42
cjohnstonthomi: its too fuzzy to read the text, but here is a video of 'text disappearing' http://ubuntuone.com/76w8k2dCfOnOr7LP0kZZUC00:45
hennkehello all in here ..01:21
hennkei have just one question . How shall i do too install ubuntu on my samsung galaxy S3 i930001:22
matv1just follow instructions on this page01:25
matv1or did you find that already01:25
matv1question of my own here: has anyone had the Ubuntu Qt sdk running on a 32 bit machine?01:28
matv1I am having trouble, that i am not seeing of a 64 bit machine01:29
matv1at all?01:30
matv1AskUbuntu has been quit on this issue for days as well01:34
matv1just trying to find out if it is even possible01:35
matv1mhall119 can you shed light perhaps?01:43
matv1ubuntu qt sdk on 32 bit?01:44
cjohnston /1901:49
RAOFmatv1: I'm not aware of any reason why the SDK shouldn't work on 32 bit; what have you tried?01:51
matv1i am not aware of any reason either. just cant get it to work01:52
matv1it doesnt say anywhere that it wouldnt01:52
matv1 here is my issue on askubuntu01:52
matv1would you mind having a look?01:53
mhall119matv1: how did you install the SDK?02:00
matv1just used the normal command on the app dev page02:01
mhall119hmmm, it sounds like something is either missing or didn't install correctly02:01
mhall119first, what version of Ubuntu are you running?02:01
mhall119matv1: have you tried apt-get purging the ubuntu-sdk and re-installing?02:02
elkngwhen it released will it be possible to inject wifi packets or wifi driver will not allow it ?02:03
mhall119elkng: inject wifi packets?02:03
matv1mhall119: yep (see my comment  on the AU issue)02:03
mhall119matv1: ok, one more idea, do you have any older Qt paths in your $PATH ?02:04
matv1hang on ill check02:04
elkngmhall119: yes, like airreplay can do it02:05
mhall119elkng: I have no idea what that is, sorry02:05
elkngmhall119: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Packet_injection02:06
mhall119elkng: ah02:06
elkngso ?02:07
cjohnstonsounds like your wanting to do some wifi hacking02:07
matv1mhall119: nope echo $PATH doesnt give me anything qt related. Or is that not the way to check?02:07
mhall119I still don't know, but if you put the device in developer mode you get access to everything, even root, so it's likely02:07
elkngsounds like no one answering my question02:07
mhall119matv1: that should be enough02:07
mhall119matv1: maybe best to ask bzoltan in 5 hours02:08
mhall119elkng: don't expect it to be easy though :)02:09
matv1mhall119: cool! will do . cheers02:09
matv1mhall119: ah and congrats on the edge record! well done .02:44
mhall119matv1: I didn't even notice, so thanks for the heads up02:46
matv1no prob. that ought to be one to boast about to your grandkids afew years on :)02:49
bzoltanmhall119: matv1: 5hours :) ??? I am up and active03:06
mhall119bzoltan: I wasn't sure if you'd be awake already, or not asleep yet03:07
bzoltanmhall119:  6am local time is a very normal start for me :)03:08
* bzoltan reading the askubuntu 03:08
mhall119but you're awake until like 5am local time03:08
bzoltanmhall119: sometimes :) not very often...03:11
bzoltanSo the solution should be to clean up the legacy QtCreator configuration under the ~/.config03:12
bzoltanmhall119:  rm -r .config/Trolltech.conf .config/Qt* .config/Nokia*03:13
mhall119bzoltan: not for me, for matv1, who's probably gone to sleep03:13
bzoltanmhall119:  I replayed the question on askubuntu.03:15
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hramrachhow much working android do I need to run Ubuntu touch?05:26
RAOFAIUI pretty much just a working kernel.05:27
Hashcodeprobably need a bit more than working kernel05:28
hramrachwell, hte kernel works. I can see graphics output and I get these nice debug rings for touches and taps05:28
Hashcodeneed full graphics layers / blobs, codecs, and any other HALs functioning05:28
hramrachbut the applications do not react to the taps and everything gets 'application not responding'05:29
hramrachalso the andriod framebuffer is different sizse from hte screen and I have no idea how to convince it to draw the desktop (or phonetop or what you call it) the same size as the screen05:31
hramrachanyway, maybe I can pretend the android is working for now05:32
hramrachso is there more manual installation than https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Manual_Installation ?05:36
hramrachbecasue I do not have 'device specific zip'05:36
Nimbleyou can port it to your device yourself05:43
Nimbleotherwise, check on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices for your device and there should be a zip.05:44
hramrachthere is no zip05:45
hramrachso what do I need in that zip?05:45
hramrachI can like pull the card with the andriod from the device or take the build tree and pack some stuff into a zip file or copy it to the card without packing anything, even05:46
hramrachbut what does Ubuntu need of the andriod and where to put it? and where to put Ubuntu itself?05:47
hramrachI don't think I can get something like clockwork recovery working with Android not accepting touches and with no HW buttons other than power and recovery05:48
Mirvtvoss_: hi, regarding the qtlocation patch. the config.tests and the code itself had a wrong include (needs 'ubuntu/' in front of application/location/*), and the plugin was not getting compiled since position.pro was not being modified. I'm now getting a linker error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5991664/05:48
tvoss_Mirv, thanks, checking05:49
Mirvtvoss_: the 'ubuntu/' because the pkgconfig file for ubuntu-platform-api does not have -I${includedir}/ubuntu, just -I${includedir}05:49
tvoss_Mirv, that is fixed on trunk, but not yet released @ubuntu05:50
tvoss_Mirv, so best to grab the platform API from trunk I would say05:50
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Mirvtvoss_: ok, I see it now. that's fine. so I added config_ubuntu:SUBDIRS += ubuntu to src/plugins/position/position.pro after which I got to this linker error eventually05:51
tvoss_Mirv, doing the same now05:51
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tvoss_Mirv, okay, fixed locally :) how can I get the changes over to you?06:02
Mirvtvoss_: our work method is a bit archaic :) but can you for example just reproduce the same you did last time, and I'll pick up the changes from there?06:03
Mirvtvoss_: or just tarball src/plugins/position/ubuntu/06:03
tvoss_Mirv, wow, now that is really archaic ;)06:03
Mirvif it works, don't fix it :)06:03
tvoss_Mirv, sent06:05
Mirvtvoss_: grabbing06:05
Mirvbzip2, that's not archaic, it's the 'advanced' format06:05
Mirvtvoss_: made it into a patch, builds fine and the new plugin is getting installed. I can continue now on getting it to archives - but if you know a friendly ~core-dev you could bribe to accept my qtlocation update, it would help since didrocks is away until Monday06:18
tvoss_Mirv, ack and thx06:18
usr_courierHi All. Have anyone flashed google nexus 4 with Ubuntu Touch yet? Is nexus 4 usable as a phone with it?06:18
usr_courierI am going to buy used nexus 4 to flash UT to it and use as my primary phone. Is it usable? (I need only phone/sms + web/jabber)06:20
Mirvtvoss_: you maybe noticed already but lp:music-hub has now automerger enabled. thanks for the LP setup changes as well.06:32
tvoss_Mirv, thx :)06:32
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timppaIs there a bug open for web browser regarding self signed certs?07:01
dholbachgood morning07:02
timppaI cannot access any https sites if there isn't a valid certificate07:02
timppaand good morning to you too! :)07:02
Mirvtimppa: does not look like there would be a bug yet: https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app07:03
timppanow there is, bug id 121297007:16
Rasputin007Has anybody an idea if there will be a Ubuntu Touch forum at some point soon? I hate to spend ages hunting info with google.07:21
Mirvtimppa: great!07:24
Rasputin007Currently , if you want some info, you have to look through the mailing list if there is something (50+) new emails per day, look here, look at various blog sites of developers, google, browse xda-developer or search Ubuntu forum-results do not work with Ubuntu Touch and are often a few years old.07:33
Rasputin007It would be much much more efficient if Canonical would open a Ubuntu Touch forum, to have a central information pool, rather then bits and bobs spread around the web. Would like to hear your opinion to this.07:37
diwicogra_, so I updated lxc-android-config and rebooted - and now the directory /dev/socket/qmux_bluetooth is rwx for everyone, but /dev/socket/qmux_bluetooth/qmux_connect_socket is still not accessible07:52
ogra_diwic, hrm07:52
ogra_i added a chmod -R, theoretically it should juyt change the files in the dir along07:52
ogra_diwic, i'll fix it07:53
diwicogra_, thanks07:53
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freeflyingis it a known issue that galaxy nexus reboot into recovery after run adb shell system-image-cli?08:00
nhainesfreeflying: I tjust tried it, and although the command doesn't seem to do anything (just freeze) on my PC, my phone hasn't rebooted and is still responsive.08:02
diwicogra_, I found the permission issue in telepathy-ofono, it was an apparmor profile08:02
freeflyingnhaines: it takes abit time to download upgrade image08:03
nhainesfreeflying: in that case, I'm glad I cancelled!  :)  Although...08:04
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ogra_diwic, does that mean you dont need the permission change anymore ?08:30
diwicogra_, the /dev/socket/ stuff is still needed; this was a completely different permission problem (I mentioned the latter on yesterday's standup)08:30
ogra_ah, k08:31
* ogra_ remembers08:31
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ogra_hmm, i wonder if the -R didnt work because the dir wasnt populated when the change happened08:31
dpmhi sil2100, morning! jamesh and Timo told me you're working on getting the mediascanner packages uploaded to saucy. As we'll be using them for the Music app, I'm interested :) what's the current status?08:42
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Friday and happy Tell A Joke Day! :-D08:44
sil2100dpm: hi! The packaging is ready, so I'll hopefully find someone to sponsor it today - we'll then think about daily-releasing it as well08:44
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Mirvbzoltan / tvoss_: updated qtlocation plugin for saucy now in ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa (binaries pending publishing, ie. 5-10 minutes)09:06
MirvI'm looking at the more stripped down version for precise, quantal and raring09:07
ogra_pete-woods, your last change to libusermetrics breaks the image builds, can you roll back the package ?09:07
Mirvsince we don't have platform-api there at the moment09:07
asacogra_: ++09:07
pete-woodsogra_: I don't know how to do that - I've committed a fix, though..09:07
asacogra_: you could upload a version in between waht we expect09:08
asacwith the negative diff applied in the diff.gy09:08
asaclike if next upload from autolanding is ubuntu209:08
ogra_pete-woods, ah, can you make sure it gets into the archive quickly ?09:08
asacand current is ubuntu109:08
asacyou could make an ubuntu1.1 with the upstream changes removed09:08
ogra_asac, uploading wont be faster than getting the fix in09:08
asacogra_: he cant make sure it gets in the archive quickly09:08
ogra_(will take about the same time)09:09
asacogra_: thats probably didrocks09:09
pete-woodsI have no ability to accelerate the autolanding09:09
asacsure. but we dont know if his stuff fixes it :)09:09
asacwe know going back will fix it09:09
asacbut ok to wait... as long as we push09:09
ogra_well, i assume if someone uploads a fix he tested it :)09:09
asacogra_: you still dont know09:09
asacogra_: otherwise you wouldnt need to wait and double check afterwards09:10
ogra_no but as you say, there is a fast rollback path we can still take09:10
asaci would just do it. i think next daily-release is in 4-6 hours09:10
asacat best09:10
tvoss_Mirv, thx09:10
asacso if you upload now, we have the fix in 10 minutes :)09:10
asactvoss_: coming09:11
ogra_rather in 1.5h09:11
asacogra_: really ... why not. package build takes 10 minutes09:11
asac Finished 10 hours ago (took 11 minutes, 4.1 seconds)09:11
ogra_then you have proposed migration and publishing09:11
tvoss_asac, hold on, we catch up in 49 minutes from now on :)09:11
asactvoss_: oh ... thought i was late09:11
ogra_asac, and proposed migration speed depends on the package dependencies09:11
tvoss_asac, all good :)09:11
ogra_(all rdepends get tested)09:12
Mirvogra_: asac: I already started a rerun of indicators stack in cu2d under which libusermetrics is, as Saviq asked on #ubuntu-unity09:14
ogra_Mirv, awesome !09:14
asacMirv: so we can kick it manually?09:14
asacMirv: whats the timeline from now till it is in?09:15
ogra_if cron can kick it, you can kick it manually :)09:15
asacogra_: sure, but the interface can vary. you might decide that a package upload/build is a good way to do it :)09:16
dpmthanks sil2100!09:16
asacogra_: or ssh and a command09:16
Mirvasac: yes, we can, although with the every 4h builds (next one in 45mins) we are aiming to never do that manually. ETA when this one finishes: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+sourcepub/3428752/+listing-archive-extra + check run (not sure about its length)09:16
ogra_well, as long as someone from the team is around and a fix is in tree already i think thats the fastest09:16
SaviqMirv, shouldn't libusermetrics be under unity8 stack, btw?09:16
ogra_no matter waht interface :)09:17
MirvSaviq: maybe, it may be sort of magic thinking by didrocks related to dependencies that I wouldn't ever touch without asking :)09:17
SaviqMirv, ;)09:17
SaviqMirv, ok, will talk to Didier when he's back09:17
eyesisdoes ubuntu touch work on Nexux 7 v2 ?09:26
eyesisI can not find any information on this topiv09:27
ogra_no, someone will have to port it09:27
eyesisOH !09:27
ogra_there seems to be a community forming around it for doing a port on the mailing list09:27
eyesisthanks, but I need the device to be working in a week.09:28
ogra_heh, well, i doubt it will be done by then ... unless you do a bunch of nightshifts yourself and do the port09:28
eyesisSo my only  option now  is  to look for v109:29
eyesisthanks ogra_09:29
asacjcollado_afk: plars: doanac`: psivaa: something is fishy here: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3549/09:40
asacwith security and sdk09:40
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* jcollado looks at the security and sdk jobs09:41
Mirvogra_: as a core-dev, please ack packaging change http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5992152/09:42
asacjcollado: awesome09:43
Mirvasac: so it's ready now, we just need +1 on ^ from some core-dev09:43
Mirv(libusermetrics fix)09:43
asacyeah i am not a core-dev anymore :-P09:44
Mirvasac: yes, I just checked :)09:44
asacsad story09:44
bzoltanMirv: Thanks a lot... especially for the PQR stuff09:44
* asac cries for a moment again09:44
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davmor2Morning all09:50
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Mirvasac: hmm, we'd preferably have the +1 in about 8 minutes before the next cycle starts. can you think of any core-dev that could ack it now?09:52
jcolladoasac: There was some odd problem that psivaa already looked at about the results file not being found. From what I see the sdk new results are already available and the security ones are on its way.09:52
asacogra_: !!!!09:53
asacogra_: what are you doinmg man09:53
asacogra_: i guess package uploading isnt the best solution anyway :)?09:53
Mirvdholbach: if around, can you ack http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5992152/ ?09:53
dholbachMirv, hum... ack? like just apply and upload?09:53
asacdholbach: no ... just ack09:54
dholbachis there no other way to check if dbus is running or not?09:54
asacsay: with the core-dev powers given to me by the great ubuntu project, i ack this change to be OK to go in the archive09:54
Mirvdholbach: "ack" is all is required, formally, we're fixing a package that's preventing others from installing https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/libusermetrics/trunk09:54
dholbachit should work09:54
dholbachso, yes "ack" - "|| true" is usually a work around - but if it's necessary now to get going, go ahead :)09:55
asacdholbach: we have a busted image and no tests etc. run ... so even if there are better ways to do it, we would like to get an ack :)09:55
asacdholbach: rock!09:55
Mirvok, I read the 'ack' and publish :)09:55
asacthe great dholbach has spoken09:55
asacMirv: note it down :)09:55
asaci guess he needs to sign it to be valid though09:56
dholbachMirv, man, I could have said "there's no space in the rack" and you would have read  "...ack..."09:56
dholbachtime for lunch - see you later :)09:56
Mirvhehe :)09:56
Mirvpete-woods: note dholbach's wish for another way of checking if dbus is running or not09:59
Mirvthe libusermetrics upload can be followed here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libusermetrics/1.1.1+13.10.20130816-0ubuntu110:02
asactvoss_: !!10:04
tvoss_asac, grabbing coffee :)10:04
asacgood idea10:04
asactvoss_: ok now i need a new coffee as well :)\10:07
asac1 min10:07
pete-woodsMirv: will do, I just wanted to stop it breaking the build as quickly as possible10:11
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* ogra_ sighs, massive netwoerk probs here today10:46
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ogra_asac, libusermetrics is published now ... starting a build10:56
ogra_(and as i said, 57min since upload ...)10:57
ogra_#l33tfriday ?10:58
ogra_diwic, hmm, this is harder than i thought, the file in the socket dir is actually created late after boot by qmuxd ... /me tries some tricks on the android side10:59
diwicogra_, so you don't want to create a bluetooth user like you have for radio, gps, etc?10:59
diwicor bluetooth group11:00
ogra_diwic, the prob is that pulse would have to run as that user or at least the user it runs under would have to be in that group11:00
ogra_and if it isnt pulse directly that accesses it, the process that does would have to be gid bluetooth11:01
diwicogra_, the phablet user is already in the bluetooth group11:01
asacoSoMoN: is it easy for me to try enabling v8 hotspot/jit ?11:01
ogra_diwic, well, then it would work if pulse would actually run as phablet ...11:01
asaci know there are crashes, but wanted to feel what improvements we get to the performance11:01
diwicogra_, it does?11:02
diwicogra_, or; what else would you think it runs like?11:02
ogra_diwic, so what am i doing here ?11:02
ogra_(if it does work)11:02
diwicogra_, qmux_bluetooth is not accessible by the bluetooth group11:02
ogra_diwic, oh, i see the issue11:02
diwicogra_, it's assigned to group 1002 or something11:03
ogra_different numeric GIDs11:03
oSoMoNasac: it requires a rebuild of qtwebkit11:03
ogra_diwic, which is bluetooth in android :)11:03
ogra_seems i actually only need to make the numerical IDs match11:03
morphisoSoMoN, asac: afaik v8 is no longer supported with recent qtwebkit11:04
w-floogra_, when you're at it, could you add the "compass" user/group as well? =)11:05
ogra_w-flo, know the ID from the top of your head ?11:05
ogra_(note that we are actually trying to get rid of the android groups in ubuntu if possible)11:06
asacmorphis: do they provide feasible alternative options?11:06
w-floogra_, nope. Getting rid of it seems fine too, but then you should edit the init.rc in system/core/rootdir11:07
w-flosorry, ueventd.rc11:07
w-floto get rid of the compass user in that file11:08
ogra_w-flo, well, only if we know that no binary blobs have it hardcoded11:08
w-flooh. yeah. :) Not sure about that11:09
* ogra_ cries 11:11
morphisasac: afaik they only option is using jsc11:12
asacmorphis: ok... and thats pretty slow i figure?11:13
morphisasac: from what I saw that highly depends on the aspect you're looking at11:14
MirvSaviq: bug #1212580 strikes again
ubot5bug 1212580 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Failing unity8 tests since evening Aug 14th" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121258011:14
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sil2100dholbach: hi! Can I ask you for a packaging ACK for the daily-release process as well?11:16
sil2100dholbach: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/cu2d/view/Head/view/WebApps/job/cu2d-webapp-head-3.0publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_unity-webapps-qml_0.1+13.10.20130816.1-0ubuntu1.diff needs approval ;)11:17
ogra_cyphermox,  already around ?11:17
asacmorphis: i look at usability/performance of popular websites for my assessment11:18
SaviqMirv, the crasah is there still 'cause Unity wasn't released11:18
SaviqMirv, looking at the other fail11:19
morphisasac: did you check with a webkit+jsc based browser and chromium for example?11:19
MirvSaviq: right it was that relationship, and unity itself has the https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1212945 from previous runs11:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1212945 in Unity "A surge of failing autopilot tests in unity" [Critical,New]11:20
SaviqMirv, actually yeah, both are the same reason11:20
w-floah, finally I figured out where android defines users. compass is 1008, but that doesn't help with deciding wheter or not to add that user.. The accelerometer seems to work fine with the "system" user instead of "compass", I don't know about the other compass things11:20
w-flo(might be device specific..)11:21
asacsil2100: that changelog doesnt really reflect what is in the diff, no? e.g. more in the changelog then in the upload?11:28
asacsil2100: oh the content diff is missing. interesting11:28
sil2100asac: the diff only shows the changes that are made to the packaging + build system files11:29
asacthen nevermind.11:29
asacsil2100: why dont we have the full diff as well?11:29
asacto ease review?11:29
sil2100asac: well, not really, since this would make things much harder - upstream code belongs to upstream, we only make sure that the packaging changes are ok, since this is our 'turf'11:30
sil2100asac: having a big diff would make those packaging reviews much harder, since there would be lots of code to be browsed through11:30
ogra_diwic, ok, the 8pm UTC image today should have the right GID11:32
diwicogra_, thanks11:32
ogra_(i hope i didnt break other BT stuff now)11:32
diwicogra_, is it also in lxc-android-config ?11:33
ogra_the prob we have is that the group is created by the bluez package, long before we set up the groups in the image build11:33
ogra_so i needed to modify the GID post install11:33
ogra_diwic, no, it happens at image build time11:33
diwicogra_, i e, not fixed by a package upgrade then, must reflash11:34
ogra_to test the change just edit /etc/group and change the bluetooth GID to 100211:34
ogra_(and rip out the upstart job hackery from lxc-android-config indeed)11:35
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ touch /dev/socket/qmux_bluetooth/qmux_connect_socket11:35
ogra_seems to work fine for mwe11:35
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Guest36590when is the release version of ubuntu touch available?11:38
ogra_asac, new image up11:40
asacogra_: cool :)11:40
timppaIs there a way to reduce ringtone volume atm?11:51
kalikianacan you said that again? I didn't hear you11:52
ogra_timppa, if thats broken nobody will fix it until the new audio stack landed i fear11:53
ogra_(which should happen soon)11:53
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jdstranddiwic: regarding ofono/apparmor> di you file a bug?11:55
diwicjdstrand, not really. Here's what I did: https://launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+archive/pulseaudio/+files/telepathy-mission-control-5_1%3A5.14.1-1ubuntu3_1%3A5.14.1-1ubuntu3%2Bpulseaudio1.diff.gz11:57
diwicjdstrand, but the pulseaudio stuff is currently on a side image11:57
jdstrandwe should break pulseaudio out into its own abstraction...11:59
jdstranddiwic: ok, well, if you want to upload that, it looks ok to me :)11:59
diwicjdstrand, I don't have upload rights.11:59
jdstranddo you want me to?11:59
diwicjdstrand, but I agree; we should have a pulseaudio-client abstraction that just includes the pulseaudio stuff12:00
jdstranddiwic: right, but I need to switch that in apparmor12:00
jdstrandI'll do that later12:00
diwicjdstrand, I guess it would be good if you uploaded it (after changing the version number, I guess). And once we have flipped to use PulseAudio in the main touch image we can probably remove /dev/binder12:01
jdstrandyes! :)12:01
* jdstrand is looking forward to that12:01
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diwicjdstrand, the only thing is that is quite confusing to have telepathy-ofono rules in a completely different package12:02
jdstrandthat could be changed to. feel free to file a bug12:04
timppaogra_ ok12:04
dholbachsil2100, not sure if it's resolved already - I had some networking issues - on the page you mention I get a 40412:08
sil2100dholbach: it has been approved already, but thanks12:09
om26erogra_, hey where is the source for ubuntu-touch-meta ?12:09
chrisd_is it proper to file a bug to have the terminal app run in full screen?12:09
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ogra_om26er, in the archive12:11
om26erogra_, right, I meant the branch in which the code is hosted, which I just found :)12:12
ogra_there is (or shouldnt be) a branch12:12
ogra_(wouldnt make sense, the package generates itself from the seeds if you use the ./update command in the source package)12:13
ogra_you usually dont hacke that package except for running this script12:13
ogra_(and making a changelog entry)12:13
* ogra_ glares at his keyboard12:14
om26erogra_, ok, trying that12:14
ogra_what do you want to do ?12:14
om26erogra_, i want qtorganizer5-eds in the image12:15
ogra_ok, so you start by pulling the seed branch12:15
om26erand probably ubuntu-keyboard soonish12:15
ogra_change the seeds and push12:15
ogra_then pull the meta source and run ./update in it ... check debian/changelog (and edit it if needed) and build a source package ... which you then upload12:16
ogra_note the update script requires germinate installed12:17
ogra_(seeds are at lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.saucy/)12:19
mamenyakaogra_, just a quick question, can I have a MR against lp:ubuntu/lxc-android-config with the device rule files?12:19
ogra_mamenyaka, with pleasure :)12:20
ogra_put me in as reviewer12:20
mamenyakathere is one from a long time ago pending, but it's not good, and I even put you as reviewer12:20
ogra_oh ?12:20
* ogra_ checks12:20
mamenyakacould you cancel that one? I will submit a new one12:20
ogra_this one ?12:21
mamenyakabut it has the wrong file names12:21
mamenyakaso I will get a new one12:21
ogra_ok. deleting12:22
timppaogra_ is there any way to adjust volume from adb shell?12:29
ogra_timppa, you could try alsamixer, but it wont persist and wont influence pulse i fear12:32
mamenyakaogra_, MR done, hope I didn't screw things up, only n8000 files for now12:33
diwicawe, sergiusens you were having a galaxy nexus, would you like to install the pulseaudio image and see how well it works?12:33
jdstranddiwic: fyi, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-mission-control-5/1:5.14.1-1ubuntu412:33
diwicjdstrand, ack, thanks12:34
timppaI'll try, thanks again!12:34
ogra_mamenyaka, did you forget bzr add before the commit ?12:35
timppaogra_ there is pulseaudio stream volume control in alsamixer, it works12:35
ogra_timppa, right, just wont be persistent12:35
ogra_(a reboot will reset the defaults)12:36
timppayes, sure12:36
mamenyakaogra_, no, I have: added usr/lib/lxc-android-config/70-GT-N8000.rules12:37
mamenyakaadded usr/lib/lxc-android-config/70-GT-N8013.rules12:37
ogra_mamenyaka, using bzr add ?12:39
ogra_well https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/lxc-android-config/saucy/+merge/180547 doesnt look like you added anything12:39
mamenyakathe files show up here12:39
ogra_Preview Diff12:40
mamenyakayes, I see12:40
mamenyakacan I do MR from terminal?12:41
ogra_hmm, i never tried12:41
ogra_probably through some launpadlib api script12:41
mamenyakaokay, forget it12:41
mamenyakahow can I check status?12:41
mamenyakalike git status12:41
mamenyakaor svn status12:41
diwicbzr status12:41
diwicI think you want to see the diff of your latest commit12:42
w-flomamenyaka, I think you have the merge proposal from "trunk" (or whatever that is in bzr) to your branch instead of the other way round12:46
mamenyakathat may be it12:46
mamenyakaogra_, now12:49
asacplars: doanac`: where do we stand wrt landing settle before/after tests?12:50
asacunity8 failed again and current hearsay is that its probably noisy enviornment :)12:50
asacjcollado: can you retry unity8?12:50
jcolladoasac: Are you talking about the unit8-autopilot test for some device?12:52
asacjcollado: the one out of mako/maguro that failed yes12:53
jcolladoasac: I see both of them passed: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3564/  http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3567/12:54
asacjcollado: oh i didnt see the new run12:54
asaclets wait then12:54
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jcolladoasac: No problem12:55
mamenyakacan someone give me a hint on this? why is this binary not building? https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_common/tree/cm-10.1/extract_elf_ramdisk13:05
nhainesIf I need to restore Android temporarily, what's the best way to back up my Ubuntu phone data to restore it later?13:05
popeynhaines: tar up your /home/phablet ?13:06
popeyand "adb pull /home/tarball.tgz" to get it off the device13:06
nhainespopey: sounds good.  I'm concerned that the contacts db might need something before I do that?13:06
popeynah, should all be fine13:07
mamenyakanhaines, if you don't wipe, you can just flash CM and it will not touch data/ubuntu13:07
popeynhaines: i use a script to back mine up now and then13:07
nhainesmamenyaka: back to Android 4.3 from Google.  But that's really good to know!13:07
mamenyakaI "dual boot" this way13:07
nhainespopey: now it's time for http://xkcd.com/1168/13:07
mamenyakaflash device image to have ubuntu touch, flash CM to have android13:07
popeythats some extreme dual booting13:08
mamenyakait works13:08
mamenyakaand I can skip backup13:08
plarsasac: I pushed a MP to add more configurability to the settle tool last night, will do the other part later today once that lands13:09
plarsasac: it will be there today I feel sure13:09
nhainespopey: is your script shareable?13:10
asacplars: nice :)13:10
popeynhaines: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~popey/+junk/phablet-flash-wrapper/view/head:/backup-phablet.sh13:12
popeybut may need tweaking for your own requirements13:12
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nhainespopey: much obliged!  Thank you for the tar advice and so much more so for the script!13:13
nhainesIt's nowhere close to being a daily driver, but man is it nice to have Ubuntu on my phone in my pocket.13:14
mamenyakaguys, what's this error: systemd-udevd[731]: Failed to apply ACL on /dev/video0: Operation not supported13:32
mamenyakadmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5992724/13:33
rpagehello all when is the phone release date13:33
mamenyakaogra_, w-flo, sergiusens ^^^13:33
mamenyakaand there a lot more13:34
w-flomamenyaka, I remember I've had exactly the same error. I think I've changed something in the kernel config and it disappeared..?!13:34
mamenyakawell great13:35
mamenyakaI don't remember who, but someone found something about that error, and there was devtmpfs mentioned13:35
mamenyakahere in the chat13:35
rpagewhat hardware phone it will be shipped on13:36
mamenyakarpage, http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ubuntu-edge13:36
w-flomamenyaka, maybe CONFIG_TMPFS_POSIX_ACL=y ?13:36
hramrachyes, quite likely13:37
w-floI also have CONFIG_FS_POSIX_ACL=y  and CONFIG_GENERIC_ACL=y , mamenyaka13:37
hramrachor enable that option ofr the udev mount if something explicitly disables13:37
mamenyakacan I just copy them in the config file?13:37
w-flomamenyaka, I enabled that in "make menuconfig"13:38
mamenyakathat what I was asking for13:38
hramrachbut if they depend on something they will just get disabled again13:38
mamenyakaalso, all the other configs from the porting guide should be enabled throu menuconfig?13:38
rpageis the phone already out13:38
mamenyakarpage, in 201413:39
mamenyakaif you donate 20 mil13:39
hramrachis it 2014 already?13:39
w-flomamenyaka, maybe that is safer... /me has almost no kernel config knowledge13:39
annerajbogra_, still havent gotten to the mount bottom spent whole day yesterday figthing with kernel arguments not showing up.... (had renamed the kconfig command line variable to something else so it was using defaults always)13:39
mamenyakawhere do I find the options?13:40
rpagethanks mamenyaka , but for now we can use ports to install it on andriod13:41
mamenyakais it the ext4 posix access control list?13:42
w-flomamenyaka, I guess it's "Tmpfs POSIX Access Control Lists"13:43
w-floin the "Pseudo filesystems" menu13:43
mamenyakaw-flo, is it in the file system menu?13:43
mamenyakagot it13:44
davmor2ogra_: I hate nm I never had so many issues with before now :)  phablet-flash cdimage-touch --pending --wipe installed todays image I select nm indicator, click on my access point and it tries to connect rather than giving me the password prompt D'oh13:44
ogra_davmor2, yeah, there are indicator changes pending ...13:45
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mamenyakaogra_, is the MR okay?13:46
ogra_mamenyaka, yep, uploaded13:48
sergiusensdavmor2: just like the early days of network manager nm-applet :-)13:48
davmor2sergiusens: nope some how I magically missed all of that :)13:49
sergiusenslucky you13:49
ogra_heh, yeah13:49
hramrachuse the wires ;-)13:50
mamenyakaogra_, power_supply usb: driver failed to report `present' property: 429496727413:50
ogra_sounds like a kernel/driver issue13:51
mamenyakathis is causing I guess the reboot when I unplug usb13:51
ogra_yeah probably13:51
ogra_does it boot when it is unplugged ?13:52
ogra_i.e. is it only the unpülug event that kills it ?13:52
ogra_sounds more like a battery issue to me13:53
mamenyakabut not hardware issue?13:53
ogra_well, i would pretty much categorize a battery as hardware, not sure about you :)13:54
mamenyakaoh come on13:54
ogra_does the battery work in android ?13:55
mamenyakaso, I mean, my battery isn't bad, others have this issue too13:55
ogra_currently ...13:55
jeanaustinrHi I'm flashing my nexus 413:56
ogra_well but obviously you have no power when the USB is unplugged ... probably a kernel driver missing, or a special boot flag that triggers a switch of the power source or some such13:56
jeanaustinrphablet-flash cdimage-touch -d grouper -b13:56
w-flojeanaustinr, nexus 4 is not grouper AFAIK13:56
jeanaustinrThat was the last command13:56
ogra_yeah, nexus4 is mako13:56
jeanaustinrI see. So which argument do I need13:57
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jeanaustinrI mean command13:57
mamenyakaogra_, sorry for asking, how can I find the options that ned to be enabled in the porting guide for the kernel in menuconfig?13:57
mamenyakalike go through everything?13:58
w-flomamenyaka, you could google for the config option and try to parse the Kconfig content, it worked for me :)13:58
ogra_jeanaustinr, replace grouper with mako13:58
w-flomamenyaka, I guess the porting guide config options should work without menuconfig.. hopefully13:59
mamenyakayes they work, but they were removed when I menuconfig in posix ACL13:59
jeanaustinrAlright. I just did. How large is the download?14:00
w-flooh, strange. have fun with the menus then :D14:00
mamenyaka~400 mb14:00
mamenyakaI always have fun14:00
jeanaustinrThanks everyone14:01
cyphermoxogra_: what's up?14:04
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jcolladoogra_: ping14:19
ogra_cyphermox, so for porper pulse functionallity, we need the bluetooth group set to the same GUI aundroid uses ...14:19
diwicis the group ID14:20
jcolladoogra_: I've been told that there's an option in phablet-flash to restrict the amount of memory available in the device. Is that correct?14:20
ogra_cyphermox, while the image build scripts actually creates that group when it doesnt exist, with bluez in the image this group is actually already existing at the point where the postinst runs14:20
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ogra_jcollado, yeah, talk to asac, i dont know how exactly this works, but he worked this out together with apw14:21
ogra_cyphermox, so what i currently do is to re-set the GID during images build, i just wanted to know if you know anything in bluez that might break through this14:22
jcolladoasac: Could you provide me with some information about how to use memory restriction with phablet-flash?14:22
gema_sergiusens: ^ ?14:25
apwjcollado, you need to add a kernel command line parameter mem=!<size>14:25
thumperesthi all is it possible to use ubuntu desktop from the nexus 4 touch installed? or is it going to be added later ?14:27
jcolladoapw: Thanks. I think I'm still missing how to pass the kernel parameter to phablet-flash.14:28
gema_apw: asac said this would be integrated into phablet-flash14:28
gema_apw: so that if problems are found things can be easily reproduced14:28
apwjcollado, depends on the device in large part14:29
sergiusensgema_: I read talks about it in the past, but nothing concrete14:29
mamenyakaw-flo, got most of the options enabled with menuconfig, but for there are some that don't appear in the defconfig file after enabling them, for example swap14:29
sergiusensgema_: I haven't seen an MR, bug or WI for that14:29
gema_sergiusens: ack, will talk to asac14:29
gema_jcollado: just move on to the next thing14:29
jcolladoapw: Let's say the target device is mako. How should I do that?14:30
apwjcollado, not sure, ogra_ may remember14:31
ogra_on the supported devices you can use abootimg14:31
asacsergiusens: gema_: whats up?14:31
gema_asac: we've got to a point where we can add the memory job with restricted memory14:32
asacjcollado: oh ... you need to force cmdline=mem=!386m14:32
gema_asac: but phablet-flash doesn't have the option14:32
asacphablet-flash has an option to force cmdline14:32
asacogra_: ^^14:32
asacthe syntax is like above14:32
ogra_it does ?14:32
gema_asac: there's no mem option in phablet-flash14:33
asacsergiusens: i think you added support for pass cmdline to phablet-flash, right?14:33
asacgema_: no ... but kernel cmdline14:33
asacyou just put "mem=!386m" there14:33
cyphermoxogra_: no, the GUID should be irrelevant14:33
asacso probably something like --cmdline "mem=!386m"14:33
mfischogra_: morning14:33
gema_asac: no cmdline either14:33
asacsergiusens: ^^14:33
gema_or maybe there is14:33
asacwhat happened to that14:33
asacthe new phablet-flash isnt nice anymore14:33
ogra_cyphermox, great, i was looking for dirs it might create with that GID from pre or postinst but seems there is nothing14:34
sergiusensasac: no, I haven't14:34
ogra_asac, that was never there14:34
asacsomeone said they will commit it:)14:34
asaci dont want to look up my irclogs :)14:34
asacanyway we need it14:35
ogra_for the supported devices where abootimg works and is shipped it wouldnt be hard to implement though14:35
asacof course14:35
asacwe only want it for that stuff14:35
sergiusensogra_: wouldn't it be easier to do it from the host?14:36
sergiusensduring flash?14:36
sergiusensor is this post flash?14:36
ogra_sergiusens, well, the commands will be the same, wether you call them on the host with img or on the ddevice with /dev/disk/boot14:37
sergiusensogra_: I'm just trying to undestand the requirements14:38
ogra_mem=!82352485 needs to be added to the commandline14:38
sergiusensas in, is this something you want to iterate over? or only on full flashes14:38
ogra_it is for a special test run14:38
ogra_where asac wants to test against low mem devices14:39
sergiusensogra_: ok, I'll ask you some questions later today, doing other stuff now14:39
asacsergiusens: fresh installs14:40
asacdoesnt need to be there for tweaking14:40
asacjust if i run phablet-flash14:40
asacjust if i run phablet-flash cdimage-touch14:41
asacsomething like: phablet-flash --cmdline "mem=!100000m" cdimage-touch14:41
asacsergiusens: i would sugget to not make it memory specific option14:41
asaccan be a hidden option though... but if you make it mem=.. specific i am also happy14:42
asacsergiusens: do you need any other help on this click stuff?14:42
sergiusensasac: not with click, I'm doing that now14:42
ogra_essentially you want something like that14:42
asacogra_: exactly!!14:42
asacthats the semantic i would love14:43
asacthen we can evil kernel games in the qalab every day :)14:43
ogra_(probably with better quoting, some argument checks etc)14:43
ogra_asac, i can finish a script for adding/removing from the cmdline and ship it14:43
ogra_after the standup meeting14:44
ogra_phablet-run-tests then just needs to learn how to use it14:44
asacogra_: i think we should directly do the phablet-flash feature14:44
asacunless people say they cant do it soonish14:44
ogra_thats a lot of subprocess wrangling14:44
asacogra_: i want it to be transparent: install image with special kernel mode14:45
mfischogra_: can we talk about my MP when you're free?14:45
ogra_i would just ship a working script in initramfs-toold-ubuntu-touch phablet-flash can use then14:45
asacogra_: there is far more trouble for qa lab14:45
sergiusensasac: doing it in test-run seems better that flash time14:45
asacif we have to ad another reboot step14:45
asacso plz not :)14:45
ogra_mfisch, the one thats uploaded already ? or is there a new one ?14:45
asacsergiusens: is there a bootprompt feature at all?14:45
asacif not i dont see how14:46
ogra_asac, you would want to change it before flashing ?14:46
asaci want to flash with special kernel options14:46
asacso i flash and next time i see its there as i wanted it14:46
ogra_yeah, that will get messy in python14:46
sergiusensasac: ok, so that's why I asked if we should do it on the host14:46
mfischogra_: I sent one last night, still claims to be pending. It needs changes in other places, so thats what I wanted to discuss14:46
asaci want phablet-flash --cmdline "mem=!386m"14:46
ogra_mfisch, argh, ok, i forgot to mark it merged14:46
asacunless we have a script that i can say: phablet-boot --cmdline "mem=!..."14:47
asacbut that would require pretty big changes in qalab14:47
asacsergiusens: so yeah on host, and at best without any additional reboots etc.14:47
asacnot sure if that leaves another option then just making phablet-flash do the right thing14:47
sergiusensasac: ok, you will probably loose this no reboot feature for image based upgrades14:48
sergiusensI don't have control there14:48
mfischogra_: what do you think about modifying writable paths to have an optional owner field? /opt needs to be owned by clickpkg14:48
olli_balloons, did thomi send you an update for the xmir test cases?14:48
ogra_mfisch, well, thats all stgrabers playground ... i'm not sure how that would work in a multiuser (tablet) env14:49
ogra_do we actually want to have multiple installs of all apps ?14:49
asacsergiusens: maybe we should have a quick talk with doanac in 30 minutes or so14:50
mfischogra_: why would you need multiple installs? apps go into opt owned by clickpkg, not phablet14:50
asacjust to figure whats easy/hard for them and you14:50
asacand balance14:50
sergiusensasac: ok, let me ping you guys with a hangout link right after my standup14:50
jeanaustinrHi again14:50
mamenyakaogra_, have a moment?14:50
asacprobably quicker and i certainly have already reached my weekly typing quota this weeek :)14:50
jeanaustinrI downloaded the mako but the device is still offline it says14:50
ogra_mfisch, ah, i thought phablet14:50
asacdoanac`: are you avail?14:50
mfischogra_: nope14:50
ogra_mfisch, yeah,, then it makes sense14:50
asacsergiusens: if doanac` is not avail we have no choice14:50
asacbut to wait :)14:50
ogra_mfisch, though i wouldnt take all of /opt14:50
ogra_mfisch, in convergence people might want to use it :)14:51
mfischogra_: click packages seem to need to own /opt or they will not install.14:51
mfischogra_: let me look at the click source code, perhaps there is a bug14:51
doanac`asac: i'm around. in a meeting but will be free in 10 minutes14:51
asacdoanac`: that fits nicely14:51
ogra_mfisch, that definitely sounds like a bug14:51
asacsergiusens: so yeah lets start in 10 or so14:51
sergiusensmfisch: what are you trying to accomplish?14:51
sergiusensasac: I have standup in 1014:51
ogra_mfisch, i could imagine they own the com.ubuntu.whatever subdir in there14:51
mfischsergiusens: click packages do not work on image update images14:51
asacdoanac`: 40 minutes ok?14:52
* asac schedules something14:52
doanac`asac: sure14:52
sergiusensmfisch: oh, no, that's why I said you need to wait for the click install destination to be redefined14:52
mfischogra_: there is a click.ubuntu.com, which is owned correctly, but if clickpkg doesn't own /opt it wont work14:52
sergiusensmfisch: the path will change14:52
sergiusensit just hasn't yet14:52
ogra_heh, so should i better roll back that change ?14:52
ogra_(not that it does any harm ....)14:53
jeanaustinrogra_, hi... I already replaced grouper with mako however the devices is offline it says14:53
sergiusensogra_: what change? I say don't make changes to click without consulting with cjwatson :-)14:53
mfischsergiusens: its an image-update change, not a click change14:53
mfischsergiusens: to make /opt r/w14:53
ogra_sergiusens, to lxc-android-config14:53
ogra_sergiusens, i would never touch click :)14:54
sergiusenshmmm... well if that path is defined as the final one, ok... but last I heard, it was going to change14:54
mfischI was selfishly trying to make them work since it makes what I'm working on easier, but if the path moves, then I'll wait14:54
ogra_and i'll drop the change again with the next upload14:54
davmor2ogra_: I bet you touch click when terminator-click lands ;)14:55
asacogra_: todays build good for pushing?14:56
asacjcollado: security tests havent run here: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3567/14:56
vesarhey does anyone know how can I make my ubuntu touch application open in full screen mode on device?14:57
ogra_asac, my script thinks so14:58
ogra_hmm, at least for maguro ...14:59
* ogra_ will have to check why mako doesnt work after the meeting15:00
mhall119vesar: full screen mode is the only mode on Ubuntu Touch15:00
jcolladoasac: I see that psivaa already scheduled a new run and that there are 3 passes there. However that run hasn't yet been published.15:00
sergiusensmhall119: vesar or do you want to use the indicator space too?15:01
vesarmhall119, exactly15:01
mhall119oh right, forgot about that ability15:01
ogra_sergiusens, hangout ?15:02
vesarsergiusens, mhall119 : there are many app currently on the phone that don't have indicators visible on the screen. Camera, gallery etc. Looking for how to enable that mode.15:03
jeanaustinrMy phone is stuck on the Google logo after pushing the image. Is it normal?15:04
popeythose are not qml apps15:04
popeythats probably why15:04
sergiusensvesar: ricmm or Saviq would know15:04
pmcgowanvesar, there is no full screen yet15:04
psivaajcollado: asac: there is a large queue in the jenkins publisher, so it might take a little while15:04
pmcgowanvesar, that will come with Mir I believe15:05
Saviqpmcgowan, there is, although it's hardcoded-ish-somewhere15:05
pmcgowanSaviq, thats too technical for me15:05
mhall119popey: it should be possible from QML apps too, if it isn't the SDK needs to be extended to allow it15:05
Saviqpmcgowan, :)15:05
Saviqricmm, how do we make apps fullscreen again?15:06
Saviqdednick, ogra_, we got unity8 green15:06
dednickSaviq: woop15:06
mhall119Kaleo: bzoltan: can either of you tell vesar how to make an SDK app hide the top panel?15:06
ogra_Saviq, yeah. noticed :)15:06
Saviqogra_, care to core-dev-approve the packaging change15:06
mamenyakaalso, can we make apps that only take half of the screen on tablets bigger?15:06
Saviqdednick, ogra_ and then we can flip the switch on indicators15:07
Saviqfor tonight's image15:07
mhall119mamenyaka: you mean go from the side-stage to the main-stage?15:07
mhall119mamenyaka: it's in the .desktop file15:07
mamenyakaoh well15:07
mhall119I think is the field15:08
Saviqmamenyaka, you will be able to move apps between main and side stage (if they support it)15:08
mamenyakayes: X-Ubuntu-StageHint=SideStage15:08
Saviqmamenyaka, unfortunately tablet isn't a priority now15:08
mamenyakasorry to hear that15:08
Saviqmamenyaka, also, it's not planned to "resize" the size stage, that I know of15:08
Saviqmamenyaka, you know, there can only be so many priorities at any given time15:09
nhainesmamenyaka: phone is the target for 13.10, and tablet is the target for 14.04.15:09
dednickogra_: we need to:15:09
dednickadd: inidcator-datetime, indicator-power, indicator-sound15:09
dednickremove: indicator-battery, indicator-time15:09
Saviqmamenyaka, and phone is it at the moment15:09
mamenyakathat's not so bad, 14.0415:09
Saviqdednick, how about sound? do we not need to remove chewie-sound?15:09
ogra_dednick, great so the remaining issues have been sorted ?15:09
Saviqmamenyaka, yeah, I didn't mean "we're not thinking about tablet"15:09
mamenyakabut I only miss the terminal app to be main-staged15:09
Saviqmamenyaka, just tweak the desktop file in your ~/.local/share/applications15:10
dednickSaviq: no, it'll still be running because network is with it. but the indicator wont be visible because we remove the service file.15:10
Saviqdednick, ok15:10
mamenyakayes, that's not a problem15:10
mhall119mamenyaka: if you change SideStage to MainStage it will open in the bigger part of the tablet's screen15:10
dednickSaviq: unless we change chewie to not install the dbus service.15:10
Saviq(or remove the hint altogether)15:10
Saviqdednick, you sure it won't show up? I was seeing it here15:10
mhall119or remove it15:10
dednickSaviq: you probably had the service file from unity815:11
Saviqdednick, ok, let's see what happens, then15:11
mamenyakamhall119, can you look at some powerd issues I am having? If I unplug USB, device reboots15:11
mhall119mamenyaka: I'm probably not the right person for that15:12
mamenyakaI already got: probably a kernel issue15:12
dednickSaviq: when we flash with new image, do we delete everything from /usr ?15:12
mamenyakamhall119, well, ogra_'s busy, who else can I talk to?15:12
mhall119mfisch: might know about powerd stuff, though he's not actively working on it anymore15:13
ogra_mamenyaka, well, the powerd guy around here is sfeole15:13
Saviqdednick, yes15:13
mfischmamenyaka: what device?15:13
mamenyakasony tablet Z15:13
dednickSaviq: ok, should be good then :)15:13
matv1bzoltan: I did some troubleshooting on an ubuntu qt sdk installation problem that I am facing with mhall11915:13
mfischmamenyaka: we've seen that before on devices which report 0% battery15:13
matv1we couldnt figure it out though15:14
mfischmamenyaka: can you run upower -d and pastebin the output?15:14
mamenyakapm8921_bms_probe: OK battery_capacity_at_boot=94 volt = 3941907 ocv = 409900015:14
mamenyakamine reports baterry ok15:14
matv1He suggested you might be able to help15:14
mfischmamenyaka: we need upower -d output15:14
mamenyakamfisch, just a sec15:14
bzoltanmatv1:  i will try :)15:14
ogra_mamenyaka, try the upower command mfisch gave above15:14
dednickSaviq: although you will need to clear ~/shell/share/unity/indicators15:14
mhall119matv1: he ws actually online last night, he replied shortly after you left15:14
mhall119matv1: he suggested clearing some stuff out of ~/.config/15:15
dednickSaviq: if you run_on_device15:15
mhall119let me see if I still have his post15:15
Saviqdednick, rsync does that for us15:15
mamenyakaupower -d: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5993079/15:15
matv1mhall119: I see that now. sorry15:15
mhall119matv1: 23:12 < bzoltan> mhall119:  rm -r .config/Trolltech.conf .config/Qt* .config/Nokia*15:15
mamenyakaoh, i see, 0% percentage15:16
mfischmamenyaka: what version of upower do you have on your device?15:16
mamenyakaupower --version15:16
mamenyakaUPower client version 0.9.2115:16
mamenyakaUPower daemon version 0.9.2115:16
dednickSaviq: ah, not from the builddir though.15:16
Saviqdednick, yes, not from tehre15:17
Saviqdednick, that might be it, then15:17
mfischmamenyaka: do you have internets working on there?15:17
mamenyakayes, I hope so15:17
matv1mhall119 bzoltan: I will try that. Thanks again fr the help both!15:17
mfischmamenyaka: if so, then please run apt-get update && apt-get install upower, you should see it update.15:17
mfischmamenyaka: after that just reboot and the problem should be fixed15:18
mamenyakaoh great, sometimes I can insmod my wifi module, sometimes not15:18
Saviqdednick, why are we actually installing it to the build dir in any case? ;)15:18
mfischmamenyaka: a new build would also have it fixed, or I can post a deb for you15:18
themikemmfisch: interesting.  I have a tablet Z also and am seeing the same bug.  The battery percentage does show in the UI however, and, for me at least, it does change.  Is there something in a config file that should be changed?15:18
mfischmamenyaka: you can push with it adb and install it15:18
mamenyakai have aug15 build15:18
mamenyakanono, I will just reinstall, that usually fixes the insmod issue15:18
mamenyakamfisch, but thank you15:18
mamenyakathis is what I have sometimes: insmod: init_module '/system/lib/modules/wlan.ko' failed (Operation not permitted)15:19
mfischmamenyaka: upower 0.9.21ubuntu1 has the fix and it's in the latest build15:19
mfischthemikem: that is interesting, I'll point it out to sforshee, he did the fix here15:19
mfischbasically the tl;dr is that upower tells powerd that your device is out of battery and powerd does an emergency shutdown15:19
mamenyakathemikem, hi15:19
themikemmamenyaka: mfisch: I'm still seeing the reboot issue with the latest...15:20
sforsheethemikem: I'm not sure whether or not the indicator is yet using upower to get the percentage, I know that previously it was not15:20
mfischthemikem: what version of upower do you have?15:20
themikemmamenyaka: hi.  I'm back for a few days.  Hopefully we can make some more progress on this stuff.15:20
sforsheethemikem: if you have upower 0.9.21-1ubuntu1 and still have the problem, let me know15:20
themikemmfisch: 0.9.21 if it is in the latest build.  I flashed it this morning with the latest.15:21
sforsheethemikem: and your device powers off when you unplug usb?15:21
mfischthemikem: you mneed 0.9.21ubuntu115:21
themikemI don't have the hardware with me to confirm just now though.  You caught me sitting at starbucks...15:21
mfischthemikem: can you check later?15:22
themikemyes, I will check when I get home15:22
mamenyakaI will check, just reinstalling to have internet15:22
mfischwe'd be curious if the fix didn't solve it, we made the fix for another device15:22
mfischThanks themikem and mamenyaka15:22
mamenyakabut until that, what about this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5993110/15:22
themikemsforshee: it reboots both on connect and disconnect15:22
sforsheethemikem: that's probably something different then15:22
sergiusenscyphermox: mterry ricmm https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/cupstream2distro-config/unity-mir_daily/+merge/18059415:23
themikemsforshee: correct, but they may or may not be related15:23
themikemare there some logs that would help you?15:23
balloonsolli_, no I haven't seen or heard anything from thomi about xmir15:23
olli_balloons, he wanted to push a branch for the test cases15:24
mamenyakamfisch, something messes up ubuntu, not even reboot working from android shell15:24
olli_I will get that to you15:24
balloonsolli_, :-)15:24
sforsheethemikem: it's defenitely a different problem. syslog is the logical place to start, also check /proc/last_kmsg for errors after it reboots15:24
mfischsforshee: ours would be a shutdown right, not a reboot15:24
mfischor logcat15:24
mamenyakathemikem, do you know about why is make menuconfig removing some options from defconfig?15:25
mamenyakalike the _NS options15:25
themikemsforshee: mfisch: shutdown -h on this hardware often results in a reboot at the moment, in my experience15:26
mfischthemikem: if powerd is doing a shutdown you should see it in syslog15:26
themikemmamenyaka: nope.  I can look into it this afternoon though.15:27
cyphermoxsergiusens: ack, won't be long15:27
mamenyakabecause we now have some errors fixed with posix ACL option enabled15:27
sergiusenscyphermox: great!15:27
mamenyakathemikem, and with that, some options dissapeared, but thing is still working15:27
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mterrysergiusens, I probably shouldn't review such daily release stuff anymore.  I don't do that day to day, so I'm  not familiar with any issues15:28
themikemmfisch: okay, I'll grab a syslog after the reboot/shutdown/whatever it is15:28
sergiusensmterry: ack, just pinged you since you were into that yesterday :-)15:28
themikemmfisch: I think I'm going to just blame cosmic rays....15:28
mfischthemikem: I worked on a server once where they did that15:28
mterrysergiusens, that was packaging, I love reviewing packaging  :)15:29
sergiusensmterry: but point taken, I wasn't sure where you were these days15:29
sergiusensmterry: ack15:29
mterrysergiusens, I've moved to the unity8 team, so more upstream work than integration work15:29
themikemmfisch: nice.15:29
mamenyakamfisch, okay, reinstall, got internet, will upgrade15:29
sforsheethemikem: also the one with powerd (via upower) would only happen on usb removal, and it would cause it to shutdown any time the cable was unplugged. Unless your battery driver reports transient garbage on usb cable inesertion/removal.15:29
doanac`asac: you have a hangout url or something for this meeting with sergiusens?15:30
asacdoanac`: yep in invite now15:30
sforsheethemikem: also check /proc/last_kmsg. A kernel panic is probably going to cause a reboot, and you should see it there.15:31
themikemsforshee: I could certainly see a scenario where we get a bounce of no power->power->no power->power on insertion.  Depends where/if there is any debounce logic on insertion.15:31
mfischwe check power when upower tells us something has changed though right sforshee ?15:32
sforsheethemikem: what matters for powerd shutdown is the battery capacity as determined by upower. It doesn't matter if the usb insertion is bouncy as long as the charge data from the battery driver stays accurate.15:32
mfischplug-in is a change15:32
mfischoh wait15:32
mfischwe skip all that logic if we're on power15:32
themikemokay guys, I have a meeting to run to.  I'll circle back to this after lunch.15:32
sforsheemfisch: and we'll never shut down if the capacity isn't extremely low15:33
dednickSaviq: :/ dont know15:33
mamenyakathemikem, goodbye15:33
themikemsforshee: got it.  Makes sense.  We'll try to get you some hard data and go from there.15:33
sforsheethemikem: you can also run 'upower -d' and make sure that the percentage field for the battery is sane15:33
mamenyakait's 0%15:34
themikemmamenyaka: cya man.  Keep with it.  I'll be back later and I'll look at your kernel thing.  Can you email me the option name you're enabling.15:34
sforsheemamenyaka: with upower 0.9.21-1ubuntu1 ?15:34
mamenyakathemikem, will push to github15:34
mamenyakasforshee, not yet, wifi has trouble connecting15:34
dednickSaviq: i guess it was to keep the path 'share/unity/indicators' in tact.15:35
mamenyakaguess just give me the .deb15:35
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sforsheemamenyaka: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upower/0.9.21-1ubuntu1/+build/488025015:35
mamenyakaI even cloned the netwrok config with the SDK15:35
nexus4looking for help with nexus4 with touch installed. can't access my wpa wifi network...how can I set the password?15:35
sforsheemamenyaka: you need the libupower-glib and upower debs15:35
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mamenyakaso all?15:36
sforsheemamenyaka: you can skip the gir and libupower-glib-dev ones15:36
mamenyakano wait, wifi finally decided to connect15:37
mamenyakayes, there it is, upower15:37
mamenyakasforshee, what is the best way to reboot?15:38
sil2100sergiusens: hi!15:40
sforsheemamenyaka: I usually just run reboot via adb15:40
sforsheeor adb reboot15:40
mamenyakaokay, me too, worked fine15:40
mamenyakaupower --version15:40
mamenyakaUPower client version 0.9.2115:40
mamenyakaUPower daemon version 0.9.2115:40
Kaleovesar: mhall119: let me check real quick15:41
mamenyakasforshee, hah, percentage:          92%15:41
sforsheemamenyaka: good :-)15:41
mamenyakanow can I unplug?15:41
mamenyakawhen will the update reach current?15:42
sil2100sergiusens: how urgent is unity-mir daily-releasing?15:42
ogra_ dednick Saviq, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5993180/ like this ?15:42
sforsheemamenyaka: I don't know, maybe ogra_ or sergiusens have an idea15:43
Kaleovesar: mhall119: if you are using qmlscene then just "qmlscene --fullscreen"15:43
mfischmamenyaka: it's in the latest image15:43
dednickogra_: yep, that's it15:43
ogra_sforshee, which update is that ? your fix ?15:43
mfischmamenyaka: it's in the one I installed late last night anyway15:44
ogra_dednick, thanks, just wanted to cross check15:44
* ogra_ commits 15:44
sforsheeogra_: yeah, the upower fixes15:44
mamenyakaso 0816?15:44
mamenyakaI have 081515:44
Saviqogra_, thanks!15:44
ogra_sforshee, they are in the archive, should be in the 8PM UTC image15:44
sforsheemamenyaka: ^^15:44
Saviqogra_, can you core-dev-approve the packaging change in ?15:44
mamenyakaI am so relieved it wasn't a kernel issue15:45
Kaleovesar: mhall119: later on (Qt 5.1) you will have http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qt5-stable/qtquick/qml-qtquick-window2-window.html#visibility-prop15:45
ogra_Saviq, uh, what am i looking at there ?15:45
dednicknexus4: is this your issue ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/121273015:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 1212730 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "No authentication dialog when connecting to a new wifi network" [Undecided,New]15:46
sforsheemamenyaka: well in reality the battery driver should be exporting more or different data, but I fixed upower to work around it15:46
Saviqsil2100, can you give ogra_ whatever he needs to approve the unity8 packaging changes?15:46
sil2100Saviq: pasting!15:46
sil2100ogra_: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/cu2d/view/Head/view/Unity8/job/cu2d-unity8-head-3.0publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_unity8_7.81.3+13.10.20130816.3-0ubuntu1.diff <-15:47
vesarKaleo, I'm running the app on the phone via QtCreator. Added --fullscreen option to .desktop file's Exec line where qmlscene is commanded. But no effect unfortunately15:47
sil2100ogra_: I was asking cyphermox, but he's busy with all other stuff right now ;) Everyone's like just overflowing with work this Friday...15:47
mamenyakajust one more thing guys, this only came with flipped: wlan: loading driver v3.2.4.103a15:48
mamenyaka[   13.718902] wlan: [454:F :HDD] hdd_driver_init: WLAN device not found!!15:48
mamenyaka[   13.724578] wlan: driver load failure15:48
mamenyakaI have the insmod in post_fs_data15:48
sil2100ogra_: the standard ACK if changes seem ok15:49
cyphermoxdid you ping me about unity8 too?15:49
ogra_sil2100, Saviq, looks ok (if you have tested it indeed) ... but as i said before, please note dependency changes in the changelog in the futre so it is easier to grep for them when debugging15:49
cyphermoxthat seems very wrong15:49
cyphermoxwhy is debian/rules changed for "build %:" ?15:50
sil2100cyphermox: the changelog says: "Define the 'build' target as PHONY so make doesn't get confused by our 'build' script."15:50
sil2100cyphermox: it was made by mterry so I assumed it's valid, as he's a core-dev15:50
cyphermoxstill, it seems very wrong to remove %:15:50
vesarKaleo, But I survive without for now. Just would have been nice to run my shell prototype which has indicators already in it without real indicators. Now they are duplicated.15:51
mterrycyphermox, hello?15:51
cyphermoxmterry: yo15:51
mterrycyphermox, didn't remove it, just added build there.  If build is phony, it doesn't work with %15:51
mterrycyphermox, so had to be explicit15:51
nexus4dednick, thanks that is what was happening, I got by it by doing this "nmcli -pretty dev wifi connect <network-name> password <password>" from the adb shell.15:51
Saviqogra_, ah, didn't know that, will do15:51
ogra_Saviq, just to make it easier for people searching for a past change ...15:52
Kaleovesar: can you try running from the command line?15:52
vesarKaleo, Now that you're there can I ask what is the status of popover explicit placement feature? Michael said that you're implementing that.  We would need it for indicator quicklist.15:52
cyphermoxmterry: so, I just still don't understand why you had to add build there... what's the purpose?15:52
Saviqogra_, yup, will do15:52
mterrycyphermox, so the problem was that 'build' is a file15:52
dednicknexus4: ok great. fix for it has been committed and will be in next image.15:52
mterrycyphermox, so when make ran, it said 'build' is up to date!, nothing to do15:52
Kaleovesar: qmlscene --fullscreen --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/myapp.desktop15:52
mamenyakaogra_, why is my MR still showing up? https://code.launchpad.net/~mamenyaka/ubuntu/saucy/lxc-android-config/pollux-n8000_rules/+merge/18055115:53
mamenyakaogra_, should I delete it?15:53
cyphermoxwhy do we need that file?15:53
mterrycyphermox, so build steps were actually being run during the 'debuild binary' step instead of 'debuild build'15:53
Kaleovesar: I'm not on that at the moment, other august priorities15:53
mterrycyphermox, which isn't usually a problem, but they have different environments, and it was screwing up a test15:53
mhall119thanks Kaleo, are we not on 5.1 yet?15:53
sil2100cyphermox: so we're ok?15:53
mterrycyphermox, the build script is just a file used by the devs to build unity8  ::shrug::15:53
Kaleomhall119: no15:53
sil2100Can I publish?15:53
mterrycyphermox, so by marking the 'build' target as PHONY, it says to make, don't look at files to determine if this target is done or not, just always run it15:54
mterrycyphermox, but now that it's PHONY, for some reason, it didn't work with % anymore.  So I had to be explicit15:54
cyphermoxmterry: I would just have handled that differently I guess15:54
mterrycyphermox, and I didn't remove %, I just added build to the list of targets that hit dh $@15:54
* ogra_ doesnt mind, as long as it builds fine :)15:54
mterrycyphermox, you would have renamed build script?  :)15:54
* sil2100 published unity815:54
cyphermoxI would have used the chainsaw approach, probably15:55
ogra_thats so bloody15:55
mterrycyphermox, seemed wrong to rename the unity8 developers' beloved build script15:55
cyphermoxrm the file, let the build system handle things, or something ;)15:55
cyphermoxmterry: I guess ;)15:55
mterrycyphermox, ah well...  I don't think the team is debuild-native yet  :)15:56
cyphermoxmterry: I'm not against your solution, it's elegant, I just hadn't seen something like that before15:56
ogra_they will become click native soon :)15:56
ogra_who cares about deb in a year from now :P15:57
mterrycyphermox, took me *forever* to figure out why that test was failing ('binary' vs 'build' targets).  Was just so happy to find fix, didn't worry about how it got done.  :)15:57
cyphermoxtotally agree ;)15:57
brendandanyone know why return doesn't work properly in adb shell?15:58
mamenyakabrendand, what do you mean?15:58
ogra_return works fine here ... it swallows some ctrl sequences though15:59
ogra_(dont ever try nano via adb)15:59
brendandogra_, there!15:59
brendandogra_, exactly what i was talking about15:59
ogra_yeah, its broken ...15:59
brendandogra_, what should i use for editing files then?15:59
mamenyakaogra_, the MR is still showing up, should I delete it?15:59
mamenyakabrendand, vi16:00
ogra_if you want to use nano, use it via ssh16:00
ogra_or use vi via adb16:00
brendandmamenyaka, i forget is vi there by default?16:00
ogra_mamenyaka, it is marked merged ... reload16:00
ogra_the cut down version of it16:00
mamenyakaogra_, great!16:00
ogra_(a true vi ... )16:00
mamenyakaogra_, can you help me (again) with something?16:01
mamenyakaogra_, wlan: loading driver v3.2.4.103a16:02
mamenyaka[   13.718902] wlan: [454:F :HDD] hdd_driver_init: WLAN device not found!!16:02
mamenyaka[   13.724578] wlan: driver load failure16:02
tedgI thought there was something like "adb copy" but I can't seem to find it...16:03
mamenyakatedg, adb push and adb pull?16:04
popeytedg: adb shell cp   ☻16:04
tedgmamenyaka, Ah, that's it, thanks!16:04
mamenyakaogra_, the insmod is in post_fs_data, and it worked with unflipped16:06
ogra_mamenyaka, do you have /vendor mounted or linked ?16:06
ogra_might be that it needs that16:07
mamenyakabut after booting fully, I can insmod it16:07
ogra_well, so should your init.rc16:08
popeyin the lab are we doing tests only on the normal flipped image, or are we also doing qa tests on hte read only image too? gema?16:08
ogra_but if its a broadcom it requires the vendor blobs in the right place ususally16:08
ogra_popey, yes16:08
ogra_popey, clock on "touch_ro" on the dashboard frontpage16:08
popeyso ap tests should work exactly the same way on the readonly image?16:09
popeyaha! ta16:09
mamenyakaogra_, https://github.com/mamenyaka/android_device_sony_fusion3-common/blob/phablet-saucy/rootdir/init.qcom.rc16:09
ogra_mamenyaka, try moving is to "on boot"16:10
ogra_for a test16:10
mhall119ogra_: is there an easy way to make more space on / after enabling developer mode?16:11
mhall119or maybe moving apt and dpkg data somewhere with more room16:12
ogra_dednick, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5993286/ .... "? Unknown touch package: inidcator-datetime"16:12
ogra_dednick, is that in the archive yet ?16:12
dednickogra_: indicator-datetime - mispelt16:13
sergiusenssil2100: do you still need me? if it's regarding unity-mir, it is important yes16:13
ogra_mhall119, no, idea, i only booted a system image once here ... and that was in the early days16:13
ogra_dednick, ouch, thats what i get for blindly copying from IRC16:13
dednickogra_: sorry, my bad16:13
ogra_dednick, sorry ...16:13
sergiusensogra_: mhall119 that's what I've been telling bzoltan16:13
sergiusensyou will have space restrictions on those images16:13
ogra_dednick, well, i could have proof read before committing :)16:13
mhall119sergiusens: s/will//16:14
sergiusensdeveloper mode is not really 'turn in development machine'16:14
dednickogra_: you did ask me to check ;)16:14
sil2100sergiusens: so, hm, daily-releasing ASAP?16:14
sergiusenssil2100: well that, or we can get some core dev to push16:14
sil2100sergiusens: I guess we'll enable it for daily release, I'll double-check you package, approve your merge, re-deploy the stack and then we need someone to pre-NEW it16:15
sergiusenssil2100: cyphermox did the packaging check yesterday16:16
mhall119sergiusens: why were you telling bzoltan this?  He isn't making the partition sizes16:16
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sergiusensmhall119: because I think qtcreator does builds on device16:16
mhall119it can, yes16:17
sergiusensmhall119: ones these images becomes the default, this model will fall into issues16:17
mhall119it's already the default isn't it?16:17
mhall119last time I phablet-flashed I got it16:18
sergiusensmhall119: you need to explicitly say ubuntu-system instead of cdimage-touch16:18
mhall119but I don't see this as a problem with QtCreator16:18
mhall119sergiusens: ah, I did that, yes16:18
ogra_its not the default16:18
sergiusensthe default now is what you want it to be16:18
ogra_technically we dont have a default now16:18
sergiusensjust so people don't get confused or forced into something without notice16:19
sergiusensmhall119: it's not a problem with qtcreator, I do agree, but this development model won't scale if things are kept this way16:19
mhall119if we just relocated /var/cache/ somewhere with more room it would help16:20
sergiusensmhall119: yes, but we need to reclarify what enabling this developer_mode means... I don't think it was intended for app developer mode.16:21
ryukafalzare the upload times on the daily build page in UTC?16:22
asacthanks sergiusens doanac` for the talk ... have a great weekend16:22
mamenyakaogra_, moving it to at_boot didn't help16:22
asacogra_: image out or not?16:22
mamenyakaand I have vendor mounted, only has camera in it16:22
dednickogra_: can we expect the changes in this evenings image?16:22
asacogra_: dont forget plz ... i think it looks goody16:23
ogra_asac, cant be more out :)16:23
ogra_dednick, i hope so ... if germinate ever finishes to generate the metapackage :)16:24
dednickogra_: great. thanks!16:24
* ogra_ wonders why the clock app is always ~10min off 16:24
popeyit is?16:25
ogra_shows 18:16 here ... while the panel clock shows 18:2516:25
ogra_(as well as the lock screen one)16:25
davmor2ogra_: did you have it open in the background?16:26
mamenyakawhat's wrong with the clock?16:26
ogra_well, i did at some point this afternoon ... but not now16:26
popeythe read only image takes way longer to "flash" than the old flipped one16:26
ogra_mamenyaka, the system clock seems fine, the clock-app shows me a time 10min off16:27
mamenyakathat's strange16:27
davmor2ogra_: I discovered that if I had it open but in the background it didn't refresh the time when you bought it to the foreground but I thought that got fixed16:27
ogra_thats why  i mention it :)16:27
ogra_well, i just started it newly16:28
ogra_starts with 00:51 ...16:28
ogra_then after about three seconds it jumps to 18:1916:28
ogra_(it is 18:28 here)16:28
mamenyakawait a minute, for me the indicator shows 6:29 PM, clock-app shows 16:2916:30
popeyit shows utc by default16:30
ogra_right, i adjusted timezone and language here16:31
ogra_(and locales indeed)16:31
ogra_it is surprising how much translations there are already16:32
ogra_most items are in the right language already16:32
mamenyakaany idea why camera app takes a minute to start displaying?16:33
* ogra_ hasnt 16:34
sergiusensmamenyaka: could be the service takes long to launch ... check logcat16:34
ogra_sergiusens, so after the indicators changed, whats left in the PPA now ?16:35
mamenyakasergiusens, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5993372/16:35
ogra_phone-app i guess ... anything else ?16:35
mamenyakaogra_, any other idea regarding the WiFi?16:37
popeysergiusens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5993383/ any idea what's going on there? I flashed this device 20 mins ago, and doing it again, that appears16:38
ogra_well, check your logs if you see something obvious16:38
ogra_popey, /current was updated 20min ago16:40
sergiusenspopey: it's a bug16:40
ogra_was it around that time your download ran ?16:40
popeybut it shouldn't break the flashing proce...16:40
popeyah okay16:40
ogra_its not a flashing issue16:41
popeydrwxr-xr-x 2 alan alan 4.0K Aug 16 17:20 2013082016:41
popeywell it is, phablet-flash falls over16:41
sergiusenspopey: now that we have bidaily updates and ubuntu image based upgrades don't there's higher chances of this happening16:41
ogra_yeah, but in wget16:41
popeyso we should have a different target directory? or some wget option to restart? or use rsync?16:42
ogra_sergiusens, we should check the local and remte timestamp of the hash file probably16:42
sergiusenspopey: rm /home/alan/Downloads/phablet-flash/imageupdates/20130820/saucy-preinstalled-recovery-armel+mako.img16:42
ogra_if remote is newer, re-download16:42
popeyyeah, sure, but I am trying to do this with little user intervention ☻16:43
sergiusenspopey: log me a bug please16:43
sergiusenspopey: ubuntu-bug phablet-tools16:43
popeyalready there ☻16:44
mhall119I filed one a few days ago16:44
mhall119it happened to me flashing my N7 after flashing my N416:44
mhall119different remote files, same local filename, resulted in hash mis-match16:45
popeymhall119: bug me up16:45
popeyor something hip16:45
mhall119oh, you expect me to remember?16:45
sergiusensmhall119: it's a different bug mhall11916:46
mhall119popey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phablet-tools/+bug/121195616:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 1211956 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "File download conflicts when phablet-flashing more than one device" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:46
sergiusensmhall119: that ones an easy fix :-)16:47
sergiusenspopey's is a bit more complicated16:47
mhall119popey is always more complicated than me :)16:47
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mhall119it's because he's British16:47
popeybug 121317716:47
ubot5bug 1213177 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "phablet-flash ubuntu-system fails if old recent downloads are available" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121317716:47
popeyIt's... complicated.16:47
mhall119"It's complicated" should be a bug status16:47
sergiusensgood one16:47
mhall119it's like a combination of Critical, Wishlist and Won't Fix16:48
popeyhello viks16:48
vikscan u install ubuntu in galaxy y16:48
ogra_dednick_, oh, one last thing, with the indicators in place, shouldnt chewie be dropped ?16:49
popeyah excellent16:49
dednick_ogra_: chewie is still used for the network indicator16:49
ogra_ah, k16:49
ogra_cyphermox, hurry up then :P16:49
mhall119ogra_: I'm getting an error trying to install/upgrade a package: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5993442/16:56
mhall119any idea?16:56
mhall119I phablet-flashed to ubuntu-system but then enabled developer mode16:57
ogra_i guess /lib/udev/rules.d/70-android.rules is a bind mount16:58
ogra_and dpkg tries to make it a hardlink for the .bak file while replacing it16:58
mhall119ogra_: /dev/loop0 on /lib/udev/rules.d/70-android.rules type ext2 (rw,relatime,errors=continue)16:58
ogra_better talk to stgraber16:58
ogra_not sure if or how thats supposed to work16:59
mhall119stgraber: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5993442/16:59
stgrabermhall119: yeah, lool mentioned the same thing happening to him once, basically we have a bunch of bind-mounts that should be unmounted before apply updates17:00
ogra_should they be mounted at all in developer mode ?17:00
stgrabermhall119: the current plan is to write a script that bind-mounts / and the other critical mount points, chroots to that and then you can run apt-get from there without getting those kind of issues17:00
ogra_i thought you go RW anyway then17:01
stgraberogra_: well, in that specific case, if we were to remove the bind-mount, you'd be getting a confusing conffile prompt instead which wouldn't be much better17:01
stgraberogra_: so the current plan was to have a developer shell which when you start gives you an environment in which it's safe to run apt-get17:01
ogra_well, indeed you copy the bind mounted file back over the exiting one in the filesystem17:02
ogra_that shouldnt cause a conffile prompt17:02
stgraberogra_: hmm, true, as it's not in /etc, instead apt-get would overwrite it and your system would be missing all those rules the next time it boots17:02
stgraberanyway, yeah, it's a known issue, we're aware of it but I can't really find the time to provide a solution while I'm attending debconf17:03
* ogra_ didnt expect you to :)17:03
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sergiusensstgraber: wait, so apt-get is safe now?17:07
cyphermoxogra_: when I can confirm we get the auth dialog for network and the icon issue is fixed, then I'll be happy releasing the indicators17:08
ogra_cyphermox, i was just kidding :)17:08
ogra_take the time you need :)17:09
ogra_sergiusens, obviously not17:09
davmor2ogra_: will there be an new release with the pending nm changes, do you know?17:09
sergiusensogra_: well we are having a bunch of roadmap issues wrt to image based upgrades based on the assumption it is not and won't be17:10
ogra_davmor2, there is a build at 20:00 UTC ...17:10
davmor2ogra_: so that will land about 21:00-ish right?17:10
ogra_sergiusens, right, its more of a dpkg issue ... dpkg creates hardlinks of files it replaces17:10
ogra_sergiusens, that breaks with bind mounted files17:11
ogra_davmor2, no, 20:30 or so ... we got new buildservers :)17:11
davmor2ogra_: ooooooooooh get you with your new shiny :D17:12
arisdariohello guys17:13
arisdariois there some tutorials to install ubuntu on another tablet brand?17:13
arisdarioi mean if is possible to install in other tablet that is not Nexus17:14
davmor2arisdario: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting17:14
mamenyakaarisdario, yes17:14
arisdariothe way is to create your custom ubuntu for your specified device17:15
davmor2arisdario: yes see the link above.17:17
arisdarioi understand, i wil try to compile a new build for Onda tablets17:17
arisdariolets say what can i figure out17:17
popeyadb shell touch /userdata/.developer_mode17:17
arisdariolets see *17:18
popeythat should enable developer mode shouldn't it?17:18
arisdariois a must that the device need to be listed on cyanogenmod ?17:19
popeyroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# ls -l /userdata/.developer_mode17:19
popey-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Aug 16 17:06 /userdata/.developer_mode17:19
popeyroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# touch /foo17:19
popeytouch: cannot touch '/foo': Read-only file system17:19
mamenyakaarisdario, not necessarily17:20
mhall119popey: /userdata/ is rw17:20
mhall119is ro17:20
mhall119 / is ro17:21
mhall119darn IRC17:21
popeyso how can i apt-get install something then?17:21
popeyor is the answer "don't"?17:21
mhall119after you touch /userdata/.developer_mode you have to reboot17:21
popeyi did17:21
mhall119then / becomes r/w17:21
popeyah, no i didnt17:22
popeyignor eme17:22
mhall119 /ignore popey17:22
popeyI'm going to a wedding tomorrow. I don't know anyone there. I'm thinking of taking some ubuntu edge cards to hand out to people I get introduced to17:23
davmor2popey: Handed out on the line...."And what do you do?"17:24
mhall119popey: why are you going to a wedding for people you don't know?17:25
popeyThe joys of being married to someone who has a lot of "Real Life" friends.17:25
mhall119ah, so *somebody* knows them17:26
popeyI hope so!17:26
popeybah, this means I will have to have a shave17:26
* popey mutters17:26
mhall119I wonder what that somebody would think of you passing our Edge cards17:26
mhall119popey: not the sideburns!17:26
popeyI'll report back on monday17:26
mamenyakawhy is test_media playing a video has only sound, but nohng appears on th screen?17:34
mamenyakaor: how do I play a video?17:35
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pmcgowanjhodapp, ^^17:39
jhodappmamenyaka, did you check logcat?17:40
mamenyakawait, here I have something: Video height: 720, width: 128017:41
mamenyakaVideo dest height: 0.000000, width: 0.00000017:41
mamenyakalogcat: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5993580/17:43
jhodappmamenyaka, it's not going to work as long as the dest height and width are 017:43
mamenyakayes, but why are they 0?17:43
jhodappmamenyaka, not sure...it looks like there's something messed up with your SurfaceFlinger17:44
jhodappmamenyaka, the NativeWindow API isn't happy17:44
mamenyakaeverything else is fine17:45
jhodappmamenyaka, does the media player play video? why are you using test_media?17:45
mamenyakajhodapp, where is the media player?17:45
jhodappmamenyaka, yep17:46
mamenyakajhodapp, QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display17:46
jhodappdon't run it from the command line though, try it from the QML shell17:46
jhodappmamenyaka, select something like the Sintel trailer on the video view17:47
mamenyakayeah, those videos are now gone17:47
mamenyakaall of them17:47
mamenyakaand the music too17:48
mamenyakajhodapp, how do I kill test_gps, it's stuck17:48
jhodappmamenyaka, what's in /home/phablet/Videos?17:48
mamenyakamy video file I want to play, nothing else17:48
jhodappmamenyaka, ok...the other reason why you didn't see video with test_media is because the surface is behind the QML shell17:49
jhodappmamenyaka, test_media is not a QML app17:50
mamenyakayes, that explains a lot17:50
mamenyakathen how to play a video?17:50
jhodappmamenyaka, hang on, let me get you a command line for mediaplayer-app that should work for you17:50
mamenyakajhodapp, thank you!17:50
mamenyakajhodapp, please help me kill test_gps, isn't responding to CTRL+C, and kill PID isn't working either17:51
jhodappmamenyaka, reboot17:51
mamenyakajhodapp, yeah, that got him17:52
jhodappmamenyaka, try this...it might be out of date since I'm not running nearly the latest image, but give it a try: mediaplayer-app --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/mediaplayer-app.desktop /home/phablet/Videos/video.mp417:53
mamenyakajhodapp, same result, could not connect17:53
jhodappmamenyaka, interesting...I haven't seen that error...any shell/app guys able to help mamenyaka out here?17:54
mamenyakajhodapp, can you help me with wifi driver?17:54
jhodappmamenyaka, someone else should be able to, I just work on the media parts17:54
mamenyakajhodapp, got it17:55
mamenyakais it ok that it only displays 8 PM in the indicator?18:00
mamenyakaand a minute later 08:01 PM18:01
cyphermoxYou mean as the only indicator or for the time?18:02
mamenyakano, only is for it only 8 PM and not 08:0018:03
mamenyakacyphermox, for the time18:03
cyphermoxThat depends on locale settings18:04
mamenyakawhat? I have never seen any locale not display the minutes18:05
mamenyakanot 20:00 I'm talking about18:06
mamenyakait should be 8:00 PM, not 8 PM18:06
Kaleorsalveti: hey, what's the simplest way to activate 3G on the galaxy nexus? (operator is vivo)?18:51
ChickenCutlassKaleo, he is on vacation.18:52
ChickenCutlassKaleo, does the sim have a pin code18:53
ChickenCutlassKaleo, if so, you can unlock via the command line18:53
KaleoChickenCutlass: no pin code18:55
KaleoChickenCutlass: good for him :)18:55
ChickenCutlassKaleo, so it should just work18:55
KaleoChickenCutlass: ah, then it does not :(18:55
ChickenCutlassKaleo, there is a race sometimes -- so reboot and make sure mobile data is enabled via settings18:56
KaleoChickenCutlass: I've done it several times over the past few weeks with no luck18:57
ChickenCutlassKaleo, not sure.  Tony is also out today -- he is the person to bug18:57
sergiusensKaleo: initctl restart network-manager if 'nmcli d' returns a ril device18:58
ChickenCutlassKaleo, try restarting ofono18:58
sergiusensChickenCutlass: you actually want to restart network-manager18:58
Kaleosergiusens: nmcli d: /ril_0     gsm               disconnected19:00
Kaleosergiusens: after restart of nm: /ril_0     gsm               connected19:00
ChickenCutlassKaleo, do a netstat -r19:01
sergiusensKaleo: that should do it, there's a in network manager, cyphermox and awe are working on signalling19:01
sergiusenscyphermox: boo19:01
cyphermoxKaleo: on a newly flashed device?19:01
Kaleoworks now19:02
Kaleosort a19:02
sergiusensKaleo: well I don't know how good gprs is in Brazil, but it's flaky here in general19:02
cyphermoxwell, it's as you guys mentioned, restarting NM should fix the issue19:02
cyphermoxI'm still working on the patch, it will be ready soon19:02
mhall119Saviq: is this stuff in Saucy yet19:03
mhall119.I've always wondered why many atheists ridicule someone for what they believe in.19:03
mhall119bag, ignore that19:04
Kaleocyphermox: newly flashed device yes19:04
Kaleosergiusens: it's pretty reliable actuallly usually19:04
KaleoChickenCutlass: sergiusens cyphermox thanks; I will wait eagerly for the fix :)19:05
cyphermoxKaleo: if you want I'll ping you when I'm ready for some testing19:05
sergiusensKaleo: well the fix is to avoid the workaround I told you to use...19:06
sergiusenscyphermox: where is that bug? For some reason it's really hard for me to find bugs now19:06
mhall119so ogra_, if I phablet-flash cdimage-touch, I will get the non-UIBU flipped image?19:06
Kaleocyphermox: it'd be great19:06
cyphermoxsergiusens: give me a minute19:06
ogra_mhall119, right the default image :)19:07
mhall119right, this running out of space thing is annoying, I'd rather re-populate /home/phablet/19:07
Saviqmhall119, what is "this stuff"?19:33
Saviqmhall119, we just released unity8 some hrs ago, so everything unity8 is there in distro, yes19:33
sergiusenscyphermox: can you trigger a daily build of unity-mir?19:40
mhall119Saviq: al the previews on other scopes19:41
mhall119is what I was referring to19:41
Saviqmhall119, if the backend sends a preview, we'll display it, yes - not necessarily in a nice manner yet, but they will be displayed19:41
Saviqmhall119, actions don't yet work correctly either19:42
Saviqmhall119, long press for preview, btw19:43
cyphermoxsergiusens: did sil speak to you about unity-mir?19:43
cyphermoxhe wanted to wait until tuesday since there weren't integration tests?19:43
mhall119Saviq: thanks, just re-flashed my phone so I'll apt-get dist-upgrade and reboot then try19:44
cyphermoxsergiusens: also, there is going to be a new automatic build in two hours, is that good enough?19:44
sergiusenscyphermox: depends more on ricmm19:44
sergiusensI'll be here for more hours19:44
sergiusensnot sure he will19:44
sergiusenscyphermox: sil approved btw19:45
mhall119wait, phablet-flash did'nt work19:45
sergiusenscyphermox: with a comment that they should be added next week19:45
Saviqmhall119, phablet-flash -h19:45
cyphermoxricmm: good to wait until the next automatic build for unity-mir?19:45
Saviqmhall119, although you probably know you need to add cdimage-touch19:45
mhall119I ran: phablet-flash cdimage-touch19:46
cyphermoxI'm not fond of things landing in distro late friday afternoon, though this would be a new source package too, and subject to more reviews19:46
Saviqmhall119, I recommend --pending, too19:46
cyphermoxwe need didrocks to do some archive admin magic on lillypilly19:46
Saviqmhall119, especially if you want to dist-upgrade anyway19:46
mhall119WARNING:phablet-flash:The device needs to have a clockwork mod recovery image (or one that supports extendedcommands) in place for the provisioning to work19:47
mhall119that's the only thing that looked wrong...19:47
mhall119sergiusens: shouldn't going from a phablet-flash ubuntu-system to phablet-flash cdimage-touch wipe out /home/phablet?19:48
mhall119I watched it reboot into recovery and reboot again into Ubuntu and everything, but no visible change19:49
mhall119uh, hmmmm, I have duplicate indicator icons now19:53
mhall119Saviq: sergiusens: http://ubuntuone.com/3AlrjiX1SpoNv0VgHGZ8j319:54
mhall119just after running phablet-flash cdimage-touch19:54
* mhall119 tries again, this time with --wipe added19:56
mhall119hmmm, in the recovery console I see this:19:57
mhall119E:Can't open /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command19:58
mhall119I wonder if that's related to the warning above19:58
w-flomhall119, I get the same warning even though I know my recovery supports (at least a subset of) extendedcommands.. Maybe that's printed every time20:01
w-floand it flashes without problems20:01
ricmmcyphermox: yes, lets wait20:06
mhall119well --wipe at least removed all my old data and gave me only one set of indicators20:08
mhall119hmmm, network indicator isn't asking me for my WPA2 passphrase....20:10
mhall119Saviq: ^^ is that a known issue?20:10
mamenyakayes, it was the same for me too ^^20:11
mamenyakahey ricmm, any luck checking out what I sent you in email a couple of days ago?20:12
mhall119mamenyaka: FYI, if you can't get the network indicator to work, plug your phone in to USB and run "phablet-network-setup" on your desktop20:13
mamenyakamhall119, thank you, did just that20:17
mamenyakaI just used the SDK20:17
sergiusensmhall119: it's a known issue20:26
mhall119thanks sergiusens20:27
sergiusensmhall119: /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command is used by uibu20:27
sergiusensit's inocous like the missing autodeploy.zip20:27
mhall119yay for smart scopes!20:49
mhall119this is awesome20:49
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ryukafalzmhall119: Does phablet-network-setup only work if you're using unity/gnome-keyring on your desktop?  I'm using KDE... tried it and it copied some config files over, but that didn't seem to include security settings21:03
sergiusensryukafalz: it relies on using network manager21:06
ryukafalzsergiusens: I do use network manager, but I believe my secrets are stored in kwallet21:07
sergiusensryukafalz: phablet-network-setup in the end just copies the network file in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections ... if it's not in there it won't get set21:08
ryukafalzHmm alright21:08
sergiusensryukafalz: feel free to support it if you want21:08
tvoss_ogra_, ping21:10
ben_nuttallMy device won't show up in adb devices21:13
ben_nuttallAny ideas?21:13
ben_nuttallIt's plugged in to my machine by USB - I can lock/unlock it from cli but adb doesn't see it :/21:14
interloperadb won't respond while the device is in the bootloader21:20
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ben_nuttallinterloper: Oh, what state should it be in to use abd?21:21
interloperany other, ie recovery or booted into system21:22
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ben_nuttallI get "Booting failed" when selecting Start or Recovery mode from the bootloader. Any idea where to go from here?21:44
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interloperI don't have any experience with Ubuntu-touch really, but with android we do fastboot -w in bootloader to wipe cache and data21:52
interloperthat eliminates SOME boot errors21:52
sergiusensinterloper: that used to be in phablet-flash too, but I removed that logic since many people have a bootloader on that doesn't match their data partition21:54
w-floubuntu needs files on /data to boot, so it won't help with booting ubuntu. if you can't boot into recovery, I think you should flash a working recovery21:54
interloperah, so he can still wipe cache21:56
interloperfastboot erase cache21:57
interloperfastboot format cache21:57
w-flointerloper, maybe wiping data helps with booting the recovery? Not sure how recoveries work :)21:57
interlopersergiusens, says there are files flashed to that partition that are needed at boot21:58
interloperdata should not affect recovery, since it is not called for recovery boot21:59
sergiusensinterloper: correct, you can wipe data if you want and still get recovery. Wiping cache is possible22:00
RobbyFwe can't choose the apps in home scope presentation yet?22:32
RobbyFlatest build looks pretty awesome22:32
RobbyFtime to install some dropping letters22:32
interlopersergiusens, you sure are working on that phablet-tools today23:11
sergiusensinterloper: ?23:21
interloperyou mentioned working on that tool, and I think I've updated it twice today23:22
interloperit was supposed to be humor23:23
sergiusensinterloper: oh, I don't necessarily update it ;-) People create merge requests for it and they get approved without me eevn knowing23:25
interlopergotcha. I'm not used to working with that level of organization yet.23:26
nrmnlWhen it says "potentially brick your device" how likely is this to happen?23:54
Namidairo100% if you are stupid23:58
Joe_Bnrmnl, nexus device?23:58
Namidairodepends on the device though23:58
nrmnlJoe_B, Namidairo: Nexus 423:59
Namidairooh that's fine23:59

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