[01:32] come on 60k! [01:35] ? [01:35] Ah, jujst saw the G+ pos [01:35] t [01:37] yea, vague to get interest up :P [01:37] sad for 3 or 4 year old project, but cool from a 'sideproject' state. Would love to hit 100k soon [13:42] I <3 that the crash daemon under Ubuntu is called "whoopsie" [13:45] My car blew a hose or something at my son's daycare. I had to nurse it to the mechanic and then go back and clean up the chemical spill [13:45] ouch [13:46] Better than tomorrow when we would've been stranded in battle creek [13:46] hah, good point. Always better to go boom on a weekday than weekend [13:55] Definitely. [13:55] May all car boom happen on the weekdays, in light traffic [13:59] Would have been fun 2 weeks ago too. Could've been stranded in middle of nowhere OH [14:36] Crap. They think it's the water pump, but they have to tear everything apart to confirm. Might as well do timing belt too [16:04] Ugh [17:01] Next weekend we're camping in Traverse City. http://touch.woodtv.com/10000/76602713 [17:08] Also, I just noticed woodtv's mobile subdomain. Whoever chose that deserves a bravo [17:10] brousch: :P [17:19] Buncha repressed deviants, the west side is. ;) [17:20] So true