
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
inetpromagespawn: pong05:54
inetprogood mornings05:54
Kiloshi charl psychicist Squirm  et al06:04
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 06:22
superflymorning ThatGraemeGuy06:34
* ThatGraemeGuy nods06:34
Kiloshi superfly 06:43
superflyhi Kilos06:46
Kiloshi Cantide 06:50
Cantidehello Kilos '-'/06:51
nuvolario/ hello's07:23
nuvolariany BB-gurus around?07:23
nuvolariPackaging especially07:23
Kilosyo nuvolari 07:35
magespawngood morning07:45
Kilosmorning magespawn 07:46
magespawninetpro i just wanted to let an 'official type' person there is a new server book available for the loco07:47
magespawnhey Kilos07:47
Kilosisnt maia the go to person still magespawn ?07:49
magespawnJust about to go another drive07:49
magespawnI did leave her a message with Maaz07:50
Kiloszerlgi, wb07:50
zerlgiHi Kilos07:50
Kilossometimes only way to get to her is by email07:51
Kiloslemme know when you back magespawn 07:51
Kiloswanna know if you installed extras with idle07:51
magespawnwill do, later07:51
magespawnNo not yet07:52
Kilosoh so its basic install that just works?07:52
magespawnAnyway, will chat when i get back.07:53
Kiloshave a good time07:53
Kiloshi psyatw 07:55
psyatwhi Kilos07:55
charlhi psyatw, Kilos, magespawn 09:02
charlMaaz: coffee on09:02
* Maaz puts the kettle on09:02
psyatwhi charl09:02
psyatwhi magespawn09:02
psyatwhi zerlgi09:02
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!09:06
charlMaaz: thanks09:07
Maazcharl: Sure09:07
Kiloshi charl 09:07
KilosMaaz, coffee please09:07
MaazKilos: There isn't a pot on09:07
Kilosmagespawn, has gone on a game drive09:08
Kiloshopefully buck and timid things09:09
nuvolarihi oom kilos, gaan dit goed?10:51
Kilosja dankie nuvolari en jy?10:52
Kilosons gaan slang leer. jy moet begin tyd maak10:52
nuvolarilol, slang leer?11:15
Kiloshaha ja ons gaan byteofpython in n klas doen11:16
Kilosof in my kanaal of daai #linux-studies11:16
Kilosmaar soos gewoonlik sukkel ek met iets voor ons even begin11:18
Vince-0superfly, you here?12:20
Kiloshi Vince-0 12:20
Vince-0Hi Kilos 12:23
zerlgiafternoon folks. am signing off now. Hope to lurk again soon.12:23
Cantidezergling rushhhhhhh12:40
Cantidehis nick reminds me of zergling .-.12:40
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
magespawnafternoon all12:57
Trixar_zaAfternoon magespawn12:57
magespawni see there is a new ubuntu server book out13:01
Kiloswb magespawn 13:02
magespawnhey Kilos13:02
superflyhi Vince-013:04
magespawndid you get your idle sorted13:04
Kilosjust helping ian quick magespawn 13:05
magespawnno worries13:06
Vince-0superfly, I'm looking for someone to make a tiny device (large scale) that fetches an audio file and plays it over 3.5mm audio jack - know anyone?13:08
superflyVince-0: not really... are you thinking of a Raspberry Pi sort of device?13:11
Vince-0kinda, current software (closed) doesn't run on arm - only thing that even comes close are the Android MK806 devices13:12
Vince-0Rasp isn't really for production environment13:13
superflyWell, I was just trying to get a clearer idea of what you meant by "device"13:13
Vince-0well its pretty open ended 'cos eventually they'd change the software13:14
Vince-0so I was looking at openbroadcaster.com AGPL license13:15
Vince-0and the scenario is mostly for a CMS for media that the remote device downloads and plays. Seems there are only _very_ expensive proprietary solutions13:16
Vince-0anyways, not many "embeded device" types in ZA13:17
superflyin all honesty, I'd just look at one of the many linux-based devices that are around13:17
superflythen write the software part in something like Python13:18
Vince-0yep, x86 linux devices aren't as cheap as the Pi. Will see what these openbroadcaster guys can do13:19
Vince-0best case would be an android client customized to run on boot13:19
superflythere are quite a few of those sorts of boards13:20
magespawnVince-0: what sort of application would that be used for?13:23
Vince-0this company here is managing in store broadcasting for thousands of stores13:25
magespawnin store radio?13:25
Vince-0ya but with local storage, no stream13:25
magespawnahh right13:25
Vince-0and customized per store/region/client etc13:25
magespawnthats why no stream13:26
Vince-0and most of the stores are in the bush13:26
Vince-0current software is discontinued13:26
magespawndoes music stream use a lot of data?13:27
Vince-0no stream, files are usually a couple of megs worth of mp3 type format13:28
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
magespawnso somebody would need to change them out, stored on sd cards or such?13:31
Vince-0sdcard/internal but the current apps use DSL to fetch media from FTP each night over DSL13:33
Vince-0they got me involved to try run their windows client on a Pi - can't emulate x86 (wine) on ARM...13:35
Vince-0so now its a whole long story13:35
Vince-0found some sneaky Russians who got Win3.1 on a Pi once...13:37
magespawnsounds like it would be a lot easier to find the hardware and then write the software13:37
magespawni found a site that had managed to get windows 95 or 98 onto the n90013:38
Vince-0yoh, but not exactly production capable. I had an N900 - sweet device13:38
magespawnif i had the spare cash i would buy 4 more to play around with13:39
Vince-0haven't seen a phone with an FM transmitter elsewhere13:40
magespawndid you try the ir port as a tv remote?13:41
Vince-0nope, IR! that's something you don't see on mobiles13:42
Vince-0I did try some data transfer on it with a USB adapter on my PC13:42
magespawnthere was a piece of software that had all the key mappings for various remotes and the tv that they could work with13:42
Vince-0I remember13:43
magespawni keep thinking they would make a great in car tracking monitering onboard pc13:52
magespawnthere was some guy who had developed a brain scanner that worked off the n90013:53
Vince-0on only 600mhz13:58
magespawni would love them to build something similar using the latest hardware13:59
magespawnmaybe something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUa5Iy9uj6g14:03
Vince-0sms to toast teknologie lol14:11
=== Cantide is now known as CantiAFK
charlwhat and it can charge your car?14:44
charland it has an built-in induction cooking?14:44
charlich mag14:44
charlwhat a 48 megapixel camera14:45
charlthis is a brilliant parody14:46
charland a nuclear power generator !14:47
charlwhat the 14:47
magespawnnow there is a phone worth $32 million14:53
magespawnlater all14:58
Kilosgo safe magespawn 14:58
Kiloswhats the aptitude command to see dependancies please15:38
Kilosapt-cache showpkg15:48
Kilosthat seems to work15:48
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kilosoh my friday again17:32
Kiloscharl: you on kubuntu?17:50
Kilosim lost17:50
magespawnhey Kilos 18:31
Maazmagespawn: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell magespawn on freenode. sorry battling to get ian to connect from live cd with 3g but struggling" 2 hours, 13 minutes and 33 seconds ago18:31
charlKilos: yes18:31
Kilosmy archives dont save18:32
Kilosas in /var/cache/apt/archives/18:32
charloh apt archives, they don't save? weird18:32
Kilosi cant find where to save downloaded packages18:33
charlcan't say i've heard of that before18:33
Kilosyou uncapped peeps dont worry about that18:33
charlhmmm, yeah i would be the wrong person to ask about something like that it seems18:33
charli just download the latest whenever i need to install something18:34
charlapt-get takes care of it18:34
Kilosnot lekker when you pay for every update/upgrade18:34
charlthat sucks18:34
Kilosi dunno what ive done wrong. the kde i had on another drive didnt have the prob18:35
charlsorry but i'm not really familiar with the process of doing this18:36
Kilosthe pro or fly will know18:36
Kilosthe pro will first say ai!18:36
charlhi psychicist 18:37
charlhow's it going in poland18:37
Kiloshi psi18:37
psychicisthi charl 18:38
psychicisthi Kilos 18:38
psychicistall is going well here, charl18:38
* Kilos wonders if nano would work with python programming18:38
psychicistI'm just working the boring job and doing my own stuff besides18:38
psychicistbut I've decided to improve my knowledge of Java (J2EE) and to learn Oracle18:39
psychicistso all will be well in a few months and I hope to find another job then18:39
charloracle database?18:40
Kiloskeep learning18:40
Kilosknowledge is power18:40
charlisn't there more of a demand for mysql/postgres?18:40
charli work with oracle database but i wish i could dump it and mysql in favour of postgres18:41
psychicistnot in big enterprises I guess18:41
psychicistI know mysql18:41
psychicistit's not that I learn one in favour of another18:41
charloh then oracle would be easy, you just have to get used to the fact that everything is much more difficult18:41
psychicistwhy not learn them all? :)18:41
charlyeah exactly my mentality too18:41
Kiloshey charl are you gonna join the python classes18:42
charlwhatever you can do in mysql you can do in oracle by writing 3x as much sql18:42
charlKilos: i already know python but it sounds interesting, which are these?18:42
psychicistyeah, I figured18:42
charli might know some other people who should attend18:42
charli don't really know oracle database well myself, i never bothered studying it properly18:43
Kiloswe gonna have them in #linux-studies as soon as the other guys can get to spend an hour a week or so18:43
charli just use it and whenver i get stuck i google18:43
charlusually you end up finding the answer on stack overflow or a similar site18:43
Kiloswe going to use byteofpython18:44
psychicistmy uncle is an oracle certified professional18:45
Kilosim sure superfly will nurse maid us18:45
charlKilos: cool i will tell some people18:45
charlpsychicist: i heard certified dba's can make a good living18:45
magespawnKilos: did you get the files i shared?18:45
psychicistcharl, yeah, that's one of the reasons for me to learn it18:46
charlKilos: nurses and maids?! :)18:46
charlKilos: you will attract the wrong type of people with that :P18:46
Kilosthose i couldnt see names magespawn ?18:46
psychicistno, the right ones :D18:46
Kilosi didnt download  them no. what are they18:46
Kilosim on kde now will get them tomorrow18:47
magespawnsimple python programs18:47
Kilosthat do what?18:47
Kilosoh something i wanted to ask , must one start idle with sudo?18:48
magespawnshowing various programming ideas18:48
Kilosi tried it again but first deleted hello world everywhere now i cant even get it working with gedit18:48
magespawnnot aas far as i know18:49
Kilosmust i tick each one to download or will the whole batch come18:49
Kiloshad a massive job this avy trying to get nm and then sakis going by ian18:49
magespawni think you can do a ba5ch download18:50
magespawni see i got your message18:50
Kilosspent hours mailing him packages that he got on fone then put on stick then installed18:50
Kilosbut no go18:50
Kiloshe took modem and kubuntu cd to another pc and sakis worked first time18:51
Kilossome thing blocked usb access18:51
magespawnmight be the pc then18:51
Kilosya but its a pc he has to fix18:52
magespawndo people really need dba that much?18:52
Kilosbefore i said go to another pc and try i first said the modem is dead18:52
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosnight all . sleep tight18:58
magespawncharl what sort of salary are they paying?19:04
=== CantiAFK is now known as Cantide
magespawnlater all19:38
Cantidegood night magespawn >.</19:39
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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