
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Friday and happy Tell A Joke Day! :-D08:44
popeyis there a known problem with UbuntuOne on saucy. Mine isn't syncing and the client just sits there saying "Getting information, please wait".17:25
popey2013-08-16 18:13:19,811 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: <State: 'AUTH_FAILED'  (queues WORKING  connection 'With User With Network')>; queue: 26; offloaded: 0; hash: 0) ----17:25
dobeypopey: looks like your token is invalid. you probably need to delete it and sign in again17:30
dobeypopey: it's working fine for me at least :)17:31
popeyi signed out and signed in again dobey17:32
popeyhow do I "delete the token"?17:32
popeyis this the thing in seahorse?17:32
nessitapopey, hi there. You can use the U1 control panel17:36
popeyyay, got it!17:36
popeyflie sync in progress!17:36
nessitapopey, is it working? you propably remove the device from the u1 web?17:36
popeylooks like it, yes17:37
popeythank you17:38
dobeyyeah, in seahorse, sorry17:40
Chipacapopey: on a completely unrelated subject, please stop breaking stuff17:51
Chipacapopey: :)17:55
JamesTaitYeah, popey! You, you, breaker you!17:55
Chipacaalso, have excellent weekends, all of y'awl17:55
ChipacaJamesTait: Yeah!17:55
JamesTaitChipaca, you too!17:55
JamesTaitChipaca, I'm off for two weeks after today, so have fun without me!17:56
* Chipaca puts in a request for ubuntu personal cards that say "popey; breaker of stuff"17:56
* Chipaca orders a few more for davmor2 17:56
JamesTaitBeat me to it. ;)17:56
ChipacaJamesTait: i'll be on shell island when you get back :D17:56
Chipacaor maybe just back from it17:57
JamesTaitShell island?  Is that our new interface?17:57
ChipacaJamesTait: it's an island made entirely of rapidly changing user interface design17:58
JamesTait(For the record, that was a joke.  I shouldn't say things like that in public channels.  That's how rumours start.)17:58
Chipacato quote Pedro: no.17:58
Chipaca(I think he wants me off what he now perceives as *his* computer, because it's now the weekend)17:58
* Chipaca waves17:59
davmor2Chipaca: pfffff you think the world can cope with more than one of me, foolish mortal muhahahahahaha17:59

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