
makkam315Всем  привет ! Как в UBUNTU 13.04 установить живые обои рабочего стола ?01:47
Unit193!ru | makkam31501:50
ubottumakkam315: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.01:50
caodepalhahi everyone i got a bit of a problem here. a few days ago i was messing around with instalations in the terminal and being a total newbie somehow i managed to get my aplications menu all mixed. is it possible to get it back the way it was?02:33
Unit193Missing things or what?  Look in ~/.local/share/applications/02:50
caodepalhai dunno really02:51
caodepalhano nothing is missing02:55
caodepalhaall the audio related apps wnet to the multimedia folder03:05
Unit193Is there anything in ~/.local/share/applications/ ?  And are you in the right session?03:10
Unit193As those files are local modifications, you can try to (re)move them and see if it changes.03:30
caodepalhawhere exactly can i find that folder?03:30
Unit193~/ means your home dir, so /home/caodepalha/  the dot in front of local means it's a hidden dir.03:32
caodepalhaok! got a mimeapps.list file03:34
caodepalhawould that be the file?03:39
Unit193In a way, what opens what.03:41
caodepalha[Default Applications]03:42
caodepalha[Added Associations]03:43
Unit193Oh dear.03:43
Unit193!pastebin | caodepalha03:43
ubottucaodepalha: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:43
caodepalhathis is the file03:43
caodepalhaits only that file there03:48
caodepalhaany help?04:14
holsteincaodepalha: whats up?04:14
caodepalhai'm a total newbie to ubuntu04:15
caodepalhai have ubuntu studio installed a few weeks ago04:15
holsteincaodepalha: whats wrong with the applications menu?04:15
caodepalhathe other day i was messing aroung with instalations and somehow my aplications menu got all mixed04:16
holsteincaodepalha: what do i suggest? if you want it back "as default", reinstall.. that usually takes about 10 minutes or so04:16
caodepalhathings are out of place04:16
caodepalhafor example if i go to the multimedia menu04:16
caodepalhaeverything is there mixed04:16
holsteinthen, plan for failure, since you are abviously experimenting.. experiement with a virtualbox install or with a live CD.. or with a new test user04:16
holsteinor, stop using the menu.. i dont use it04:16
holstein!info kupfer04:16
ubottukupfer (source: kupfer): fast and lightweight desktop summoner/launcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 0+v208-2 (raring), package size 810 kB, installed size 2862 kB04:17
holstein^^ i use that, and i literallly could care less where applications have gone04:17
caodepalhahow to do call the apps?04:17
caodepalha*do you04:17
caodepalhain the terminal?04:17
holsteincaodepalha: with the software i mentioned, called kupfer.. above04:17
holsteincaodepalha: you can edit your current menu.. remove the config files from the user /home.. reinstall.. you have plenty of options04:18
OvenWerkssounds like logged into xfce session04:20
holsteinyup.. something simple..04:20
holsteinor the ubuntustudio-menu meta removed..04:20
caodepalhai was looking into kupfer04:20
OvenWerksnope, it doen't exist yet again :)04:21
caodepalhawhat about removing the config files?04:21
holsteincaodepalha: see if you are logged into the xfce session instead of the ubuntustduio one04:21
caodepalhawell i'd really like to have it like it was before04:21
OvenWerksrm -r ~/.config04:21
caodepalhai should be messing around being a newbie04:21
holsteincaodepalha: ?04:21
caodepalhawhat will taht command do?04:21
holsteincaodepalha: you can "mess around" all you want04:21
holsteincaodepalha: that command does what you asked.. removes the config files.. which could reset what you are wanting reset04:22
OvenWerkslogout to the login screen and make sure it says ubuntustudio in one of the boxes. If it says xfce, click on that and it should drop down a menu to select unbuntustudio04:23
Unit193May as well hit the cache too.04:23
OvenWerksya, that would be next04:24
OvenWerksBut what he described sounds like wrong session04:24
OvenWerksthat is something I am trying to fix for 13.1004:24
Unit193Yeah, a little.  Asked, but not sure if it was an answer to another Q.04:25
caodepalhathank you thank you thank you04:25
OvenWerksGlad I could help04:25
OvenWerksJust walked in the door04:25
caodepalhaThis is great!04:27
solarbirdhey, anybody else on a USB sound device and Ubuntu Studio 12.04 LTS seen their bus performance die in a fire since the updates that came down... well, I pulled them down through apt-get about 10 days ago?06:07
solarbirdi'm running jack+ardour and i've had to kick my audio latency up to 279ms to be able to use the machine at all. It's not CPU (3Ghz quad-core, averaging 76% idle), it's not RAM (I'm not close to swapping). vmlinuz-3.2.0-49-lowlatency kernel.06:09
solarbirdso this kind of implies... that there's something atomic _somewhere_... that is processed faster in the generic kernal than in the low-latency kernel, which is slower due to the handoffs it does internally to be closer to realtime... which causes XRUNs to show up sooner in low-latency than in generic. BUT: it's something that changed in that 10-days-ago round of Ubuntu updates, wherein several libraries got updated. (But of 06:52
solarbirdBut that's just hypothesis.06:54
Hyurihelp me please =(06:58
Hyurii've just installed ubuntu studio and selected "install alonside windows 7" but my partition got deleted!06:58
Hyuri900 GB of data, the entire partition has gone06:59
Hyurino windows 7 neither06:59
Hyurii am lost07:01
Hyurithe PC is not mine07:01
Hyuri900 GB of captured videos and a i have to start editing a new video tomorrow07:01
cubHyuri, sounds bad. i need to change computer but will be back. In the mean time perhaps someone else might be able to help you.07:02
Hyuriok, thanks07:02
cubUnit193, do you have a moment to take a look at Hyuri 's issue?07:07
Unit193Hyuri: Don't touch it, don't repartition it, do nothing.  What you need to do is boot off a live medium and run testdisk, see if it can detect the deleted partitions and re-write them to disk.  If not, it may be able to recover files to an external drive.07:08
Hyuritestdisk is a commandline function?07:10
Unit193http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step for example.07:12
cubThanks for stepping in Unit193, I felt it was a bit too deep water for me..:)07:15
Hyurimany, many thanks07:15
Unit193cub: Had to use testdisk once when a windows partition edit went very, very wrong.07:15
Unit193Hyuri: Getting it?07:15
Hyurithe infos are giving hope to me07:16
Hyuriwhat a crazy problem. Is that "common"?07:21
cubHyuri, it should be fixable. I once removed my entire backup disk containing all photos the family had taken. It was some nervous hours but everything was recovered. :D07:21
Hyurifeeling a little better now07:22
Hyurimaybe the problem is because have 2 HDDs here and both had windows 7 installed. Maybe Ubuntu Studio got confused?07:23
cubHuh? It confuses me at least. You have two physical drives with one Windows OS installation each?07:24
cubOr are they c: for system and d: for data?07:25
Hyuriboth had windows 7 each07:26
Hyurinow, just one =(07:26
Hyuriand the wrong one... -.-"07:26
Hyurii don't know why. The owner of this PC are really crazy07:26
solarbirdthat is very strange o.O07:28
Hyurii was installing ubuntu studio to show the man that we can have a better and faster desktop to work with07:29
cubI guess they are not convinced now? ;)07:29
Hyurieh... probably won't. he doesn't know yet07:30
Hyurinow is 4:30 AM here07:30
Hyurii am from Brazil07:31
HyuriBTW, sorry for my English. If you can correct me, please07:31
cubHyuri, your English is great. Not everyone here speaks English as a first language. Myself I'm in Sweden.07:32
Hyurioh, good07:33
Hyurii want to know Sweden some day in my life, heh07:33
solarbirdI'm in spaaaaaaaaaaaace. Okay I'm not actually in space. I'm in Seattle. #spaaaaaaaaaaaaace07:34
solarbirdI'm going to bed but am going to leave this connected in case somebody sees my probably description scrollback and has an idea.07:36
solarbirdGood luck, Hyuri! ^_^07:36
Hyurigood sleep07:38
Unit193solarbird: Could check the dpkg logs in /var/log/ see what updates you did.07:48
xequencesolarbird: the latest kernel update increased your minimal acceptable latency?07:56
xequencesolarbird: did you try booting into one of the older kernels to double check?07:57
HyuriUnit193: many, many thanks07:59
Unit193Got it?07:59
Hyuriit seens the data are there07:59
cubHyuri, wohoooo!07:59
Hyurithanks too cub!07:59
cubOh I just did what I do best, asked someone else. ;)08:00
Hyurithe chain "cub > Unit193" saved my life =)08:01
Unit193Nice that you got it, have a good one.08:01
caodepalhahi everyone just had ubuntustudio installed. wondering where i can find good audio plugins08:03
xequencecaodepalha: You have a bunch preinstalled08:03
xequencecaodepalha: Start jack, with qjackctl, then ardour. Then try adding plugins to channels08:04
caodepalhaanything similar to the waves plugins? tape simulators etc?08:04
caodepalhabeen through the ardour plugins already. they're nice. was just wondering where i can find more plugins08:05
caodepalhaok thanks!08:07
Hyuriyou can try to use win vst's with festige08:09
Hyuriin case you really need08:10
caodepalhait would be good using the waves plugins i'm used to08:11
xequenceIt's possible, but think you need a special VST build of ardour, and some wine magic08:12
xequenceyou might find more answers at #kxstudio08:12
xequenceNone of the Ubuntu Studio devs use non free software, so we don't really think about supporting that a lot - for better, or worse08:12
xequenceIt would be better if those companies started supporting Linux natively08:13
caodepalhathat would be good08:13
Hyurireally good08:13
xequencecaodepalha: There's linuxdsp08:13
caodepalhabut with festige i could used vsts on ardour?08:13
xequencesaying that, I do actually use non free software, but only since they are native linux plugins08:14
caodepalhai understand08:14
xequencethere are some vst plugins that work natively on Linux too, but I don't know much about that08:14
xequencenot waves, I don't think08:14
caodepalhai still find it a bit complicated using wine and vsts and all08:15
xequencecaodepalha: The calf plugins are pretty decent08:15
xequenceyou can do just about anything with the plugins available, just that you might need to combine them a bit more manually then on proprietary platforms08:16
caodepalhaanything on tape similators08:17
Hyuriand you always have jack as your "universal cable" to connect them08:17
caodepalhai used reaper and waves plugins but i decided to go full ubuntu08:18
caodepalhahad it on dual boot for a while then quit windows08:18
cubcaodepalha, there is a Ardour you can compile for win VST, but they don't recommend or support themselves. I would investige what's available through the native linux world first. Otherwise I would probably run like Reaper in Wine instead.08:19
caodepalhais it workable? reaper and wine?08:21
caodepalhawith latency and all08:21
cubI haven't tried it, but seems on the ubuntuforums that some are happy with that solution.08:23
cubBut I think you can find similar plugins natively, maybe not as polished GUI as VST's but will sound good once you have learned how to set them.08:24
caodepalhai'd like to stay with ardour now or qtractor08:25
caodepalhaso you would say that ardour has all one would want for audio recording?08:27
HyuriTestDisk is "testing the disk". I'll go to bed now08:37
Hyurimany thanks for your help people08:37
HyuriUnit193, cub: again, many thanks08:38
cubHyuri, np glad we could help!08:38
Unit193Sure, and if it can't get the partition table, hope it or photorec get the files.08:38
cubcaodepalha, it depends on what you create in Ardour. For me there's more than enough, but I'm quite minimalistic and prefer to do as much processing and analog sound before I record08:39
Hyuriwill try every possible step now that i have the direction08:39
Hyuriuntil next time!08:39
caodepalhai record acoustic guitars with condenser mics, vocals, midi keyboards08:40
cubcaodepalha, cool. Do you have anything up on the web already?09:09
caodepalhaalready did some recording with ardour09:10
caodepalhai can share if you'd like to listen09:10
cubcaodepalha, please do09:11
caodepalhashould i share it here'009:14
caodepalhathis song is sung in portuguese09:16
simplexhi, i have a problem booting ubuntu studio with lilo. what should i put in the lilo.conf to get it work?09:24
cubcaodepalha, sure, as the topic says " General music making and studio chatter is allowed" and it's always fun to hear what the US community creates09:24
xequencesimplex: lilo is no the default boot loader for Ubuntu Studio. I check Lilo docs or find a forum that deals with lilo09:25
xequenceSorry, missing some letters there09:25
xequenceUbuntu Studio09:27
caodepalhaah lol09:28
caodepalhadid u check it cub?09:29
caodepalhai think you where helping me the other day09:29
caodepalhagot it all fixed by the way09:29
cubcaodepalha, listening now. Is it the room sounding or did you add reverb in Ardour?09:39
caodepalharoom sounding09:42
caodepalhahall of my house09:42
caodepalharecordeid live with 2 mics09:43
caodepalhaa condenser for the guitar and a shure sm58 for the vocals09:43
cubSM58 is great09:46
caodepalhai feel for my condenser mic as well09:47
caodepalhaits large diagphragm09:48
cubMy main maics are TSM MT87 MKII and SM58. Then again, I'm doing home recordings only. :P09:50
caodepalhame too for the time being09:54
caodepalhaon my soundcloud i also have studio recordings09:54
caodepalhabut on a different style09:54
caodepalhaa rock band09:54
caodepalhaby the way09:57
caodepalharan into a new issue here09:57
caodepalhamy jack wont start09:57
caodepalhai get this message:09:58
caodepalhaATTENTION: The playback device "hw:0" is already in use. The following applications  are using your soundcard(s) so you should  check them and stop them as necessary before  trying to start JACK again:09:58
caodepalhapulseaudio (process ID 2156)09:58
caodepalhacannot load driver module alsa09:58
caodepalhaany help?09:58
cubare you running any other app?09:58
cubsince pulseaudio is occupying the hardware09:58
caodepalhalet me check09:59
caodepalhano.. not as far as i can tell09:59
caodepalhai just installed mixbus09:59
cubI have to dash out to get lunch, sry.10:01
caodepalhaok its working now somehow...10:01
caodepalhahello! i just installed harrison mixbus but jack does not start with it. gives me an error. anyone knows anything about this?16:19
caodepalhawhen i start ardour or mixbus i get a: audio value for dither is missing data16:21
solarbirdto answer an earlier question: the upgrade set did not appear to include a kernel upgrade and iirc I was already running .49 in the lowlatency kernel.17:36
holsteinsolarbird: i wouldnt expect those lowlatency kernel updates to "pour in" like the main ones17:37
solarbirdgoing back to the generic .39 kernel improves the situation (69.7ms latency is attainable) but that's still much poorer than I should have.17:37
holsteinsolarbird: there is not "should"17:37
holsteinsolarbird: what should happen is, the manufacturer of your hardware communicates with the software developers17:38
holsteinbut, that likey is not going to happen.. so you have to do what is "best" for you17:38
holsteinmaybe that involves running a custom realtime kernel, or one from PPA for lower latency17:38
solarbirdbefore those security patches from 10 days ago, I _could_ and _did_ run 28ms latency.17:38
holsteinfor my personal needs, i run different presets with differeent latency settings17:39
holsteinfor when i need/want realtime, i need under 12ms17:39
solarbirdright, which is why i have to use hardware with hardware monitoring, becuase i've _never_ been able to get that, which I've ascribed to being on USB.17:40
holsteinif i cant get under 12ms, then its not a scenario where i can do what i need to do, so i dont use that hardware/software scenario for realtime17:40
holsteinsolarbird: mgith be USB.. might not17:40
holsteinsolarbird: i can get around 2ms with different hardware.. depends17:40
holsteinbut, when im mixing, i typically have it set and 90+ ms..17:40
holsteinand, im not offereing anything as an excuse.. these are just facts17:41
holsteindid the lowlatency kernel updates break something? if you have tested other kernels, and specifically, an older lowlatency kernel, then i think it is safe to say that, for your hardware setup, that is the case.. or appears to be17:41
OvenWerkssolarbird: you can still boot with the older kernel, does that improve things?17:42
solarbirdwhich, like I said, I can live with 70ms for mixing (268ms with the lowlatency kernel was driving me batshit even in mixing because it made finding note fragments annoying.17:42
solarbird.49 is the only lowlatency kernel I have installed; it did not get updated with the rest of the updates 10 days ago.17:42
solarbirdi have a .39 _generic_ kernel which now performs better than the .49 lowlatency.17:43
solarbirdbefore the updates, the .39 generic did _not_ perform better than .49 lowlatency; i moved to lowlatency as part of an attempt to improve realtime performance.17:43
holsteinsolarbird: sure.. but you would need to test an older lowlatency kernel to prove, theoretically "the updates to my lowlatncy kernel broke something"17:43
OvenWerksSo you are not running ubuntustudio then?17:43
solarbirdi am running ubuntustudio.17:43
solarbird12.04 lts.17:43
OvenWerksUbuntustudio comes with lowlatency not generic, where did the generic come from?17:44
holsteinif lower latency were something i needed, mission critically, i would be using, as i said, a custom rt kernel. or one from ppa17:44
solarbirdi moved to the generic tree back in... 2010?ish? and kept it updated, because some usb hardware I have responds incorrectly to probing and would hang the system with the default ubuntu-included kernel, but the newer generic available (3....1.5 maybe?) didn't, which let me use the hardware.17:46
OvenWerksso then this is not a 12.04 install? But an update to 12.04?17:47
solarbirdit was not a from-scratch 12.04 lts, no.17:47
solarbirdi can't even install 12.04lts from scratch on this hardware, the installer doesn't like my video card combination for some reason and goes to blackscreen.17:48
OvenWerksThere are a huge number of changes from 11.04 to 11.10. I personally would not upgrade to 12.0417:48
OvenWerksThat would be a problem all right17:49
holsteinsolarbird: if you can run 12.04, you can run 12.0417:49
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:49
holstein^^ likely need that til you get whatever driver you need installed17:49
solarbirdyeah even the upgrade was a nightmare. i had made an image and was trying to upgrade the image, and the first three tries bricked the machine. server-upgrade command line upgrade did work tho'.17:50
OvenWerksHave you tried any of the live disks since 12.04? You may have to go non-LTS.17:50
solarbirdOvenWerks: all of them go to blackscreen. well, that I tried.17:50
OvenWerksAlso it is possible to do a studio install from the mini.iso which is all CL17:51
holsteinsolarbird: nomodeset is what is used for "going to blackscreen"17:51
holsteinsolarbird: if 12.04 works, it works.. and its able to work17:51
holsteinsolarbird: you can do *many* things to install it and get it to work17:51
solarbirdright, but I'm already on 12.04 LTS so I don't need to worry about that now. i've been on 12.04LTS for months.17:53
solarbirdand I did get it to work, just through the command line with server-upgrade.17:53
holsteinsolarbird: but, you are having "odd" issues, and its an upgrade17:53
holsteinand that system/hard drive *will* fail17:53
solarbird(funny part is, there's no special drivers here. I picked the second card when I added it specifically because it had in-kernel driver.)17:54
solarbirdsure, but i make disk image backups with dd.17:54
holsteinsolarbird: then you were using a bad iso, or something else17:54
OvenWerksI am surprised about the latency though. I was able to use my USB1.1 audio IF at -p6417:54
solarbirdholstein: I thought of that but the discs - I made more than one trying to see if that was a failure point - all passed verification17:55
OvenWerks(2.7ms) without issue17:55
solarbirdOvenWerks: I know! Other people say the same thing. I've never been able. idk why.17:56
holsteinsolarbird: sorry, but you *can* use 12.04.. and it is being used.. so you *can* get an iso to support an installation17:56
OvenWerksWith the upgrade it may be that some of the settings are not being set. I also found I had to be very careful which USB port I used.17:57
solarbirdOvenWerks: even when I was running (a few years ago) a fresh install against my M-Audio USB FastTrack Pro (a 1.1 device) I couldn't get that.17:58
OvenWerksstock swappiness is 60 or 80, we set 10. that made a difference. Make sure jackd is actually able to use rt.17:58
solarbirdYeah, I mapped out all my USB ports for shared interrupts, trying to chase that down, with some improvement. But nowhere near 2.7ms.17:58
solarbirdCurrently I'm running against a PCI Express USB pure root device card. I was hoping that would improve things, and it did! Until 10 days ago. But even _before_ 10 days ago, I couldn't run 2.7ms even against USB 2.0 hardware.17:59
OvenWerkscheck the name of /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf17:59
OvenWerksmake sure you are in the audio group. Those are the things >I can think of right off18:00
solarbird(oh for the record: top says I'm not swapping. BUT if there is a parametre I should have involving that, I don't have it in that file. I have rtprio 99 and memlock unlimited.18:00
OvenWerksYa, if swappiness is set to 80, then the kernel will start putting stuuf in swap at only 20% ram in use18:01
OvenWerksno it would be in a different file18:01
solarbirdoh in sysctl.conf ok18:04
OvenWerksYou found it faster than me :)18:04
solarbirdsince we aren't swapping afaict then I'll be confused if that changes anything but it's good to know. ^_^18:06
OvenWerksif it is already set to 10 that is not a problem18:08
solarbirdit wasn't, it was at system default.18:08
solarbird(which is 60)18:08
solarbird(and I checked to make sure, it really was)18:08
OvenWerksI have also found that turning hyperthreading off helps lowlatency18:08
OvenWerksbut only if I am going below 2.5ms (which I can do with an internal audio acrd in a pci slot18:09
OvenWerksIt would depend on how much memory you have I was testing on a netbook with only 1g ram18:10
OvenWerks40% use showed up pretty quick18:10
OvenWerksThe issue I had was that qjackctl would get swapped out and cause lots of xruns18:11
OvenWerks(or maybe qjackctl's gui)18:12
solarbirdthis is a tower with 4G. it lives in a closet and never goes anywhere. I'm currently sitting at my studio desk which is close enough to the closet that long cables (single cables, no extensions... um... except on the trackball) reach it.18:12
OvenWerksI tried with swap off, but on an OOM error killed the session and you loose whatever you are doing. swap at least allows a retake or saving the work you have done :)18:13
solarbirdhere's my home studio in fact: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GziwIN5xEYk18:14
solarbirdthe two-headed monitor setup on my desk is where I am right now. :D18:14
solarbirdright now everybody is dumping 4:3 monitors so you can get them for like $518:16
solarbirdit is awesome18:16
solarbirdif you are on a continually severe budget anyway18:16
solarbirdi run mixer on one screen and editor on the other :D18:16
solarbird(it's in xinema mode)18:16
OvenWerksI would love to get another monitor, but I can't just now. One of my kids costs a lot to feed due to special diet.18:18
OvenWerksI have one of the drun pad sets too. However I don't have my own room. It has to be shared (as does the computer) with the rest of the family.18:19
* solarbird pokes around hyperthreading commentary18:19
solarbirdthis looks like something that would'be be a problem on a modern processor18:20
OvenWerksthe place to find out about really lowlatency/RT work is in the computer controled milling comunity as they need sub 1ms latency18:20
solarbird_really_. i know a guy who does that.18:20
solarbirdoh this is my latest song btw - i did it for a Pacific Rim convention last weekend: http://crimeandtheforcesofevil.com/blog/2013/08/the-t-rex-has-the-f-14/18:21
solarbird(Probably makes more sense if you know about kaiju films)18:22
solarbird(no definitely makes more sense if you know about kaiju films XD )18:22
OvenWerksThe problem (even with modern HW) is that there are so many things that the cpu can be called to do that the OS has no comtrol over18:22
OvenWerksSome of the AMD chipsets with video included are really bad.18:22
OvenWerksThe video portion takes over the cpu and busses all the time.18:23
OvenWerksIt is interesting that some of the lower powered MB actually have better latency control18:24
solarbirdhm, interesting18:29
solarbirdokay yeah if i want to disable hyperthreading i appear to need to do it in BIOS18:30
solarbirdthe sample howto I found gets a LOL NO even as root XD18:30
solarbirdyeah on my system I can't disable HT without disabling a bunch of other advanced features and the result is... not good. (at least, as far as BIOS is concerned, and trying HT only the example way fails so maybe that's consistent.) Thanks for the idea, though! It was worth a try. ^_^18:47
OvenWerksYa, the other way is to disable every second processor on the kernel command line. for example if you have two cores, dissable one and three.18:49
OvenWerksBut like I said, I have seen no difference till I go really low latency.18:49
OvenWerkslower than USB for sure.18:49
* solarbird nods18:50
solarbirdstill, if nothing else, going back to generic kernel makes mixing okay again. plus I use live monitoring, so.18:54
solarbird(hardware monitoring, so latency there is irrelevant.)18:55
OvenWerksSo long as you can make it work. I record at low latency, but mix with higher latency.18:57
OvenWerksI record with no effects and only playback the tracks I need.18:58
OvenWerksI add effects only in mixdown18:58
OvenWerksSome people can't work that way but I have an old P4 single core machine.18:58
solarbirdI can pile on all the effects I want, that doesn't seem to affect things.18:59
solarbirdwhatever it is, it's not raw CPU availability.18:59
OvenWerksnormally not.18:59
xequencesolarbird: linux-lowlatency is updated in the same frequency as linux-generic19:29
xequencesolarbird: linux-lowlatency is more or less a linux-generic, with a couple of changed configs19:30
xequenceI'm the maintainer of linux-lowlatency. It's updated every three weeks in general, in cadence with linux-generic19:30
xequence-generic can by no means outperform -lowlatency19:31
xequence-lowlatency is not a realtime kernel, but provides good enough performance to get acceptable latencies with certain hardware19:32
xequenceif you have a problem, it might be interesting to know what it is19:32
solarbirdmoving to the low-latency kernel improved things at first19:42
solarbirdbut right now -generic is _absolutely, measurably, strongly_ out-performing -lowlatency on my machine.19:42
solarbirdand that inversion happened with the security updates I downloaded 10 ... er, now 11, I guess... days ago.19:43
solarbirdI'd love to get back to the performance I had before that update and will provide anything you ask for.19:43
solarbirdwait let me think. no, it was Tuesday, I think. So 10 days.19:45
solarbirdI run apt-get update/apt-get upgrade about once a week against the 12.04 LTS tree.19:45
xequencesolarbird: Did you check to make sure both kernels are the same verwsion19:50
solarbirdOh, they absolutely aren't - I've been posting the version numbers. Generic is -39, lowlatency is -49. I was running lowlatency -49 before the upgrade which damaged things, and -49 after, so I haven't actually been thinking it's the kernel.19:52
solarbirdMy hypothesis is that it's something that's atomic in both that completes faster under -generic than under -lowlatency.19:53
solarbirdBut that's just a guess. It would explain the behaviour? But so could many other things.19:54
solarbird(The closest I came to any kernel dev work ever was writing a couple of device drivers, and a file system... well, kind of a file system and a half, since the "half" was extremely feature-limited.)19:58
xequencesolarbird: not sure what you believe to be the version19:59
xequencethe last digit is the upload number, so not related to version19:59
xequencethe latest version is
solarbirdvmlinuz-3.2.0-39-generic and vmlinuz-3.2.0-49-lowlatency19:59
xequencefrom both security and updates repos19:59
xequenceconsider that linux-lowlatency and linux-generic is the same kernel20:00
xequenceso, if an update caused you worse performance, it might not have anything to do with the kernel being -lowlatency20:00
xequencesolarbird: would be nice if you could install the latest -generic and try that20:00
solarbirdso that'd be vmlinuz-3.2.0-51-generic I presume?20:02
xequencesolarbird: do sudo apt-get update, then install both linux-lowlatency and -generic20:03
xequenceyou can do: sudo apt-get update --only-upgrade linux-lowlatency20:03
xequenceand the same for generic20:03
xequenceunless you have -pae20:04
xequencesudo apt-get install --only-upgrade linux-lowlatency20:04
xequencesolarbird: so, both -lowlatency and -generic are now at version
xequence.61 previously was the upload number that I was talking about20:05
solarbirdit's probably going to h8 on my boog.cfg but I can fix it...20:06
solarbirdupdating lowlatency... then i'll do generic...20:07
solarbirder, my menu.lst. lololol, ooooooooooooooold20:10
solarbirdha, 3-way merge worked. that doesn't usually happen. awesome.20:11
solarbirdbringing down -51-generic...20:11
solarbirdhoday! this will require a couple of reboots for testing20:16
solarbirdokay, so both installed, and a set of basic standard tests performed. Behaviour of these is identical within margins of error of non-automated testing.20:49
solarbirdin both cases i can get down to 46.4ms latency (which is much worse than people I've talked to with comparable hardware, but that's another issue) and 40.6 starts triggering XRUNs in Jack.20:50
solarbirdBefore 10 days ago, I could get down to around 34ms. Somehow apparently people get down to 4ms? But I've never got close to that. I got down to 17ms back in the... 08.10 days, I think? With USB 1.1 hardware. But that was just a two-channel device.20:52
solarbirdBut same-version against same-version it's definitely about the same.20:53
solarbirdI'm wondering if something was fucked up in my 3.2.0-49 low-latency install - it was through the package manager, but who knows.20:55
xequencesolarbird: Would seem to me your hardware is the problem here21:02
xequencesolarbird: I get under 10ms without problems, but I don't have usb21:03
xequencepci and firewire21:03
xequenceI haven't tried the latest 3.2 kernels though21:03
solarbirdYeah, USB is kinda suck. But other USB users have better performance I do, it's... been a thing. I'd love to move off USB tho'. Next time I have money, ne? XD21:04
solarbirdFor live I have hardware monitoring, so as long as it's under, idk, 65ms or so? I can cope with it in mixing.21:05
xequenceIf you only do mixing, you don't really require low latency at all21:06
xequenceI can't live with anything over 15ms for live audio processing21:06
solarbirdYeah, which is why I can only use (so far, anyway) hardware that supports hardware monitoring.21:08
solarbirdI'd _like_ to throw $N00 or $N000 at some monster PCI-attached device, but that requires $N00 or $N000...21:09
solarbirdhardware monitoring requires that you not need to mix in effects at the time tho'. which is a limitation that so far I've just lived with.21:10
solarbirdI mean originally I built this little studio just for my own use, but now I've got other bands who want to use it (and hire me as their engineer :D ) so I'm caring more about that sort of thing.21:11
solarbird(I'd point at one of them but despite the fact that one in particular's album IS in fact OUT, certain bands don't have it on Bandcamp yet, so I can't...)21:13
xequencesolarbird: I have m-audio delta 1010 and 66. Same chip on all delta devices. Works great21:15
xequencealso, focusrite sapphire pro 4021:15
xequencesolarbird: We haven't got a lot written down about usb devices, but here's a clue if you want to try that some more https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/SupportedHardware#USB21:16
cubWhen I was going to buy a usb card 3 years back I read tons of threads on the ubuntuforums and then it seemed the Edirol UA-25EX was a popular one working of the bat.21:18
solarbirdoh that sapphire pro40 looks soooo tasty21:19
solarbirdoh i'm not wedded to USB. I'm on USB because the interfaces I could get for the dollars I've had have been USB.21:21
solarbirdlike, this tascam us-800 i'm using, I picked it up on clearance, new,] for $80.21:23
* solarbird adds Sapphire Pro 40 to wishlist21:24
solarbirdYOU NEVER KNOW :D21:25
cubHi Hyuri how did it go with the partition?21:31
Hyuribad =(21:31
Hyurino results21:31
solarbird"oh :(21:32
Hyuriin ubuntu studio shows as free space21:32
Hyurii will try TestDisk again21:33
cubhow's your friend taking it?21:33
HyuriFortunately, he said he would come today but did not come21:34
Hyuri1 more day to try solving it21:35
cublike an episode of 24...21:35
cubwait, no a season. anyhow.21:35
cubI haven't used TestDisk, but I thought it would try to recover the partition?21:36
cubbut ubuntu studio still show it as free space, so no change from before?21:36
Hyurino change21:37
cubUnit193, ^ any ideas?21:37
cubbut, there was two HDD, one partition on each? Where did Ubuntu studio install itself?21:38
Hyuri2 partitions, 1 with 1TB, 1 with 80GB. Ubuntu Studio installed itself on the 1TB21:39
Hyuri80GB partition is intact21:40
Hyuri2 HDDs i mean21:40
cubor perhaps xequence ? Hyuri was to install US alongside windows, but there was two windows installation and the *important* one disappeared.21:41
Hyuri1 partition on each. exatcly21:41
cubso Ubuntu Studio did overwrite the 1TB where the important windows was installed?21:41
Hyurinow i am on the windows of the 80GB HDD, to manage the other HDD, wich now has only US21:42
cubI'd like to help, but it's late here and I need to get up early to drive the family tomorrow. :/21:43
Hyurino problems21:44
cubI have pinged a couple of people, hopefully they might be able to help out.21:44
Hyurithank you21:44
HyuriMS Data on TestDisk is related to windows files? anyone you know?21:44
cubgood luck Hyuri, I hope to read good news in the channel log tomorrow. ;)21:45
Unit193If the files were overwritten, then you won't really be able to get the files.22:15
Hyurii think US is taking about 8GB22:21
Hyuriif at least i could save the files, are ok22:24
Unit193When it was scanning for partitions, there is an option to "view" them.22:26
Hyurion TestDisk?22:29
Hyurididn't saw it22:33
Hyuriindeed, i got confused in one part22:33
Hyurithe article shows a situation that is not compatible wich waht i am getting22:34
Hyuriafter [Quick Search], TestDisk shows a list with "1 P Unknown", "2 P MS Data" and "3 P Linux Swap". Do you know what that means?22:36
Hyurinot after, before*. Sorry22:36
Hyuribefore pressing [Quick Search] i have this list22:36
Unit193Current partition structure22:37
Hyuriso the windows are being recognized? MS Data is windows data, right?22:38
Unit193You'd think it'd say the linux/ext4 one too.22:40
Hyurididn't got it22:45

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