[11:09] xequence, users in #ubuntustudio are complaining about that “Linux about creative humans" should have been "GNU/Linux for creative humans" [11:09] *"Linux for creative humans" [11:09] Linux -> GNU/Linux [11:16] smartboyhw: Which of those do you think looks better as a slogan, and which of those do you think *everyone* understands perfectly? [11:17] xequence, for me, "Linux for creative humans" is better, but Richard Stallman has called for anonical many times to call it "GNU/Linux" [11:18] Richard Stallman leaves no room for compromise of any kind [11:18] Not always a good thing [11:19] It's probably good when creating programs [11:19] but, not when dealing with humans [13:20] I may at times be persuasive about my opinions, for the best of Ubuntu Studio, as my position requires, but that doesn't necessarily mean I make the decisions [13:21] I'm much for the concept of do-ocracy, meaning the one who does decides [13:22] So far, the culture of Ubuntu Studio development has meant that the project leader does put his fingers into many things [13:22] And shall remain [13:22] Unless we have many members [13:23] Which, I don't think we will have within 2 years:P [14:18] smartboyhw_: O personally think using just the word Linux is fine. [14:19] much of the tools are other tha GNU anyway [14:25] smartboyhw: I think Linux is correct, I think ubuntu for sure but also much of the Linux and open source comunity do not really think in gnu terms... at least not as narrowly as RS [14:32] I always try to say GNU/Linux, and make a point of it also when I'm teaching people at Linux, but since Linux is a common term used for GNU/Linux OSs, for a slogan, it's just better to say Linux [14:32] sorry, when teaching people about Linux [14:33] "Floss/GNU/Linux/Ubuntu x86 for creative humans"?, naah [14:34] It does at lease help people to realize it is Linux plus. [14:35] xequence: it is a relatively easy setting to change the grub line from ubuntu to ubuntustudio. (using kubuntu's style) [14:36] Ovenwerks: Then implement it:P [14:36] OvenWerks: Ok. You want to do that? [14:36] I can, it is just adding a directory with one file in /etc/default. [14:37] I would like to look farther though as it would be really nice to make lowlatency default rather than the latest generic [14:38] To have that as default would be good [14:38] I personally noticed no difference in battery use on my netbook, but at least one user did. Mine is Atom based [14:38] I'm on atom too [14:38] right now [14:39] I don't usually use laptopts [14:39] Not me [14:39] doesn't seem like there's a difference, no [14:39] The atom systems are supposed to have good latency for their speed. [14:39] I'm in 1st gen i5 [14:40] Can be fanless (my new desktop is very quiet) [14:40] Even the atom is now 64 bit dual core [14:40] Because of my interest in mixing and recording, I always make sure to buy silent components [14:40] big fans or no fans [14:41] the power supply needs to be silent as well [14:41] my PC when it's on, you can hardly notice [14:41] but, I can't record voice in the same room though [14:42] you can always change the CPU fan for little cost [14:42] there are cheap graphic cards that are fanless [14:42] but, the power supply is a problem, if you get the wrong one [14:42] I always put a bit extra money on that, not for the Watts, but for the noise level [14:43] I could probably run the PS on the atom with no fan. [14:43] but it is very quiet anyway [14:44] I have my desktop(s) in a rack with a door [14:44] I should do that too [14:44] put it inside some glass [14:44] no sound damping but itstill makes a difference [14:44] glass is a very good sound isolator [14:45] sort of a thin rock [14:47] xequence: I may try to make the progress dialog on -installer more verbose. [14:48] when I use the -y it also does -q silently [14:49] I am noticing when downloading a big package it just sits for a long time [14:50] maybe if I do -y -q0 [14:51] OvenWerks: Yeah, I thought about that too. Would make it nicer to look at [14:52] after release I can file a bug (wishlist) [14:52] * OvenWerks thinks we should use bugs more to keep track of what we are doing [14:53] OvenWerks: I wouldn't bother with a bug, unless you need to update the package in a stable release [14:53] seems to work well for extra SW in the menu [14:53] ok [14:54] I've been thinking a lot about the LP blueprints the last weeks [14:54] I think we need to establish simpler forms for them [14:54] and, when someone is the sole developer on a project, it's not as important, all though always a good thing to use [14:55] It is imortant that there is some sort of concensus for thing that have the ubuntustudio name in it [14:55] I don't think any of our projects are sole... maybe controls right now [14:55] so, basically between the few people who hang out here [14:56] the plans for -controls have been laid out a long time ago, but not sure how well they are clarified/documented in the blueprints [14:56] Ya, I think that makes sense [14:57] I'm not using the blueprints myself right now, which kind of indicates how I feel about them [14:57] though you may be working on, you have told us what you are doing and trying to get to. [14:58] I wasn't suesting controls was being done outside of US [15:03] xubuntu has a new grub [15:04] OvenWerks: not the default grub? How do you mean? [15:04] The menu is blue not black [15:05] there is a "welcome to grub" before that...I don't know if it is new or just revamped [15:05] (theme) [16:17] Ga! KDE and Lxde don't like link style desktop files. [16:17] Our info menu vanished [16:25] Working on the ubiquity plugins [16:35] Apparently, all we really need to do is base our plugin on edubuntu [16:35] but, can't get it to work yet. Trying theirs now [16:35] we have source for it already, prepared by astraljava, but I don't yet have full grasp on what we need for it [16:37] I probably need to try on something newer than 12.04. Can't get edubuntu's to work either [16:39] how are you testing it? [16:40] what are the differences between edubuntu's live and installed (without adding anything) versions? [16:40] That is, does their live iso have apps on it that ubiquity lets you choose not to install? [18:00] * OvenWerks is learning about lintian overrides :P [19:56] micahg: using the link=url method of doing desktop files only works in xfce, it does not work in kde or lxde... not sure about the gnome stuff (inc Unity) [19:58] micahg: anyway, both ubuntustudio-intaller and ubuntustudio-menu are ready for upload. -menu also passes lintian. [20:43] good evening [20:44] Yes master. [20:44] cub: good afternoon [20:45] hehe [20:47] I see our kernels have moved to 3.11 [20:47] exit [20:47] for saucy or earlier? [20:47] saucy [20:47] alright [20:47] I [20:48] I'm still running mir on this netbook [20:49] Still updates every day? [20:49] I don't know..will run an update now [20:49] It's the weekend, so maybe not... though there have been other things. [20:50] I have been working on our menu and uploading it to my PPA.. so doing upgrades, seem to get other things almost every time. [20:51] Mir team is all Canonical, so the channel drops dead at least. [20:51] no new mir, just kernel and some other minor stuff [20:51] have you tried MIR with lowlatency kernel? [20:52] yes running it since yesterday on my asus eee pc 900 [20:52] does it make any difference? only a worry if it does :) [20:52] just ordinary surfing and office use so far so no audio or other more studio like things [20:53] it's just the login screen that flashes, once logged in I see no difference [20:53] the previous lag is gone [20:53] Good. [20:53] use about the same resources as before it seems [20:54] So it seems to biggest hurdle is getting around the idea that X is magical [20:54] yes, and multi monitor [20:55] I am sure that will come [20:55] oh yeah, might be quite soon [20:56] they seems to have taken in all the comments from the xubuntu team [20:57] xubuntu has been really good about testing. I don't think it will go far if it is a vanilla only ting [20:59] besides testing with a made for x desktop covers all the areas unity is not even trying to deal with [21:01] I'd like to have time to do more in depth testing, like editing videos and see if it's any different [21:02] Those are some of the things that will have to happen before it goes on studio [21:02] but antoher day tomorrow! Better get to bed. :) [21:02] GN [21:02] Until tomorrow OvenWerks, GN [23:29] Whatever was done to the kernel from 3.8 to 3.11 my USB audio runs really solid at -p64. It's tube pre with limiter sounds really nice with guitarix. The only xruns were when changing presets. [23:34] running kubuntu with ubuntustudio metas installed plus LL kernel. no settings changed. 10 year + old P4 single core with 2.5G ram.