[00:53] Well, I am not liking this 13.04 XMir Xubuntu install. It stopped letting me use my sudo password completely, now. I earlier set the root password. That is now acting up, but < su -l > still works. I am opening gksu apps with that. but it is less than ideal for security, I guess. I don't think this install is long for this world, except to maybe leave it be and if we use it after Aug22/13, well maybe some updates might fix more [00:53] things. [00:57] Sorry *13.10 Xubuntu Xmir install [01:01] What does this mean? < Gtk-WARNING **: GtkNotebook 0xba94b0 is mapped but visible child GtkLabel 0xc2d1a0 is not mapped > [01:01] Seems every time I open an app with su -l, I get that warning, or another like it. [01:05] Like this: (synaptic:3203): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkNotebook 0xba94b0 is mapped but visible child GtkLabel 0xc2d1a0 is not mapped [01:07] Looks like theme warnings to me, safe to ignore. Sounds like you're having issues unrelated to XMir, though. [01:07] Unit193, Thanks for the advice. You're right. It isn't playing nicely with my passwords [01:17] mikodo, the usual starting point is "do not use the root account" :) [01:21] knome, Yay, I guess. I am going to add one more thing about the warnings I am getting to http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-mir and then probably uninstall. You've been great! Thanks. [01:26] no problem :) === xubuntu is now known as Guest4875 [07:18] knome: no it's not - it's just xubuntu bugs - the only lists I can find on the tracker is general === maximus is now known as Guest76023 === Guest76023 is now known as salvation === salvation is now known as elendorial [08:23] hi [08:27] hi elendorial [08:30] any idea how i can aid with xubuntu dev? [08:30] well - that's a 'how long's a piece of string' question :) [08:31] it depends on what you can do :) [08:32] elendorial: have you seen the wiki page? [08:32] i suppose coding, i'm an computer enginner student so i suppose that's relevant [08:33] yes i've taken a look [08:33] ok - well I'd say coding needs people - but I can't say more than that - as I can't code [08:34] but we are a small team so most of us help with things we can as they turn up [08:35] i'll take a look at the wiki again, and if i have any questions i'll get back to you [08:36] best thing is to hang around in here talking to people as they turn up to be honest [08:38] ok [08:39] elendorial: knome will be able to give you a more specific answer [08:41] ok, i'll ask him [08:41] thnx! [08:41] welcome [09:11] elendorial, i'm on this channel as well, so... :) [09:11] a ok [09:12] elendorial, i would imagine the bugs are tagged xubuntu, qa-tracker [09:12] well elfy told me i should talk to you [09:12] err, elfy [09:12] elfy, let's look at that together today if you have time [09:12] knome: okey doke - I'm sort of about most of the day [09:13] elfy, ok, give me anything between 15-60 minutes and i'll ping you again :) [09:13] :) [09:13] elendorial, so, you would like to help with development. are you familiar with debian packaging? which programming languages? [09:14] elendorial, generally, the best way to start is to fix bugs that scratch your own itch [09:14] no i'm not familiar with debian packaging, i'm pretty much new to linux, however i've programmed in c,c++,java,matlab and cuda [09:15] well the good news is that xfce is built with c [09:15] xfce being the desktop environment we use [09:15] yes i know [09:15] so a good starting point could be fixing some xfce bugs [09:15] hey elendorial [09:15] (if possible, upstream) [09:15] yeah, that's indeed a good start [09:16] there are a few projects in xfce-upstream that some folks from xubuntu are involved in [09:16] like parole [09:16] bluesabre and me are maintaining that [09:16] we're quite late in the cycle re: any new features, but bugfixes you can still get in [09:16] but generally speaking knome is right, find the app or service that you'd like to improve and then start looking at bugs [09:17] you can also check with us first if you want and we can tell you about our xp with the maintainers/devs of that app [09:17] xfce is at version 4.10 now, right? [09:17] yup [09:18] ok, so i suppose i should start reading about xfce [09:18] :P [09:18] mostly you'll need gtk and c for xfce [09:18] (language-wise) [09:21] gotta go now [09:21] elendorial: feel free to ping me, i always read the backlog (if you need more pointers) [09:21] ok, thanks! [09:21] bluesabre: i haven't gotten the gtk3 plugins to work in the gtk2 panel yet [09:22] bluesabre: most likely a library linkage problem, i'd say. but i need to get a hold of andrzejr first and ask him [09:22] bluesabre: if you wanna try yourself, get the andrzjer/wrapper3 branch and the indicator-plugin1.0 (both from git) and install them, then also add a line to the indicator-plugin's desktop-file to enable gtk3 [09:23] bluesabre: X-XFCE-Gtk3=TRUE (i think, better check again in git to be sure) [09:41] elfy, is this what you're looking for: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=%22InstallationMedia%3A+Xubuntu%22&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug [09:41] huh [09:41] http://tinyurl.com/xubuntu-iso-bug [09:43] elfy, that searches anything that has the "iso-testing" tag and "InstallationMedia: Xubuntu" in the description [09:43] elfy, you could also filter that with the release tag, eg. saucy [09:44] that would be: http://tinyurl.com/xubuntu-iso-bug-saucy [09:46] that's close to what I got manuall [09:46] y [09:46] is something missing then? [09:46] maybe something that's first reported on ubuntu, then added to one of the xubuntu tests? [09:47] i'd say those would generally be to less interest to us, since it's not xubuntu specific, or at least somebody has "had" it in other ISOs [09:47] also see what i just asked from stgraber in #ubuntu-quality [09:47] knome: I agree with we only want xubuntu specific stuff [09:48] and with the question in -quality :) [09:48] some bugs first reported with other ISOs could be high importance for us (especially if those other flavors wouldn't be interested in fixing such bugs) [09:49] at which point you're back to manually sorting through things [09:49] well, kind of [09:49] but i don't think that's a huge problem [09:49] those bugs are going to be rare, and they're going to be something we will be aware of [09:49] eg. breaks all xubuntu installations, has broken one lubuntu installation :P [09:50] :) [09:50] and i would also consider the manual effort a waste of time if we can get this far with automatic filtering [09:51] if we need to track any other bug than those in that list, just link it to a status-tracker blueprint [09:51] the other part of the issue micah and I were talking about still needs to be addressed - looking for what he wanted [09:52] and that is? [09:53] 5 columns: issue, bug # (optional), autopilot, autopkgtest, person responsible [09:53] hmh [09:53] what we were looking at was what people were seeing during install and what could be looked at for automatic testing [09:54] micahg, care to elaborate with that? ^ [09:54] i'm wondering if there was a way to half-automate that [09:54] if not else, we could do the tracking in a LP blueprint, so the statuses would be autoupdated [09:55] or as much auto as updating a bug status in LP is - you just wouldn't need to do that on the wiki as well [09:55] yea - though micahg was looking at having something that spanned releases [09:56] a blueprint can do that [09:56] it's not necessary to tie that to the status, or if we want to, we can still always just link it under the new umbrella blueprint [09:59] yep [09:59] obviously I'm happy to do it whichever way is easiest - I just hate trying to search for anything on LP [10:00] heh [10:00] just ask someone else for the LP-fu ;) [10:01] :) [10:03] knome: so how are you getting it for saucy? [10:05] elfy, go to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?advanced=1 [10:05] done that and got "InstallationMedia: Xubuntu" [10:05] elfy, search terms are: "InstallationMedia: Xubuntu" (with the quotes) [10:06] then tags are [10:06] iso-testing saucy [10:06] and check "All" [10:06] and then search [10:06] aaah - tags :p [10:06] yup [10:06] http://tinyurl.com/xubuntu-iso-bug-saucy [10:06] if you need a short url [10:07] no - that's fine - just needed a point to the fu :D [10:07] thanks knome [10:08] np [10:08] tbh in 7 years of fiddling about with LP - IU had never noticed the advanced search thing lol [10:09] on the other hand I'd never really needed to use it before 6 months ago [10:09] heh [10:09] yeah, it's kind of hidden, but really powerful.. [10:09] yep [10:11] ok - so aas you say, a blueprint perhaps to do the remainder - might be best to talk with micahg and get to what works for all of us [10:11] definitely [10:12] i don't mind if you want to track it manually, but i'd say there would be other ways that are more automated, an in turn also help with tracking the process generally better [10:12] in the meantime - I'm trying to use a vb to write the greeter testcase without logging in and losing access to half of it when I logout [10:12] a wikipage is always an island [10:12] vb, visual basic? [10:12] ;) [10:12] oh, virtualbox [10:12] I don't 'want' to do it manually - I'd rather do it automatically - this seesm to be the way [10:12] you could use your shell from pleia2 as well :) [10:13] yea ;) [10:13] shell? [10:13] the thing you are logging into when you are connecting to forestpiskie [10:13] it's a debian system iirc [10:13] yea I know what it is - not seeing how that can help me [10:13] oic [10:13] before you enter screen, just type "nano filename" ;) [10:14] nah - I can write the logged out bit before logging in - then login to get the other little bits:) [10:14] hehe [10:20] bbl [10:21] ok [10:21] I'm away this afternoon now - back tomorrow [10:54] knome, this right http://lderan.co.uk/ringtail.png ? :P [11:08] ochosi: I've done the greeter testcase - from memory - affected by the bug that stops it all working if I login [11:08] just waiting for approval etc [11:19] knome: when you are back - can we deal with these archived testcases of our's? [20:09] I'm about to make a sync bug for desktop-profiles. Is someone able to sync it? [20:13] bug 1213452 [20:13] bug 1213452 in desktop-profiles (Ubuntu) "Sync desktop-profiles 1.4.16 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1213452 [21:26] lderan, looks great. now we just need to decide what we want for xubuntu, then MP the branch and announce the usage. [21:26] cool :) [21:27] i'll probably boot up my desktop machine in a bit, can work a bit better there [21:41] lderan, so, when you're ready, please push to a branch and do a MP [21:42] will do [21:43] its been pushed to my own branch already [21:43] that'll do fine as well [21:44] shall i revert the changes to the welcome page in the slideshow for the xubuntu set or leave them as an example? [21:44] umm, [21:44] we modified that part a bit [21:44] i suppose there will be a conflict anyway.... [22:27] aye