[00:02] now it is at 92% [00:07] literally anything [00:07] do you have separate /var or /boot? if not, sudo apt-get clean and then uninstall any old kernels you're not using [00:07] * patdk-lap bets /tmp [00:08] but ya, /var is likely also [00:08] I thought /tmp was a tmpfs out of the box [00:08] nope, that could be really evil really fast [00:12] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5997863/ [00:13] what does the 15G in . mean [00:13] sorry for my ignorance [00:13] LargePrime: 15 gigabytes [00:14] that is a result of 5:/var# du -h --max-depth=1 | pastebinit [00:14] so var is taking the space [00:14] LargePrime: looks like lib, mostly [00:15] oh, sorry, you are in /var [00:15] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5997868/ [00:16] thats /var/lib [00:17] it seems /mysql has 10GB [00:21] you have over 3.5GB of logs, which is a lot [00:22] suggest cleaning that up unless you need them [00:22] ok thanks [00:22] er, 3.3GB [00:23] heh, du -shc * [00:23] normally gets good results :) [00:23] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5997887/ [00:23] math dont work on last one? [00:24] or am i not seeing something [00:24] there is 9.9GB used in that directory, not any of the subdirs [00:24] see the last line [00:24] ibdata1 is 8GB [00:24] i see [00:25] * patdk-lap hugs his 2tb of logs [00:27] ok so now to tackle shrinking ibdata [00:27] good luck with that [00:27] ibdata doesn't shrink [00:28] so i am reaading [00:38] why do you keep sp many logs? [00:38] so* [00:41] apparently 5.6 of mysql no longer has this ibdata size issue [00:44] is it worth upgrading to 13.04 [00:45] hmm, well, I collect about 5gigs of logs a day (after gzip) [00:45] need to keep enough logs for compliance [00:45] some days it can get up to 10-20gigs [00:47] I stick to LTS releases unless I need feature support [00:47] or in the case of my laptop, trying to get flash to work [00:47] it still doesn't, btw [00:48] flash to work? [00:49] yeah, as in youtube and whatnot [00:49] never had an issue [00:49] it absolutely refuses, 12.04, 12.10, 13.04 [00:49] just use chrome :) [00:49] I am [00:49] but I haven't had an issue in firefox [00:49] chromium, specifically [00:49] no, chrome [00:49] must different :) [00:49] chrome has it's own built in flash [00:49] it works great on my desktop, which is 64-bit [00:49] it doesn't use adobe's [00:50] chromium uses adobe's [00:50] I've tried both adobe flash and pepper flash [00:50] as does firefox [00:50] neither work [00:50] I'm using adobe flash, has worked fine for me [00:50] 64-bit? [00:50] yep [00:50] because this laptopt is 32-bit [00:50] it's always been more broken on 64bit [00:50] works fine on all my other 64-bit systems [00:51] heh [00:51] a 32bit only laptop? that is old [00:51] and it used to work, it just stopped one day [00:51] yep, pentium 3 [00:51] oh, that isn't old [00:51] 1033MHz, 768MB [00:51] that is well, suprising it works [00:52] * patdk-lap hugs his quadcore laptop :) [00:52] these are great because they're about $100 to replace and nigh indestructible [00:52] and only about 60lb :) [00:53] plus I just installed a new wireless card, awesome range [00:53] you want my kaypro ][ ? [00:53] nah, I've got big blue [00:54] still can't believe the kaypro is a *laptop* [00:54] just got this guy: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006JWMOOI [00:55] have one of them, it is unstable for me, works fine for a few hours, then just dies [00:55] ran it all day today without a problem [02:45] Hey there. I have an Ubuntu 13.04 machine with Linux softraid (known working) and I'm trying to use a RAID device as an LVM volume. It's being about as helpful as you'd expect; lvcreate is yelling at me about "Failed to wipe start of new LV." dmesg isn't showing anything interesting, even running lvcreate with -vvv it's not giving me any explicit clues as to what's going on, and Google isn't helping. Anybody have any suggestions? [02:45] Passing -Z n allows me to create the LV, but I then can't create a snapshot, making it less-than-useful. [03:34] I enabled cachefs for my nfs mount yesterday. And today I noticed that things started to stall a lot. dmesg says CacheFiles: Error: Overlong wait for old active object to go away. [03:38] Is there any way to resolve this? Using a newer kernel? [03:39] Perhaps cachefs is just too unstable to be usable at all. [05:08] hi [05:08] how do I set the default umask for a users? [05:24] crickets [05:24] crickets don't use umask [05:27] ha [05:27] glad i'm not the only person in here on saturday night [05:27] sat night? [05:27] it's sunday morning [05:29] sat night here. [05:29] people live in the wrong timezone [05:29] this is likely true [05:29] UTC is the only timezone [05:30] any thoughts on the umask thing? [05:34] set it in profile or pam [05:35] really so many places to set it, and you didn't specify what for [05:37] i need to set the default umask when a new user is created. do i set .profile || .bashrc in skel for that? [05:39] when my sftp users create a file, it has the wrong perms [05:40] then you want to set it for sftp [05:40] sftp doesn't run in a shell, so setting it in a profile won't help [05:40] it's documented, use google [05:40] oh per daemon setup [05:40] i'm pretty noobish [05:40] :( [05:41] i'm trying though [05:41] ahh, yes that would seem obvious setting shell umask in shell profile... [05:58] hello my name is durp [06:00] so, i would need to set umask for root user since sftp daemon runs under root? any thoughts on that? [06:03] no [06:04] seriously, google [06:04] http://serverfault.com/questions/70876/how-to-put-desired-umask-with-sftp [06:05] yandex, bing, whatever you want, just type in, sftp umask [06:07] i did. it just seems like there are a few options. I just wanted some opinions. [06:08] that are LOTS of ways to do it [06:08] pick one [06:08] I can't tell you, this way will solve all your issues [06:08] each option is different [06:08] alot of the time the stuff i find is applicable to other distros, hence the reason i am here. I have ubuntu. [06:09] i have ubuntu(s) [06:15] looking at the link you provided, i will have to learn some new stuff about subsystems. Thanks for pointing me to that. [06:35] I had another question. How important is the group that each user belongs to that has that users name? Is this just to have that group on their .profile , and other config files? Do I need it? [07:54] gidday guys, anyone able to help with a SSH issue im having? [07:56] trying to set up auth key, but after googling for a few hours and trying multiple times, i run into an issue when attempting contection, "Server refused our key" [07:59] i've googled the fault and tried many 'FIXES' and still cant connect. [07:59] hey guys. I just set up some partitions on a server as GPT [07:59] now I need to install ubuntu on it. (this is a remote server. no physical access) how do i do this? [08:35] Hi, I make a new vpn connection by make a new file in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/vpn1 . When I use ' sudo nmcli con up id vpn1' to up connection, this error occurred: Error: Unknown connection: vpn1. [09:14] trying to set up auth key, but after googling for a few hours and trying multiple times, i run into an issue when attempting contection, "Server refused our key" === smb` is now known as smb [09:59] trying to set up auth key, but after googling for a few hours and trying multiple times, i run into an issue when attempting contection, "Server refused our key" [09:59] ANYONE!? please! im about to go through the stupid ubuntu box our a moving vehicle. [10:17] Gr3mlin: ? [10:18] trying to set up auth key, but after googling for a few hours and trying multiple times, i run into an issue when attempting contection, "Server refused our key" [10:18] *hugs resno [10:18] are you using the pub key? [10:18] indeed. [10:18] on the sever [10:19] are you connecting with the right user also? [10:19] pub on the server like every tut says, and private on the windows system [10:19] oh, your using windows [10:19] you're [10:19] putty? [10:20] yup! please dont tell me its putty. [10:23] i dont know anything about putty [10:23] have you specified the key in your connection on putty? [10:23] I tried heaps of the things google suggests with now avail. im ready to 'pull out my nine and place bullet in each of the servers.' [10:23] yeap. [10:24] what do your server logs say? [10:24] putty said that it [10:24] right now, they arent saying alot. i sort of had a little hissy fit and sudo rm -rv /* but its almost installed [10:26] *thought i would start again from scratch* and have alittle funny while doing it. ;B [10:26] uh huh [10:28] server is running on a VM until i get it going. easier to kick.. then i can just replicate it when i do get it going [10:29] did you put the pub file in the right location and name the file correctly? [10:31] pub went into ~/.ssh where the key was appended to authorized_keys. authorized_keys was checked to be one line. which it was, it was then chmod'd to 600, in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, line #Auth file was un commented out. and read %h/.ssh/authorized_keys [10:32] did you upload the complete pub file? [10:33] it should end with an = and your computer name [10:33] when checking on the server [10:34] ok, so tail -f /var/log/auth.log and then try to login using the private key [10:38] i started again, before i do any editing have to go a good link to a step by step i can follow? [10:40] whyd you start again? [10:44] cos i deleted root, right im in. [10:45] i mean, the servers up, not im in* [11:01] OK, tail reported Failed publickey for test from *LAN_IP* port ssh2 [11:05] You might try running a debug mode sshd on a separate port and seeing what it says when you try to connect to it('/usr/sbin/sshd -ddd -e -p 2222') [11:06] I would say that focussing on tutorials and step by steps is generally the wrong approach to getting computers to do what you want. Much better to pursue understanding than recipes - that way you don't get utterly stuck when you want to do something a bit different. [11:10] im thinkin its not worth the flippin hassle, i just thought it would be easier if i could remotely administrate me server when im not home. but this is proving to be stupidly difficult. [11:10] maxb: How do you get to know what a computer is actually doing if not even knowing what the software does, when not reading a manual, to get to know what the software is intended to do? [11:11] Gr3mlin: Administering a server remotely is most likely done by using SSH [11:12] bekks: i know, thats what im setting up, ssh access using keys instead of password access.. [11:12] Gr3mlin: thats pretty easy. where are you stuck at? [11:13] Server refused our key [11:14] bekks: i've googled the pants off it. [11:14] Then you didnt add the key to the authorized_keys file. [11:15] if i vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys i get me key. [11:15] On the server or on the host? [11:15] I did give you a suggestion for running a debug mode sshd above..... might tell you something useful [11:15] And which key (public or private) did you enter there? [11:16] on the server, the host is putty on a windows system [11:16] public key bekks [11:16] Gr3mlin: putty can act as ssh server. [11:16] what i totally missed that maxb [11:16] So your server is Ubuntu, and your client is putty? [11:16] < maxb> You might try running a debug mode sshd on a separate port and seeing what it says when you try to connect to it('/usr/sbin/sshd -ddd -e -p 2222') [11:16] *cant [11:16] affirm [11:17] Check the sshd_config wether publix key auth is even enabled. [11:17] server is running ubuntu server 12.04, OpenSSH. connecting via a windows system running Putty [11:18] sshd_config PubkeyAuthentication yes, AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys [11:20] People usually do not need to customise the AuthorizedKeysFile value [11:21] so leave it commented out? [11:22] sshd debug said key is not allowed? [11:22] Yes. It does seem to be the one thing you've mentioned doing differently to what most people do - even if it *shouldn't* matter [11:22] It does sound a lot like the content of your authorized_keys file is incorrect [11:22] You should pastebin both the authorized_keys content and the debug log [11:22] !pastebin [11:22] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [11:23] Gr3mlin: Which user are you using to connect to your server? [11:25] which am i using to connect to the SSH server? what do you mean? Putty? [11:26] No. You have users on your server, which one do you use to connect? [11:26] test [11:26] its a VM test server before i configure the real server. [11:27] So you added the public putty key to the authorized_keys file of "test"? [11:27] so im SSH key file is in /home/test/.ssh/auth^keys [11:27] yes that is correct. [11:28] Try commenting "AuthorizedKeysFile" to "#AuthorizedKeysFile" in the sshd_config and restart the sshd service. [11:29] already did when Maxb mentioned it. [11:29] < maxb> You should pastebin both the authorized_keys content and the debug log [11:29] Did you create a public key for test, add the public key to the authorized_keys, and try using ssh like: ssh test@localhist ? [11:30] Otherwise we're just needlessly blind [11:30] ok, on there way maxb [11:37] heres the auth key auth^key: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5999285/ [11:37] Erro detected. [11:38] indeed [11:38] Missing s at the beginning. It has to be ssh not sh ... [11:40] sorry, thats my bad, i must o deleted it when i passed it. i just rechecked. definately says "ssh-rsa blabla [11:40] sorry, thats my bad, i must o deleted it when i passed it. i just rechecked. definately says "ssh-rsa blabla" [11:41] i cant get debug to output to file. what am i missing? [11:41] You missed to copy the entire public key. [11:41] It is missing the host identification at the end. [11:42] That does not matter [11:42] What follows is merely an informational comment, only relevant to humans reading it [11:42] this is the exact key copied off of PuTTy key gen : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5999299/ [11:46] ok, and the debug logs? [11:50] this might be a dumb question maxb but does debug output to a log file? if so where? [11:51] no, it outputs to stderr [11:51] You could, of course, redirect it [11:53] i typed > filename and it looked at me like a dear in headlights.. blank. [11:56] oooppps. [11:57] ok here it is. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5999336/ [11:58] Wrong permissions on .ssh and the files in there. [11:59] Pastebin ls -lha /home/test/.ssh/ please [11:59] auth^keys is ment to be 600 and .ssh ment to be 700? [11:59] debug1: Could not open authorized keys '/home/test/.ssh/authorized_keys': Permission denied [12:00] Seems highly relevant [12:01] I suspect you've got the file/directory owned by root, not test [12:01] thats correct. [12:01] No, that's incorrect :-) [12:01] Thats the cause of your error. [12:01] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5999343/ [12:01] i saw i set that to test. [12:01] or was that before a re-installed.. [12:02] Reinstallation has nothing to do with it. [12:02] just change the onership of the permissions to the correct user [12:04] bekks: i mean ubuntu server. [12:04] just change the onership of the permissions to the correct user [12:04] Gr3mlin: Me too. Just change the ownership to test:test as ikonia suggests. [12:06] bekks, yeah, know i have [12:07] thanks guys for the help! im gonna go dream about stupid things like this now ;S [15:06] So, I upgraded to a 3.8 kernel and my fscache stalls seem to have disappeared. However, it doesn't seem like fscache is actually doing anything. The cache is currently taking 50 MB of space, stats show "Lookups: n=210 neg=207 pos=3 crt=207 tmo=0" and "Retrvls: n=2635 ok=0 wt=5 nod=2635 nbf=0 int=0 oom=0" which doesn't look good. Is there anything I have missed in my configuration? === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [16:26] how do i determine what a safe nofile limit is; i see examples setting 65535, 32768, … without explanation [16:30] baniir: You need to know the maximum number of open files of your applications. [16:30] And the nofile count has to be higher than that. [16:32] bekks: thanks. in this case, open files are network sockets that raise with traffic. i can't raise it indefinitely [16:50] 3million :) === LargePrime is now known as Guest98517 === LargePrime_ is now known as LargePrime [17:56] Hi. Using a fresh and updated 'basic Ubuntu server' 'OpenSSH server', '$ sudo apt-get install LXDE' and remotely desktop controlling with XRDP (as server) (and Remmina as client on the other computer) (The desktop environment only starts if i connect to the XRDP server). [17:57] I'm having problems on locales and input method. Following the info at http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Ubuntu the "Configuration for locales and input method" doesn't apply to this installation in none of the "login managers". Could you please help me on this.... [17:59] Just found and i'm reading http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Change_keyboard_layouts . I don't know yet if it helps [19:44] Hey guys, in centos it is possible to set the hostname from DHCP, however I cannot find a way in ubuntu. Anyone got any ideas? [19:48] Rapid2214: works the same way in ubuntu - it's just a dhclient parameter [19:49] Rapid2214: in the config you tell it what information to get from the dhcp server, hostname is just one varible/option [19:53] Ok, I will take a look - Thanks [19:54] Do you know what config file in centos makes this happen by default? [19:56] I see request in Ubuntu, but nothing is done with this information === veebull is now known as veebull_away [22:30] Is anyone using the cachefs? [22:35] if I ping my public ip address, is it the same thing as pinging localhost?