
solarbirdhey i want to throw another attempt at reducing my latency numbers on my usb audio device. (specifically with jack+ardour fwiw.) i've never had the numbers i've seen other people get and it's always bugged me. i have a gigabyte ga-g31m-es2 motherboard, intel 3gh quad-core socket 775 processor, 4G ram (and do not swap), and a pci express card with root usb 2.0 device directly connected to my sound interfaces. but i'm having t00:44
solarbirdclearly something is Still Wrong and always has been and for all I know it's the motherboard. i disabled the on-motherboard USB as well as serial and parallel ports just to reduce potential conflicts with no joy.00:44
solarbirdi've looked around in the past for Things What to Check for things like this and haven't had any luck, but I'm looking for another round of suggestions or ideas if anybody has some.00:45
solarbirdoh and i'm running ubuntu studio 12.04 lts.00:46
solarbirdlow latency kernel (but -generic has the same performance, which is weird), pulseaudio is disabled, kernel 3.2.0-51 in both lowlatency and generic.00:47
HyuriUnit193 it seens to me that the files are gone forever =(01:16
HyuriTestDisk after deep search: "The following partitions can't be recovered:"01:17
Unit193Dats not goot.01:17
Hyurithe owner of the PC will kill me01:19
Hyuriand will hate ubuntu studio just because of this01:20
Unit193I could see that happening, yeah...  Welp...01:20
Unit193What's your plan now?01:27
Hyurii am was thinking to get freak and throw me on the wall01:30
Hyurihahahaha, just kidding01:30
Hyurii have no plan01:30
Hyurii will try other tools, try to boot US from DVD and try there, until the man comes in and see the shi# i did01:31
Hyuritry from there*01:31
Hyurii press P to "List files/View the files" but says "Can't open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged."01:32
Hyuriwhat if i change type to "P(Primary)" ?01:33
Hyuriseems it should be "*(Boot)" but have no options to change to this01:34
Hyurilastly, what if i change from MS Data to NTFS?01:37
Unit193I don't see marking it bootable as helping, and not sure if changing type will help, but worth a shot (Of course it is NTFS though, being XP+)01:39
HyuriMS Data are showing type ext401:40
Hyurii.e. ubuntu studio deleted all the data and formated to ext401:40
Hyurino chance, now?01:40
Unit193Not done it.01:41
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel01:41
Hyurisame for ext4?01:43
Unit193Well, you'd actually want to recover from NTFS.01:45
Unit193To recover a deleted partition.01:45
* solarbird lost upstream IP connectivity RIGHT after asking a bunch of things. :(05:53
cubIf Hyuri drops around could someone suggest to try a Windows tool to recover the ext4 formated HDD? Or if he might read the logs. I used one before (but sadly can't remember the name) and recovered 500 GB of family photos on a formated drive. No free tool I could find then seemed to work but a windows based which you well have to pay for managed.06:49
widadi need help please i can't install anything in my Ubuntu. who can help me please?11:07
widadi need help please i can't install anything in my Ubuntu. who can help me please?11:22
cubwidad, how do you mean? And is it Ubuntu Studio or "ordinary" Ubuntu you are talking about?11:25
widadi'm talking about ubuntu studio not ordinary11:33
widadi need help please i can't install anything in my Ubuntu. who can help me please?11:39
widads'il vous plaît besoin d'aide! Je n'arrive pas à installer quoi que ce soit de mon dépôt Ubuntu. Lorsque je clique sur installer il me signale un rapport de bugs et se ferme. comment puis-je résoudre ce problème s'il vous plaît?12:48
smartboyhw!fr | widad13:29
ubottuwidad: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:29
widadplease need help! I can not install anything from my Ubuntu repository. When I click install it repots me a bug  and closes. how can I fix this please?14:56
OvenWerkswidad: you need to first run apt from a command line to see if that works15:02
OvenWerksstart with sudo apt-get update15:03
widadOvenWerks, i did update and upgrade and it works fine15:05
widadOvenWerks, can you help me please15:13
OvenWerkswidad: so then which program are you trying to use to install SW with?15:32
OvenWerksThere are two at least15:32
widadOvenWerks, i'm trying to install games to play with15:33
OvenWerkswidad Fine so which software are you trying to use to install those games?16:12
OvenWerkswidad: I am going away for a few hours. Questions about installers can also be asked in the #ubuntu channel where there are a lot more people anyway.16:19
caodepalhahi everyone! my jack does not recognize my midi keyborad. before i had to reinstall ubuntustudio it worked. any advice on this?20:54
caodepalhahi everyone! my jack does not recognize my midi keyborad. before i had to reinstall ubuntustudio it worked. any advice on this?21:11
caodepalhahi everyone! my jack does not recognize my midi keyborad. before i had to reinstall ubuntustudio it worked. any advice on this?21:21
MaynardWatershey guys22:07
MaynardWatersim trying to get sound out of my headphone jack on a asus netbook22:07
MaynardWatersI upgraded from vinilla22:07

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