
lderanknome, well the merge has been proposed :)00:35
bluesabremicahg, would you like to approve this?  haven't seen mr_pouit in a little while11:54
knomelderan, seriously, what?!19:40
knomelderan, diff is 256809 lines...19:40
knomelderan, any possibility you could do bzr merge lp:ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu with your branch and repropose? ;)19:40
knomethat's insane...19:41
knomebluesabre, you around?19:45
lderannot sure what happened there19:45
knomelderan, thanks :)19:45
knomeyeah, me neither19:45
bluesabreknome: o/19:47
knomebluesabre, what's the real package/name for our lightdm greeter19:47
knomeit isn't really "xubuntu greeter", right?19:47
knomeis there a non-technical name?19:48
knome"LightDM GTK Greeter" ? :)19:48
bluesabreLightDM GTK+ Greeter19:48
knomethanks too19:48
knomei was thinking that's it, but wanted to make sure19:49
bluesabresure thing19:49
knomeone more question - who else is using the greeter?19:50
knomedo you know if they have several sessions, or just lubuntu?19:51
bluesabreI think they just have one session19:51
bluesabreI can check later though19:51
knomei'll try to make the greeter testcase flavor-agnostic19:51
bluesabrepersonally, I would love to get rid of our "Xfce Session" since it breaks things19:52
knomei wouldn't mind that, but i can see why some people appreciate it19:52
knomewhat the...19:54
knomesome weirdo stuff going on in here.19:56
lderanknome, mmm my commit number is 69 yet yours is 571, is that why that happened? 20:11
knomelderan, heh, that sounds like a fair reason20:12
knomehow did you manage to pull revision that old?20:12
knomeyeah, it does make sense because it looked like a lot of the code had been moved around...20:12
lderani ran bzr branch lp:ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu to get it20:12
lderanah think i wasn't in trunk20:29
lderanah ha now a sane version number 56920:50
lderanbah "bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  See "bzr help diverged-branches" for more information."20:53
lderaneasier to make a new branch on ~lderan/ or is there an easy way to force it?20:54
knomelp merge lp:ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu20:54
lderanNothing to do.20:57
knomeehh, bzr merge sure heh20:58
lderanaye :P20:58
knomemaybe you need to chagne the subbranch of whatever that's called in bzr..20:59
knomebzr switch trunk ?20:59
lderanbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/lderan/trunk/".21:00
knomethat's really weird21:02
knomeare you on an ancient revision if you do a re-pull?21:03
lderannah, thats how i got the newer version number.21:04
lderancan't push to my /test branch now tho21:04
knomeof course, because *they* are diverged ;)21:04
Unit193Go to LP, delete.21:05
lderanwill that mess with the linked bug?21:06
knomelderan, yes, but we can re-link.21:07
lderanokay :)21:07
lderanokay done and repushed to /test21:08
knomedid you repropose too?21:08
lderanshall do so now21:09
knomewill check the branch now21:14
lderancool :)21:14
knomeand does that work without extra libs installed?21:16
knomei think we need a reviewer that can do python ;)21:16
lderanno extra libs :)21:18
lderanthink the only extra python include is os, as far as I know that is a default one.21:18
lderanand csv21:18
knomelderan, one more request:21:22
lderanrequest away21:23
knomelderan, can you modify the xubuntu welcome slide to only have the version id (as is in the main branch), and add a "usage" in the description21:23
lderansure 21:23
knomeif this gets approved, we should get in touch with other flavor teams and possibly dylan to make sure we update every slideshow to use these21:24
lderanadded the usage to the MP description :P21:27
lderanhopefully next time will go more smoothly, will double check version numbers :P21:32
knomeno problem ;)21:33
knomei just had to seek for the way to link the bug to the branch some time21:34
knomehad to go to the bug and link to the branch from there, couldn't link a bug to a branch...21:34
knomelderan, see your merge proposal, it has comments ;)21:39
lderanthat is a quick thing to change :P21:40
knomenot the fallback though21:40
knomeah, right21:41
lderanmmm a fallback21:53
lderanshall implement Dylans suggest tomorrow :P22:22
knomenice, thanks :)22:22

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