[08:36] Good morning [08:48] Morning SalahMessaoud :) [08:55] elacheche_anis, how are you ? [08:55] Good.. Have some problems with some Grails plugins.. but good x) :D hmd :) u? [08:56] elacheche_anis, I am trying to learn some sass & compass asap :D [08:59] Nice :D :D I'll try to have some free time soon to learn them too.. I should finish some MongoDB & Python courses first.. [09:07] Python on my list as well :D [09:07] Do you have good resources or you'll looking for recommendations? [10:25] elacheche_anis, Do you have some good courses ? [11:09] SalahMessaoud, Of course :) [11:09] hold on [11:10] SalahMessaoud, http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/ & https://www.udacity.com/course/cs101 & http://www.codecademy.com/learn [11:12] elacheche_anis, thank you !! [11:13] :) [17:48] bonsoir à tous [17:48] j'ai besoin d'aide s'il vous plait