
=== chungbd|away is now known as chungbd
=== chungbd is now known as chungbd|away
=== chungbd|away is now known as chungbd
vubuntor290cho minh hoi cai nay ti05:00
vubuntor290hien minh co 2 o dia05:00
vubuntor2901 128GB cai win 8 uefi05:00
vubuntor2902 500GB05:01
vubuntor290minh dung o dia 500GB chi phan vung ra cai ubuntu05:01
vubuntor2901 DATA format NTFS : dung de chua du lieu thong thuong05:01
vubuntor2901 efi format 200MB05:02
vubuntor2901 SWAP 8GB05:02
vubuntor2901 EXT4 cai` ubuntu05:02
vubuntor290sau khi minh cai` len05:02
vubuntor290may tinh chi boot vao ubuntu05:02
vubuntor290lam the nao de tao menu boot?05:02
vubuntor290[05:00] <vubuntor290> hi [05:00] <vubuntor290> cho minh hoi cai nay ti [05:00] <vubuntor290> hien minh co 2 o dia [05:00] <vubuntor290> 1 128GB cai win 8 uefi [05:01] <vubuntor290> 2 500GB [05:01] <vubuntor290> minh dung o dia 500GB chi phan vung ra cai ubuntu [05:01] <vubuntor290> 1 DATA format NTFS : dung de chua du lieu thong thuong [05:02] <vubuntor290> 1 efi format 200MB [05:02] <vubuntor290> 1 SWAP 8GB [05:02] <vubuntor205:03
vubuntor290giup minh truong hop nay voi05:03
vubuntor851mấy anh chị chỉ cho em cài vmware tools fedora core 1210:09
vubuntor851searching for gcc the path "" is  not valid path to the gcc binary10:22
vubuntor851em chạy file vmware-install.pl thì bị lỗi này10:22
vubuntor851searching for gcc the path "" is  not valid path to the gcc binary10:22
vubuntor851nhờ mấy anh chị giúp với10:22
=== chungbd is now known as chungbd|away
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|AFK
=== Tux|AFK is now known as _Tux_

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!