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BluesKajHiyas all10:51
abbasdgr8If I download and install the "Ubuntu 13.10 daily build" on my system, is there a way where in I can upgrade to the official October release?11:06
Touhou11Can anyone update me on the status of Amazon spyware in future version of Ubuntu? Has anything changed since this was written: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/10/privacy-ubuntu-1210-amazon-ads-and-data-leaks11:24
=== phild is now known as dt0x
k1l_Touhou11: there are easy ways to disable the shopping lense (and other global searches) in the privacy settings in the system settings. and  you could still just remove the package . there is a wiki page which exactly states what infomration is send to the internet.11:51
k1l_and besides all that i still think spyware is the wrong wording for that. you dont call your browser spyware just because it sends data to the internet.11:52
Touhou11k1l_: The Amazon integration allows Canonical to know about my private searches, that's a definition of Spyware in my book. Stallman also agrees: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/ubuntu-spyware.html12:00
Touhou11k1l_: Defaults are important though - Ubuntu was typically recommended to novice users who won't realise the implications of their searching12:00
k1l_the intention behind a global search is not to spy on the users but to bring them a service.12:01
Touhou11k1l_: That's a bad comparison - even novices know visiting Google performs an internet search, you don't typically expect the same behaviour when searching ones own computer12:01
Touhou11k1l_: So being able to spy on users is just a side-effect?12:02
IdleOneif you know that a spy is spying he is not really a good spy. By definition spyware is hidden.12:02
k1l_Touhou11: that is your fault, that you still want a desktop search only to search local. it is labled with "global search"12:02
IdleOneThere is nothing hidden about the online search functions in Unity. I agree it is not the best defaults, but stop spreading FUD please.12:03
Touhou11So the first time new user performs a global search, is there a warning first that any search sends results to Canonical and Amazon?12:04
IdleOnethere is12:04
IdleOnefirst time you use the Dash12:04
k1l_Touhou11: ever used unity with the dash yourself?12:04
k1l_or are you just hopping on the shitstorm/FUD train?12:05
Touhou11Yes, but there was no warning at the time. And the inclusion of spyware in a Linux distro so shocked me that I changed to Fedora12:05
Touhou11I was hoping the decision had been revoked12:05
IdleOneAgain it is not spyware12:05
IdleOneStop calling it something it is not.12:05
k1l_Touhou11: ok, so the FUD did work. you switched because someone said "spyware"12:05
Touhou11k1l_: No, because I read the technical details of what gets send to Canonical and Amazon and decided it was spyware12:06
Touhou11External company knowing my local search terms = spyware, in my book12:06
k1l_Touhou11: that is a lie"12:06
IdleOneyou didn't even know if there was a "warning" but you read the specs12:06
Touhou11The EFF provide technical information about the feature12:07
Touhou11And it was widely discussed12:07
k1l_Touhou11: the time RMS made up the spyware thing was when 12.10 was still in development. when the final release was there were all privacy settings and the wiki site with the exact specs what is send12:07
Touhou11I trust the EFF enough that I didn't need to look at the code myself12:07
IdleOnethe EFF didn't call it spyware. Stallman did and he was wrong.12:07
Touhou11Stallman has recently been proven right about quite a few issues, he's not known to make mistakes12:08
IdleOneI forgot he is a god.12:09
k1l_hmm ok. i wont discuss any further with a FUD hopper who praises rms :/12:09
Touhou11Also I found the comments from Mark Shuttleworth about "having root" alarming12:09
k1l_Touhou11: you realise redhat got root on fedora too?12:09
IdleOneof course you did, because you can't understand that it was meant as a cheaky comment. Essentially everytime you type in your user password and install a package from the canonical/ubuntu repos you are granting root to that package so it can install itself.12:10
k1l_you need to trust a distro you use. that is what mark said with the root comment12:10
Touhou11k1l_: Anyone knows that the repository maintainers are in a position of trust. It was the arrogant tone taken by Shuttleworth I found dismaying, given it came at the same time as introducing adware into a Linux distribution (a first, I think)12:10
IdleOneyou're 1.5 years late on this troll12:11
IdleOneI'm done.12:11
Touhou11Are you genuinely not concerned that the introduciton of adware has harmed Ubuntu's standing in the FOSS community?12:12
k1l_Touhou11: ok. since you are a known troll in the #ubuntu* channels (aka SharkMuttleworth) i stop discussing with you.12:12
k1l_stop spreading FUD.12:12
Touhou11I've had disagreements with ikonia in the past if that's what you're referring to, where mod priviledges were abused12:12
IdleOneguess what12:13
Touhou11And because I didn't share his viewpoint I was kicked12:13
Ian_CorneCan I just add that theer's a privacy warning? :)12:17
Ian_CorneAt least I remember getting one, maybe because I'm in europe12:18
IdleOneeverybody gets the privacy warning12:22
IdleOneno matter what country they are in.12:22
k1l_yes, i dont know that there is a difference in the country you are in.12:23
Ian_Cornewell then, no issue at all then!12:26
=== Evpok_ is now known as Evpok
catweazlerhi i got some problems with my telling bone18:55
bazhang!ot | catweazler18:56
ubottucatweazler: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.18:56
=== jo-erlend_ is now known as jo-erlend
DredTigerA couple of days ago I did a dist-upgrade to saucy from raring23:26
DredTigerOne thing I immediately notices is that the application and file search lenses don't seem to be active23:27
DredTigerHas anyone else noticed anything like that? Does my description make any sense?23:28
DredTigerAnyone here?23:36
wilee-nileeDredTiger, couple of things here it would be raring to saucy and the dist-upgrade is a command to upgrade packages in a release, that can confuse issues, not sure on the problem, I always fresh install myself.23:38

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