
=== jbicha is now known as Guest92929
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dotyet1hello there01:47
dotyet1I am looking for some hardware advice for ubuntu laptop01:47
dotyet1am I in the right place?01:47
Mirvalex-abreu: hello, regarding the problem robert already pinged you about, I filed a bug #1214232 with autopilot log attached. there has been successful runs before, on Friday, so something has changed somewhere definitely04:30
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1214232 in unity-webapps-qml "unity-webapps-qml autopilot tests started failing on nvidia machine" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121423204:30
pittiBonjour tous le monde !05:23
Mirvmoin Tm_T05:23
didrockshey Mirv! looking at the time, was wondering if you were blocked by manual publishing or everything's fine this morning?05:58
didrocks(apart from webapps as you sent the email, which is blocking apps I guess)05:59
Mirvdidrocks: I just noticed you had joined at some point, was going to point you out to
Mirvthere's the unity-mir preNEW, otherwise ok (looking at unity7, let's see next run)05:59
didrocksMirv: +1 on indicators05:59
didrocksMirv: there is unity-mir and unity8 in fact06:00
didrocksunity-mir, +1, I've already reviewed it yesterday06:00
didrocks(I'll then NEW it)06:00
didrocksunity8 is ok for you?06:00
Mirvyes, unity8 itself as well06:00
Mirvit's ok for me06:00
didrocksseems legit to me, +106:00
didrocksMirv: if you want for me in the morning, should I say I when I join? :)06:01
didrocksMirv: FYI, I deprovisionned the ati machine for the Mir team to be able to test and debug06:01
didrocks(so tests are running on both intel and nvidia only)06:01
Mirvdidrocks: hehe, I'll poll you, I was just focused on qtconnectivity copyright issues for a while so I then suddenly noticed it was already almost 6am cycle time06:02
Mirvyeah, I read about it06:02
didrocksok, let's see next run now!06:02
didrocks(magners' machine is slightly late it seems for the clock)06:03
didrockshum, it's not, maybe it's just jenkins then06:03
pittihey didrocks06:15
didrocksgood morning pitti06:16
pittididrocks: FYI, mangners jenkins is behind, it got stuck on trying to publish a deleted job06:16
pittididrocks: plars worked around it by creating a dummy job, it's catching up06:16
didrockspitti: ah, was it an indicators-client one?06:17
didrocks(I saw one empty job with that name)06:17
didrocksinteresting, I wonder if the stack was deployed before the job was removed06:17
didrocks(to get *indicators-client job outside the loop)06:17
didrocksthanks for the info!06:18
didrockshey mlankhorst, how are you?06:33
didrocksMirv: you're deploying this new service stack? (next run will pick it as soon as you pull the config on magners, but only do that after deploying please)06:57
didrocksMirv: interesting that ubuntu-fi defaulted to 64 bits, we had the same discussion at ubuntu-fr and kept the 32 bits06:59
didrocksat the time of the LTS, one of the discussion was in particular the netbook, where 32 bits was the vast majority07:00
Mirvdidrocks: yes, I can deploy it before the next run07:04
didrocksMirv: excellent! Nice to have that stack :)07:04
Mirvdidrocks: the netbooks were the sore point, true, although some mistakenly thought Atom N4* series were also 32-bit only07:04
didrocksah, indeed07:08
didrocksI guess for us, next LTS is the right turning point for 32 -> 6207:08
didrocks(and screw the minority like seb128 :p)07:09
didrockshey sil2100, how are you today?07:13
sil2100didrocks: fresh! How about you? :)07:15
didrockssil2100: I'm good thanks ;)07:16
didrockseverything went fine yesterday evening with robru? didn't get any blocker?07:16
sil2100didrocks: there was that indicators issue that I filled a bug about, but besides that it went rather fine - I wonder if he pushed it further when he got back from lunch ;)07:18
didrockssil2100: not sure, nice work ;)07:18
sil2100didrocks: at least now all the ??? he had are cleared up07:18
didrocksyou will continue on the following days? I think he need to see more "special cases"07:18
didrocksMirv: did you get news from robru on the ubuntu-ui-extras?07:22
sil2100didrocks: will do - although today he's in travel, so next tutorial will be tomorrow07:22
didrockssil2100: right ;)07:23
Mirvdidrocks: not really, I only read the passing lines in backlog07:25
Mirvbut he did a lot of other daily release stuff so maybe later07:26
didrocksok ;)07:26
didrocks(just NEWed unity-mir btw)07:26
didrocksso probably a useless rebuild has been done07:26
seb128good morning desktopers!07:48
Sweeksharkseb128: Good morning, seb, Good morning desktopers!07:52
didrockssalut seb128!07:52
didrockshey Sweekshark07:52
seb128hey didrocks Sweekshark07:52
Sweeksharkxnox: libreoffice autoconf doesnt seem to find boost date time anymore, if you have a hint why, Im all ears for it ...07:54
* Sweekshark diggs into the pbuilder ..07:55
LaneyO HAI!08:01
seb128oh, a Laney!08:02
seb128Laney, welcome back, how were holidays and debconf?08:02
* Laney looks around for one of those08:02
Laneyholidays very relaxing and enjoyable08:02
Laneydebconf informative interesting and also enjoyable08:03
Laneygood to put names to faces (was my first one)08:03
seb128do you plan to write a conf report about debconf? was there anything there specially interesting for us?08:03
pittihey Laney, welcome back!08:04
Laneyyeah we're writing one08:04
pittienjoyed the Swiss mountain air? :-)08:04
Laneysome converstaions about mir and stuff but I don't think there will be anything ground breaking08:04
seb128what about upstart?08:04
Laneypitti: yes! And the Swiss lake swimming ;-)08:04
Laneyah, yeah jodh gave a presentation that was quite well received it seems08:05
Laneylennart and kay also came and gave one too08:05
pittiah, the eternal battle08:05
seb128well, battle is over for us I guess08:05
Laneybut some people said they misjudged the debian audience08:05
seb128with the number of things that are being built around upstart for touch08:05
Laneywe'll see, it'll go to the TC sooner or later for a decision08:05
seb128good that we stopped fighting over that at least08:06
pittiLaney: like "do we want to keep non-linux arches"?08:06
darkxsthey desktopers08:06
seb128hey darkxst08:06
Laneypitti: I suppose if someone can come up with a port for upstart that'll be a vote in its favour08:07
Laneyalso the CLA was a bit of an issue08:07
darkxsthey seb128, any progress on the indicator-keyboard stuff?08:07
pittiLaney: I don't see that being a realistic option, TBH08:08
pittiand for sure we wouldn't take it08:08
seb128darkxst, hey, not sure, I was not really online in the last days, better to check with cyphermox and jbicha about it08:08
Laneythere will be some kind of debian branch or so08:08
seb128Laney, how is your backlog? did you manage to read emails and stuff during debconf?08:08
Laneyemails are ok08:09
pittiit's "always support sysvinit" or "drop non-linux" in the end, everything else is just a giant non-sustainable maintenance mess08:09
LaneyI don't know what the status of s-s is though, maybe you can tell me what's up there08:09
darkxstseb128, ok will do08:10
seb128Laney, so, let me think, we didn't have that many changes while you were not here08:10
seb128Laney, I added the battery panel, which is 75% done now, including charge graph08:10
Laneydid we get any of the widgets / APIs we were waiting for08:10
Laneyoh wow, that looked hard08:10
seb128Laney, Ken did most of cellular, you can pick a carrier now08:10
seb128but he got pulled away from system settings for the end of the month08:11
seb128he's helping with the content picker/content hub08:11
seb128which we need for background...08:11
seb128Laney, yeah, battery was "fun" :p I spent most of a week on it ... I still have a mp waiting if you feel like reviewing today, Ken is too busy08:12
desrtmfisch: it doesn't make sense to run glib-compile-schemas in a directory that only contains overrides because overrides can only affect schemas within the same directory.08:12
seb128Laney, on toolkit front, the OptionSelector has been approved by Saviq, it just needs another look by the sdk team to stamp it as fine and it can land08:12
Laneyseb128: anything in particular to work on there?08:13
seb128Laney, unitymenumodel is working in unity8 now, we have the new indicators...hopefully we should be able to use it in system settings soon08:13
seb128that's about it I think08:13
seb128desrt, hey, how are you?08:13
Laneyhow was berlin btw? get much done? :P08:13
seb128Laney, lol, get nothing done you mean :p08:14
LaneyI'm sure you at least had some tasty ice cream08:14
seb128Laney, thursday was a national holiday, and desrt and larsu were around, so I ended up taking friday as a vac as well08:14
Laneyah ok08:14
Laneydidn't know if it was an unofficial sprint or not08:14
seb128we had fun, and ice cream yes ;-)08:14
seb128no, I just decided to visit dholbach, I told him I would come to Berlin for years, and that seemed a good time08:15
seb128and larsu lives there now08:15
seb128and desrt was around for holidays08:15
seb128so good timing to see people and enjoy a bit the city ;-)08:16
seb128Laney, when you asked "anything particular to work on there", that was system settings?08:23
seb128let me think08:23
seb128didrocks is doing system updates, but he's on holidays starting end of week, so security&privacy is something that needs work08:24
seb128I've done the "location" subpanel in the plane yesterday08:24
seb128but if you want to do the other UI bits, please take that08:24
seb128date&time didn't move while you were not around, but mpt/tony have been discussing on the phone list some of the specific08:25
seb128the wiki changed a bit due to that08:26
seb128Laney, otherwise, a new glib is out since today08:26
Laneyyeah, saw that08:26
seb128Laney, and https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/battery-full-charge-info/+merge/18014608:26
Laneyand queued that already08:26
Laneyjust replying to some emails08:26
seb128Laney, that's all I've on my list I think08:26
xnoxSweekshark: multiarch.08:29
sil2100Mirv: do you have a moment to cross-check packaging?08:31
sil2100For daily-release08:31
Sweeksharkxnox: urgh. alright.08:34
darkxstpitti, made a new MP for the ppa retracing patch08:34
pittidarkxst: I saw, thanks08:35
pittidarkxst: what is "external_only = 'ProcMaps' in report" supposed to mean/do?08:35
pittidarkxst: ProcMaps will always be in the report08:35
xnoxSweekshark: all libs/headers got moved into "/usr/[include|lib]/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/" not sure what configury libreoffice uses.08:35
attenteLaney, desrt mentioned you've seen this problem before? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5952631/ with the dconf-criticals?08:36
pittidarkxst: also, why does this need all the dynamic PPA stuff? wouldn't you just add the PPA as an apt source in your sandbox configuration?08:37
Laneyattente: don't remember seeing that exact thing but I did override XDG_RUNTIME_DIR in some package build(s) because it wasn't created in a buildd environment08:39
LaneyI tried at the time to ask if /that/ was a bug but nobody told me :P08:39
Laneyalso, why is everyone in Canada already up?08:40
Laneywhy is my application lens returning 0 results, and why does Firefox (when launched manually due to this - from the /terminal/; alt-f2 refuses to run it too) tell me that "The bookmarks and history system will not be functional because one of Firefox's files is in use by another application. Some security software can cause this problem."08:43
* Laney cries08:43
seb128do you have a running firefox process blocked?08:44
seb128that happened to me in the past08:44
Laneyjust booted, so that would be weird08:44
Laneyit usually gives a different message in that case08:44
seb128no chrisccoulson there :/08:44
* Laney tries safe mode08:44
Laneyit goes unresponsive after a few seconds too08:46
* Laney looks for a brown paper bag08:46
Mirvsil2100: I think yes08:46
Sweeksharkxnox: k, digging into the joys of debugging AX_BOOST_DATE_TIME in aclocal ...08:47
xnoxSweekshark: yeah I hate A*_BOOST_* they are horrible. But i think it should be able to take a --boost-date-time or BOOST_DATETIME with update locations passed to the configure script.08:48
xnoxor some such.08:48
stgraberLaney: haha, was just about to suggest that this sounded like ENOSPC (disk space or inode)08:49
Laneythe brave new world of SSDs08:50
davidcalleLaney, wild guess : the firefox bookmarks scope could be misbehaving and the bookmarks db is locked (look for a firefoxbookmarks process to kill)08:50
Sweeksharkxnox: https://twitter.com/autotools_/status/35213018039282892808:51
xnoxSweekshark: =)))))) LOL08:53
davidcalleLaney, that's unlikely, since you have to invoke it from the Dash with "web:", then it dies when you are done using it, but it could explain the error message08:54
Laneydavidcalle: it was ENOSPC08:54
LaneyI was getting local files returned but not applications08:54
Mirvdidrocks: hmm, so I deployed misc + platform + services without errors, and run bzr pull at magners. is that all of it, or should something else be done so that the new stack would show at ?08:55
didrocksMirv: ah right, asking to create the view (as per FAQ IIRC), but that's only something jibel does08:55
didrocksMirv: but if we click on "all", we should see the head job for services08:56
Laneysil2100: did you see that libmediainfo got fixed?08:56
sil2100Laney: yay! Awesome, missed that, but still happy ;)08:56
Mirvdidrocks: oh, so it is. interesting, good. I didn't find in FAQ, but maybe it's there still.08:56
Laneysil2100: so whatever project it was (can't remember) needs to back out that workaround now08:57
Laneyalso if they worked around the .pc file being borked they can stop doing that too08:57
MirvI'll ask jibel when he's around08:57
sil2100Mirv: I'm re-running indicators08:58
didrocksMirv: mind as well updating the FAQ if you have time? :)08:58
didrocksMirv: sometimes having an external view is good :)08:58
Mirvdidrocks: ok, will update as well, later08:58
sil2100Mirv: in the meantime, could you take a look at:09:00
Mirvsil2100: ok09:00
sil2100https://code.launchpad.net/~hollywood-team/mediascanner/trunk <- for the cross-check09:00
Mirvso, I guess I can now remove the jobs that were moved (ubuntu-keyboard, location-service)09:00
Mirvsil2100: will do, later :)09:00
sil2100Mirv: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scope-mediascanner/trunk09:01
sil2100Thanks ;)09:01
didrockssil2100: if you get that in the next run (location-service), FYI, I approved: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/location-service/gcc-4.7-by-default/+merge/18095309:05
darkxstpitti, the procmaps was supposed to replace this line -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apport-hackers/apport/trunk/view/head:/apport/sandboxutils.py#L15509:16
darkxsti forgot to remove that though09:16
darkxstthe dynamic stuff is helpful, since we end up with lots a traces with for example xorg-edgers or ricotz packages in the dependencies09:16
sil2100didrocks: ACK09:17
darkxstpitti, once you hit a missing package in the trace, it generally seems to break the rest of the backtrace, although that might be a bug I guess09:19
darkxstsince I don't ever recall seing that behaviour when using gdb directly09:22
pittidarkxst: ah right, ProcMaps won't be in reports for apport-valgrind; it was for that09:29
sil2100didrocks: would you mind if I enable mediascanner for daily-release? It will be integration-tested in the unity-scope-mediascanner package that we will enable soon09:35
didrockssil2100: sure, if the FTBFS is fixed09:36
sil2100didrocks: the fix is just landing09:36
sil2100didrocks: thanks!09:36
didrockssil2100: all good on indicators-messages?09:39
sil2100didrocks: <- I guess so, although my revert also reverts some added changelog entries ;) Is that ok?09:40
sil2100(some that were added in the changelog history)09:40
didrockssil2100: yeah, that's fine, not history that was in Ubuntu09:41
didrocksso +109:41
sil2100Mirv: publishing indicators09:41
didrockssil2100: as the revert was impacting though the changelog09:41
didrockssil2100: you should have set the content manually09:42
didrocks(right now, it's quite sparse)09:42
Sweeksha1kxnox: yep, seems to be solved easily. Now I run into an issue with lpsolve ... which shouldnt happen of course as nothing changed there really. oh fun.09:48
xnoxSweeksha1k: point me to your patch / forward to debian. Boost is multiarched in experimental.09:49
=== Sweeksha1k is now known as Sweetshark
Sweetsharkxnox: will do -- _rene_ will pick it up anyway when pushed, I guess.09:51
Sweetsharkxnox: the current patch is http://pastebin.com/UfnDCmSw -- lets see if that is all that is needed.09:57
sil2100didrocks: I've been wondering about where the mediascanner project should go - originally Francis put it to media, and it fits more or less, but mediascanner is more like in the 'unity' upstream than media one, and we'll have to add a stack dependency of unity -> media then09:57
sil2100didrocks: on the other hand, media seems like the right place, as not only unity scopes will use it, but also media apps09:58
sil2100I guess I'll leave it there10:01
didrockssil2100: I think unity is fine then10:02
didrockssil2100: I would avoid having unity being a dep of anything10:02
didrocksah, or you mean the other way around10:02
didrocksmedia depends on unity10:02
didrockslet's look at the stack ordering10:02
sil2100No, I mean unity deps on media10:02
sil2100In case if mediascanner would stay in media10:03
sil2100The thing is, unity stack is a nice place for mediascanner too, but what if other media apps will start using it?10:03
sil2100Then media would have to dep on unity (other way around)10:03
didrocksit means that you will push unity to the end10:04
didrocksnext to apps10:04
sil2100True, while the other way around still makes sense10:04
didrocksthis can be fine anyway10:04
didrocksso let's add the dep as you say10:04
didrocksunity dep on media10:04
sil2100It's always such a big thing when trying to fit a project into a stack...10:05
didrocksyeah, not easy :)10:07
Sweetsharkoh, https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67527 is a nice one. It seems gcc produces faulty code from a glib header on 12.04 and thus causes errors in LO. Solution would be to patch the header and recompile everything against glib. Any volunteers?10:10
ubot2`Freedesktop bug 67527 in Libreoffice "FILEOPEN: LO can't open files over SMB - wants to repair!" [Critical,New]10:10
Sweetsharkfor added pleasure, of course this might be the root cause of variuous seemingly unrelated issues on 12.04 too ...10:12
darkxstpitti, sorry been runnning between computer and fixing bike10:15
Mirvdidrocks: is the lack of a view actually preventing the services stack from running, or is something else needed to avoid "/tmp/hudson8406214369631804361.sh: line 5: cd: /var/lib/jenkins/cu2d/work/head/services: No such file or directory" (
Mirvmeanwhile I'm asking on #qa whether someone else could add the view, as jibel is apparently on holiday10:28
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didrocksMirv: the lack of view shouldn't prevent anything11:05
didrockslet me have a look11:05
sil2100Mirv: could you approve this bootstrap? https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/mediascanner/bootstrap/+merge/18101911:07
didrocksMirv: so I guess "my fault"11:10
didrocksMirv: since I reworked the locking system11:10
didrockswe hadn't the case of a new stack I guess11:10
Mirvsil2100: soon, before the other ones that are later :) telco.11:15
Mirvdidrocks: ok, good to find out11:15
sil2100didrocks: can you just give a quick +1 on that bootstrap then? ^11:16
Sweetsharkricotz: I kinda doubt bug 1214352 will be SRUed to 12.04 -- maybe consider fixing it in the ppa?11:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1214352 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "GUINT32/64_SWAP_LE_BE macros do not enclose val argument in parentheses" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121435211:18
didrockssil2100: done11:19
sil2100didrocks: thanks!11:19
didrocksyw :)11:20
didrocksMirv: ok, rev 667 of cupstream2distro-config FYI. I've deployed that on the services stack and rerun it (and it works now)11:21
Mirvit's green! great.11:25
didrocksyeah ;)11:25
didrockslet's hope the rest become green as well :)11:26
Mirvdidrocks: unity-mir removal of private headers dependency
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didrocksMirv: well, it built, so obviously +1 :p11:26
didrocksMirv: I saw your email this morning about webapps, but you didn't mention that apps will be blocked because of it as well, right?11:27
Mirvdidrocks: right, I didn't in the e-mail, only on the status page11:27
didrocksMirv: maybe just remember him about it, to avoid the complain "the apps stack didn't run" :p11:28
Mirvdidrocks: ok11:28
Mirvsil2100: I was just going to write the mediascanner is lacking bootstrap commit, but it seems you've committed that to lp:mediascanner11:49
Mirvsil2100: copyright has wrong URL, hollywood, should be https://launchpad.net/mediascanner11:50
sil2100Mirv: good catch! Let me fix that up then11:50
Mirvsil2100: source/format should be removed according to daily release page11:50
sil2100Mirv: heh, yes, while cyphermox_ asked me to add it!11:51
Mirvsil2100: heh, yes I don't think it practically matters, the inlinepackaging page just does that as part of removing all patches11:52
sil2100Ah, I'll have to change the Vcs'es too11:52
sil2100Since I changed the owning team11:53
Mirvsil2100: there's one lintian error (not warning) in unity-scope-mediascanner, otherwise looks good11:53
didrockssil2100: Mirv: in fact, as long as it's set to 1.0, not really needed to remove it11:54
didrockssil2100: Mirv: more a personal preference choice TBH, just adding consistency :)11:54
didrocksbut 3.0 is wrong as it's creating diffs11:55
didrocksand not help upstream to just "bzr bd"11:55
sil2100Mirv: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/mediascanner/final_packaging_fixes/+merge/181028 <- after this is ACKed, we can enable daily-release for mediascanner11:56
sil2100Which is here:11:57
sil2100Mirv: thanks!11:57
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seb128Laney, hum, why do you add another plugin for battery?12:21
seb128Laney, can't we just reuse the current one?12:21
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Laneyit's a loader plugin12:21
didrocks2 batteries? :p12:21
LaneyI don't think so12:21
Laneydo you see how?12:21
seb128Laney, what is a "loader plugin"? ;-)12:21
Laneyplugin: foo in the .settings file12:22
seb128can't we just get the number of battery in pure qml with qtsystems?12:22
Laneyyou have to have cpp for dynamic visibility12:22
seb128k, that's suboptimal, but if that's the way it is...12:22
seb128Laney, thanks ;-)12:23
Laneyit's not as easy as it could be12:23
Laneybut the example plugin was quite helpful12:23
sil2100didrocks: when adding new projects to a stack, do I need to bzr pull on mangers?12:34
didrockssil2100: no, magners is only used when touching the stack itself (new stack, new deps)12:35
sil2100Awesome, ok, thanks!12:36
sil2100hm, webapps is failing to publish, but it looks fine to publish unity anywa12:40
sil2100didrocks: btw. packaging change in indicators - I see a switch to cmake, so if it build, I guess it's all fine:
* sil2100 has a bad day and eats the trailing 's' out of words today12:43
didrockssil2100: can you check on the binaries that no .a or .la are shipped?12:43
didrockssil2100: if so, +112:44
sil2100didrocks: no .la and .a files, publishing12:46
sil2100didrocks: dep-added
sil2100didrocks: ok? ;)13:02
didrockssil2100: sounds good13:03
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
sil2100didrocks: btw. for re-enabling compiz for daily release, should we do some new bootstrapping commit, or will it pick up the old ones?13:05
didrockssil2100: I think you need to shelve the changelog and packaging changes to that branch13:05
didrocksand readjust the commit id to have stuff we want to list13:06
didrocks(or none if we don't want to list the diff)13:06
kenvandineMirv, hey, looking at qtconnectivity13:21
kenvandineit would be nice if the qml plugins where versioned, which would require a patch to install them in versioned directories13:21
tedgseb128, So I'm just catching up via merges... we reverted a 9000 line commit over a few _()'s ?13:23
seb128tedg, no, we reverted on the thing sigtraping on start for anyone having tb email accounts because of the "imap:" action name13:24
seb128tedg, e.g ":" in the action name being invalid13:25
tedgseb128, Ah, okay.13:25
seb128tedg, that was handled via IRC though that's why it's not showing up into the merge comments13:25
sil2100didrocks: ok, I'll check the packaging changes - I also added the changelog entries13:25
seb128tedg, basically http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-messages/consolidate/revision/41113:26
tedgYeah, I see.  I'm going revision by revision now.13:26
seb128tedg, basically same issue than http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-messages/trunk.13.10/revision/34413:26
sil2100didrocks: but I guess I'll also have to merge it in manually, since it will take too long for the merge to get in normally...13:30
sil2100didrocks: there are no packaging changes that need to be pushed besides the changelog13:30
didrockssil2100: sure13:31
cyphermox_sil2100: I think it's better to be explicitly in saying that the package is in format 1.0, rather than expecting people to understand that it's left so on purpose13:31
sil2100cyphermox_: makes sense13:32
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sil2100didrocks: what would happen if this would get picked up by daily-release? https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/compiz/merge_in_changelog13:35
sil2100didrocks: since the last daily-release commit is long long ago, so hm, should I put some explicit (like the bootstrap) changelog entry with a rev id?13:36
sil2100didrocks: in the last changelog entry?13:36
didrockssil2100: yeah, maybe put an explicit one13:41
didrockswith a revision13:41
didrocksin a new changelog entry13:41
didrockswhere you bump the version13:41
sil2100didrocks: we have one unreleased version with the upstream bump to 0.9.10 - I'll put it there then13:41
didrockssounds good13:42
sil2100I'm still wondering about the rev-id, since I would normally put the rev-id of the last version that has been released to ubuntu in lp:compiz/0.9.1013:43
sil2100But that's a really old entry it seems13:44
attentecyphermox_, https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/indicator-keyboard/xdg-runtime-dir/+merge/18104213:47
cyphermox_attente: nice, I'll re-test now13:48
attenteLaney, i owe you beer13:48
seb128attente, so the xdg runtime dir was the issue?13:49
attenteseb128, think so, at least it fixes the problem under sbuild13:49
cyphermox_attente: let's fix some small little details with the package too, I'll get you a merge request13:51
Laneyattente: :-)13:52
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
cyphermox_seb128: Laney: could one of you please reject indicator-keyboard 0.0.0-0ubuntu19 from the saucy queue? I suspect it should never have ended up there13:56
Laneynot me13:56
seb128cyphermox_, jbicha uploaded manually, which is why it's there13:57
seb128cyphermox_, rejected13:57
cyphermox_seb128: thanks13:57
cyphermox_I think jbicha wanted to land that in a ppa anyway, from the look of things13:57
seb128cyphermox_, no, he wanted to land it in the archive, I NEW review it and I would have accepted it if I didn't have comments13:58
cyphermox_oh, ok13:59
attenteok, i guess i spoke too soon...13:59
cyphermox_the package as it is doesn't follow the daily release standards13:59
seb128cyphermox_, I guess jbicha wanted to get it in not blocking on daily standards14:00
cyphermox_attente: pass for me...14:01
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
cyphermox_did jenkins barf on it?14:01
attenteapparently, armhf c-i14:02
seb128Laney, do you fell strongly about the refactoring part? I'm not sure how much the code is "duplicated" there...14:06
Laneythe second point?14:06
seb128"can the repeated copies of this code be factored out?14:07
seb128Laney, what copies exactly?14:07
Laney158 and 17614:07
Laneyone of them has a return though14:07
Laneyso no, I don't care incredibly much but it looks a little bit fiddly14:08
Laneyup to you if you don't want to do it14:08
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Laneyyou could have a two-line function updateLastFullCharge probably14:09
seb128right, I'm not sure 2 lines are worth a function14:09
seb128but I've no strong opinion, I'm happy to do it if you think it's better14:09
Laneyotherwise you have to fix it in two places to change it14:09
Laneyseems nicer to me14:09
Laneyseb128: should you free item and/or values there too?14:13
Laneyin getLastFullCharge14:13
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=== Sweetshark1 is now known as Sweetshark
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seb128Laney, ok, pushed an update, let me know what you think14:43
Laneyok, shortly14:43
Laneyglibbing now14:43
seb128sure, no hurry14:44
sil2100I just branched a LP branch, and in the bzr log I have revisions with 0 < values, like rev -4, rev -12 o_O14:45
sil2100seb128: you have a moment? Could you bzr branch lp:ubuntu-ui-extras ? ;) Since on LP it looks ok14:46
* sil2100 wants to know if it's only a problem on his PC14:49
qenghosil2100: wow.  "bzr revno" says negative?14:49
seb128sil2100, confirmed here14:50
sil2100seb128: thanks for confirming14:51
qenghoI thought the revno was *calculated*, not stored.  That's weird to see in only one branch.14:51
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sil2100qengho, seb128: not sure what was wrong, but I guess it's stored somewhere - got it fixed by bzr check && bzr reconcile15:07
sil2100I see what could have caused it15:08
sil2100This branch was previously ubuntu-ui-extras-initial, and on rev 44 it was renamed to ubuntu-ui-extras, which became the rev 1 for this branch - strange15:09
sil2100kenvandine, didrocks, cyphermox_: can anyone of you take a look at this packaging review? https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/ubuntu-ui-extras/packaging_review/+merge/18107515:26
sil2100Thanks! I'll prepare the cu2d-config bits too15:27
seb128it's meeting time15:30
mlankhorstand hopefully I just finished my mesa 9.2 packaging for debian15:31
seb128qengho, mlankhorst, Sweetshark, Laney, tkamppeter, attente: hey, it's meeting time15:31
qenghoHi all!15:31
qengho* Updated packaging for chromium-browser 28.0.1500.95. In distro today.15:31
qengho* Mostly finished process for translations to/from Launchpad for Cr source and desktop file.15:31
qengho* Working on plugins to make chromium-browser behave identically to GOOG Chrome.15:31
seb128qengho, hey, did you notice that the new version failed to build on all archs?15:32
qenghoEr, no.  "new version?"  -2?15:32
qenghoI did not notice that.  Where?15:33
seb128qengho, => Found differences, please investigate. /tmp/built-1118 /tmp/packaged-111815:33
seb128qengho, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/147942239/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-amd64.chromium-browser_28.0.1500.95-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:33
seb128qengho, well, anyway, please have a look15:34
seb128qengho, thanks15:34
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:34
ritz_hi, is the irclog bot dead, wrt - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/08/10/%23ubuntu-desktop.txt ?15:35
ritz_and http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/08/17/%23ubuntu-desktop.txt15:35
seb128ritz_, hey, we are in a meeting, and I don't know we don't maintain the bot ... ask on #ubuntu-devel maybe?15:35
Laneythose are weekends15:36
mlankhorstI've been working on mesa 9.2 all day, fixed llvm 3.3 issues. Proposed some kernel patches upstream. Tested mesa 9.1.4 for raring last week, uploaded mesa 9.1.6 to saucy.15:36
seb128ritz_, but the days you showed are saturdays15:36
Laneyseems likely it is correct15:36
mlankhorsterm pretty much it for me15:36
seb128mlankhorst, thanks15:36
seb128Sweetshark, hey, welcome back15:36
Sweetshark- waded through backlog http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/post/57051683487/dealing-with-your-6-months-old-backlog15:36
Sweetshark- uploaded 4.0.5~rc2 for PPA, currently building https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/libreoffice-staging/+builds?build_state=building , upstream releases ~this week https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan/4.0#4.0.5_release15:36
Sweetshark- saucy/LibreOffice 4.1 - synced from debian - unfuzzed patches - massaged LibreOffice for boost multiarch (which I assume made LO ftbfs just 3 days after package was uploaded for the poppler-transition, which would have made it ftbfs too, so just the usual lifetime ;) ) - preparing tarballs for 4.1.1~rc1 right now15:36
mlankhorstoh we missed all the libreoffice talk15:36
ritz_seb128, thanks. I am an idiot. I was looking at sept cal15:37
Sweetsharkwe should measure the mean-time-between-someone-break-LO ...15:37
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:38
seb128Sweetshark, you still have SRUs waiting for sponsoring right?15:38
Sweetsharkseb128: yes, a 4.0.4 SRU for raring and a 3.5.7 SRU for precise15:38
seb128Sweetshark, ok, I'm going to try to review those this week15:38
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:38
seb128Laney, hey, welcome back!15:38
Laneybonjour mes amis15:39
Laney• Very short week due to holidays & debconf (back to work from today)15:39
Laney• Before this I was working on updating GStreamer to 1.1 in a PPA for some touch work https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/gstreamer-1.115:39
Laney• Segfaults in gst-codec-info-1.0; back with (our) upstream now15:39
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Laney• Today I proposed a patch to make the battery panel in system-settings have dynamic visibility - the first example of such in s-s15:39
Laney• Working on updating glib to 2.37.6; test failure on kbsd from .5 to look into a bit15:39
seb128Laney, thanks!15:41
seb128tkamppeter, hey15:41
tkamppeter - cups-filters upstream work15:42
tkamppeter - Tested MIR on the Lenovo Thinkpad Twist and reported bugs15:42
tkamppeter - Bugs15:42
tkamppeter - GSoC15:42
tkamppeter - Linked Touchscreen- and convertible-relevant bugs to Blueprint about convertible support.15:42
seb128tkamppeter, thanks15:42
seb128attente, hey, welcome back as well15:42
seb128not around? I guess it's late for him since he's still in China15:43
attenteseb128, hi15:43
seb128cyphermox_, do you know if the fixes for keyboard worked?15:44
seb128attente, hey!15:44
attenteseb128, c-i still failed15:44
attentei wasn't able to see the output since jenkins is down though15:44
seb128attente, do you have the merge request/CI url?15:45
attentei'm really not sure what options we'll have given that FF is soon15:45
attentei guess it was manually approved?15:46
seb128attente, if you have access to the qa vpn15:47
seb128attente, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6006869/15:47
seb128attente, seems like a new issue/different from what we had before?15:48
attenteseb128, yep, that's new15:48
seb128good, maybe a real bug this time :p15:48
attenteha, i hope so15:49
seb128attente, you can use porter-armhf.c.c if you need debugging on arm15:49
seb128attente, still some time before ff but it would be nice to get that landing tomorrow15:50
seb128attente, thanks15:50
attentethanks seb12815:50
seb128attente, you should call it a day, but let's talk about that tomorrow european morning15:50
seb128did I forget anyone? (trying to skip those on holidays)15:50
kgunnmlankhorst: just curious...do you know of any ati related changes (of significance) that might have come on with the 3.11 kernel ?15:51
seb128other my week was short, one national holiday and one day off in Berlin to hang around ... I working on the system settings battery panel mostly otherwise15:51
seb128started on the location one as well15:51
seb128 15:51
mlankhorstmir fixes, ww_mutex changes, dpm support15:51
seb128that's it I think15:51
mlankhorstmaybe uvd fixes15:51
seb128does anyone has other topic/questions?15:52
seb128or I forgot ... if anyone has topics they would like registered at vUDS, please register blueprints and ping me with the link15:52
kgunntvoss: interesting....from mlankhorst : kernel changes include ww_mutex changes15:53
Sweetsharkseb128: I got suggested to write a blueprint "make LibreOffice releases more rolling" ;)15:54
* Sweetshark graps popcorn.15:54
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didrockscyphermox_: sil2100: Mirv: Hey guys, how are you?16:00
didrocksmeeting time!16:00
didrocks(short meeting as kenvandine is busy in another meeting and robru is travelling)16:01
Mirvfeeling the upcoming feature freeze16:01
didrocksit's a nice warm of "OMG" feeling, isn't it? :)16:01
Mirvevery request seems urgent and every day there are multiple requests16:01
didrocksMirv: yeah, and people think they are the only one in the world… :p16:01
didrockswe all share the same experience it seems! ;)16:02
Mirvdidrocks: :)16:02
didrocksmaybe let's look at the current stack?16:02
didrocksit's cyphermox_'s run right now, isn't it?16:02
sil2100OMG Ubuntu!16:03
didrocksindicators was reverted, isn't it sil2100? can we move that in non blocking release?16:03
cyphermox_in two hours16:03
sil2100didrocks: right, left it there so that it's nicely noticable16:03
didrockscyphermox_: ah, still free :)16:03
Mirvmysteriously webapps got a run without autopilot test errors, without code changes. let's see if that continues16:03
cyphermox_barely... quite busy with touch stuff16:03
didrockssil2100: but it's not "really" blocking? let's keep on the right and have the right cleaned?16:03
didrocksMirv: urgh, ok :/16:04
didrockscyphermox_: yeah, everything it touch! :)16:04
didrockssil2100: flacky indicators/unity tests, bregma's team is on it?16:04
sil2100didrocks: they got informed about it, but there are some other more priority things like the compiz unit tests, so they'll work on it after that16:05
didrockssil2100: ok16:05
didrocksMirv: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtubuntu/+bug/1212131 still valid?16:05
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1212131 in qtubuntu "Double dh_auto_configure in debian/rules" [Undecided,New]16:05
didrocks(let's try to clean this dashboard) :)16:05
* sil2100 quickly removed one invalid entry ;)16:06
didrocks(shhhh ;))16:06
Mirvdidrocks: still valid16:06
didrocksMirv: can you just handling it? (tomorrow?) seems easier than waiting on them16:06
didrocksas it seems removing a line is taking a week :p16:06
Mirvdidrocks: true, I'll do that16:06
didrocksMirv: thanks!16:06
didrocksfor mir/mirslave: FYI, just tried with latest kernel with tvoss|afk16:07
didrockswe tried both mir in distro16:07
didrocksand latest mir branch16:07
didrockscan't reproduce anymore16:07
didrocksI think we'll blame the kernel after all16:07
sil2100Oh shit16:07
didrocksand reenable mir16:07
sil2100That's good news!16:07
didrocks(more than 20 shutdown/reboot)16:07
didrocksyeah, not found of not understanding exactly though16:07
didrocksso the deal is:16:08
didrocks- reenabling tomorrow morning16:08
didrocks(I'll do it)16:08
didrocks- I'll reenable the ATI machine as well for all tests16:08
didrocks- if we have any Mir hanging issue16:08
didrocksdeprovisionning the ATI machine right away16:08
didrocksand not upgrading it at all16:08
didrocks(keep it as it is)16:08
didrockslet's cross fingers we won't need that :)16:09
didrockshow is the 4h dailies going for everyone?16:09
Mirvit's working nicely16:11
sil2100Not bad, I must say that in some regard is good, but when not everyone is around it's also a bit more busy16:11
didrocksyeah, for sure, though we have less to treat everytime16:11
didrocksand we have a constant "ping" mecanism now and share infos :)16:11
sil2100When there's no dedicated core-devs to ping about pkging ACKs, it's terrible16:11
didrocksdid you try on #ubuntu-devel?16:12
didrockson not getting anyone ressponding?16:12
sil2100Yes, but usually people were busy, so we were abusing ogra_ and some other guys16:12
didrocksogra_ likes being abused :p16:12
cyphermox_sil2100: we can make time for packaging review16:12
ogra_yeah, bring your whip16:13
didrockshe's the one wanted stuff as fast as possible to the iso16:13
didrockshe has to pay for it! :p16:13
didrocksbut nice work on transitionning to this daily release model Mirv, sil2100, cyphermox_, kenvandine!16:13
didrocksah, just one thing16:13
didrocksI heard that nobody knew how to refresh the whitelist16:14
didrocks(on Friday)16:14
didrocksit's on the famous Daily release FAQ page of course!16:14
Mirvyeah, or there was some problems like first not finding it on FAQ16:14
Laneythe branch on lillypilly?16:14
Mirvand then not finding a person willing to execute according to it16:14
Laneyit says something vague like "review the changes"16:14
didrocks"The archive admin needs to, after checking that lp:cupstream2distro only adds component for filtering we want:16:14
Laneyand there were like 50 commits16:14
didrocksLaney: you need to look at all the new components added and if they make sense, that's the only way16:14
Laneyit is not really possible for someone unfamiliar to review that16:15
didrocksLaney: want that we walk across that tomorrow together?16:15
didrocksLaney: you will maybe have a better way of wording/helping that16:15
Mirvdidrocks: you could maybe talk with a couple of arch admins that would be then prepared to handle our requests / know about the thing in your absence. then we would have a few persons to select from.16:16
MirvI think randomly contacting and without them being able to consult with you may result in reluctance to "blindly" pull16:16
Laneyhave a look at 'bzr diff -r 608' in that branch16:16
didrocksMirv: yeah, will do, but cjwatson is on holidays, not sure who else is active and close enough16:16
Laneythere's no way I could have known what all of that stuff means16:16
didrocksLaney: well, I know, we do work!16:16
didrocksLaney: we can try to find a pattern or a command16:17
didrocksLaney: want that we spend some time on that together tomorrow? ideas gathering will be nice16:17
didrocks(most of the time, I know exactly what's in as I'm looking at all MP, so not that a biggie to me, an external eye is always better)16:17
Laneycan do if you like16:18
* didrocks notes down16:18
Laneylike just the fact that it was 50 revisions behind was scary in itself16:18
didrocksLaney: look at the dates, not that old :)16:18
didrocks10 commits in 2 days16:19
Laneyyes I see there's a lot of traffic in there16:19
didrocks50 revision is a week16:19
Laneyanyway it'll come down to 'document the configuration file formats' ;-)16:19
Laneyso that people who don't do this stuff know how to tell if things are ok16:19
didrocksLaney: I think we can have a wrapper making a diff16:19
didrocksbut let's discuss that tomorrow16:19
didrocksok, so now on the spreadsheet16:20
didrocksMirv: anything you are waiting on, that needs noticing?16:20
didrocks(I think you are hard working in particular on Qt 5.1 for FF)16:20
Mirvdidrocks: just the ones I'm waiting on, although Ken had something to add to qtconnectivity apparently (versioning the plugin)16:21
Mirvdidrocks: trying to prepare 5.1(.1), yes, although there are the blocker bugs out of my hands as well16:21
didrocksok, do you need some help for pushing the other teams trying to get stuff sorted?16:22
Mirvtoday merged 5.0.2 branch changes back to 5.1 branch and tried a snapshot 5.1.1 build of qtbase to be ready, apparently 5.1.1 will be released on Thursday16:22
didrocksan nice, at least the branch are up to date :)16:22
didrocksgreat news \o/16:22
Mirvdidrocks: well sort of getting even the info "yes we are pushing for Qt 5.1 in saucy before FF" would be news, and then getting https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=qt5.1 fixed - I've one patch from kaleo now that I try to bring for testing16:23
didrocksok, so still some issues to get fixed16:23
didrocksI'll do some pinging tomorrow16:23
didrocksthanks Mirv16:23
didrockssil2100: anything special to mention?16:23
Mirvthere's so much to do with Qt that I just to prepare beforehand for the craziness when people suddenly ask "hey 5.1.1 just came out, is it in saucy archives yet?" ;)16:23
Mirvdidrocks: thanks16:23
didrockssil2100: it seems you can close the indicators line ;)16:23
didrocksMirv: "it's released for 1.5 hours! what are you doing?"16:24
sil2100Not much, we enabled mediascanner for daily-release, same for ubuntu-ui-extras - the SDK stack needs to be redeployed with the new changes, once those get merged16:24
MirvI could close the 'services stack' thing if I just have an own note about contacting jibel when he's back16:24
sil2100I didn't yet since there are still some merges to ubuntu-ui-extras that I want to land16:24
sil2100Which are approved16:24
didrocksMirv: it's fine if you want to duplicate the line just for that one16:25
didrocksI'll only archive tomorrow then16:25
didrockscyphermox_: anything to share?16:25
Mirvok, did that16:26
cyphermox_indicator-keyboard fails CI on armhf, going to need to look into that16:26
didrockscyphermox_: indicator-keyboard? it seems that you work on that?16:26
cyphermox_work is a large word16:26
didrocksattente: is looking as well, right?16:26
cyphermox_I have to finish fixing a bug in NM first and foremost16:26
didrocksok, then on that one I guess (or rather the next one first)16:27
didrocksI visited this morning http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html16:27
didrocksand I saw that we start to have some packages stuck there16:27
didrockscyphermox_: libcolumbus blocked in proposed16:27
didrockscan you try to have it moving for tomorrow? ^16:27
cyphermox_things need to start using it, there's no excuse iirc16:27
Mirvand libhud-qt is blocked on the fact that it used to build on powerpc16:28
didrockssil2100: you did mediascanner :)16:28
didrockscyphermox_: hum, it's blocking for a reason, even if there is no build-dep16:28
didrocksMirv: oh, you already looked!16:28
sil2100didrocks: yes, it's fixed in the trunk16:28
didrocksMirv: so we need to revert on hardcoded lines16:28
sil2100So if we release mediascanner, it should be ok16:28
Mirvdidrocks: look is a big word :)16:28
didrockskenvandine: same for you: signon-plugin-oauth2/signon-ui blocked in proposed16:28
didrocksMirv: tssss ;)16:28
didrockskenvandine: as it released once on powerpc, I think you need to remove the arch: any and specify the archs16:29
didrocksMirv: ok, let's deal with that tomorrow, should be easy16:29
Mirvdidrocks: yes, probably, my only other thought was that if it had begun to depend on something that doesn't work on powerpc16:29
* didrocks will get pinged in the morning it seems :p16:29
didrockslooking at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt help16:30
sil2100didrocks: if you don't mind, I would like to spend some time tomorrow (at least a few hours) for some appmenu-qt5 coding - you think it would be ok? ;) *needs some coding*16:30
didrocksa bit raw16:30
didrocksbut most of the time, when something is "valid candidate" on one line16:30
didrocksthe issue is listed on the other one ^16:30
didrockssil2100: sure, I don't see any incoming crisis16:30
didrockswell… I enable Mir16:30
Mirvoh right any should probably fix it like with others16:30
didrocksbut normally, should be fine :)16:31
kenvandinedidrocks, grrr16:31
didrocksMirv: I think so. just list everything but powerpc16:31
didrockskenvandine: as well ^16:31
didrocksthanks Mirv, kenvandine :)16:31
didrocksok, any question?16:31
didrocks(on my side, in addition to Mir, I'm trying to finish the system update as fast as possible)16:32
didrocksFYI ^16:32
didrocksok, seems no question!16:32
didrockshave a good week everyone16:32
didrocksas a reminder, I won't be there next week and the week after16:32
sil2100Thanks, same to you!16:32
Mirvdidrocks: right so let's back to it tomorrow, but the thing is that it's currently tri-arch in control file16:32
didrocksbut I'll think about you from the beach ;)16:32
Mirvdidrocks: thanks to you!16:32
Mirvdidrocks: haha :)16:33
didrocksMirv: yeah, let's discuss that tomorrow morning :)16:33
kenvandinedidrocks, ditto for signon-ui16:38
didrockskenvandine: yeah, IIRC, it was the ones I patched16:38
kenvandinewe fixed this in the past, that's how the last version got promoted16:38
didrockskenvandine: but then, reverted apparently16:38
didrocksbecause we thought "it's not in latest version"16:39
kenvandine signon-ui | 0.14-0ubuntu2 |         saucy | powerpc16:39
kenvandine signon-ui | 0.15daily13.06.12-0ubuntu1 |         saucy | source, amd64, armhf, i38616:39
kenvandineand there is a later in -proposed16:39
didrocksyeah, and I'm sure it's seeing signon-ui | 0.14-0ubuntu2 |         saucy | powerpc16:39
didrocksso waiting on powerpc16:39
kenvandineyeah, so was that what was reverted?16:39
didrockskenvandine: just relist the archs, I'm afraid16:39
didrocksit was16:39
kenvandinei thought that got deleted?16:39
didrocksarch: i386 amd64 armhf arm6416:39
kenvandinedidrocks, the arches are listed16:39
didrocksand it changed to:16:39
didrocksarch: any16:40
* didrocks branches16:40
didrockskenvandine: urgh, indeed16:40
kenvandineArchitecture: amd64 i386 armhf16:40
didrocksI have no idea then :(16:40
didrocksLaney: ^16:40
kenvandinewe fixed this before :)16:40
Laneywhat is up?16:40
Laneyyou have to make the old binary package go away16:41
kenvandinesame for signon-plugin-oauth16:41
LaneyI thought we were just letting stuff fail to build rather than listing the arches16:42
didrocksLaney: for most of the things yeah, but colin couldn't do that for those IIRC because they build (with qt4) in the past16:42
didrocksLaney: and he couldn't delete, but don't remember exactly why16:43
didrocksso the only way was to list for those for now16:43
Laneyit doesn't help16:43
kenvandinethey got promoted for the specific arches in the past, i thought he had deleted them16:44
Laneybut how did saucy get 06.12?16:44
kenvandinecolin did that somehow16:44
kenvandinei thought he deleted the ppc16:44
Laneyhe forced it16:44
kenvandinebut i guess not16:44
kenvandineseb128, do you remember the story there?16:45
* seb128 reads backlog16:46
LaneyI think there was a problem with empathy16:47
kenvandinethat rings a bell16:47
kenvandinei don't recall the plan though16:47
Laneylaney@iota> reverse-depends -a powerpc src:signon-ui                                                    ~/dev/canonical/release/hints-ubuntu16:48
Laney* signond                       (for signon-ui)16:48
Laney* signon-plugin-oauth2          (for signon-ui)16:48
Laneyoauth2 will need removing too16:48
kenvandineyeah, there is a new version that specifies the arches for that too16:49
seb128kenvandine, I don't remember the specifics16:50
seb128and Colin is not there this week16:50
LaneyAFAICS you are safe to remove them both16:51
seb128Laney, should I just delete those binaries on ppc, is that what you say?16:52
* seb128 is a bit loss16:52
Laneyseb128: yeah, from those two source packages16:57
Laneythere might be a problem with account-plugin-tools16:57
seb128Laney, kenvandine: deleted them, let's see17:02
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