
checoimgThank you guys00:25
checoimgsorry my late response00:26
checoimgmy girlfriend is here so AFK from now on00:26
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bjsnideris it in the works to have a gnome3/wayland ppa for 3.10 that has libmutter/wayland and so forth built and configured?20:47
bjsnideri mean so people can test it and so forth20:47
Zoiaguyverbjsnider: As far as I'm aware its not been decided what is happening for Gnome 3.10, At the moment they are concentrating on Ubuntu-Gnome 13.10, and probably setting the foundations for 14.04. ricotz ppa will probably have 3.10 when its released, but I'm not sure on the Wayland stuff21:01
darkxstbjsnider, packages on gnome3-staging will have wayland backends enabled22:06

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