
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
dholbachgood morning07:03
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newguyhow can we usr the irc?16:48
newguyplease wait16:49
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MyL0great the webapp screen ip ...16:52
CatalystCZhello ;-)16:53
tmcclelland47Cant wait for this to start...16:53
metallicORIGINyep me too16:53
greenie25same here16:53
audreyIII agree with what you are saying16:53
metallicORIGINany idea what today is about..???16:54
greenie25closing thoughts on the edge?16:54
audreyIII hope they announce that canonical will be switching over to Windows Cloud Hosting services16:54
tmcclelland47On Google+ it says something about what's new in Ubuntu's development.16:55
audreyIIsays the same on the facebook post16:55
audreyIIwatch them announce a new window manager16:56
audreyII"unity was a bad idea. we're gonna go with awesome now"16:57
ss77iiaannhow do I filter out join/quit messages?16:57
metallicORIGINjyes even i wanna do that16:57
metallicORIGINfilter out join/quit messages?16:57
audreyIIin the options16:57
snowronarkwhere is the people ? 300 ? 500 people ? where is16:57
MyL0option corner left16:57
artcreationwhat can we do here ??16:57
audreyIIif you're on the ubuntuonair.com irc, it's in the top left corner of the iframe16:58
tmcclelland47only like 3 more minutes!!!16:58
tmcclelland47make that 2...16:58
metallicORIGIN:) lol16:58
audreyIIthis is kind of a lot of people in the irc16:58
audreyIIwho all is actually active?16:58
KarielG0I am anyway :E16:58
Ferq onda estro?16:58
metallicORIGINmost of them not active16:59
FerQ ONDAAA???16:59
ss77iiaannOptions---> "Hide JOINS/PARTS/QUITS" thanks :)16:59
snowronarkwhere is op ?16:59
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Guest90989When does the stream start?16:59
tmcclelland47About a minute...16:59
audreyIIFer: hables espanol?16:59
artcreationabout 1 min16:59
Feraudrey sii17:00
artcreationwhen is it beginning17:00
audreyIIsupposedly right now17:00
dholbachcan you see us?17:00
FerQ es esto?? jaja17:00
metallicORIGINit should start about now..???17:00
Demonioyes 17:01 in gtml +017:01
rytisit works17:01
artcreationit works17:01
Super_Hans_We can see you :)17:01
Skyline969Five by five. You're good to go.17:01
jasonamyerswe can see you17:01
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exeYes UR Live!!17:01
MyL0yep online17:01
Demoniowe can see you17:01
Markus_   it works :)17:01
Gauthiconline, we can see/hear you :)17:01
Javacookieswhat do we expect on this event?17:02
anassi c u17:02
Holkerwe can see you 517:02
DM__Yes we see u17:02
InviiWe can see ya!17:02
Guest63632what's now17:02
mhall119Javacookies: every week we give an update on the development of Ubuntu17:02
artcreationi c u and hear you17:02
Erwinhello from holland17:02
simon__hello spirit unit is ready and fully functional17:02
metallicORIGINso any news about ubuntu edge..???17:02
DM__Thank you very much17:02
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CHOTASdesde colombia17:03
tavooca_from mex tex17:03
mhall119if anybody has a question at any point during this session, ask them here starting it with "QUESTION: "17:03
toxicbyteLINUX FTW!17:03
mhall119starting with with "QUESTION: " will make it highlighted for us so we see it17:03
metallicORIGINQUESTION: so any news about ubuntu edge..???17:03
s7ianthe elephant in the room17:04
Josh015QUESTION: Can Pocket (formerly Read It Later) be supported in the Friends API? If so what steps need to be taken?17:04
rytiswhat I am doig with my life? :|17:05
metallicORIGINQUESTION: developer options in ubuntu edge..??17:05
HugeCode@rytis: surely not learning english ;-)17:05
chaushevQUESTION: I was wondering, will I be able, in future when mobile Ubuntu OS is ready, to install on a capable device, different then the Ubuntu phone. Samsung, HTC or whichever device capable to ru the OS?17:06
jasonamyersQUESTION: Are there any better instructions for app developers to get started on ubuntu desktop apps than developer.ubuntu.com?17:06
DM__thank you kevin17:06
DM__please don't copy win HATE(8)17:06
s7ianWill EDGE be saved by the bell by a filthy rich enthusiast billionaire?17:06
clint_wats this17:06
MandaloreQUESTION: Is there going to be further support for laptops, IE getting function keys to work - I can't install ubuntu on my laptop because I can't turn my wifi with ubuntu17:07
metallicORIGINi feel Ubuntu marketing is very bad when compared to other competitors17:08
obijuanWill Ubuntu 13.10 use the ChromeOS compatable 3.9 kernel?17:08
s7iandisagree @metallic17:08
MyL0i agree metal17:08
UbuntuRevolutionDo gtk library will be improved to fit in with unity because there Tnaked between gtk appearance and unity interface17:09
DM__Thank you for your work on music APIs Micheal17:09
Josh015QUESTION: Will Indicators be written the same way as before, or will they start being written in QML?17:10
metallicORIGIN@s7ian : why is that??17:10
r4f3i am a dev, how should i proceed?17:10
Super_Hans_QUESTION: Will the mobile browser eventually replace firefox on the desktop.17:10
JavacookiesI wonder if they're still on-track on an October OS release17:10
s7iancompared to other distros or other OS's? @metallic17:10
MandalorePat - Lagging17:11
AdyTheBassppl log in and out17:11
audreyIIPlease answer Mandalore's question17:11
r4f3i am a dev, how should i proceed?17:11
r4f3i am a dev, how should i proceed?17:11
MyL0os for me17:11
mhall119we'll get to the questions shortly, let us get through the summaries first17:11
metallicORIGIN@s7ian other OS's17:12
greenie25QUESTION: when will we see ubuntu touch in newly released models and will future versions of touch see the desktop interface included depending on device specifications?17:12
Corasaaathe video doesn'twork well!17:12
MyL0no its work17:13
AdyTheBasshis video lag17:13
s7ianI wouldn't compare non cost Ubuntu to commercial OS's though. @metallic17:13
DM__ok thank you pat, but we can't hear you well...next time try to test the dsl line in your area17:13
MyL0no ... and i watch on my htc17:13
DM__we appreciate your effort pat17:14
metallicORIGINQUESTION: what if Ubuntu uses user info and sells them to third party service providers..??17:14
mhall119metallicORIGIN: it doesn't17:14
metallicORIGINi saw a article few days back about that17:14
Mandalore@metallicORIGIN: stay off the conspiracy webpages then.17:14
dejvoQUESTION: will ubuntu touch be avalable on low-performance phones like HTC Desire C ?17:16
Super_Hans_QUESTION: Will the mobile browser eventually replace firefox on the desktop.17:17
AdyTheBasswill Ubuntu Touch run at My Lumia 800?17:17
greenie25@dejvo depends on devs who will support them. likely not. @ady probably not :(17:18
AdyTheBassomg :(17:18
Skyline969QUESTION: Approximately how close is Ubuntu Touch to being usable as a "daily driver" on the Nexus 4?17:18
mhall119Skyline969: depending on your needs it already is17:18
mhall119Skyline969: it's been my daily driver for the last month17:19
mhall119except for alarms, which should be working soon17:19
JefersonAlgum Brasileiro??17:20
Skyline969Unfortunately that's a requirement for me. I was following this google doc (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArLs7UPtu-hJdDZDNWliMmV1YUJ3Zk1pQlpDdGp4VFE#gid=0) which seemed to be going over the progress. However, it states Bluetooth is still a work in progress. That's also a fairly large feature that I use on a daily basis. Is that document out of date?17:20
mhall119Skyline969: best to ask that as it's own QUESTION:17:21
Skyline969My apologies. I'll do that.17:21
pmcgowanSkyline969, BT just landed so that doc probably not updated yet17:22
pmcgowanwe do keep it updated17:22
pmcgowanwip also means no UI17:22
Skyline969Ah, okay. It looks like I'll be waiting until I start using Ubuntu Touch. I'm impressed with the progress so far though.17:23
spider623so any way to install it with out wiping the whole nexus 4?17:25
mhall119kenvandine is the Friends guy17:25
s7ianI bet canonical has an ace up the sleeve17:25
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spider623wait can they even see this chat?17:26
Super_Hans_QUESTION: Will the mobile browser eventually replace firefox on the desktop.17:26
HolkerWILL THERE BE UBUNTU ON KINDLES? Since you colaborating with Amazon...17:27
jasonamyersWOOT! Thanks Michael!17:27
tmcclelland47QUESTION: Will Chromium replace Firefox? And also, if it will, does it replace Firefox when you update?17:28
popeytmcclelland47: we're not replacing firefox with chromium in this release17:29
NikThtmcclelland47:  Firefox will remain the default browser for 13.10. You can follow for any updates this list : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2013-August/004271.html17:30
tmcclelland47popey: Alright. Thanks!17:30
Dafull97they need to add a way to run Windows programs easier17:30
spider623we will see selinux or apparmor in the final ubuntu touch?17:30
tmcclelland47Dafull97: Wine usually works well. But Ubuntu is a whole different kernel than Windows.17:31
HummyHi , how is ubuntu edge different from a linux distro on android.. speed, graphic and usability wise17:31
Dafull97yes true, i was jsut wondering17:31
Dafull97i use wine17:31
ampQESTION: In the video for the Ubuntu Edge Software story, somewhere it says that the convergence for Ubuntu Edge will be faster than Nexus 4, because it is built into the hardware. What does 'built into the hardware' mean?17:32
jasonamyersQUESTION: Any chance of getting an ubuntu one email service?17:32
spider623we will see selinux or apparmor in the final ubuntu touch?17:33
FOJCan ubuntu developers in Ghana be paid?17:34
grasshopperQUESTION: will Python3 be fully supported? Will python 2 packages still be included in the repositories?17:35
Dafull97so, do you guys just take good ideas from Ubuntu users and put them to action?17:37
mhall119if anybody has a question at any point during this session, ask them here starting it with "QUESTION: "17:37
spider623QUESTION: we will see selinux or apparmor in the final ubuntu touch?17:37
HummyQUESTION :Hi , how is ubuntu edge different from a linux distro on android.. speed, graphic and usability wise17:38
HolkerQUESTION: Will there be Ubuntu on Kindles?17:40
blokgangmichael hall needs some better internets17:40
mhall119blokgang: internets is fine, it's the hangout plugin that's being a pain17:40
Dafull97I think that you guys should like put more administrative abilities in Ubuntu17:41
dholbachbye guys! :)17:42
ubuntupunkUbuntu = bloat17:42
Dafull97I think that you guys should like put more administrative abilities in Ubuntu17:42
Dafull97I think that you guys should like put more administrative abilities in Ubuntu17:42
Dafull97I think that you guys should like put more administrative abilities in Ubuntu17:42
AdyTheBassTHX to u to17:42
jasonamyersThank you!17:43
s7ianthank you guys - keep up the good work17:43
tmcclelland47Thanks guys! Great show!17:43
tmcclelland47So I'm just gonna hang out here for a while...17:45
s7ian<-- 13.04 32bit17:46
tmcclelland47I'm stuck at 12.04 LTS, becuase my PC bricks itself trying to upgrade. But my PC is from about '04...17:46
s7ianthis one is from '0517:47
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s7ianLinux gave it a few years more17:48
s7ianIm pleased17:48
Tacoman3005Is this working?17:51
Tacoman3005test confirmed daffy17:52
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Tacoman3005I have a question, my birthday is the 2nd can I get something ;)17:52
s7iananother day17:53
tmcclelland47Nice. I had an old laptop and that Android distro expanded it's life.17:53
Tacoman3005Kevin is awesome :)17:53
s7ianandroid distro?17:53
s7ianfill me in pls17:53
tmcclelland47hold on. lemme find the link to it.17:53
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tmcclelland47Seems like a sin to post that on here...17:54
s7ianI tested android via virtualBox earlier - is this the same?17:55
tmcclelland47It might be. Android x86 is the best known and most widely used, so they might use their distros.17:56
s7ianI'll have to look up some screenshots17:57
s7ianlooks nice. I bet it has a ton of useful apps already17:58
s7ianAs long as it is linux based - im in17:59
tmcclelland47I made a thing on webchat.freenode.net called #androidonpc so if you wanna take this there...18:00
s7ianIm pro Linux - let the best distro win18:00
Sanchixxi'm testing android on desktop18:01
SanchixxI can see you guys18:01
SGS3we can see you18:01
tmcclelland47@s7ian I made a thing on webchat.freenode.net called #androidonpc, so hopefully if it works we can talk about this there...18:03
tmcclelland47__Wow there's two of me now...18:08
tmcclelland47__guess this is what I get for joining more than one of these18:08
tmcclelland47Either way, I don't care..18:09
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tmcclelland47people are still on this thing????18:42
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internalstoragensnz inş19:57
internalstorageis plugged in. Tap to unplug.19:57
DeepakIs it still live?20:39
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Daniel____Welcome everybody22:51

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