
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()02:11
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)05:31
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)05:31
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood during emergency mode)05:31
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1587 users, 12 overflows, 1599 limit))05:31
alex1234I think I'm finally getting to a point where I am no longer afraid of going to work. My fear has diminished somewhat06:13
alex1234I'm still afraid of the people I work with.06:13
alex1234It would be nice to have a job in IT or something but i will have to get certs06:14
chuThis isn't really the channel for this discussion.06:14
alex1234I remember reading on 4chan /g/ a database architect or something06:14
alex1234he said that he basically spent his entire day crafting these query strings or something and it was a solo job06:14
alex1234maybe I could get a job stacking food stuffs in a grocery store06:14
alex1234that sounds peaceful06:15
alex1234hi chu06:15
alex1234okay chu , I'll go to the #defocus-ops channel06:20
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu (spam)07:59
DJonesLooks like all klined now08:00
ikoniawhy are Kartagis's machine always such a mess ??? every problem is a maze of just junk09:35
DJonesAnd how does it get into such a mess, always seems to deny doing things, but somebody must have done it09:35
ikoniahe's a developer I believe for a company doing web stuff09:36
ikoniait's such a hassle resolving his issues as they are always just all over the place, he seems to have a real "pride" thing about using linux in his job, when the company he works for is setup for a microsoft platform09:37
ikoniaI think he's got a pretty solid sys admin at his place who sets things up, then he tries to customize it09:39
ikoniaencypted swap, but not root ????09:44
ikoniaanother disaster/crazy install09:44
Tm_Tikonia: but it's swap!09:48
ikoniautter bonkers09:48
ikoniaswap is secret, but the whole OS and private data - that's fine09:49
k1l_bantracker 54277  is touhou1112:14
IdleOnethank you12:15
k1l_my bells rang with that name and that spyware topic12:16
k1l_54281  is the most specific one.12:21
Picibad k1l_12:50
Picino opsnack12:50
k1l_i shouldnt multitask12:51
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu (tithan)14:04
DJonesIs CountryfiedLinux the same spyware troll?15:06
DJonesDifferent ip from what I can see15:07
bazhangapt-cache search nsa15:08
PiciWhat is Actionparsnip going on about?17:55
bazhangelixir said he wanted to do the !danger command17:57
bazhang<on join>17:57
bazhangthen started asking about 'sys admins'17:57
bazhangand hardware issues17:58
bazhang"BUT IM USING UBUNTU"17:58
Picioh, I missed the first part of it.17:58
bazhangfix my bmw!17:58
bazhangI'm using MINT, which is really Ubuntu!17:59
k1l_just give me the keys ;p18:00
k1l_"i will fix it for you" ;p18:00
bazhangI think ACparsnip is like a shark; if he stops supporting, his connection drops18:00
bazhangno matter how arcane or offtopic it is18:01
bazhang* catweazler (~dude@77-58-53-46.dclient.hispeed.ch) has joined #ubuntu+118:57
bazhang<catweazler> hi i got some problems with my telling bone18:57
bazhanghe has more than nine lives18:57
k1l_is this cornholio aka alteregoa?18:58
bazhangshaka, the walls something somthing18:59
Piciwhen the walls fell18:59
k1l_he was a real problem in the german channels, too. seems to be bored again18:59
ubottuShaka, when the walls fell.19:00
bazhanghe loves to speak romulan19:00
ikoniain that case he is a "varule"19:01
bazhangis that also mernilio?19:01
ikoniano idea, it's Romulan19:02
bazhangfnordistus is the usual real name19:02
DJonesWhy would somebody need to install nvidia drivers on UBuntu server? I can't see any logical reason for them being needed19:36
PiciCUDA maybe?19:37
DJonesI guess they could well have installed a gui over the server, just seemed an added complication19:38
geniiIsn't that what xvfb is for?19:45

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