
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
pittiGood morning05:23
DanChapmangood morning all06:58
elfymorning DanChapman06:58
smartboyhwHey DanChapman elfy06:59
DanChapmanhey elfy, smartboyhw06:59
=== iahmad is now known as iahmad|lunch
slickymastermorning all08:50
smartboyhwHey slickymaster08:51
slickymastersmartboyhw, hi there, smartboyhw08:52
=== iahmad|lunch is now known as iahmad
phillwsmartboyhw: way to go! (lxle)... I'm tackling him on failbook... he's goofed up and does not wish to admit it, despite the glaring facts on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker :D09:33
smartboyhwphillw, HEH09:34
phillwI'm expecting a ban :P09:35
smartboyhwphillw, LOL09:36
slickymasterknome, when you'll have a minute or two to spare, ping me please09:42
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== _salem is now known as salem_
smartboyhwHey SergioMeneses13:46
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, morning!13:47
smartboyhwSergioMeneses, I made the Lubuntu team quite happy today:P13:50
smartboyhwRare thing (I normally bring sadness:P013:50
SergioMenesesyou made it, why?13:51
SergioMeneseswhat happen?13:51
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, ↑↑↑↑13:53
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
smartboyhwSergioMeneses, look at lubuntu's mailiing list would you?14:04
SergioMeneses /o/14:04
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, about the LXLE paradigm?14:07
smartboyhwSergioMeneses, yeah14:07
* SergioMeneses is reading the paste14:08
SergioMenesesgreat work smartboyhw \o/14:09
smartboyhwSergioMeneses, thank you:)14:09
SergioMenesesI'll be back soon14:10
melodieanyone here interested about some bugs in Lxappearance ?15:00
smartboyhwHello melodie. For LXApperarence bugs, just report it to Launchpad. Probably phillw1 will care more about it though..15:00
melodiehi smartboyhw my guess is that it might have already been reported, and being using several distros almost at same time it's a bit difficult atm to do more than a fast discussion about it15:03
smartboyhwmelodie, now I'm not a Lubuntu team member, so you should contact phillw1 (who is Lubuntu QA Lead)15:04
melodieI'll try to see him on the chan later if he comes15:05
melodiethank you15:05
knomeslickymaster, ping15:10
slickymasterknome, hi. quick question15:14
slickymastertoday, when ISO testing today's daily build I noticed that in the second slide of the installation slideshow there's a mention to Raring15:15
knomeslickymaster, xubuntu?15:16
slickymasterknome: yes15:16
slickymasterknome, the slide in question is the one with an image of an email and in the body of it it's written something like "I just wanted to tell you.... Xubuntu - codename Rarirng Ringtail - has been released"15:17
knomeok, that's known15:17
knomei have a fix for that in a LP branch15:17
knomeslickymaster, https://code.launchpad.net/~knome/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/xubuntu-131015:18
slickymasterknome: my bad, sorry. Didn't saw that15:19
knomeno problem :)15:19
knomeif you want to test the new slideshow, branch the branch and in the branch directory, type ./test-slideshow.sh xubuntu15:19
* smartboyhw wonders if knome can 1. Add upgrade testcases for UbuntuKylin in saucy and 2. Maybe help update the studio slideshows...15:20
smartboyhwI mean, the ISO QA Tracker for 1.15:20
knomesmartboyhw, i'll see what i can do.15:21
slickymasterknome: will do it15:25
* slickymaster wonders how knome manages to not get lost among the huge pile of projects in his hands15:26
knomeslickymaster, dunno. :)15:27
smartboyhwslickymaster, +115:27
slickymasterknome, nevertheless it's amazing15:27
* smartboyhw agrees with slickymaster15:27
slickymastersmartboyhw: :)15:27
smartboyhwknome is one of the best community people I've ever met;P15:27
* slickymaster absolutely concurs with smartboyhw 15:28
* smartboyhw wonders if one day he will be included in http://open.knome.fi/ "People" list, sigh15:28
slickymastersmartboyhw: well, it's something really worth to aim for15:30
smartboyhwslickymaster, LOL15:30
knomesmartboyhw, ubuntukylin upgrade tests are now added to the upgrade product. i'd imagine they'll show up the next time things are rebuilt.15:30
knomesmartboyhw, if you need that before that, i'd poke balloons about it since he knows for sure how to get them show up right away15:30
smartboyhwPhew, am back15:34
knome18:30  knome: smartboyhw, ubuntukylin upgrade tests are now added to the upgrade product. i'd imagine they'll show up the next time things are rebuilt.15:35
knome18:30  knome: smartboyhw, if you need that before that, i'd poke balloons about it since he knows for sure how to get them show up right away15:35
smartboyhwknome, \o/15:35
smartboyhwThank you knome15:35
knomeno problem15:36
knomere: people -list; once you start writing articles that i find interesting (for my readers) ;)15:36
smartboyhwknome, heh heh15:36
smartboyhwknome, but what DO you find interesting (for your readers)? ....15:37
knomesmartboyhw, there's no formulae for that :P15:38
slickymastersmartboyhw: one way to find out is to read the previous articles written by someone already listed15:39
smartboyhwslickymaster, agreed15:39
knomewell, even that doesn't guarantee anything :P15:39
smartboyhwSigh, I can't write as good as knome15:39
knomehah, thanks, i guess ;)15:39
* slickymaster thinks smartboyhw is in for a ride15:40
knomethough that's kind of a lie15:40
knomei do ask for people to review some of my articles for clarity, logic and grammar errors and just if it "makes sense"15:40
knomeit's not something you do in a day, but that's not how i think blogging should be done15:41
slickymasterknome: every writer needs its editor15:41
knomeif one wanted to have as much readers as possible, then the right way would be "release often"15:42
smartboyhwHeh, that's not what I do, I'm running out of topics these days15:42
smartboyhwWill have to wait till either/and/or 1. I get to become Kubuntu Dev 2. My Season of KDE project is accepted 3. Ubuntu Studio releases...15:43
smartboyhwHmm, maybe I should write one about QA...15:43
smartboyhwShall get to it tmr15:45
knomeit's never a bad idea to write what you're working on and shed some light into those subjects, if you have the time and motivation15:45
smartboyhwEh, maybe a full summary of my work the past year15:45
smartboyhw(and one month)15:45
knomewell that's a huge undertaking15:46
smartboyhwProbably too long:P15:46
knomewriting about 1 year ago is a lot harder than writing about today15:46
smartboyhwknome, fortunately there's something called irclogs.ubuntu.com :15:47
knomeyes, but gathering data takes a lot of time.15:47
* smartboyhw isn't sure if there's any data, IIRC15:47
smartboyhwThere's only information15:47
smartboyhwAll pre-processed15:47
knomewhat ever you want to call it15:47
knomemining it will take time15:48
smartboyhwknome, so the Mir decision meeting is on Thursday right?15:48
* smartboyhw will attend to see how Xubuntu reacts15:48
smartboyhwSigh, let me see if I can break my record of testing 12.04 point releases (:P)15:48
slickymasterknome: at what time is the meeting?15:53
knomeslickymaster, 15utc15:53
slickymasterknome: thanks15:53
knomenp :(15:53
knomei should take a quick nap and then work on something...15:53
* slickymaster fresh coffee all around15:54
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
knomeslickymaster, yeah, coffee now :)16:24
* slickymaster is pouring it and offers it to knome 16:25
knomehehe, i got my own ;)16:26
knomesome dark roasted16:27
slickymastermy favorite. over here we always drink our coffee black, specially expressos16:29
knomeyup, i like the dark roasted very much as well16:29
senancan someone please tell me why Disk usage analyser not launching ..http://paste.ubuntu.com/6007060/16:45
slickymasterknome: got go, cy17:30
slickymastergood evening, all21:14
* slickymaster is away: I'm busy22:29
* slickymaster is away: [Got to work]22:30
* slickymaster is away: Got to work>22:30
* slickymaster is away: <Got to work>22:31
* slickymaster is away: Got to work22:32
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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