
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
smoserhallyn_, stgraber what happened with this02:22
smoserdid that get in in some form ?02:22
sarnoldsmoser: I saw some keen monitor mechanism when I did the lxc MIR audit; check out src/lxc/monitor.c and see if it looks like what you need or want02:45
sarnold(normally I'm against anything that deviates too far from APUE's daemonize() or daemon() function, but this was surprising in a nice way. :)02:46
smoserhm.. i didn't even bother looking at code.02:49
smoserreading that thread, i kind of wished they'd gone a similar route to qemu guest agent02:49
roastedhello friends04:09
ScottKLooks like nodejs can be synced.  That would fix installability of node-resolve.06:17
=== smb` is now known as smb
PupenoIs there a way to see the stdout of a process that cron is running right now?07:56
cefkhi allesamt. wenns um routing geht - ohne nat - gibts da nen trick oder ist in sysctl mit ip_forward = 1 alles getan? ich kriegs nämlich nicht hin - hab mittlerweile auch routing-regeln editiert etc .. weiss nicht mehr weiter. - hat jemand kurz zeit und nerv für sowas?10:29
cefkwrong language, sorry. I have an 8-NIC ubuntu server, that should route between 8 different networks. I do not want it to do NAT, so as I understand the Routing-Wiki, I need to set ip_foward to 1 via sysctl and be done. Is that true, or do I have to use the nat-rule (postrouting/masquerading)?11:00
=== HackeMate is now known as hxm
ivokszul: pingy pongy11:29
zulivoks:  just waking up11:29
ivokszul: here's something to make it quicker ;) https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/121427511:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1214275 in cloud-archive "libjs-swfobject missing in Havana staging" [Undecided,New]11:29
zulivoks:  cool ill have a look11:29
ivoksor jamespage ^11:30
jamespageivoks, thanks....11:30
jamespageI'll let zul backport that  :-)11:30
ivoksit's not easy11:30
ivokswe also have this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/121025311:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1210253 in horizon "With Havana 2 installed, Launching horizon UI results in the error " NameError: name 'Dashboard' is not defined"" [Undecided,Incomplete]11:30
jamespageDaviey, if you have time python-websocket-client, python-jujuclient and juju-deployer are all in the NEW queue for saucy now11:39
ivokszul: i believe this is specific to django 5.111:43
Davieyjamespage: Yes, i'm sure i can do them today11:49
jamespageDaviey, thanks!11:50
Davieyjamespage: I am wondering if UCA needs some better tooling to check deps are satisfied11:50
DavieyThere has been a few whoopees11:50
jamespageDaviey, probably - do you know how the installability checker works in -proposed? that would be useful11:54
Davieyjamespage: it's plain Britney ?11:55
Davieyjamespage: Hmm, do you know why the Havana uploads for UCA 'b3' rather than 'h3' ?12:55
DavieyFor Grizzly we did G3.12:55
jamespageDaviey, just lining up behind how upstream named things for havana12:56
Davieyjamespage: Oh, you are quite right12:57
zuljamespage:  im going to be synching up the cloud-archive today12:59
jamespagezul, +1 please do12:59
jamespagewe are a few weeks off h3 but good to get it done in advance12:59
jamespagezul, pls can you remember to backport the packages in the lab as well so we stay in sync12:59
zuljamespage:  ack13:00
zuljamespage:  the new openvswitch is ok for the CA i know that we had problems with libvirt so im delaying libvirt for now at least13:02
jamespagezul, openvswitch -> CA - OK13:03
jamespagezul, ack on libvirt13:03
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
hallyn_smoser: we've never agreed on a sufficiently distro-generic solution.  In the end (in another thread iirc) people agreed they should do it manually for now.  For example have lxc.mount.entry bind-mount a file or dir into the container which userspace in the container updates when it is read13:08
hallyn_smoser: i can mail you an mbox with most of that thread for easier perusal than the web interface13:09
hallyn_(i hate the sf mail archive interface)13:09
smoserhallyn_, nah. no worries.13:09
smoserone comment i have i sthat it seems *very* simlar to the qemu-agent13:09
smoserin overall goal / function / usefulness13:10
smoserit'd be very good if a solution could be made that utilized that13:10
hallyn_do you use qemu-ga?13:11
hallyn_it's not too far from what i'm suggesting.  we bind-mount a file or a socket into the container so that the container can update it.13:12
zuljamespage:  looking at the qa report greenlet is at ubuntu2 in the ppa but ubuntu1 is in the ca13:12
jamespagezul, is ok in the staging PPA13:13
zuljamespage:  i think so13:13
jamespagezul, yeah - I did the update in ubuntu so I pushed to the staging ppa as well13:13
zuljamespage:  ack13:13
hallyn_smoser: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/61388  QEMU Guest Agent CVE-2013-2231 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability13:16
uvirtbothallyn_: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-2231)13:16
* hallyn_ dives deeper to make sure i'ts not a fundamental design issue13:17
smoserhallyn_, nice. :)13:18
hallyn_yeah no so qemu-ga wants to provide full QMP access.  i really don't think we want anything like that.  just a 'done booted' status update, maybe a few more like that (maybe a free-form text field)13:18
hallyn_that's all you want right?13:19
smoserhallyn_, i really dont care about a silly 'booted'13:19
hallyn_then what do you care about?13:19
hallyn_i'm sure it's not "silly"13:19
smoserif you're going to create a communication pipe, then you should create a communication pipe.13:19
hallyn_to what end13:20
hallyn_hm, http://www.securiteam.com/securitynews/5DP2Y2KAWA.html seems to be a different one13:20
smoserpeople want such things. i'm not sure why.13:20
smoserbut generally, it seems like a useful thing13:20
smoserbut doing a one way pipe seems not that useful to me.13:20
hallyn_to what end, when you can just lxc-attach into the container13:20
hallyn_well, two-way pipe, maybe.  having guest send requests for action to host, i dno't think so13:21
smoserthose actions can be ignored.13:21
smoserthe pipe is the big thing really.13:21
hallyn_yeah sure if the host is functioning perfectly13:21
hallyn_or, "always ignored"?  ok :)13:21
smoserand qemu-ga is trying to have some communication protocol over a generic pipe13:21
smoserthats what i think is sane.13:22
hallyn_i'm not opposed, once we have specific examples of needs.  so far,13:23
smoseri dont have strong feelings here. but i dont think that doing a little one way status pipe is particularly useful.13:23
hallyn_we've had several requests for 'done booting' message - from different ppl at different times.13:23
hallyn_and that's all we've ever gotten that i can recall13:23
smoseri just saw the discussion and thought it was interesting.13:24
smoseropenstack basically has this same desire13:24
smoserin the end its very guest dependent.13:24
smoserthus my desire for some standard communication protocol13:24
smoserover a hypervisor specific bi-directional socket13:25
hallyn_right, so you want lxc to provide what qemu provides so guests can be hypervisor independent13:25
hallyn_i'm not opposed to that, i just need more specific examples :)  nova uses something like that?13:25
hallyn_could cloud-init use it by chance?13:25
smosernova does not use anything like this yet.13:25
smoserthe only usecase that i can ever actually come up with where the guest would need such a thing is "snapshot"13:26
smoserie, where guest would freeze its filesystem, and then ask the host to snapshot it, and then unfreeze.13:26
smoserto ensure consistent.13:26
smoseri figure at some point nova will end up with something like this.13:27
smoserand at that point i would like a generic guest agent (or at least generic communication protoco)13:27
smoserand at that point i'd like our images to have a agent, and i'd like for them to "just work" to do the same generic stuff on lxc as on openstack13:28
jamespagezul, I ready backported ceph - http://people.canonical.com/~jamespage/ca/13:35
jamespagebut I've not uploaded yet13:35
zuljamespage:  +1, im just doing build testing here13:36
=== robbiew1 is now known as robbiew
HakamedaAynone that could help me with a script for running a minecraft server. Specfically it will load from a hardrive to a ramdisk, Run, The when its done save to a hardrive before exiting. I'm making some sort of silly mistake no doubt in the script13:42
RoyKHakameda: you shouldn't need a ramdisk - linux does good caching as it is, and with a ramdisk, you'll lose it all if the system goes down13:50
HakamedaIt's just an old server, Trying to run a 121 Mods on it. Figured may get some extra out of it with a ram disk. The script does a save and a backup on intervals as well13:51
RoyKHakameda: linux should do this caching for you automatically13:52
HakamedaSo if we did set it up, It most likely wouldn't help? Still new to using it. Lots to learn13:53
RoyKwell, it would help, but if you just use a normal disk, linux will cache whatever most used and keep that in RAM13:53
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
HakamedaWe had it set up and running without the ram disk, It was getting massive lag spikes when it came to world generation13:54
RoyKoh, ic13:57
RoyKperhaps an SSD would do better?  ;)13:57
HakamedaI guess worst case remove some mods but that does take away the fun haha. Upgrading hardware just wasn't an option atm13:58
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
RoyKit's true that linux' caching won't help much for writes14:05
RoyKext4 supports delayed writes, and that would help a bit, but not a whole lot14:06
RoyKwhich filesystem are you using?14:06
mardraumhow much ram are you giving to minecraft14:06
HakamedaI used just the default install, The server just runs TS3 and now this MC Server14:07
HakamedaIt's getting 2GB14:07
mardraum2GB is fine for a lightly loaded minecraft server, try it without your mods and it shoudl run ok14:08
HakamedaI can run it with 2GB on Windows and it does fine, But it just stutters when trying to do it on the ubuntu server. The mods is the whole reason for the server =)14:10
mardraumso you try it on windows with identical mods and no other services on the same hardware and internet connection and it works fine?14:11
HakamedaYes, I first ran it from Windows. Thought i could get more preformance by using an Ubuntu Server14:13
mardraumlooks like you can't hey14:14
mardraumif, as you say, all is equal on each side, then perhaps your mods are better optimised to run under the windows java implementation14:15
RoyKHakameda: is this with oracle java or openjdk?14:17
* LargePrime runs a Tekkit Classic server with 100 people that never uses over 1GB14:18
HakamedaRoyk: openjdk14:18
mardraumLargePrime: 100 simultaneous on 1GB?14:20
LargePrimeare the mods using mysql?14:20
LargePrimemardraum: ya14:20
LargePrimemcpc+ for the win14:20
mardraumis it public?14:21
LargePrimewell an old spigot build14:21
LargePrimeya, and cracked14:21
HakamedaThe one im doing is 120 Mods, Specfically Its FTB Unleashed + Gregtech and some other smaller mods14:21
LargePrimeFTB and greg is very heavy and laggy14:21
mardraumyou run a cracked minecraft server for 100 people on 1GB of ram14:22
LargePrimei dont know why14:22
LargePrimemardraum:  no, it has 3GB, but never uses over 1GB14:22
HakamedaIts only the world generation thats causing grief, I tried to grab Nallar's Tickthreading but the jenkins for it was down when i last checked14:22
LargePrimemardraum:  so sorts?14:22
mardraumis it because you all stand around the same area be dickheads?14:23
LargePrimemardraum: I object!  we dont have to stand around together to be dickheads14:23
LargePrimewe can be dickheads apart14:23
HakamedaOnly trying to run a 4 person server too14:23
LargePrimeI got a World border at 3000 blocks14:24
LargePrimeHakameda:  I also have a FTB server, ultimate and 1.4.7.  it has 8 people and no server lag, and get tonns of client lag14:24
LargePrimeand it makes no sence to me14:25
HakamedaI don't get client lag, Its Worldgen Lag. Block Lag.14:25
=== ema_ is now known as ema
zuljamespage:  looks like flask needs python-itsdangerous14:26
LargePrimehak, does it cause ticl lag?  like does /lag show a drop?14:26
HakamedaWhen new chunks are generated, It does cause Tick lag14:27
LargePrimeyou can pregen all the chunks14:27
LargePrimewith worldguard?14:27
HakamedaSo says cofh tps, As i can't download tickthreading atm14:27
HakamedaThe jenkins is down14:27
LargePrimeyou run MCPC+14:28
HakamedaNope, No need its a private. I thought the plugins would be extra strain that i didn't need14:28
jamespagezul, hrm - yes14:28
jamespagezul, I thought I uploaded to saucy already?14:29
jamespagezul, in which case yes we do need to include python-itsdangerous14:29
LargePrimeMCPC+ is also lighter and faster14:29
jamespagesorry - I must have missed that14:29
LargePrimei recommend14:29
LargePrimeyou dont HAVE to run the plugins14:30
HakamedaMCPC+ itself would be another larger mod to add14:30
zuljamespage:  for the CA14:30
jamespagezul, yep14:31
jamespageceilometer uses entry points so everything #explodes unless deps line up!14:31
LargePrimeCAn I ask a mysql silly noob question?  I want to move all my mysql stuff to /home cause need room.  can i just move it all and symlink /var/lib/mysql to the dir?14:32
LargePrimeand restart?14:32
LargePrimeor is that stupid14:32
LargePrimewas it something i said?14:37
zuljamespage:  also python-pbr will be need to built before the clients and swift as well14:57
jamespagezul, why?14:58
jamespageif so please version the build dependency14:58
jamespageotherwise things get complicated...14:58
zuljamespage:  otherwise ftbfs because a newer pbr is required14:58
jamespagezul, OK _ so version the BD14:58
zuljamespage:  ack14:58
jamespagethat way it gets a dep-wait rather than fud14:58
jamespageand things just sort themselves out14:59
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
SiebjeeDoes some one know the new IRC channel of Canonical, or has a phone numer of the sales department ?15:29
arosalessmoser, fyi you are on the hook for todays ubuntu server meeting15:31
smoseroh joy.15:33
smoserSiebjee, what are you looking for help with ?15:33
SiebjeeSupport Sales15:33
smoserthere isn't a cnaonical support irc channel15:34
Siebjee#canonical has been moved, and the link they have in the irc channel no one has permissions to view it :)15:34
smoserSiebjee, http://www.ubuntu.com/about/contact-us/form15:36
smoseri think the reason for the move was that '#canonical' was an internal canonical channel, which is now moved to an internal server.15:36
zuljamespage:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-ceilometerclient/pbr/+merge/18107915:36
smoserbut you should be able to use that web form. above.15:36
Siebjeesmoser, already filled it in 2 days ago. However, i need to have a chat with them like yesterday. Was hoping to speak to them sooner before they contact me15:37
zuljamespage/roaksoax: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-novaclient/pbr/+merge/18108015:38
PiciSiebjee: The "Our Address" section of this page has phone numbers: http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/contact15:38
SiebjeePici, already tried. They aint redirecting my call correctly.. All of them seem to be out of the office :x15:39
zuljamespage/roaksoax: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-cinderclient/pbr/+merge/18108215:40
jamespagezul, +1 +115:40
jamespagecinderclient - not sure - do you still need to drop all the patches?15:41
jamespagezul, for reference - https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/python-cinderclient/drop-patches/+merge/18023015:42
jamespagethat was a trunk fix15:42
jamespagezul, oh - a btw flash looks like its creating issues in ceilometer15:42
zulflask you mean?15:43
smoserfor anyone reading backscroll, i got Siebjee hooked up.  Sorry that was difficult.15:43
jamespagezul: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/121285115:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1212851 in ceilometer "iso8601 date parsing test failures (maybe with flask 0.10.1 )" [Undecided,New]15:44
jamespagezul; yeah- I do mean that15:45
zuliso8601 im gonig to get rid of iso8601 last update according to pypi was 200715:46
rbasakzul: what do you mean by get rid of it?15:48
zulrbasak:  replace it with dateutil15:48
rbasak ValueError: Unable to parse date string u'Mon, 27 Aug 2012 07:00:00 GMT'15:49
rbasakThat's not an iso8601 formatted date anyway15:49
rbasakAnyway my concern was just that I use python-iso8601 in other stuff. No comment on the ceilometer bug.15:50
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Patrickdkpeople use iso dates? other than mysql?16:09
ogra_Patrickdk, yes, 99% of the world use iso dates16:10
arosalessmoser, thanks for following up with Siebjee16:47
Arrickhey all, I am trying to get cron jobs to run on ubuntu 12.04 LTS... every time I try to run it, it tells me cron is not running.... how do I get it to run?17:07
rbasak!details | Arrick17:09
ubottuArrick: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:09
rbasakPlease define "every time I try to run it", paste the actual output, not your interpretation of what it says, etc.17:09
ArrickI am trying to get a cron.php script to run every 5 minutes, and I have used crontab -e to put in this minus quotes "*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/cron.php" .... If I try to run the cron.php file using "php /path/to/cron.php" it runs fine... I also have a cron_watcher.php in the same directory that */15 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/cron.php" is supposed to run every 15 minutes.... when I run it manually, it reports "Cron is not running".17:12
ArrickI am using ubuntu server 12.04 LTS, which is running "Totara LMS"... I need to setup the cron job for the updates, etc.17:13
Arrickso... my question is "how do I get Cron running?"17:13
PiciArrick: What do you mean by "when I run it manually, it reports "Cron is not running""? What exactly are you typing in?17:13
ArrickI am typing in php  /path/to/cron_watcher.php17:14
Arrickwhich reports if cron is running or not.17:14
Arricktotara lms is basicaly a customized moodle install.17:14
ogra_did you check your logs ?17:15
ArrickI havent got a clue where to look.17:15
PiciDoes  service cron status   actually tell you that cron is running?17:15
ogra_/var/log/syslog for a start17:15
Arrickcron start/running, process 115217:16
ogra_so cron runs fine17:16
rbasakSounds like a problem or incompatibility with your cron_watcher.php. It might be better to try their community channel for help.17:18
Arrickthats what i am starting to think now that I see what that said.17:19
rbasakFor cron.php itself, are you sure you're running the cron job as the correct user?17:19
rbasakAlso note that PATH may not match, since cron's default PATH is rather insane. It's documented in the manpage.17:20
Arrickrunning it as root presently for testing, should be running properly.17:20
Arrickim looking at the logs now17:20
Arrickit looks like the cron.php is running now.17:20
hallyn_smoser: good news is i've got snapshot dependency tracking working..17:51
hallyn_right now though i'm out for a walk and lunch - will post the patch later today17:52
=== whaley_ is now known as whaley
argeswhats the difference between updated and outstanding merges?19:03
argesoops, this was meant for -devel19:03
roasted_hello friends21:10
roasted_have any of you had success with having a server running root on an SSD21:10
roasted_cause so far I've burnt out two SSDs running /21:10
* RoyK has21:11
roasted_in a matter of 5 months21:11
roasted_RoyK: do you have swap on your server21:11
roasted_with the SSD on21:11
roasted_ /21:11
roasted_why the snot did I have two fry21:11
roasted_this is enraging me21:11
RoyKbut not much memory pressure - 8 gigs of ram21:11
roasted_yeah - I have 4gb21:11
roasted_I rarely hit half that21:11
roasted_I don't think I'm going to bother putting an SSD back in this21:15
roasted_I'm sick of this :/21:15
roasted_plus I have no other SSDs to spare21:15
LargePrime2 ssd in 5 months, means all under warranty?21:17
LargePrimessd had a bad batch some while ago21:17
LargePrimecould be pure luck21:17
geniiThose Vertex 2 had issues21:18
geniieg: They would hibernate and never wake up21:19
roasted_these are Corsairs21:19
roasted_V4 and M421:19
roasted_bought about 4 months apart21:19
LargePrimeyou play with swappyness?21:22
geniiHm. Looks like some of the Corsair same type of issue, according to http://forum.corsair.com/v3/showthread.php?t=96663   ( in this case they do a Windows regedit to disable powersave )21:25
roasted_genii: I wonder if that's kind of a different issue, though...21:27
roasted_genii: it'll run great for months, then the issue comes up again. Some people are saying, yeah been 24h running great...21:27
roasted_on a brand new SSD, it was perfect from the get go for a long time, then out of no where, RO21:27
* genii sips and ponders.21:28
roasted_I have some spare hdds. I just might throw one in and be done with it.21:28
roasted_the main advantage with a server/ssd combo was less moving parts, so I figured it would last longer. But at this rate, screw that.21:29
roasted_I didn't even have this many failures with seagate HDDs. :P21:29
roasted_fortunately I tar /var and /etc nightly and rsync it to a 2nd server on my LAN, so I have backups of my configs. I can install ubuntu server, install some services, copy/paste, done in no time.21:30
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
roasted_plus I have 5 160GB HDDs on the shelf... I might use one of them, pull a full disk image, and that way I have a full image + spare drives on the ready.21:32
LargePrimewhile ssd's have less moving parts, they still are a newer tech.  so failures are bond to happen?  Are lower MTBFs expected with SSds?21:33
roasted_LargePrime: what gave me confidence about these SSDs is we have the same model SSDs running Linux on desktops at work...21:33
roasted_there's been 1 or 2 failures, but there's like... 200? 300 systems?21:33
roasted_been running all day every day (during school anyway, not on during summers or at night) for a year.21:34
LargePrimeso you are saying this was just luck21:34
roasted_I swear by SSDs on my end user systems 10000X21:34
roasted_what I'm wondering is if an SSD in a *server* plays a different role that is working against me.21:34
LargePrimecant see it21:34
LargePrimesmart have any help for you?21:35
roasted_I ran smart against the last drive - it was definitely toast. I'll run it against this one quick...21:35
roasted_if I can remember the command...21:36
roasted_I didn't instal smartmontools, and it's refusing to let me install right now due to the fact it's hosed.21:37
roasted_I'll pull the drive and USB bridge it into my laptop and scan it. That's waht I did last time.21:37
roasted_this SSD has only been 'live' for... 3 weeks? a month?21:37
roasted_long enough for me to fine tune it, at the very least.21:37
roasted_ironically I was going to take it down this weekend and pull an image of it since it's *finally* where I want it. derp.21:37
LargePrimethat seems right.  if they fail, typically, they fail fast21:37
roasted_at any rate, it's not the image that matters most to me. Waht matters most to me are the configs.21:38
roasted_and I have a nettop running ubuntu server on my LAN too... I rsync configs to it nightly.21:38
roasted_so I can have all of my services running as quickly as I can nano into each config and paste the contents in21:38
roasted_can you run / on a pair of mdadm RAID'd drives?21:41
roasted_I run mdadm on my data drives in a mirror, but I never tried to run mdadm on a software RAID'd drive.21:41
roasted_bad idea, perhaps? good idea? eh...21:42
=== hit is now known as cosmin
Patrickdkit's ok, but you must configure it correctly21:51
Patrickdkor it won't boot21:51
roasted_maybe I'll just stick to a single drive for /21:52
roasted_and rely on image backups and my nightly config backups21:52
roasted_the data is what maters most, and that's backed up and on a mirrored array anyway, so... I just want to avoid having to redo the OS drive as much as possible as its a real pain21:53
sidneigenii: i had issues with Vertex too, had to RMA it, when i got a replacement I sold it and got an intel one instead *wink*.22:01
roasted_vertex is.... corsair?22:03
geniiroasted_: OCZ22:03
roasted_yeah I read about OCZ issues22:03
roasted_hese are crucial22:03
roasted_I think I said corsair earlier on accident.22:03
geniiI think there are more generalized problems with the Sandforce controller though, which is in models by many different manufacturers22:03
sarnold(including new intel)22:04
Patrickdkheh? pretty sure the sandforce issues where solved22:08
Patrickdkmany ssd's using them don't have issues22:08
Patrickdklots of them using it, doesh ave issues22:08
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=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying

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