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sil2100jamesh: hi!07:13
jameshsil2100: hi07:13
sil2100jamesh: yesterday evening someone pointed out some problems with the mediascanner packages in -proposed, strangely in the socket it's failing to build due to flacky unit tests for amd64 and i386 ;/07:14
sil2100jamesh: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mediascanner/0.3.93-0ubuntu1/+build/488910407:15
sil2100jamesh: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mediascanner/0.3.93-0ubuntu1/+build/488910607:15
jameshsil2100: yeah.  I just noticed that about half an hour ago when talking to thostr_07:15
sil2100jamesh: I guess that it would pass after some re-tries, but they asked me to poke you and maybe fix it07:15
jameshI'm looking into it07:15
jameshsil2100: once we have that issue fixed, is there anything else needed to get mediascanner on to daily-release?07:16
sil2100jamesh: I *guess* not, we usually require integration tests, but those will be provided by the scope side, right?07:17
jameshsil2100: yes.  Currently the scope only has unit tests, but I have some ideas about how to do some simple integration tests07:18
sil2100jamesh: ok then, I'll just propose one more branch with some small packaging things that the guys pointed out, and then we can bootstrap it and add it to daily-release - once the unit tests are fixed up07:20
sil2100Same for the scope07:20
jameshsil2100: since your intial package, we discovered and fixed a class of bugs that were causing crashes on ARM07:21
sil2100jamesh: excellent - so now, all that is left is the unit tests problems, and maybe this small branch07:30
sil2100I prepare all things from the daily-release side07:31
jameshsil2100: I think the test suite bug triggered by the tests being run in parallel -- one of the test fixtures creates and deletes temporary files in a well known path relative to $PWD.07:32
jameshsil2100: It's probably worth fixing, but a short term fix would be to not run tests in parallel07:32
sil2100jamesh: the workaround is fine enough with me07:33
tsdgeossil2100: ping07:40
tsdgeosdednick: you anything to do with the battery indicator?07:42
dednicktsdgeos: depends on what's wrong.07:42
tsdgeosi have a red icon and then when pulling the battery indicator it tells me i've 83% charged :D07:42
dednicktsdgeos: yeah. i've seen that07:43
tsdgeosdednick: where do i report a bug? unity8?07:43
dednicktsdgeos: probably against indicator-power07:43
divansantanaHi All, I'm using the latest hud=13.10.1daily13.08.16.1-101 build. I noticed that the HUD stopped searching the indicators quite a while ago. Is that a known regression?07:43
tsdgeosdivansantana: yes07:44
divansantanaCan't seem to find a bug report on it.07:44
tsdgeosdivansantana: probably not much people was using it :D07:44
divansantanaIs it planned to be put back for saucy release?07:44
divansantanaI find it extremely useful.07:44
tsdgeosi think not, but not sure, seb128 do you remember what are the plans regarding hud searching indicators ?07:45
divansantanaShould I file a bug report? Or is it a decision that will not be implemented for some reason?07:45
seb128divansantana, it's a bug07:45
divansantanaI loved it to search diodon clipboard for stuff. And other indicators.07:45
divansantanayou guys rock thanks for the quick response.07:45
divansantanaseb128 is there a bug report that is open to the public where I can view it? Couldn't find it.07:46
sil2100tsdgeos: pong!07:47
seb128divansantana, bug #116542007:47
tsdgeossil2100: so yesterday i added some unittests for unity-mir, but they fail since they need the platform-api thing to be able of working07:47
ubot5bug 1165420 in Unity HUD "Unable to access the messaging menu from HUD" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116542007:47
tsdgeossil2100: gerry and me were wondering how does mir itself runs the tests and if you had any idea how it would work for unity-mir07:48
seb128tsdgeos, there is no real "plan", it should work, that's a bug07:48
tsdgeosseb128: oh, i thought it was deemed an acceptable regression when introducing the new hud, sorry about that07:48
sil2100tsdgeos: give me a moment07:49
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divansantanatsdgeos seb128. Thanks again. cherio07:49
seb128tsdgeos, I would not be surprised if ted though that, but as far as I'm concerned it should be fixed before release07:49
tsdgeossil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-mir/application_manager_tests/+merge/180898 for reference, though the jenkins links are gone07:49
tsdgeosseb128: oka07:49
jameshsil2100: for disabling parallel tests, passing --max-parallel=1 to dh_auto_test should do it, right?08:03
sil2100jamesh: should be enough08:05
sil2100jamesh: just put a comment there on why we do such a thing08:06
sil2100So that the distro guys don't skin us alive08:06
Saviqmzanetti, hey, some warnings from launcher (when you click between items) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6005590/08:08
Saviqmzanetti, also "QObject::connect: Cannot connect QQuickShaderEffectSource:: to ShapeItem_QML_122::onImagePropertiesChanged()"08:08
mzanettiSaviq: I'll check it out08:08
Saviqmzanetti, but that's UbuntuShape being tricked into using a ShaderEffectSource, I htink08:09
Saviqmzanetti, do we have designs for the quicklist?08:09
mzanettiSaviq: yes... looks quite different that what I have now08:09
Saviqmzanetti, like shouldn't it show up next to the launcher?08:09
mzanettiSaviq: but I'd prefer to do the themeing in a separate branch08:09
mzanettiSaviq: yes. it should show up next to the launcher, but that's a limitation of the popover currently08:10
mzanettiSaviq: bug is reported08:10
Saviqmzanetti, you can force the horizontal alignment, can't you?08:10
mzanettiI don't think... unless I missed something08:10
Saviqmzanetti, well, you *could* but it'd be pretty hacky08:11
mzanettiSaviq: how?08:11
Saviqmzanetti, you'd need an object aligned to where you want the popover to be08:11
Saviqmzanetti, and pass that to Popover.open()08:12
Saviqand provide { 'pointerTarget': launcherItem } or similar08:12
mzanettino... it still will be above or below as long as there is enough space08:12
mzanettialready tried playing around with the pointertarget08:13
Saviqmzanetti, sure, but above/below could be below that positioner object08:13
Saviqmzanetti, but it's probably not worth it08:13
Saviqmzanetti, for count emblems - the "12" one looks bad aligned, ideas?08:17
mzanettiSaviq: I noticed that too late night yesterday... really weird. as I do horizontalAlignment: parent.horizontalCenter08:18
mzanettino clue yet what happens08:18
Saviqmzanetti, I think you should just fill and center the text08:18
Saviqmzanetti, although that will be tricky with eliding08:18
mzanettithat would cause a binding loop08:18
Saviqwell, not necessarily08:19
mzanettiyep... and I need to adjust parent's with bases on implicitWidth08:19
mzanettiwell, I'll give it a shot08:19
mzanettihey gerry08:19
greybackyellow is both your nicks on xchat08:20
Saviqgreyback, the correct response is "OOo!"08:22
sil2100jamesh: btw. how much time would it take to prepare integration tests for the mediascanner scope? At least 1-2 basic ones for now08:22
greybackSaviq: if you say so :)08:23
Saviqsil2100, you're hooked up on integration tests, aren't ya! ;)08:23
sil2100Saviq: very ;p08:24
sil2100I've been paid by the autopilot guys to push on AP integration test everywhere08:25
jameshsil2100: are you after a simple test of integration between the media scanner and its scope, or a full-stack one?08:26
jameshI can probably get the first up and running fairly easily08:27
Saviqmzanetti, btw, you might want to try paintedWidth of Text instead of implicitWidth08:28
Saviqhmm or is that gone already...08:28
tsdgeosgreyback: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-mir/noprivate/+merge/18098908:29
greybacktsdgeos: thanks!08:30
sil2100jamesh: just a simple test would be enough, using autopilot if possible08:30
dednickSaviq: ping08:32
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, s/implicitWidth/paintedWidth/ and it's fine08:33
Saviqmzanetti, interesting is that paintedWidth is not documented...08:33
Saviqdednick, pong08:33
tsdgeosgreyback: any idea why https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/add-surface-attribute-updates/+merge/180813 failed?08:33
tsdgeosin ci i mean08:34
dednickSaviq: did we ever remove the old indicators-client from archive?08:34
greybacktsdgeos: yep, forgot licences, just pushed the fix08:34
tsdgeosworks fine here08:34
Saviqdednick, was it ever *in* the archive?08:34
Saviqdednick, right, still there08:34
Saviqdidrocks, how do we drop that from the archive ↑ ?08:35
dednickSaviq: we need to keep the indicators-client from unity8 though :/ and from the other.08:36
Saviqdednick, "from the other"?08:36
dednick*drop the other08:36
Saviqdednick, right ;)08:36
Saviqdednick, yeah, that's fine08:36
Saviqdednick, we just need to drop the indicators-client source package08:37
dednickSaviq: apparently it's causing some issue getting the indicator-messages published08:37
didrocksSaviq: all plugins are uneeded now, for sure?08:38
Saviqdidrocks, yes, they're built into unity8 now08:38
didrocksI hope if you ship the same files, you handled the Replaces: tag like for indicators-client-plugin-sound08:38
Saviqdidrocks, no, we're not shipping the same files08:38
Saviqmzanetti, hmm... height: units.gu(2) for the progress, is that correct? the asset is 1.5 GU high @3008:41
Saviqmzanetti, and... re: "opacity: root.progress / 10" - shouldn't we just clip the filling to the correct width instead?08:42
didrocksCould not find source 'indicators-client/None' in saucy .  Exiting.08:43
didrocksbut blocked in proposed at the same time08:43
mzanettiSaviq: the mockup I have has a thicker progress bar... but its also doesn't match with the asset08:43
Saviqmzanetti, ok, as long as you're consistent with the design08:43
mzanettiSaviq: yeah.. can try clipping08:43
didrocksah, it has always been in proposed only08:44
mzanettiSaviq: the paintedWidth has a strange effect08:44
Saviqmzanetti, as long as you're not expected to have rounded corners on the right08:44
mzanettiit makes everything elide after 12308:44
Saviqmzanetti, orly?08:44
seb128new indicator-messages sigtrap on start08:45
seb128didrocks, sil2100: ^ known issue?08:45
Saviqmzanetti, indeed08:45
* didrocks flushes08:45
didrocksSaviq: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicators-client/+publishinghistory08:45
didrocksseb128: not that I know of08:45
seb128shrug, TED08:45
Saviqdidrocks, thanks08:45
seb128can we revert indicator-messages?08:45
seb128that's clearly not ready to land to distro08:45
didrockssil2100: taking care of that? ^08:45
seb128sil2100, ^08:45
didrockssil2100: can you as well list that as a pb from the indicator stack?08:46
seb128sil2100, didrocks: can we revert?08:47
seb128the thing just sigtrap on start08:47
seb128that's ridiculous it landed08:47
didrockswe should revert and rebuild, yeah, waiting for sil210008:47
sil2100seb128: wasn't aware of that, good to know - noting down08:48
sil2100Reverting last change08:48
seb128sil2100, thanks08:48
didrockssil2100: feel free to push to trunk and rerun the stack08:48
seb128"last change" is the port to gmenu08:48
seb128Saviq, ^ btw (not sure if you are one of the those who are waiting on the new indicator-messages)08:48
sil2100We probably should force indicator upstreams to each write a simple integration test that would check if 'my indicator is running'08:49
Saviqdednick, read up ↑08:49
dednickseb128: which indicator?08:51
dednickoh. messages08:51
dednickyeah, i wasnt even aware it had landed until about 10 minutes ago08:54
dednicki'm pretty sure i'm running it now...08:55
sil2100didrocks, dednick: pushing it directly to trunk08:55
dednicklarsu: ^08:58
sil2100The indicators stack is being re-ran08:59
dednickseb128: where did you see the issue? dekstop?09:02
seb128dednick, yes it his "g_menu_item_set_detailed_action: Detailed action name has invalid format" when you have tb email accoutns09:02
seb128it hits*09:02
seb128which sigtrap09:02
mzanettiSaviq: in this paste http://paste.kde.org/pd97d1643/ , would you think there is a difference in the size of the progressbar-fill ?09:03
dednickpete-woods: ^09:05
pete-woodsdednick: hi - I've been sent to investigate the indicators messages fault09:05
pete-woodsseb128: awesome work!09:05
Saviqmzanetti, that a trick question? ;)09:05
Saviqmzanetti, probably shouldn't09:06
mzanettiSaviq: well, the answer is yes, but I don't understand why09:06
Saviqbtw, I love it that "khaki" is a defined color :D09:06
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... you immediately know who has seen the video about QtQuick.Controls :D09:06
seb128pete-woods, hey, "awesome work" for what?09:07
pete-woodsseb128: for figuring out the source of the error so quickly - helps me try and fix it :)09:07
mzanettiSaviq: lasts 15 mins but it's well worth it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6_F6Kpjd-Q09:07
pete-woodsnot that I've ever looked at the code before :/09:07
seb128pete-woods, ah09:07
dednickpete-woods, seb128: can confirm09:08
dednickpete-woods: (process:4001): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: g_menu_item_set_detailed_action: Detailed action name 'src.imap://nickd@mail.canonical.com/%5BGmail%5D/Important' has invalid format09:08
pete-woodsdednick: is this on the desktop or phone?09:11
dednickpete-woods: desktop. i just installed the latest messaging indicator.09:11
Cimiseb128, you want the pot files of the wizard merged or in the wizard folder'09:11
seb128Cimi, I've no strong opinion on it, do you have a preference?09:12
Cimiseb128, separate09:12
seb128Cimi, that works for me09:12
Cimiseb128, in case we want to move the app somewhere else09:12
Cimiseb128, it's easier to grab the potfiles09:13
pete-woodsdednick: and where did you get that error log?09:14
pete-woodsthe upstart log?09:14
seb128Cimi, right09:14
seb128pete-woods, run /usr/lib/indicator-messages/indicator-messages-service09:15
seb128pete-woods, with a tb account configured09:15
seb128pete-woods, it's going to sigtrap on start09:15
pete-woodsseb128: thanks!09:16
seb128pete-woods, yw09:18
Cimiseb128, who knows a bit how translations work here with qml?09:23
Cimiseb128, I see a i18n.cpp file and header09:23
Cimiseb128, with initTr09:23
Cimiis that required?09:23
seb128Cimi, just use i18n.tr("string")09:24
Cimiok thx09:24
Cimiseb128, how do I generate the wizard.pot file? :)09:25
seb128Cimi, look at po/po.pro09:25
seb128Cimi, just copy/tweak that I guess09:25
mptthanks larsu :-)09:28
sil2100jamesh: any ETA for those basic-basic integration tests for mediascanner scope? ;)09:32
jameshsil2100: I'll try to get them finished tomorrow.  It's 5:30pm here now09:33
sil2100jamesh: also, do you have a branch for the parallel tests prepared, or should I push that to trunk?09:33
jameshsil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesh/mediascanner/no-parallel-tests/+merge/18098609:33
sil2100Awesome, see it got approved09:33
pete-woodsseb128, dednick: I can't seem to reproduce this error - I have tb configured with canonical's imap server and some new e-mails, I've got G_MESSGES_DEBUG=all, but I don't get any console errors09:40
pete-woodshowever the "Inbox" or "Important" entry in the menu for new messages doesn't seem to appear09:41
dednickpete-woods: i guess it depends on your mail setup.09:41
dednickpete-woods: i can get you a stacktrace if you like.09:42
pete-woodsdednick: what's your "account name" in tb?09:42
pete-woodsmine's just my e-mail address09:42
pete-woodsmaybe I should stick some naughty characters like : in it09:43
dednickpete-woods: it's just 'Canonical09:44
MacSlowdednick, ping09:44
dednickwithout the '09:44
dednickMacSlow: pong09:44
seb128pete-woods, do you have unread emails?09:44
pete-woodsseb128: yes09:45
MacSlowDo you happen to know what errors like "GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe: assertion 'object_path == NULL || g_variant_is_object_path (object_path)' failed" point towards regarding using UnityMenuModel?09:45
dednickpete-woods: in your tb, do you have folders [GMail]/Important ?09:45
seb128pete-woods, maybe it's due to the folder name, the one hitting the sigtrap is "dx-indicators" there09:45
* pete-woods creates new folder with dash in the name09:46
MacSlowdednick, I've been trying to add code from my stand-alone example to the notification-frontend (in unity8) and don't receive anything via the model... just these errors.09:46
MacSlowdednick, I double checked the dbus-name/path numerous times... there are no typos.09:46
Cimiseb128, pot file has to be added to bzr?09:47
pete-woodsseb128: that doesn't seem to be it09:48
dednickMacSlow: can you pastebin me your UnityMenuModel setup code?09:48
pete-woodsdednick: yes, that's one of the folders I've been using09:48
seb128Cimi, yes09:48
MacSlowdednick, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/600584209:49
seb128pete-woods, let me look09:51
guest09013651how can i make the Unity launcher bar have a solid (i.e. non transparent i.e. opaque) color?09:52
guest09013651if you don't understand what i mean, just see this picture:09:54
guest09013651picture source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/126556/is-it-possible-to-set-the-unity-launcher-to-a-nice-solid-color09:54
pete-woodsseb128: have reproduced it now :) / :(09:55
seb128pete-woods, what did you change?09:55
pete-woodsseb128: I trashed the gconf settings for the indicator, re-created my tb account, added various folders, set up gmail auto-filters for those folders, then sent myself some e-mails09:56
dednickMacSlow: hm. not really sure about that. only thing i can think of is that the bus is appearing before you set a path. but i think it's supposed to be async, so not really sure why.09:58
seb128pete-woods, I guess the format of the action is invalid, could be the ":" in "src.imap:..."10:00
dednickMacSlow: so you can pick up your model in the unityqmlmenumodel.qml example when changing the params?10:00
MacSlowdednick, why would that be different between using UnityMenuModel in unity8 (as part of the notifications) and a stand-alone python-example pulling data from the menu-model?10:00
MacSlowdednick, I've my own qml-example (not python... sorry)10:01
MacSlowdednick, but I'll try to use unityqmlmenumodel.qml10:01
dednickMacSlow: it shouldnt be different10:01
pete-woodsseb128: that's it, yes10:03
MacSlowdednick, yup... all items show up as expected in unityqmlmenumodel.qml10:03
pete-woodsseb128: the source_id that tb is providing is that long string, and the indicator is creating an action with that name10:04
dednickMacSlow: sure you're using the right version? havent installed to usr/local or something?10:04
MacSlowdednick, sure... unless unity8 (trunk, compiled from sources) picks up something else than system-wide installed libqmenumodel10:06
dednickMacSlow: well it might have if you have one installed in /usr/local. errrr10:06
seb128pete-woods, right10:07
MacSlowdednick, certainly no libqmenumodel.so in /usr/local10:07
dednickMacSlow: how about different loders within /usr/lib ?10:08
seb128pete-woods, we had somewhat similar issues in the past, e.g http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-messages/trunk.13.10/revision/34410:08
seb128pete-woods, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/+bug/1180302 was the same error10:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 1180302 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "hit SIGTRAP errors after glib 2.37 update" [High,Fix released]10:10
MacSlowdednick, only one version for sure... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/600587910:11
Cimiseb128, does the language plugin work?10:12
dednickMacSlow: have you installed the one you're testing the examples with?10:13
dednickMacSlow: for sanitys sake. i'm just trying to verify that the code you're testing is the code your using in unity810:14
MacSlowdednick, no... I only used it once in-tree (when it was not merged/released)10:14
pete-woodsseb128: maybe you should fix this for me ;) that fix has been lost along the way10:14
MacSlowdednick, also just did a fresh compile of my unity8 branch10:15
dednickMacSlow: what's the installed package version of libqmenumodel10:15
MacSlowdednick, 0.2.7+13.10.20130813-0ubuntu110:15
seb128Cimi, define work? it changes the locale, but not on the device because polkit doesn't work (logind registration is broken until we get lightdm)10:17
Cimiseb128, doesn't change on my pc...10:18
seb128pete-woods, how come you ended up owning that fix? ted should be doing that...10:18
seb128Cimi, did you restart your session?10:18
Cimiseb128, nope10:18
dednickMacSlow: i dont supposed there's any way for me to easily check out your code and test it on my system?10:18
Cimiseb128, but the entry goes back to US english10:18
seb128Cimi, that's why, locales are not dynamic under linux10:18
Cimiseb128, this is a probem10:19
pete-woodsseb128: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Muggins10:19
MacSlowdednick, I could push the current state... to my branches... although I don't like to push such broken state usually...10:19
Cimiseb128, on the wizard we must change locale on the fly10:19
MacSlowdednick, one sec...10:19
dednickMacSlow: you could just create new "-broken" branches.10:19
MacSlowdednick, yeah... hold on10:20
pete-woodsseb128, dednick: do we have a bug report for this regression?10:20
seb128pete-woods, just step out and wait for ted to be online in a few hours if you ask me...10:21
seb128Cimi, good luck with that, try talking to xnox about it, ubiquity does it10:21
pete-woodsseb128: well it's fixed now, and the indicator actually turns blue :)10:21
seb128Cimi, you might need to exit the mainloop and re-enter it or something, fun10:21
seb128pete-woods, so it was the same fix I pointed to apply?10:21
pete-woodsseb128: it was the same principle, that class seems to have been heavily worked on since then, but as the fix was simple, it was easy to forward port10:22
xnoxCimi: there is no way to actually change the locale of all the application threads. So in ubiquity, we iterate across each label, ask gettext for new translation with new locale, and replace the strings.10:22
seb128pete-woods, great, glad I helped then ;-)10:22
xnoxCimi: it's ugly =/10:22
pete-woodsseb128: as am I, otherwise I would have spend 2 hours in the gmenu docs :)10:23
Cimixnox, and will be uglier with qml..10:23
Cimiseb128, does the entry change for you?10:23
seb128Cimi, what entry?10:24
Cimiseb128, locale10:24
Cimiseb128, if I change us english to italian, click confirm10:24
Cimiit goes back to us english10:24
CimiI restart the app10:24
Cimius english10:24
seb128Cimi, does it change LANGUAGE or LANG in ~/.pam_environment10:24
seb128good luck debugging it then :p10:25
Cimiseb128, works for you?10:27
seb128Cimi, I don't know, you are one of the 15 people pinging me since this morning I didn't manage to get anything done yet today out or replying to questions on IRC, I need to get some work done10:27
seb128Cimi, it worked last time I tried10:27
seb128Cimi, it goes through accountsservice, that should still work10:28
seb128if not, open a bug10:28
seb128if you open one, try as well if language-selector works to change locale10:28
sil2100jamesh: I had to switch branches, so I'll re-do your parallel-fix and merge it in10:38
sil2100bregma: hi! Before switching to the new compiz daily-landing, could you review/approve https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/compiz/remove_unity_support_0.9.10/+merge/179866 ?10:42
sil2100bregma: last time CI failed, cannot see why, but this change we have released in saucy so I want to propagate it here too10:42
sil2100bregma: once this is in, I'll enable compiz 0.9.10 for daily release again10:44
sil2100didrocks: ^ fine with that? It has been dogfooded by me in the past, bregma said they also did that10:45
sil2100bregma: there's an ABI break in compiz, right? I mean, we need to rebuild unity to work with compiz 0.9.10?10:47
sil2100andyrock: ^10:55
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tsdgeoswho provides RoleClickable?11:06
didrockssil2100: fine with me :)11:07
didrockssil2100: maybe bump the unity version on latest compiz then?11:07
tsdgeosah, me has updates11:08
* tsdgeos installs11:08
sil2100didrocks: what do you mean? You mean bumping the compiz dependency in lp:unity?11:09
didrockssil2100: right11:09
sil2100didrocks: will try, but need to make sure the lp:unity merge gets in then11:11
didrocksyep ;)11:11
bregmasil2100, will review, and I don't believe there is an ABI break but andyrock can confirm11:16
sil2100bregma, andyrock: thanks!11:18
andyrocksil2100, there is an ABI break for what I know11:24
andyrocki'm quite sure11:24
sil2100andyrock: hmm, ok, then we have to resolve this somehow before we enable daily ;)11:25
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Saviqmzanetti, couldn't we just have Item { width: foo * progress; clip: true; BorderImage { width: bar; anchors { top: parent.top; bottom: parent.bottom; left: parent.left } } }11:30
Saviqmzanetti, for the clipping?11:30
Saviqmzanetti, the -rightMargin seems somewhat scary11:30
mzanettiSaviq: sure. but its more to type and margins are said to be faster than absolute widths, no?11:31
Saviqmzanetti, if they're changing, sure, but that would be static11:31
Saviqmzanetti, and now you're recalculating the margins of the fill as well11:31
bregmaandyrock, sil2100, all we should have to do is bump the Compiz build-depends in Unity and rebuild Unity, no?11:31
Saviqmzanetti, or at least re-applying it11:32
Saviqmzanetti, and it's much easier to read, too11:32
Saviqmzanetti, re: centering the label, what you did is somewhat hackish, too, didn't find a better way? any idea what was the deal with the misaligned 12?11:35
mzanettiSaviq: No... don't know why the horizontalAlignment didn't work11:36
sil2100didrocks: can I, in this case, do something like this or am I over-complicating things: push a 1:0.9.10~ manually dputted version of compiz to daily-build, then bump the compiz dep and request a merge, get it in and then roll the daily-release machinery with compiz enabled? ;)11:36
sil2100didrocks: i.e. so that the lp:unity merge gets in properly11:37
didrockssil2100: hum, I think it's better to have one version of unity deliver11:37
didrockssil2100: then, you directly bump the version in trunk for lp:unity11:38
didrocks(without MP)11:38
didrocksand next daily release run will do what it needs11:38
Saviqmzanetti, looks good here http://paste.ubuntu.com/6006104/11:39
Saviqmzanetti, could you try and see if you can reproduce on top of that example?11:39
sil2100didrocks: ok, sounds simpler ;p I just don't feel safe direct-pushing to lp:unity11:40
didrockssil2100: for trivial stuff like that, I think it's fine11:41
didrockssil2100: but I would really suggest having one unity delivery just before11:41
didrocksand then one with just the compiz + unity rebuild11:41
Saviqdidrocks, I've had two questions about quarternourly release, please ping when you have a moment11:42
sil2100didrocks: I'll try to make the unity stack green now during this tick that's running11:42
didrocksSaviq: now is fine, I didn't restart yet on the system update11:42
didrockssil2100: good!11:42
sil2100bregma, andyrock: when the next tick will be near, I'll prepare everything for the compiz switch - will give you a heads up once that's done11:43
sil2100Since as didrocks mentioned, we want to have one last unity release before the switch11:43
Wellarkmzanetti: ping. see your "other" irc :)11:43
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Saviqdidrocks, a) why doesn't Unity8 stack depend on Unity? b) could we force unity upgrade for Unity8 stack?11:43
didrocksSaviq: do you use some unity components? (apart from the scopes)11:44
Wellarkmzanetti: when you have the time, of course11:44
didrocksSaviq: IIRC, you have your own copy on libunitycore11:44
mzanettiWellark: yeah. I've seen it. Why can't you do the change in one commit?11:44
Saviqdidrocks, nope11:44
bregmasil2100, thanks11:44
Saviqdidrocks, we're using libunity-core11:44
sil2100didrocks: unity8 uses libunity11:44
mzanettior at least one review11:44
didrocksSaviq: I wasn't refreshed on that :p11:44
Saviqsil2100, -core11:44
didrocksso yeah, unity8 will need to dep on unity11:44
sil2100didrocks: ...-core11:44
Saviqdidrocks, it was always like that :)11:44
didrockswhich means, way less release I'm afraid11:44
didrocks(seeing how flacky the unity tests are…)11:44
Saviqdidrocks, we never had a copy of libunity-core11:44
didrocksSaviq: ok, I remember you copied unity11:45
didrocksthen, I thought you told me you won't need it11:45
didrocksbut I probably mixed it11:45
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, some miscomm11:45
didrocksSaviq: so, the issue is that unity doesn't release often11:45
didrocksit's often blocked on flacky tests11:45
didrocksso if you dep on it, be prepared to have less releases, or we need finally someone on bregma's team looking at those tests11:46
didrocksand cleaning to have the flackyness way down11:46
Saviqdidrocks, which might be a good thing11:46
didrocksSaviq: agreed, not like if I never asked for it :p11:46
Saviqdidrocks, there's going to be more asking then ;)11:46
Saviqdidrocks, and if we see it's not working for us, we can always undo, can't we?11:47
didrockssil2100: interesting in doing that? will be a nice additional to the FAQ as well :)11:47
Wellarkmzanetti: well, there is no reason why I couldn't squash them to just single commit. then again, each of the commits is self contained (except the unit test which needs all the previous ones)11:47
didrockssil2100: for stack dependency, it's just about adding it and then pulling on magners11:47
bregmadidrocks, it's not like we're not looking at the tests trying to get them down, but the solution(s) appear elusive11:48
didrocksSaviq: maybe let's wait for sil2100 to have unity green at least?11:48
Saviqdidrocks, sure11:48
Saviqdidrocks, it isn't something we need asap11:48
Saviqdidrocks, what about b)11:48
didrocksbregma: the whole new compiz will fix everything I'm sure ;)11:48
Wellarkmzanetti: but if gerrit is more or less unable to clearly indicate that these changes belong together (except the hidden dependency chain) then I have no problems squashing them11:48
didrocksSaviq: ok, I didn't really parse B though :p11:48
WellarkI just would prefer smaller commits over a bigger one11:49
sil2100didrocks: yeah, let's do that after this release11:49
Saviqdidrocks, for Unity8 check, *unity* wasn't upgraded to the latest available version11:49
Wellarkmzanetti: maybe I don't have the git^H^H^Hright mentality :)11:49
Saviqdidrocks, *unity* meaning libunity / unity / libunity-core etc.11:49
didrocksSaviq: so the check failed, right?11:50
Saviqdidrocks, yes, because there was a crasher we were causing in libunity11:50
didrocksok, so it worked as intended :)11:50
didrocksthen we have an option for relaunching the check11:50
didrockswhich is "upgrading the whole ppa"11:50
didrocks(it should be able to specify stacks to be more picky TBH)11:50
sil2100We did that for one run11:51
Saviqdidrocks, ok, so that's the intended solution? was wondering if we can upgrade the whole ppa every time11:51
Saviqnot that it makes sense, just wondering11:51
didrocksSaviq: no, because you don't detect ABI breakage11:51
didrocksthis is to detect that specific case, ABI breakage between 2 stacks :)11:51
didrocksand we have that option to take "moar packages"11:51
didrocks(but it needs to be more fine-grained than whole ppa, if only I had time for that :p)11:52
didrocks(ideally, even automatically to define which stacks need to be released altogether)11:52
* didrocks dreams…11:52
didrocksanyway ;)11:52
Saviqdidrocks, ok, that works for me11:53
didrocksSaviq: I wonder though if we shouldn't have one or two unity8 tests in the unity stack11:53
didrocksto ensure unity doesn't break you (without bumping the libunitycore ABI version)11:54
Saviqdidrocks, sure, that could do11:54
Saviqdidrocks, we still need to improve our coverage on integration with scopes (from 0...)11:54
Saviqdidrocks, so those would probably be good candidates11:55
didrocksSaviq: 0 is giving room from improvement :)11:55
didrocksSaviq: ok, keep us posted!11:55
Saviqdidrocks, indeed11:55
mzanettiSaviq: what is actually the difference of your example to my code?11:55
Saviqmzanetti, ideally none, right?11:56
mzanettithats exactly how I do it, except I need to set a maximum width for the eliding11:56
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, that's why I wanted to look if we can reproduce11:56
mzanettiah... you mean I should break your example11:57
Saviqmzanetti, yes :)11:59
Saviqmzanetti, here's a closer one even http://paste.ubuntu.com/6006165/11:59
Saviqstill working11:59
Saviqkgunn, you here already?12:00
mzanettiSaviq: http://paste.kde.org/p1c05777a12:02
mzanettiSaviq: interestingly it breaks the "1" here instead of the "12"12:02
Saviqmzanetti, both 1 and 12 here12:03
mzanetti12 looks good here12:03
mzanettiSaviq: I'm running at 18 px/gu12:03
mzanettinot sure if that's something to do with it12:04
Saviqmzanetti, right12:04
Saviqmzanetti, it does12:04
Saviqmzanetti, so, Qt bug?12:05
mzanettiSaviq: I'd say yes12:06
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mzanettiSaviq: anyways, the emblems branch has been reviewed by jounih. He's happy with it as is12:07
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mzanettiI'll move over to do some theming :)12:09
Saviqmzanetti, well, *I'm* not yet happy with the solution lol12:10
Saviqmzanetti, or the fact that we don't know where it comes from12:10
mzanettiSaviq: which one?12:10
mzanettidunno. looks good to me12:10
Saviqmzanetti, the "center a big label in a small Item to center the text"12:10
mzanettiSaviq: don't really see the problem... the "big" label is just to have a maximumWidth12:12
mzanettiSaviq: in the end we work with the implicitWidth which is the real one12:12
Saviqmzanetti, the problem is we're drawing too many pixels ;)12:12
mzanettido you think a label paints the transparent pixels?12:13
Saviqmzanetti, they're definitely sampled12:14
Saviqmzanetti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6006201/12:14
Saviqmzanetti, smaller example - broken12:14
Saviqmzanetti, but well, I can see what the deal is12:14
mzanettiSaviq: your last example is not broken here12:15
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mzanettiSaviq: if I change the text to "12" it breaks here too12:16
Saviqmzanetti, interesting, anyway, I'm thinking the cause is: anchoring to the sides of a parent whose width depends on implicitWidth12:16
Saviqmzanetti, it doesn't obviously cause a binding loop12:16
mzanettiyeah... it does12:16
Saviqmzanetti, but the changing width of the Text must be fucking the alignment somehow12:16
Saviqmzanetti, and paintedWidth has the same12:18
Saviqmzanetti, although it does complain12:18
Saviqtest.qml:10:9: QML Rectangle: Binding loop detected for property "width"12:18
Saviqmzanetti, ugh, obviously12:19
Saviqmzanetti, it's eliding12:19
mzanettiSaviq: check out my last commit12:19
Saviqmzanetti, 'cause it doesn't know whether to elide if it doesn't know the width, but it doesn't know the width if i doesn't know to elide12:19
mzanettiSaviq: anyways, my last commit hopefully kills your concern about sampling too many pixels :D12:20
Saviqmzanetti, that will actually cause the same loop12:21
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Saviqmzanetti, even if we're not seeing this now12:21
Saviqmzanetti, so indeed a static width might be the best we can do12:22
Saviqmzanetti, 'cause it's the only way for it to be deterministic12:22
Saviqmzanetti, please undo the last commit12:22
mzanettiSaviq: done12:22
Saviqmzanetti, thanks12:22
Saviqmzanetti, we will probably want to make the app icon a common component between launcher and apps scope12:25
Saviqmzanetti, to keep the exact same visuals12:26
Saviqmzanetti, but that's just FYI12:26
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SaviqI wonder if we want progress and count emblems in dash, btw (other than installation progress, that is)12:26
mzanettino idea12:27
mzanettiSaviq: so, you think its good enough now?12:29
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, just having a last look through12:29
* mzanetti is eager to set more blueprint entries to DONE12:30
Saviqmzanetti, don't you miss anchors.fillHorizontally: parent, for example?12:30
Saviqmzanetti, and/or anchors.fillBottom: parent12:30
mzanettiSaviq: where exactly?12:30
Saviqmzanetti, no no12:30
Saviqmzanetti, in QtQuick ;)12:30
mzanettiyeah... totally12:31
Saviqmzanetti, I mean some shortcuts to all the anchoring12:31
mzanettitons of stuff I could think of12:31
SaviqfillBottom would anchor left, right, bottom12:31
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mzanettiyeah... exactly12:31
Saviqhorizontally left, right12:31
mzanettionce would need that so often12:31
mzanettione would need that so often12:31
mzanettiSaviq: also, if you want to have 3 same margins and only one other12:32
SaviqI just tried if anchors { fill: parent; bottom: undefined } works12:32
Saviqbut no12:32
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, and that12:32
mzanettiSaviq: it works by setting anchors.margins: 5; anchors.topMargin: 1012:32
mzanettibut I think that's pure luck12:32
Saviqmzanetti, not necessarily12:32
Saviqmzanetti, otoh yeah, maybe ;)12:32
mzanettiSaviq: once the order of statements matter in QML there is something wrong12:33
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, but you could go with priority12:34
Saviqmzanetti, if you set the "more concrete" prop, it overrides the other one12:34
Saviqregardless of the order12:34
Saviqmzanetti, happroved12:35
sil2100didrocks: unity check job is green! The build job was red, but it was caused by a powerpc failure of libunity12:35
sil2100didrocks: a rebuild fixed it12:35
sil2100didrocks: can I run publish? (first without force)12:35
didrockssil2100: sure12:35
didrockssil2100: how many failures for tests?12:36
sil2100didrocks: around 1312:37
didrocksok, equally reparted?12:37
sil2100btw. ati gone missing :o12:37
sil2100didrocks: intel has more, but I guess that's because of some test flackyness12:37
didrocks8:01:32   didrocks | Mirv: FYI, I deprovisionned the ati machine for the Mir team to be able to test and debug12:37
didrocks8:01:42   didrocks | (so tests are running on both intel and nvidia only)12:37
sil2100Ok ;)12:38
didrockssil2100: can we have bregma's team looking at them?12:38
sil2100didrocks: sure thing, noting it down in the spreadsheet and poking them12:38
Saviqmzanetti, did you see awe's messages yesterday? about being unable to find out the number of tries until you try? :D12:38
Saviq(for SIM/PUK entry, that is)12:38
mzanettiSaviq: yeah12:38
mzanettiSaviq: didn't I send you the link to the bug report requesting your input?12:39
Saviqmzanetti, don't think you did12:39
mzanettihmmm... I was sure I did... anyways12:39
bregma13 failures per platform with about half being one-off inexplicable unrepeatable failures is about par for the course12:39
mzanettiSaviq: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/1206941/12:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1206941 in ofono (Ubuntu) "[ofono][rild] "Retries" property does not not work" [High,Confirmed]12:39
Saviqmzanetti, checking how the N9 behaves12:40
Saviqmzanetti, at least it did show the number of counts on SIM replace12:41
mzanettiSaviq: of course it does12:41
Saviqmzanetti, same on reboot12:41
mzanettiSaviq: all phones do except android12:41
mzanettiSaviq: unfortunately we're piggypacking on the worst implementation12:41
hyperairdoes anyone have compiz puking these messages into .xsession-errors over and over: compiz (opengl) - Error: FBO is incomplete: GL::FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT (0x8cd6) ?12:43
mzanettiSaviq: also the fact that you can't verify if a PUK was entered correctly before changing the pin is quite bad imo12:44
mzanettiSaviq: the BB Z10 can read the remaining attempts too12:46
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, it shows that no one normal uses the SIM PIN anyway ;)12:48
mzanettiSaviq: I wouldn't say so12:49
Saviqmzanetti, do you?12:49
mzanettiSaviq: I don't use it because I have a prepaid card... but I would have a contract where the bill directly ends up on my bank account I sure would use the PIN12:49
Saviqyou don't, I don't, that's settled, then ;)12:49
mzanetti... but if I would...12:49
greybackI do...12:50
mzanettiI think it is quite useful... if you loose the phone someone can call some porky hotline which might end up with thousands of euros of phone bill - depending on how fast you manage to reach someone that can lock down the card12:51
SaviqI know what it's there for ;)12:52
mzanettianyways... is rild a closed blob?12:52
Saviqmzanetti, even if rild isn't12:52
Saviqmzanetti, HAL is12:52
Saviqmzanetti, and I expect this to be missing from the HAL if RIL didn't need it :/12:53
mzanettiok... so I guess the only thing we can do is not to show the label while we don't know the number...12:54
mzanettisomeone has an android phone and could check how it behaves there? I still can't believe this isn't possible12:56
MacSlowIs there a Qt-equivalent to Gio? Or do I have to use Gio's API to export a menu-model?13:05
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tvosssil2100, ping13:13
mzanettiMacSlow: does this help you? https://launchpad.net/libdbusmenu-qt13:16
mzanettiMacSlow: at least there is a class called DBusMenuExporter13:17
sil2100tvoss: pong13:17
MacSlowmzanetti, I'll try13:17
tvosssil2100, I need help with the famous ati machine13:19
tvosssil2100, how can I restore the lxc configuration?13:19
tvossMacSlow, ping13:21
tvossMacSlow, got an n4?13:22
sil2100tvoss: ah, hm, you can use lxc-start and lxc-attach for this13:24
sil2100tvoss: first check the available containers by lxc-ls13:24
sil2100(usually lxc-ls --fancy gives more info)13:24
sil2100tvoss: you need root permissions for that, so sudo everytime13:25
MacSlowtvoss, nope... just the GalaxyNexus13:26
kgunnmzanetti: do you have a nexus4 ?13:29
kgunntvoss: ^13:29
mzanettikgunn: I bought one myself, yes13:29
mzanettikgunn: which I intended to use for dogfooding13:29
kgunnMacSlow: nexus4 ?13:30
kgunnMacSlow: oops...nvmd, just saw the scrollback13:30
MacSlowkgunn, nope... just the GalaxyNexus13:30
MacSlowkgunn, np13:30
Saviqgreyback, dednick|lunch, nic-doffay standup13:30
nic-doffaySaviq, on my way.13:31
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mterrykatie, Saviq: if you have time, I'd appreciate re-reviews of my demo branch.  https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/demo/+merge/17792313:36
Saviqmterry, yup, will do for sure13:36
kgunnMacSlow: wow...impossible to decipher, very digitized voice....can you just update notes ?13:36
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Saviqmzanetti, what's happening with emblems?13:48
mzanettiSaviq: got a last minute design feedback13:49
Saviqmzanetti, ok13:49
sil2100Ah, shit, my merge didn't get merged again13:49
mzanettiSaviq: need to make the font bold and move the progress bar down half a gu13:49
Saviqmzanetti, k13:49
sil2100dednick, didrocks: if you don't mind, I'll do the switch on the next tick ;/13:49
dednicksil2100: switch?13:50
mzanettiSaviq: this is it now: http://wstaw.org/m/2013/08/20/plasma-desktopD13243.png13:51
mzanettiSaviq: feel free to re-approve when you have time13:51
Saviqmzanetti, done13:52
om26erSaviq, Hi! just an fyi, I am enabling autopilot tests for unity8 to run on touch devices during each MR - sounds fine ?13:52
Saviqom26er, http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/ says YES!13:54
didrockssil2100: sure, don't risk! :)13:54
kgunntsdgeos: greyback .... if i wanted to help racarr in bisecting images, are these instructions still good ?13:55
kgunnor...do you have a different/better crib sheet on how-to13:55
tsdgeoskgunn: should be good yes13:56
kgunntsdgeos: ta13:57
greybackkgunn: yes, they are13:58
katiemterry, sure..14:05
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Cimiseb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/121441714:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 1214417 in ubuntu-system-settings "cannot change language" [Undecided,New]14:12
seb128Cimi, thanks14:12
mzanettiSaviq: not if you've seen it before: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/launcher-less-warnings/+merge/18103514:13
Saviqmzanetti, "selectedItem !== undefined && selectedItem !== null" selectedItem && should be enough14:14
mzanettiCimi: you've been working with themes already. do you have an example for me of a themed app?14:15
Cimimzanetti, what do you need to do?14:15
mzanettiSaviq: does if(selected) check for undefined too?14:15
Saviqmzanetti, sure14:15
Cimimzanetti, to completely theme popovers14:15
Cimimzanetti, best way is to use delegate14:15
mzanettiCimi: actually only one... but I know what to do to have only one themed... so I'd need to start with generally creating a theme and loading it first14:16
Cimimzanetti, we don't need a theme14:16
mzanettiCimi: yeah14:17
Cimiwe want popovers of the shell to remain the same14:17
Cimijust the quick lists to chang4e14:17
Cimiso you simply create a delegate for those popovers14:17
Cimimzanetti, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/trunk/view/head:/ZoomControl.qml14:19
Cimimzanetti, look at Slider14:19
Cimiline 5614:19
Cimistyle: ThinSliderStyle14:19
Cimiso instead of using the style by the suru theme, uses this delegate14:19
Cimiin the same folder of this file there is ThinSliderStyle.qml which is nothing else than the delegate14:20
mzanettiCimi: can I inherit the existing style from Suru? I'd just need to change one property14:20
Cimimzanetti, which property?14:21
mzanettineed to check. one moment14:21
mzanettiCimi: hmm... I need to understand more how this works... but your pointers help a lot already14:24
mzanettiCimi: I might come back to you a bit later14:24
Cimiok cool14:25
Saviqgreyback|food, tmoenicke is on holidays after all14:27
mzanettiSaviq: tried it out. selectedItem && is not enough14:29
mzanettiundefined !== null14:29
Saviqmzanetti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6006603/14:30
Saviqmzanetti, sure, undefined !== null14:30
Saviqmzanetti, but (bool)undefined === (bool)null14:31
Saviq=== false14:31
mzanettibut but..14:31
mzanettiI get LauncherPanel.qml:236: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool14:31
Saviqmzanetti, that's because undefined && true === undefined, unfortunately14:32
Saviqmzanetti, so you need to "cast" to bool14:32
mzanettican't we go with "!null && !undefined && something" ?14:32
Saviqmzanetti, sure14:33
Saviqmzanetti, !undefined === true14:33
Saviqmzanetti, !!undefined === false ;D14:34
sil2100andyrock: could you take a look at this?14:35
sil2100andyrock: http://s-jenkins:8080/job/compiz-team-compiz-0.9.10-saucy-amd64-autolanding/4/console14:35
sil2100andyrock: my merge is failing because of those 2 unit tests failing14:35
sil2100andyrock: it's not related to my changes, as uh, I'm just removing a startup-patch14:36
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greybackSaviq: ack, thanks for finding out14:40
Saviqgreyback, bfiller offered to help with the review14:40
Saviqgreyback, so just push it up and we'll get it merged somehow14:40
greybackSaviq: it'll be one of the last things to approve, as the MR will break OSK on non-mir images14:41
andyrocksil2100, I can't acccess s-jenkins14:42
Saviqgreyback, ah ok... could it not? i.e. could it detect runtime?14:42
sil2100andyrock: ah14:42
greybackSaviq: hmmm, maybe. I can have a look, once I've everything else ready14:43
Saviqgreyback, thanks14:43
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Cimimzanetti, all rght?14:45
mzanettiCimi: yeah... the Popover lacks some stuff to do this... but relatively easy patches14:46
Cimitsdgeos, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/117956914:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 1179569 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[panel] Unintentional swipes can close Panel (need threshold)" [Critical,Fix committed]14:49
Cimitsdgeos, we should be ready to enable dash bottom swipe14:49
SaviqCimi, you know the bottom bar goes away in the dash? ;)14:49
CimiSaviq, now I do :P14:50
SaviqCimi, in favor of tab-like navigation between scopes14:50
SaviqCimi, but it's rather on the tail of the TODO list so..14:50
Cimiah ok..14:50
CimiSaviq, regarding the HUD14:50
CimiSaviq, I have a blueprint14:50
SaviqCimi, yup14:50
CimiSaviq, got a link to do doc?14:51
Cimito the14:51
SaviqCimi, I don't think there is one...14:51
SaviqCimi, let me see if I can find something14:51
* Cimi searches14:51
CimiSaviq, any joy?14:54
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SaviqCimi, not yet14:57
Saviqvesar, hey, can you brief Cimi on the changes to HUD button and transitions?14:59
Saviqvesar, I can't find any spec for that14:59
Saviq(or the presentation Oren showed in IoM)14:59
Cimivesar, tomorrow I'm in the office if you prefer14:59
Cimibut I have time now14:59
=== alecu_ is now known as alecu
vesarSaviq, Cimi : Sure I can give you brief. Maybe better to do it tomorrow if you Cimi are going to be at the office then.15:04
Cimivesar, ok works for me15:05
vesarSaviq, Cimi: So what are the changes exactly you're planning to implement here?15:05
Saviqvesar, the three TODOs for cimi in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-unity-hud-2-ui15:06
vesarSaviq, Cimi: Because my understanding is that there is not full design ready for it yet.15:06
vesarSaviq, let me check the blueprint15:06
vesarSaviq, Cimi: ok those changes are ok to do now. No worries I brief you Cimi tomorrow.15:07
Saviqvesar, cool thanks15:08
mhr3_Saviq, will you ignore me again if i ask about uri activation?15:12
Saviqmhr3_, did I ignore you before?15:14
mhr3_yep :)15:14
Saviqmhr3_, sorry15:15
mhr3_Saviq, so once again, do we need to do something special about http uris, or will those magically start working at some point on the phone?15:15
Saviqmhr3_, lp:url-dispatcher15:15
Saviqmhr3_, you'll need to put them through (lib)url-dispatcher15:15
Saviqmhr3_, that will launch the corresponding app (based on url / mimetype) through upstart15:16
mhr3_shouldn't we implement some abstract qt thing to do that?15:16
Saviqmhr3_, bug #118655615:16
ubot5bug 1186556 in qtubuntu "Browser does not respond to Qt.openUrlExternally(link)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118655615:16
Saviqmhr3_, and http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtgui/qdesktopservices.html#openUrl15:16
mhr3_yea, that's what we're using15:17
mhr3_so the plan is to fix the platform to handle this nicely15:18
Saviqmhr3_, yes15:19
tsdgeosmhr3_: Saviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/fix_qlimitproxymodel/+merge/18107115:21
tsdgeosi'm planning to add some comments to the new added code15:21
Saviqtsdgeos, \o/15:21
tsdgeoswith ascii art15:21
tsdgeosotherwise i'll forget why all those ifs15:21
tsdgeosbut the test is good and fixes the problem here15:22
Saviqtsdgeos, yup, fixes!15:23
mhr3_tsdgeos, woooo :)15:23
nic-doffaySaviq, got time to hop in on sdk quickly? Would like your opinion on something!15:27
dednickSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicator.messaging-rename/+merge/18107615:31
dednickshould stop the duplicate messaging indicator.15:31
Saviqdednick, approved15:39
Saviqah renames renames15:39
dednickSaviq: :) thanks15:40
dednicktedg: i'm still not getting an icon in for indicator-network15:43
tedgdednick, Hmm, is that not part of disabling the new one?15:46
tedgOld one?15:46
tedgI figured that was part of the name thing.15:46
dednicktedg: no. it's that actionstate issue. where the parameter type doesnt match the target or whatever15:47
tedgdednick, ?  The icon on the panel?15:47
dednicktedg: the icon in the panel comes from the actionState of the root item, but there is no action state is those do not match.15:48
dednicktedg: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6006873/15:49
tsdgeoskgunn: i've been told to try image 19.2 to see if the nexus4 thing is fixed but noone seems to know how to tell me to install the said image with phablet-flash15:49
tedgdednick, So you need an initial state.15:50
tedgdednick, K, let's fix it :-)15:50
dednicktedg: also, i'm not sure the agent will even work at the moment with indicator-network. may have to set it back to using qmenumodel rather than unitymenumodel15:51
kgunntsdgeos: yeah...i'm following scrollback also15:51
mhr3_tsdgeos, still some weirdness, searching for "cad" shows empty "Dash plugins" category15:53
mhr3_tsdgeos, it gives one result in unity715:53
sil2100bregma: just for the record: https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/121445915:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1214459 in Compiz "Failing GLibSourceDestroyIntegration unit tests on compiz/0.9.10" [High,In progress]15:53
tsdgeosmhr3_: where are you searching? apps scope?15:54
mhr3_tsdgeos, yep15:54
tedgdednick, Hmm, then indicator-network may not work, eh?15:54
bregmasil2100, thanks15:54
dednicktedg: i'm changing it to use qmenumodel and seeing how it fairs.15:54
tsdgeosyep, can repro15:55
tsdgeoslet me see15:55
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mhr3_tsdgeos, seems to have broken the model completely after that15:55
mhr3_keeps being empty15:55
tsdgeosSaviq: you still planning to do Implement QDesktopServices::openUrl ?15:56
fginthersil2100, shall I approve and deploy https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/add_ubuntu-ui-extras/+merge/181083 so that the package changes are merged in?15:56
fginthersil2100, ah, never mind. it's already set to merge, (it's in no-dailies/sdk.cfg)15:57
tsdgeosmhr3_: what do you mean keeps being empty?15:57
sil2100dednick: hi! Ah, ok, need to remove it from there15:58
sil2100I mean15:58
sil2100fginther: ^15:58
sil2100fginther: thanks for reminding me15:58
mhr3_tsdgeos, i mean that after it breaks with the "cad" search it doesn't show anything even if i change the search back to ""15:58
tsdgeosit does here15:58
fginthersil2100, :-)15:58
mhr3_tsdgeos, then mine is more broken15:59
tsdgeosotoh i'm runnigna slightly modified code15:59
sil2100fginther: are all the hooks that are in the no-dailies important for this branch?15:59
sil2100fginther: I think I'll copy-paste them to the head sdk stack15:59
fginthersil2100, looking15:59
dednicktedg: No, it would seem that is indicator-network not compatible with qmenumodel.16:00
tedgdednick, Ah, I was afraid of that :-/16:00
mhr3_tsdgeos, that could explain that16:00
tedgthostr_1, ^ seems we can't have indicator-network and the Unity8 secret agent.16:00
dednicktedg: wifi actions greyed out, and selecting access point doesnt actually do anything16:00
tsdgeosbut still should should something in cad16:00
tsdgeoslet me finish the documentation16:00
tsdgeosand see what's up16:00
dednicktedg: think it has to do with the namespaces16:00
tedgdednick, That'd be my guess as well.16:00
fginthersil2100, yes, we'd like to keep the hooks and other parts of the config to keep generating test/coverage results16:01
dednicktedg: hm. maybe i should concentrate on switching the network code to using unitymenumodel then instead of messages. dont know which is higher priority. I'l check with thomas16:01
sil2100fginther: ACK :)16:02
tedgdednick, I'd say messaging menu, but you can ask him.16:02
tedgdednick, I think we'd rather land all the indicator-network stuff together if it's not easy to make the old stuff work.16:02
sil2100fginther: pushed the modified version with your hooks in16:03
tsdgeosmhr3_: can you pull and see if you can still repro the dac thing?16:05
mhr3_tsdgeos, ehm, yep, still here16:07
tsdgeosi'm not getting it anymore16:07
dednicktedg: i'm guessing that the new indicator-messaging is not going to work either.16:07
mhr3_did you really push? :)16:07
tsdgeosbut i have not done any change :D16:07
dednicktedg: in terms of actions.16:07
tsdgeosso i was wondering if i had uncompiled stuff16:07
tsdgeosor stuff started hating me16:08
tsdgeosmhr3_: r12916:08
tsdgeosmhr3_: r21916:08
tedgdednick, Won't when it uses the .indicator file it use Unity Menu Mode?16:09
dednicktedg: messaging is not compatible with it yet. there's lots of custom stuff in unity8 which i'm in the process of switching over.16:09
tsdgeosmhr3_: do you have that one?16:10
mhr3_tsdgeos, yep, but it's not fixed for me16:10
tedgdednick, Hmm, I can get SMS's on my phone and reply and clear them...16:10
dednicktedg: ie all the menu items need to switch from using qmenumodel to using unitymenumodel16:10
tsdgeosmhr3_: at least the fact that when you search something it comes back?16:10
dednicktedg: using the new indicator-messages ?16:10
tedgdednick, Yeah16:11
mhr3_tsdgeos, nope, keeps being empty16:11
dednicktedg: how about 'clear all'?16:11
tedgdednick, Didn't try that one. I don't have a SIM right now to check though.16:11
mhr3_tsdgeos, although i find the whole concept odd, shouldn't limit number of results be a view thing?16:12
tsdgeosmhr3_: qt models are part of the view16:12
tsdgeosif you assume that, everything gets clearer :D16:13
dednicktedg: i think replying uses custom action names, but the clear all is just a button action "indicator.remove-all"16:13
tedgAh, okay.16:13
tsdgeosview in a "strict" MVC world point of view16:13
tsdgeosthe real model is whatever libunity has, qt models are "view"16:14
tsdgeosi'm a doing a shitty job explaining myself16:14
tsdgeosbut there's a great talk by kdab around that makes much more sense than i do probably16:14
mhr3_that's a strange concept16:14
mhr3_so what would be a view in that model? :P16:15
tsdgeospart of the view too16:15
mhr3_i see, this is a recursive problem16:15
mzanettiWellark: ping16:16
tsdgeosmhr3_: but yes i think there's something weird going on16:19
tsdgeosmhr3_: if i search dash i have 5 entries, is that normal?16:19
tsdgeosoh maybe it is16:19
mhr3_tsdgeos, there's also some other issue - removing all items seems to try to load their icons16:20
tsdgeosmhr3_: don't pin every weridness to me now :D16:20
mhr3_sorry, will give you more time to process the first issue next time :P16:21
mhr3_tsdgeos, 5 items in "dash plugins"?16:22
tsdgeoswhen searching for "dash"16:22
mhr3_tsdgeos, you should have 40 :)16:22
mhr3_cause description of every plugin says "this is a dash plugin..." and descriptions are searched16:23
mhr3_well, almost every scope16:23
tsdgeosyep, somethings wrong for sure, since da -> 6 items, dac -> 1 item, da -> 5 items16:24
* tsdgeos hits himself16:25
tsdgeosmhr3_: is there any easy way to just get the dash plugins thing in the apps scope?16:26
mhr3_tsdgeos, yes, the dash plugins results can be used to disable scopes :)16:27
mhr3_so disable applications16:27
mhr3_which btw shouldn't be possible, you're lucky we didn't fix it yet :P16:29
Saviqtsdgeos, not if you want to take it over, I started talking with ricmm as to where to put it in platform-api16:31
Saviqtsdgeos, but didn't really get a response16:32
tsdgeosSaviq: oh not want to take it over, just wanted to know if i should move the blueprint to you :D16:32
tsdgeosstill busy with this limitthing16:32
tsdgeosnot wokring as it should yet16:32
Saviqtsdgeos, move it to me, yes16:32
sil2100fginther: !16:34
sil2100fginther: for ubuntu-ui-extras... could you disable mediumtests? Since it has no integration/autopilot tests in it16:34
sil2100fginther: there were some, but those were empty example tests, not really tests16:34
sil2100fginther: could you disable the tests and re-run so that https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-extras/ubuntu-ui-extras-no-ap-tests/+merge/181091 gets in?16:35
sil2100fginther: do you have the power to redeploy a stack btw.?16:35
sil2100fginther: since if the merge ^ gets in, I would be grateful if the SDK stack could be redeployed, so that the new package is ran on the next tick ;)16:36
fginthersil2100, I can't do a stack, sorry. But I can fix the merge bits16:36
sil2100fginther: ok, then I'll redeploy tomorrow if anything16:36
sil2100fginther: thanks!16:36
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
dednicktedg: i've got indicator-network somewhat working with unity8 now. if you fix up the action state issue i think we should be ok. Only issue is that i can't get the individual wifi strengths for the access points. unitymenumodel doesnt support that :(17:03
dednicktedg: s/action state/parameter type17:06
kgunnSaviq: you got a n4 right ?17:11
Wellarkmzanetti: pong17:13
kgunnmterry: hey...can i bother you :)17:15
Saviqkgunn, no, msm ordered me one on Monday (and I think that was the trigger for Rick's "no-more-hw-money" email ;))17:18
greybackSaviq: care to take a look: https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/enable-OSK-surface/+merge/18110917:28
=== racarr is now known as racarr|lunch
tedgdednick, Hmm, okay.  Do you think it's something possible?18:58
dednicktedg: ?18:58
dednicktedg: regarding the strengths ?18:59
tedgdednick, Yes, sorry, reading backlog.18:59
dednicktedg: some work in unitymenumodel, but we're ok without it for now.18:59
tedgSome strengths, but not others?18:59
dednicktedg: we get the overall strength, but not the individual ones for each access point19:00
dednickthey are "non-menu" actions19:00
tedgdednick, Ah, okay.19:00
dednicktedg: good news is that i've got the network indicator connection working with passwords now.19:02
tedgdednick, Yeah, that is good news!19:02
tedgMakes migrating much easier.19:02
tedgdednick, This looks correct, no?  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-network/trunk.13.10/view/head:/network/network-action-manager.vala#L6219:05
dednicktedg: just having dinner19:08
dednicktedg: that's what's in trunk19:36
tedgdednick, Yes, but your diff added that?19:36
tedgdednick, Or it set the state to null?19:36
dednickparameter_type set to null19:37
tedgdednick, Ah, okay, I was reading it backward.19:38
tedgdednick, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-network/initial-panel-state/+merge/18114519:41
dednicktedg: cool. approved.19:42
tedgdednick, Great!  I don't think the next merge window is for 3 hrs though.19:43
dednicktedg: doesnt matter. unity8 isn't ready anyway.19:43
=== racarr|lunch is now known as racarr
tedgtvoss_, when do you expect the location-controller branch to land?  We're going to need it here real soon now for charles' branch.20:00
tvoss_tedg, tomorrow over the day20:02
tedgtvoss_, Not sure if the expression... does that mean Thursday?20:03
tvoss_tedg, nope, that's Wednesday20:03
tedgK, I thought "over the day" might mean "day after"20:04
mzanettimterry_: nice branch!20:05
mterry_mzanetti, :)20:06
mterry_mzanetti, I love deleting TODO lines20:06
mzanettimterry_: :)20:06
mzanettimterry_: is this intended to always be used? or only when running in the greeter?20:07
mterry_mzanetti, always20:08
mzanettimterry_: can I test it on the desktop in a way it stores the config?20:08
mterry_mzanetti, uh, I guess, yeah.  You'll have to install the deb though, and maybe killall accounts-daemon20:10
mterry_mzanetti, because we install some policykit and dbus interface files20:10
mterry_I only ever tested on the phone, but no reason it wouldn't work on desktop20:10
mterry_mzanetti, except...  you'll have to run as the right user, if you are talking to your system accounts service20:11
mzanettiyeah, that's ok20:11
mterry_mzanetti, so you might want to change the demo user to 'mzanetti' or some such20:13
Saviqmterry_, you rock! (re: Bug #1214477)22:25
ubot5bug 1214477 in Unity 8 "lock screen shown when on a phone call" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121447722:25
Saviqmterry_, I added some minor comments to the MR22:25
mterry_Saviq, ok22:26
mterry_Saviq, just fixed the test actually.  will look into other stuff22:26
Saviqmterry_, yeah, saw it was updating diff22:26
Saviqmterry_, seems like your branch was one of the first to have tests ran on hardware :)22:27
mterry_Saviq, what is with having both Q_FLAGS and Q_DECLARE_FLAGS...  not sure the docs make it obvious22:27
Saviqmterry_, indeed, they don't22:28
Saviqmterry_, Q_FLAGS takes two arguments, btw22:28
Saviqmterry_, Q_FLAGS(FlagName, EnumName) IIRC22:28
Saviqmterry_, that just takes care of typedef, really22:28
mterry_Saviq, I'm seeing that...  didn't get any errors, oddly22:28
mterry_well, I'll do it the verbose way22:28
Saviqmterry_, Q_DECLARE_FLAGS takes care of the arithmetic22:28
Saviqmterry_, i.e. operators and stuff22:29
Saviqmterry_, to have the whole QFlag machinery working, you need both22:29
mterry_Saviq, they even go to the trouble of reversing the order of the arguments to the two macros, and using a comma in one and not the other.  Thanks Qt!  ;)22:29
Saviqmterry_, indeed...22:30
Saviqmterry_, it's not the best thing out there...22:30
Saviqmterry_, actually, it seems I swapped the two: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qflags.html#flags-and-the-meta-object-system22:31
greyback_https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity8/typo/+merge/181167 <- typo fix22:31
Saviqmterry_, or generally mixed what they do :D22:32
Saviqmterry_, yay for good docs and self-explanatory names22:32
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Saviqwell, $20M to go...22:34
greyback_yeah, not bad though22:35
greyback_pity, would've liked to work on something cutting edge, if you pardon the pun22:36
Saviqmterry_, test_suspend fails locally still:22:58
SaviqFAIL!  : qmltestrunner::Shell::test_suspend() property mainStageFocusedApplication22:58
Saviq   Actual   (): null22:58
Saviq   Expected ():22:58
Saviq   Loc: [/home/michal/dev/canonical/unity8/repo/tests/qmltests/tst_Shell.qml(139)]22:58
Saviqmterry_, same in jenkins23:03
mterry_Saviq, odd, I had it work for me..23:06
mterry_Saviq, will look tomorrow23:06
Saviqmterry_, ok o/23:06

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