
cmaloneyUploading the latest Open Metalcast03:46
rick_hhttp://i.imgur.com/hINj1xf.png lol of the day12:15
rick_hand morning12:15
cmaloneyGood morning13:40
cmaloneyI really wish more blogs supported urls that if truncated will not 40413:47
cmaloneycase in point: the atlassian link13:47
rick_hugh, I'm going to get into trouble, but my new response to anything about women in programming is going to be "why don't you pick up the sword for equality in lawn-mowing services?" "Why are there so few women showing up at my house offering to mow my lawn...just think about it!"13:53
cmaloneyActually I've seen women mowing lawns13:54
rick_hwell there are 5 services on this street and I've not seen one13:54
rick_hso there must not be any13:54
brouschLAwn mowing is physically taxing. Men are larger than women. Are you saying a similar situation applies in programming?13:55
rick_hhttp://farukat.es/journal/2013/08/692-why-are-there-so-few-good-men-programmers for the ugh of the day13:55
cmaloneyBut yeah, I'm a little tired of feeling like I'm somehow responsible for the lack of something in my interests13:55
brouschI just ignore it14:10
jrwreni also just ignore it. I'm tired, plus i'm a white male, i'm not allowed to talk about i.14:11
cmaloneyjrwren: And that's the other thing14:11
greg-grick_h: one of my current roommates is/was a gardener (she's now 7 months pregnant, so yeah)15:08
greg-gjust a fancy lawn mower ;)15:08
greg-gwait, groklaw is shutting down because... email is insecure?15:14
greg-ghave they not heard of gpg?15:14
brouschgreg-g: I can't say it makes much sense to me either15:16
rick_hgreg-g: yea, that one seemed more of a "you all have killed the idealism of the internet for me" vs a "there's no way we can continue with current available tech"15:22
rick_hjcastro: you ever end up getting a fitbit? Get it working ok and such?15:22
jcastroworks awesome15:23
jcastrogot the scale too15:23
rick_hjcastro: which one did you get?15:24
jcastrothe flex, the wristband one15:24
rick_hjcastro: cool, thanks15:25
greg-grick_h: yeah, that's probably more the feeling15:25
jcastrorick_h: supposedly the clip on ones are more accurate15:26
jcastrobut when I had that I lost it15:26
jcastroactually, I washed it.15:26
rick_hgreg-g: which I understand. If something causes you to lose your passion for the thing and all. but the internet blow up is focused as if it's tech related15:26
jcastrothe flex is somewhat waterproof15:26
rick_hjcastro: yea, I've kept putting it off reading reviews and such15:26
rick_hand none of them seem to do well with biking15:27
rick_hjcastro: but I think it's time to just do *something* and figure out how to supplement the info with the extra bits15:27
jcastroyeah I think you'd just go back into the web UI and mark the time off as "biking"15:27
jcastroand then that would do what you want15:28
jcastrothe nice thing I love about the flex isn't even the fitbit part15:28
jcastroit has a silent alarm15:28
jcastroso like, my wristband vibrates so I can wakeup without waking jill up15:28
rick_hhah, that's cool.15:28
rick_hI've done that with my pebble once but don't like sleeping with my watch on.15:29
jcastrothe only bummer about the flex is it was backordered and I had to wait like a month15:30
jcastroand the other-color wristbands are backordered too15:30
rick_hah, they're in on AMZ15:30
jcastroso I can't wear the ubuntu orange band. :-/15:30
rick_hwell the flex is, didn't check the bands15:30
greg-gI have this huge "shake n' wake" thingy that is a cheap-ass no-name brand (literally, there is no brand name anywhere on it) thing that does that. worked pretty well when I was getting up at 5:30 to commute to Mountain View without waking Rowan/Carrie15:31
jcastrorick_h: the scale is badass15:31
jcastroyou get like badges when you lose weight15:31
jcastro"10 pound club" and stuff15:31
greg-gyou only weight 10 pounds?15:31
jcastrolol seriously15:31
jcastroway to play to the market there15:32
rick_hwtf is with the complete 'world fail!' lately? http://r.bmark.us/u/7b7adddc07367415:35
* rick_h just goes back to bed...screw this place15:35
brouschThe End Times are almost here15:36
greg-gall your fancy hard drive encryption won't save you from... LOCUSTS!15:36
greg-gbtw, yesterday was my 6 month anniversary at WMF :)15:37
rick_hgreg-g: woot!15:37
greg-gI got my WMF messenger bag :)15:37
brouschDon't locusts just eat all the food? Surely we can deter them with chemicals or technology15:37
greg-gbut then.... THE PLAGUE!15:38
brouschI've had my shots15:38
* greg-g may have failed any bible related tests in his life15:40
jrwreni was raised in sunday school. I know lots of bible stories.16:01
cmaloneySame here16:30
cmaloneyLet us divide some babies, yo.16:30
jrwrenonly a king can do that16:31
cmaloneyOK, this is cool / messed up16:33
cmaloneySomeone is uploading my episodes to Youtube16:33
jrwrensend 'em a "thanks" ?16:33
jrwrenwait, you are CC NC  right?16:34
cmaloneyI am16:34
cmaloneyIs there an ad on it?16:34
jrwrenif they run ads on the YT vid, its a violation of the NC part16:34
jrwrennope, no ad16:34
cmaloneyI mean, I'd prefer they link back to the show page (archive.org or omc), but I find it interesting that someone is going through the trouble of even uploading these things16:36
rick_hOMC on my chromecast!16:40
jrwrenmy brain is broken.17:14
rick_hsame here, so took a half day sick day.17:15
rick_hcmaloney: heh, avoided linking that. They'll keep on kicking until they're out of money I guess.17:15
cmaloneyWell, I think they need to identify their core market17:15
cmaloneythey're not a kindle killer, they're a B&N shopper convienience finder17:16
rick_hAMZ haters?17:16
cmaloneyAnd people who like ePub17:16
jrwreni can't remember the name of that pythong thing17:16
jrwrenpython environment thingy17:16
jrwrentook me like 30min to remember that17:16
cmaloneyThough they should never have said they were killing the nook17:16
rick_h"MS come and throw money at us please!"17:17
rick_hjrwren: ah, ugh17:17
cmaloneyYeah, that's not going to happen unless your name is Nokia17:18
jrwren"that thing that lets me type activate and deactivate"17:18
cmaloneyAnd God knows why that is17:18
jrwrenpyenv-virtualenv is weird17:22
rick_hso http://benjaminkerensa.com/2013/08/14/firefox-to-remain-default-very-nice makes a lot more sense now http://benjaminkerensa.com/2013/08/20/north-america-mozilla-reps-meetup19:48
rick_hgeeze, http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/08/uk-home-office-defends-nine-hour-interrogation-of-journalists-partner/19:58
rick_hI love this line "The official reason for destroying The Guardian's hard drives is also related to public safety. The thinking was that the newspaper could have been hacked, and the secret information could have been acquired by those who would do harm to the nation."19:58
rick_hyour computer could have been hacked, and data exposed...so we went in and destroyed it for you. You'll get a bill in the mail kthx.19:58
cmaloneyPretty sure my bad days start with "There's a report we'd like you to generate"21:19
trevlarthat request sounds very familiar21:20
cmaloneyIf it weren't for meaningless reports, tehre'd be no need for computer professionals in business21:21
jrwrena web page is just a meaningless report.21:39
jrwrenwordpress automates meaningless report creation of the blog variety.21:39

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