
Squirmthanks nuvolari06:12
superflymorning Squirm06:15
Squirmhey superfly 06:16
superflymorning kbmonkey06:19
superflyI mean Kilos06:19
Kiloshi superfly magespawn 06:20
Kilosand others06:20
Kilosall good superfly ??06:20
magespawngood morning06:21
Kiloshi Count_Janik 06:21
Kiloshave you been here before06:21
Kilosmemory fails me06:22
Count_Janikindeed I have, but not for quite some time, so not surprising your memory failed06:22
Kiloshehe welcome back06:23
magespawnMaaz tell adeebnqo I thought, provisionally, Fridays between 20:00 and 21:00, maybe up till 22:00 if people want06:23
Maazmagespawn: Got it, I'll tell adeebnqo on freenode06:23
Kiloshi adeebnqo 06:24
Maazadeebnqo: By the way, magespawn on freenode told me "tell adeebnqo I thought, provisionally, Fridays between 20:00 and 21:00, maybe up till 22:00 if people want" 20 minutes and 41 seconds ago06:44
adeebnqoKilos: do yu know who made the Maaz bot?06:46
superflyadeebnqo: Maaz is an ibid instance06:47
Kilosyessir cocooncrash06:47
superflyMaaz: google for ibid06:47
Maazsuperfly: "Ibid. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibid. :: "IBid" http://ibid.illinois.gov/ :: "ibid. - definition of ibid. by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and ..." http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ibid. :: "meaning - What does 'Ibid' mean in reference/footnotes? - English ..."06:47
Maazhttp://english.stackexchange.com/questions/27884/what-does-ibid-mean-in-reference-footnotes :: "Ibid Examples - Examples - YourDictionar…06:47
Kilosand maintained by tumbleweed 06:47
superflyMaaz: google for ibid irc bot06:47
Maazsuperfly: "Ibid Wiki | Main / HomePage" http://ibid.omnia.za.net/ :: "Ibid 0.1.1 : Python Package Index" https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Ibid :: "Ibid – Freecode" http://freecode.com/projects/ibid :: "Ibid chat bot - Launchpad Blog" http://blog.launchpad.net/projects/ibid-chat-bot :: "Comparison of Internet Relay Chat bots - Wikipedia, the free ..."06:47
Maazhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_bots :: "Ubuntu – Details of package ibi…06:47
superflythat's better06:47
adeebnqothanks, lemme bookmark these --- i've been wanting to make a DC++ bot for a while now06:49
superflyhi maiatoday!06:54
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:55
maiatodayhi Kilos06:56
Kiloswell kde works through router to 3g08:27
Kilostook many reboots from both sides08:27
Kilosand iftop works08:28
psyatwhi Kilos08:29
Kiloshi psyatw howsit08:29
psyatwI am fine08:29
psyatwdoing boring stuff at work as usual08:30
psyatwbut at least I am reading things that are more interesting08:30
Kiloswhat you reading?08:30
psyatworacle, j2ee, some linux stuff etc.08:31
psyatwanything that helps me increase my IT knowledge08:31
Kilosgood man08:31
psyatwI got a contract for one more year08:31
Kilosdid you see all the links inetpro put in here night before last08:31
psyatwin that time I want to have learned enough things to move up in the company or go somewhere else08:32
Kilosbash stuff08:32
psyatwno, I didn´t08:32
Kilosaw and im on another drive 08:32
Kilosyou know how to read logs08:32
psyatwyes, I must have some logs at home08:32
psyatwif I haven´t missed the links entirely08:33
Kiloshe says its important to know that before we worry about python08:33
Kilosno man online logs08:33
psyatwyeah, python is one of the things I also want to learn08:33
psyatwoh, I see08:33
Kilosso even before the stuff your learning maybe better to brush up08:33
Kilosi always forget how to go read logs08:34
psyatwdoes it require any special knowledge?08:35
psyatwI know my way around programming languages08:35
KilosMaaz: google irc #ubuntu-za logs for 18.o8.201308:37
MaazKilos: "Ubuntu ZA - Ubuntu South Africa LoCo" http://ubuntu-za.org/ :: "Get Ubuntu | Ubuntu ZA - Ubuntu South Africa LoCo" http://ubuntu-za.org/get-ubuntu :: "Feed aggregator | Ubuntu ZA - Ubuntu South Africa LoCo" http://ubuntu-za.org/planet :: "Xubuntu | Ubuntu ZA - Ubuntu South Africa LoCo" http://ubuntu-za.org/category/distribution/xubuntu :: "South Africa -08:37
Maazirc2go - Chat Rooms" http://en.irc2go.com/?q=south+africa :: "Bug #1033579 “NM doesn't au…08:37
KilosMaaz: sorry08:37
MaazDon't be sorry Kilos Be careful.08:37
Kilosive only managed Hello World08:37
psyatwoh, don´t worry08:37
psyatwit will all make sense08:37
psyatwthe thing is to fail fast and often so you learn from your mistakes08:38
Kilossorry i shoulda put them on my channel08:51
psyatwwhat is your channel?08:58
Kilosyou never been there?08:58
psyatwno, I didn´t know it existed08:59
Kilosthats where we help each other with prohibeted stuff here08:59
psyatwthat sounds like a good idea08:59
Kilosyou welcome to join09:00
psyatwI am already there09:00
Kiloswbb just gonna disconnect router09:14
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kilosmôre inetpro 09:25
Kiloshi Superhuman 09:59
Superhumanhi Kilos10:01
psyatwhallo Übermensch10:05
Kiloshehe he missed  that10:10
ThatGraemeGuyhey peeps11:47
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 12:04
Kilosno one talking today12:05
ThatGraemeGuyseems like it12:06
* ThatGraemeGuy got the job offer he's been interviewing for over the past 4 weeks12:07
ThatGraemeGuywoop woop!!12:07
Kiloswell done12:10
Kiloswhat you gonna do there12:10
Kilosjust dont move and forget irc hey12:11
ThatGraemeGuy^^ that ^^12:12
ThatGraemeGuytime to start learning some ruby12:15
Kiloswell done12:18
ThatGraemeGuythanks :)12:24
nuvolario/ hello's :)12:28
Kilosyo nuvolari 12:34
superflyhey, well done ThatGraemeGuy!12:39
magespawnyou fill all of that ThatGraemeGuy ?12:39
ThatGraemeGuythanks :)12:39
ThatGraemeGuyfill the requirements, or fill the form? ;)12:40
magespawnthe requirements12:40
ThatGraemeGuymost of them12:42
magespawncool, well done12:42
ThatGraemeGuyi'm not super strong on DB stuff12:42
ThatGraemeGuyand i don't have 10+ years12:42
ThatGraemeGuybut i told them that and i managed to impress them enough anyway12:43
magespawnnice one12:43
Kilosmaybe they liked the way you comb your hair12:43
ThatGraemeGuyi managed to build a multi-master mysql cluster in under a day and use it as backend for a wordpress cluster12:43
ThatGraemeGuywhich even impressed me :D12:43
Kilosbut great. once you in you can brush up whats needed12:44
ThatGraemeGuymy hair is shaved most of the time12:44
ThatGraemeGuyso is the MD's and 1 of the other guys in the team so maybe that did have something to do with it ;-)12:44
magespawni sure it did12:45
magespawnmay i ask a personal question ThatGraemeGuy ?12:45
Kilosor its like that old song12:46
Kilosthe more you deceive them the more they like your technique12:46
ThatGraemeGuyyou can ask anything.... i'll decide later if i can answer :P12:46
magespawnwhat is the industry expected salary for that kind of job? feel free to direct to sites rather than giving precise details12:47
ThatGraemeGuyin my experience anywhere between 30k and 40k depending on skills and experience12:49
magespawnper month?12:49
magespawnthats is more than i earn a year, lol12:49
ThatGraemeGuyyou work for a slave driver? ;-)12:50
magespawnno not really, have lots of free time, but field guiding has never paid very well ever12:50
Kilosstudy magespawn youll get there12:51
magespawnwhen i was at the height of my salary earnings it was R5k to R6k per month12:52
ThatGraemeGuyyou're not in the I.T. industry?12:52
magespawnindeed Kilos just need motovation12:52
Kilosill nag you daily if you like12:52
magespawnThatGraemeGuy: i have my own shop internet cafe and pc repairs, but that only pays for itself12:53
ThatGraemeGuyits a start12:53
magespawngive me a chance to study IT and gain experience when i am not driving12:53
ThatGraemeGuyi wanted to do accounting/auditing stuff when i left school, didn't work out12:54
ThatGraemeGuycaught a lucky break doing desktop work and it grew from there12:54
ThatGraemeGuythat was 11 years ago12:55
magespawndone A+ and N+, busy with MCITP, and picking up all the linux skills i can along the way12:55
ThatGraemeGuyhang in there, work hard, it'll come to you :)12:55
magespawni have been a guide for 13 years now12:55
magespawnhave to change career fish one is going to high school in 2016, R55k to R65k, per year12:58
Kilosand they web hosts12:59
Kiloswith some sweet talk maybe we get a host for QA12:59
magespawnspeaking of which bbl13:00
ThatGraemeGuymagespawn: this may interest you: http://businesstech.co.za/news/it-services/44018/best-paid-it-professionals-in-sa/13:42
inetproThatGraemeGuy: nice job, and well done for getting that!13:49
ThatGraemeGuythanks :)13:51
magespawnty ThatGraemeGuy 14:24
charlgood afternoon14:42
charlhi Cantide 14:42
charlhow's it going14:43
Cantideit's going well :)14:43
Cantidewas out in the garden a bit today14:43
magespawnhi Cantide  charl 14:44
Cantidemagespawn, '<14:44
charli spent hours biking through the forest in germany14:44
charlam tired now14:44
charlhi magespawn :)14:44
Cantidenow that i would like to do!14:44
Cantideblack forest? hehe14:44
charlno, that's far to the south14:45
charli want to make a trip out in that direction though14:45
charlmaybe i should do it, next month might be a good time, although i will need to book a hotel for a few nights14:45
Cantideit's the only forest i know in Germany :p14:45
charlhalf of germany is a forest :P14:46
Cantidei have a friend that stays near that area14:47
Cantidei forget the name of the town .-.14:47
charloh yeah in baden-württemberg, a very nice state14:48
charloh that's on the border of bayern too14:50
charlvery very nice, those are two of the best states14:50
Cantidecool :)14:51
Cantidei should visit her sometime then >.<14:51
charlif you do it come the last week of september14:52
charlit's octoberfest week, it will be crazy but lots to see14:52
charli want to head down to munchen myself but i still need to book a hotel14:53
charli will probably stay outside munchen because they push the prices up like crazy during that week14:53
Cantideyeah, i want to see Oktoberfest sometime :)14:55
charlthe beer is expensive, i see they charge 10 euro per litre14:55
charlthat's octoberfest prices for you14:56
charlyou shouldn't think about it, just say "it's the experience"14:56
Cantidei wouldn't mind the prices if i'm only doing it once14:59
Cantideand i don't drink a lot :p14:59
charlthat's the english page14:59
charla litre of water costs 7 euro, what?!14:59
charlnah man i tell you, if i drank a liter of beer i have had enough :P15:00
charlmaybe 2 liter but that is my limit15:00
Kiloslo charl Cantide 15:10
Cantidehey Kilos~15:10
Cantidecharl, same, i wouldn't drink more than 2L15:10
charlnah man i would get sick and throw up bah15:13
charlhey Kilos !15:13
charlhow's it going15:13
Kilosgood ty everything working15:13
charlah your problems have been resolved?15:13
Kilosdrive that kept crashing here works np on other pc15:13
Kilosyeah and the dhcp with router worked after i deleted old connection settings and added new15:14
Kilosbut same, so you tell me why15:14
charlah yes15:14
Kilosboth pcs can now use the 3g in the modem15:14
charlgood to hear15:15
charlyeah sometimes it happens15:15
charli don't know15:15
Kilosnow i gotta find out how to cut router open and wire for external yagi15:16
charloh you want to boost your wifi?15:16
Kilosgotta email that pretoria is gonna supply free wifi15:16
charlthe government?15:16
charlmunicipality i mean15:16
Kilosbut nearest hotspot from here atm in 15ks15:16
charloh no man with a good antenna that's no problem15:17
charlyou just need one of those mikrotik routerboards and a good antenna15:17
Kilosi will build a lekker 15 element yagi if i can just find the measurements15:17
charlhmmm never tried building one myself15:18
Kilosnot buying no more stuff15:18
charlsounds interesting, keep us updated :)15:18
charlwrite a howto15:18
charlother people will also find it interesting15:18
charlafaik there is a very strong wug initiative in south africa15:19
Kilosi found a site that gave a file that you could print and lay out on the table with everything where it must be but aint gotta printer15:19
charlin europe cable/ftth mostly killed that15:19
Kilosya ptawug is right here but they wanna sell the equipment15:19
charlstrange, usually they allow you to get on it for free15:20
charlit's a non-profit community network according to http://www.ptawug.co.za/15:21
Kilosya but if you outa town you need antenna etc15:23
Kilosi think the kit is R160015:23
charlyeah that's usually the case15:23
charlbut you can source the hardware anyway you like and a lot of people are building their own antennas15:24
charlthere is also an irc channel, have you tried connecting on that?15:24
charlthere might be some okes with suggestions15:24
Kilosi just dunno if i can tell the router to search for outside wifi or if it only supplies wifi locally15:24
charloh you mean connect upstream, that's a difficult question15:25
Kilosyeah i spoke to the ptawug guys15:25
Kilosif not ill try get a wireless adapter for pc and then search15:25
charli don't know if an ordinary wireless adapter will work, they are meant for short range15:26
Kiloswith an outside antenna of course15:27
Kiloswb inetpro 15:27
inetprothat was me pressing disconnect accidentally 15:28
inetproKilos: where's that nick?15:28
Kiloshehe what you broke15:28
inetprolekker stupid15:28
inetpronee man, als weer reg15:28
charlKilos: it also depends on the transmission power of the wifi adapter, but i'm not the expert on this15:29
charlwb inetpro 15:30
Kilosi gotta find a hardware guru to explain why that drives works fine in another machine15:30
magespawni wonder it the wug will be allowed to share the free Pretoria wifi? also what the speeds and usages will be?15:30
Kilosa good yagi boost incoming as well as outgoing inetpro 15:30
charlmagespawn: if somebody else is hooked up and they also happen to be on the wug you could vpn through them15:31
charlpeople used to do that with dsl too15:31
magespawnmaybe the cables or the board Kilos 15:31
Kilosoh inetpro i wanted to ask you, how have you connected an external antenna to your router15:31
magespawnahh charl but will they allow it and will the wifi be able to handle all those extra users?15:32
Kilosall our cities are planning on supplying free wifi15:32
Kilosyou got a mail coming with all the links magespawn 15:33
magespawnty Kilos 15:34
charlmagespawn: that i wouldn't know, but the promise of free wifi sounds overly ambitious15:34
Kilosi deleted one last week where they say its a govt thing i think to supply wifi15:34
Kilosthat afrihost 5g for under R150 also sounds good if you dont mind contracts15:36
CantideKilos, yeah, i saw that on the news15:36
Cantideabout PTA15:36
Kilosafrihost mobile15:36
Kilosif they supply to the city i just gotta make a good enough antenna to tap in15:37
Kilosoh magespawn the same cabling and mboard are working here on kde15:38
Kiloshardware incompatibility15:39
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: the afrihost thing is month-to-month, not contract15:59
Kilosoh wow thats wonderful15:59
ThatGraemeGuyi managed to snag one in the second batch they made available16:00
Kilosid go mad with 5g a month16:00
Kilosis it telkom?16:00
Kilosi have bought 8ta airtime for next 3 to 4 months already16:01
ThatGraemeGuyshould receive it early in sept16:01
Kilosoh no mtn sucks here16:01
ThatGraemeGuyhome time, i'm off!16:01
* ThatGraemeGuy waves16:01
Kilosgo well16:01
=== space_ is now known as Space
inetproKilos: a wifi network and a wireless network the WUG style are two different things16:40
inetprowifi is very short range16:40
Kilosoh my16:41
Kilosyou didnt tell me how you got the external aerial in your whatever16:42
Kilosfor 3g16:42
Kilosdid it just plug in or have to be wired internally16:42
inetproand with a wifi network you can connect directly to the network from your PC while on a normal wireless network you need a special router16:42
inetproKilos: I screw it on16:44
Kilosonot what?16:44
inetprohave an integrated port for connectivity16:44
inetproon the router16:44
Kilosoh built in port16:45
inetproyebo yes, the thing was built with an external antenna in mind16:45
inetproand then it has a physical switch to either switch to internal antenna or external16:45
inetprobut I've seen modern routers without the physical switch16:46
inetprobut with the option in the config16:46
inetprocall it a software switch16:46
Kilosoh its a 3g router with 3g built in?16:47
inetproyebo yes16:47
inetproand with Wifi broadcasting16:47
Kilosand wifi locally16:47
inetproyebo yes16:47
inetpronou verstaan hy!16:48
inetprook forget about broadcasting16:48
Kilosif i put a wireless adapter in pc with external aerial and i can pick up  a wireless signal 16:49
inetpronot really the same thing16:49
Kilosno man16:49
Kiloswiat and listen16:49
Kiloswait too16:49
* inetpro is ene ore16:49
Kilosso with a wireless card in pc and external aerial and i find a hotspot then my router will wifi locally via the pc?16:50
* inetpro luister maar hoor niks16:50
inetproahh... :-)16:50
Kilosjy baie cheeky16:50
inetpronee man16:51
inetproyou want to get jailed?16:51
Kilosno man the wifi is gonna be free16:51
Kilosill mail you the mail16:52
inetproyou want to take somebody else's network and re-broadcast?16:52
inetproKilos: nee meneer16:52
Kilosno man in the house only16:52
inetproif you want to do that you will have to ask for permission16:53
inetproand you will most likely not get that permission16:53
Kiloseven for personal  use16:53
Kilosthere is only me here and sissie with tablet16:54
inetprothat free thing from mr Knott-Craig junior is a nice pipe dream 16:54
inetproand I wish him good luck 16:54
kbmonkeyoh morning superfly - sorry I was away at the time16:55
inetprowhile I do hope that it does realise16:55
inetprobut I have my doubts16:55
kbmonkeyevening all16:55
Kilosoh well i got 8ta still16:55
Kiloshi kbmonkey 16:55
inetproKilos: it will only be available in a few small areas16:56
Kilosanyway i got 8ta and router works with 3g so all good16:56
Kilosty for the info16:56
inetproand the way I see it, he wants it to be free for the poor16:56
Kilosbut i may still experiment hey?16:56
inetprobut how do you define an area as a poor area16:57
Kiloswell man im the poor16:57
inetproyou clearly live in the wrong area16:57
inetprobecause I doubt whether that signal will get even close to you16:57
Kilosyou dunno the power of a 15 element yagi16:58
Kilosantenna design is very interesting16:59
inetproKilos: a wifi signal only goes for like 20 meters16:59
Kilosim talking wireless17:01
inetprojaja, but please don't mix the two17:02
inetproKilos: talk to the WUG guys17:02
Kilosyip will next month17:03
Kilosty for the guidance17:03
Kiloswill make my antenna then they can see when it connects17:03
Kilosive made the folded dipole already17:05
Kilosits tiny17:05
inetproKilos: see High Gain Yagi Antenna http://www.poyntingdefence.com/index.php?q=catalogue|productinfo,10,High-Gain-Yagi-Antenna17:06
inetprothat ^^ is just one of many different antennas they have17:06
Kilosim not gonna buy one17:08
Kiloswhen my one is made ill show you a pic17:09
Kilosbut this isnt an urgent thing17:09
inetproif they were easy to make you would see a lot more competition17:09
inetproand I'm not saying it is not easy17:09
Kilosi made yagis for radio use many years ago17:10
inetprobut you have to build according to specs17:10
Kilosstill have fomula in head17:10
Kilos486/freq in meg17:10
Kilosbut 492 was always closer i think17:11
Kilosdidnt need as much tuning17:11
inetprobut Kilos, didn't you say that you can see the tower with your naked eye?17:13
Kilosya but thats 3g im talking wireless17:14
Kilosthen i can wireless the ptawug17:14
inetproand internet?17:14
Kilosalso the wug guys offered to download stuff for one and then you fetch it wireless17:15
Kilosthere are quite a few ubuntu users in ptawug17:16
inetprothey must stop doing the own thing and start putting more pressure on the industry to reduce pricing17:17
Kilosgo tell them17:18
inetprothen again, they mustn't stop doing their own thing17:18
inetprothey must keep doing it17:18
Kilosalso i gotta work out how to open a 3g modem and connect an external antenna to it17:19
inetproactually more people need to be made aware that you can do things for free17:19
Kilosian got poor signal where he is17:19
inetproahh, nou kom hy met sy storie17:21
Kilosjy baie cheeky17:21
inetproI have to so I can understand your reasoning17:22
* inetpro wbb17:23
Kiloshee hee hee17:24
magespawnhey Kilos17:25
Kilosyo my magespawn 17:25
magespawnsome modems come with attachements for aerials17:27
nuvolario/ good evening oom Kilos, magespawn, oom inetpro :P17:28
Kiloslo nuvolari 17:28
magespawnand you can get a adapter for the ones that don't17:28
magespawnhey nuvolari 17:28
Kilosone has to use what one has magespawn 17:28
Kilosto plugin aerial to 3g modem17:29
magespawnlet find a link17:29
Kiloshi Vince-0 17:30
Kilosyou not the same one with kde probs in the lists hey?17:30
magespawnsorry Kilos you won't be able to go that link17:41
Kilosnp magespawn 17:41
kbmonkeyhi Vince-0 17:41
Kiloswhats wrong with it17:41
Kilosoh resellers17:41
Vince-0So RMS is pretty much confirmed for Duban17:45
kbmonkeyDurban? Really?! The news read like it was only to be CT/JHB17:47
kbmonkeyhappy about that!17:47
Vince-0those are confirmed, Durban at UKZN17:47
kbmonkeyvery cool17:48
Vince-0ill do updates tonight17:48
Vince-0may even pick him up at the airport17:49
Vince-0here are the durban notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gd3pE0r8X4iRPbPTe6pfv7UqdKFtaqb2r3W4SI0yweE/edit#heading=h.6tnj4daysmb017:49
Vince-0Richard Keller is helping organise it, got the venue etc17:49
kbmonkeyunbelievable, I am struggling to keep my eyes open and not even 8pm yet XD17:50
Vince-0kbmonkey: stupid googledoc wasn't public - now you can see17:51
kbmonkeythanks Vince-0 :)17:51
kbmonkeyThis should be very good17:51
Kiloswhew you not well kbmonkey ?17:51
kbmonkeydid lots of leg work at the gym today Kilos. going tomorrow for upper body.17:52
kbmonkeystill new, still adjusting ;)17:52
kbmonkeywhoa, that google doc has it's style a bit confused, lol! must be my browser..17:53
kbmonkeyyeah.. I get this render bug with fixed-aligned css elements.17:54
magespawnKilos: i cant find a picture at the moment17:55
Kilosnp magespawn 17:55
Kilosif its another 300 bucks or something ill work a way to wire cable in directly17:56
magespawnbut it is a small black plastic pad that attaches to the aerial cable and then sits on top of the modem17:56
Kilosoh like an induction thing17:56
Vince-0kbmonkey: your crazy terminal browsers?17:57
magespawnyup works well with the e22017:57
kbmonkeychrome browser Vince-0 - wow this is really happening hey, pretty exciting!17:58
Kilosill most likely be doing it on ians vodafone modem anyway, dont wanna mess up the modem that works in the router17:59
Kilosbut what is the thing called magespawn 18:00
magespawnKilos: about R250 i think18:00
magespawnwe call it a skilpad, but i am sure thats not the proper name18:00
magespawni will see what i can find tomorrow18:01
Kilosbut thats lotsa data18:01
magespawnthat is the one from @lantic, so let me see if i can find a cheeper one18:03
magespawnand here is a heads up for everyone, esquire in now offering laptops without a preinstalled os18:04
kbmonkeyKilos, did you see that preorder deal afrihost was giving out today of the 3G wifi hotspot device18:08
Kilosfirst 1000 peeps18:09
Kilosbut mtn sucks here\18:09
Kilosedge only18:09
Kilosand 2 days a week offline18:09
kbmonkeyawe :(18:10
kbmonkeyafter the 1000 they released another 400018:10
kbmonkeyand when that was gone they did another 3000. 18:10
Kilosyou surely wont get that thing with just one R150?18:10
kbmonkeybut youre right about that coverage18:10
kbmonkeywho knows. I'll let you know next month ;)18:11
nuvolarioh hi apie :)18:11
kbmonkeywas with afrihost before and they really gave me good service then18:11
Kilosyou gonna try next month18:11
kbmonkeyI get the device next month18:12
kbmonkeyhallo nuvolari o/18:12
Kilosyeah but out here the tower sucks and they got no plans to upgrade it18:12
Kilosthats why i went voda to start with18:12
magespawnkbmonkey: is it on contract?18:12
kbmonkeymagespawn, just like their dsl packages, month to month18:13
magespawndo keep the device no matter what?18:13
kbmonkeyno matter what?18:14
kbmonkeyI cannot say18:14
magespawnif you stop the service?18:14
kbmonkeybut the rates are cheaper than any other mobile rates so undoubtedly why would you not use the service?18:14
* magespawn goes to google18:14
kbmonkeytheir t&c's probably cover that18:15
kbmonkeyhowever I was not planning on taking the deal to scavenge their hardware18:15
Kilosi was18:15
Kiloswhat does preorder mean18:16
magespawnyup you get the device for free if you got in on the preorder18:17
magespawnnice one18:17
kbmonkeylikely mtn is supplying the hardware18:17
magespawnyou order before the device is available Kilos 18:18
kbmonkeymagespawn, how much would those devices cost to manufacture? 18:18
magespawnso have to wait, although not long in this case18:18
kbmonkeycertainly not as much as advertised, realistically18:18
Kilosand they not gonna put it on contract once youve paid18:18
magespawnno much i would guess between R50 and maybe R250 at the most18:19
Kilosbut who you gonna make a hotspot for anyway18:20
Kilosall your neighbours18:20
magespawnjust yourself Kilos or people in the same room18:20
kbmonkeyall your pc's ;)18:20
* kbmonkey has more pcs than pairs of shoes18:20
Kilosi have 2 running with eth through router and place for 2 more\18:21
kbmonkeythe nice thing is that if your data runs out you dont get charged "out of bundle" rates like cell phone contracts do. they just cap you. no unepected surprises ;)18:21
kbmonkeyvoda did that to me. I was horrified by the bill. their customer support told me their service does not allow for capping. nice18:22
Kilosbetter 8ta prepaid18:23
Kiloswhen it finish you need to buy more airtime18:23
Kilosim actually chuffed with 8ta18:24
magespawnkbmonkey: somebody made a mistake, AFAIK they can do that18:24
Kilosgot up to 803kB/s the other night18:24
kbmonkeylol, same Kilos !18:25
kbmonkeysoem nights I get 1MB! others fall flat to zero18:25
magespawnyou can buy a phone for that MiFi modem price, that will do the same thing18:25
magespawnnice speed18:26
kbmonkeyA phone would, but the data rates are a bit higher I think18:26
Kilosbut isnt this router like doing the same thing magespawn 18:26
Kiloscan do 4 eth connections and i dunno how many wifi18:27
magespawnit is yes, it is what i use my galaxy pocket for18:27
magespawnrouters are more powerful18:27
kbmonkeynice :)18:27
Kilosthen i wont even think about mtn stuff18:28
Kilosi dont trust them18:28
kbmonkeymy wifi router stopped working recently :(18:28
Kilosnever had probs using them for old cell18:28
Kilosreset it kbmonkey 18:28
kbmonkeyso this will save me18:28
Kilosis it dead dead or what18:29
kbmonkeyyar I suspect the transmitter is borked18:29
Kilosthey got built in flash stuff18:29
kbmonkeyis a few years old18:29
kbmonkeyI should maybe pry it open - could even be a broken wire ;) imagine that. lol18:30
Kilosdid you try a reset18:31
kbmonkeyfactory reset18:31
Kiloshold the reset button in and then power on18:31
Kilosand hold another 10 secs18:31
kbmonkeymany times over ;)18:31
Kilosthats sad18:31
kbmonkeygone to bit heaven18:31
kbmonkeyno worries my phone becomes a hotspot if I want to copy files across18:32
kbmonkeyI need a muffin18:33
Kilosif you gonna train everyday you must eat lotsa pasta if you can take it18:35
kbmonkeyi made muffins with protein isolate. they are goood.18:35
kbmonkeywana bake again this weekend. 18:36
inetproVince-0: your doc is still not public?18:36
magespawnkbmonkey: doesn't the high temp of the baking wreck the protein?18:41
kbmonkeylol, not unless I bake at 500 deg C 18:43
Kilosand lotsa soya kbmonkey 18:43
Vince-0inetpro: 18:43
Kilosthere some nice soya mixes in stores18:43
inetproVince-0: pong18:44
Vince-0its got other peoples details in it, seems we have a small organising committee18:44
Kilosbeens are protein for non meat peeps18:44
Vince-01sec, just making sure18:44
inetproVince-0: no problem, it doesn't have to be public18:45
inetprojust saying since you wrote, "stupid googledoc wasn't public - now you can see"18:46
Kilosgoogle is painful at times18:48
Kilosagain i had to go tell it ubuntu list mails arent spam18:49
inetproKilos: hmm...18:49
inetpromake no mistake their spam filtering is still the best18:50
inetprovery rare to see a mistake like that18:50
kbmonkeyKilos, add the list to your contacts then it should not get spamboxed 18:50
Kilosits the odd ones inetpro 18:51
Kilosi get the replies then wonder where the one is with the prob18:51
Vince-01 sec, shoulda asked peeps for consent of personal info18:51
Kiloslike i got adrianas and monkeys but not vinces query18:52
Vince-0oh no, i'm just being anal about this privacy thing18:52
kbmonkeyrms's much? ;)18:52
kbmonkeyI guess it is good to ask in case Vince-0 18:53
inetproalways good to ask first18:53
Vince-0and I don't want to go to jail18:53
Kilosfree food in jail18:54
inetproKilos: actually I just realised I also have a lot of valid mails in my spam folder18:54
inetprosomething must have changed18:54
Kilosyeah its bad inetpro 18:54
Kilosevry second month theres some that dont work18:55
inetproKilos: I think there is an element of learning involved19:00
inetproif you mark it as "not SPAM" it learns from that19:00
Kilosthats what i do19:00
Kilosbut you gotta do it every coupla months19:01
Kilosi dont mind them spamming peeps that try sell me viagra19:01
inetprospam is damn difficult to control19:01
magespawnKilos: what was that antispam program you found again?19:03
inetproone little program is not good enough these days19:05
inetproyou need a multitude of engines 19:05
Kilosand theres spamassasin19:05
magespawnmaybe if we crowd sugarplum, we coule make it work19:10
Kilosthe mail peeps need spam fighters but first they have to understand what spam is 19:11
Kilosand not block legitimate mail19:11
inetprointeresting reading: "Paul Theron, CEO of Vestact Limited, says that Cell C has decimated its own business case and will be dead within six months."19:14
* inetpro wonders how he gets to that conclusion19:14
Kilosthey say even bad publicity is better than none19:16
inetproso you say he's helping cellc?19:17
Kiloswell see if they die19:18
Kilostheres too much money involved to shut down 19:19
Kilosmobile provision is big business19:19
inetproall of them including CellC are still way to inefficient and overpriced19:20
Kilosyip its about money not good service19:20
inetproand MTN is the worst of them all19:21
inetproI would jump ship to CellC any time if they could show us a bit of prove of increased coverage19:24
Kilosyou not happy with 8ta?19:24
Kilosim surprised you still use mtn19:24
inetpro8ta is also useless in the rurals 19:24
Kiloswhere are the urals19:25
inetprooops... thanks superfly19:25
Kiloshehe 19:26
Kilosi didnt even see that19:26
inetproKilos: rurals are anywhere outside of the big cities19:27
Kilosso thats me and 8ta rocks here19:28
inetproKilos: no, you are part of the big city, whether you like it or not19:29
Kilosand mtn and voda use the same tower and their service sucks19:29
Kilosoh ok19:29
inetprothe sad part is that service is even bad in big cities19:30
inetprobut it is so much worse outside19:30
Kilosi see the pushing wireless in the cape flats as well19:30
Kiloswherever that might be19:30
Kilosyeah some of us dont even have a choice of adsl19:31
inetprotime that our guys learn a bit from the old days with an almost independent postal and telecoms service in each town19:31
Kiloseverything is too modern and controlled19:32
Kilosand peeps dont wanna do anything themselves any more19:32
Kiloslike wifi yagis19:32
Kiloseasier to buy19:32
Kilosand tap resurfacing tools19:33
* Kilos ducks19:33
Kilosnight all.. sleep tight19:42
kbmonkeyah nite kilos20:01
kbmonkeyMaaz, tell kilos good night sleep tight -.-20:01
Maazkbmonkey: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode20:01
superflyhi kbmonkey20:18
kbmonkeyhai o/20:20
superflyI don't think I've ever made this many merges in one night... we're getting ready to release a bugfix release of OpenLP20:25
magespawngood night all20:32
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