
xyz123sdb1 to be precise00:00
usr13xyz123: sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit  #Let's have a look.00:00
usr13xyz123: (What filesystem is on sdb1?)00:01
bluefox83think i may have discovered why rsync failed...lol00:01
xyz123usr13: /dev/sdb1 on /media/backup type ext4 (rw)00:02
bluefox83yes, cats00:02
xyz123ops wrong one00:02
xyz123but its the same00:02
bluefox83i don't have ssh server installed on my destination box >.>00:02
xyz123./dev/sdb5 on /media/development type ext4 (rw)00:02
nocturnal_damn why cant any appliation just open00:02
usr13xyz123: But that is /media/backup.  Where is /media/development ?00:02
nocturnal_I keep getting loads of sub .in files etc00:02
nocturnal_dosntt ubuntu have exetutable files00:03
nocturnal_I need something like ms paint00:03
bluefox83xyz123: if you want to paste something that starts with / you can hold the shift key when you hit enter and it wont try and run it like a command :)00:03
nocturnal_i downloaded gpaint00:03
xyz123ah thanks bluefox83 :)00:03
nocturnal_idk what to do00:03
bluefox83xyz123: no problem :)00:04
usr13bluefox83: xyz123  or just preface it with a nick or a space00:04
reisionocturnal_: rm it and sudo apt-get install gpaint00:04
nocturnal_im new to linux00:04
reisionocturnal_: you can install gpaint from the 'Software Center' application, which should have an icon on the left of your screen00:04
usr13nocturnal_: There are over 1500 nicks on this channel.  You should try and keep it all on one output or it will get so fragmented no one will be able to piece together what you are tying to say.00:05
Nodule Where can I find ecological linux system update information?00:05
nocturnal_ok but its hard to get used to doing that00:05
xyz123usr13: as root i am able to do anything i want... only when i do it as a regular user with dev as secondary group the permission gets denied :) its odd.... .... what am i missing... and its something extremely silly00:06
usr13xyz123: Something is extremely silly.00:06
bluefox83LOL i think rsync is working now that i am actually doing it right >.>00:07
usr13nocturnal_: What is an "ecological linux system"?00:07
NoduleA system power dependent on ecological update information.00:07
xyz123usr13: : another piece of puzzle00:08
kostkonnocturnal_, ecological? what are you looking for exactly00:08
xyz123usr13: I am able to create a file but not a directory00:08
usr13bluefox83: Sometimes, when we try really hard to lay out all the details of a problem, we realize what the issue really is.00:08
usr13xyz123: Something is extremely silly.00:08
bluefox83usr13: yeah i was trying rsync from teh wrong machine...who woulda thunk it? >.>00:08
xyz123yes yes :)00:08
usr13xyz123: But that is /media/backup.  Where is /media/development ?00:09
NoduleI am reinstalling my system and updating old files, but I am only interested in ecological rosette practices.00:09
bluefox83so uhm...how do i know how far along rsync is in the data sending? and for that matter...how do i find out how fast it's going and the eta?00:09
usr13xyz123: It sees as though we might be comparing apples to oranges.00:10
NoduleIt is.00:10
xyz123usr13: i am now going to shoot myself, because now i am able to create directories...... and no i didn't do any changes :)00:10
xyz123Somebody is going to get hurtttt tonight00:11
NoduleWhat is causing the damage?00:11
bluefox83i was equally pleased when i made samba work the way i wanted it to the first time :)00:11
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usr13xyz123: One detail that may have gotten overlooked or lost in the shuffle;  If you were to put xyz in group dev, you will won't realize the added  capibilities untill the next session.00:13
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bluefox83that's kind of important to know >.>00:13
bluefox83pretty sure once i get this stuff sorted i'ma nuke and pave my server box >.>00:14
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xyz123usr13: thanks for your help :)00:16
xyz123im out00:16
MonkeyDustNodule  are you a comment generating bot?00:16
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fmwI have a problem with my sound: suddenly my left headphone stopped working00:17
fmwhow do I go about fixing this?00:17
usr13bluefox83: I just  use nfs linux to linux  I may share the same directorie(s) via sambe with MS Windows clients as well, but to me, nfs is a little better to use because in one way or another, it is simplier.00:17
fmw(it isn't a hardware/cable issue, it works fine under windows)00:17
usr13*samba* (not sambe)00:17
NoduleMonkeyDust: Yes, I am a bot.00:17
bluefox83usr13: yeah but i have a mixed network with windows machines and linux, so in order to keep my files visible to everything i make sure to use samba00:18
usr13bluefox83: Just my advise, take it or leave it.00:19
fmwnevermind, I fixed it thanks00:19
bluefox83usr13: i actually wanted just nfs but my wife couldn't use it on her windows machine to move files over :/00:19
usr13bluefox83: You missed what I said.  I use both.00:20
nocturnal_god I have ubuntu already00:20
bluefox83i did for a while00:20
bluefox83nocturnal_: why?00:20
nocturnal_H A T E LOOK AT ME I CAN SPELL00:20
usr13bluefox83: (The same directorie(s) can be shared by nfs, even if you are sharing them via samba.)00:21
bluefox83usr13: i know00:21
nocturnal_im trying to draw a diagram and it keeps fucking about00:21
bluefox83nocturnal_: what are you using?00:21
nocturnal_undo makes puts loads of crap of ages ago all over the page00:21
OerHeks!language | nocturnal_00:21
ubottunocturnal_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:21
nocturnal_ive tried 4 programs now00:21
bluefox83well there are like...dozens00:21
nocturnal_I know and im trying to get something done00:22
nocturnal_how do I change the mouse sensitivity00:22
bluefox83i forget....let me look real fast00:22
nocturnal_omg its on 0 already00:22
usr13bluefox83: Not sure why there would be dozens. (Sounds way to complicated.)00:22
nocturnal_im trying to draw a straight line00:22
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nocturnal_how do I delete these paint programs00:23
nocturnal_i cant see them in file manager00:23
nocturnal_ive searched00:23
bluefox83uh...how did you install them?00:23
nocturnal_install centre00:24
usr13nocturnal_: sudo apt-get remove application1 application2 application3  etc. etc.00:24
nocturnal_software centre00:24
bluefox83well then go into install center and click the remove button O.o00:24
nocturnal_omg do I have to type all this just for something that somple00:24
visualisebluefox83, less of the attitude please or you will be removed.00:24
bluefox83you don't have to type anything!00:24
usr13nocturnal_: It is as easy to remove as it is to install.00:24
kostkonnocturnal_, use the software centre00:24
bluefox83visualise: excusemua? i don't have an attitude O.o00:25
usr13nocturnal_: Yea, typing is really a chore.00:25
nocturnal_dont be trollin me00:25
nocturnal_id rather click some buttons ya know00:26
kostkonnocturnal_, noone is trolling you00:26
bluefox83nocturnal_: seriously though...software center00:26
nocturnal_people make typos00:26
nocturnal_ok I did it in sftware centre00:26
bluefox83just go in, type the names of the software, it'll show them...OR look in your list of installed apps00:26
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nocturnal_how do I change it so I dont need to type a password to install etc00:27
bluefox83you don't00:27
bluefox83that's to prevent someone from breaking your system00:27
nocturnal_linux has viruses?00:28
nocturnal_I want a blank password too can I do that00:28
bluefox83nocturnal_: yes there are linux viruses...no, don't make a blank password, that's bad00:29
usr13nocturnal_: Keep your comments on one line.  Don't use the Enter key for punctuation. And no, we don't have viruses.00:29
bluefox83lol usr13 yes there are, but they don't really spread00:29
visualiseusr13, incorrect. if it can run code it can run malicious code.00:29
nocturnal_I know about the enter key00:29
nocturnal_ok how do I change it so I dont need to type a password to install/uninstall.00:30
kostkonnocturnal_, you can't. that's the point00:30
zykotick9visualise: "malicious code" != self-replicating-code, which IMO a virus must be.  If you run it yourself, with root privs, it's your own fault.00:31
nocturnal_you guys said you can do anyything with linux!00:31
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usr13visualise: Virus problems are not an issue for Linux  users, you can write all the malicious code you want, but it is not a problem for us because of the filesystem and structure we have.00:32
nocturnal_its too much hasssle to type a password for this windows dont have this00:32
nocturnal_ill just get linux AV00:32
usr13visualise: nocturnal_  ... so for all practicle purposes, we do not have virus problems, therefore, there is no need for anti-virus applications.00:34
visualiseusr13, all it takes is to trick user to install a .deb to replace kernel with a tainted one.. out goes any integrity of designed filesystem/structure00:34
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus00:34
usr13visualise: You realize what you are saying, right?00:34
visualiseusr13, it requires root true00:34
visualisebut people like nocturnal_ type password always when asked!00:35
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Vivekanandaguys a question. If a modem is lost ( stolen) is there a way that it can be traced ?00:35
NoduleVivekananda: What type of modem?00:36
Vivekanandawhen I use ubuntu or any other os for internet communication does the modem serial get transmitted along with00:36
nocturnal_are you sure I cant change the permissions so I can install programs without needing to type a password00:36
datnameif i am using a better gpu this means that the desktop environment will run more fluently?00:36
usr13Vivekananda: I think it depends on the modem.  (And it is not something we here on #ubuntu are concerned enough enough about to give any qualified answers on.)00:37
usr13nocturnal_: I don't know, it is not something I've tried to do, (and apparently no one else has either).  It is not something we would want to do.00:39
nocturnal_would it be 'Run apt-get without sudo'00:41
VedritI'm having some troubles installing Ubuntu Server. I burnt the ISO to a disk using Free ISO, it get's detected just fine, but when it was installing the base system, it repeatedly said it ran into a problem. I'd tell it to try again, and it would work a little further then problem again. This went on for about 10-12 times before it finished the base system. It also had problems detecting my network settings (DHCP), and the Select/Ins00:41
VedritSorry for so much text, but I wanted to describe my issue00:42
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usr13Vedrit: Did you run a checksum against the ISO?00:43
VedritEverything kind of points to a problem with either the burnt disk or the ISO. I'm burning another disk to see if that's the problem00:43
usr13Vedrit: First, check the ISO00:43
VedritI didn't see an option to00:43
usr13Vedrit: md5sum name.iso  and google the result.00:43
Jordon_RyanHello everyone, Jordon_Ryanhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.00:44
konrSo the ubuntu phone campaign won't complete? D:00:45
nocturnal_cant I have a simpler password00:45
usr13nocturnal_: You can use any password you want.00:46
nocturnal_it wont seem to let me00:46
usr13nocturnal_: It is your system, do with it as you like, but it is a good idea to not use a weak password.00:46
nocturnal_it says its too simple00:47
maikeldalooHi everyone, I'm stuck with installing Vundle.. is anyone around to give me a hand?00:47
usr13nocturnal_: I think we have given you all the advise we have about the password issue.  It is your choice what you do with it.00:47
nocturnal_I dont even have a choice because I dont know how00:48
eden_can anybody tell me how to remove the bar that ubuntu uses?00:48
rykuI'm having issues doing a clean install of ubuntu 13.04 64-bit version, it crashes before I can log in!00:48
bluefox83what bar?00:48
eden_i did that one time i killed unity shell 2d i think00:48
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usr13nocturnal_: passwd nocturnal_00:49
usr13!info passwd | nocturnal_00:49
ubottunocturnal_: passwd (source: shadow): change and administer password and group data. In component main, is required. Version 1: (raring), package size 1026 kB, installed size 2197 kB00:49
VedritOkay usr13, I compared the md5 and they match. Do you think I should still burn another disk?00:49
steltheden_: the unity dash bar on the left?00:49
stelthwhat do you want it to look like?00:50
stelthgnome 2 or 3?00:50
bluefox83stelth: just install gnome 300:50
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:50
OerHeksgnome2 is dead.00:50
bluefox83stelth: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell00:50
stelthDid you get that eden_ ?00:51
stelththe command is apt-get install gnome-shell00:51
stelthsudo before00:51
SikTried to reinstall Anthy, and turns out I can't because dpkg complains it runs out of memory. I check and turns out the swap partition is disabled. What? Does anybody know how to reenable it? ._.'00:52
usr13Vedrit:  I don't know.  Possibly.  Having said that, I have burned a number of install CDs / DVDs  and if the ISO was ok, the disk always seems to have come out ok.  BUT, I've used mostly OpenSource CD burning software and am not familiar with the track record of the software you are using. Bottom line; I don't know.00:52
bluefox83how do i rehash the view of a directory in nautilus /gnome 3?00:52
eden_stelth, should i install this?00:52
usr13Vedrit: There is also USB00:52
steltheden_: when you are at the login just select the button just above the right end of your password area00:53
VedritTrue. I guess that would be better00:53
stelthyeah, it will install gnome 2 and 300:53
eden_stelth, i want to have the unity i just don't want the dash bar00:53
w30Sik swapon maybe?00:54
stelthWait, do you just want it to hide like you could do to the start bar in XP?00:54
bluefox83or like the bar in gnome 3 >.>00:54
Sikw30: how do I use it?00:54
eden_i want to remove it00:54
stelthYou can't keep unity and remove the dash bar00:55
eden_only this not any features or anything00:55
eden_i think that i've done it00:55
eden_i killed something00:55
stelthI would recommend having it just hide away00:55
eden_unity panel 2d or the shell00:55
eden_i think00:55
eden_i have it hidden00:55
steltheden_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/9865/how-can-i-configure-unitys-launcher-auto-hide-behavior00:56
w30Sik, that's a terminal command open a terminal and type swapon -help00:56
eden_i have it auto hide00:56
eden_and lowest sensitivity00:56
eden_that's not the problem00:56
nocturnal_passwd does not let me use a short/weak/blank password00:56
steltheden_: This sounds an awful lot like gnome 300:56
stelththere is no dash in gnome 300:56
Sikw30: actually looking at /etc/fstab... looks like the swap partition is there, but the name is not the correct one00:56
stelthyou can get it by installing gnome-shell00:57
SikHow do I get the UUID of a partition?00:57
usr13Vedrit: Pretty much all the CD burning software applications I've used will give some sort of warning / error if a problem occurs somewhere in the process.00:57
Sik(and how did sda turn into sdb?)00:57
eden_stelth, no way in the dash you can search and lot of other stuff too i just want to remove it00:57
w30Sik, change it but first cp fstab fstab.orig00:57
VedritWell, it could be a problem with the drive. It's really old, it could be getting stuck00:57
wilee-nileeSik,  sudo blkid for uuid00:57
usr13Vedrit: But when that has happened for me, it always seemed to be defective media or defective CD burner.00:58
Sikw30: yeah I know that :P | wilee-nilee yeah saw blkid, trying to figure it out though (-s UUID just gives me the filenames...)00:58
wilee-nileeSik, Booting a usb will sometimes switch the HD's00:58
SikI'm booting from the hard disk00:59
SikLooks like at some point it switched it back so USB became sda00:59
VedritI doubt brand-new disks would be faulty. It could be that I'm use a blu-ray to burn them. Oh well. I'm writing to a USB anyway. It's what I had originally planned00:59
usr13Vedrit: May be a bit of a hastle, but you could grab the ISO from the CD, write it to the HD and verify it again.00:59
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steltheden_: I haven't heard of it, and can search with the gnome 3 menu really well00:59
eden_stelth, i don't want to search at all00:59
stelthSo you don't want the bar to the left nor the unity dash home/search?01:00
eden_wait what bar to the left01:00
stelthyeah the dash bar01:01
eden_i don't want the unity dash home01:01
eden_where there are icons and you can search stuffs01:01
PolyphonyIs this an apropriate channel to ask for help?01:02
w30Sik, yeah, with all these virtual scsi drives thse days a real scsi drive doesn't stand a chance *smile*01:02
wilee-nileePolyphony, This is ubuntu support.01:02
stelthyeah, install gnome-shell and select gnome classic01:02
Polyphonywilee-nilee: cool, I'm having some problems with sound in openbox :/01:02
stelththen you get the classic gnome 2 interface that you are looking for.01:03
wilee-nileePolyphony, Just post to the channel your best details.01:03
Polyphonywilee-nilee: cool, I'm running a 64 bit HP g6 with 8GB of ram, and `lspci | grep Audio` returns an AMD nee ATI Trinity HDMI audio controller and an AMD FCH Azalia Controller01:06
wilee-nileePolyphony, To the channel not me.01:07
Polyphonypfft, oops :P01:07
Dr_Willis2 audio devices - one used by the hdmi connector. one used by the analog plugs on the pc.01:07
Dr_Williswuld be my guess01:07
w30Sik, blkid works for me to show up swap my partition, maybe you need sudo in front?01:08
phillyji'm installing a printer and i need to figure out the ip address on it; Do I have to assign one and how?01:08
Polyphonyany ideas on how to set the default to the analog ones? (because you're right about the two audio devices)01:08
Dr_Willispavucontrol  tool i recall letting me select. or thers some other tools  that let you pick01:08
daftykinsphillyj: typically you can hold a button on the printer to make it print a test report which will detail the network settings01:09
Sikw30: trying tune2fs now, it shows the UUID of /dev/sdb6 (main partition) but not /dev/sdb7 (swap partition)...01:09
daftykinsphillyj: you'll need to read the manual to find out what button this is01:09
PolyphonyYeah, but pavucontrol just shows the "dummy" device01:09
SikIs it possible for a partition to NOT have an UUID?01:09
histoPolyphony: sound preferences01:09
phillyjdaftykins: is all zeros; i think i have to assign one01:09
daftykinsphillyj: if you started it up with the cable in it could've gotten one by DHCP01:09
HexagoniteAnyone know a PPA for daily builds of Chromium?01:10
phillyjdaftykins: im connected via usb ATM and not ethernet01:10
histophillyj: well if it's connected via usb it's not going to get an IP01:11
phillyjah ok01:11
HexagoniteDr_Willis: that adds the dead repository though; ppa:chromium-daily/ppa01:11
phillyji understand then01:11
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histophillyj: plug it in and it should obtain one via dhcp. Then you should be able to configure it further through a web interface at that IP01:12
Dr_Willisall im doing is googling Hexagonite  i saw several differnt ppas01:12
wilee-nileeHexagonite, here is one, there may be more not sure. https://launchpad.net/~cmiller/+archive/chromium-browser-stable-daily01:13
Dr_Willisthe chromium  channel may also have a reccomendation for one01:13
SikDo swap partitions have an UUID?01:13
histoSik: they should01:14
histoSik: sudo blkid01:14
SikWhoops wasn't using sudo01:15
Hexagonitewilee-nilee: thanks!01:16
wilee-nileeno problem01:17
SikHow do I switch out of insert mode in vim?01:18
histoSik: esc key01:18
SikEr, and to save? I can't seem to remember the correct key x_X01:18
Dr_Willismight be a good time to rerun vimtutor01:19
Dr_Willis :wq01:19
Dr_Williswrite and quit01:19
SikCompletely forgot about :01:19
SikNo wonder nothing was working01:19
SikOK, rebooting...01:19
Dr_Willisits all about the modes. ;)01:19
daftykinsi just stay noob with nano01:20
daftykinsit's my friend01:20
Dr_Willisa noob that knows ^w  means Ctrl-w  ;)01:21
daftykinsi like to think of it as a letter saluting01:21
daftykins'w reporting for duty sir'01:21
daftykinsanywho nn all o/01:22
Dr_Willisone of the many reasons i really think they need to adopt a differnt editor for the newbie-editor01:22
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Sik\o/ Swap partition restored! Now to finally fix Anthy and hope there isn't anything else broken01:25
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Sik...Anthy is still broken even after I reinstalled it ._.'01:26
SikOK, so I press Ctrl+Space and it doesn't work, I try to switch using the iBus menu and it doesn't work either, does anybody know how to fix it?01:27
__machineis there any way to find out when a fix for http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2010/CVE-2010-5107.html might be available on 12.04 LTS?01:31
ubottuThe default configuration of OpenSSH through 6.1 enforces a fixed time limit between establishing a TCP connection and completing a login, which makes it easier for remote attackers to cause a denial of service (connection-slot exhaustion) by periodically making many new TCP connections. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-5107)01:31
w30Dr_Willis, back key  should delete the character you just typed is my requirement for any editor I use.01:32
SikApparently Anthy is hogging up all the CPU time (in a Python script?), looks like it got stuck... (in fact shutting down iBus makes the system become a lot faster) Any idea why?01:34
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rjknight1hello, anyone here knows how to set up proxy server for offline update of the clients?01:38
dotyethello there01:38
dotyetneed some advice for laptop hardware01:39
dotyetI am planning to buy one from clevo, model w230st01:39
dotyetit has nvidia 765m dgpu and intel 4600 integrated graphics01:40
dotyetcomes with optimus technology, and no option to turn it off in the bios01:40
dotyetdoes anyone know if this machine will be able to drive two additional 1920x1080 monitors, along with the laptop's own screen01:41
dotyetin ubuntu?01:41
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw01:41
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wilee-nileedotyet, This is basically support on an installed ubuntu system.01:42
michaelwarbrick_hi.. i need some tree view disk space program? any suggestions?01:42
styles_I'm trying to mount an ntfs drive. sudo mount -t ntfs -o nls-utf8,umask=0222 /dev/sdc1 /media/ember but it's not erroring out or anything it's asking me to use ntfs-3g but the ntfs-3g command is doing nothing, just returning to console the usage of it01:42
SchrodingersScatmichaelwarbrick_: ncdu01:43
michaelwarbrick_is there a gui version?01:43
wilee-nileestyles_, Do you have a desktop, are you on it, is the ntfs in fstab, three questions here.01:43
dotyetsounds good01:44
SchrodingersScatmichaelwarbrick_: no idea.01:44
dotyetis there someplace I can get an answer on my query01:44
dotyetif you could give me a redirect?01:44
styles_wilee-nilee, I'm live booted into it trying to get it to mount. It is not in fstab (does that make a difference?)01:44
styles_gparted says it's /dev/sdc but the partition (which is the full drive is /dev/sdc101:44
michaelwarbrick_disk usage analyzer is built into ubutnu!01:44
wilee-nileestyles_ A live cd?01:45
wilee-nileestyles_, you can't just click it from home?01:45
styles_I had an issue before with a raid so I reinstalled windows recreated the drive blah blah01:45
styles_1 sec I'll get the error that is shown in gparted for the reason of the failed mount01:45
wilee-nileestyles_, Ah raid important info, I know nothing there.01:46
styles_no no01:46
styles_I removed it01:46
styles_That was why I reinstalled it all. backed it up on anothe rdrive, let windows do it's thing recreated the ntfs drive in ubuntu (live cd) went back into windows, moved data over and then ran the live cd and it wouldn't mount again01:46
Mastablastawhat's up01:47
wilee-nileestyles_, So it was broken to begin with?01:47
styles_the device /dev/sdc1 doesn't exist. Failed to check '/dev/sdc1/ mount state no such file or dir /prob /etc/mtab is missing01:47
MastablastaI just installed the program Main Menu off of the software center trying to figure some things out01:47
styles_It was fine when I formated it the first time in ubuntu, then I booted into windows and moved over data and went back to the live cd and poof busted01:47
histostyles_: did you install using lvm?01:48
wilee-nileestyles_, Is this a data partition?01:48
wilee-nileeor HD01:48
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styles_ntfs 1tb no space left just 1 partition01:48
wilee-nileestyles_, Data, no OS?01:48
dotyet1hello there01:48
styles_just data01:48
dotyet1I am looking for some advice on laptop for ubuntu01:49
Mastablastacan anyone tell me how I can make my applications folder more customizable so I can see more Icons im trying to take a screenshot of my linux apps I have so far01:49
wilee-nileestyles_, Hard to say, for me, is it acessible from windows, and what is the gparted error?01:49
styles_yeah in windows it's fine01:50
styles_gparted says "failed to check '/dev/sdc1' mount state no such file or directory01:50
styles_but it can see there is a drive that is 1tb01:50
wilee-nileestyles_, Open the disk app and look at the smart info if it shows any.01:50
styles_wilee-nilee, never knew about this app, fancy01:50
styles_read error rate: good, spinup time: good01:51
wilee-nileestyles_, I believe it is on the live cd.01:51
styles_yeah I have it up01:51
styles_Really cool utility01:51
styles_I'm rerunning it01:51
wilee-nileestyles_, So what happens if you just click it from the live cd?01:52
styles_took a screenshot 1 sec uploading01:52
=== FreakingTea is now known as FreakingFood
VedritWow, I don't know why Ubuntu was having so many problems the first go. Re-running the installation, and it's going a lot smoother01:56
astro5Does anyone know how i can get SDL2.0? is it available in a PPA for ubuntu yet?01:58
styles_wilee-nilee, ?01:59
L-samacan you install the ubuntu application manager on debian?01:59
wilee-nileestyles_, Not sure what the screnshot means01:59
styles_that's just the smart data02:00
wilee-nileestyles_, I meant clicking on the HD in home.02:00
styles_I mean it's reading the drive it knows it's ATA02:00
styles_yeah I don't see it02:00
wilee-nileestyles_, Not in the left panel?02:00
wilee-nileestyles_, run lsusb and look for it there02:01
=== FreakingFood is now known as FreakingTea
wilee-nileestyles_,Take a screenshot of gparted looking at it and imagebin it, just checking on some basics.02:03
=== sarcasticsimba is now known as vigs
styles_wilee-nilee, it's just seeing everything as idProduct          0x0002 2.0 root hub02:05
styles_that's the output02:06
xmetalwell i managed to get a few themes for gfxboot (themes for grub) working ...i do need to make some adjustments though .. some of the menus are "off the screen"02:06
ari_hey guys, I am trying to install openstack neutron-server on ubuntu12.04...saying package not avaiable....i have added deb http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise-updates/grizzly main02:06
ari_any clue?02:06
dajeppI have a dell D620 and I can't get my see my wireless card or networks.  Can anyone help me (ubuntu noob)02:07
lotuspsychje!find openstack02:08
ubottuFound: openstack-dashboard, openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme, openstack-pkg-tools, python-django-openstack, python-openstack-auth02:08
ari_ubottu: ya, but not neutron....i do find quantum though02:08
ubottuari_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:08
MastablastaIs there a way to size the icons in the Applications folder down in 13.0402:08
=== matthewvz_ is now known as matthewvz
lotuspsychjeari_: you know exact packagename?02:08
ari_lotuspsychje: ya, neutron-server02:09
lotuspsychje!info neutron-server02:09
ubottuPackage neutron-server does not exist in raring02:09
ari_lotuspsychje: neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent02:09
ari_ubottu: i tried on 13.04 and 12.0402:09
ubottuari_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:09
lotuspsychje!info neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent02:09
ubottuPackage neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent does not exist in raring02:09
NanduXari_ did you apt-get update?02:09
ari_NanduX: yes..as well as upgrade02:09
Vivekanandahey everyone what is the default admin password for tomcat02:10
wilee-nileestyles_, Nothing there are you sure it is showing in gparted?02:10
kostkonMastablasta, applications folder?02:10
VivekanandaI have not installed it but trying to run in ubuntu02:10
Mastablastaya in the dash02:10
ari_Vivekananda: thanks02:10
Vivekanandafor ?02:10
styles_wilee-nilee, http://i.imgur.com/HzTfYY5.png02:10
Mastablastaapplications in the search apps on dash02:10
styles_that's what it shows / sees in gparted02:11
kostkonMastablasta, ah. dont think so02:11
lotuspsychjeari_: maybe they removed that package?02:11
wilee-nileestyles_, Just show gparted without the info.02:11
Mastablastaisnt there a different dash I can get?02:11
ari_lotuspsychje: it should be the latest one...replcing quantum...02:11
lotuspsychje!find neutron02:12
ubottuFile neutron found in fvwm-crystal, kiki-the-nano-bot-data, libboost1.49-dev, libboost1.53-dev, neverball-common, objcryst-fox, python-quantities, root-system-doc02:12
ari_lotuspsychje: yup..thanks for checking02:12
lotuspsychjeari_: maybe try a synaptic search?02:13
lotuspsychjeari_: or apt-cache search02:13
ari_lotuspsychje: oh, i have to install desktop for that..02:13
ari_lotuspsychje: ya tried apt-cache, doesnot exists02:13
lotuspsychjeari_: are you on server?02:14
thepeopleschampi am new to ubuntu02:14
ari_lotuspsychje: yes.i am on a server 12.0402:14
lotuspsychjeari_: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys might know your issue02:14
ari_lotuspsychje: will join...thanks so much02:14
thepeopleschampii think now i have an idea how software market works, is it so that one can add diffrent sources in the app, so the amount off apps are more?02:15
wilee-nileestyles_, If it working windows and not ubuntu, it may just need a chkdsk /f/r hard to say really a new partition should be working, the data might be causing the problem.02:15
lotuspsychje!ot | thepeopleschamp02:15
ubottuthepeopleschamp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:15
styles_wilee-nilee, the data is code (php / .net / java) pdfs, word docs, txt files02:16
styles_just work crap02:16
lotuspsychje!language | styles_02:16
ubottustyles_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:16
wilee-nileestyles_, not really relevant ubuntu is a bit picky on mounting many times windows will do it and ubuntu wont02:17
styles_Here, I'll reformat this drive it will mount then I'll go into windows, reload ubuntu and it wont mount02:17
netlardo do instead?02:17
styles_is there a format that is best supported by both?02:17
ResidentBiscuitAnyone else have java issues with 13.04? Just tried to run netbeans and found out my java is broken. Tried purging openjdk and reinstalling. Nothing02:17
wilee-nileestyles_, Is this HD in a external enclosure you purchased bu chance?02:18
holsteinResidentBiscuit: maybe netbeans is "broken"02:18
Mastablastahow come i cannot change icon size below 32 lol02:18
lotuspsychjehmmm wasnt netbeans dismissed?02:18
ResidentBiscuitholstein: That was my first guess. Invoking java and javac directly also breaks02:18
lotuspsychje!info netbeans02:18
ubottunetbeans (source: netbeans): Extensible Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0.1+dfsg1-5ubuntu2 (raring), package size 876 kB, installed size 1919 kB02:18
lotuspsychjestill there :p02:18
holsteinResidentBiscuit: i add a ppa to get a current version of java, which is not supported here02:19
styles_wilee-nilee, nope internal drives02:19
wilee-nileestyles_, Hard to say, ntfs is a good share parttion especially in that size.02:19
ResidentBiscuitholstein: Paste of the error http://fpaste.org/33317/96521113/02:20
wilee-nileestyles_, I would run a chkdsk /f/r if it were me, however this info is rather confusing. "I'll reformat this drive it will mount then I'll go into windows, reload ubuntu and it wont mount"02:20
=== safridzal is now known as gathotkaca
styles_I've formated the drive fresh and in windows copied it from my other drive then rebooted into ubuntu and it was not loading02:21
styles_I guess I should test to see if I reformat it then reboot if it loads freh02:22
phunyguyhey guys, thepeopleschamp had some questions for you, and sending him to OT was probably not necessary.  He has questions about typical Ubuntu usage, regarding repositories.02:23
wilee-nileestyles_, I suspect some sort of data scramble or residual gpt, there are a number of possibilities, all you can do is knock out the varibles.02:23
wilee-nileestyles_, What is the live cd, and the ubuntu install releases?02:23
styles_live cd02:24
wilee-nileeI assume you have a ubuntu install as well02:24
styles_I had the same problem with the install as well02:24
wilee-nileestyles_,  And what releases?02:24
banner_Hi, is there a linux mechanism that logs every process that is invoked?02:25
wilee-nileestyles_, I would run from windows the disc check from a right click in computer on it and maybe a chkdsk /f/r is that does not fix i.02:25
lotuspsychje!info htop | banner_02:26
ubottubanner_: htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1 (raring), package size 66 kB, installed size 185 kB02:26
=== gbit86_ is now known as gbit86
banner_that guys I think that's exactly what I was looking for02:27
ResidentBiscuitI'm gonna go ahead and say it was a netbeans issue. Java/c from the command line seems to be working now, and I just grabbed eclipse and that too works02:27
holsteinResidentBiscuit: thats what i think02:27
lotuspsychjebanner_: ps aux can help you out aswell02:27
ResidentBiscuitThanks anyways@02:27
ResidentBiscuit! *02:27
banner_thanks lotuspsychje02:29
=== Tabstar is now known as Tabmow
wilee-nileestyles_, Did you make a new partition table when you made that ntfs in ubuntu originally, that may be another possible problem.02:31
nathanbzanyone know if ubuntu 12,04 will have php 5.4 in its packages at any point ?02:31
styles_wilee-nilee, yeah I did02:31
styles_wilee-nilee, recreate it in windows? try that? reboot?02:32
wilee-nileestyles_, recreate?02:32
xmetalbrb .. trying http://grub.gibibit.com/ and i sort of got it to work though all of the menus and progress bars are in the same place (top left of the screen when i boot, all overlapping each other)02:34
zykotick9nathanbz: after a release, ubuntu packages don't get version updates (there are a couple of exceptions, but i don't think php is one of them)02:45
LlucidHello; A friend of mine is running Xubuntu 13.04 on a notebook, And it keeps dropping the Wifi and asking to reconnect. Is there a line to update wifi kernels/ect?02:47
holsteina line?.. you can connect it wired to your internet and try upgrading.. "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and see if that helps02:48
Llucid*probook 4440s02:48
holsteinLlucid: it will be chipset specific.. not the model # necessarily02:48
Llucidholstein: Whats the grep/whatev to list the chipset?02:49
styleswilee-nilee, just booted into windows, reformatted the drive to ntfs fresh, jump back into ubuntu and POOF same thing, doesn't load02:49
holsteinLlucid: can you not wire the machine up and upgrade the packages?02:50
Llucidholstein: He has wifi atm, It just drops alot and its pissing him off. And its updated, But if you think it missed something sure i'll tell him to run the line02:51
holstein!language | Llucid02:51
ubottuLlucid: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:51
=== gbit86_ is now known as gbit86
holsteinLlucid: i suggest upgrading.. and since the wifi is being "problematic", i would just wire up and do the upgrade, and test the wifi again02:51
=== gavin__ is now known as gavinguo
Shadow}}holstein: That update line was? again?02:56
holsteinShadow}}: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ...or use the update manager if you prefer02:57
Shadow}}holstein: Thank you.02:58
holsteinShadow}}: sure.. its a good first step.. let us know if the wifi is the same, or worse, and we'll go from there.. be sure to reboot into the kernel upgrade, assuming there is one02:59
toorealcsorry dog attacked m303:01
Shadow}}holstein: I'm just trying to help the friend out, I'm the one who installed Xubuntu 13.04 and the one who had to partition the HDD...Because I'm the one whom Securely Erased it while intoxed. I believe... I may of made an error installing the OS onto unallocated space purely.03:01
pumafiedLol nice job03:02
cornfeedhobosoo this is a silly question because i should know but i am drawing a blank on ubuntu.... how do i start user space progams on login?03:02
VedritJust to make sure, but I can install stuff like the web server components after Ubuntu Server finishes installing, right?03:02
cornfeedhoboVedrit: yes03:02
pumafiedYup you can install stuff after setup03:02
Vedritthought so. Accidentally skipped it and wanted to make sure03:03
pumafiedSudo apt-get install httpd03:03
pumafiedinstalls apache03:03
icesworddoes cano still do the free shipping CD thing03:03
VedritOh, well... Apache isn't what I need, since it's not .NET compatible03:04
pumafiedOh well you can still install servers like the normal ubuntu03:04
pumafiedI just assumed you needed apache as 90% of the time thats what people want03:04
Dr_Williscornfeedhobo:  when the user logs in.. in ~/.config/autostart/  normally03:05
cornfeedhoboDr_Willis: thank you :)03:05
VedritI'm completely new to Linux/Ubuntu, so I'm trying to be cautious. My website has .asp pages and contain .NET content03:05
icesworddr wills, free shipping CDs?03:05
ubottuCanonical is no longer sending free Ubuntu CDs to individuals through its ShipIt program.  For more information please see http://blog.canonical.com/?p=551 !LoCo teams can request CDs through this link https://forms.canonical.com/lococd/03:06
Dr_Willisicesword:  not any more.03:06
MouseTheLuckyDogI've got a scanned document in pdf. It is rather rather  large I suspect because the fonts are bitmapped. Is there a way to ocr it reliably?03:07
ubottuFor OCR (optical character recognition) software in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OCR for packages and instructions.03:08
Dr_Willisgotta love pdf's that are just huge collection of jpg images. ;)03:08
Marleneeanyone good with script command03:09
VedritIs it normal for Ubuntu Server to take a long time to boot up? I finished installing, and all I see is a blinking cursor03:10
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
TXRoadkillubuntu 13 how can I get a list of the system notices which appear as pop-up messages?03:10
TXRoadkillI don't always make it to the computer before they fade03:11
VedritIt's been about 3 minutes since I finished installing Ubuntu, and I still only have the blinking cursor03:12
OerHeksTXRoadkill, i think you want /var/log/boot.log03:14
wilee-nileestyles, Is the HD a seagate perchance?03:15
styleswestern digital03:15
xmetali have to be honest, in any oS i have nto had luck with OCR03:15
TXRoadkillThanks OerHeks, I'll check it out03:15
xmetaljust comes up recognized as jibberish03:15
wilee-nileestyles, Look up that specific model and ubuntu I believe there were xeveral that did not work withlinux.03:15
styleswilee-nilee, it's fine I'll format an extra drive to ext403:16
stylesthen copy data over and juse use ext403:16
wilee-nileewindows wont read it is all03:16
stylesI'll just VM in Ubuntu a windows installation03:16
narinihow can i check whether ubuntu has proper fan/temperature monitoring?03:17
narinias in, for my specific system.03:17
narinii'd rather not find out by observing my laptop melting03:17
TXRoadkillhmmm the boot log doesn't contain those messages03:18
TXRoadkillI need the log of the system popup messages displayed on the screen03:18
xmetali would suspect if your pc melts, you have issues bigger than OS related03:18
narinixmetal: well i was exaggerating of course, but if my fans don't turn on when they should i could do some serious hardware damage03:19
zykotick9!sensors | narini03:20
ubottunarini: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.03:20
MouseTheLuckyDogDr_WIllis: There are still some ambiguities I have with that. The documents I have include diagrams, sometimes the documents have images--sometimes drawn over the test. I need the diagrams left alons. I also need to be 99.999% sure that the text replaced is the text that was there.03:21
narinizykotick9: do i need to install that package to ensure that Ubuntu actually turns my fans on and off as it should, or does lm-sensors simply let me view that data/03:21
Dr_WillisMouseTheLuckyDog:  i think you got a lot of work ahead of you.03:22
VedritAnyone know why Ubuntu isn't loading? It installed without any error messages, but all I'm getting after POST is a blinking cursor03:23
MouseTheLuckyDogAlso I want the document I'm doing is a dry run. I want to do my best to go paperless, so I want to scan, ocr and and create pdfs.03:25
xmetalsome kind of a grub mishap perhaps?03:25
xmetalhmmm speaking of Grub ... :) times for a fridge raid ...brb03:26
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:27
Dr_Willispress and hold SHIFT to see if the grub menu shows up. and try the nomodeset option03:28
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:28
=== River_Rat is now known as RiverRat
VedritGrub installed without any message, and I can't type anything so it's not a console03:29
Dr_Willisblinking cursor _  at top left = graphics issue. that nomodeset can often fix.03:29
Dr_Willisor install the proper drivers for your video chipset03:30
VedritNot sure how to do this without anything to type into, but I guess I'll see what I can find03:31
Dr_Willispress and hold SHIFT to get the GRUB menu (assuming its hidden by default)03:33
Dr_Williswhen you boot.03:33
Dr_WillisIf you cant get a grub menu at all. then grub maynot even be installed properly03:33
=== BlackoutIsHere|O is now known as BlackoutIsHere
ttomis there a linux command that will retrieve primary&secondary dns servers from dhcp server?03:47
cornfeedhobottom: "resolvconf -u"03:48
cornfeedhobottom: "sudo resolvconf -u" **03:48
ttomcornfeedhobo: does it put the results in /etc/resolv.conf?03:49
cornfeedhobottom: yup03:49
ttomdoesn't seem like it gives me anything03:50
ttomwill it also retrieve it for an interface that is declared as manual in the /etc/network/interfaces (if that matters)?03:50
cornfeedhobohmm i just ran it... works for me03:50
cornfeedhobottom: yeah i dont know about manual interfaces, but i think so03:51
ttomthe thing is ... I am booting my linux through PXE netboot ... as soon as I load it, the network is fine, but no dns info03:51
cornfeedhobohmm you could always edit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail03:51
cornfeedhoboand just add some static nameservers03:52
cornfeedhobo4.2.2.3 is pretty fast and amazing03:52
ttomis it one of google's?03:52
ttomi know there is and
ttombut both are googles03:53
cornfeedhobottom: nope. i think its layer 2.. no this is like one of the oldest dns servers like it was used in the 90s03:53
cornfeedhobo4.2.2.2 &
ttomok, thanks ... it is indeed level3's03:54
ttomthank you very m6uch03:54
cornfeedhoboindeed sir03:55
=== Le is now known as cjopcjop
ChogyDanhalp, my gchat webcam keeps cutting out.  The audio doesn't stay on04:02
ScareCrow_my apache2 server isnt visable on the internet but only on local network04:02
ScareCrow_apache is running on ubuntu server 12.0404:03
ScareCrow_definatly not my router settings04:04
ScareCrow_seems to be an apache error in how it interacts with ubuntu04:04
ScareCrow_is anyone here?04:05
Mace268I had a similar problem with apache once, it was the listen address I had set up in the config04:06
Mastablastacan you choose between gnome or unity shell at will?04:07
ScareCrow_mace268 that sounds like the issue im having04:07
ScareCrow_how did you fix it?04:07
gorgonzolaHello all! does anybody know how many instances one should run inside a lan? say I have two ubuntu machines in the same lan, nd they're both running their own avahi-daemon... is this ok?04:07
holsteinScareCrow_: how do you know its not an issue with the router?04:08
gorgonzolaoops, how many instances of avahi-daemon...04:08
ScareCrow_2 days of going though this problem on many IRCs and forums04:08
ScareCrow_even set up a minecraft server to test the ports can be opened04:08
holsteinScareCrow_: yeah? i would try it locally, and if it works, i would see that the port is forwarded to the local ip, or use a firewall and the DMZ area of the router04:09
gorgonzolaScareCrow_ what are you trying to do?04:09
ScareCrow_it works locally,  and the issue is NOT my router04:09
holsteinScareCrow_: then, apache *is* working.. and you have not convinced me you have tried the DMZ04:10
ScareCrow_i think its like mace268 said04:10
holsteinScareCrow_: i didnt have to mess with that, but it could be04:10
ScareCrow_de-militrized zone.04:10
holsteinScareCrow_: i literally forwarded the ports04:10
ChogyDanis there an alternative to gchat that does voip?04:10
ScareCrow_webmin works, apache does not04:11
Mastablastainstalling gnome shell gonna reboot and see what its like04:11
holsteinScareCrow_: locally, both work, correct?04:11
holsteinScareCrow_: then, apache *is* working04:11
gorgonzolawait, the DMZ is kinda of a last resort...04:11
qinMastablasta: Why would you reboot?04:11
gorgonzoladid you try forwarding the port?04:11
holsteinthe dmz is a tool..04:11
ScareCrow_i dont think its listening04:11
gorgonzola(sorry if that's like the first thing you talked about :P)04:11
Mastablastabecause I want to see the feature if it lets me select unity or gnome at login04:11
holsteinScareCrow_: if it werent "listening", it wouldnt answer locally04:12
Mace268ScareCrow_, this might help you if it's not your router/forwarding: http://www.moko.ru/doc/apache/bind.html04:12
airtonixgorgonzola: each machine should have one instance of avahi-daemon running.04:12
qinMastablasta: sudo service lightdm restart; is more than enought, but simply log out/in should do04:12
gorgonzolaairtonix: are you sure that that would not provoke conflicts if they are running the same kind of services?04:13
airtonixgorgonzola: i am positive.04:13
Mastablastaqin: Ok, thanks I am on a screen says configuring gdm gdm or lightdm?04:13
gorgonzolaairtonix if you have a reference to documentation for that, i buy you a pizza.04:13
qinMastablasta: right now you using lightdm, gdm is gnome "native"04:14
airtonixgorgonzola: lets start with the basics. do you understand what avahi is for ?04:14
ScareCrow_ill give it a shot mace26804:14
holsteinScareCrow_: why not try the DMZ?04:15
gorgonzolayes. i do. i just need to know if the avahi-dns-daemon part will provoke  conflict, as it sounded like it was keeping a cache and functioning as name resolver04:15
MastablastaQin: ok thank you swtiched to gdm to try it out04:15
gorgonzolawhch could get kinda funky if there's like... thre of them04:15
airtonixgorgonzola: it only announces it's own hostname as a CNAME04:15
holsteinScareCrow_: when i say "locally", i dont mean "localhost".. i mean, another machine on the lan04:15
ScareCrow_holstein because i already have,  the issue is NOT my router.04:16
gorgonzolai see. thank you very much for your help :)04:16
airtonixgorgonzola: actually it only announces its own hostname > ip as a CNAME after it hears a request for that hostname as a mulitcast queries04:16
Mace268ScareCrow_, at least you can see if those directives are set if nothing else04:16
airtonixgorgonzola: no problems.04:16
Mace268then you can at least rule it out if it doesn't fix it04:16
gorgonzolaeven if its serving services like dlna and things?04:16
holsteinScareCrow_: worked "out of the box" for me.. also, http://www.turnkeylinux.org/ are handy (though not supported here) and basically run live instances you can test with, and remove the OS from the equation, since you are over troubleshooting the router04:17
airtonixgorgonzola: yes, it also announces services the host machine provides as TXT records04:17
ScareCrow_thanks mace268 this is something i havent tried yet04:17
airtonixgorgonzola: you can see this info on your local network with avahi-discover04:18
linuxtechI'm trying to merge Debiab's and Ubuntu's mailman packages and getting nowhere.  The command "bzr branch ubuntu:mailman" just hangs and the log isn't ging me any clue why.  Any suggestions?04:18
ScareCrow_holstein: i will install a new OS after this if this doesnt work04:18
holsteinScareCrow_: that *is* a new os04:18
holsteinScareCrow_: it will remove the one from the equation that you have installed right now, *without* needing to wipe it.. so you can test04:19
gorgonzolaairtonix: woa, that's convenient. thanks!04:22
airtonixgorgonzola: seriously, avahi is awesome04:23
gorgonzolaairtonix, yeah, i'm almost 100% sure that my setup is correct04:23
gorgonzolaeveryone is doing exactly what they are supposed, i control my music from my phone, etc etc04:23
gorgonzolabut amarok refuses to see my music collection.04:23
airtonixgorgonzola: do you have port 5353 open?04:24
airtonixon the machine where you want to expose your music04:24
gorgonzolaairtonix: nah, im pretty sure its a kde/amarok thing04:24
=== memand is now known as Guest47075
airtonixgorgonzola: ok, avahi does a lot of its traffic over port 535304:24
airtonixgorgonzola: although you may be having a problem with dlna which would be another port04:25
gorgonzolalet me check04:25
gorgonzolano, im pretty sure the network part is right04:25
gorgonzolaairtonix: i see everything in avahi-discover. this is local thing in my kde.04:26
airtonixgorgonzola: ok04:26
gorgonzolaairtonix, but thanks for the tips and the ool!!04:27
asafegousI need a decent a decent rss feed widget for my gnome desktop04:28
asafegousAny takers?04:29
asafegousFirst person to say kde gets shot04:29
wilee-nileeasafegous, This the gnome shell, unity or the fallback?04:29
wilee-nileeasafegous, And by the way it is you that needs help there is no shot, lol04:30
pumafiedYou could set that up with conky04:30
safridzalasafegous: widget? is there something wrong with liferea?04:32
holstein!info conky04:33
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.0-2 (raring), package size 3 kB, installed size 42 kB04:33
holsteinconky is nice since you can take it with you anywhere.. gnome, kde, openbox.. whatever04:33
asafegousThe only rss conky ive seen is a single url reader04:33
holsteinasafegous: run 2 of them ;)04:33
asafegousIts the the gnome-ubuntu04:34
asafegousI want to rebuild my rss base and conky aint cutting it04:35
holsteinasafegous: conky will run on that, or KDE, or anything, as i said04:35
holsteinasafegous: ok.. just let the volunteers know that conky is not an option.. anything else you have tried?04:35
asafegousI didnt like kde last time04:35
holsteinasafegous: no one suggested KDE04:35
asafegousRss ticker was good but it kept scrolling on a single post04:37
VedritI'm in Rescue mode trying to get my install working and see if Grub is missing. Where would I check to see if Grub is installed?04:39
VedritIt doesn't show when I try and boot up the system04:41
asafegousAre you dual boot?04:41
holsteinasafegous: you might like http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/39707/reader-replacements-for-linux-las-s27e07/ as a refrence04:41
asafegousGood man04:41
cornfeedhoboVedrit: /boot04:42
ChogyDanthe mic on my webcam doesnt work anymore04:42
bshah!give bhushan libxcb-cursor-dev04:43
ubottubshah: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:43
bshah!give libxcb-cursor-dev04:43
pumafiedI googled multi line rss conky and the second link has exactly what you want asaf04:43
bshahwhere can I get libxcb-cursor-dev package?04:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:44
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/04:44
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asafegousL8r yall. Thanks.04:46
holstein!info libxcb1-dev04:46
ubottulibxcb1-dev (source: libxcb): X C Binding, development files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.1-2ubuntu2.1 (raring), package size 79 kB, installed size 690 kB04:46
bshahholstein: I am missing libxcb-cursor-dev package for raring.. to build kde framework 5.04:47
VedritI can't try and install grub into boot, it says it cannot read '/boot'04:48
holsteinbshah: its not in the repos04:48
holstein!info livxcb-cursor-dev04:48
ubottuPackage livxcb-cursor-dev does not exist in raring04:48
bshah!info libxcb-cursor-dev04:48
ubottuPackage libxcb-cursor-dev does not exist in raring04:48
holsteinbshah: i would ask where ever you are getting the framework what you are suppoed to do/have04:48
bshahI want to build kde-workspace on top of KF5..04:49
Vedritin the command line, how do I run sudo commands as root?04:49
somsipVedrit: you don't need to. You are already root.04:50
holsteinbshah: nothing in  ubuntu 13.04 is preveting that.. but, you'll need to ask the maintainer what you need, and how to get it04:50
Vedritthen why can't I do anything in /root? It says permission denied04:50
somsipVedrit: or do you mean 'sudo -i' and then you will be using a shell environment as the root user?04:50
holsteinVedrit: you dont have permission, as that user04:50
Vedriter, not root, /boot04:50
ChogyDanVedrit: sometimes it depends on how the command is structured, ie, if you are doing piping of any sort04:51
Foxhoundzanyone here?04:51
VedritI'm typing in "sudo grub-install /boot"04:51
FoxhoundzI was using xset to adjust my mouse acceleration04:52
Foxhoundznow the mouse suddenly jumps/warps to the edge when I move it04:52
Foxhoundzany fix for it?04:52
FoxhoundzI see it listed as a confirmed yet unassigned bug on launchpad04:52
holsteinFoxhoundz: have you rebooted?04:52
somsipVedrit: you need a device not a directory. Eg: sudo grub-install /dev/sda04:52
holsteinFoxhoundz: you see what as what?04:52
FoxhoundzI see a bug report for this behavior as untriaged on launchpad04:52
holsteinFoxhoundz: the behavior of using xset?04:53
FoxhoundzWell, this began after using xset04:53
ChogyDanVedrit: grub-install takes a partition id, not a folder04:53
FoxhoundzSo I have to assume it is somehow tied to me altering the acceleration settings using xset04:53
Vedritok, lets see if Ubuntu and Grub will load now04:53
holsteinFoxhoundz: i would reboot... and see that the settings dont "persist".. sounds like misconfiguration and not a bug04:53
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VedritI have a feeling the issue, whatever it is, hasn't been solved...04:55
ChogyDanVedrit: pastebin the commands, and their output04:56
VedritSuffice it to say, it said grub installed with no errors given04:56
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ChogyDanVedrit:  You have to make sure your bios is booting from the same spot as the grub install04:58
VedritIt's booting from the same HD, yes04:58
ChogyDanno, same partition04:58
ChogyDananyway, gtg, gl04:59
VedritBIOS isn't detecting any partitions, and there shouldn't be any partitions04:59
JasonOHi alberto05:01
albertohola buenas noches05:01
JasonOMy wireless isn't working on my Toshiba Satellite C55-A5281. I just installed Ubuntu on the machine and the only thing that works is a wired connection05:02
JasonOI've also checked for drivers, but there weren't any  in the sources.05:03
VedritOkay, I don't seem to be able to get Ubuntu or Grub to load...05:09
somsipVedrit: ChogyDan> Vedrit: pastebin the commands, and their output05:10
VedritBooting up, there are no commands or outputs05:10
somsipVedrit: You ran 'sudo grub-install /dev/something' earlier. Post the real command you used, post the output, add details about how your drives are configured05:11
VedritI don't have easy access to any of that, I hope you're aware05:11
somsipVedrit: I want to try to help but you're giving us no information that is helpful.05:12
wilee-nileeVedrit, This a dual boot if so with what?05:12
VedritThere's not a whole lot of information. I told Ubuntu to install on a single drive with no partitions05:13
somsipVedrit: and what command di you use? What partition is your ubuntu installation installed on? Come on...05:14
wilee-nileeVedrit, Run this app from a live cd just the bootinfo summary and post the url generated. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair05:14
VedritI entered in "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" because I had no idea where to install it05:14
Vedritwilee-nilee: that application doesn't exist as far as I'm aware. If it does, I can't run it becuase I can't run anything05:15
wilee-nileeVedrit, Use that app it wil contain pretty much all the info we need with a bunch of questions05:15
wilee-nileeVedrit, You can from a live cd look at the link.05:15
VedritSo, another disk...I'm tempted to just say screw it and go back to Windows. At least it installs itself properly05:16
rado_hi, ubuntu-ers, I am trying to debug mysterious ubuntu 13.04 crashes (probably hardware related, but I want to know which part). Looking at logs I see a wall of ^@^@^@^@^@ chars.05:18
wilee-nileeVedrit, You very quickly going downhill here for any good help, we don't care what you run, if you want help read carefully and ask questions where you do n ot understand.05:18
rado_Does that ^@ mean anything to anyone?05:18
wilee-nileerado_, This is ubuntu support that mens at05:19
VedritYou guys are asking for info I do not have and cannot quickly get, and offer a tool that will take just as long to get into place05:19
rado_wilee-nilee: mens at?05:19
wilee-nileeVedrit, Takes a couple of minutes to boot a live cd and another to run the app, maybe 5-7 min.05:19
VedritSomeone said that Grub is installed on a partition. But There shouldn't be any partitions05:20
VedritNo, it's taking 5-7 minutes just to get the disk to boot05:20
VedritIt's by no means quick05:20
wilee-nileeVedrit, Are you talking about a dd to a partition. ubuntu has to have a partiton.05:20
VedritIt asked about partitions and I said no05:20
wilee-nileeVedrit, YOU have to have a partition for ubuntu05:21
VedritWell, I don't know where it's at and neither does BIOS05:21
wilee-nileeVedrit, Well thats it for me you are not even coming close to cooperating, if you run the bootinfo script you will more than likely get to the bottom of this.05:22
Vedritbootinfo? I'm assuming that's part of the boot repair that hasn't even finished downloading05:22
VedritLike I said: You're asking for info I don't have05:23
VedritCooperation or not, I don't have it05:23
wilee-nileeyour making no sense05:23
VedritJust as much sense as you guys are making to me05:23
wilee-nileewelcome to ignore, have a good one. ;)05:23
IdleOnewilee-nilee: Please stop announcing your ignores.05:24
VedritLike you were helping much anyway05:24
wilee-nileeI do it all the time I rarely announce it, it seemed more than appropriate, however I will follow your request05:25
foo357Hello, what other files than /etc/fstab gives instructions on where filesystems should be mounted?05:26
wilee-nileerado_, means at.05:28
pumafied_Noob question but does anyone know how to list channels with irssi05:30
somsip!alis | pumafied_05:30
ubottupumafied_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:30
CoreyTht's about enough of that. :-)05:30
Vedritlooks like some users need to be given the boot05:31
deezedhola! gracias05:31
* gr33n7007h is away: Adriane............05:42
* gr33n7007h is back (gone 00:00:10)05:43
Coreygorgonzola: Turn that off please.05:43
CoreyEr, that was to gr33n7007h.05:43
Coreygr33n7007h: Turn your auto-away message off from channels, if you please. :-)05:44
MrHotsaucedoes anyone know of a dd-wrt support channel on this or any other server?05:45
somsip!alis | MrHotsauce05:45
ubottuMrHotsauce: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:45
MrHotsauceah thanks :D05:45
pumafied_Its a bot(;05:46
MrHotsaucewell thanks to the bot then!05:46
kryptoi set this in limits.conf  www-data        soft    nofile          5000    www-data        hard    nofile  700005:57
kryptobut still ulimit -a is showing old vlaue05:58
kryptodoes this require system boot?06:00
somsipkrypto: you need to relogin06:02
pumafied_No you dont06:02
pumafied_sudo -i -u user will aply it06:02
somsipkrypto: you can do this, but I can't vouch for it: sudo -i -u <user> http://lzone.de/apply%20limits%20immediately06:03
somsippumafied_: snap :)06:03
pumafied_Both googled the same thing lol06:03
pumafied_All of these joins and leavings are unbearable I need a better theme that greys them out06:04
kryptois int same as su www-data verify and exit06:04
somsippumafied_: most clients can be set to ignore them06:06
kryptorestarted system still no change06:07
pumafied_I use irssi06:07
pumafied_I think that the joins leaves could be somewhat useful at times06:07
pumafied_but shouldnt be the same color as the regular text06:07
somsippumafied_: if you change your mind http://i.clintecker.com/disable-irc-msgs.html (I rely on tab completion to see if a user has left)06:08
pumafied_somsip: Thanks for the tip Im still trying to figure out what would be the best irc experience06:09
somsippumafied_: np. Best to add to IRSSI config anyway, but it gives you a way to try different approaches06:09
pumafied_I feel like such an imposter being on a mac connected to a fedora box and then on an ubuntu channel in irc06:10
the-newsmani am newbie . i just insatlled ubuntu ver 13. now i cannt fidn the application menu which allows me to see the isntalled aplication hence to run them. plz help me06:16
pumafied_hit the meta key ( windows flag) to pull it up06:17
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the-newsmanth meta key does not do it, instead it runs the search for files....06:18
thepeopleschamp_what are the best source i will need to add to software download?06:19
somsipthepeopleschamp_: depends what you want to download...06:19
the-newsmani am newbie . i just insatlled ubuntu ver 13. now i cannt fidn the application menu which allows me to see the isntalled aplication hence to run them. plz help me06:20
thepeopleschamp_i would like a source that has utilities and stuff for custom editing menu bar06:21
thepeopleschamp_stuff like that06:21
thepeopleschamp_how do i also add a source?06:21
somsipthepeopleschamp_: probably best if you find an application you want, then see if it is included in the sources you have. Other than the partner repos (has Skype, for example) I'm not sure what else is there unless you go to PPAs06:21
somsip!PPA | thepeopleschamp_06:22
ubottuthepeopleschamp_: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:22
RyanZWtrying to get audio out to my tv and sterio via hdmi, the screen is there but no audio?06:24
RyanZWi installed pavucontrol and see hdmi there as an option, but the audio isn't going out06:24
the-newsmanhey guys06:25
the-newsmanany1 here alive ?06:25
the-newsmanany1 here alive to help me06:25
thepeopleschamp_what would actually be the sudo i would have to write in terminal?06:27
RyanZWcard 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]06:27
MrHotsauceRyanZW: try disabling the other sound souces maybe?06:29
cppCzarMy shell is having an issue06:32
cppCzarwhen I'm cycling up through previous commands, the commands begin to be listed on lines above the current line and eventually begin to just create black space across the entire terminal window06:32
cppCzarI'm on ubuntu 13.0406:32
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Psil0Cybinhey guys can someone help me with putting an .img file from raspberry pi onto my sd card06:36
Psil0Cybini found a site that shows me the command i need, but i cannot figure out why it says to write to the sd card by writting it to /dev/sdc06:37
cppCzarOh, nevermind. This is in psql06:37
cppCzarwront chat06:37
thepeopleschamp_where does this application save itself ? i am trying to open it after terminal process is over06:38
thepeopleschamp_To install Compiz Config Setting Manager enter following command in Terminal:06:38
Psil0Cybinhey guys i formatted an sd card using gparted in ubntu and now i cannot see the sd card on windows06:38
thepeopleschamp_Terminal Command:06:38
thepeopleschamp_sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins-extra06:38
Psil0Cybinwhat can i do to fix this problem?06:38
somsipthepeopleschamp_: I believe it's 'ccsm' in terminal06:39
thepeopleschamp_what do i type?06:39
somsipthepeopleschamp_: c, then a c, then an s, then an m, then press enter06:39
thepeopleschamp_can i find it in apps location later?06:39
Psil0Cybincan someone help me figure out why my sd card cannot be seen my windows06:40
Psil0Cybinafter formatting it with gparted06:40
thepeopleschamp_anyone know bout a nicr .icc file? so i can get the best colors ?06:42
wilee-nileePsil0Cybin, What did you format it as?06:46
bsmith093my swap is completely full, is there any way to free it up without a reboot, i cant find whats using it06:49
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somsipbsmith093: swapoff -a && swapon -a06:49
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bsmith093somsip: with or without sudo06:50
somsipbsmith093: with other varants here: http://www.linuxnetadmin.com/2008/11/clear-swap-space-in-linux.html06:50
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benjudahhey all07:07
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=== Thor_away is now known as Thor
Hawthornhey guys07:10
Hawthornquestion: has anybody else noticed a problem when auto-updating 12.04 to the latest kernel (3.5.0-39)? it doesn't boot for me anymore, saying something about roof fs not found bla bla07:11
Hawthorn3.5.0-36 works fine though07:11
=== Thor is now known as Thor_away
=== Thor_away is now known as Thor
t4nk739Has anyone every tried to install graphic driver of AMD HD 8760A / 8750M on ubuntu07:12
t4nk739and i type aticonfig after install the catalyst07:12
t4nk739it says "not supported adapter is detected"07:13
Hawthorndid you check with the compatibility list on the AMD site?07:13
toshiba-user9392< Installed Ubuntu 12.04 with ubuntu-lxde-desktop.  Problem is the USB devices mount read only. I want all usb devices mounted with write permission.07:13
=== Thor is now known as Thor_away
Hawthornwhile the gpu you are using isnt thaaaat new, you need to make sure the driver supports it. amd is a bit slow with adding new devices sometimes07:14
wilee-nileetoshiba-user9392, how are they formatted?07:14
toshiba-user9392willee-nilee..my 4g usb drive is ext4 and SD Card is fat32.  Both mount read only07:15
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toshiba-user9392Its a real pain having to open a root window to save files to usb/sd.  I need them to open/mount as root when plugged in.07:16
wilee-nileetoshiba-user9392, Are they read write in other OS? strange they would not be in this.07:16
wilee-nileeas root?07:16
t4nk739Hawthorn Can  iahve the link ?07:16
xmetaloh dang it i just remembered i forgot to redownload the kernel debs i need (having issues with dpkg)07:17
toshiba-user9392wilee-nilee..I have to open a root window in pcmanfm to save to usb/sd.  Does the same on my other ubuntu laptop also (mounts read only).07:17
netlarAre there free english dictionary files for GoldenDict?07:17
Hawthornt4nk739: http://support.amd.com/de/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx07:17
Hawthornthat's the latest stable07:17
wilee-nileetoshiba-user9392, Never seen that happen with a fat32 an ext4 needs permission basically.07:18
toshiba-user9392wilee-nille..Whatever the problem..I need ALL USB/SD devices mounted read/write when i plug them in.  (a universal setting?)  But for some reason they only mount read only.07:19
t4nk739it is listed on http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/AMDCatalyst13-8LINBetaDriver.aspx07:19
t4nk739i just assumed that mine is under AMD Radeon™ HD 8700M Series07:20
xmetal hmm07:21
Hawthornso you installed the 13.8 beta?07:21
t4nk739however, my another graphic card which is 8670A is not on that list07:21
xmetali wonder if what is going on here could be a possible permission issue07:21
t4nk739i have instaalled it on07:21
t4nk739ubuntu 13.0407:21
AmnuriakI'm trying to set up my Ubuntu so the apache httpd running on it can use kerberos. I've successfully done the ground work (kinit and klist give me a ticket) but I fail to create this "keytab" file that supposedly needed for httpd. I followed this guide: http://acksyn.org/?p=460. Joining the domain (for samba) fails and creating the keytab on the pdc itself fails too :-(07:21
Hawthorni guess that's one for the AMD forums07:21
t4nk739AMD forums?07:22
toshiba-user9392If i format a device with "sudo gparted" will the device be formatted with user permission to read write?07:24
toshiba-user9392Because that's how i formatted my usb, by using sudo gparted and selecting ext4.  Now it mounts read only07:24
toshiba-user9392never mind.  I'll just chmod 777 the device manually07:25
wilee-nileetoshiba-user9392, you would use gksudo but opeing it with a terminal is well pointless.07:26
oana_Hello, I've got a problem with gcc/g++/build-essentia07:28
bitnumusHi, can someone tell me why 'wineserver' would be running, when the package 'wine' isnt installed on my system?07:28
smartboyhwoana_, what's the problem?07:28
oana_I had the gcc 4.7.2 version but wanted to install cuda so I wanted to remove it and add the 4.4 version07:28
oana_then everything went wrong :/07:28
furoidocant join in07:29
oana_couldn't completly uninstall the gcc4.7 but couldn't install the gcc 4.4. either07:29
oana_then I tried to do this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6005504/07:29
xmetalsounds lime me on a different non-debain distro07:29
wilee-nileebitnumus, How do you see it running?07:29
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bitnumusnetstat -tupln07:30
oana_oh, and the first error I've got when I first tried to uninstall/install gcc was this error: alternative path /usr/bin/gcc doesn't exist07:30
bitnumusahh, wilee-nilee looks like teamviewer07:31
bitnumusstarting on boot for some reason, lovely07:31
wilee-nileeah teamviewer netstat is a ms as well right?07:32
bitnumusall gone now :P07:32
Hawthornuhm, so i guess nobody has a solution to my "root fs not found" problem during boot? :D07:33
wilee-nileeHawthorn, Do you have home separated, and have you checked the uuid in fstab?07:34
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Hawthornwell, the entry for root just points to /dev/sda3 for the defunct kernel, the one that works has a funky hexadecimal number07:35
Hawthornbut i tried adding the uuid entry to the current kernel and it didn't work either07:36
wilee-nileeHawthorn, None of that makes sense to me, you wil have to outline how you set up your partitions and if this is customized beyand a root and home what you have done.07:37
wilee-nileecou;d just be that kernel is broken, it happens07:39
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Hawthornwilee-nilee: uh, i guess i'll just post you a sudo fdisk -l. give me a sec07:39
Hawthorn wilee-nilee http://paste.ubuntu.com/6005524/07:40
wilee-nileeHawthorn, You have a kernel that works but the latest update has this error right?07:42
Hawthornwilee-nilee, yeah 3.5.0-36 works, everything above doesn't07:42
sigtest1there is my first time,where others07:42
wilee-nileeHawthorn, Those above are upgrades form the repos, how many sets?07:42
nucquesto compiz è una tortura07:43
wilee-nileeI don't run 12.04 is all07:43
Hawthornwilee-nilee uhm, sets? :D07:43
xmetali am having kernal issues on one of my distros (dpkg is compllaining) but i am too lazy (not in that distro atm) to redownload the debs atm07:44
wilee-nileeHawthorn, Kernels have boot and recovery a set07:44
wilee-nilee!it | nuc07:44
ubottunuc: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:45
Hawthornwilee-nilee oh you want to know how many kernels i have in grub?07:45
wilee-nileeHawthorn, I can't tell if the word those is a plural, meaning more that one kernal.07:45
fuduswhen does ubuntu clean up old kernels anyhow? i have three now from updates07:45
wilee-nileeabove the one that works07:46
wilee-nileefudus, YOu have top do it.07:46
fudusnot automatic then? hm07:46
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Hawthornwilee-nilee oh, i only have 3.5.0-36 (works), 3.5.0-37 (doesn't work) and 3.5.0-39 (doesn't work either)07:46
Hawthorncleaned up a while ago07:46
Hawthornubuntu tends to give me a hard time when my /boot partition is close to being full07:47
wilee-nileeHawthorn, Not sure to be honest.07:47
fudusi thought the installer used one big partition by default now07:48
wilee-nileeit has since I started with 6.007:48
wilee-nilee0r 6.04 whatever it was07:49
Hawthornwilee-nilee yeah i am not sure what it could be either, hehe.07:49
Hawthornonly thing i noticed is that the entries for -37 and -39 point to /dev/sda3 and not a UUID07:49
idodeisukeyou know any program under ubuntu in particular and linux in general, that can convert roman numerals into normal ones?07:49
Hawthornin grub07:50
xmetalhmm think the kernel "my" distro is goofing up on is 3.50.3607:50
Jordan_UHawthorn: That probably means that they don't have a corresponding initramfs (searching for the root filesystem by UUID requires an initramfs).07:50
HawthornJordan_U why does this make me feel like this will involve some headdesking further down the line?07:52
roninnwhat would you recommend as the ulimit (memory limit) value per user when I have something like ~30 users, memory is 4GB. now the value is 256MB, but it gets easily over that07:52
Hawthornhonestly, i love ubuntu, i just dread the moment when i have to do a kernel update because something always goes wrong for me, lol07:53
fudusidodeisuke,  http://www.periodni.com/roman_numerals_converter.html does roman > arabic07:53
wilee-nileeHawthorn, Why the boot partition, I think that is the problem as far as setting it up to run corrctly, I have never had one in 6 years.07:54
idodeisukefudus: Thx, but I kinda wanted to have an offline-solution.07:55
xmetali will not say the distro (i get grief when i do) but i will say compared to that, kernel upgrades in ubuntu are easy07:55
Hawthornwilee-nilee well, i run a dual boot with windows and i had to use a boot partition because otherwise grub would come up with very funky errors in 11.0407:55
roninndo you think I should get more memory for this one http://codepad.org/PjIbdpuh07:55
wilee-nileeHawthorn, I have 4 OS one is W8.07:55
fudusthere's one in perl, but no idea how to install use it in ubuntu http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man3/Roman.3pm.html07:56
auronandaceHawthorn: 11.04 is no longer supported07:56
xmetali have a number of OS's on a few PCs07:56
Hawthornrunning 12.04 now07:56
nydiL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:56
wilee-nileeHawthorn, Are you using grub legacy?07:56
nydiL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:56
Hawthorni just used the same partition structure i used for 11.0407:56
nydiL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:57
FloodBot1nydi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:57
nydiL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:57
ulaelinL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:57
vaytremL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:57
xmetali just learned how to "Theme" grub 207:57
Hawthornwilee-nilee i did a complete reinstall from CD (because the distribution upgrade went wrong horribly) so i doubt that07:57
vaytremL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:57
ulaelinL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:57
FloodBot1vaytrem: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:57
FloodBot1ulaelin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:57
xmetalcame out pretty good for my first try07:57
xmetalhmm  @ floodbot .. flooding my screen07:58
xmetalbut thank you floodbot for blocking the riffraft07:58
nydiL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:58
dowythL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:58
ulaelinL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:58
vaytremL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:58
xmetalhmm the kids are up now i see07:58
nydiL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:59
fudusspambots whee07:59
somsip!ops | spam07:59
ubottuspam: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!07:59
idodeisuke!ops nydi07:59
Hawthornwilee-nilee i just checked, at least i have no legacy packages installed that i can see07:59
legigoharL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:59
legigoharL'avenir des réseaux IRC c'est nous ! irc.blueirc.fr ! www.blueirc.fr !!07:59
wilee-nileeHawthorn, A fresh install of 12.04 would be grub 208:00
FloodBot1legigohar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:00
ashtonCan anyone answer a question?08:00
Hawthornwilee-nilee yeah it's grub 208:00
xmetal(that was my answer)08:00
somsip!anyone | ashton08:00
ubottuashton: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:00
ashtonOh aha i like that one08:00
ashtonSO, i wanna create a .iso out of my oblivion cd08:01
ashtonbut how08:01
Hawthorni'm just wondering at which point exactly grub says "hey harddisk, i know you, let's boot!" and why it is "hey, harddisk you don't exist! let's not boot!" for a newer kernel <.<08:01
somsipashton: what is 'oblivion'? Data or audio or what?08:01
ashtondata, it is a video game08:02
somsipashton: so it's a DVD?08:02
ashtonmuhh yeah i guess.?08:02
ashtonokay well no sorry, yes yes, it is08:02
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somsipashton: try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/147800/ripping-dvd-to-iso-accurately08:02
Hawthornthough i have to say this is at least not as bad as the last time i updated when it effed up my apt :D08:03
ashton dd if=/dev/cdrom of=image_name.iso08:03
ashtonHow does this command work08:03
ashtonthis is my first ubuntu/linux computer08:04
somsipashton: dd makes a direct copy. It takes input from Input File (if) and outputs to Output File (of)08:04
gvoIt makes an bit for bit copy08:04
ashtonnow how do i find the if for my dvd08:04
gvoAt least on my system cdrom is the generic for both cd and dvd.08:05
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ShirakawasunaTrying to install ubuntu on someone else's computer. It's stuck at the page where it says 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' (selecting whether to download third-party software, etc.). I clicked 'continue' and it's just sitting there, apparently doing nothing. Is this sometimes normal or should I be worried? This is a slightly older computer, probably from ~2008 or so (single-core AMD CPU).08:17
ShirakawasunaI've made sure that I'm using a 32bit ISO08:18
wilee-nileeShirakawasuna, How much ram does it have, I would check the hardware in general against ubuntu.08:26
Shirakawasunaand the liveCD boots up fine (on a usb drive)08:27
wilee-nileeShirakawasuna, Did you tick the update on the install, what is it you are actually seeing?08:28
MrokiiHello. I've read a tip about assign the forward-/backward buttons on a logitech mouose to Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V (on Windows). Is it possible to assign the buttons the same way on Ubuntu?08:28
Shirakawasunawilee-nilee: I'm seeing the 'busy 'cursor and a the window I described08:28
Shirakawasunawell actually now I'm not because I clicked 'quit' and am now partitioning manually to see if it helps08:28
Shirakawasunasweet, it was the partition thing08:39
Shirakawasunamanually partioning fixed it08:40
Moscherkoboldhello everyone, I have just updated my 12.04 LTS and after the required reboot it boots without the grafical desktop08:45
Moscherkoboldany ideas08:45
ikoniaMoscherkobold: what did you upgrade from ?08:49
Moscherkoboldikonia: the automatic update service08:50
ikoniaMoscherkobold: I mean which version ?08:50
Moscherkoboldikonia: it´s still the same version, 12.04. It was just a components upgrade08:51
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ah, just an update08:51
ikoniaMoscherkobold: what video card do you have ?08:51
Moscherkoboldikonia: ikonia sry for the wrong word :)08:52
ikoniaMoscherkobold: not at all, just as much my fault08:52
Moscherkoboldikonia: nvidia... i have to look up the details08:52
ikoniaMoscherkobold: that's enough for the moment08:52
ikoniaMoscherkobold: did you get any nvidia stuff from nvidia.com ? or did it all come from the package manager ?08:52
Moscherkoboldikonia: hmm most probably everything is from the package manager08:53
ikoniaMoscherkobold: need to be certain of that, it's important08:53
Moscherkoboldikonia: I´m sure i have not downloaded something from nvidia but maybe i have used the additional drivers feature08:56
ikoniaMoscherkobold: that's ok, thats the correct process08:56
ikoniaMoscherkobold: that's good08:56
ikoniaMoscherkobold: two final questions, then we can look at it properly08:56
lansinghello i am new08:56
ikoniaMoscherkobold: 1.) I assume this is a physical machine - not a vm08:57
ikoniaMoscherkobold: 2.) do you have any PPA's or 3rd party repos on your system (or have you had any)08:57
guest09013651using a NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 (GS119), why is it that Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is stuttering like mad, while 13.04 (and 13.10 daily) is much more fluid (experience based on live cd)?08:57
ikoniaguest09013651: the livecd doesn't have the propitary drivers in place,08:58
ikoniaguest09013651: look what xorg modules are being used, compare them, and if needed correct them to the right modules08:58
Moscherkoboldikonia: 1. not a virtual machine 2. i dont think so08:58
ikoniaMoscherkobold: can you check cna confirm 2 please - again important08:58
ikoniaMoscherkobold: sorry, "check and confirm 2 please"08:59
ActionParsnipguest09013651: later xorg and kernel etc can help08:59
Moscherkoboldikonia: how can i do this? :(08:59
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, so you'd know if you'd installed any PPA's - that's a good enough for the moment08:59
guest09013651ikonia: thanks for your reply. yeah, but i am talking about 12.04 live cd and 13.04 live cd, so both without proprietary i guess.09:00
ikoniaguest09013651: yes, and I'm telling you that's why it's not working well09:00
guest09013651one stutters, the other doesn't (or, well, let's says stutters much less)09:00
ikoniaMoscherkobold: can you run this command "grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log"09:01
guest09013651[10:58] <ikonia> guest09013651: look what xorg modules are being used, compare them, and if needed correct them to the right modules <--- do you happen to have a useful link at hand which explains how to do it?09:01
mariachihello! just installed 13.04 and steam is super slow. if I make a desktop shortcut to the games and use them, the game crashes after displaying a black screen. Steam runs fine with noveau though (Im using 304 proprietary now, because with noveau some games are not supposed to run). Any ideas? I'm new to Ubuntu (not linux though)09:02
ikoniaguest09013651: the issue will be something along the lines of the oder version of noveau drivers on the 12.04 cd do not work as well as the newer versions on 13.04 - this is normally fixed by using the proptitary drivers, but as these are not on the livecd - you are stuck with the weaker noveau ones09:02
ikoniaguest09013651: that is the most realistic issue (without doing a real investigation)09:02
Moscherkoboldikonia: done09:03
Moscherkobold"failed to load module "nv" (module does not exist) ...09:03
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, that's useful09:03
ikoniaMoscherkobold: so the reason it's failing is because the module nv isn't there - the question is why and what we do to fix it09:03
k1l_kernel headers installed?09:03
ikoniaMoscherkobold: the nv module is the open driver, have you considered using the propitary ones ?09:04
Ben64i don't think "nv" is the right module name09:04
ikoniaMoscherkobold: or do you want to fix the the loading of the open ones09:04
ikoniaBen64: legacy novau09:04
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Moscherkoboldikonia: what do you suggest? :)09:05
=== jackie is now known as Guest85115
Kartagiswhen I was installing ubuntu, I chose LVM installation, and now it tells me "The disk drive for /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1 is not ready yet or not present"09:05
ikoniaMoscherkobold: it depends if you've had good results with the nv module in the past, I personally use the propitary modules as they give better support normally, but it's personal opinion09:05
Kartagiswhat gives?09:05
ikoniaKartagis: is it ready or present ?09:06
Moscherkoboldikonia: should I write down some more details of the log here?09:06
ikoniaMoscherkobold: that's enough for the moment, I think we have the basics of the problem09:06
ikoniaMoscherkobold: just need to decide how to fix it09:06
Kartagisikonia: yes, afaik09:06
ikoniaMoscherkobold: lets do something simple, are you comfirtable using a text editor ?09:06
ikoniaKartagis: how have you checked ?09:06
ikoniaMoscherkobold: comfortable with a text editor even09:07
Moscherkoboldikonia: we will see, let´s try :) i think i will start with the open one09:07
=== Guest85115 is now known as jack
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, I need you to open one using "sudo" and edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf (if you have one)09:08
Kartagisikonia: sudo fdisk -l gives me Disk /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1 doesn't contain a valid partition table09:08
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ikoniaKartagis: you don't partition a logical volume09:08
ikoniathats it's whole point09:08
ikoniait's a volume, not a disk09:08
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Kartagisikonia: I know, I have typed this to check its existence09:08
ikoniaKartagis: fdisk doesn't show if it exists or if it's valid09:09
Kartagisfdisk -l did09:09
ikoniaKartagis: fdisk shows physical partitions/disks partition table09:09
ikoniaKartagis: it doesn't09:09
ikoniaKartagis: actually - you want to argue it, you know better, good luck09:09
Moscherkoboldikonia: is it possible that this file does not exist?09:10
ikoniaMoscherkobold: yes, totally09:10
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ls -la /etc/X11/xorg.conf will check if it does09:10
blarghlHey all. I have a question about trackpads in Ubuntu/Linux. This is absolutely not meant to be a troll question, though I realise it sounds that way, but... when are trackpads going to stop sucking ass in Linux? I have a multi-touch trackpad. I used to use Linux many years ago before I switched to shiny OS X, but I want to switch back to Ubuntu now. I feel like my grandmother must feel using a computer though. I have zero accuracy, it constantly cl09:10
Kartagisikonia: I'm not saying I know better. I'm just telling you what I see and here it is: http://paste.debian.net/27398/09:10
blarghlIs there an effort being made to fix this? Can I somehow contribute to it?09:11
Shirakawasunafor me, trackpads are much nicer in linux than in windows, blarghl. And using gestures is pretty limited when DEs themselves offer no real functions for them09:11
Shirakawasunae.g. what does KDE do with a four-finger swipe?09:11
Moscherkoboldikonia: i was wrong the file is there09:12
blarghlShirakawasuna: I don't even care about gestures. I care for basic basic basic things, like being able to rest my thumb on the lower part of my trackpad (since Macbooks have no actual buttons anymore.) I want to be able to click without the mouse pointer moving (because it interprets my finger pad pushing down as a movement of the cursor just before the click event fires). I care about selecting text working properly: pretty much impossible currentl09:13
ikoniaMoscherkobold: that's fine, lets edit it09:13
anoneehello? I have a process running as root with pid:?, program: unknown TCP how can I get to know what's this?09:13
ikoniaKartagis: yes, and that's why I've told you 3 times "fdisk does not provie it's ready"09:14
blarghlShirakawasuna: I think if I had physical buttons on my trackpad I'd be able to cope, but more and more laptops are moving to buttonless trackpads and the support for them is really bad.09:14
ikoniaKartagis: but you want to argue it,09:14
Shirakawasunablarghl: all of those things work fine out of the box for me09:14
Shirakawasunablarghl: make sure you have palm detection turned on, wherever that is in ubuntu nowadays.09:15
Kartagisikonia: so, what do I do? does LVM actually use swap? if it doesn't, do I remove it from /etc/fstab?09:16
blarghlShirakawasuna: Don't take offence at this, but I wonder if it's Stockholm Syndrome in your case. Have you tried using a trackpad in OS X? I went a week with the best intentions and seriously wanting to stay with Ubuntu but on the same machine the same trackpad was so bad I couldn't do even basic tasks after a while.09:16
sreehi sir09:16
blarghlShirakawasuna: I intend to try it again very soon and playing with it a lot more, but yeah. In direct comparison, it was genuinely painful to use, and that's _such_ a shame.09:17
guest09013651ikonia: just wondering: let's say someone has a NVIDIA GeForce series 6 or series 7 GPU. NVIDIA seems to have stopped releasing new drivers for those recently. the latest driver says "Added support for X.org xserver ABI 14 (xorg-server 1.14)" in it's changelog. what will be the last Ubuntu version that can be uses with a GeForce 6 or 7 with using proprietary drivers?09:17
sreehii sir09:17
sreehow to recover the deleted files09:17
mariachihello! just installed 13.04 and steam is super slow. if I make a desktop shortcut to the games and use them, the game crashes after displaying a black screen. Steam runs fine with noveau though (Im using 304 proprietary now, because with noveau some games are not supposed to run). Any ideas? I'm new to Ubuntu (not linux though)09:17
Shirakawasunablarghl: Yes I've used mac trackpads. They are actually not that great, particularly since they're clickpads09:17
sreehow to recover the deleted files09:18
ikoniaguest09013651: I'm not aware of those cards being dropped - just no additional development, I could be wrong though09:18
sreehow to recover the deleted files09:18
Moscherkoboldikonia: I can not open this file, i have tried gedit09:18
jpdssree: Backups.09:18
ikoniaKartagis: lvm swap partition is just that - a swap partition, you don't need it, I suspect it's not marked as swap09:18
blarghlShirakawasuna: I dislike clickpads too, but they genuinely work well in OS X. If I have to, I'll take a mouse along with ubuntu, but I'd rather not :(09:18
sreeno back up sir09:18
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, so "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"09:18
jpdssree: Then there's your answer.09:18
Shirakawasunablarghl: My trackpad is much more accurately responsive, on my thinkpad. It actually goes where I want it to. I can also click + drag very easily, which requries not using the clicking part of a clickpad09:19
sreei dont have backup sir09:19
jpdssree: Then you've lost your files.09:19
Shirakawasunablarghl: I also have physical buttons, so I can simulate middle clicks09:19
blarghlShirakawasuna: I mean, I fully expect some trackpad drivers to work better than others.09:19
Moscherkoboldikonia: ah gedit does not work without a grafical desktop, right? :) sry09:19
ikoniaKartagis: is this a post install error or an error in the installer09:19
blarghlShirakawasuna: And as I said, I expect that physical buttons work better than clickpads.09:19
ikoniaMoscherkobold: correct,09:19
Shirakawasunablarghl: I also use my keyboard for most things because it is simply much faster than gestures or having  a needlessly huge trackpad (some kind of placeholder for a tablet or something)09:19
Kartagisikonia: during boot09:19
Moscherkoboldikonia: ok file is open :)09:20
ikoniaKartagis: so it's probably either the volume is not ready, or not marked as swap,09:20
ikoniaMoscherkobold: search for a line that says Driver "nv"09:20
blarghlShirakawasuna: I do too, but trackpads help when you're not yet comfortable with keyboard shortcuts in a new OS.09:20
Shirakawasunablarghl: So while mac users are clicking around trying to find their windows, I'm breezing along with 6 desktops and getting things done09:20
ikoniaKartagis: try to swapon the swap volume manually09:20
Kartagisikonia: /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1    none            swap        sw                        0       0 <--- this is what I have in fstab09:20
ikoniaKartagis: forget fstab, try to swap it on manually09:21
ikoniaKartagis: it's either a.) not active b.) not formatted for swap09:21
Kartagisikonia: how do I check whether it's marked as swap?09:21
Shirakawasunablarghl: maybe you should stop trying to make your linux machine act like a mac? Learn your shortcuts. And tweak your synaptics settings, since the defaults are apparently not turned on or something (like palm detection).09:21
guest09013651ikonia: looks like you're right: http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html09:21
blarghlShirakawasuna: Hey now, so am I. OS X is mostly fine with keyboard shortcuts too. :) It's just a matter of learning a new set, especially since in Linux the keyboard shortcuts aren't as unified as in OS X.09:21
Moscherkoboldikonia: this file seems almost empty... only 6 lines?09:21
ikoniaKartagis: for the last time - try to swap it on manually !09:21
Shirakawasunayou can also mess with palm detection settings09:21
ikoniaguest09013651: so I wouldn't worry09:21
Shirakawasunait's all in synaptics09:21
ikoniaMoscherkobold: thats not a bad thing09:21
blarghlShirakawasuna: I never said I was. All I said was that I'd like my trackpad to work. :)09:22
ikoniaMoscherkobold: is the "driver "nv"" line there ?09:22
Moscherkoboldikonia: no09:22
ikoniaMoscherkobold: that's a bit frustrating09:22
guest09013651ikonia: =)09:22
ikoniaMoscherkobold: is there any "Driver" lines09:22
Moscherkoboldikonia: no, should i write these 6 lines here?09:23
ikoniaMoscherkobold: no,09:23
ikoniaMoscherkobold: is there a line that says "driver" ?09:23
Moscherkoboldikonia: no09:23
ikoniaMoscherkobold: that is a bit annoying09:23
Kartagisikonia: sudo swapon /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_109:23
Kartagisswapon: /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1: read swap header failed: Invalid argument09:23
ikoniaso it's auto-detecting nv and failing09:23
ikoniaKartagis: ok, so it's not marked as swap09:23
rjknight1hello, may I ask how to have a file sharing web page based?09:23
ikoniaKartagis: so format it for swap09:24
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ikoniaMoscherkobold: give me a few minutes please.09:27
Moscherkoboldikonia: np, I will go for cigarette09:28
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ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, let me know when you are back, I have a fix to get us moving then fix it properly09:29
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Kartagissudo mkswap /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_109:31
Kartagis/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1: Device or resource busy09:31
ikoniaKartagis: it already swapped on ?09:31
Kartagisikonia: idk09:32
ikoniaKartagis: ....check09:32
Kartagisikonia: how?09:32
ikoniaKartagis: swapon -s09:32
Kartagisswapon -s09:33
KartagisFilename                Type        Size    Used    Priority09:33
Kartagis/dev/mapper/cryptswap1                  partition    3125244    0    -109:33
ikoniaughhh crupt09:33
ikoniawhy hav eyou envypted swap ??09:33
ikoniais the encrypted swap linked to the logical volume ?09:33
KartagisI don't remember checking such a box09:33
ikoniaKartagis: did you encypt anything ?09:33
Kartagislrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Ağu 20 12:00 /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 -> ../dm-209:34
ikoniaKartagis: what is dm-2 ?09:34
ikoniaas that's just a symlink09:34
Kartagisno idea09:34
ikoniaKartagis: so "I don't know" is the answer to "is it anything to do with lvm" as you don't know09:35
ikoniaKartagis: don't say "no" if you don't know, say "I don't know"09:35
ikoniaKartagis: did you select any encyption at install time for anything09:35
Moscherkoboldikonia: re09:36
KartagisI didn't specifically encrypt anything by command, and if I have done it during installation, I don't absolutely remember09:36
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, take a look at this file http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127020909:37
ikoniaMoscherkobold: what I want you to do is put the "driver" line = vesa in your xorg.conf in the Device section for your video card09:38
ikoniaKartagis: can you pastebin your fstab and cryptab please.09:38
ikoniaMoscherkobold: understand what I'm asking ?09:38
ikoniaMoscherkobold: just that one section09:38
Moscherkoboldikonia: ok, i have to the whole section in it, right?09:39
ikoniaMoscherkobold: well, not quite, do you have a section for your video card in your Xorg.conf ?09:39
Moscherkoboldikonia: no09:39
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, so take the lot then09:39
ikonia(just the videocard section - not the whole file)09:40
ikoniaMoscherkobold: so first 4 lines09:40
Moscherkoboldikonia: ok09:40
ikoniaMoscherkobold: then reboot - it's performance will suck - but you should get a desktop and we can move forward from there09:40
Kartagisikonia: http://paste.debian.net/27412/09:42
ikoniaKartagis: ok - so you have 2 swap partitions,09:43
ikoniaKartagis: one for the raw lvm device, the othe for swap09:43
ikoniaKartagis: I suspect you have encypted swap, which is why the swap header is wrong as it's encypted09:43
ikoniaKartagis: easy solution is to remove line 12 - and your problems should go away09:43
KartagisI'll try thanks09:44
Kartagisbrb, lunch09:44
zaggynlhi, what does " net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians" do in /etc/sysctl.conf ?09:45
zaggynloh, nvm09:45
zaggynl## ignore echo broadcast requests to prevent being part of smurf attacks09:45
Moscherkoboldikonia: it still boots without a grafical desktop09:46
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ikoniaMoscherkobold: now that is annoying09:46
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ikoniaMoscherkobold: can you do the grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log again please09:46
MoscherkoboldFailed to load module "nv" (module does not exist, 0)09:49
Moscherkoboldopen /dev/fb0: no such file or directory)09:49
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ikoniaMoscherkobold: again, now that is annoying09:49
Moscherkoboldikonia: :)09:49
ikoniaMoscherkobold: are you able to pastebin the whole /etc/X11/xorg.conf file ?09:49
Moscherkoboldikonia: generally yes but i have to write it all09:49
ikoniaMoscherkobold: does this machine have internet access without th egui ?09:50
ikoniawithout the gui09:50
* ele64 jump09:50
Moscherkoboldikonia: generally yes, how can i make sure?09:50
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ikoniaMoscherkobold: do "sudo apt-get update" see if it works09:51
jostI have recently had to reformat my whole harddrive. So I made a backup of my /home, simply putting everything into a tar.gz. Problem is: The critical stuff wasn't included into the archive, and now I'm missing a lot of stuff. It seems all folders that might contain passwords, keys and such stuff were omitted. Why?09:51
jostAnd exactly these folders, not all hidden folders or something09:51
HaffeHello. Is there a way to install a threadsafe version of sqlite3 in ubuntu?09:51
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Moscherkoboldikonia: yes09:51
ikoniaMoscherkobold: yes ! ok, so "sudo apt-get pastebinit"09:52
gvojost what command did you use exactly?09:52
jostgvo: don't know, but I think I used the XFCE-GUI for that09:52
gvojost don't know of anything that would behave that way.09:53
Moscherkoboldikonia: i´ve added "install": worked09:53
mariachihello! just installed 13.04 and steam is super slow. if I make a desktop shortcut to the games and use them, the game crashes after displaying a black screen. Steam runs fine with noveau though (Im using 304 proprietary now, because with noveau some games are not supposed to run). Any ideas? I'm new to Ubuntu (not linux though)09:53
PsilocybinnewserHey guys does anyone know what i can use thats like the system indicator plugin but for Lxde to use for my Raspberry Pi, i want to be able to see a bandwidth graph beside the CPU Graph09:53
ikoniaMoscherkobold: music to my ears, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit09:53
ikoniaMoscherkobold: let me know the yrl09:53
Moscherkoboldikonia: cool feature :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/6005847/09:55
jostgvo: its really weird, almost everything is there, but e.g. .ssh, .filezilla and .mozilla are missing...09:55
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ahhh !!!09:55
gvojost only dot files?09:55
ikoniaMoscherkobold: silly mistake, easy to fix09:55
ActionParsnipmariachi: Which desktop are you using? Gnome? XFCE?09:56
jostgvo: I think so, I've not come across a missing non-dot file. But other dot-files/directories are there09:56
mariachifresh 13.04 installation09:56
gvojost by default the file manager doesn't list dot files so if you did a backup of only the visible files in the FM you missed the . files.09:56
ActionParsnipmariachi: so Gnome (Unity is a shell)09:56
ActionParsnipmariachi: install xfce4, log off and try the XFCE session which is selectable from the login screen09:56
gvojost are you sure the dot files you see weren't put there during the reload of the system?09:56
ikoniaMoscherkobold: make your xorg.conf look like this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6005856/09:56
ikoniaMoscherkobold: the first line was your video card line, so you created a conflict09:57
jostgvo: no, I'm looking directly in the archive09:57
Moscherkoboldikonia: upsi :)09:57
mariachiActionParsnip, will do09:57
ikoniaMoscherkobold: not at all, it's not easy to see if you're not a regular user09:57
gvojost So tar ztf <file>.tar.gz lists some but not all dot files?09:57
ikoniaMoscherkobold: just explaining so you understand the issue09:57
ikoniaMoscherkobold: the "nologo" option is a left over from your old video setup, so that's your video card line, so lets strip the nologo option, and add the driver vesa line09:58
ikoniaMoscherkobold: get it ?09:58
Moscherkoboldikonia: reboot running09:58
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, lets see if this is better09:58
jostgvo: yes, exactly...10:00
jostand it seems that all missing folders are the ones that might contain sensitive data10:00
ActionParsnipmariachi: its small and is a great test :)10:01
gvojost that plain wierd.  THere's nothing that I know of that would cause that.10:01
Moscherkoboldikonia: still not working, i will have a look if I wrote a mistake10:01
gvojost I assume you were running as the user who owns the files when you did the backup10:01
ikoniaMoscherkobold: lets do the error check again too please10:02
jostgvo: that could be the reason... I don't remember, but It could be that I ran it via LiveCD10:03
Moscherkoboldikonia: Screen(s) found, but none have a useable configuration10:03
jostand these folders were not allowed for others to be read or something10:03
jostwhich would make sense10:03
gvojost OK so it wouldn't be able to see directories that were mode 700 for instance.10:04
gvojost and wouldn't back them up.10:04
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, so that's a little better10:04
jostgvo: Ok, so no hope to get the data back :(10:05
jostThanks for the help10:05
ikoniaMoscherkobold: lets take a different approach10:05
ikoniaMoscherkobold: dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia | pastebinit10:05
ikoniaMoscherkobold: lets try to go straight to the fix10:05
gvojost not unless you have another backup .  You weren't doing regular backups, I guess.10:05
ikoniarather than mess around with a bridge to the fix10:05
jostgvo: yeah, you guessed right :(10:06
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ActionParsnipgvo: seems nobody does, especially of "important" data....10:06
gvoActionParsnip: Until it's too late.10:06
ActionParsnipgvo: they love learning the hard way10:07
gvoActionParsnip: I can't fault anyone.  I've been guilty of it.10:07
aran_tay out it10:07
DJonesaran_: This is the Ubuntu support channel, if you have a support question, you are welcome to ask it10:08
aran_this is test10:09
ikoniaaran_: it' passsed10:09
aran_i have just installed xchat10:09
aran_how to use it as irc of website?10:09
ikoniaaran_: irc is a chat type system - nothing to do with websites10:09
ikoniaaran_: xchat is a client to use IRC for chatting10:09
ikoniaaran_: (as you are doing here)10:10
ActionParsnipikonia: qwebirc ;)10:10
psy^lol, Gparted on tail end of a 15 hour job and update manager wants to install a new kernel >.>10:13
Moscherkoboldikonia: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6005893/10:16
ikoniaMoscherkobold: wow, lot there10:17
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, lets get a new xorg config together10:17
ikoniaMoscherkobold: no sud10:18
ikoniaMoscherkobold: not sure if this will work without a gui, but lets try10:18
ikoniaMoscherkobold: "sudo nvidia-xconfig"10:18
linuxearthhi everyone10:19
Moscherkoboldikonia: a lot of warnings and "new X configuration file written to...."10:20
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, so now lets cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit10:20
ikoniaMoscherkobold: lets see what it's updated10:20
ikoniaMoscherkobold: (or did it write to a different file)10:20
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ikoniaMoscherkobold: that looks better, reboot and lets try that10:21
ikoniaMoscherkobold: (perhaps should have gone this way first time)10:21
mariachiActionParsnip, steam with xfce4 works.. that means its a unity problem and I have to use xfce??10:22
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ActionParsnipmariachi: more like Compiz stinking the place up. I see a lot of steam + compiz issues. I simply advise XFCE10:22
ikoniaMoscherkobold: give me some good news please /10:28
* monkeyjuice sits on edge of seat waiting for the news...10:31
Moscherkoboldikonia: rebooted without gui10:34
ikoniaMoscherkobold: oh come on ! what's going on here,10:35
ikoniaMoscherkobold: lets do another error check please.10:35
Moscherkoboldikonia: failed to initialize the nvidia kernel module...10:36
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, so "lsmod | grep -i nvidia" anyhting loaded10:36
ActionParsnipMoscherkobold: after you are logged in, run:   killall -u $USER    then log back in10:37
ikoniaActionParsnip: why kill all his processes ?10:38
Moscherkoboldikonia: lsmod shows:10:38
Moscherkoboldnvidia   9425278 010:38
Moscherkoboldthats all10:38
ActionParsnipikonia: kills X too, might have loaded the driver etc. I've seen it help10:38
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, so the nvidia module is loaded10:38
ikoniaActionParsnip: X isn't running.....10:38
ikoniaActionParsnip: that's his issue10:38
ActionParsnipikonia: ahhh i see10:38
ikoniaMoscherkobold: ok, so the kernel module is loaded, which is good,10:39
ActionParsnipMoscherkobold: sudo service lightdm restart10:39
ikoniaMoscherkobold: just out of interest can you show me the output of uname -a10:39
ikonialets see what kernel you're running,10:39
ikoniaMoscherkobold: something in this update has really screwed you and I'm quite surprised10:40
Moscherkoboldikonia: sudo service lightdm restart is in progress10:40
ikoniaMoscherkobold: that's good, but that won't fix the root issue,10:40
ikoniaMoscherkobold: lets wait until that finishes10:41
Moscherkoboldikonia: i saw same kernel, kernel headers things in the update...10:41
ikoniaMoscherkobold: we'll deal with that once your current tests are finished10:41
Moscherkoboldikonia: ok, how long is this command usually working?10:41
ikoniaMoscherkobold: should be very quick10:42
ikoniaMoscherkobold: 10 - 15 seconds10:43
Moscherkoboldikonia: it says checking battery state OK10:43
Moscherkoboldand now i have a blinking cursor10:43
dn123_can someone explain to me the three numbers in a preseed file:10:43
dn123_d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe string                         \10:43
dn123_      boot-root ::                                            \10:43
dn123_              40 50 100 ext3                                  \10:43
ActionParsnipMoscherkobold: want to try my xorg.conf ?10:43
ActionParsnipMoscherkobold: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_old; sudo wget -O /etc/X11/xorg.conf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8850924/xorg.conf10:44
ActionParsnipMoscherkobold: may help10:45
DJonesActionParsnip: I suspect you're just going to confuse things at the moment, ikonia has been working through things for some time10:45
ActionParsnipDJones: ok, well, its a serving suggestion :). I'll bow out10:45
MoscherkoboldActionParsnip: thx but DJones is right, I´m not an advanced user as well10:46
Moscherkoboldsame for my english :)10:46
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dn123_Anyone can explain to me what the three numbers mean "1000 5000 4000 raid" They are from https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt - I don't get what the values mean.10:51
BluesKajHiyas all10:51
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Moscherkoboldikonia: seems that the system stucks, should I do a hard power off ?10:52
poonaAnyone has any idea on what package to install for the python-config command in ubuntu 13.  I have installed python-configshell, python-configglue, python-configobj10:52
crazyhorsebest torrent client for ubuntu is??10:56
justinfrontDoes flash with stage3d runs on linux currently?10:56
ActionParsnipjustinfront: try in Chrome using PepperFlash, may work10:57
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ActionParsnipcrazyhorse: there is no single best torrent client for any OS10:57
ActionParsnipcrazyhorse: if there was, the others would cease to be as nobody would use the other clients10:58
ActionParsnipcrazyhorse: think about it10:58
crazyhorseActionParsnip: usually for most software there is10:58
crazyhorsein every category10:58
justinfrontI wanted to know because my leopard does not support stage3d, and I wanted to work on some webGL JS but the original code runs Stage3d so I need to do tests with that.10:58
MonotokoI have decided that I quite like irssi10:58
ActionParsnipcrazyhorse: no, there isnt. That's why there are options in all software situations10:58
ActionParsnipcrazyhorse: there is no single best. There may be a best for a certain set if users needing features from one which is not in the others but that doesnt mean it is the best for all10:59
ActionParsnipcrazyhorse: why not try a few and evaluate, then make your choice for which you think is best10:59
justinfrontSo I can't just try it without installing vbox ubuntu or maybe a linux with very small foot print ( not much space ), I thought while I guess you guys hate flash that you might still know if I can use stage3d on it.10:59
ActionParsnipcrazyhorse: Ubuntu comes with Transmission by default, a good starting point10:59
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ActionParsnipjustinfront: try Ubuntu in LiveCD or LiveUSB (if you have spare) and test ;)11:01
ActionParsnipjustinfront: it is free :D11:01
lusiothe walking dead11:01
ActionParsnipjustinfront: I dont hate flash, its lots of fun11:01
justinfrontI only have about 5G on my leopard and would need some overhead left would ubuntu need more space?11:02
alveraanHi. I have a rather stupid question. If ones creates a new user account using useradd as root, but does not set a password for the user, is the new account then secured against any login attempt (e.g. via ssh, the console,...)? Or is it possible to log in as that user without giving a password?11:03
ActionParsnipjustinfront: run Ubuntu from CD, it will boot to RAM and give you the OS without changing the installed system11:03
ActionParsnipalveraan: I believe it is locked out until you set password11:04
ActionParsnipalveraan: only root (and users with sudo access) can make users. Users cannot make users, so all accounts will be made (efectively) by root11:04
justinfrontI don't have working CD drive, I have another machine but really prefer the screen,keyboard and mouse pad of my old leopard.11:04
ActionParsnipjustinfront: got a USB storage you can use, or SD card (assuming you can boot SD)11:05
alveraanActionParsnip, ok thanks, that's what I suspected. And as I'm reading the passwd man page, the -d switch actually deleted a password that was set before.11:05
justinfrontyer I might try that I just wanted to find out what status of stage3d was before I went through all that pain.11:06
ActionParsnipjustinfront: making a USB stick and booting to it isnt terribly painful at all...11:06
MonotokoWhere would I put the second bit here? I've tried putting it after the left join but then I just get an empty set: http://pastie.org/825308211:07
Monotoko... oops11:08
Monotokowrong channel sorry11:08
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somsipMonotoko: syntax is SELECT FROM table INNER JOIN table2 ON ... INNER JOIN table3 ON... WHERE {all conditions}11:16
Monotokosomsip: Ahhh thank you!11:17
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Monotokosomsip: still got an empty set with the innter joins >.>11:21
lambyHellow everybody i need help to install tor on ubuntu 13.04 64bit can somebody help me plx ?11:23
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl11:24
lambyill try thx11:25
azerusGuys, I think I found a bug in the require_membership_of option in the pam_winbind library11:25
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ActionParsnippeople still using tor, funny11:27
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larsjaaActionParsnip: why is that funny?11:33
lambyubottu thx man11:33
Johnny_Linuxit was compromised a week ago11:34
daftykinsit was never safe ¬_¬11:34
ActionParsniplarsjaa: the reasons people give why they use tor is usually are usually not what tor does11:35
azeruswhere can I report a bug for samba/winbind?11:35
ActionParsnipazerus: run:  ubuntu-bug samba     and it will start the process11:35
ActionParsniphi Grraff11:38
GrraffHow are you?11:38
ActionParsnipGrraff: not bad, do you have a support question?11:38
bibi23when I run a command prefixed with nohup, it is pending, I don't see the default teminal line where I can run other commands, isn't it the point of nohup to run it in background?11:39
GrraffYes, I have a problem when starting Ubuntu 12.0411:39
larsjaaJohnny_Linux: Users was targeted with malware. The Tor network is still intact11:39
Johnny_Linuxthey should built their own browser11:40
squaregoldfishbibl23: Did you put & at the end of the command? That will run the command in the background. nohup will stop the program being killed when the terminal is closed.11:40
MonkeyDustbibi23  use & to run it in the background11:40
ActionParsnipJohnny_Linux: there is a tor browser11:40
GrraffI think It's a problem with X server11:40
Johnny_Linuxits ff11:40
Grraffor nvidia driver11:41
ActionParsnipGrraff: do you get the login screen ok?11:41
Grraffno, it's a command line needed11:42
ActionParsnipGrraff: did you get an issue after installing the nvidia driver?11:43
bibi23MonkeyDust: you mean at the end? now I see all its output, isn't there a way to don't deal at all with inputs, outputs, I just want it to run in the background.11:44
GrraffI had no problem with drivers before.11:45
GrraffI began this morning11:45
ActionParsnipGrraff: did you install the driver this morning?11:45
GrraffI worked perfectly since yesterday11:45
ActionParsnipGrraff: if you boot an older kernel, is it ok?11:45
Grraffno, same problem11:45
BadgerUKhello, i've just updated ubuntu blindly and now im getting "nvidia api...mistmatch...319.32...304.88". My ability to do stuff from the terminal isn't amazing and im looking for a way to roll back to the drivers i was using before. Ideas?11:46
ActionParsnipGrraff: try uninstalling the driver, reboot then reinstall it11:46
Grraffok, I will try this11:46
Grraffjust a few minutes11:46
Monotoko... who on earth named a freenode server moorcock?11:48
Johnny_Linuxelton john11:48
ActionParsnipMonotoko: http://searchirc.com/motd/freenode/moorcock.freenode.net11:50
ActionParsnipMonotoko: didnt take me long to find....at all11:50
ActionParsnipMonotoko: In 2008, The Times newspaper named Moorcock in their list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945"11:52
ActionParsnipMonotoko: try reading a book, you'd know that sort of stuff then :)11:53
daftykinsActionParsnip: you may have found it quick, but your sense of humour module failed :(11:53
ActionParsnipdaftykins: replacement is in the post ;)11:54
forsaquarii_Hi, I recently tried to login to my vncserver on my ubuntu laptop via iSSH from an iPad. My problem is that the vncserver seems running but the connection does not get established, I only can read "connecting"11:57
lambyguys can somebody help me find 6 digit password numeric dictionary file?11:58
redHello, I need to use Oracle JDK\JRE and have successfully installed both -- however I also need to use "ant", but trying to install ant with apt-get tries to reinstall openjdk (which I have purged from the system)11:58
daftykinslamby: no11:58
lambywhy no11:58
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redhow can I install ant without getting openjdk back?11:58
daftykinsbecause it's not ubuntu support :(11:58
lambyyeah right ty11:59
ActionParsnipred: you can install it but still have the Oracle java as the active java11:59
vlknhi ubuntu member11:59
ActionParsnipred: or is space at a premium?11:59
vlknim not run djanga11:59
redActionParsnip: hmm, I'll check11:59
go8765hello. is any ppa for - https://backports.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Main_Page  ???12:02
GrraffActionParsnip, I have a screen with a bad resolution12:02
GrraffI reinstalled nvidia common12:02
ActionParsnipGrraff: after removing the driver?12:02
ActionParsnipGrraff: you will need nvdidia-common as its in a default install12:03
ActionParsnipGrraff: how did you install the driver?12:03
Grraffwith a command line [sudo pat-get install nvidia common]12:03
forsaquarii_anyone familiar with vncserver?12:04
ActionParsnipGrraff: not:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current12:04
daftykinsforsaquarii_: just ask12:04
gryforsaquarii_: Just ask.12:04
MonkeyDustforsaquarii_  just ask12:05
Ponch0Hello, my boot folder is full, and when trying purge or auto remove while in the folder, I get an error saying could not locate package, anyonee know how to clear the folder?12:06
Grraffdo I have to uninstall nvidia-common before installing nvidia-current?12:06
ActionParsnipGrraff: nvidia-common is in a default install12:06
ActionParsnipGrraff: so you will need it12:06
azerusif I use require_membership_of in the pam_winbind config, it works unless the user in AD has "User must change password at next logon" flag enabled, then it ignores the requirements12:06
azerushas anyone seen this before?12:06
GrraffI'll try it now. Thnak you for your help, I'll be back in a moment!12:06
minimecPonch0: I would delete some redundant kernels (linux-image) with the synaptic package manager12:07
Ponch0minimec: Ok, those are the initrd.img files?12:07
ActionParsnipminimec: uname -a    will show the running kernel.   dpkg -l | grep linux-image    will show the installed kernels. You can remove any kernel(s) you want just not the running one or the one without version numbers12:07
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ActionParsnipminimec: uninstall the packages and it will clean up12:08
Ponch0ActionParsnip: I see, I have to uninstall first, and that would also be through synaptic?12:08
minimecActionParsnip: Well... Tell that to Ponch0... ;)12:08
ActionParsnipminimec: d'oh12:09
ActionParsnipPonch0:  just remove the package and the kernels will be removed and Grub will also be cleaned up12:09
minimecPonch0: I guess you got your answer... ;)12:09
abc_dfceaef, yo guy12:10
Ponch0ActionParsnip: thanks, there seems to be three different types of files, I'm aware of which kernel I'm on just not sure which packages I should be going after12:10
Ponch0minimec: thank you12:10
_nameusing chromium youtube gives me some videos in html5 even though im not part of the trial, and html5 videos just say "This video is currently unavailable", ive been googling around but cant find a good solution, could someone help me fix it?12:10
dfceaefabc_: whats up12:10
ActionParsnipPonch0: just remove the packages, you dont need to worry about the files, just like you dont when you install new kernels12:11
abc_dfceaef, 。。。if we type Chinese here ,what Will going on?12:11
dfceaefabc_: i think we will be kicked out12:12
abc_dfceaef, ...•﹏•12:13
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:13
Ponch0I can't find any of those packages, I don't know how to remove them12:14
ActionParsnipPonch0: run:   dpkg -l | grep linux-image12:15
abc_ActionParsnip, thankx ^_^||12:15
ActionParsnipPonch0: run:   dpkg -l | grep linux-image | awk {'print $2'} | grep -v ^rc12:15
ActionParsnipPonch0: shows the installed kernels, remove the metapackage and the running kernel, then run:   sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-someversionnumbershere12:16
gryhrm, strange word of advice. 'remove the ... running kernel'12:16
ActionParsnipPonch0: do not remove the running kernel or its extra configs or whatever it's called12:16
ActionParsnipPonch0: lets make this super easy12:17
ActionParsnipPonch0: what is the output of:  dpkg -l | grep linux-image | awk {'print $2'} | grep -v ^rc; uname -a; lsb_release -a12:17
ActionParsnipPonch0: us a pastebin to hold the output12:17
prasadsudo not working it gives : sudo: /usr/lib/sudo/sudoers.so must be only be writable by owner12:18
prasadsudo: fatal error, unable to load plugins12:18
Ponch0ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/L8ynL3VQ12:19
ActionParsnipprasad: then chmod is as necessary12:19
GrraffActionparsnip : thank you very much. I reinstalled nvidia-current, as your adviced; It works now.12:19
forsaquarii_in my vncserver log file, i find: Window manager warning: Log level 32: could not find XKB extension. MIght this be the reason why I cannot connect?12:19
prasadyes , i gave chmod also -> chmod -v 644 sudo/12:20
ActionParsnipPonch0: http://pastie.org/825329012:20
prasadit gives : chmod: changing permissions of `sudo/': Operation not permitted12:21
prasadfailed to change mode of `sudo/' from 0777 (rwxrwxrwx) to 0644 (rw-r--r--)12:21
ActionParsnipPonch0: see how I removed the 'linux-image-generic' from the list as well as 'linux-image-3.8.0-29-generic' and 'linux-image-extra-3.8.0-29-generic' as they are the runnig kernel12:21
ActionParsnipGrraff: cool12:21
ActionParsnipprasad: why have you been mesing with the sudoers file, especially in such an insecure way12:22
ActionParsnipprasad: do you know what 777 does?12:22
Ponch0ActionParsnip: I do see, and I do love you12:22
prasadyes , it gives all permission12:22
ActionParsnipPonch0: simple stuff bro12:22
Johnny_Linuxel oh el12:22
ActionParsnipprasad: yes, to ANYONE. Me you, guest, unauthenticated users, anyone ever12:22
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Ponch0ActionParsnip: true, can't be harder then that12:22
ActionParsnipprasad: great security, yeah?12:23
usr13ActionParsnip: dpkg -l |grep linux-image |awk {'print $2'} |grep -v ^rc; uname -r  #Little more concise12:23
ActionParsnipusr13: aye but its been a long day, hence the pastebin. I could've grep -v'd stuff but i wussed out12:23
usr13ActionParsnip: dpkg -l |grep linux-image |awk {'print $2'} |grep -v ^rc; uname -r |pastebinit12:24
forsaquarii_in my vncserver log file, i find: Window manager warning: Log level 32: could not find XKB extension. MIght this be the reason why I cannot connect?12:24
ActionParsnipprasad: you will now need to boot back to root recovery console and chown the file to 0644 like it is supposed to be, then leave it the hell alone12:24
ActionParsnipprasad: if you want to edit sudoers use:  sudo visudo12:24
ActionParsnipprasad: that is how you edit it and you wont get issues12:24
ActionParsnipprasad: throwing 777 around in Linux will break your OS (as you can see)12:25
crazyhorseany suggestions on which ftp client to install on ubuntu? i'd prefer something that's very secure?12:25
crazyhorsein terms of sandboxing access etc12:25
ActionParsnipcrazyhorse: ftp is not secure in any way12:25
ActionParsnipcrazyhorse: credentials and data are all sent in plaintext12:25
usr13crazyhorse: How about ssh?12:25
crazyhorseyeah i don't care about that, i said in terms of sandboxing12:25
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ActionParsnipcrazyhorse: you could chroot to an ubuntu ISO and ftp there but it doesnt give any security12:26
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Picicrazyhorse: I believe  that vsftp has some sort of chroot options.12:26
crazyhorsePici: ahh good12:27
ActionParsnipi wish people would let ftp die12:27
prasadthank  you , i will try12:27
crazyhorsesomebody must have written some ftp software that actually works12:27
usr13Pici: So does proftpd12:27
MonkeyDustcrazyhorse  gftp12:27
gvocrazyhorse: ftp works, it's just very insecure12:28
crazyhorsei don't care about the security for the client12:28
crazyhorsei only care about the security on the server side12:28
gvoproftpd will give you that12:28
gvoConfigured right.12:28
crazyhorseMonkeyDust: i'll check that out too12:29
crazyhorsegvo: haha yeah12:29
daftykinsalso, SSL'd FTP exists anyway12:29
Picidaftykins: its evil.12:29
crazyhorsedaftykins: needs to be vanilla12:29
daftykinsdoesn't mean it doesn't work :D12:29
crazyhorsedaftykins: otherwise ssh / rsync does the trick12:29
daftykinsfair enough12:30
daftykinsjust hate to see people go 'rah rah plaintext' when it's not the only way12:30
crazyhorseyeah these are for devices connecting over private networks for firmware updates12:31
Johnny_Linuxftp is nsa approved12:31
crazyhorseI didn't design the devices.. i wouldn't have chosen ftp as the communications mechanism12:31
usr13crazyhorse: Sometimes you don't need a lot of security.12:31
MonkeyDustafter communism, nsa is the 'new paranoia'12:32
thepeopleschampwasnt there someone interested in a macbook earlier here?12:32
Johnny_Linuxtell that to lavabit12:32
crazyhorseusr13: for industrial supervision and control you'd think it would be neccessary12:32
usr13crazyhorse: I said "sometimes"12:33
usr13crazyhorse: Network security is part of the equation12:34
usr13larger part12:34
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usr13crazyhorse: You can also have your server accept ftp connections from certain clients.12:43
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crazyhorseusr13: yeah, doesn't work12:44
crazyhorsebecause client's ips' are dynamic12:44
crazyhorseand the telco can't even give me ip address ranges.. because i quote "it changes every week"12:44
moseswhats the command to look up how to copy a dir?12:45
Picimoses: man cp # its cp -r that you are likely looking for12:46
usr13crazyhorse: http://www.tuxradar.com/answers/46712:46
moseswhats the shortcut to the home directory?12:46
azerusif I use require_membership_of in the pam_winbind config, it works unless the user in AD has "User must change password at next logon" flag enabled, then it ignores the requirements12:47
mosessomething to do with ~12:47
azerushas anyone seen this before?12:47
azerusmoses: cd ~12:47
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larsjaausr13: you can also use port knocking http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_knocking12:48
moseswhats the man page to rename a file?12:49
butch128I'm worried my server is compromised - I have a folder "/var/tmp" that has a program k, ka, and a file called k.c12:49
k1l_moses: use rm12:49
k1l_moses: nooo, wait12:49
k1l_moses: sorry meant mv  (not rm)12:50
OerHeksmoses a good start > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:50
caboose885butch128: check the access logs to your server. That will let you know whats been going on12:51
caboose885butch128: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles12:51
mosesty k1l_12:53
mosesty OerHeks that is quite comprehensive12:53
OerHeksmoses have fun12:53
memandCan I use gparted to make a disk (/dev/sda) into two disks (/dev/sda & /dev/sdb)?12:53
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k1l_memand: you cant do that12:54
ChogyDanso, if my webcam works in 32bit, but not in 64bit.  Should I file a bug?  or should I just chock it up to the mysteries of whatever12:55
OerHeksmemand you can make sda1 and sda212:56
memandk1l_: The reason I'm asking is that I want to try making LFS but I'd like to make it on my local hard drive, but maybe I could just resize the patitions I all ready have and make some more partitions for LFS to live in?12:56
k1l_memand: yes, you could create more partitions (be aware of th 4 primary limit)12:57
wzt2617memand: maybe use a virtual machine instead?12:57
crazyhorseCould not open a connection to your authentication agent. << i get this every day from ssh-add12:57
crazyhorseany ideas?12:58
memandwzt2617: I have been thinking about that but if I like the LFS experience I'd like to be able to let it take over the whole system12:58
wzt2617crazyhorse: ssh-agent is not running or the environment vars pointing to it are unset/wrongly set12:58
crazyhorsewzt2617: weird12:59
wzt2617crazyhorse: check content of SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID12:59
crazyhorseboth blank12:59
crazyhorse1000      4332  0.0  0.0  14652   784 ?        Ss   Aug19   0:00 ssh-agent << but ssh agent is definitly running13:00
memandk1l_: How would you recommend doing (my current system has 2 primary partitions and I'd like to let the LFS system have a partition for /boot swap / & /home in that order)?13:00
wzt2617crazyhorse: even if the agent is running, you have to be in the session in which is was started. otherwise you have to set those vars manually.13:01
crazyhorsehow can i get it to start up automatically?13:01
k1l_memand: just put up a extended one and putt the stuff in there. for recommendations for LFS see he LFS docu13:01
wzt2617crazyhorse: so check the env of a process in that session13:01
wzt2617crazyhorse: ssh-agent should start automatically in desktop sessions13:02
memandk1l_: k, thanks :)13:02
crazyhorsehmm, well so probably not working then.. anyway how do i fix it?13:02
wzt2617crazyhorse: that depends heavily on the desktop you are using13:02
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crazyhorsewzt2617: default install13:04
wzt2617crazyhorse: i don't use unity. not even ubuntu anymore. but ssh-agent should start as part of the session (should be the parent process of the window manager or something)13:05
crazyhorsewzt2617: yeah it's quite annoying how many problems you have out the box with ubuntu13:06
ihreDo I need the mediabuntu PPA for proper VLC-nox transcoding support on Ubuntu x64 12.04?13:06
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wzt2617crazyhorse: check the output of "ps xf" and locate ssh-agent in the process hierarchy13:07
Guest28594Hello guys, I've got this error msg "Reading package lists... Error!13:07
Guest28594E: Encountered a section with no Package: header13:07
Guest28594E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb_dists_stable_main_i18n_Translation-en13:07
Guest28594E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened." after apt-get update or ...13:07
guest8998Hi there ... is there a way to find files in terminal, between a date range?13:08
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ihreguest8998: "find . -type d -mtime +1 -print -quit" for files older than 24h13:08
=== Guest28594 is now known as Eh123
ihredirectories older than 24h*13:08
guest8998ihre, is it possible to set a range date, like between Ago 01 and Ago 31?13:09
Eh123Guest28594: Hello guys, I've got this error msg "Reading package lists... Error!13:09
Eh123Guest28594: E: Encountered a section with no Package: header13:09
Eh123Guest28594: E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb_dists_stable_main_i18n_Translation-en13:09
Eh123Guest28594: E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened." after apt-get update or ...13:09
ChogyDan!pastebin | Eh12313:09
ubottuEh123: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:09
Eh123!pastebin Guest28594: Hello guys, I've got this error msg "Reading package lists... Error!13:10
Eh123Guest28594: E: Encountered a section with no Package: header13:10
ubottuEh123: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:10
Eh123Guest28594: E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb_dists_stable_main_i18n_Translation-en13:10
Eh123Guest28594: E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened." after apt-get update or ...13:10
ihreguest8998: yes, find . -name -mtime +31 -mtime -62 for files older than 31 days, but less than 62 days13:10
k1l_!patience | Eh12313:10
ubottuEh123: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/13:10
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ahmhi im trying to do the dual boot thing i have windows 8 i downloadeded ubuntu but my laptop is under uefi mode on BIOS can we run ubuntu on UEFI mode because i have to keep switching BIOS t Legacy any way around it13:11
guest8998ihre, thanks for the info ... and just to make sure, is it possible to set a date on the command instead of "x days" ? this command will be used several times, so it will be a little hard do do the math all the time to count the days13:11
ihreguest8998: im not sure to be honest13:12
Eh123any suggestion?13:12
guest8998ihre, that's ok, I'll try to use the way you said, thanks :)13:12
ahm hi im trying to do the dual boot thing i have windows 8 i downloadeded ubuntu but my laptop is under uefi mode on BIOS can we run ubuntu on UEFI mode because i have to keep switching BIOS t Legacy any way around it13:13
k1l_!patience | ahm13:13
ubottuahm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/13:13
jonasty123dmahm, the Ubuntu LTS (12.04) and the latest Ubuntu (13.04) is compatible with Secure Boot, you have to boot the CD /USB into UEFI mode13:13
ahmok cool thanks13:14
usr13Eh123: http://askubuntu.com/questions/30072/how-do-i-fix-a-problem-with-mergelist-or-status-file-could-not-be-parsed-err13:14
jonasty123dmEh123, have you tried running sudo apt-get update first?13:14
ahmi booted from CD last time 13.4 i had to switch to legacy13:15
ahmswitching to uefi runs windows switching to legacy runs uefi13:16
Eh123usr13: i tried that before! nothing happened13:16
ahmubunty sorry13:16
Aliekzhiproblem there with graphic drivers : http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1377004570.jpg13:16
Aliekzhithe 2 first options doesn't do anything13:16
Aliekzhiany idea ?13:16
Eh123jonasty123dm: nope! i tried anything via apt-get and get that error13:16
Eh123jonasty123dm: apt-get install and remove doesnt work13:17
jonasty123dmEh123, usr13, just posted this link: http://askubuntu.com/questions/30072/how-do-i-fix-a-problem-with-mergelist-or-status-file-could-not-be-parsed-err  This might solve your problem13:17
butch128Is there a way to determine if this is a malicious process?13:18
butch128www-data  5650  0.0  0.0  17856  1444 ?        S    Aug14   0:00 bash13:18
Eh123jonasty123dm: i tried this way, and doesnt work for me13:18
usr13Eh123: sudo apt-get clean  |pastebinit #Send us resulting url.13:18
Eh123usr13: nothing happened13:19
Eh123usr13: no result13:19
ChogyDanrrrrrrr, so there is no way to get help for webcams?  Is it better to just spend the extra money and get a full fledged video recorder?13:19
usr13Eh123: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageManagerTroubleshootingProcedure13:19
usr13Eh123: sudo apt-get update  |pastebinit #Send us resulting url.13:20
revolver14Hello everyone, new here. I just install a ubuntu desktop 12.04.2 amd64, my video adapter is amd radeon hd 6450 and its first run make the screen display randomly, I can't even get into the setting interface! How can I fix it?13:20
ChogyDanEh123: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf13:20
Eh123usr13: oops. i have kubuntu 11.0413:20
mjaykrevolver14: how do you mean display randomly ?13:20
usr13Eh123: That explains that13:21
Eh123usr13: i forget to say. sorry13:21
Aliekzhiproblem there with graphic drivers : http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1377004570.jpg13:21
Aliekzhiany idea ?13:21
Aliekzhithe 2 first options doesn't do anything13:21
Eh123usr13: lemme see and try13:21
jonasty123dmAliekzhi, are you using the open source drivers or the proprietary drivers ?13:22
usr13Eh123: EOL was October 28, 201213:22
Aliekzhijonasty123dm, proprietary13:22
Aliekzhijonasty123dm, nvidia13:22
revolver14I mean it didn't go black but its color was random. And I can't get into the operating interface.13:23
k1l_Eh123: 11.04 is way out of support13:23
k1l_!eol | Eh12313:23
ubottuEh123: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:23
mjaykrevolver14: can you get into a terminal ctrl+alt+t13:23
usr13Eh123: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades is for you13:24
k1l_Eh123: so you are glad you only have that problems so far. read the instructions to get a supported release (might better go with a new install)13:24
eden_better gpu means for the Desktop environment to move more fluently?13:24
ChogyDandid Eh123 try sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf  ?13:24
usr13Eh123: Do you have /home/ on separate partition?13:24
revolver14Even I can but I can't see a character.13:25
k1l_ChogyDan: 11.04 is not supported. maybe there is no packages in the repos anymore13:25
usr13Eh123: If so, get 12.04 and instll leaving /home/ as is.13:25
jonasty123dmAlanBell, did you have the same issue when you used the open source (nouveau) drivers?13:25
mjaykrevolver14: not even when you type ?13:25
jonasty123dmAlanBell, sorry I got the wrong person :p13:25
usr13Eh123: Or, you can just back-up /home/ and restore files afterward.13:26
jonasty123dmAliekzhi, , did you have the same issue when you used the open source (nouveau) drivers?13:26
=== ahm is now known as ahmetoo
revolver14I'm just a beginner and I download this file and install: ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso, I don't know any solution except try another type.13:27
mjaykrevolver14: what do you see at the moment there is not enough information to help right now13:28
revolver14I get into the live ubuntu interface with nomodeset opinion normally.13:29
eden_better gpu means for the Desktop environment to move more fluently?13:29
mjaykrevolver14: nomodeset tells the kernel not to load video drivers13:30
azerusif I use require_membership_of in the pam_winbind config, it works unless the user in AD has "User must change password at next logon" flag enabled, then it ignores the requirements13:30
azerushas anyone seen this before?13:30
revolver14It seems that my video adapter needs additional opinion or driver.13:31
HakamedaWould there be a specfic channel for getting some help with a script for Ubuntu?13:31
MonkeyDustazerus  AD is active directory? windows?13:31
minimeceden_: normally yes, but the rest of the hardware has also some importance, specially the amount of ram, or the speed of the harddrives.13:31
mjaykrevolver14: it shouldnt do, it should load just fine with the preinstalled open drivers13:31
azeruswinbind/samba is working fine through AD13:31
mjaykrevolver14: but you may need to switch to prop drivers after the install13:32
azerusthe require_membership_of option in pam_winbind is being ignore if the user has the 'user must change password at next logon' flag13:32
HakamedaWould there be a specfic channel for getting some help with a script for Ubuntu?13:33
revolver14By the way, what's the alternate install CD, can it fix the problem?13:33
mjaykrevolver14: you need to fine the problem first13:34
magdursuggest a free vpn service13:34
MonkeyDustazerus  and is the other side an ubuntu server? if yes, better ask in #ubuntu-server, if you don't get an answer here13:34
eden_When my laptop is not plugged in my wireless mouse stops responding for some seconds -respond-working-respond-working the same pattern all the time13:34
azerusMonkeyDust: its ubuntu desktop13:35
revolver14Thanks all.13:35
ActionParsnipeden_: is it bluetooth, or does it have its own reciever?13:37
eden_@ActionParsnip own13:37
magdurguys suggest a free vpn service13:37
ActionParsnipeden_: tried a different USB port?13:37
eden_ActionParsnip, yes13:37
ActionParsnipeden_: sounds like the usb turns off when not on mains, do you have the latest BIOS?13:38
ActionParsnipeden_: are there bugs reported?13:38
minimeceden_: Probably the USB port or the mouse have a stand by mode, and the device is going into that mode, when on battery. I would install the tool powertop and check for such a setting. 'Good' would mean saving power, 'Bad' full power. Put it to 'Bad'.13:38
eden_ActionParsnip, yes i have the latest bios13:38
ChogyDanHakameda: just ask, if the script is too generic, you may want to try #bash or something13:38
eden_ActionParsnip, i have laptop-mode tools isntalled13:38
eden_ActionParsnip, wut i think problem fixed changed the usb port Hhahaha13:39
eden_ActionParsnip, Wow howw i never thought of that13:39
eden_ActionParsnip, i feel dumb13:39
eden_ActionParsnip, minimec thanks13:40
Eaglemani got a script i want to run as a different user with no login, however it needs to run in a screen and it needs to be viseble when i use screen -ls as root, any idea how i can do that?13:40
wzt2617Eagleman: start screen in detached mode13:41
wzt2617Eagleman: from a init script13:42
awaken_gylan1979greetings everyone13:43
mads-awaken_gylan1979, be greeted13:44
Eaglemanwzt2617, it is just like ./scripttorun13:44
Eaglemanno init13:44
zaggynlanyone here using an x-fi with pulseaudio?13:44
zaggynlI'm missing a bunch of sliders13:44
konadr1hi all, I'm trying to get pam_groupdn to filter out my LDAP group to allow only certain LDAP groups to login to a given system, my system still allows the user to login even though they aren't in the group. Does anyone have experience with pam_groupdn13:45
awaken_gylan1979i have a problem after installing elementary os luna stable edition, but it fail to start at the 1st boot.. and stop at after "start domain [ok]" do anyone know how to solve the problem?13:46
mads-awaken_gylan1979, think you joined the wrong channel. This is ubuntu13:47
mjaykawaken_gylan1979: better to try in the elementary os support13:47
mariannegood morning guys... question on video cards... based on what questions you are asked here, is there one type of video card that seems to be problematic?13:48
awaken_gylan1979my primary os is ubuntu 13.04 too...13:48
jonasty123dmmarianne, I have had lots of pro13:48
beanawaken_gylan1979: doesn't matter -- we only support ubuntu here.13:48
jonasty123dmmarianne, I have had lots of problems with AMD/ATI cards13:48
mjaykmarianne: ATI drivers seam to have more problems than Nvidia13:49
awaken_gylan1979then i would like to ask about my ubuntu 13.04 problem...13:49
six86Hello. I created a fakeRAID, and I can see it if i manually run "mdadm --assemble --scan", but after the reboot the array is gone and i have to run "mdadm --assemble --scan" again. How can i get this done automatically?13:49
beandoes that not make sense, awaken_gylan1979, we don't know anything about elementary.13:49
mjaykawaken_gylan1979: ask away :D13:49
awaken_gylan1979i am sick of installing nvidia driver...13:50
tomreynsix86: mdadm manages software raids, i don't think it manages fakeraids13:50
mjaykthats a question ?13:50
wzt2617Eagleman: sudo screen -dmS my su -c /path/to/script otheruser13:50
MonkeyDustawaken_gylan1979  type     /join #elementary   it's not supported here, you won't find help here13:51
mariannemjayk: I currently have Nvidia and since I'm doing a build from scratch, just want to make sure I'm not buying myself a completely unknown issue13:51
awaken_gylan1979it doesn't operate well.. after the clean installation, i street to install bumblebee..the latest version..13:51
wzt2617Eagleman: this will start a detached screen session owned by root running the script as user "otheruser"13:51
zaggynlboth amd and nvidia will work but nvidia drivers for linux tend to be better13:51
mjaykmarianne: i have 2 ati cards when they work its fine but there seams to be an underlying idea which is probably true that nvidia have alot better linux support driver wise13:51
awaken_gylan1979:) i am asking about nvidia driver on my ubuntu 13.04...13:52
otendwith nvidia: are we including Optimus?13:52
six86tomreyn: thats what I found and it works when invoked manually... At least i think i have a fakeraid. It's an intel controller (Thinkstation D30, C600 chipset)13:52
otendbecause my Optimus setup is really buggy, especially under Unity, which it can rather quickly crash13:52
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mjaykotend: i dont think Optimus is good on linux atm but i dont see how thats a problem as he is building a desktop?13:53
otendoh.  sorry, didn't catch everything.13:53
otendwas curious as to whether that was relevant13:53
ActionParsnipotend: if you run:  sudo lshw -C display   do you see an Intel GPU too13:53
mjaykotend: there was a question mark because i wasnt sure if optimus was jsut for laptops / power stuff13:53
=== Termana is now known as Guest69252
mariannemjayk: This will only be my second from the ground up build... my current 'puter was built about 6 years ago.... so I'm just lurking in the room to see what kinds of issues i might run into during an install13:54
otendthere is indeed an Intel GPU.  I've got Bumblebee going, and Intel is the primary.13:54
tomreynsix86: assuming what you setup is actually a software RAID (setup using mdadm or the ubuntu installer) then it should be automatically assembled at boot, based on information stored in the initrd. the initrd is often updated automatically when you make changes which need to go there, but you can do this manually running "sudo update-initramfs -u"13:54
awaken_gylan1979i am using nvidia geforce 540M, can anyone please guide me the way to make this work on my ubuntu13.04..13:54
otendand yeah, it's only for laptops and power saving13:54
marianneawaken_gylan1979: did you go into the software center and load the additional drivers?13:55
mjaykmarianne: ive build a few in the last 5 years or so and i believe you will find it ALOT easier than you did 6 years ago, more and more hardware just works13:55
otendwait, since this is an M, are you using an Optimus setup, or is it pure Nvidia?13:55
awaken_gylan1979marianne: yes.. but nothing listed...13:55
Marlneewhat happen to the text printed on screen while i use "screen" command !13:55
six86tomreyn: already did that. I also reconfigured mdadm. But no luck so far. When I run mdadm reassemble i see my RAID as /dev/md/Data, but its not assembled automatically13:56
beanMarlnee: what do you mean?13:56
mjaykmarianne: im off goodluck with your build13:56
mariannemjayk: I've learned more during that time too.... but I can't think of any better way to spend a rainy afternoon...later13:56
tomreynsix86: do your logs say why it is not assembled automatically?13:56
otendawaken_gylan1979, is this an Optimus system (both Intel GPU and Nvidia GPU)?  if so, things may get somewhat weird.13:56
magdurguys how to change my dns adress ?13:56
six86tomreyn: where can i find mdadm logs?13:57
ActionParsnip!caps | tithan13:57
ubottutithan: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:57
otendoh boy, UEFI!13:57
Marlneebean all text printed inside screen command iam not able to scroll up to see it13:57
awaken_gylan1979marianne: yes.. it is an optimus system....(my laptop model: Dell XPS 15 L502X)13:57
tomreynsix86: check /var/log/syslog13:57
beanMarlnee: yeah, you have to go into copy mode to scroll up13:57
otendhave you looked into Bumblebee, awaken_gylan1979?13:57
marianneawaken_gylan1979: Look for additional drivers, not Nvidia13:57
magdurguys how to change my dns adress ?13:57
otendthat may be pertinent13:58
tithanUBOTTU THANX13:58
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:58
six86tomreyn: DeviceDisappeared event detected on md device /dev/md126, component device Wrong-Level13:58
wzt2617Marlnee: ctrl-a esc   then scroll up13:58
awaken_gylan1979otend: yes..i installed it street after a clean install of ubuntu 13.04 64bit13:58
beanmagdur: that isn't an ubuntu question unless you're hosting your own DNS server on ubuntu13:58
awaken_gylan1979marianne: yes, in additional drivers...13:59
marianneawaken_gylan1979: the things I have installed are NVidia binary X.Org driver13:59
otendhm.  can you give me what error you get when attempting to install drivers?13:59
tomreynmagdur: if you want to change the nameservers used by your applications when resolving hostnames to ip addresses and you use network manager to manage your wireless or wired network connection then you can edit the connection profile you are currently using and set the DNS servers to use manually13:59
awaken_gylan1979marianne: but it is empty...doesn't list anything..13:59
marianneawaken_gylan1979: 13.04?13:59
awaken_gylan1979marianne: but  in ubuntu 12.10, it does listed out.13:59
magdur<tomreyn> i did it but it didnt work14:00
marianneI'm running 12.0414:00
otendit should be recognized by applications if you run them using primusrun14:00
marianneawaken_gylan1979: 12.04 here... I only do LTS versions14:00
awaken_gylan1979marianne: yes14:00
otendis that where the concern lies, or are we trying to upgrade existing drivers?14:00
tomreynsix86: that's over my head, but it sounds like one of the RAID devices may have incorrect metadata. check the detailed information on the various devices which form the RAID and make sure it matches.14:00
otendsince bumblebee, if the site's instructions are followed, installs (old, but working) drivers14:00
awaken_gylan1979marianne: ic...14:01
BluesKajmagdur, set your dns IP in your router/modem settings page if you use network manager14:01
otendawaken_gylan1979, what happens when you run "primusrun glxgears" in the terminal?14:01
ActionParsniptithan: turn off your capslock14:01
marianneawaken_gylan1979: try this site -- http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/ubuntu-quetzal-nvidia.html14:02
Marlneewzt2617 : not work !14:02
bean!caps | tithan14:02
ubottutithan: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:02
tomreynmagdur: which server did you try to set, how did you do it, and what was the result (explain how you noticed it "didn't work")14:02
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awaken_gylan1979otend: the graphic appear and running well.14:03
otendthen your nvidia card is working14:03
awaken_gylan1979marianne: ok thanks..14:03
Wodabehi, is there a Ubuntu keymap somewhere I can download and print?14:03
otendwhat are we trying to do with the card?14:03
_N1X_hello overyone (how can i swtich from xfce4 to twm) !14:04
ActionParsnipWodabe: hold down your Windows key and you will see shortcuts14:04
MonkeyDusttithan  caps14:04
ActionParsnip!ops | tithan14:04
ubottutithan: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!14:04
awaken_gylan1979otend: but my unity doesn't load =.=' and my google earth also quit itself after some period..14:04
otendi know your pain, sort of14:04
six86tomreyn: is this useful to you?14:04
otendUnity loads for me, but is highly prone to a system-halting crash14:05
six86tomreyn: thats the output after manually assembling. There are some log lines in syslog too14:05
otendchalk it up to the inherent instability of non-LTS releases, I guess14:05
MonkeyDust_N1X_  try installing twm, logout, switch, login14:05
magduri cant access www.istasy10.com with  with comodo dns but it didnt work. i do from edit connections14:05
otendhaving an Optimus setup on Linux is generally a recipe for misery14:05
otendI can attest to that14:05
magduri cant access www.istasy10.com with  with comodo dns but it didnt work. i do from edit connections  <tomreyn>14:05
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_N1X_MonkeyDust: i did installed twm , and logout but i cant see twm in session list14:06
awaken_gylan1979otend: i am currently using emerald for windows decoration and cario dock ask the interface in order to open everything... >,<||14:06
otendi just settled on xubuntu14:06
otendsince compiz and our setups do not play nice14:06
otendi'm hoping things will be different after Mir14:07
otendfor now, there's not much we can do other than not use Unity.14:07
ActionParsnipotend: no bad thing :)14:08
ActionParsnipotend: could use Unity2D :)14:08
tomreynsix86: sorry what's useful to me?14:08
otendUnity2D's been dropped before 13.04, unfortunately14:08
six86tomreyn: argh forgot the link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6006528/14:09
awaken_gylan1979mind to ask which version of ubuntu is more stable for nvidia driver in term of setup and operation??14:09
tithanunattended installation14:09
awaken_gylan1979mind to ask which version of ubuntu is more stable , reliable and easy for nvidia driver in term of setup and operation??14:09
otendwell, I had the repeated crashes in 12.0414:10
_N1X_hello overyone (how can i swtich from xfce4 to twm) !14:10
otendso moving back to that will not help14:10
otendI'd advise switching to not Unity14:10
tomreynmagdur: the first nameserver you provided does seem to resolve the hostname properly. the second one did not, but this may be different for you and me (since i'm in a different network than you).14:11
ActionParsnip_N1X_: select it from login screen14:11
MonkeyDust_N1X_  i guess twm is to be used in a terminal login, you can obtain this by using gdm instead of lghtdm14:11
awaken_gylan1979cario dock is not stable as well, always crash.... .>,<||   how about gnome shell 3.8, please advice...14:11
ActionParsnipawaken_gylan1979: install it and try, gnome-shell is in the epos14:12
_N1X_ActionParsnip: it not listed in login screen14:12
_N1X_MonkeyDust: i will try to install gdm14:12
MonkeyDustawaken_gylan1979  try a few DE's and decide which one you prefer14:12
magdurthanks <tomreyn>14:12
awaken_gylan1979ActionParsnip: ok, thanks for suggestion...14:13
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awaken_gylan1979MonkeyDust: thanks for advice too..14:13
ChogyDanwhat is twn?14:13
tomreynmagdur: editing the connection settings / profile is the right way to get started. so you select the connection to edit there, then you click on  "edit", then "ipv4 settings", then set "method" to "automatic (dhcp), addresses only" and specify the dns servers to use, separated by command and space, in the "DNS servers" field. you then need to reconnect using this profile if it was previously active. that should be it.14:13
jonasty123dm_N1X_, isn't twm X11's window manager? it's the base for ALL other Window managers and desktop environments14:13
ActionParsnipChogyDan: tiling window manager14:13
beantithan: is there a different language that you speak better than english? they might be able to help you more in a language specific channe;14:13
MonkeyDustChogyDan  wm means windows manager, the t would refer to the maintainer's name14:14
_N1X_jonasty123dm: yes it is a window manager , ... but i want to run it14:14
ChogyDanmk, thanks14:14
_N1X_MonkeyDust:  installing gdm rightnow !14:14
MonkeyDust_N1X_  use gdm, logout, select terminal, then type twm&   <-- with the &14:15
doomlord__is it possible to remap an individual key: i'd like to swap - _  .. invert what shift does there.14:15
tomreynsix86: so your md device IDs are unusually high. normally those start at 0. 126 and 127 is strange, unless you set this on purpose. i assume it should still work, though.14:16
tomreynsix86: please also post the contents of /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf14:16
_N1X_MonkeyDust: downloading speed 50KB/s14:16
six86tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6006555/14:17
thejollygrimreapi'm about to upgrade my pc and go back to ubuntu, what brand of graphics card isn't going to give me the kind of trouble these nvidia cards have?14:18
thejollygrimreaparound drivers14:18
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Johnny_Linuxactually, nvidia is good14:18
Johnny_Linuxjust get a decent card14:18
thejollygrimreapi've just spent 5 hours trying to install the drivers for a nvidia card i had14:19
Johnny_Linuxdid you use nvidia-current ?14:19
_N1X_MonkeyDust: installing ... :D14:20
thejollygrimreapyep xserver won't start14:20
MonkeyDust_N1X_  careful: if you don't like twm, i'm not sure if you can easily switch back to lightdm14:20
_N1X_lol :D MonkeyDust :O14:20
thejollygrimreapthe only way i can get xserver to start is to delete xorg.conf14:20
thejollygrimreapwith the nvidia card in there14:20
Johnny_Linuxsometimes installing anything other than nvidia-current first causes problems, on your next build use it first14:21
ChogyDanthejollygrimreap: pastebin your Xorg.0.log file14:21
Johnny_Linuxpeople always make that mistake14:21
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thejollygrimreapwhere do i find xorg.0.log ?14:22
tomreynsix86: okay so you seem to have a fakeraid indeed, and one which mdadm understands, http://www.intel.com/design/chipsets/matrixstorage_sb.htm14:24
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_N1X_MonkeyDust:  i stoped lightdm , started gdm , i got gnome3 login when i login to switch me xfce4 :D,14:26
tomreynsix86: based on how i understand your current mdadm configuration file, a single raid device with a single member is configured there only. you will need to correct your mdadm configuration file to have the raids assembled automatically on boot.14:26
_N1X_MonkeyDust:  i stoped lightdm , started gdm , i got gnome3 login when i login it switch me xfce4 :D,14:26
ChogyDanthejollygrimreap: I'm not totally leet in reading those files, but I think I'm seeing an intel video card driver.  No Nvidia driver...14:27
MonkeyDust_N1X_  select terminal login, in gdm14:27
six86tomreyn: but it works when I assemble it manually?!14:27
thejollygrimreapChogDan:anything intel is the builtin one on the motherboard,14:27
ChogyDanthejollygrimreap: can you pastebin `dkms status`?14:28
_N1X_MonkeyDust: i can't see termianl login  option in gnome3 login page14:28
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thejollygrimreapChogDan: how do i get that?14:29
daftykinsyou type it in a terminal14:29
tomreynsix86: that's what you said, right? if you assemble it manually edplaining mdadm what it needs to do then this is possible. on the other hand when you posted mdstat earlier the md127 device was actually inactive14:29
ChogyDanthejollygrimreap: using the ` is a reference to typing something right into the terminal14:29
MonkeyDust_N1X_  either gdm or lightdm is the login page, not gnome314:30
thejollygrimreapnvidia, 71.86.15, 3.2.0-4-686-pae, i686: installed14:30
thejollygrimreapvirtualbox, 4.1.18, 3.2.0-4-686-pae, i686: installed14:30
thejollygrimreapthats the only output14:30
ahawkinsI'm trying to install build-essential on a fresh amazon AMI. I'm getting the error that it's available but referred to by another package. How should I continue?14:31
ActionParsnip!info build-essential14:31
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.6ubuntu4 (raring), package size 5 kB, installed size 37 kB14:31
six86tomreyn: when I just do "mdadm --examine --scan" the array is recognized under /dev/md/Data, and that should be exactly what's in the config?!14:31
tomreynsix86:i would recommend against using a fakeraid unless you know how it works and how to recover it in case of a failure.14:31
ActionParsnipahawkins: its in the main repo...14:31
ActionParsnipahawkins: have you ran:  sudo apt-get update14:31
john_ramboI am uploading a file to Ubuntu One ......I can see data transfer going on on my router but the Ubuntu ONe interface kepps saying 0 bytes of 5GB14:31
ahawkinsActionParsnip: ya14:31
ActionParsnipahawkins: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue14:31
six86tomreyn: Actually I understand how it works, what I do not understand is why it is not assembled at boot time. Actually I have a duakl boot and so need a fakeRAID14:32
ActionParsnipsix86: you can have a dual boot not on raid14:33
ChogyDanthejollygrimreap: nvidia 71 seems old.  Maybe you are using an old distro, or are grabbing the wrong nvidia drivers?14:33
ChogyDanthejollygrimreap: im just guessing.  The oldest I see is 9614:33
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thejollygrimreapChogyDan: it's an old card14:33
six86ActionParsnip: Just want to use the raid array from wuindows AND linux. The OSs are on a seperate SSD14:33
Johnny_Linuxwhat series is it14:34
tomreynsix86: with an mdadm raid (i.e. I don't know about fakeraid) the output of "mdadm --examine --scan" while all devices are assembled and active should indeed look similar as that of "grep ^ARRAY /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf"14:34
six86After all i read this is possible14:34
BluesKajChogyDan, alt+f2 additional drivers14:34
ChogyDanthejollygrimreap: ^ what blueskaj said14:34
Johnny_Linux173 usually works good for older cards14:34
six86tomreyn: the output is IDENTICAL to the line in the conf file14:34
ActionParsnipahawkins: its a simple terminal command, single line of outpit so no need to pastebin14:34
thejollygrimreapi can try the 173 one ,  whats an easy way to actually install it though14:36
ahawkinsActionParsnip: getting it now.14:36
ConfusedI have a Dell Poweredge 2950 that I'm putting Ubuntu Server 12.04LTS on. I have a 80Gb HDD at /dev/sda that I have installed the system to. I have three 3TB drives that I am looking to setup a RAID5 Array with, yet fdisk only shows the drives have a capacity of 2.2TB. How can I check the drive controllers firmware version to see if there is an update to me using all 3TB of the drives in order to create my RAID 5 Array14:37
mitchwhat is the best way to remember tar options?14:39
mitchi ALWAYS forget them and I use Ubuntu DAILY at work! :(14:39
ActionParsnipmitch: everybody remembers things differently14:39
MonkeyDustmitch  using and repeating them14:39
ActionParsnipmitch: if you mean the extraction, then install and use unp14:39
ConfusedI have a Dell Poweredge 2950 that I'm putting Ubuntu Server 12.04LTS on. I have a 80Gb HDD at /dev/sda that I have installed the system to. I have three 3TB drives that I am looking to setup a RAID5 Array with, yet fdisk only shows the drives have a capacity of 2.2TB. How can I check the drive controllers firmware version to see if there is an update to me using all 3TB of the drives in order to create my RAID 5 Array14:40
MonkeyDustmitch  old skool: pen and paper14:40
daftykinsmitch: tattoo the man page on your left hand14:40
mitchhaha MonkeyDust, that sounds awful!14:40
ActionParsnipmitch: unp will look at the file and extract it in the right manner14:40
mitchdaftykins, haha yeah maybe.14:40
mitchActionParsnip, really? I've never done that. but that sounds handy14:40
ActionParsnipmitch: very14:40
ActionParsnip!info unp14:40
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre7+nmu1 (raring), package size 16 kB, installed size 133 kB14:40
ActionParsnipmitch: should be default installed imho14:40
mitchActionParsnip, hmmm i'm gonna try taht one now. if it works, that might help me remember it14:41
ActionParsnipmitch: unp filename.tar.gz   unp filename.rar    unp filename.zip    easy enough14:41
Marlneewhat mean that error - xwin.c:21:22: fatal error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory14:42
tomreynsix86: try this in mdadm.conf (no guarantees, might cause data loss):14:43
tomreynARRAY /dev/md127 metadata=imsm UUID=4ee0217f:2fc8dfa6:2829d3ba:af6595b214:43
tomreynARRAY /dev/md126 container=4ee0217f:2fc8dfa6:2829d3ba:af6595b2 member=0 UUID=d36c2db1:170b717c:d4a40844:cf14381d14:43
tomreyn(and remember you'll need to update the initramfs)14:44
dsalfranhello everybody. I want to know if by rooting a galaxy s3 mini I can make it able to connect properly with ubuntu?14:46
auronandacedsalfran: define properly14:46
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dsalfranright now is recognized at random times and the connection is intermitent. I would like also to be able to use it as a MTP device14:48
IridethelongbusI just did a fresh install of ubuntu by using netboot and now its not excepting my password,which i know is correct as I only have one password i use for most things.  i tried to use passwd to changer it but it said "passwd: Authentication token manipulation error14:49
Iridethelongbuspasswd: password unchanged" so then i tried doing "mount -rw remount /" but remoun was not an avaible comand. What should i do now?14:49
ericbgsuanyone recommend a rhythmbox alternative? it keeps tapping out my cpu after a while...or maybe theres a fix?14:49
mbeierlHow do I get rid of the unity side bar and top panel?  I was happily running UbuntuStudio 13.04 and then decided to install AWN.  That somehow dragged in the whole sidebar and top panel thing and totally erased all my settings.  I just want to get rid of the side bar and top panel and get my real estate back.14:49
DJonesericbgsu: I use clementine as a music player14:49
[Gentoo]ericbgsu: theres loads of music players14:50
DJonesdsalfran: Which version of Ubuntu are you using, as far as I remember the drivers for android devices were updated with 13.04, I have a Galaxy S3 which I can connect without any issues on 13.04, 12.10 and early it was a pig to get any connection14:51
ericbgsuI'll check it out...really liked rhythmbox, not sure why it slowly starts using up all my cores14:51
[Gentoo]ericbgsu: is it just to play music or do you need other features14:51
ericbgsuactually just to stream stations, don't care about mp3 or anything else14:52
dsalfranI'm using 13.04, but with kernel 3.1014:52
ActionParsnipericbgsu: grooveshark :)14:52
[Gentoo]ericbgsu: i think audacious can do that,14:52
dsalfranDJones: I'm using 13.04, but with kernel 3.1014:52
ActionParsnipdsalfran: we cannot support 3rd party kernels here14:52
[Gentoo]ericbgsu: but you could use mplayer on the cli, or a cli music player14:52
dsalfranActionParsnip: I can go to the stable kernel but the problem with the phone is there still14:53
DJonesdsalfran: All I can suggest is trying it with the default kernels, I haven't had issues with mine (albeit not the S3 mini, just the straight S3)14:53
ericbgsuI'll try them out...I stream local radio stations14:54
ericbgsualthough grooveshark just got bookmarked, thanks.14:54
doomlord__anyone here use geany ... does it have a jump-to-next-error hotkey. i see a "next message" binding, which ithought it would be, but it doesn't seem to work14:54
reisionever used it as an IDE14:55
reisiotry #geany14:55
ActionParsnipdsalfran: when you disconnect the phone, do you use the safe removal feature in your OS?14:55
dsalfranDjones: I have tried, I only wanted to know if there is a chance that rooting the phone I could install something on it to make it work better14:55
DJonesdsalfran: Wouldn't like to say, you might be better asking in ##android (I think thats the general android channel)14:56
dsalfranActionParsnip: Yes, I use the safe removal feature14:56
noiro>.< Gah, KDE's blur effect has this fresh install crawling at its knees. Takes 5 minutes to do a search in the start menu14:56
noiroAnd that's just so I can go turn OFF the blur effect14:56
dsalfranDjones: Ah, thanks. I didn't knew that14:56
e-dardHi, is it possible to run two separate instances of byobu for the same user, differentiating by the public used to connect via SSH?14:56
e-dardwe have a typical cloud instance with ubuntu and byobu, and devs are stepping on toes14:56
e-dardwe only have the standard ubuntu user14:57
reisioe-dard: why the same user?14:57
e-dard(basically stock EC2 instance)14:57
e-dardreisio: for deployment and so on it's simpler to have a single user on our servers14:57
reisioe-dard: why not mount the data remotely and have them use their own systems?14:57
e-dardIt's also the default configuration for EC2 Ubuntu instances14:57
e-dardreisio: not sure mounting hundreds of GB of system data to go through it locally is such a good idea.14:58
reisiothey're going to edit hundreds of GB?14:58
dajeppI need networking help - Ubuntu 13.04 on a dell laptop.  Cant connect with wi-fi or ethernet14:58
reisiohow about having them work as one user and deploy as the magic one?14:59
e-dardreisio: that's not really the point ;)14:59
gbit86Has anyone here configured an LPD/LPR printer on a Wyse Thinclient to work with a xRDP server?14:59
reisioe-dard: then why say it...14:59
e-dardreisio: sure, could do that14:59
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Blackwizard_I have ubuntu 12.04 with nvidia graphic card14:59
reisioe-dard: so they VNC in?14:59
MonkeyDustgbit86  please rephrase, that phrase is hard to read14:59
e-dardreisio: ssh14:59
Blackwizard_Is it supported in ubuntu?14:59
ahawkinsActionParsnip: I could install it after doing: apt-cache search build-essential15:00
reisioI thought byobu was X only15:00
gbit86I just want to know if it is possible for me to connect a printer via LPD to a linux server running xRDP server, I can figure out there rest15:00
e-dardreisio: I thought the opposite15:00
reisiommm, okay15:00
gbit86so a Wyse thin client would have a local usb printer attached, and I would have xrdp to recognize it, so I can print to it in theory15:00
reisioe-dard: well you could have separate 'screen' sessions easily15:00
reisioe-dard: presumably byobu requires screen, so you should have screen15:00
e-dardreisio: yeah it does15:00
reisioor tmux15:01
Blackwizard_any hint for use nvidia graphic card in ubuntu 12.04?15:01
e-dardreisio: OK, I'll look into those options.15:01
reisioe-dard: perhaps their shells are just setup to15:01
reisioe-dard: automatically reconnect to existing instances upon login15:01
reisioyou'd want to merely disable that and the problem would be solved15:01
gbit86I am sure if I was using a raspberry pi I could find many ways have making a local printer available to my linux server, but my options are limited to LPD with usb redirection on the Wyse.15:01
reisioe-dard: poke around in ~/.bash* stuff and the like15:01
e-dardreisio: bybobu is associated with the user on the server instance. when you ssh in, byobu automatically reconnects to your session15:02
tyteen4a03hi, trying to gnome 3.8 but got this message: https://gist.github.com/tyteen4a03/76ec7914262e9fcf636d Can anyone tell me what to do next?15:02
reisioe-dard: right15:02
reisioe-dard: but that's almost certainly just configured through the shell's prefs15:02
e-dardso if two people ssh in at the same time they see the same thing, and can both control the shell15:02
gbit86MonkeyDust: was my explanation any better?15:02
e-dardreisio: yes it's a setting15:02
reisioright, that should be in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile somewhere15:02
reisioit seems like you simply don't want that to happen15:02
e-dardreisio: but if you turn it off, and then ssh in, and then type *byobu* would you not both get reconnected to the same session again?15:03
reisioe-dard: that I don't know, not being familiar with the application, but15:03
e-dardreisio: we do want byobu, because it's useful for keeping the session alive etc.15:03
reisioe-dard: you could obviously alias it to use a param that avoids that15:03
reisioe-dard: or screen, or tmux15:03
Blackwizard_@reisio how can I disable it?15:03
reisioBlackwizard_: disable what?15:03
e-dardyeah I guess screen / tmux might be more flexible15:03
reisioe-dard: I'd be surprised if byobu didn't have similar optional overrides15:04
Blackwizard_my nvidia graphic card15:04
reisiobut again, I don't know byobu15:04
reisioBlackwizard_: what for?15:04
reisioI had the same setup (with screen) on a server once, and it also became less helpful and more confusing :p15:04
ihrebyobu is pretty nice, since it has a few nice options hardcoded in it, but I prefer screen anyway15:04
gisyanglii use the initdb.exe, and run pgadmin3.  set the host to localhost. but the pgadmin get a connecton refused error15:04
Blackwizard_@reisio I have a problem with my nvidia graphic card in ubuntu 12.0415:04
reisioBlackwizard_: what problem is that?15:04
CountryfiedLinuxDoes Ubuntu really contain spyware?15:05
reisioCountryfiedLinux: after a fashion15:05
Blackwizard_@reisio I need a graphic driver for it15:05
gisyanglihe following packages have unmet dependencies:15:05
gisyangli libwxgtk2.9-0-unofficial : Depends: libjbig0 but it is not installable15:05
gisyangli                            Depends: liblzma5 (>= 5.1.1alpha+20120614) but 5.1.1alpha+20110809-3 is to be installed15:05
gisyangliE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. I got this error15:05
reisioCountryfiedLinux: it contains software that help companies sell you things15:05
ihrelol, besides the popularity check during the install, I wouldnt say so, CountryfiedLinux15:05
OerHeksCountryfiedLinux, really?15:06
reisioBlackwizard_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia15:06
tyteen4a03hi, trying to gnome 3.8 but got this message: https://gist.github.com/tyteen4a03/76ec7914262e9fcf636d Can anyone tell me what to do next?15:06
whoeverOerHeks: really where , gotta link,15:06
Blackwizard_@reisio I heard my problem is popular one?15:07
sevenearthsmy ram has been in constant use for the last two weeks. Is there any way of telling what process is constantly swapping stuff in and out of my ram?15:08
reisioBlackwizard_: not having a driver?15:08
Blackwizard_@reisio is there any popular solution for it?15:08
reisioBlackwizard_: I don't know if I'd say that15:08
reisioBlackwizard_: yes I gave it to you15:08
Blackwizard_@reisio ok...let me check it...thanks15:08
kirklande-dard: yes, you can easily create a new "session" in byobu with ctrl-shift-F215:10
whoeverOerHeks: check this hick out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apiH_iUhye415:10
e-dardkirkland: ah cool. That's the ticket!15:10
kirklande-dard: F2 creates new windows, ctrl-F2 creates vertical splits, shift-F2 creates horizontal splits, and ctrl-shift-F2 creates new sessions :-)15:10
kirklande-dard: when you login, and there are multiple sessions, you'll get prompted to select which one you want15:11
kirklande-dard: and you can also use alt-Up/alt-Down to move between sessions15:12
e-dardkirkland: great!15:12
ChogyDangisyangli: try pastebinning all the errors, and I might be able to help15:13
gbit86Any here using Wyse and xrdp?15:13
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reisiogbit86: what if someone here were?15:14
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gbit86reisio: Then I'd kindly asked if they have tried printing to a locally attached usb printer on the wyse via the xRDP server?15:16
reisiogbit86: what if someone here were that had tried that?15:16
gisyangliChogyDan: i paset it here. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6006763/15:17
thejollygrimreapChogyDan: it seems to have worked, opengl is working now,15:17
thejollygrimreapthe onyl problem now is the resolution, it's stuck on 1024.76815:17
ChogyDanthejollygrimreap: cool15:17
gbit86reisio: Then I'd know I can implement it too15:18
ChogyDanthejollygrimreap: if you havent, try the nvidia-settings tool15:18
ChogyDangisyangli: are all these packages in the repos?15:18
thejollygrimreapChogyDan: i tried that it didn't install it15:18
usr13thejollygrimreap: What does xrandr say about available screen sizes?15:19
thejollygrimreapusr13:the error it throw up is about the gamma15:20
thejollygrimreapuser13: xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default15:20
usr13thejollygrimreap: You have nvidia driver in use?15:20
thejollygrimreapuser13:opengl works now so i assume so ,15:20
usr13thejollygrimreap: If so, there will be a gui config for it.15:20
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darkangel_Hey is Getting Pre-Released Updates good or bad?15:21
thejollygrimreapuser13: the nvidia-settings package isn't installed15:21
ChogyDandarkangel_: if you are asking, bad15:21
darkangel_ok =) thx15:21
thejollygrimreapuser13: it shouldn't do anything .. bad if i install it should it ?15:21
maxi298I need your help15:21
usr13thejollygrimreap:  /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:22
usr13thejollygrimreap: grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:22
thejollygrimreapusr13: http://pastebin.com/853A9SUZ15:23
maxi298I have an Alienware X51 and I want install Ubuntu 13.04 64-biton it dual boot with Windows 7. When the Installation Type shows up there is only "Erase Hard Disk and install Ubuntu" anyone have an idea? :(15:24
tyteen4a03hi, trying to gnome 3.8 but got this message: https://gist.github.com/tyteen4a03/76ec7914262e9fcf636d Can anyone tell me what to do next?15:25
usr13thejollygrimreap:  Setting up VESA Mode 0x118 (1024x768)15:25
gisyangliChogyDan : I add a unoffical repo     sudo apt-add-repository 'deb http://repos.codelite.org/wx2.9/ubuntu/ raring universe'15:25
ChogyDangisyangli: and you are running 13.04?15:26
usr13thejollygrimreap: "Failed to load module "nv" (module does not exist, 0)"  "LoadModule: "vesa"15:26
thejollygrimreapusr13: so it's not loading the nvidia driver ...15:27
gisyangliI running with ubuntu 12.0415:27
usr13thejollygrimreap: No it's not.  What does lspci say about your video card?15:27
daftykinsbut the nvidia module != "nv"15:27
ChogyDangisyangli: you followed the isntructions for 13.04, that's the problem's source15:27
usr13thejollygrimreap: cat /etc/issue  #What does that say?15:28
thejollygrimreapusr13: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation NV6 [Vanta/Vanta LT] (rev 15)15:28
gisyanglithanks , I notice it. i should change the raring to precise15:28
thejollygrimreapusr13:CrunchBang Linux waldorf \n \l15:28
ChogyDangisyangli: ya15:29
SiebjeeDoes some one know the new IRC channel of Canonical, or has a phone numer of the sales department ?15:29
usr13thejollygrimreap: 32bit?15:29
thejollygrimreapyes 32bit15:29
usr13thejollygrimreap: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-71.86.15-driver.html15:30
ChogyDanSiebjee: do you want to buy a support contract?15:30
FabioTorinoHello everyone!15:30
usr13thejollygrimreap: /join #crunchbang15:30
SiebjeeChogyDan, Yes, and ask a couple of questions15:30
FabioTorinoI've problem with github.15:30
thejollygrimreapusr13: already tried that one gave me a compiler issue15:31
FabioTorinomy problem is : error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing http://github.com/shinesoftware/shineisp/info/refs15:31
FabioTorinofatal: HTTP request failed15:31
FabioTorinoAnyone know how fix this?15:31
ChogyDanSiebjee: well, you are welcome to try the community support here.  Here is a weblink for Canonical: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/contact-us15:31
ChogyDandunno about the irc chan15:31
SiebjeeChogyDan, its more about server support. Also asked in #ubuntu-server15:32
usr13thejollygrimreap: Well, I don't know about the compiler issue, but NVIDIA-Linux-x86-71.86.15-pkg1.run is what is needed for for your display adapter.15:32
ChogyDanSiebjee: well, I think if you will out the webpage contact form, you will get in touch with someone who knows all that, who is paid to know all that  :)15:32
usr13thejollygrimreap: Ask on #crunchbang15:32
SiebjeeAlso their main person on the switchboard is not redirecting the call correctly15:32
SiebjeeChogyDan, I need to speak to one more or less like yesterday15:33
Siebjeeand been trying all day to contact them. Also i have filled in the form 2 days ago15:33
MasterAsiaI can't get the USB install instructions to work, it keeps corrupting my USB15:34
ChogyDanSiebjee: well, try crashing #ubuntu-devel   ?   They may be annoyed, but they might at least be able to direct you15:34
SiebjeeChogyDan, Cheers :)15:35
ChogyDanSiebjee: gl!15:35
SiebjeeThanks :)15:35
edve DCOM10009 error keeps happening on Windows server that has Ubuntu server into his domain, anybody knows why ?15:46
daftykinsedve: that kinda seems more like Windows support to me15:46
diphtherialhey, is it normal that apt-get should not be available from the recovery mode root command prompt?15:47
diphtherialer, and if it is, is there a way to boot the machine to the console, but still be able to install packages?15:47
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diphtherial(i've noticed that 'network' freezes when i attempt to choose that option, too, which is apparently a known issue)15:48
daftykinsdiphtherial: why not liveCD and chroot15:48
eltigrehey, I just installed ubuntu on an SSD in my older desktop pc, which previously ran flawlessly under Ubuntu on a normal hard drive... now after the reinstall, the system crashes every few hours15:49
edvedaftykins i was wondering if it was normal :/15:49
eltigreany idea what I might do for debugging this?15:49
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daftykinseltigre: which SSD?15:49
diphtherialdaftykins: that's not a bad idea; does chroot literally change to where the / refers?15:49
eltigrecould it be the nouveau driver for nvidia? Before that I had the proprietary nvidia driver installed15:49
daftykins!chroot | diphtherial15:49
ubottudiphtherial: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot15:49
eltigredaftykins, Samsung15:49
daftykinsdiphtherial: yep15:50
daftykinseltigre: latest firmware?15:50
eltigredaftykins, how would I know?15:50
eltigredaftykins, I didn't update it though15:50
FabioTorinoerror: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing http://github.com/shinesoftware/shineisp/info/refs15:50
FabioTorinofatal: HTTP request failed15:50
FabioTorinoAnyone kno how fix that problem?15:50
daftykinseltigre: you'd check out samsungs site for an updater :D it's easiest done from Windows sadly :(15:51
diphtherialdaftykins: er, i'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to doing things in linux that aren't just using it...say that i boot from a liveCD, but want to install packages into an installation on a drive15:51
eltigredaftykins, yeah, but are they really shipping drives that crash the pc in normal use?15:51
diphtherialdaftykins: how do i go about mounting the drive, then chrooting into it to install packages?15:51
PiciFabioTorino: The page doesn't exist.  I'm not sure what you expect us to do about it.  It seems tangentally related to Ubuntu as well.15:52
Piciwinbtc_moarrr: Please don't post off-topic links here.15:53
winbtc_moarrroh sorry15:53
outch3diphtherial : why not downloading the .deb file from a mirror and put it on the hard drive? reboot in the os and install15:53
daftykinseltigre: it's just an idea.15:53
eltigredaftykins, thanks anyway15:53
daftykinsdiphtherial: the link the bot gave you shows how15:54
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diphtherialdaftykins: is it possible to install packages while you're running from a liveCD?15:58
daftykinsdiphtherial: yes using the chroot method, we seem to be going in circles!?15:58
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diphtherialdaftykins: the first step of the directions you sent me advises me to install dchroot and deboostrap15:59
ActionParsnipdiphtherial: yes, your storage is limited by RAM though so you may run out of space etc15:59
diphtherialare these going to be installed on the liveCD, since we haven't chrooted yet?15:59
diphtherialah, alright, that makes some sense15:59
CountryfiedLinuxwhere in here is my GPU? http://pastebin.com/arJH6rGi15:59
diphtherialfrankly, i don't even know exactly what this guy's problem is...we're just kind of going over the same old things because he's too intelligent to take my advice verbatim16:00
diphtherialwhich means he says things like "tried that, didn't work"16:00
rosco_yWould anyone recommend that I put /usr/sbin in my path?  Conversely, would anyone recommend that I NOT put it in my path?16:00
daftykinsdiphtherial: you'd be able to install software in the livecd environment because you'd have an internet connection, so you'd pull down the tools to be able to mount the hard disk install *then* install stuff on that :)16:00
rosco_ydaftykins: what are you trying to do?16:01
diphtherialrosco_y: i assume that was meant for me? i'm trying to help a colleague troubleshoot his broken ubuntu installation16:02
rosco_ydiphtherial: ok, I was doing something like that awhile ago, so I peeped up16:02
diphtherialapparently he lacks the appropriate graphics card drivers to properly boot from the installation once it's installed; he gets "The system is running in low-graphics mode", and then the machine just freezes up16:02
diphtherialah, thanks :)16:02
daftykinsrosco_y: you see how i worded my statement? i'm not the one asking...16:02
rosco_yoh, different problem then16:02
diphtheriali apologize if i'm being frustrating, and i do appreciate the help16:03
diphtherialit's just that we've been in the midst of trying to solve the problem ourselves and so we're at this inconsistent state between being totally helpless and having some idea of what to do16:03
rosco_yI was dealing with a "all-in-one" piece of junk, and the hard drive was inaccessible--I let the kids use run it off the live CD16:04
rosco_ythat works pretty well for them--they like to go on PBS KIds and watch cartoons and play games16:04
diphtherialah, yeah, fortunately the hdd is accessible here :)16:04
diphtherialideal liveCD setup, heh16:04
diphtherialno persistent state required16:05
rosco_yright, and they can't wreck anything (well, it's a theory)16:05
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nicole_I just installed ubuntu 12.04 32 bit on my Toshiba laptop. I cannot get my wireless to work. The card I have is a Realtek RTL8188CE. Can someone help me?16:10
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holstein!wireless | nicole_16:11
ubottunicole_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:11
nicole_holstein: tried that16:12
ActionParsnipnicole_: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network     does it use the rtl8192ce driver?16:12
nicole_ActionParsnip: I will check16:12
diphtherialActionParsnip: oh, for what it's worth, we got the grub issue sorted out that i mentioned before; he was apparently using "the wrong grub install tool", whatever that means16:13
ActionParsnipnicole_: also run:  sudo iwlist scan | egrep 'ssid|chan'    do you have many networks on the same channel? DO you see networks?16:13
diphtherialhe can boot from the partition now, but it gives him a message that it's running in low-graphics mode, then freezes16:13
ActionParsnipnicole_: if you run:  dmesg | grep -i firm     do you see the OS missing firmware files?16:14
nicole_ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6006950/ and no to the last one16:16
moondogdiphtherial: I had that happen... when I screwed up permissions on /var16:16
magdurguys are we using laptop on charjing  long time like a windows ?16:16
ActionParsnipnicole_: try:   sudo modprobe rtl8192ce16:16
holsteinmagdur: please rephrase so that a volunteer can understand what you are asking16:17
nicole_ActionParsnip: It just comes back up to the prompt16:17
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diphtherialmoondog: hmm, this is fresh installation; i don't know if he's had time screw up /var, heh16:17
ActionParsnipnicole_: do you have wireless with the realtek card now?16:17
nicole_ActionParsnip: No, I'm borrowing an external WiFi adapter from a friend16:18
holsteinnicole_: try the unit in question, after running the modprobe command16:18
magdur<holstein> can i use long time on charging my laptop? for instance on windows i can use 4 hour but now at ubuntu 2 hour16:18
ActionParsnipnicole_: ok, unplug that then try your wifi, is it ok?16:18
nicole_ActionParsnip: OK16:18
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holsteinmagdur: what are you asking? can ubuntu take longer to charge your laptop?16:19
magdur<holstein> yes16:19
ActionParsnipnicole_: or, run:  echo rtl8192ce | sudo tee -a /etc/modules    and reboot without the USB wifi16:19
nicole_ActionParsnip: No, it does not show anything16:19
holsteinmagdur: i dont think so, and i dont know why you would want that16:20
nicole_ActionParsnip: OK, BRB16:20
ChogyDanwhat program do I use to edit a pdf file?16:20
holsteinChogyDan: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-pdf-editing-tools-for-ubuntu.html16:21
ChogyDanholstein: thanks!16:21
sideonehey all, i have squid rolling over its logs, which i imagine is from the native unix syslog rotator, does anyone have a faq on this process? i would like to prefix the date and directory for rolling over the log files for squid. If not, should i use a project like logrotate? thanks16:21
holstein!info flpsed16:21
ubottuflpsed (source: flpsed): a WYSIWYG pseudo PostScript editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.2-1 (raring), package size 34 kB, installed size 148 kB16:21
magdur<holstein> i want to use longer time with charging16:21
holsteinmagdur: you want it to take longer to charge the battery?16:22
magdur<holstein> yes i want16:22
holsteinmagdur: i would look for a setting in the bios, or ask the manufacturer of the machine for driver support for whatever feature you are wanting16:22
holsteinmagdur: i dont understand why you would want that16:23
nicole_ActionParsnip: Didn't work. I had to plug the USB adapter back in16:23
magdur<holstein> for more mobility16:23
shashankI totally messed up the network settings on my ubuntu, currently I am not able to use either wired connection nor mobile broadband. Is there any way, using a ubuntu bootable usb or otherwise using which I can restore the network settings. If I copy the /etc/network from someone's computer and replace mine with them, would it work?16:24
holsteinmagdur: i dont think so, friend.. if it takes twice as long to charge your laptop.. that is not "more mobility"16:24
Guest13929i need help installing my hp printer16:24
holsteinmagdur: are you asking for a longer battery life in ubuntu?16:24
nicole_ActionParsnip: The funny thing is, it worked when I ran it from LiveCD16:24
Guest13929i need help installing my hp printer16:25
holsteinnicole_: then, try booting an older kernel. hopefully, the kernel that you were using on the live CD.. usually, during install, i wont take the updates at that time so i get the *exacty* same thing from the live on the insatlled system16:25
holsteinGuest13929: please dont repeat16:25
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu16:25
holsteinGuest13929: ^16:25
nicole_holstein: OK, I'm not sure how to roll back the kernel16:26
MonkeyDustGuest13929  you've come the right place, this is the support channel16:26
holsteinnicole_: choose it at boot.. dont "roll back" anything.. choose the older kernel from grub at boot and test.. nothing permanent16:27
nicole_holstein: Will do. I will let you know what happens16:28
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shashank I totally messed up the network settings on my ubuntu, currently I am not able to use either wired connection nor mobile broadband. Is there any way, using a ubuntu bootable usb or otherwise using which I can restore the network settings. If I copy the /etc/network from someone's computer and replace mine with them, would it work?16:29
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holstein!patience | shashank16:30
ubottushashank: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/16:30
holsteinshashank: how did you "totally mess" what up?16:30
nicole_holstein: That worked16:31
holsteinnicole_: so,, you can use/boot the older kernel, and keep checking in and see if a newer kernel update/upgrade "fixes" support for your device16:32
ActionParsnipnicole_: grab this and install it, should be ok ubuntuone.com/5lXovIEjNfiZLmN59Rx9Wp you may want to remove the line you added to /etc/modules    source of link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/90255716:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 902557 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "10ec:8176 Wireless not working in 12.04 for rtl8192ce (RTL8188CE)" [Medium,Confirmed]16:32
shashankholstein: earlier my mobile broadband (huawei tata photon+ was not working, Ubuntu was not able to detect it. I looked up on internet and made a few changes. I made multiple changes so I don't exactly remember what I did.16:33
Guest13929alright, so i get to the point of running HPLIP and it wont open the file.16:34
holsteinshashank: then, i would just fresh reinstall, and come here *before* copy/pasting *any* commands that you dont understand, or want to make note of16:34
Guest13929ive installed it before but my pc crashed and now i cant remember how i did it16:34
Guest13929thats what i just did, and it wont open it16:34
holsteinGuest13929: did you open the GUI and try adding the printer with the wizard? is it a network printer? connected VIA usb?16:34
Guest13929its connected VIA usb on a home pc16:35
holsteinGuest13929: plug it in, turn it on. and open "add a printer"16:35
MonkeyDust!details | Guest1392916:35
ubottuGuest13929: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:35
holsteinGuest13929: if you want do download and use a tool from HP, HP will support that16:36
Guest13929i have ubuntu 12.04 and when i download HPLIP and try to run it, it wont open16:36
holsteinGuest13929: try the GUI in the menu.. friend16:36
holsteinGuest13929: when i plug in my HP printer and click "add printer", i can print to it16:36
oana_can anyone help me with a gcc problem?16:38
holstein!details > oana_16:38
ubottuoana_, please see my private message16:38
nicole_ActionParsnip: what was the line I added?16:39
Guest13929so when i install it with the wizard, i go to print a test page and nothing happens16:39
Guest13929ive done this like 20 times16:39
ChogyDanAny help with a microphone on a usb webcam would be appreciated16:39
oana_okay, I tried to install the cuda toolkit 5, but for that I needed gcc v4.416:39
holsteinGuest13929: sometimes, i try different drivers, and i find one that works.. try using a different type or a close model in the GUI16:39
oana_so I tried to uninstall my current version 4.7 and install v 4.416:39
oana_the problem is that I think I couldn't fully uninstall the previous version so when I tried to reinstall gcc everything went wrong16:40
holsteinoana_: gcc 4.4? and in the repos its 4.7?16:40
Guest13929ok ill try and older HPLIP16:40
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holsteinGuest13929: try other driver veresions in the gui.. that is my suggestion.. not "older hplip"16:40
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oana_holstein, yes gcc-4.4 and gcc-4.7.16:41
noiroCan someone walk me through finding the correct wireless driver I need for this laptop? I am fairly certain it's broadcom, but the b43-fwcutter driver doens't qualify16:42
oana_here's the error I get when I tried to reinstall it error: alternative path /usr/bin/gcc doesn't exist16:42
holsteinoana_: if you go "out of repo" like that, you are expected to maintain everything on your own.. i would ask the maintainers how you are meant to use the product they are making16:42
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holsteinoana_: sometime, its easy to step back to an older version in the repos.. also, sometimes, when changing a core piece of software, you break *many* things16:42
lucidiumI'm trying to install the unreal tournament goty run file, but I get an error saying that libgtk-1.2.so.0 is missing. How can I install these libraries?16:43
oana_holstein, I know, it was my fault, now I am trying to find a solution to the problem16:43
holsteinlucidium: i would ask the maintainers.. maybe it is "out of date" and not compatible with the operating system you are using16:43
oana_the error I get seems to be part of the build-essential package so I tried this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6007037/16:44
noiroCan someone help me with wireless drivers por favor? A poor soul unknowing of how to proceed16:47
usr13oana_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gcc-multilib16:47
ChogyDan!details | noiro16:47
ubottunoiro: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:47
usr13noiro: iwconfig  #What does that say?16:47
noirousr13: wlan0: IEEE 802.11bg16:48
noiroESSID: off/any16:48
beannoiro: please pastebin it :)16:49
usr13noiro: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan16:49
mojtabaMy computer is dual boot with windows, but I have about 100G free space in my windows drive, does anybody know how can I shrink that volume and add that space to my home?16:49
usr13mojtaba: MS Windows 7?16:49
pumafiedUse gparted from a live usb16:49
ChogyDanmojtaba: I would boot with a livecd, and use gparted.  That's what I would do16:49
mojtabausr13: yes16:49
noirousr13: interface doesn't support scanning. Network is down16:49
pumafiedChogyDan: lol16:49
mojtabaChogyDan: Why should I use live cd?16:50
pumafiedBecause you cant resize partitions being used16:50
usr13noiro: What about the network manager?  Does it show any available wireless networks?16:50
ChogyDanmojtaba: so sometimes you can get away with it, but... many times not.16:51
manikHello. can anybody tell me how to edit right click menu so that I could add option for a new text document?16:51
noirousr13: No. I had to remove the wireless card during installation as it'd keep crashing it before it had time to look at partitions/HDDs. I plugged it back in afterwards16:51
mojtabaChogyDan: What if I do not mount the windows drive, do I still need to use live CD?16:51
noiroIt says WLAN interface unavailable16:51
ChogyDannoiro: can you post the model and type of this card?16:51
ChogyDanmojtaba: no, you wouldn't.  Do you have another install I take it then?  beyond the windows install16:52
pumafiedYes because the linux part would be used16:52
mojtabaChogyDan: I have ubuntu, windows16:52
pumafiedmojtaba: The live is to make sure nothing on your harddrive is being touched by anything but the partition manager16:53
ChogyDanmojtaba: o yeah, you would still have to not being using ubuntu, since you want to add it to /home16:53
pumafiedmojtaba: So you would have to16:53
noiroChogyDan: Broadcom CBM431116:53
justinfrontHi when installing via virtualbox how do I setup my user password so I can sudo?16:53
pumafiedmojtaba: It kind of sucks that you have to so I always have a flashdrive on me ready to be live booted16:53
mojtabaChogyDan: I see, and could you please let me know what should I do exactly with gparted? Does it have a GUI? or from where can I find it?16:54
ChogyDanmojtaba: it has a gui16:54
mojtabapumafied: I prefer to use flash drive too.16:54
usr13noiro: cat /etc/issue  #What does that say?16:54
mojtabaChogyDan: Could you please let me know from where can I get it?16:54
pumafiedmojtaba: It has a gui and if you look up a partitioning tutorial it should have it16:55
cloneGis there an enhanced sound manager for ubuntu I find kind of poor what you can do with the default one16:55
ChogyDanmojtaba: sudo apt-get install gparted     ?16:55
pumafiedmojtaba: It will be in the default repository so you can just run sudo apt-get install gparted16:55
mojtabaChogyDan: And also still I want to keep my windows. Does the gparted keep my windows safe?16:55
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mojtabapumafied: How should I have it on my usb stick, to boot up with it?16:56
pumafiedmojtaba: boot it in live mode then just use sudo apt-get install16:56
ChogyDanmojtaba: oh, you can just use a regular ubuntu live install16:56
mojtabapumafied: Thanks16:56
mojtabapumafied: ChogyDan: Will my windows be still operative? as I have some expensive software on it.16:57
usr13mojtaba: Although, I've yet to loose data using gparted, it is always a risk when you resize a partition.  Back up any important data you may have.16:57
mojtabausr13: Thanks. And the last question, how can I make a usb stick ubuntu bootable?16:58
pumafiedmojtaba: I agree with usr1316:58
noirousr13: No such file or directory16:58
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noiroOh usr13: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \n \r16:59
noiro*\n \l16:59
usr13noiro: So you say you removed what?16:59
MelksuHi! a new driver for my graphics card was made available today, but it won't install. Jockey is spitting out tons of errors, has anyone else installed fglrx-experimental-13?16:59
usr13noiro: You said that you removed the wireless card?  So, did you put it back in?17:00
mojtabapumafied: And the last question, how can I make a usb stick ubuntu bootable?17:01
noirousr13: I removed the wireless card during installation as it was crashing installation. And yes, it is back in17:01
noiroI also tried: sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source just now and rebooted and mentions of wireless disappeared. modprobe wl freezes the Terminal17:01
noiroI think the wl driver driver is the correct one, but I forget what I did to fix and make modprobe work17:02
usr13noiro: Fully updated?  If not, do:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:02
thepeopleschampcan someone link me to a nice .icc file that i can use the best color quality possible on my hp?17:03
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usr13noiro: Did you install firmware?17:04
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bomberHello there folks17:05
bomberMy system keeps changing the time ahead 4 hours when i reboot.. It started after I did an upgrade and the local and time zone seems to be fine. I even changed the time in the bios to the correct time and it still goes ahead 4 hours. Any suggestions?17:05
noirousr13: isn't bcmwl-kernel-source the firmware?17:05
noiroIf I remember in the past, it is because Ubuntu tries the wrong firmware originally and modprobe can't assign since the wrong driver is active and trying on the hardware17:06
usr13noiro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199788017:06
DJones!anybody | m_17:08
ubottum_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:08
m_does anybody tell me how to edit right click menu so that I could add option for a new text document?17:08
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usr13m_: In _________________ ?17:09
cloneGI ve using recordmydesktop for a while and I thought something went wrong when installing because I never managed to record sound... till last month17:09
cloneGthe point is that the recorded sound was the sound that mic was capturing17:09
bomberif you hover over the desktop highlighted area you'll get your diffeernet menu when you right click17:10
usr13cloneG: Yep  :)17:10
m_File manager usr1217:10
m_usr13 File manager17:10
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:10
cloneGis there a way to tell recordmydesktop to use direct sound from player?17:10
usr13cloneG: Not that I know of.  What exactly are you trying to do?17:11
usr13cloneG: (There is probably a better way.)17:11
usr13cloneG: Sound from what player?17:11
cloneGas well as recordmydesktop captures images, programs playing on desktop capture sound17:12
cloneGthe sound of those applications17:12
cloneGvideos or whatever without the need of a mic17:12
usr13cloneG: You want to record a video?17:12
cloneGfor instance17:13
cloneGimagine I want to record some videos playing on desktop17:13
cloneGand I want the music on them aswell17:13
usr13cloneG: Why not just put the videos together in another way?17:13
cloneGyep I ve been doing that with openshot17:14
usr13cloneG: And add to it your recordmydesktop video as well.17:14
cloneGbut that is double work17:14
usr13cloneG: What is openshot?17:14
cloneGa video editing program17:14
cloneGthere must be a way as long as recordmydesktop records sound from mic...17:15
cloneGthere must be a way to record the sound a player is playing at that very moment youre recording17:15
cloneGwithout the need to mount both afterwards17:16
cloneGany ubuntu tweak?17:16
cloneGin the ubuntu sound manager17:16
cloneGinput sound can be switched between mic...17:17
cloneGand online17:17
cloneGis that it?17:17
usr13cloneG: ffmpeg -i video1.avi -sameq video1.mpg && ffmepg -i video2.mp4 -sameq video2.mpg && cat video1.mpg video2.mpg > new-video.mpg17:17
cloneGusr13 what was that?17:18
cloneGusr13 what that does?17:18
Phoenix1969OK, have the black screen with cursor at top left after boot, and turned out to be no graphics driver...So now I have the driver..  amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13-4-x86.x86_64.run  dropped into the maun ubuntu folder...what do I do now to run it?17:18
usr13!info ffmpeg | cloneG17:18
ubottucloneG: ffmpeg (source: libav): Multimedia player, server, encoder and transcoder (transitional package). In component main, is optional. Version 6:0.8.6-1ubuntu2 (raring), package size 94 kB, installed size 238 kB17:18
adamkcloneG: If you want to record the audio that is playing on your computer, use pavucontrol to record the monitor of your sound device: http://askubuntu.com/questions/171287/how-to-pass-record-audio-output-as-an-input-device17:19
cloneGcool adamk!17:20
cloneGadamk that was the answer I was searching for17:20
usr13cloneG: http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net/rug/p1_3.php17:21
usr13cloneG: http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net/rug/p1_3c.php17:23
Phoenix1969HELP OK, have the black screen with cursor at top left after boot, and turned out to be no graphics driver...So now I have the driver..  amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13-4-x86.x86_64.run  dropped into the maun ubuntu folder...what do I do now to run it?17:24
usr13cloneG: But it seems to be to be strange to record a video via recordmydesktop.  Not sure why you'd want to do that.17:25
adamkPhoenix1969: You really shouldn't be installing the driver that way.  It's packaged in the repos very nicely for Ubuntu.17:25
adamkPhoenix1969: What video card do you have?17:25
cloneGusr13 hmmmm....I must be running an older version of the program17:25
Phoenix1969How can I access the repos with a blank screen?17:25
bekksPhoenix1969: press ctrl+alt+f117:25
Phoenix1969the gigabyte 797017:25
usr13cloneG: If you have the video(s) already on your hard drive, you can do what you want with them anyway, but to stream and record via a screen capture application seems a bit out of the ordinary.17:26
usr13cloneG: cat /etc/issue   #What does that say?17:26
Phoenix1969ctrl alt f1 will access the gui store?17:26
adamkPhoenix1969: If you pass the 'nomodeset' option to the kernel via grub, Xorg should start up with the vesa driver, allowing you to see your desktop.17:26
bekksPhoenix1969: You mean: ATI Radeon HD 7970. :)17:26
usr13cloneG: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:26
Phoenix1969i tried nomodeset, didnt work17:26
cloneGusr13: Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l17:27
usr13cloneG: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:27
Phoenix1969yes bekks17:27
adamkPhoenix1969: If Xorg still didn't start when using nomodeset, then I'm not convinced this is a video driver issue.17:28
usr13cloneG: You said "I must be running an older version of the program".  Define "the program".17:28
cloneGusr13: I dont have jack option available17:28
cloneGusr13 it is faded17:29
usr13cloneG: Then jack is not installed.17:29
dfarmerHi all, I saw in updates this morning (for 12.04 x86/64) the jockey stuff related to hybrid graphics. I looked around and found the stuff on using raring kernel/xorg etc, but was curious if anyone knows if the hybrid enabled stuff supports power management or just acceleration?17:29
Phoenix1969ill try, brb17:29
adamkcloneG: jackd is not necessary for the solution I gave you, just so you know.17:30
usr13cloneG: sudo apt-get install jack17:30
cloneGusr13: so I need to install jack and then recordmydesktop would record directly from the sound card?17:30
usr13adamk: He said jack?17:30
cloneGusr13: okay17:30
adamkusr13: ?  Not sure I understand what you're asking... You are suggesting a solution that requires jack, and I gave him a solution earlier that does not require it. That's all.17:31
usr13cloneG: But again, I believe you are going the long way around the block if you are recording existing videos via recordmydesktop17:31
cloneGadamk: not necessary but it seems I would need another program called...opensoundrecorder17:32
bekkscloneG: Why dont you rip the audio stream out of the video?17:32
bekkscloneG: you dont need any recorder to do so.17:32
usr13adamk: Well, I asked if he said jack.  Apparently he did.  He should probably try your solution, maybe he will, I don't know, but his original question was how to get recordmydesktop to capture audio from a video stream.17:33
cloneGusr13: not recording videos but several applications at same time...both graphical and sound players17:33
usr13adamk: (Although that is not the way he said it, it is obviously what he ment.)17:33
usr13cloneG: Ok...17:34
cloneGusr13 so there is no need for later editing17:34
usr13cloneG: At any rate, looks like we have given you the information you need.17:34
cloneGusr13 lazy recording17:34
MasterAsiahttp://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ -> There is a 64-bit mac install image here17:34
MasterAsiaWill this bypass the EFI thing?17:35
cloneGtime to dig17:35
=== erry is now known as error
bekksMasterAsia: No. You cant bypass it.17:35
MasterAsiaTrying to install Ubuntu on a Mac Mini 2.117:35
MasterAsiabekks: How can I install Ubuntu on my Mac Mini then?17:35
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages17:35
bekksMasterAsia: By using the mac iso. You just cant bypass UEFI.17:35
Pudgethe quality of desktop video record depends on what? application ? video card? driver?17:35
MasterAsiaActionparsnip: Already checked those, it just 'works' for them. I have an older 2007 mac mini17:36
MasterAsiabekks: I'm getting a "select cd rom boot type" error17:36
MasterAsiaIs that related to UEFI?17:36
bekksMasterAsia: I dont have a Mac, I dont know.17:36
Maple__MasterAsia, what else?17:37
ActionparsnipMasterasia: don't you hold C to boot from CD17:37
Maple__as in, is it giving you any options...?17:37
MasterAsiaMaple__: Just says 1, and 2. No options, keyboard no longer works17:37
Maple__uh, idk17:37
MasterAsiaActionparsnip: I -am- booting from the cd17:37
MasterAsiaIt craps out after I select cd from the boot menu17:37
ActionparsnipMasterasia: ok did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?17:38
MasterAsiaActionparsnip: Yep. Even tried it on my newer Imac17:38
MasterAsiait loaded up fine17:38
cloneGusr13: problems with jack-->http://www.pasteall.org/44993/bash17:38
=== error is now known as erry
viniciuhi have problem apache217:40
daftykinsask away17:40
m_which file manager do you guys prefer?17:40
daftykinson one line if possible17:41
viniciuhcan someone help me?17:41
bekksm_: network manager.17:41
cloneGusr13 that jack is not the jack I am looking for17:41
ActionparsnipMasterasia: I guess you have seen this:17:41
Pudgem_: try ranger17:41
cloneGusr13 you lazy bone!17:41
Pudgem_: the best one, u will love it, especially if u love CLI17:41
MasterAsiaActionparsnip: Yes. That wiki is actually not helpful. It assumes that the LiveCD will boot.17:41
ActionparsnipViniciuh: without details. ..no17:41
m_Works well in Lubuntu? Pudge17:41
cloneGwhich jack should I install for recordmydesktop to work?17:42
Pudgem_: ofcoz17:42
m_Let me give it a try then. Thanks. pudge17:42
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ActionparsnipMasterasia: try burning the CD slow or is the CD you have burned as slowly as possible already?17:42
Pudgem_: its CLI, so it doesn't depend on any DE17:42
MasterAsiaActionparsnip: The cd works on a newer i-mac17:42
viniciuhActionparsnip: the error17:43
elixirAnyone here?17:43
Pudgem_: if u love vim, its vim style, perfect17:43
m_Got it. Pudge17:43
elixirPudge, I don't like it17:43
ActionparsnipM_: pcmanfm for GUI but I use guake more for file management now17:43
Pudgeelixir: ofcoz u can17:43
m_Actionparsnip Pcmanfm is nice but needs a few more settings, no?17:44
elixirPudge, i want to try rm -rf /17:44
Pudgeelixir: go ahead17:44
Actionparsnip Masterasia : yes the drive will be newer and handle faster media.  Old stuff benefits from slow burning17:44
m_Actionparsnip how is guake?17:44
elixirActionparsnip, i tried it on Server17:44
Actionparsnip Elixir: spin up a vm and go for it17:45
elixirActionparsnip, Any Sys Admin here?17:45
ActionparsnipM_: its a terminal that hides and shows on shortcut key. Otherwise it's no different to gnome terminal17:46
Actionparsnip Elixir : what does 'sys admin' mean?17:46
elixirActionparsnip, i mean System Adminstrator17:46
ActionparsnipElixir : most people here will be responsible for their updates etc so are techically system administrators17:47
ActionparsnipElixir : bit of a worthless question17:47
elixirActionparsnip, ok17:47
MasterAsiaActionparsnip: Ok.17:47
BluesKajelixir, ask your real question17:47
MasterAsiaI don't think Ubuntu and Mac were supposed to meet.17:47
ActionparsnipElixir : again, what do you mean 'system administrator'?17:48
DrDamnitI am trying to connect to a remote Ubuntu 12.04 LTS box with either VNC or XRDP. Problem is: the unity bar on the left is auto-hiding, so I can't do anything. How can I get to that bar?17:48
fartfaceIf I have a ZFS pool, and my OS dies without a pool backup, will I lose the ability to import that pool on another system?17:48
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ActionparsnipMasterasia : never had an issue running livecd to fix my moron friends who use mac and don't backup17:48
MasterAsiaActionparsnip: ahahah17:49
Actionparsnip Masterasia : try a slower burned disk17:49
elixirHow much IO SSD Provides?17:50
ActionparsnipDrdamnit: what do you intend to do on the remote desktop session?17:50
ActionparsnipElixir : ask in ##hardware17:50
DrDamnitclient is using Thunderbird, and has decided he wants to switch to evolution. Just need to do some maintenance and setup some email accounts.17:50
ActionparsnipElixir : you didn't answer my question earlier17:50
elixirActionparsnip, as google17:51
ActionparsnipElixir : what do you mean?17:51
ActionparsnipElixir : 'as Google' with no context is nothing.17:52
ActionparsnipElixir : want to answer my question now? I have been decent enough to answer you....17:52
elixirActionparsnip, what's your question?17:53
ActionparsnipElixir : what do you mean by 'system administrator ' also, why ask17:53
elixirSSD VS RAM, i should get more RAM for Performace of mysql server or SSD17:54
DrDamnitActionparsnip: client is using Thunderbird, and has decided he wants to switch to evolution. Just need to do some maintenance and setup some email accounts.17:54
elixirCurrent disk IO , UnixBench score: 1403.317:54
elixirI/O rate: 570.0 MB/second17:54
elixirBandwidth rate: 46.5 MB/second17:54
ActionparsnipElixir : doesn't answer my question does it17:54
elixirThat's with SSD17:54
a5m0can anyone suggest a good/cheap gsm/3g/4g dongle that works with minimal linux fumbling?17:54
elixirActionparsnip, i am not wise enough to answer that, appologies17:54
bazhangelixir, thats offtopic here17:54
newphello folks, looking for support regarding installing Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a new Asus F75V notebook.17:55
elixirwhy offtopic, i am running ubuntu17:55
bazhangelixir, ask in ##hardware17:55
elixirhmm, what hardware has to do with mysql?17:55
bazhangelixir, thats a hardware issue, thats why17:55
ActionparsnipDrdamnit : can you press Alt+Ctrl+T and run a terminal?17:55
DrDamnita5m0: why not get a hotspot? or use wifi tethering? (FoxFi, etc...)17:55
elixiri am looking for answer in general.17:55
bazhangelixir, this is the WRONG channel for it17:55
a5m0DrDamnit: i have a sim card that i would like to use, and would like to run it off the device/not have extra power sources etc17:55
a5m0and dongles are cheaper17:55
bazhangelixir, so please stop asking17:56
elixirbazhang, is there any server channel?17:56
tikyhi, i have 13.04 and a normal nvidia 325.08 install, trying to figure out how to make the laptop properly suspend on lid close17:56
elixirbazhang, where i can ask these question?17:56
bazhangelixir, #ubuntu-server17:56
DrDamnitI can ssh in and get terminal. CTRL+ALT+T, does nothing. That's from a WIndows box. Let me try it from this Linux box...17:56
Picielixir: ##hardware or #mysql may be more appropriate17:56
ActionparsnipDrdamnit : you can run the application from there :-)17:56
bazhangelixir, those are hardware questions, so no17:56
newphello folks, looking for support regarding installing Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a new Asus F75V notebook.17:56
tikythe wiki suggests apm but i'm not sure which package provides it, if it's the right tool to use, etc.17:56
Pudgetiky: not apm, its out of date17:57
newpdon't mean to be a pain, is the a queue I must add myself to?17:57
Pudgetiky: acpi, or pm-util, laptop-tools17:57
tikywhich would you recommend ?17:57
ActionparsnipDrdamnit : or ssh with x forwarding enabled and run the application to then configure it from your pc17:57
Pudgetiky: pm-util and laptop-tools are both good enough17:58
ActionparsnipNewp: use usb to test17:58
Pudgetiky: and i think that they are installed by default17:58
Pudgetiky: what u need is just config them17:58
newpwhat do you mean use USB to test?17:58
newpoh.. I've installed Ubuntu on several laptops before.17:59
DrDamnitActionparsnip: Never used X forwarding before. ran ssh -X theuser@12.345.67.89. How do I attach to the X11 session that's being forwarded?17:59
ActionparsnipNewp: install ubuntu on a usb stick and test. If it's ok do a real install or even perpetuate the usb17:59
shine_What is the name of the thing that adds a right click option to exctract compressed files?18:00
newpwhen it boots off the USB & gives me the option to "try Ubuntu first w/o installing it", "install Ubuntu" & to "check disc for errors" no matter what choice I choose it goes to a blank screen & hangs18:00
ActionparsnipDrdamnit if the client has an x server it will work.  Just run the app from terminal18:00
newplaptop has Windows 8 on it installed on another partition18:00
ActionparsnipDrdamnit : the OS doesn't care that the x server is remote.  It's all the same18:01
newpand it's not the normal purple screen w/ those choices, it's a black screen.18:01
ActionparsnipNewp: do you have a switching graphics card?18:01
BluesKaj!UEFI | newp18:01
ubottunewp: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:01
ActionparsnipNewp: intel and nvida18:02
newpok thank you ubottu, I will try that.18:02
inkjetunitodo the LTS releases get larger updates? i tried to install 12.04 on an older laptop around 12.06 and the installation froze in an earlz stage. could it be possible that the newer revisions would work (it was likely a kernel problem)18:02
newpyes I do have an intel i5 & nVidia card18:02
k1l_inkjetunito: yes, they get a newer kernel with the 12.04.2 release18:03
inkjetunitok1l_: nice. might be worth retrying then. thanks :)18:03
tikyok so how do i run pm-suspend on laptop closeS?18:03
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k1l_inkjetunito: but if its a older laptop it maybe lacks some cpu technics or is just too slow. maybe have a look at lubuntu18:04
m_Pudge looking for GUI ones18:04
newpwell thank BluesKay, you toggled the bot I see :P18:04
newpthis is a known problem I assume?18:04
ActionparsnipNewp: its a sany or ivy bridge cpu it will be.  Try the boot option : nouveau.blacklist=118:04
newpI'm a bit out of touch with my PC lingo.. how do I select that boot option?18:05
Pudgem_: lol, for the gui one u have a lot of choice,18:05
newpsorry to slow you down :(18:05
vedritOh good, I can finally connect. So, I installed Ubuntu last night and, after numerous problems, finally got grub to work and now I'm getting the TTY. I haven't found much of use via searching. Anyone know how I can get the GUI to work?18:05
m_that's what I am really asked for :) Pudge18:06
Actionparsnip!nomodeset | newp same method18:06
ubottunewp same method: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:06
vedritAlso, I had to install the startx package18:06
Pudgetiky: http://people.cs.uct.ac.za/~ksmith/2012/suspend-on-lid-close-in-ubuntu.html18:06
DrDamnitActionparsnip: This is the greatest piece of information ever given to me. Thank you.18:06
Pudgejust follow it18:06
Pudgem_: pcmanfm is good18:07
m_need  a few more right click menu options Pudge18:07
rtconnerWhen try to write with non-root user I see "cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device" .. but df -h shows 50% of the drive is free. Root user works fine. No quotas setup on system at all. Any help?18:07
vedritActionparsnip: Was that for me aswell?18:07
newpthank you guys that are helping me.  I'm gonna try this on the new PC & I'll be back w/ my results.18:08
k1l_rtconner: can you pastebin a df -h ?18:08
tikyi did pudge18:08
tikyi don't think acpi is sending the event, nothing happened18:08
Pudgetiky: do you have acpi server running?18:08
rtconnerk1l_, http://pastebin.com/5WTQqkWU18:09
tikyyep, acpid18:09
tikydoes it leave a log?18:09
k1l_rtconner: /temp is full18:09
tikyi don't see anything in dmesg18:09
Pudgem_: I didn't try a lot of gui FM, so ask sm1 else, sorry18:09
m_np Pudge18:09
k1l_rtconner: what ubuntu is that exactly on which machine?18:10
rtconnerk1l_, i clearead all the files out of /tmp and you are corect works now18:10
inkjetunitoin order to install the system with lxde as the de or without any GUI, do i need to use a special iso image?18:11
Pudgetiky: u should test if the event is triggered when u close the lip18:11
Pudgeinkjetunito: no, u can install normal ubuntu, and than apt-get insall lxde18:12
bazhanginkjetunito, lubuntu-desktop for the lxde, ubuntu-server for the non gui one, or the mini install18:12
tikyhow do i test that Pudge ?18:12
inkjetunitoPudge: so there's an otion for 'no desktop environment'?18:12
tiky/etc/acpi/local didn't exist, maybe this script is supposed to go in /etc/acpi/events?18:12
bazhang!nox | inkjetunito18:13
ubottuinkjetunito: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode18:13
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inkjetunitobazhang: thanks!18:13
Pudgetiky: all the events are in /etc/acpi/events/18:13
tikyhow do i monitor what event is sent?18:14
tikyif any18:14
Pudgetiky: normally its done, read your /etc/acpi/lid.sh file18:15
Pudgetiky: u can simplely modify it for runing pm-suspend after lip close18:16
Pudgetiky: or u can edit the /etc/apci/local/lid.sh.post file18:16
tikylid.sh.post or lid.post.sh?18:17
Pudgetiky: it depends on ur own system18:17
k1l_!minimal | inkjetunito18:17
ubottuinkjetunito: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:17
Pudgetiky: for me , its lid.sh.pre or lid.sh.post18:17
inkjetunitok1l_: ty18:17
tikyhuh interesting18:18
tikyi see the problem now18:18
Pudgetiky: look at which file is used in lid.sh18:18
tikyphew ok18:19
justinfrontThinkHi when installing OpenArtist a linux version based ubuntu it seems to not ask me for my user name and password so I can never use sudo on terminal. On first setup it only asks me for keyboard and language.   I don't have a webcam could this be related?  Is this issue common on Ubuntu virtual box installations or is it just an OpenArtist issue?18:19
tikyi just had to add pm-suspend in /etc/acpi/lid.sh, right after "getXUser" but before "if [ x"$XAUTHORITY" != x"" ]; then18:19
tikybecause i guess the latter wasn't firing off18:19
justinfrontThinkIt auto sets me up with username "hero"18:19
johnrbI need to run a service when the system starts, its a WEBGUI RAID Managment program, i have tried several different ways all with no luck. It needs to be run as root "sudo hptsvr" is the command. Anyone have any suggestions?18:19
tikyso in the last hour i got nvidia working, 3d working, and now suspend working...18:20
k1l_justinfrontThink: this is not an ubuntu issue18:20
geniijustinfrontThink: #openartist for support18:20
Pudgetiky: u can, but for a more clean way, add pm-suspend at the end of the script,18:20
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tikydoesn't the script handle both open and close events tho?18:20
justinfrontThinkOk how do I get round it, I think I had the same problem with mint... I think it maybe ubuntu issue.18:21
Pudgetiky: as the system have to finish the script, then go suspend, to avoid unespected problem18:21
k1l_justinfrontThink: mint is no ubuntu issue, too. see the mint support for that18:21
tikywait so what does grep -q closed /proc/acpi/button/lid/*/state look for?18:21
tikybecause there's a big if clause, i guess depemnding on the output of that18:21
justinfrontThinkok so if I try ubuntu and it is still broken I can come back here and get some help?18:22
tikyand the else clause of that seems to be turning lights on and deactivating xscreensaver18:22
Pudgetiky: its ok, its ur power button who wakes up ur system18:22
Pudgetiky: not the lip18:22
tikyare you sure?18:22
k1l_justinfrontThink: i know that is not broken on ubuntu. it is something that the spinoffs broke18:22
Pudgetiky: 90% :)18:23
tikyjust being cautious18:23
wilee-nileejustinfrontThink, I suspect all the apps in that OS might be in the ubuntu repos if so you could install ubuntu use them and have support here, the ubuntu forums supports all linux and MS and apple.18:23
freddoeverytime i use ubuntu it turns to poo18:23
Pudgetiky: just have a try, it wont destroy ur system,18:23
Pudgetiky: u can't be sure for everything, try to be the first one18:24
justinfrontThinkI have to admit that the ubuntu brown and large icons on the left and some other things put me off ubuntu is there a ubuntu version that is not orange brown with huge icons?18:24
tikylol dude, now it won't wake up18:24
tikyi told u18:24
devinHey, how's it going?18:24
Pudgetiky: push the power button18:24
tikywell sorta, it does a "double take"18:24
k1l_justinfrontThink: orange brown is no longer the standard color theme18:24
ffio_i want to start ubuntu packaging from where i should start ?18:25
ffio_any source or link ?18:25
justinfrontThinkand the huge icons?18:25
wilee-nileejustinfrontThink, That OS you have appears to be using the fallback desktop, said xfce I believe, but there is kubuntu,xubuntu,lubuntu and about 50 other linux DE.18:25
Piciffio_: http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/18:25
tikyeven when i do the power button it does the double take18:25
tikyeh it worked better before18:25
k1l_justinfrontThink: just load an actual release and see it yourself. tastes are different18:25
ffio_Pici: thanks :)18:26
Pudgetiky: what do u mean "double take"?18:26
basantDoes anyone have  any idea why my printer will sometimes print correctly and sometimes cycle through paper printing hieroglyphics ?  ubuntu guest on win 7 host and brother hl 2770dw printer18:26
DONKEEZmy speaker quit working but headphones still do!18:26
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ffio_Pici: i can experiment in my current ubuntu installation or i should do it in a vm ?18:27
Piciffio_: The instructions should mention something about using pbuilder, which builds the packages in a chroot environment so they don't directly impact your machine.18:27
azerusif I use require_membership_of in the pam_winbind config, it works unless the user in AD has "User must change password at next logon" flag enabled, then it ignores the requirements18:28
azerushas anyone experienced this before?18:28
ffio_Pici: ok :)18:28
ffio_Pici: are there any pre-requisites before starting ?18:30
wilee-nileebasant, Have you stopped any printing while its waiting or in the middle of printing?18:30
uyghurixئەسسالامۇ ئەلەيكۇم.18:31
Piciffio_: The page I linked should have all the prereqs listed18:31
msbrownDONKEEZ: are you still having sound issue?18:32
DJones!arabic | uyghurix18:32
ubottuuyghurix: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية18:32
basantwilee-nilee, I restart the printer then 1 or 2 print goes through fine and then on the third command it cycles through all the paper in the tray ( ruining some of them ) and then starts blinking. I then switch it off and on.  The only change I have made is that I give paper of half length but same width18:32
DONKEEZmsbrown - yes, still sound issues18:33
ffio_Pici: ok :)18:33
msbrownDONKEEZ: headphones work, speakers not. laptop or desktop?18:34
DONKEEZmsbrown - laptop18:34
wilee-nileebasant, Can't be sure what the problem is, however I have found that in general both windows and ubuntu are sensitive to shutdowns of printing processes or deleting them, then requiring a logout or reboot to clear them, thats just my experience not necessarily evryones.18:35
basantwilee-nilee, I am thinking perhaps it is a better option to write the file to be printed in a shared folder and let the guest win7 to print and then delete any new file in the folder18:35
wilee-nileebasant, THat was my first thoughy18:35
msbrownDONKEEZ: can you bring up a term window, and enter the command (no quotes) 'alsamixer'?18:35
basantbut would you know of any program ( for free) that would do this for me from win 718:35
shine_What's the deal with the ubuntu thunderbird ppa? I enter "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-stable" and I get "Cannot access PPA (https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~mozillateam/+archive/thunderbird-stable) to get PPA information, please check your internet connection." My internet connection is fine - I'm talking to you all on here aren't I?18:36
DONKEEZmbrown - ok18:37
shine_btw: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/mozilla_team_thunderbird_stable <- is where I got the commands to run18:37
wilee-nileeshine_, Two things PPA's are not supported here, and have you made sure it supports your release.18:38
msbrownDONKEEZ: ok, assuming you have it running. are any of the outputs <master>, <line> etc. showing muted (mm) or zero level (00)?18:39
wilee-nileeshine_, What is the release you are running?18:39
newpso far so good guys, thanks for the help.  I just finished disabling fastbook n' stuff & Windows is shutting down (configuring windows features).  I'll let you know if it lets me install ubuntu.18:39
shine_wilee-nilee: Well, idk, I'm running Kali. Can't find any info specific for Kali on the web and their irc channel is basically non-existant. What do I do to get t-bird installed?18:39
wilee-nileeshine_, kali is not supported here.18:39
newpthanks for the quick help guys, I called Asus & they were no help & searched the internet for hours last night to know avail.18:39
grmcrkrsgoto #kali-linux18:40
shine_Good god, I get so tired18:40
DONKEEZmbrown - none muted18:40
wilee-nileeshine_, Just saying this is ubuntu support only, not our decision. ;)18:40
DarkAngleHello guys, can anyone suggest some (preferable up-to-dated) reading material about setting up custom mail server on ubuntu ?18:40
inkjetunitonewp: what's the problem exactly?18:41
shine_grmcrkrs: oh shoot, there is a kali channel! thx man18:41
basantwilee-nilee, a question. Assuming I have a program on host win 7 that monitors a folder and prints any file that appears and my guest ( ubuntu) generates and puts that file in the folder what will happen if a these things deadlock ?18:42
newpinkjet:  I was having trouble installing Ubuntu on a new Asus F75V Notebook that came w/ Windows 8.  whenever I booted off the bootable USB drive it gave me the black screen w/ the three options: "Try Ubuntu before installing, Install Ubuntu or Check disk for defects".  no matter which option I picked it would go to a black screen & hang.18:43
wilee-nileebasant, Do you mean some sort of autoprint as it hits a folder?18:43
inkjetunitonewp: have you disabled secure boot?18:43
newpfolks explained it may have to do w/ the UFEI settings.18:43
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | newp18:44
ubottunewp: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:44
newpI did just now.  tho it was called "FastBoot" in BIOs & in Windows "Fast Startup"18:44
wilee-nileenewp, May just be a graphic driver thang check the bots link.18:44
newpis Secure Boot something different?18:44
inkjetunitonewp: no. fastboot is another thing18:44
newpwhere can I disable secureboot?18:44
inkjetunitonewp: in system setup (bios or whatever)18:45
newpok, thanks ink18:45
inkjetunitonewp: iirc it's under the 'boot' tab. just did that on an asus today18:45
wilee-nileenewp, Have you seen the uefi wiki, here is another link in general, but check the nomodeset as well. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729518:45
elisa87I installed python2.7 by sudo apt-get install but when I write which python it says 2.6...how can I update it?18:45
Falcon82how do i defrag18:46
wilee-nileeFalcon82, You don't have to in linux18:46
k1l_Falcon82: not needed on ubuntus filesystems18:46
newpwilee: yes I've seen the UEFI page18:46
basantwilee-nilee, yep that would the way to go no ?18:46
rigidwell, you do have to defrag fat i guess :)18:46
basantautoprint I mean18:46
rigidis there an ubuntu developer channel? i have a question on dpkg-buildpackage & lintian18:46
Picirigid: theres #ubuntu-packaging, which would be a good place to get started18:47
rigidPici: perfect, thank you18:47
wilee-nileebasant, Not familiar with any auto printing sounds glorious in general, but personally I would want a print of a copy making sure the original wa still safe, I write grad papers that take months to write is my relevance.18:48
newpwilee & inkjet: going to try these other tips if what I was told before & did already doesn't work.  I'll let you know my results.  thank you for your time & help.18:48
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wilee-nileenewp, Cool good luck, also to can tab complete nicks here so they are correct and we are notified your speaking to us. ;)18:49
wilee-nileebasant, You might check in ##windows on auto printing options in general is all.18:50
newpI turned of secure boot & it didn't hang18:51
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wilee-nileenewp, Have you made an unallocated space for ubuntu by resizing W8 from its disk manager?18:52
newpthank you both (inkjet & wilee) SO much.  this has been giving me a headache for the last 2 days18:52
newpyeah, I'm not that green :P18:52
wilee-nileenewp, Cool just making sure, you know we care. ;)18:52
newpI can tell.. you guys actually help unlike most big name company's tech support.18:54
newpthat's what I love about Ubuntu/linux.18:54
newpnot that I run in to many problems at all once it's installed.  at least none that I can't quickly fix myself18:55
wilee-nileenewp, One thing I do since I have multiple external HD's is clone everything to get back to work if there is a problem without messing around, ands have everything backed up.18:58
thepeopleschamp_funny question18:58
thepeopleschamp_does anyone know where i can get a laptop cover like those ones apple sell, covering side on the keyboard and behind the screen?18:58
wilee-nileethepeopleschamp_, Not a ubuntu support question, I would look on amazon....etc19:00
Picithepeopleschamp_: Thats not really on-topic for #ubuntu.  Maybe ##hardware has a better idea though19:00
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elisa87seriously how i can update to Python 2.7 from Python 2.6?19:09
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ezra-selisa87, python in ubuntu 13.04 is version 2.719:12
rachoso i tried installing ubuntu 13.04 over an old install of fedora but apparently the lvm partitions of fedora really messed up the whole thing. now i vgreduced the group but pvremove can't remove the actual physical partition? any idea?19:12
ffio_Pici: is ubuntu packaging a time consuming this to learn ?19:12
Picielisa87: I don't think theres an entry for python in the alternatives system, so you would have to repoint the /usr/bin/python symlink to your python2.7 binary.19:12
Piciffio_: It can be, depending on how complicated your packages are.  I've re-learned it a few times in order to build updated packages for myself.19:13
elisa87Pici:  how i should to that sym link? do you have the command?19:13
ffio_Pici: ok :)19:13
nielok I just setup FTP on an old laptop and when I connect to it I cant actually change files I can only download19:13
nielanyone know how to allow read and write?19:14
Picielisa87: keep in mind that this *might* break things. You may be better off either specifically calling python2.7 by name or changing the shebangs in your python2.7 specific files to the python2.7 binary.19:14
nieliven been stuck for hours19:14
nielusing vsftpd19:15
rachoelisa87: better complie from source in $HOME/bin or /opt and the export PYTHON_PATH to that install in your .bashrc19:15
zpierceI have a fresh Ubuntu 13.04 and am having problems with the launcher.  Nothing that isn't already pinned to the launcher shows up on the launcher, so I can't pin new things.  Also Alt-Tab does not show any applications open that are not pinned on the launcher.19:16
wilee-nileezpierce, You using the fallback de, what desktop?19:16
thepeopleschamp_anyone know where i can get something like this for a hp 15 inch laptop?19:16
newpthings are coming along nicely :)19:17
wilee-nilee!ot | thepeopleschamp_19:17
ubottuthepeopleschamp_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:17
zpierceNot sure what fallback de is.  Like I said, this is a fresh install.  Only things I've added is OpenJava jdk and Eclipse19:17
wilee-nileethepeopleschamp_, YOU have already been told this is offtopic go to the links suggeted.19:17
nielso can anyone help?19:18
nielI really need it19:18
modder24Is intended that linux ubuntu 12.04 isn´t shwoing files that start with a 'dot' ? I was messing around with eclpise and ubuntu isn´t showing the .workspace , but i can go in it with the terminal19:18
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heatheww: http://i.imgur.com/3qN5D1K.png19:19
DJonesmodder24: Thats right, files starting with a . are hidden files19:19
modder24is there a way to unhide it ? its in my ubuntu one cloud because i sync with my windows pc and i can´t connect using eclipse to it19:20
bcessahi, just put on github an automatic builder for DEB packages of MongoDB with full SSL directly compiling from the official source repo, is far from perfect but hopefully someone can find it useful, any contributions are deeply appreciated https://github.com/bcessa/mongodb-ssl19:20
wilee-nileebcessa, That is considered spam here. ;)19:21
bcessawo, sorry, didn't knew19:21
bcessanever mind checking it then ;)19:22
nasiri need help using squid to filter the web19:22
DJonesmodder24: Using a terminal you can do "ls -a" which will show hidden files/folders19:22
zpierceSo, anyone know why my applications don't show up on the launcher, and can't be alt-tab'd to?19:22
wilee-nileebcessa, Just a should know info, I would think the irc is that way in general, except in specific circumstances.19:23
modder24but i have to use a GUI  to let it open and i cant use a terminal to open19:23
wilee-nileemodder24, ctrl-h19:23
msbrownmodder24: in the File browser tool, the view selection (next to the Gear button) will let you set "show hidden files"19:23
DJonesmodder24: From memory, if you're using nautilus ctrl-h will show/hide hidden files19:24
bcessawilee-nilee: thnx man, appreciate the info, just wanted to let know in case someone was also looking for such a thing19:24
modder24thanks now it works19:27
vedritI have a couple problems: First, I'm trying to install my NVidia drivers through the Additional Drivers application, but it fails and I get pastebin.com/ZL8m4RM819:30
vedritThat's the log given19:30
vedritCan someone tell me what I'm missing?19:32
bekksvedrit: Which Ubuntu do you have exactly?19:34
vedrit12.04.2 Server19:34
geniivedrit: "dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process"19:34
reisiovedrit: what does dpkg -L nvidia-304 say?19:35
vedritsays not installed19:36
reisiocan you install it?19:36
vedritBut when I do the same for 319 (Which is newer) I get a list of directories19:36
reisiovedrit: can you select 319 from the GUI thing?19:37
vedritFrom the Additional Drivers window? It gives an error that installation of the driver failed, and to look at the log (Which has been linked via pastebin)19:38
ubottusimgerico: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:38
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vedritgenii: I'm a newb to Ubuntu. What applications would be using dpkg? I had just restarted19:41
msbrownvedrit: perhaps the software updater is running19:42
DrDamnitHow do I get an entire gnome-session using ssh forwarding? (I can get individual applications, but not the whole desktop)19:42
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DrDamnitvedrit: anything that was being installed will generally be using dpkg.19:42
vedritbut nothing was being installed, as far as I'm aware. Like I said, I had just restarted19:43
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geniivedrit: Probably the automatic updates was running at the same time when you were trying to install the nvidia driver. Apologies for lag, but I'm working and back and forth from computer. Just that i noticed that error on line 488 of your paste.19:43
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MonkeyDustDrDamnit  with gnome2, I did it by running gnome-panel and nautilus remotely, try soemthing similar with gnome3  (i have no remote pc anymore, cannot test it)19:48
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matthias_androidI've got an ltsp server, how can i set default wallpaper for my fat clients?19:52
Prock81is there anyway to make cp  NOT be case sensitive to file paths and file names?19:53
bekksProck81: No.19:53
reisioProck81: not any way worth pursuing19:56
reisiofor better or worse, A is not a19:56
natefinchI'm trying to follow this workaround to fix my wireless card: http://askubuntu.com/questions/66810/very-slow-connection-on-an-intelr-wifi-link-5100-agn  but I get FATAL: Module iwlagn not found.  Sounds like I might have a different driver or something?19:56
reisiowe have cases in our text, it can't be undone19:56
Prock81ok how can i change all capital letters in a  script to lower case... the whole file19:56
reisioProck81: cat file | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' > newfile19:57
Prock81what does the tr do19:57
bekksProck81: It translates characters.19:57
reisioProck81: pretty much just that19:57
reisioalthough you can make it do a couple subtle variations19:58
Prock81so the above will take all caps to lowercase?19:58
Monotokois there a ubuntu package for unrealircd, or do I need to compile it?19:59
bekksProck81: No, it converts all lowercase to uppercase.19:59
kostkon!find unrealircd19:59
reisioMonotoko: inspircd is better :)19:59
ubottuFile unrealircd found in nmap19:59
reisioProck81: sorry just the opposite19:59
reisioProck81: cat file | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' > newfile20:00
Prock81thanks cat file | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' > newfile20:00
reisioyou could also do tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < original > new20:00
reisiobut that's a little nonlinear for my tastes20:00
tjjIs there a channel or website where I can ask questions about open source licenses?20:00
reisioProck81: whichever is first is from, second is to20:01
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reisioa - b - c, vs b - a -c :p20:01
MonkeyDusttjj  the open source lince is called GPL, general public licence20:02
tjjMonkeyDust: I'm trying to understand the differences between the licenses here http://opensource.org/licenses20:02
MonkeyDusttjj  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_software_licenses#Open-source.2Ffree_software_licenses -- now kindly continue in #ubuntu-offtopic20:04
tjjMonkeyDust: Thanks!20:05
fourqqfcsk  has been running for 13 hours now..ugh20:07
vedritWhats the process name for the server's full desktop manager?20:08
jibreelvmware service seems to start on startup, how could one go about disabling that? and is it safe to do ?20:08
k1l_vedrit: what? servers desktop manager?20:09
vedritk1l_: A walkthrough video for installing NVidia drivers, the person ends the process "lightdm" which, as I understand it, is one of the desktop managers. But I didn't install lightdm20:10
k1l_vedrit: i would not rely my server configuration on a YT video.20:10
k1l_vedrit: is this a server or is this a desktop?20:11
vedritk1l_: Server. I've tried installing the drivers through the Additional Drivers, but it keeps failing20:11
k1l_why do you need nvidia drivers on a server?20:11
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vedritDoes it hurt anything to have them?20:12
bekksWhat do you need them for?20:12
k1l_in most cases its no needed. so that is why i ask.20:12
vedritI'm of the "just in case" mindset20:12
bekksvedrit: Without a graphical environment, you cant even use them.20:13
vedritbeing completely new to Linux and Ubuntu, I want to make sure everything has what it needs20:13
reisiothey actually could come in handy for media processing20:13
reisioor y'know, bitcoin nonsense20:13
reisioother not-naturally-done-by-gpu things20:13
vedritbekks: I am running a graphical environment20:13
Nach0zbitcoinz woo20:13
newhite_I'm glad I'm not the only one brand new to Ubuntu20:13
bekksvedrit: Well, then why dont you use the 12.04 desktop?20:14
k1l_vedrit: a desktop just needs resources that are would be free for the server tasks. so most servers dont run a desktop20:14
MonkeyDustnewhite_  we have new enthousiasts every day20:14
reisioI'd probably be happy with nouveau over hear, but I'm pretty sure the vdpau support for the binary driver is far superior20:14
reisioover here*20:14
vedritI run it with a desktop because I have no idea what in the world I'm doing otherwise20:14
k1l_vedrit: but if you want to run a desktop (which i dont recommend on a server) then you can install the drivers20:14
newhite_Monkeydust thanks!20:14
jhutchinsvedrit: learn.20:15
vedritjhutchins: sage advice. Thanks. Note the sarcasm20:15
jhutchinsvedrit: Running a GUI on a desktop introduces vulnerabilities, particularly to user error.20:15
newhite_my first question is when hit ctr + alt + F2, it seems to be a task manger of sorts.  How do you leave that application?20:15
vedrityeah, cause there wouldn't be any user error when entering commands that I don't understand20:16
jhutchinsvedrit: It also restricts usage and options to something someone else has thought of for you.20:16
bekksnewhite_: Thats no task manager, but the second virtual termina.20:16
geniinewhite_: ctrl-alt-f720:16
jhutchinsvedrit: The advantage of entering incorrect commands is that the most likely outcome is nothing.20:16
k1l_vedrit: everyone started as a beginner. just read about every command you want to activate20:16
newhite_Thanks, I guess I didn't go far enough down the function keys to find that out myself20:17
vedritjhutchins: unless it's about putting things in wrong directories, making them either completely unusable or giving me more work down the road for anything that might require whatever I put in said directory20:17
bekksvedrit: You can even read about what specific directories are for.20:18
k1l_vedrit: how do you want to learn how to use a server if you will never use a server?20:18
vedritWhat about stuff that doesn't have a directory20:18
bekksvedrit: There is no such stuff.20:18
daftykinsthen you can learn how no distribution agrees where to put things ¬_¬20:19
vedritYou're kidding, right? There's a whole slew of services that create their own directory or get placed somewhere20:19
vedritBesides, I don't even know how to get rid of the desktop environment at this point20:19
bekksvedrit: I am not kidding. Everythin is placed in some directory.20:19
vedritshort of re-installing the whole system which I would really like to avoid, considering how much trouble I had getting it to work20:20
bekksvedrit: You can just uninstall it, if you like.20:20
MonkeyDustvedrit  in linux, everything is a file, files sit in directories20:20
bekksvedrit: using apt-get20:20
vedritbut I don't know what it's called20:20
k1l_vedrit: then learn about it while you are reading documentation and wiki pages20:21
k1l_vedrit: again: no one started as a professional. but you need to start learning at some point20:21
jhutchinsvedrit: The problems you list are much more likely if you use a gui to manage the server.20:21
Pudgevedrit: sudo rm -rf / , then u will have the totally peaceful world20:22
jhutchinsvedrit: Ctrl-Alt-F1 and there you are, a console.  Or open an xterm.  Or ssh to the server.20:22
vedritIf problems are fixable, then I can deal with it. At least with GUI I can actually -see- what I'm doing20:22
MonkeyDustPudge  silly joke, vedrit ignore that20:22
jhutchinsvedrit: You can keep the GUI around as a crutch while you learn, but when you're ready to let go, /etc/init.d/gdm stop20:22
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!20:22
jhutchinsk1l_: Really?20:23
zykotick9Pudge: your remove command is dumb to suggest - but it won't actually work either, the kernel tries to protect / these days.20:23
daftykinsdon't forkbomb yourself either :(20:23
vedritThank you jhutchins, that's more like what I would like to know. If ever I want to remove it, gdm is what I need to know20:23
jhutchinsk1l_: Ah, different reference.20:23
orzo88Hi everyone20:23
bekksvedrit: gdm is the display manager, not your graphical environment.20:23
jhutchinsk1l_: On which note he seems to have left.  Good riddance.20:23
orzo88Is anybody else having problems with the new gnome update in 13.4?20:24
k1l_jhutchins: not talking about your command. but the rm command20:24
jhutchinsk1l_: Saw that.   He's been giving bad advice most of the day.20:24
orzo88I can see my desktop, but gnome isnt loading anymore20:24
jhutchinsorzo88: Great, you're making progress then!20:25
vedritbekks: If gdm is the display manager, then whats the graphical environment?20:25
jhutchinsorzo88: Or was gnome the actual goal?20:25
orzo88So its a big problem for everyone then?20:25
orzo88I just did a system update and now gnome wont load at all20:25
jhutchinsorzo88: Sorry, being sarcastic about gnome.  Which release?20:25
bekksvedrit: Unity, XFCE, KDE, LXDE, Gnome, etc.20:26
bekksvedrit: And those are not package names.20:26
orzo88I dont know, im new to Linux, i just used the default system update20:26
orzo88Whichever is default in 13.420:26
jhutchinsvedrit: gdm is from gnome, but it can load pretty much any desktop.20:26
vedritbekks: Is is possible to find out which environment package I installed, then remove it (At a future date) ?20:27
orzo88After the system update today I can see the folders on my desktop but no side or top bar20:27
k1l_vedrit: see in /var/log/apt what you did install20:27
jhutchinsorzo88: So, probably gnome but not the taskbar or the panel.20:27
orzo88I cant even launch the terminal, is there a keyboard shortcut?20:27
Slugzectrl +alt +t20:28
jhutchinsorzo88: Does alt-f2 work in gnome?20:28
bekksvedrit: Yes.20:28
orzo88There we go, thanks. I have the terminal now20:28
newhite_I'm attempting to find the location an application is installed at20:28
newhite_how do I find it?20:28
jhutchinsvedrit: Harsh as we may have been, I don't suggest you go cold turkey, just make command line literacy your goal.20:28
orzo88What should I type to see what i just installed in20:29
jhutchinsnewhite_: dpkg -L package20:29
orzo88 The update20:29
vedritI mainly want to know how to remove the environment for future knowledge, for when I am ready to go full command line20:29
jhutchinsorzo88: I think you can find a log in /var/log - not sure which one, should be obvious.20:29
newhite_I updated the repository by adding a deb  file.  Then I used sudo apt-get update20:29
newhite_ok I'll look in the log20:29
orzo88What do I type to show that?20:29
orzo88Sorry, im a total unix scrub20:30
newhite_jhutchins thanks, I'll try that first20:30
jhutchinsvedrit: If you turn off gdm, and tell it not to start by default, you don't really need to remove it, but ...20:30
jhutchins!remove gnome20:30
DrDamnitHow do I connect to Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS over ssh with X11 forwarding? I just realized I've been trying to use gnome-session... but 12.04 uses Unity not gnome.20:30
jhutchinsDang, this is what I get for lurking in multiple channels, I forget which bot knows what.20:30
jhutchinsubottu: remove gnome?20:30
ubottujhutchins: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:30
vedritI see install commands for both gdm and ubuntu-desktop. Are they seperate, or is ubuntu-desktop reliant on gdm?20:30
crypticmofohow do i get a shell / terminal at the ubuntu installer ?20:31
daftykinsDrDamnit: ssh -X ?20:31
jhutchinsvedrit: SLightly outdated, but generally true:  To remove or purge GNOME 2.x: aptitude remove ~nlibgnome ~nlibbonobo2 ~nliborbit2 ~nlibgnomeui ~nlibgnomevfs2.  Use 'purge' instead of 'remove' if that's what you want (ask me about <purge>).20:31
DrDamnitdaftykins: yes. ssh -X works. I log in, and get a prompt. On previous versions of Ubuntu, you just typed gnome-session, and you could get the whole desktop. With Unity, gnome-session just gives a black screen. Presumably, because it uses Unity instead of gnome.20:32
vedritwhats the difference between purge and remove?20:32
reisiocrypticmofo: CTRL+ALT+t, probs20:32
crypticmofoanyone ?20:32
daftykinsDrDamnit: oh, i have no idea why you'd want to do that20:32
reisiocrypticmofo: or hit the ubuntu icon at top left and type 'terminal'20:32
crypticmoforeisio:  im at the intaller20:32
k1l_crypticmofo: ctrl-alt-f1 or f220:33
DrDamnitdaftykins - let's assume I want to. How do I make it work?20:33
daftykinssorry, no idea20:33
reisiocrypticmofo: ah20:33
k1l_crypticmofo: come back with f720:33
xkernelRythmbox is not playing some many mp3's20:33
vedritOh, I see20:33
orzo88Is there any way to roll back the update I just installed?20:33
reisiocrypticmofo: you can probably kill the installer from what k1l_ said as well20:33
rachohow is fglrx support with ATI RV730/M96 [Mobility Radeon HD 4650/5165]? haven't been to ubuntu since 10.10 so i wonder if the prop drivers will work with this?20:33
vedritI'd probably purge them20:34
orzo88It broke my desktop20:34
k1l_reisio: that depends on what commands you start in that tty.20:34
jhutchinsorzo88: Have you tried restarting?  aptitude -f install?20:34
k1l_he didnt tell if he is in a live system20:34
orzo88Ill try that now20:34
MrElgHi folks, I have a problem with an installation today regarding the wifi connection. It simply does not detect wifi. I have checked the ip link stats, and the wlan0 is not listed there. It works however in the live session of the installer. Any help is appreciated20:35
orzo88Aptitude isnt jnstalles20:35
k1l_use apt-get instead of aptitude20:35
jhutchinsorzo88: apt-get -f install might work.20:35
reisiok1l_: hrmm?20:35
k1l_reisio: switching to a tty doesnt kill the xserver or the installer20:36
orzo88-f isnt a valid option it says20:36
reisiono I just meant he could probably kill the process of the installer, manually :)20:36
reisioif he so desired20:36
k1l_orzo88: please pastebin the whole output20:36
orzo88I cant, im on my phone irc client because I cant get to any programs other than whats on my desktop and the terminal20:37
subterfugeGoogleFu has failed me (combined with lack of knowledge in this area)  After running updates sometimes my system reboots to a command line.  I run 'startx' which normally fires up without loading gnome-panel (and who knows what else)  I then  just Ctrl+Alt+T for a terminal and 'sudo reboot' which normally fixed it...  This time that doesn't I even loaded gnome-panel and used the GUI to reboot and shutdown.  --- What's20:37
subterfugethe fix?20:37
Slugzehow can open multiple terminal using bash ( like xterm -hold -e ssh admin@remote "tail -f /var/log/file") but for multiple host?20:37
orzo88And I managed to insatll that -f thing, now what?20:38
straphi, can someone help me with efibootmgr? it's not creating any boot sources.20:38
k1l_subterfuge: dont use startx. start the dm like sudo lightdm start/stop/restart20:38
jhutchinssubterfuge: Meet orzo88. He has the same problem.20:38
reisioSlugze: clusterssh20:38
Jordan_U!details | strap20:38
ubottustrap: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:38
subterfugek1l thanks20:38
orzo88All this happened after the normal update today20:39
jhutchinsorzo88: restart.20:39
orzo88Alright, i am now20:39
subterfugejhutchins: where is he with it?20:39
k1l_subterfuge: take a look into the logs in /home/nick/.xsession-errors and the /var/log/dmesg or syslog to know what the problem is20:39
Slugzereisio,  that's what i'm using right now, but as i'm occasionally doing that on a station where i don't have root rights and where i can't install it:)20:39
subterfugek1l: ok I'll check20:39
crypticmofothanks reisio .. i have a lpatop with fn keys so i had to ctrl+alt+fn +f2 f3 whatever20:40
strapwhen i run this command 'efibootmgr -c --disk /dev/sda --part 1' to create a new boot number, it doesn't create a new boot number20:40
reisioSlugze: for loop?20:40
reisiocrypticmofo: that's cheating :p20:40
bekksSlugze: You can install it into your home.20:40
orzo88Still not fixed20:40
strapi'll try running it again with -v to see if i get any more info20:40
Slugzeno for looking what's happening in real time  on multiple remote20:41
xkernelRythmbox is not playing many mp3's , how can I debug to find the reason?20:41
tozenorzo88: was reading you messages and steel don't understand the ptroblem and what you've done? what the kind of ubuntu family do you use? what happened and where you not able to get?20:41
orzo88Is it possoble to roll back the update or repair the system if I use the boot disk?20:41
reisioSlugze: sorry I meant you could use a for loop :)20:41
orzo88Let me explain, im slow bc im typing on my phone20:41
reisiofor a in foo bar baz; do xterm whatever @$a; done20:42
Slugzereisio,  kisses **20:42
jhutchinssubterfuge: He did an apt-get (or aptitude) -f install - don't know yet that it worked, but that it did something suggests it was needed.20:42
reisioonly you'd need like, nohup xterm blah > /dev/null20:42
Jordan_Ustrap: Why are you trying to add an entry manually? Why aren't you specifying a loader ( --loader)?20:42
Slugze(did not tought about that , pff ) thanks20:42
orzo88I use the default gnome in ubuntu 13.4. After I did the system update today I can see the folders directly on my desktop, but no gnome sidebar or top bar with the clock20:42
jhutchinssubterfuge: No, didn't fix.20:42
orzo88If I click on a folder I can see my files, but its a bit like Windows when explorer crashes20:43
orzo88Thats the best a linux noob like me can explain it20:43
jhutchinsorzo88: Those components have specific names, I just don't know what they are (I run kde/xfce).20:44
reisioorzo88: sounds like compiz/unity isn't running20:44
orzo88Is there a way to rollback the update?20:44
reisioalas I don't know their names, either20:44
reisiocheck ls /usr/bin/*unity* /usr/bin/*compiz*20:44
daftykinsno, you wouldn't want to either20:44
tozenorzo88: sudo apt-get install dconf && dconf reset -f /org/compiz/20:45
reisioyou wouldn't want to at this point I dare say20:45
Jordan_Ustrap: Does that efibootmgr command print any error messages?20:45
subterfugejhutchins: I am going to go try a few things ... I am having to work from the affected system so it will be a bit but I will update you all if I find a fix... also if you all beet me to it please hang around for 10 min or so and let me know what works20:45
orzo88Ill try that now tozen20:45
jhutchinsorzo88: Can you get an xterm or Run Command box?20:45
kostkonorzo88, try resetting your unity: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html20:45
strapJordan_U: because during installation it's not adding one automatically,  and because it slipped my mind. adding a loader still does nothing, though20:45
strapand no, no error messages.20:45
jhutchinsorzo88: kostkon's suggestion looks good.20:46
orzo88Package dconf has no install canidate20:46
kostkonorzo88, you can get into tty, by pressing ctrl+alt+f4. you go back to the desktop with ctrl+alt+f720:46
phobiacSo... I've got a server I've been asked to update that is still on natty (11.04). I'd like to get it updated to the latest LTS release but natty is old enough that isn't supported anymore. What are my options for updating?20:46
orzo88Ill try kostkons thing now20:46
tozenjhutchins: unity in standart gnome?20:46
zykotick9!eolupdate | phobiac20:46
zykotick9!eolupgrade | phobiac20:47
ubottuphobiac: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:47
orzo88And yes jhutchins i can run the terminal thru the keyboard shortcut20:47
jhutchinstozen: Not me, subterfuge & orzo8820:47
phobiacAha! Thank you zykotick9.20:47
tozenjhutchins: orzo88 said hes got standart gnome in use not unity ;)20:48
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jhutchinsorzo88: Someone suggested running killall gnome-panel, or if that doesn't restart gnome, just run gnome-panel &20:48
newhite_How do you look at the log file ?20:48
daftykinswhich log file?20:49
Slugzenewhite_,  cat or tail -f or less /var/log/logfilename -( say wyou want the system logfile , it would be /var/log/syslog .  To see about every log on ubuntu, it's ls -l /var/log20:50
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newhite_Slugze thanks20:50
Slugzenewhite_,  pay attention some soft place their log elsewhere , you'll have to check the soft conf to be sure20:51
orzo88Ok, so I did the stuff on that page20:52
newhite_Slugze my need is in reference to cassandra.  the system.log is located in /var/log/cassandra/20:52
orzo88And when I tried to restart unity20:52
newhite_Slugze I lucked out this time20:52
orzo88I get a whole bunch of fatal NULL errors20:52
vedritOkay, I'm trying to get my second drive shared on my network, and while everything seems to be good on the server, I can't access it on any other computer, and the Ubuntu guide for Samaba isn't much help because I can't edit the smb.conf file20:52
tozenorzo88: just restart your pc20:53
newhite_hello sleepyrussian20:53
sleepyrussianall the video editing software i downloaded are crappy and crash20:53
orzo88Restarting now20:53
sleepyrussiancan you recoment a video editing software?20:53
jackarghey, can ayone give me guiance: I want to install windows 8 on my ubuntu machine. I'd like a good tutorial. Also, I would like to install backtrack as well, will that make it even more difficult?20:53
tozensleepyrussian: kak sam, brat?20:54
sleepyrussiantozen i am not russian20:54
=== sleepyrussian is now known as sleepyotter
orzo88still didnt work20:54
tozensleepyotter: avidemux20:55
orzo88Whats weird is that at the login screen20:55
orzo88I can see the top bar with the clock20:55
orzo88But when I login it dissapears20:55
xkernelRhythmbox is not playing mp3  or adding them to the library, I have ubuntu restricted extras installed20:55
daftykinsjackarg: backtrack is dead, plus windows support is in ##windows20:56
tozenorzo88: well let me understand you. what do u use unity or gnome?20:56
orzo88I use the gnome thats default with 13.0420:56
jackargdaftykins what is the new backtrack? plus i think people here are capable of helping me, it's a question of grub and dual boot20:56
daftykinsdoubt they will though :)20:57
=== Companion is now known as companion
tozenorzo88:  without side launcher, is it right?20:57
JN_how to instal chrome for ubuntu 11.04 ?20:57
bekksJN_: 11.04 isnt supported anymore.20:57
k1l!eol | JN_20:57
ubottuJN_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:57
subterfugejhutchine   k1l : running "sudo lightdm' fired everything up just as it should have.  Where would I add that to included it in start up20:57
orzo88I usually have a bar on the left side of the screen thats sort of like a start menu and a top bar similar to whats in OSX20:58
duxbI'm running a web site that's all perl .cgi scripts in /var/www/foo/cgi-bin, where they work fine. I'm trying to modify my apache config using Rewrite directives so that example.com/foo/bar directs to /var/www/foo/cgi-bin/bar.cgi20:58
jhutchinsjackarg: Installing backtrack or whatever, see their support.  Usually you install Windows first, then Ubuntu, the Ubuntu installer handles that.  If you want to install WIndows second, you're pretty much on your own as Microsoft doesn't support it.20:58
duxband nothing is working20:58
duxbany help?20:58
tozenorzo88:  so thats means you have unity in use. ok20:58
orzo88Well, normally anyway I guess20:59
jhutchinsjackarg: You can try creating an ntfs partition and seeing if Windows will see that and install to it, but windows' only option might be to wipe out your ubuntu.20:59
tozenorzo88: did you tried unity --replace20:59
k1l!backtrack | jackarg20:59
ubottujackarg: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)20:59
Toph2JN_,,, Ubuntu Software Center20:59
orzo88Yes, i get a bunch of text that ends with "segmentation fault"20:59
k1lToph2: not for 11.04 anymore21:00
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sleepyotteris there a channel for discussing ivdeo making in linux?21:00
tozenorzo88: and there in no changes?21:00
tozenafter rebooting21:00
Toph2k1l,,, i see21:00
orzo88I cant eve drag the terminal window around, it glitches out to hell and slows if I try21:01
jackargI'm trying to do this so that wow can run faster and smoother on my relatively low power pc. any other options?21:01
Slugzebuy a new pc?21:01
daftykinsjackarg: dualbooting tends to be best done by having Windows on first21:01
orzo88Not even after rebooting21:01
subterfugek1l: running sudo lightdm worked for me, how would I make that run on boot everytime?21:02
k1ljackarg: i dont see any ubuntu related question in this windows and backtrack szenario. please see their supports for further guideance21:02
tozenwell what else we can try is manially remove compiz config file using rm -rf ~/.config/compiz-1/compizconfig/*21:02
xkernelRhythmbox is not playing mp3  or adding them to the library, I have ubuntu restricted extras installed21:03
orzo88Ill try that now21:03
k1lsubterfuge: lightdm (or gdm or kdm or or or) should be run automatically. see the logs what happens at the startup21:03
duxborzo88: in case you didn't know, you can always get to a terminal by hitting Ctrl+Alt+F1 ( or F2-F6 ). Hitting Ctrl+Alt+F7 will bring you back to the GUI21:03
reisiodid you determine if unity/compiz is even running yet?21:03
jackargk1l I have ubuntu and I want to install windows in dual boot that's all21:03
orzo88I can open the terminal with the keyboard shortcut21:04
orzo88And tozen, i did that, now what?21:04
tozenorzo88: logout -->>login21:04
jackargdaftykins it was extremely hard to dual boot with windows 8 and I failed21:04
duxbanybody have any experience with mod_rewrite in apache?21:04
reisioduxb: #httpd21:04
orzo88Is there a keyboard shortcut for logging out?21:05
orzo88Or command21:05
duxbreisio: thanks, I was looking for #apache, and it had one person in it21:05
jhutchinsorzo88: CTRL-ALT-Delete sometimes works.21:05
strapJordan_U: sorry, I was rebooting to confirm that I can't change anything21:05
Jordan_Ujackarg: Please pastebin the output of "lsb_release -a".21:06
jhutchinsorzo88: Ctrl-D in a terminal/console21:06
orzo88Did that and logged back in, no change21:06
Jordan_Ustrap: Is your EFI System Partition mounted at /boot/efi/?21:06
daftykinsjackarg: so you're hoping putting 8 on after ubuntu will be easier?21:06
jhutchinsorzo88: What did you want a logout command/shortcut for?  Console?21:06
tozenorzo88: well let me think but im not sure i have some ideas more pal...21:07
bazhangduxb, its #httpd21:07
orzo88Would it be possible to install and switch to a different desktop enviro from the terminal?21:07
subterfugek1l: if I past bin the output of .xsession-errors would you be able to take a look.  It is a little over my head at this point21:07
jackargdaftykins I'd just like to give it another try. I failed with the first option, but I really need windows. I have the licence for w8 so idk...hey I'm here for guidance if you say I can't do it I can't but that's all there is to it21:08
strapJordan_U: that's what it says in my fstab21:08
jackargJordan_U: "no LSB modules are available"21:08
duxbreisio, bazhang: I joined that channel, but when I try to chat there, it says "Cannot send to channel", any ideas?21:09
bazhang!register | duxb21:09
k1lduxb: register with freenode and login21:09
ubottuduxb: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:09
k1l!paste | subterfuge21:09
ubottusubterfuge: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:09
tozenorzo88: ??21:11
subterfugek1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6007969/21:11
orzo88That isnt doable?21:12
tozenwhen you start your ubuntu do you see on kernel or more?21:12
k1lsubterfuge: you got encryption?21:12
Jordan_Ujackarg:Did you forget the "-a"?21:12
subterfugek1l: yes21:13
k1lsubterfuge: hmm, im not familiar with that :/21:13
orzo88it starts normally and goes to the login screen just fine21:13
orzo88Its when I login that the trouble starts21:13
tozenorzo88: well i mean do you see grub menu or no\/21:13
jackargJordan_U http://pastebin.com/uTD0DLry21:14
subterfugek1l: everything is working on that even, everything decrypts fine... it is just not making it to the GUI21:14
Jordan_Ustrap: What is the output of "sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi"?21:14
orzo88I dunno what those are, im a linux scrub :(21:14
Jordan_Ustrap: I will be gone for about half an hour.21:14
strapJordan_U: ok well before you go i'm in a live session so do i chroot first?21:15
tozenorzo88:  ok when you rebooting you system just push on Shift key and hold it till you see GRUB menu with some boot options just have a check is there any more kernels aviable to boot or one only?21:16
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xkernelRhythmbox is not playing mp3  or adding them to the library, I have ubuntu restricted extras installed21:16
vedritOkay. I need help again. I'm trying to share my second drive through Samba. I've followed the guides, but I still can't access it on any other computer21:17
zaggynlwoo got amd multi monitor to work!21:17
MonkeyDustvedrit  try gigolo, it's a nice GUI21:18
uhelphow do I stop ubuntu from "helping" me by mounting drives -- especially when they are already mounted21:18
uhelpthis is a terrible "feature" ... I feel 12.04.2 is way way worse than 8.0421:18
gryuhelp: No, this is a terrible default. Features are still there as before, and you can turn them on or off.21:19
gryuhelp: Possibly a bug, rather, since mounting a drive that's already mounted is not a desired default.21:19
vedritMonkeyDust: The hosting machine is Ubuntu, all other computers are Windows21:19
uhelpgry: how do I turn this off -- thank you21:19
subterfugek1l: any harm in running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm'21:19
gryuhelp: What triggers the automount in your case?21:20
k1lsubterfuge: no21:20
uhelpgry: the auto-mount appears to be triggered after a period of time but I am not sure21:20
uhelpit happened twice21:20
gryuhelp: See here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB#Configuring_Automounting21:20
gry... if that's your case... if not USB, please specify so.21:21
uhelpgry: going to your link21:21
uhelpgry: it is usb (usb-3 if it matters and I on on a Lenovo W530)21:21
gryOk, I think it should be useful.21:21
uhelpgry: I mount the drive with something like sudo mount /dev/sdx /mount_here21:21
gryStrange. Would guess the system either have automount on, and you find yourself too late, or has it off (in which case it's a non-issue).21:22
uhelpgry: later it mounts the (already mounted) drive in some place like /media/f46b347f-9167-4456-a6eb-60001720bdfa21:22
Jordan_Ustrap: Yes, make sure that /boot/efi/ is mounted properly in the chroot though, as well as bind mounting /dev/ /proc/ and /sys/ (or use grub-install's --boot-directory option outside of the chroot).21:24
strapJordan_U: alright well i did that and this is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6008011/21:25
jfactorsetting up dual monitors in ubuntu with AMD/ATI, when I go to fullscreen in an application using alt-enter (in dosbox for example) the monitors become mirrored, I really just want to fullscreen to go to one monitor. Can anyone offer a solution or point me to the proper chatroom?21:25
zykotick9jfactor: the old way, would be to use a NULL value in your xorg.conf... it's been too long since i've done it, so no real details to share.  but with the NULL, it will auto-disable 1 monitor when a program requests a specific resolution.21:29
jfactorzykotick9:thanks that might be a temporary solution but my hope was that I could still use the secondary monitor at the same time21:30
stylesI formated a 1tb to ntfs that worked. Then I tried ext4 and it's saying is apparently in use by the system21:30
stylesI can format it to NTFS though fine21:31
zykotick9jfactor: allowing the mouse to travel to both monitors (in some games) may NOT be what you really want... but good luck!21:31
bluefox83styles: make sure it's unmounted first >.>21:31
stylesbluefox83, it's not mounted lol21:31
jfactorzykotick9: thanks21:32
bluefox83make sure that fsck or something isn't still running in the background, checking the drive for errors21:32
bekksbluefox83: fsck runs on unmounted fs only.21:33
bekksbluefox83: Otherwise, it cant fix errors, when the fs is mounted read-write.21:33
stylesbluefox83, k21:33
=== iceqb is now known as ice__qb_
newhite_How do I update java from java1.6.0_25 to Java1.7.0_25?21:33
bluefox83bekks: that's why styles needs to check to make sure it's not running...21:33
bekks!java | newhite_21:34
ubottunewhite_: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.21:34
stylesbluefox83, it's not21:34
bluefox83well something is using it...21:34
stylesI don't think so21:34
stylesI can format to NTFS it doesn't error out like that21:35
stylesBut on EXT2-3-4/s it does21:35
bluefox83what is that command...i think it's like lsof -l | grep /dev/drive21:35
newhite_ubottu thanks.  I need the JDK.21:35
ubottunewhite_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:35
geniinewhite_: Alternately, there's the webupd8 team PPA which has all the Oracle Java versions21:35
styleslsof: WARNING: can't stat() tmpfs file system /cow21:35
styles      Output information may be incomplete.21:35
bluefox83you're running in a livecd then?21:36
newhite_genili I'll try the link sent by the bot.  Then I'll explore webupd821:36
stylesbluefox83, yeah trying to get my data transfered before I reformat21:36
bluefox83i'm doing the same thing hehe21:36
stylesI have 2 drives and I'm trying to store it on 1 from the other then reformat21:37
stylesany lucky?21:37
bluefox83eh, i'm using rsync across my network. it's slow but it's getting the job done21:37
stylesboth are internal drives21:37
stylesin this case21:37
stylesif I install first then try and format the drives, should it be ok?21:37
bluefox83it will format the one you're installing to21:38
bluefox83but any other drives/partitions wont21:38
bluefox83you'd still need to format them if that's what you want to do21:38
stylesbluefox83, yeah but I'm not really able to format it21:38
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subterfugek1l: no joy with that... has anyone else fixed this yet while I was gone21:39
stylesI guess not w/ a live cd?21:39
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bluefox83eh, you'll be able to...i think you likely just need to restart21:39
bluefox83livecds can be wierd sometimes21:39
stylesTried that alraedy21:39
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bluefox83really? O.o21:39
holsteinlive cd is what i would use to format it.. from gparted21:39
stylesholstein, what file format?21:39
holsteinstyles: whatever is required21:40
bluefox83holstein is right21:40
stylesyeah bluefox83  I've been dealing w/ this for a few days now lol21:40
bluefox83me too!21:40
holsteingparted does many formats.. when gparted has failed is when the hard drive is failing21:40
stylesholstein, works fine on windows though21:40
holsteinstyles: test the hard drive21:40
holsteinstyles: i use a live CD and do a smart test21:40
bluefox83my problem is that i keep having issues with bad sectors...on a very large drive (1tb WD drive)21:40
stylesI'll run that now holstein21:41
stylesbluefox83, I have a 1tb wd as well21:41
styleserr 221:41
stylesboth are giving me massive issues on ubuntu21:41
stylesDaemon is inhibited21:41
bluefox83i wonder if there wasn't a recent update in the kernels or something that's causing it?21:41
holsteinstyles: what daemon?21:42
stylesYeah smart check isn't really working21:42
holsteinstyles: ?21:42
stylesWell it runs really fast21:42
holsteinstyles: i do a test, and the test takes over an hour21:42
stylesyeah takes 30 seconds lol21:42
stylesand most things are N/A21:42
holsteinstyles: then, do the long test, from a live CD21:42
holsteinstyles: i diagnostic live CD21:43
stylesYou mean a SMART self-test extended right?21:43
stylesI'm on a live cd now21:43
holsteinstyles: i mean, literally whatever test gives me the information i need.. if one doesnt work, or run, i move on21:43
holsteinstyles: looks good, friend.. are you deciding to rule out hardware failure then?21:48
stylesholstein, yeah I'm like spinning in circles not really knowing where to go from here21:48
holsteinstyles: try saying what you are trying to do21:48
stylesMy last attempt was format it to NTFS (it will do this), then I restart GParted and it's marked as not working21:49
stylesAnd it never mounts21:49
holsteinwhy ntfs?21:49
stripehi all, I have a question if you can help, can the menus be put back on the windows from the task-bar without having to perform a 3rd party hack? cheers21:49
holsteini woudnt ask windows to make me an ext formatted drive21:49
stylesBecause EXT2-3-4 aren't even an option. It says it's busy21:49
reisioI wouldn't ask it to do anything :D21:49
stylesI'm on a live cd21:49
stylesubuntu live cd 12.0421:50
bluefox83reisio: me either :p21:50
reisiostripe: I think so21:50
holsteinstyles: they *are* an option21:50
holsteinstyles: elaborate as to what you are trying to do and why21:50
stripethanks reisio21:50
jhutchinsstyles: It might be a good idea to power off and check the cabling, re-seat it.21:50
stylesjhutchins, I can.. but it works fine in my windows partition21:51
stripeis it a new drive?21:51
holsteinor, replace the cables if you have spares21:51
stylesUh I guess? I mean few months21:51
reisiostripe: check the tweak tool21:51
stylesNever worked under ubuntu21:51
bluefox83jhutchins: your nick reminds me of someoen i am related to >.>21:51
holsteinstyles: what never worked where?21:51
stylesI have two drives, both NTFS (built in windows) tried to initially mount them using ntfs-3g21:51
stylesThe drives never worked under Ubuntu21:51
holsteinstyles: ntfs doesnt 'auto mount" with write privs21:51
stylesRight. I couldn't even get them to mount as read only21:51
holsteinstyles: i use whatever i want where ever i want, and it works as i make it work21:51
holsteinstyles: try now, and report the errors.. try from the command line and give the *exact* errors21:52
holsteinstyles: or, try another format.. or other cables. or other machine.. or other live CD. or other operating system21:52
miebster_atwork_I'm mounting nfs from my /etc/fstab.  The mount directory is owned by root after the drive is mounted.  How can I make it owned by my user?21:52
holsteinstyles: try not sitting still, and talking about what is not happening..21:52
OerHeksstyles windows 8 by any chance?21:52
stripepartition table?21:53
holsteinstyles: make something happen.. if you want ntfs format, format it ntsf and mount and share errors21:53
stylesthat's the fdisk output21:53
holsteinstyles: the devices dosnt have a valid partition table.. did you address that?21:54
holsteinstyles: did you "fix" the partition table? in the menu? in gparted?21:55
stylesTrying right now, but not exactly working. I've removed all the partitions from the drive. Applied it. So I have 1tb unallocated.21:56
stylesNow if I attempt to allocate it to new partition it will error out.  "/dev/sdc1 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!"21:57
stylesThis was EXT4 if I try NTFS it will work, BUT it wont mount.21:57
holsteinstyles: in gparted, i select "device" - "create a partition table"21:58
holsteinstyles: i "fix" that.. then, i make whatever partition i want, and format. then i mount21:58
holsteinif i wanted an ntfs partition, and i had windows around, i would let windows do it21:59
zykotick9miebster_atwork_: IF, your user IDs are the same on client/server - then just change it on the server.  most likely, you'll probably just want to give the Other group r/w.21:59
nyuszika7hhi, I've been trying to find a solution ever since I installed Ubuntu 2 weeks ago - the alert sound when a program triggers a bell does not work. it works in the sound settings, but when a program triggers a bell, nothing happens...22:00
nyuszika7husing Ubuntu 13.0422:00
kwtmHi. If I have a file "brmfcfaxcups-1.0.0-1.i386.deb" and I want to see if that file has been installed, how do I check?  I do not know the name of the package that this *.deb file represents (otherwise I could do "apt-cache policy <package name>");  I guess I need to somehow find the package name from this .deb file and then search for this package?22:00
stylesholstein, thank you and bluefox83 I'm going to restart and try this22:01
nyuszika7hmy guess would be it's called brmfcfaxcups22:01
holsteinkwtm: i might just look in a package manager like synaptic22:01
kwtmholstein: What does that mean, "look in"?  Would synaptic be able to tell me the name of a package of a file I separately downloaded, not from a standardf repository?22:02
kwtmnyuszika7h: Good guess; I would guess the same.  How would I verify this?22:02
nyuszika7hnot sure, tried `apt-cache policy brmfcfaxcups`?22:02
holsteinkwtm: i would open synaptic and search and see if the package is installed22:03
kwtmnyuszika7h: Yes, tried.22:03
kwtmholstein: Search for what package?  I am trying to determine the package name: as I said:     " I do not know the name of the package that this *.deb file represents (otherwise I could do "apt-cache policy <package name>")"22:03
Dr_Willis!info apt-file22:03
ubottuapt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 26 kB, installed size 136 kB22:03
holsteinkwtm: synaptic would be able to see a *.deb file that ws installed..22:03
zykotick9kwtm: "dpkg -c brmfcfaxcups-1.0.0-1.i386.deb" should list the contents... might give come clues.22:03
kwtmDr_Willis: Thank you, will try.22:04
nyuszika7hor dpkg -I22:04
Dr_Willisif you used the package manager tools to install the .deb  holstein  yes.22:04
kwtmzykotick9: Thanks.22:04
nyuszika7h`dpkg -I brmfcfaxcups-1.0.0-1.i386.deb`, more specifically22:04
miebster_atwork_zykotick9: I think you misunderstood22:04
holsteinDr_Willis: i shouldnt assume..22:04
miebster_atwork_zykotick9: the server lets me write to it, but on my client I have to type "sudo touch foo" to write to it, because on my client it shows up as "root" owned once its mounted22:04
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zykotick9miebster_atwork_: ahhh, even after re-reading your question... i still have the same answer???  right, so on the server side, change the permission to allow OTHER to read/write (i go to great lengths to be sure my main user is 1000 on all systems, to avoid this problem with NFS)22:06
Vinnie_winWhy is it so damn hard to grab the edge of the terminal window for a resize, especially the right side where the scrollbar thumb always appears out of nowhere at the worst time?22:06
douglcan anyone recommend a way to customize grub...       ?     ?22:06
miebster_atwork_zykotick9: I have nothing to do with the server side, again you are mis understanding me22:06
reisiodougl: in what way?22:06
zykotick9miebster_atwork_: ok sorry, i can't help you.  good luck.22:06
holstein!grub | dougl i suggest leaving it alone22:07
reisioVinnie_win: you can disable the scrollbar thing :)22:07
ubottudougl i suggest leaving it alone: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:07
kwtmThanks all.  Able to list .deb file contents but still not able to find the official name of the package that would be installed once I install the .deb file, but I've got enough to keep me going.  Will continue to check.  Thx!22:07
miebster_atwork_zykotick9: I have a directory on my system /opt/foobar ,it is owned by my user account user1, when the nfs is mounted, the directory says its owned by root, when the mount happens, the owner of the dir changes22:07
douglreisio, just did a distupgrade after installing a new drive with windows on it and I guess there was a kernel in the update adn when grub went auto learning it found it and configd so I can dual boot but the menu looks a little hideous...22:07
wilee-nileedougl, The boot splash?22:07
douglerr grub 222:07
Vinnie_winreisio: Is there a way to just always have the scrollbar like Windows / Mac? And how do I make the border thicker? it seems like you have to land on exactly 1 pixel to get a resize cursor.22:07
wilee-nileegrub menu that is22:08
douglwilee-nilee, that would be nice22:08
zykotick9miebster_atwork_: "i understand", but i still can't help you.  good luck (don't include my nic in future, hopefully someone else has an answer for you)22:08
wilee-nileedougl, There was a thread on the ubuntu forums and if you look on the web there is stuff, be careful is all and know how to be able to purge and reinstall grub.22:08
miebster_atwork_Can somsone show me an fstab entry that mounts an NFS share as read/write and leaves the owner of the mount point as the user (and doesn't change it to root?) surely this can't be a rare use case?22:09
reisiodougl: you can do a lot with it, including just hiding it if you want22:09
wilee-nileedougl, You can easily change the background22:09
douglwilee-nilee, now that ypou mention it... why fix it if it aint broken... it is not even up there for a munute22:09
reisioVinnie_win: right it's intended for you to use the pop out thing by default22:09
wilee-nileedougl, I just used a cool background, but yeah I would agree.22:10
douglI thot the background would have been easy...22:10
reisioVinnie_win: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-disable-overlay-scrollbars-in.html :)22:10
wilee-nileeI have hal the computer eye in mine from 2001 space odessey22:10
reisioVinnie_win: and in general if you want a more Windows-like experience, you might want to switch from Unity to Xfce, or KDE, or GNOME 3 with some heavy modification22:10
alfonsojonIs Ubuntu Touch just glorified Android?22:12
alfonsojonOr is it it's own OS?22:12
Vinnie_winreisio: I'd like to mess with the Ubuntu installation as little as possible to be honest22:12
holstein!touch | alfonsojon22:13
ubottualfonsojon: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch22:13
holsteinalfonsojon: its not android22:13
alfonsojonI know but it seems to use components from it22:13
alfonsojonwell then again, this enables more devices22:13
holsteinalfonsojon: like, the linux kernel?22:13
alfonsojonI heard it uses SurfaceFlinger22:13
alfonsojoninstead of mir22:13
alfonsojonThe reason is so that proprietary Android device GPU drivers work on it22:14
alfonsojonI'm not sure if this is true though22:14
Dr_Willisive heard it has its own challen for discussion of the Touch OS. ;)22:14
holsteinalfonsojon: i would have to refer to the resources i linked for you22:14
alfonsojonI'm heading over to #ubuntu-touch22:14
alfonsojondidn't realise it had its own channel already22:14
Dr_Willisand ill belive it when i actually see the devices out. ;)   but im a a bit of a sckeptic with n ew hardware these days22:15
kwtm2Where do I put/modify permission to use USB devices?  It can't find my USB scanner.  With an earlier version of Ubuntu I used to be able to modify a file called /etc/udev/rules.d/40-basic-permissions.rules  but that file no longer exists.  Is it moved to a different place? (Currently using 12.04 LTS)22:15
holsteinkwtm2: you shouldnt need to.. try just using a scanning application22:16
kwtm2holstein: Tried. Error: not detected. What now?22:16
holsteinkwtm2: could be a few things.. i would load the distro that was working with the scanner live (assuming that is a possibility.. and see that the device is not broken. i would then run "lsusb" in the current setup, and see that the device is there22:18
zykotick9kwtm2: in a terminal, if you type "groups" are you in the scanner group?  [dangerous, but if you use gksudo with your scanner application, does it find the scanner?]22:18
holsteini would then, take that line to a search engine and do "scanner version ubuntu version" and see if anything helpful comes up.. or you can ask here22:18
geniiAlternately, plugdev group.22:18
crankharderwhy ntp no work? https://gist.github.com/crankharder/bdac1d98888ccb87bb4b22:20
diphtherialhello; is it possible to mount a usb drive while you're booted into the liveCD, and if so how would you go about it...?22:20
holsteincrankharder: a time server?22:20
diphtherialmounting storage is still a mystery to me :\ i'm not sure what the process is that you're supposed to take to do it22:20
wilee-nileediphtherial, plug it in it should just mount22:20
bekkscrankharder: Wrong syntax. Correct syntax: sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org22:21
diphtherialah, wait, i think he's just at the root recovery prompt...22:21
eden_Anyone know a good way to identify songs?22:21
diphtherial(apologies, attempting to advise someone remotely)22:21
holsteineden_: by title22:21
diphtheriallet me get some more information and then i'll ask a more reasonable question22:21
zykotick9bekks: fyi, using ntpdate IF the user has ntpd running, is a bad idea...22:21
eden_holstein, you listen it to a movie22:22
delinquentmedoes anyone else happen to have a track pad thats a little too liberal in its movement?22:22
bekkszykotick9: Yeah, I know that.22:22
wilee-nilee!anyone | delinquentme22:22
ubottudelinquentme: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:22
zykotick9bekks: ok, just checkin' ;)22:22
holsteineden_: you want to know the music from a movie? i would search that online22:22
bekkszykotick9: ;)22:22
delinquentmeI know im hitting spaces and sometimes my cursor leaps to wholly different places OTHER than its intended location ... Is there a solution for this?22:22
delinquentmeits kind of an annoyance ... and in code can be really detrimental22:23
moondogdelinquentme: disable the trackpad in the bios22:23
eden_holstein, if you are using android then you should know what shazam or soundhound is i want to be able to identift a song title22:23
reisiodelinquentme: most laptops have a dedicated trackpad disable toggle22:23
reisiodelinquentme: Fn + someNumberKey22:23
reisioor space bar22:24
reisiootherwise you can make one using xinput22:24
wilee-nileeeden_, This is ubuntu not android it has no relevance here.22:24
holsteineden_: this is the ubuntu support channel.. i would just use shazam it you want.. or search online for the application you are seeking.. maybe a webapp22:24
MonotokoIs there a way to send a process to another user?22:24
reisioeden_: there are websites for that22:24
reisiothe mobile apps tend to be glorified frontends to them22:24
eden_reisio, i can't find anything that works for me can you suggest anything?22:24
delinquentmeexcept I use the track pad moondog reisio22:24
reisioMonotoko: to another term, yes22:24
reisiodelinquentme: except what?22:25
moondogdelinquentme: well there's your problem!22:25
bekksreisio: How would you send a process to another terminal?22:25
reisioeden_: well the mobile apps don't work so wonderfully IME, either22:25
delinquentmeThe ideal solution would be something that tunes down the sensitivity to a given threshold22:25
reisiobekks: reptyr22:25
delinquentmemoondog, OIC nao!22:25
bekksreisio: ah, thx22:25
Monotokoreisio: I have an irssi session open in screen22:25
MonotokoI was wondering if it was possible to bounce it to another user without disconnecting22:25
reisioMonotoko: probably, with reptyr22:25
holsteineden_: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3994221/can-you-suggest-web-api-for-music-identification-service-like-shazam22:26
basantwhere could I look for some win 7 help or anyone who has used/uses it22:28
Jordan_Ubasant: ##windows22:28
reisiobasant: help with... using Windows?22:28
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diphtherialhey, is /mnt generally read-only if you're trying to modify it from the recovery root shell?22:29
prebenHi. Is there a page that explains how to get the RADEON xorg driver to make my fan go quiet? The 5 years I have used fglrx I have not heard the fan, but now with radeon in 13.04 it is so loud it is unbearable22:30
diphtheriala friend of mine is getting fouled up at that point, told that the filesystem is read only22:30
reisiodiphtherial: it might default to read only, I don't know22:30
zykotick9diphtherial: if your in recovery mode, i believe the file system is read only22:30
bekksdiphtherial: The entire filesystem is read-only then.22:30
reisiodiphtherial: you can remount it as read-write if so22:30
diphtherialah, right, i'd like to mount it read-write, then...22:30
Dr_Willisdiphtherial:  all of / is read only from a recovery shell. in order to let you fsck it easially22:31
mnmtIt seems I broke ubuntu and I can't find any solution on the docs, anyone want to try to help for a bit?22:31
Dr_Willisbbl - work time fors me.22:31
wilee-nilee!details | mnmt22:31
ubottumnmt: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:31
reisiodiphtherial: mount -o remount,rw /dev/whatever /mnt/whatever22:31
basantreisio, well it is jsut that I am using host win 7 and guest ubuntu and I could not get the printer to work correctly with the guest. I figured that if I write the simple text file in a shared folder ( via vbox ) and then try to use a printing program to kee monitoring the folder and print anything new I can get it to work but alas !!!. The program I got  ---  http://www.lerup.com/printfile/    does not even print a simple txt file.  T22:31
basanthe file appears unformatted via notepad and formattted via wordpad22:31
reisiobasant: mmm, you can probably get the printer working, but I'd ask #vbox about it22:32
reisioor indeed, #windows22:32
diphtherialreisio: thanks :)22:32
diphtherialby the way, this is the same dude whose party i declined; i saw your memo about that, took me a while to figure it out22:32
reisioyeah I figured22:33
mnmtSure, When I try to boot into Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (using grub) all that appears is a single blinking underscore in the top left. A command line login appears for a second before returning to the state before. No key press causes any reaction except for the power off, the following message appears:22:33
wilee-nileemnmt, Tell the channel whats up if anyones knows they will probably answer you want the option of anyones help.22:33
diphtherialwe had a bit of a talk about my social anxiety, which was fun :x i think he forgave me22:33
mnmtacpid: exiting22:33
reisiosocial anxiety isn't worth it, I know from experience :)22:33
mnmtChecking for running unattended-upgrades22:33
mnmtspeech-dispatcher disabled22:33
mnmtspeech-dispatcher disabled: edit /etc/default/speech-dispatcher22:34
wilee-nileemnmt, Did it ever run correctly, do you have proprietary graphic drivers installed?22:34
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mnmtIts worked before, this happened when I used the update manager, chose restart to install updates, accidently chose windows 7 at grub so at windows login screen pressed restart and chose ubuntu at grub, which lead to this problem22:35
reisiohi Guest9584122:35
xkernelRhythmbox is not playing mp3  or adding them to the library, I have ubuntu restricted extras installed22:37
Guest95841can anyone help me with reapairing a damages uefi boot? I tryed installed a dual boot win8 and ubuntu 13.04 in a ultrabook22:37
reisioxkernel: how many have you tried?22:37
xkernelreisio, tried what?22:37
wilee-nileemnmt, Use nicks, and answer questions.22:38
wilee-nileeI asked two questions22:38
mnmtHow do I use nicks. As for drivers, I had changed to nvidea 320 experimental, but that was at least 4 succesful logins ago22:39
wilee-nilee!tab | mnmt22:39
ubottumnmt: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:39
mnmtwilee-nilee, So like this?22:39
wilee-nileemnmt, If you use the drivers from nvidia they will not follow kernel upgrades, you want the ones in the repos. Yeah perfect on the nick. ;)22:40
mnmtwilee-nilee, Silly steam, telling me to change graphic driver. So How do I roll back update/change driver?22:41
wilee-nileemnmt, YOu can use what drivers you want but want to be informed of the consequences is all. ;)22:41
mnmtwilee-nilee, Within windows :/22:41
wilee-nileemnmt, In ubuntu windows drivers in windows have no relevance22:42
Woodsmanhey, i was wondering how to change it so that the directories and files are color coded when i ls. i uncommented the lines in .bashrc relating to directory colors but nothing changed, even after restarting the terminal. any ideas?22:42
phillyjhey guys, why do i have to create a Ubuntu One account to get into my ubuntuforums.com account?22:42
phillyji'm sick of making useless accounts22:42
wilee-nileephillyj, I saw that ask them.22:43
wilee-nileephillyj, There is a #ubuntuforums channel22:43
mnmtwilee-nilee, Sorry, am slightly confused. So by updating kernal with the nvidea drivers meant that ubuntu won't launch correctly. So can I fix it?22:43
wilee-nileemnmt, Yoiur setup in windows will not affect ubuntu if you have a partitioned install, is this a wubi?22:44
mnmtwilee-nilee, For all I know, a file browser in windows could edit a config to fix it. I know nothing though :P22:44
mnmtwilee-nilee, Thats what I meant anyway. They are dual boot partitioned22:44
wilee-nileemnmt, Separate OS, nothing related except the mbr22:45
mnmtwilee-nilee, Ok22:45
mnmtwilee-nilee, Can it be fixed? Without wiping it?22:47
wilee-nileemnmt, All my comments except confirming your windows setup in relation to ubuntu are ubuntu relevance, I.E. the nvidia drivers if that was what you were referencing22:47
jkvillegasi'm not able to sync my samsung s3 using rhythbox neither clementine22:48
wilee-nileemnmt, fix what, you have mixed windows in with this conversation it is difficult to tell exactly what you have done in ubuntu.22:48
wilee-nileemnmt, If you need to remove the drivers and add the repos in ubuntu the channel is better there I have never had to load a graphic driver.22:49
wilee-nileerepos driver*22:50
mnmtwilee-nilee, When I try to boot into ubuntu, there is bascily just a black screen with a blinking underscore22:50
wilee-nileemnmt, Right and have you added the drivers from other than ther ubuntu repos?22:50
mnmtwilee-nilee, I can't currently use ubuntu22:50
mnmtwilee-nilee, It seems I had22:51
mnmtwilee-nilee,  Though I am not sure, the driver was there ready to "activate"22:51
ryan__Can somebody please help me?22:51
wilee-nileemnmt, Cool have the channel direct you on removing them and installing the ones from the repos, I'm just not up on that.22:51
paul_beginnerwhats the matter ryan?22:51
ryan__I just got Ubuntu again, how do I get Gnome 2 back?22:52
wilee-nileemnmt, Ah a restricted driver add from software sources?22:52
wilee-nileeryan__, The closest is the fallback gnome 2 is not available.22:52
wilee-nileeor the cinnamon desktop avaolable in 13.04 is kinda like it22:53
ryan__but I remember in Ubuntu 12.04 I had the classic Ubuntu desktop - how would I get it? I can't stand Unity.22:53
zykotick9!notunity | ryan__22:54
ubotturyan__: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.22:54
wilee-nileeryan__, classice is the fallback and use nicks here.22:54
ryan__Wait what? three people said something at once and I'm confused xD22:54
vedritCan anyone help me with Samba? I've read and followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/SambaServerGuide#Ubuntu_Server and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/samba-fileserver.html but I still can't get my drive to be accessible from my Windows machine22:55
mnmtRight so having chatted to wilee-nilee, anyone here know how I can remove a nvidea ubuntu driver and replace it with propriatary, seems a kernal update now stops me being able to lauch ubuntu properly22:56
vedritWait, I think I was looking through the wrong uide22:56
wilee-nileeryan__, Two people one was a bot trigger making it seem like 3, all saying the same.22:56
ryan__What's the whole '!nountiy' thing about22:57
wilee-nileemnmt, The term proprietary references to nvidia downloads, that is what you don;t want for correct syntax here. Although the one not working might have that term used so it is a bit complex in the word usage.22:58
wilee-nileeryan__, YOu want it sounds like the classic desktop, now called the fallback it comes with the gnome-shell install, it is just a psuedo gnome 2 desktop22:59
wilee-nileeryan__, I believe it the fallback can be installed by itself, not sure the commands.23:00
zykotick9wilee-nilee: ahhh, does fallback really come with the gnome-shell package?  I'd find that surprising.23:00
wilee-nileezykotick9, I thought it did, I have not messed with it and now it is part of some release again.23:00
wilee-nileesaucy I think23:01
zykotick9wilee-nilee: well, according to !notunity - it says install "gnome-panel"???23:01
wilee-nileezykotick9, hold on let me logout I have the shell in 13.0423:02
paul_beginnerhey.. i'm absolute beginner with any linux. i installed ubuntu 12.04.2 with virtual box, but when I start I only get a login prompt in a console. does someone have a clue what I'm doing wrong? :/23:03
wilee-nileezykotick9, I think it is included with the shell it is in my 13.04 the panel install is just the fallback install I believe23:04
zykotick9wilee-nilee: ok, i guess that make some sense ;)23:05
wilee-nileezykotick9, In general gnome and ubuntu seem to be trying to keep those that can't adapt happy, those pooooooor folk, lol. ;)23:05
zykotick9paul_beginner: did you install the server version?  what was the ISO called that you used to install?23:05
paul_beginnerlet me check23:06
lgcWhat's the dpkg option to dump a list of installed software?23:06
paul_beginnerubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-i386 from the ubuntu.com23:06
zykotick9paul_beginner: that's the regular, desktop ISO.  don't know why you are getting a console only?  best of luck - someone else might have some suggestions.23:07
paul_beginnerthank you anyways.. maybe I redo the process. its just 5 minutes :)23:07
zykotick9wilee-nilee: i was one of those "pooooor" folk - so i left both U & Gnome... reverted to my earlier WM only days ;)23:08
mnmtAnyone know how to uninstall a propriatary nvidea driver and go back to the default using the emergency command line?23:09
wilee-nileezykotick9, I use unity for a year or two then switched to the shell, but basically use the cairo dock and synapse to find or launch stuff.23:09
wilee-nileeI use W8 often lately, and I started my computer use with open source23:10
paul_beginnermnmt: maybe this will help you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143285723:10
xmetal:O @ a MS OS? .. :P and you get on me for that minty OS23:11
mnmtpaul_beginner, Thanks will try this out. Sorry I couln't find the page myself23:11
paul_beginnernp :D23:12
=== vith1 is now known as vith
emurillo510do any of you guys know of a onenote alternative?23:14
emurillo510or a more general question how do you take notes on ubuntu?23:15
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode23:16
Ari-Yang!texteditor | emurillo51023:16
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code23:16
bluebomberI'm getting this error when I try to remove a package: E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. Can anyone lend a hand?23:16
Ari-Yang!editor | emurillo51023:16
ubottuemurillo510: please see above23:16
bluebomber(it's accompanied by more output than I feel comfortable pasting here)23:17
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya (Hardy or earlier) - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+ - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/23:17
paul_beginnerhow do I know which version I need. the 32bit or 64bit to run ubuntu in VirtulBox on Win7?23:19
basant#windows has very less people. Can someone tell me why I can see a file perfectly when viewed via gedit  or wordpad in windows ( notepad leaves out the \n) but I print it via http://www.lerup.com/printfile/23:19
basantI have written a text file but cannot get to print it !! . how much lamer can I get ?23:20
wilee-nileepaul_beginner, What you need is what you need?23:21
bluebomberCan someone help me with unresolved dependency issues that only show up when I try to do an apt-get remove or an aptitude remove?23:21
zykotick9paul_beginner: 32bit is the "safe" choice.23:21
wilee-nilee!details | bluebomber23:22
ubottubluebomber: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:22
paul_beginnerokay i stick to that23:22
zykotick9bluebomber: does "sudo apt-get -f install" run through without issues?23:22
bluebomberzykotick9: Yes.23:23
bluebomberwilee-nilee: I just did prior to that message. I'll copy it again: "I'm getting this error when I try to remove a package: E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. Can anyone lend a hand?" Ubuntu 13.04 64b23:23
zykotick9bluebomber: so, what are you trying to remove - and what is the output?  can you paste both to paste.ubuntu.com?23:23
bluebomberzykotick9: libxml223:23
bluebomberzykotick9: aptitude recommends a series of 500+ changes when I try to remove it.23:24
zykotick9bluebomber: why are you trying to remove that?23:24
bluebomberzykotick9: I have another issue that I thought I could fix by removing that.23:25
bluebomberzykotick9: Is the pkgProblemResolver error I referenced above expected in this situation, then?23:25
zykotick9bluebomber: it's NOT something you should remove!  check the output of "apt-cache rdepends libxml2", LOTS of stuff needs that package!23:26
Poodle448how do i add Guake Terminal to my startup applications?23:27
bluebomberzykotick9: Ahh, ok, so it's an error, because it can't figure out *how* to remove it, because of all the other packages dependant on it?23:27
zykotick9bluebomber: apt-get and aptitude are probably just breaking, trying to figure out what to do to "try" and remove that package.23:27
Poodle448how do i add Guake Terminal to my startup applications?23:27
Poodle448How do you make Guake Terminal startup when you login on Ubuntu??23:29
paul_beginner"Goto System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications.23:30
paul_beginnerThe Startup Application Preferences window opens. In the Startup Programs tab click on Edit Button.  Give a Name for the Application in the Name field, and then type “guake” without quotes in the command field and click Save.  Then close the Startup Application Preferences window and restat the machine, now Guake should start automatically on login."23:30
Poodle448Thank you23:30
=== fweeb is now known as SNICKER
bluebomberzykotick9: Thanks for your assistance, it's greatly appreciated.23:31
zykotick9bluebomber: i'm afraid it's a "thanks for nothing", sorry 'bout that.23:31
bluebomberzykotick9: Well, it makes sense from the perspective you explained.23:32
Moeubottu is a bot23:33
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.23:33
=== waterlite is now known as risync
paul_beginnerokay so now the os starts  correctly and tells me my graphics are set on low due to no drivers detected. Do I run in low-graphics or should I try to config them with the console? My GC is a ATI HD 580023:38
vedritIs there a way to use the NFS to share drives with Window's devices? I don't see any mention in the help page about it23:38
=== Guest72575 is now known as jan1337zZz
wilee-nileevedrit, ubuntu will read MS partitioning, are the hard drives in the computer23:41
vedritUbuntu is reading the drive just fine, but I can't get my Windows machine to access it, even after marking it as shared23:42
wilee-nileevedrit, MS does not read ext4 in general without an ancient driver of some sort at least ext2 and 3, a shared ntfs partition is advised generally.23:42
vedritThis is a separate drive within the server23:42
vedritThe drive I'm wanting to share is NTFS23:42
Sivikhave you tried with samba vedrit23:43
vedritYeah. No luck23:43
vedritI've tried samba and NFS23:43
Siviki blame windows23:43
wilee-nileevedrit, this a raid setup and I'm not sure I understand what it is you want.23:43
vedritI want to share a second drive, that is not part of Ubuntu but is in the same machine that is running Ubuntu, with another computer23:44
vedritAs a network resource23:44
wilee-nileeAh, cool others will be best in this. ;)23:44
vedritI'm sure I have something wrong in samba, but I have no idea what23:45
k1lmount that drive and share that drive with sambe23:45
k1l!samba | vedrit23:45
ubottuvedrit: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:45
paul_beginnergot to desktop YAY23:49
=== risync is now known as waterlite
hakugahello, what audio player do you use ? I came from Windows and I really like foobar. Is there a foobar-like on GNU/Linux ?23:56

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