
ner0xI'm getting an odd "session" pop-up screen stating I can join the "default" or create a new. Any way to wipe all session info or fix this?00:18
ner0xMight I add it keeps crasing (Leaving me to rejoin each time)00:23
MonkeytoeI am trying to find a theme for xubuntu someone showed me a couple weeks back. It made xubuntu windows look like windows 8. I believe it was something like bogue orange. Does anyone know where I can download this theme?00:40
ochosinot really, but the standard sites would be xfce-look or deviantart00:41
ochosiyou could check there00:41
maikeldalooI everyone :)00:42
maikeldalooIs anyone around? I'm stuck with installing Vundle.. it keeps complaining about ^M characters.00:44
ChogyDanhey all, so, is there a way to have more text shown for my icons on the desktop?  Right now it is 3/4 of a line, and I'm used to something more like 2 lines03:47
ChogyDandoes tha make sense?03:48
nonubyi ended up somehow breaking the login manager, ive reinstall xubuntu-desktop and lightdm but it is different than before (and thus like xfce power manager not working), whats the pacakage with default login manager?06:51
cubnonuby, do you mean it's different once you have logged in or the actual login screen?06:52
nonubythe actual login screen is different, i can stil get to xfce but things like power manager dont load06:52
nonubyi suspect in my pursuit of getting back to doing productive work ive installed the wrong login manager06:53
cubOk, I thought you perhaps had changed the "Xubuntu Session" when logging in, quite common.06:53
nonubyon your setup what does dpkg -l | grep lightdm |grep ii show?06:53
cubI run Ubuntu Studio so it might not show the same as you want. :)06:54
PkunkIs there anyway to get the xubuntu installer to install to software raid partitions ?07:51
Pkunki used the "try ubuntu" option and then with mdadm created 2 raid1 arrays07:52
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto07:53
well_laid_lawnPkunk:  ↑07:53
Pkunkwell the only solution ubuntu wiki's say is to use the "alternate" installer cd.. which means another 700MB download07:55
Pkunkis there any way i can apt-get the alternate debian installer which supports software raid ?07:55
well_laid_lawnyou could try   apt-cache search install   and see what comes up07:56
well_laid_lawnI have no idea what it could be called07:57
GridCube!hi | xubuntu41313:58
ubottuxubuntu413: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:58
GridCube!es | xubuntu41313:58
ubottuxubuntu413: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.13:58
xubuntu413ok sorry13:58
GridCube:D no te preocupes13:58
xubuntu413well Im going to ask in english, or I'll try it hehe14:01
xubuntu413there are 2 problems with my laptop with linux14:02
xubuntu413tI have two acounts and one of them I can't work because video problems14:02
xubuntu413and in the other one I can't hear anything, but in the guest's acount those problems don't exist!14:03
xubuntu413What can I do to solve it?14:04
xubuntu832Necesito que alguien me ayude. He reinstalado Ubuntu y me han borrado todas las fotos y videos que tenia en el ordenador. Alguien me puede esplicar como recuperarlos o como volver a la configuracion que el ordenador tenia antes de hacer la reinstalacion.14:39
Kiyonichenglish please14:41
xubuntu832Sorry i don't speek englis. don't study14:41
koegs!es | xubuntu83214:42
ubottuxubuntu832: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.14:42
noobuntu017Hi  everybody15:43
knomenoobuntu017, hello15:43
noobuntu017i have a problem with a extension of my apache2    :  mcrypt15:45
noobuntu017i have install it by software center /uninstall reinstall it by apt-get15:47
knomecan you describe the problem itself?15:48
noobuntu017i need it for a cms Open Classifieds15:49
knomethat's not the problem, that's the goal15:50
noobuntu017ok my problem is that after install the extension it dont look like to be load in apache (noob view of course)15:52
knomehave you restarted apache after you installed the extension?15:52
noobuntu017of course15:53
noobuntu017i take a look in /etc/php5/conf.d/mcrypt.ini      seem to be good15:54
lderanif it enabled in the php.ini file?15:57
noobuntu017not know          here i am /etc/php5/apache2/15:59
koegsdid you install php5-mcrypt and afterwards restart apache?16:02
noobuntu017yes restart apache many time16:03
koegsand how do you know mcrypt is not loaded?16:06
lderanif you put <?php phpinfo(INFO_MODULES); ?> into a test php file, it should output all the modules loaded by your php16:10
noobuntu017Loaded Modules core mod_so mod_watchdog http_core mod_log_config mod_logio mod_version mod_unixd mod_unixd mod_access_compat mod_alias mod_auth_basic mod_authn_core mod_authn_file mod_authz_core mod_authz_host mod_authz_user mod_autoindex mod_deflate mod_dir mod_env mod_filter mod_mime prefork mod_negotiation mod_php5 mod_rewrite mod_setenvif mod_status16:17
noobuntu017have to  leave   see it later thanks for all16:22
xubuntu043join # xubuntu-es16:28
xubuntu443hello, good day everyone i need some help i am new ar xubuntu actually just finished installing it a few minutos ago, the thing is that i cannot see any vid on the browser, youtube for example does not display vids properly can some  body help me to fix this please?16:35
Sysiinstall xubuntu-restricted-extras or flashplugin-installer16:37
xubuntu443excellent thanks16:39
num7Hi, can somebody help me please, to fix this issue, cause i have no sound on my xubuntu (3.8.0-27-generic)...17:19
num7my xubuntu version is 13.0417:23
luisssssgood afeternoon i like to ask for help i just installed xubuntu 13.04 a couple hours ago, then i did asked in here for help since browser is not displaying vids properly and some one told me to sinatll xubuntu-restricted-extras and flashplugin and so i did but i do still have the same problem here is how ithe browser display vids: http://postimg.org/image/hwwkj6o7j/4ed01c21/  can come body help me to fix this problem please?17:49
pmjdebruijnwhat graphics card do you have?17:53
pmjdebruijnbut to be honest I have no clue how to fix it... if nobody else knows, you might want to try xubuntu 12.04.3 which will be released in two days though17:55
pmjdebruijnoh wait... ubuntu 12.04.3 will be released in two days... I guess the xubuntu variant will be a tad later17:55
GridCubeluisssss: try disabling the hardware acceleration from flash17:56
luisssssintel corporation 82845G/GL Chipset Integrated Graphic Device VGA Vontroller17:56
luisssssi went into youtube to see what you say Grid but it wont respond17:58
pmjdebruijnbtw, that's a really old chip, right?17:58
luissssslet me try another way17:58
luisssssit is a dinosaur17:59
luisssssbut is all i got17:59
pmjdebruijnheh right17:59
pmjdebruijnhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/IntelSNA you might want to read that17:59
pmjdebruijngrep "SNA init" /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:59
pmjdebruijntry that17:59
pmjdebruijnwhat does that say?18:00
luisssssit says i need to donwload som xorg18:01
pmjdebruijngrep "SNA init" /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:02
pmjdebruijnthat should return a single line, please paste it here18:02
luisssssokgive me a sec18:02
luisssss[    24.481] (II) intel(0): SNA initialized with gen2 backend18:03
luisssssthats what it says18:03
pmjdebruijnhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/292224/ubuntu-13-04-bad-3d-performance-of-intel-ironlake see second comment18:03
pmjdebruijnthe xorg.conf one18:03
GridCubeluisssss: if you add to the youtube url &html5=True to fore it to html5 and use no flash?18:05
pmjdebruijndepending on the video18:05
luisssssuuuuu and how fo i do that? sorry is like i do not know much of those terms18:05
peyamI made a panel (vertical) I want to have smooth corner. how do I do it?18:05
pmjdebruijnluisssss: exactly like it says there # gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:06
pmjdebruijnpaste that content (make sure it's exactly right), and save it, then reboot18:07
luissssso do not have a "xorg.cong" file18:07
pmjdebruijnluisssss: it says "create" there doesn't it18:07
luisssssi do that then i fopy what it says on the ling you gave me right?18:08
pmjdebruijn# gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:08
pmjdebruijnon the terminal18:08
pmjdebruijnand then paste the config snippet in there and save it18:08
pmjdebruijnthe Section...EndSection bit18:09
pmjdebruijnonly the Section...EndSection bit?18:09
pmjdebruijnluisssss: ?18:10
pmjdebruijnanyhow, if that's done, you need to restart X11, the easiest and most reliable way of doing that, is by simply rebooting your machine18:11
luissssssorry i was having some issue any way is done18:14
pmjdebruijndid you reboot as well?18:14
luisssssnot yet let me do it and see how it goes18:15
luissssso am bacj and no difference at all18:20
luisssssvids still looks the same on browser18:21
pmjdebruijnhmmm no clue then sorry18:21
pmjdebruijnoh wait, just to be sure18:21
pmjdebruijngrep "SNA init" /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:21
pmjdebruijnwhat does that return now18:21
luisssss[    24.553] (II) intel(0): SNA initialized with gen2 backend18:23
pmjdebruijnok, that's not good18:23
pmjdebruijnwhat does cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:23
pmjdebruijnpaste it on pastebin.com18:23
Jakubany people from CZECH REPUBLIC?18:28
Jakubohh... okay :D18:29
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.18:29
JakubI have problem wit Xubuntu :/18:29
JakubI have old PC18:30
pmjdebruijnluisssss: you didn't do what it said18:30
Jakubwith 1GB RAM 2,6 Intel pentium processor18:30
luissssso dod copy and paste what it says on the link you gave me18:30
luisssssguess i did it wrong18:30
bazhangwhats the problem Jakub18:30
pmjdebruijnluisssss: do page said something else18:31
pmjdebruijnluisssss: Copy Section...EndSection18:31
luissssscan you gace me the link again please?18:31
luisssssthat page was created by me18:31
luisssssit wasnt there18:31
Unit193luisssss: Put http://paste.openstack.org/show/GLdP2z6nmWxKRpzVIBMv in /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:32
Jakubits... windows of the browser etd.. its ...     Bugg :D light bugg18:32
Jakuband on pannel too :(18:32
pmjdebruijnUnit193: please wait, one thing at a time18:33
Jakuband pc is very slowly :( its normal ?18:33
pmjdebruijnluisssss: http://pastebin.com/rU1Kxdij it should be like that18:34
bazhangJakub, try lubuntu and see18:34
JakubThank :)18:34
JakubBye ;)18:34
bazhangsudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop Jakub18:34
Unit193pmjdebruijn: uxa in theory isn't as fast, and last I tried uxa didn't work and fell back to SNA anyway.18:34
pmjdebruijnUnit193: this is about display corruption18:34
bazhangJakub, then choose from the login window18:34
pmjdebruijnUnit193: so performs seems like a completely secondary concern18:35
Unit193pmjdebruijn: That's exactly what I'm talking about...18:35
pmjdebruijnUnit193: the bitdepth stuff really fixed it for you?18:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1173649 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "incorrect color depth - intel graphics card" [Undecided,Opinion]18:35
Unit193Flash doesn't handle it well at all, 11.8 flash does better though.18:35
luisssssok done18:37
pmjdebruijnluisssss: well then reboot, and if that doesn't work Unit193 has an alternate approach18:37
pmjdebruijnluisssss: Unit193's approach might be better with regard to performance18:38
luisssssthat last link does not work pmjdeb18:38
pmjdebruijnwhat link?18:38
pmjdebruijnthat's because there's a typo18:39
luisssss http://pastebin.com/rU1Kxdij18:40
luisssssdoes not work18:40
pmjdebruijnthat one does for me18:40
knomeme too.18:40
luisssssthis is what i get: Server not found                                                                Firefox can't find the server at pastebin.com+18:40
pmjdebruijnthen I guess then you're having DNS problems?18:41
luissssswithout the "+"18:41
luisssssok thats another issue18:41
pmjdebruijnanyhow, I'm out of time now18:41
pmjdebruijngood luck18:41
luisssssfirst thin first18:41
luissssshello again pmdjdeb and Unit193 can you give the links you gave awhile ago please?19:02
Unit193or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/1173649 ?19:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1173649 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "incorrect color depth - intel graphics card" [Undecided,Opinion]19:03
luisssssthan k you very much i just want to boomark them they did fic the problem thank you very much guys19:04
Unit193Sure.  The first one is the uncommented part of my own xorg.conf file.19:05
luissssswell it did the magic thank you guys you just brought my old pc back to life :P19:07
nasiri need help using squid to filter the web19:16
nasiri need help using squid to filter the web19:19
bazhangtry #squid19:26
straphi, can someone help me with efibootmgr?20:37
HisaoNakaistrap: Try #ubuntu o_o20:37
ChaserHello does the crash bug reporter in xubuntu send the reports to anywhere ?21:47
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:47
Chaserthank you.21:48
ner0xAfternoon all. Anyone around? I'm having some odd session issues.22:20
holsteinjust ask22:22
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:22
ner0xWell it goes to  this new "Default session" or create new session. Unfortunately it loads on a screen that it hasn't "booted" yet. I use dual monitors and it's on the right one. The only one "active" is the left. Not sure why but this is how it's been for the past day.22:26
ner0xXubuntu 13.0422:26
ner0xI've had this issue since I installed. It doesn't "load" my second screen on boot. It's like there's a 15 minute "warmup" period before it shows it's there.22:29
holsteininstalled what?22:29
ner0xxubuntu 13.0422:29
holsteinwhat has been happening for the past day?22:30
ner0xholstein: Well since I've installed it's been ignoring the right screen for about fifteen minutes and then I have to manually change the x config with nvidia-settings22:34
ner0xholstein: Now it's coming up with this "session" dialog where the username selection dialog used to be. It has a "default" session or I can create a new one.22:34
Sysiyou've slected to have session selection menu at login (in session settings), for dualhead you need to either use xorg.conf file or xrandr script22:35
ner0xSysi: I do use xorg.conf and it completely ignores it.22:36
holsteinner0x: you installed 15 minutes ago?22:37
ner0xholstein: No. I'm saying it ignores the right screen for 15 minutes after boot as if it's having a "warmup" time.22:38
ner0xholstein: And since that "session" dialog is showing up on that screen rather than the left... it's rather annoying.22:39
ner0xholstein: Okay it finally "warmed up" I'm getting a gtk dialog that says "Default: Last access: <DATE>" and I have the option to logout and start a new session.22:40
holsteinner0x: i would just blow out that session.. if i didnt want to, i would make a new users and test..22:43
ner0xholstein: How do I even delete the session?22:44
ner0xholstein: Not an option in the list.22:44
w30ner0x, I had a single monitor do that. Times got longer and longer then failed after about 3 months. Switch monitors and see if trouble follows the actual physical monitor.22:52
ner0xw30: I think it is the monitor but haven't wanted to spend the cash to get a new one.22:52
ner0xw30: Realistically I do think it's the monitor.22:52
w30ner0x, something to do with the software that shuts down the display if not having a signal.22:53
w30ner0x, at first a quick on and off with the switch would jog it to life.22:54
w30ner0x, I took the monitor apart to see if it could be hotwired but the switch had about 10 wires going to it plus a little board22:56
* w30 sighs22:56
ner0xw30: I'll look into getting new monitors. Thank you sir.23:20

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