
hatchhuwshimi: hey in your proposal for the ie scrollbar you changed the height to auto03:13
hatchthat won't work with the animation03:13
huwshimihatch: Oh, let me take a look03:16
hatchif you want to do that you will have to use the max-height trick03:16
huwshimihatch: Actually, I fixed the issue that required the height to be auto anyway03:19
hatchoh haha ok then!03:19
huwshimihatch: The buttons were cut off in Firefox, but the other spacing stuff I did fixed that.03:19
huwshimi(I originally fixed it by setting the height to auto03:19
huwshimihatch: I'll push up the revert03:20
hatchcool, I'll review/qa once that lands03:21
hatchother than that how has your day been?03:21
huwshimihatch: Going a lot better than yesterday :)03:22
hatchhaha fixed the VM?03:22
huwshimihatch: Yeah finally, but it look like it'll expire tonight which means setting it up again tomorrow.03:22
huwshimihatch: Are there any more IE10 issues you'd like me to take a look at?03:23
hatchthat's actually all of them that I know of03:24
hatchmaybe do a once over to see if you can catch any?03:24
huwshimihatch: Sure.03:24
huwshimihatch: Change has landed03:24
hatchawesome thanks03:26
rick_hjcsackett: did you figure out hte indent thing from yesterday?12:28
frankbanmorning bac and benji: when you have time, there is anothe guiserver branch ready to review: https://codereview.appspot.com/13153043 Could you please take a look?12:42
bacfrankban: i'll be glad to in a little while.12:42
frankbanbac: thanks, no rush12:42
* benji sips his coffee and looks at frankban's branch.12:49
frankbanthank you12:50
jcsackettrick_h: yeah, i was using a different jshint binary for syntastic than our project.12:53
jcsackettso i just switched which jshint is on the path in my LXC.12:53
rick_hjcsackett: ah, yea I'm doing the same thing but it was working so :/12:56
jcsackettjujugui: can someone point me at a design doc that shows how the search bar should exist when the charmbrowser is completely minimized?13:00
rick_hjcsackett: sec, looking13:02
rick_hjcsackett: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10004366/juju-gui/index.html is the idea from a demo I was looking at for animations13:02
jcsackettrick_h: huh. we have two separate cards for "search on canvas" and "keep search bar available", but this makes it look like that sort of needs to be done as one thing.13:03
jcsackettsince there's no option for "search for charms in browser while minimized".13:03
rick_hjcsackett: well, my understanding is the idea that the search box is always visible. And if you use it while minimized, you end up in /sidebar/search13:04
rick_he.g. it un-minimizes to show results13:04
jcsackettrick_h: except that animation shows "Search in canvas" when we minimize.13:05
jcsackett...not even really sure why, though i guess that's vaguely useful when you have an environ with a lot of charms.13:05
rick_hjcsackett: oh right, yea that's a second feature13:05
rick_hto be able to search and load things from the environment13:05
rick_hit kind of goes with versioned charms though so that we can load the data for the version deployed? I'm not sure if we want that incrementally or what13:06
jcsackettrick_h: but we do want to be able to search for things in the browser from minimized, and just load the sidebar when we have results?13:06
rick_hluca...who's afk would know 13:07
jcsackettrick_h: ah. well ok then. :-P13:11
rick_hjcsackett: so I'd start with removing categories from the two viewmodes. then removing filters/updating the results output/charm containers, before going to the search deployed charms or search bar13:11
rick_has the 'how search works/is displayed' will be effected in all cases13:12
jcsackettrick_h: works for me.13:12
jcsackettrick_h: we're just removing the filter widget from those views, right? and any other bits of interacting code. filters themselves stay for AC.13:13
rick_hso we're removing the filter UI, and we're not checking for approved results by default. Then we're changing how the search results are displayed. First reviewd in a container and then the rest in another container13:13
rick_hjcsackett: sec, there's a good bug to look at13:13
jcsackettrick_h: ok.13:14
rick_hjcsackett: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1202306 though I thought abentley had a post in there that had notes. 13:15
_mup_Bug #1202306: We need an "all" category <juju-gui:Triaged by lucapaulina> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1202306>13:15
rick_hjcsackett: of course the end of that is waiting on UX. 13:15
rick_hjcsackett: but the work still stands to remove the filters, group the results in two sets/containers13:16
jcsackettrick_h: right, so i'll start a branch that kills the filter widget from the views.13:16
rick_hjcsackett: k, but the display has to go along with it so that we can use the results. 13:16
rick_hbecause as soon as we remove the default filters the results go to crap13:17
jcsackettrick_h: i'm not sure i'm following. this bug conversation is all over the place, and i'm only sort of following how it links to what you and i are talking about.13:18
* jcsackett may be having problems because he's not fully awake yet.13:18
rick_hjcsackett: k, hangout?13:18
jcsackettrick_h: sure, one sec.13:18
jcsackettrick_h: hangouts seem to be not so good?13:22
jcsacketti'm disconnecting b/c i'm getting truly horrid static.13:23
rick_hjcsackett: died on me, one try13:23
rick_hjcsackett: one more try 13:23
rick_hluca: ping, do we have any UX updates on the search UI including the "all" category notes13:24
rick_hjcsackett: oh, and did my test concern pan out? Or is it working peachy the way it is?13:33
rick_hjcsackett: because that's more of a 'before this first branch lands' concern13:34
jcsackettrick_h: i put in the dones, and everything still passes.13:34
jcsackettso we're good.13:34
rick_hjcsackett: ok cool. Yea they should pass, just wanted to make sure the asserts were getting hit13:34
* jcsackett nods13:34
jcsackettyeah, that was a good catch.13:34
rick_hI did that before where they passed, but never asserted :/13:35
jcsackettrick_h: i suspect we have several tests like that.13:46
rick_hjcsackett: so for the record, I just had to update my local jshint as well. Guessing there was some .jshintrc config differences between what I had installed vs the updated one from the repo14:23
rick_hhatch: let me know when you get a sec. Want to talk this through. 14:23
hatchsure umm lemme grab a coffee first14:23
rick_hhatch: definitely, going to need your head unclogged :)14:24
bacbenji: i'm seeing failures in charmworld trunk.  can you pull trunk and run 'make test' and see if you get them?14:26
benjibac: sure, one sec14:26
hatchrick_h: guichat?14:32
rick_hhatch: sure14:32
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
sinzuibac: do you have a few minutes to talk about the fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/charmworld/+bug/121462714:47
_mup_Bug #1214627: AttributeError when searching for "precise" <elasticsearch> <oops> <charmworld:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1214627>14:47
bacsinzui: yes14:48
sinzuibac, guichat is available14:49
benjibac: I forgot about my test run until now; everything passed.15:14
bacbenji: ok.  i did a make clean, removing crusty old pyc files and the one problem test passed in isolation.  running them all again15:14
hatchI see the order of the Featured charms have changed :)15:30
Makyojujugui reviews pleeeaase. https://codereview.appspot.com/12744049/15:35
rick_hMakyo: looking15:35
Makyorick_h, thanks.15:36
hatchMakyo: sure I'll take one15:43
hatchhey luca could you check out https://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/:flags:/serviceInspector to make sure the inspector passes UX?15:49
Makyojujugui call in 1015:50
Makyokanban now.15:50
lucahatch: sure, but won't have time to do it today, is it ok if I do it tomorrow morning (my time)?15:50
hatchyou bet15:51
hatchdo you have IE?15:51
lucahatch: internet explorer?15:51
lucahatch: I don't, do I need it?15:51
hatchguess not - we'll just make sure it looks the same in IE as it does in Chrome/FF15:52
rick_hMakyo: got time after the call to hang on the call and chat about the MP?15:52
lucahatch: ok15:52
sinzuibac, .short_url -> .basket_name -> .basket.split() fails because .basket is None. There is a invalid charm in the system without a name, owner, or basket.15:52
Makyorick_h, sure.15:52
hatchluca: thanks, any issues plz email - I want to get it unflagged by the end of the week15:52
bacsinzui: ahhhh.  so can you delete that bundle?15:53
bacand provide some defense?15:53
sinzuibac. I can. I am preparing a query to see if the bad data is also in production15:54
bacsinzui: i suspect it is15:54
Makyojujugui call in 1.15:59
sinzuibac, The error cannot happen in production because the early ingest error was never in production. I will fix the class, prove it works on staging, then delete the bad bundle from the staging db16:10
bacsinzui: great16:11
bachi adeuring, as i mentioned i'm seeing spurious failures unrelated (famous last words) to the work i'm doing.  they are all tests you added recently in r357.  could you have a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/6010830/16:22
adeuringbac: sure16:22
adeuringbac: where can I find your branch?16:28
bacadeuring: lp:charmworld/official-bundle-json16:29
bacadeuring: lp:~bac/charmworld/official-bundle-json16:29
bacsecond is correct16:29
* bac grabs lunch16:31
bacadeuring: how long until your eod?16:31
adeuringbac: officially, 30 minutes or so16:32
bacadeuring: ok,ping me if you have any ideas.  thanks.16:32
hatchMakyo: so how does your branch signify to the user that the charm can be upgraded?16:38
hatchI'm on rapi with serviceInspector and upgradeCharm16:38
Makyohatch, that's the next branch.  This branch's whole point is to check for available upgrades.16:39
hatchlgtm qa ok16:41
hatchjujugui CI is down16:52
hatchunable to deploy charm16:52
hatchwere there any changes made to the charm yesterday?16:52
rick_hhatch: https://code.launchpad.net/~juju-gui/charms/precise/juju-gui/trunk landed today it looks like16:54
hatchit had failed when huw landed his branch early this morning16:55
hatchahh crap, gota run for a few16:55
rick_hhatch: ok, well #93 landed yesterday16:55
hatchI'll look into it when i get back16:56
rick_h#92 as well16:56
benjiBradCrittenden: do you know if we have any actual bundles in the production DB?16:56
frankbanhatch: yes, but only the guiserver bits, and the error seems unrelated (KeyError: 'instance-state' when trying to parse juju status, wird)16:56
frankbanweird even16:56
BradCrittendenbenji: i do not.  sinzui might as he just looked into it16:57
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
sinzuibenji, yes I do know.16:57
benjisinzui: are there any bundles in the production db?16:58
sinzuibenji, bac, There is exactly one. Most likely the abentley won we are testing16:58
bacsinzui: that would've been my guess16:58
sinzuibenji, staging has 2, one is bogus and I will remove it after I have a fix in place for a bug16:58
benjiI guess I'll have to write a migration script then16:59
sinzuibenji, do you want to remove the production one?16:59
benjiit would be nice :)16:59
sinzuibenji, you could just remove() the one bundle, If you are updating the structure you could just make sure you are compatible during the period it is not reingested17:01
benjihmm, yeah I think just removing all bundle data from ES and waiting for a re-ingest is the way to go; thanks17:02
adeuringbac: I can't reproduce these failures :(17:10
bacadeuring: thanks for looking.  very odd.17:11
bacadeuring: are you working within an LXC?17:11
adeuringbac: no, do you?17:11
bacadeuring: no.  but i have seen spurious test failures in the past linked to using a "real" environment vs an lxc.  those were timezone based, though.17:12
adeuringbac: another odditiy: you started with trunk r358 -- and that revision already contains most of my recent work...17:12
bacadeuring: well, i didn't run the full suite until recently17:13
adeuringah, ok17:13
bacadeuring: anyway, have a good evening.  thanks for your help.17:13
adeuringbac: thanks. I'll look a bit more tomoroorw morning17:14
bacadeuring: ok.  i'll email you if i solve it17:14
adeuringbac: cool, thanks17:14
hatchtotally just cut my finger open on a PowerAde bottle.....awesome!17:39
hatchdoes anyone know the euca command to destroy an instance?17:50
hatch^ jujugui17:50
hatchoh terminate-instances17:50
hatchok another build kicked off17:53
hatchlooked like it couldn't start up the new instance17:53
hatchwill see what happens now17:53
hatchbcsaller: is there any way to QA your branch?17:54
sinzuibac, benji: do either of you have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/charmworld/basket-name-none/+merge/18136217:57
benjisinzui: I can take it.17:58
bcsallerhatch: you can drag test/data/blog.yaml onto the canvas18:02
hatchok and if no errors and the services are there then it's a o k ?18:03
rick_hhatch: guichat when you get a sec please?18:07
hatchbcsaller: I think there were some things changed in your branch which will effect Makyo's re the charm promise18:07
hatchrick_h: omw18:07
bcsallerhatch: that is a wrapper around the normal call, that shouldn't be a problem. The id normalization could impact something else but shouldn't 18:08
bcsallerhatch: yes, it should work, services and relations from the deployer file as you'd expect.18:12
bcsallerhmmm... though actually that won't work in the extracted version for the reason listed in the mp, ugh18:13
bcsallerwhen a deployer file includes more than one target we'd need a disambiguation UI which isn't there 18:13
bcsallerso w/o a change, no, it won't import, it will throw the error saying more than one possible target18:14
bcsallera deployer with one target will work though, an export for example18:14
hatchok so....stop reviewing and qaing?18:14
bcsalleror just export something and re-import it18:19
bcsallerthat didn't work before18:19
bcsallerwhen we unsynced the format18:19
* hatch is glad he isn't doing this18:21
rick_hMakyo: if I wanted to confirm that the python environment .deploy() method would allow setting constraints in the 3rd argument (config) where would I look for the websocket docs/code? I see the send_rpc call, but want to keep following the code to determine what's valid for that config param for the 'deploy' call?18:28
rick_hyay jenkins has been appeased!18:30
Makyorick_h, app/store/env/python.js:257 - Not seeing constraints :/18:33
rick_hMakyo: right, hatch thought perhaps the 'config' could container constraints18:34
rick_hbut the code doesn't read like it18:34
rick_hMakyo: so I was going to go looking at the 'thing' that this ends up calling but not sure where to head from here. juju-core source?18:34
hatchjujugui I got CI back up, canonistack was holding on to an errored machine and wouldn't terminate it18:35
rick_hMakyo: I don't see any tests that work like that either, but the tests are specific18:35
Makyorick_h, Yeah, I'm not seeing it in fakebackend, either.  It just uses an empty constraints object.18:35
bcsallerthats so classic canonistack, love that guy18:35
rick_hMakyo: the goal is to deploy a charm from the ghost inspector with charm config + constraints. Seems like it *should* be possible but trying to find the right way to build that18:35
Makyorick_h, looking in core real quick.18:35
rick_hthanks Makyo 18:36
hatchbcsaller: lol18:36
* rick_h is looking at core for the first time ever...duh duh duh18:36
hatchwe have to be able to deploy a service with constraints :( That seems like such an oversight if it's missing18:37
rick_hhatch: yea, in following the code there now it's not tested or something I am seeing. 18:37
Makyorick_h, In core (haven't checked pyjuju), ServiceDeploy's params takes a Constraints argument: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~go-bot/juju-core/trunk/view/head:/state/api/params/params.go#L5818:43
rick_hMakyo: ah, thank you sir!18:43
Makyorick_h, The constraints.Value shooould be a dict with very specific keys.18:43
MakyoWill look.18:43
rick_hMakyo: cool, yea I was looking at DeployServiceParams in conn.go which seems similiar, but not quite it18:44
Makyorick_h, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~go-bot/juju-core/trunk/view/head:/constraints/constraints.go#L1918:44
Makyorick_h, I hope this hasn't changed and I'm not leading you down the wrong path.18:45
rick_hMakyo: ok, so looks like a little more work to do to get this able to work. 18:45
rick_hMakyo: cool, thanks. This helps a bunch and gives me something work towards. 18:45
Makyorick_h, Yeah.  Want me to check pyjuju too?  Just got back from lunch, so I'm not on anything quite yet.18:45
rick_hMakyo: sure, I want to peek as well to understand how this stuff fits18:46
rick_hbut appreciate a sanity check18:46
Makyorick_h, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~hazmat/juju/rapi-rollup/view/head:/juju/rapi/cmd/deploy.py#L15 has a constraints_strs18:48
MakyoI'm not quite sure how that works, but it does look like it's there.18:49
rick_hMakyo: so for the config, the Go is caps, the python is not?18:49
rick_hMakyo: yea, was looking at the constraints.py file 18:49
rick_hMakyo: actually guichat for a sec? Maybe easier?18:50
Makyorick_h, Correct; that should be taken care of in app/store/env/{python,go}.js, so the calls remain the same, as does the data passed to the callbacks.18:50
Makyorick_h, sure, be right there.18:52
hazmatMakyo, its mem=4 cpu=2 instance-type=m1.medium19:17
Makyohazmat, cool, thanks.  rick_h ^^^19:17
hazmatMakyo, w/ juju-core s/cpu/cpu-cores and instance-type doesn't exist19:17
hazmater.. mem=4G19:17
benjisinzui/bac: can I get a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/charmworld/bundle-heads/+merge/181385 ?19:25
* sinzui looks19:26
hatchjujugui is there a way to get the env calls to follow their callbacks in tests?19:53
hatchthe overview constraints page needs to send the new constraints, wait for it to return, then send it's new unit number19:54
bcsallerwrap it in a promise19:54
hatchbut the callback is never being called in the tests19:54
hatchehh, that's a lot of overhead just to make it pass the tests :)19:55
bcsallerand you're sure it not failing before that? or you think nothing is responding?19:55
hatchwell the env constraints call is being made19:55
hatchbut the callback isn't getting called19:55
bcsallerhatch: I can look at it with you but offhand I don't know what to tell you19:56
hatchguichat real quick?19:56
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
sinzuibenji, I replied with a question of sorts.20:03
benjicool, looking20:04
benjisinzui: I am inclined to say that bad bundles (or more correctly, bad baskets) are not ingested at all, that way we don't have to have a bunch of defensive code against bad data.  How does that sound?20:07
sinzuibenji, how do we communicate to the basket author that their basket is invalid?20:09
sinzuiwe have a report for charms. you cannot search for them, but the report shows what we know about them20:09
sinzuibenji, but in general I am fine to not save insane bundles for the moment.20:10
* sinzui is writing an incantation to get the insane one out of staging ES right now20:10
benjiah, good point.  In that case I would save the basket data but none of the bundles.  That way we can show a bad basket but none of the bundles will foul anything up.20:10
benjiwe'll still have to be defensive against bad baskets, but that is a smaller battle front to defent20:11
benjisinzui: how about that? ^^^20:17
sinzuibenji, works for me. r=me. I'll let you work out the graceful exit from the situation20:18
benjisinzui: "graceful exit"?20:18
sinzuibenji, adding the defensive guards for bad baskets20:19
benjiah, gotcha20:19
sinzuiThere won't be any in a few minutes I hope20:19
hatchbcsaller: is there an example in a current test about setting up the env with the real fakebackend?20:19
hatchI can't seem to find one20:19
bcsallerhatch: test_sandbox_python and look for integration, I think that does what you want20:21
hatchahh got it thx20:22
bcsallerThen I think you pass that sort of a setup as env20:23
hatchoh jeeze I need to load up a fakestore too20:36
hatchbcsaller: ok so now that i Have it all set up and are monkeypatching onmessage I still only get a single call20:44
hatchI'm guessing onmessage needs to return something?20:44
benjiI really wish the testrunner didn't make me work to hard to craft the description of the subset of tests I want to run.  I bet there is a plug-in somewhere that I'd like.20:54
bcsallerhatch: when you're env is using the sandbox connected to a fakebackend it should work20:54
bcsallerbenji: nested describe blocks?20:54
bcsallerI use those to collect tests20:54
hatchbcsaller: got a second for a guichat?20:55
benjibcsaller: this is the nose python test runner; it's not so bad, but it wants filename:classname.methodname.  I'd prefer to just do methodname and let it figure out the rest20:55
bcsallerbenji: ahh, different test runner, I've used tags for that with nose iirc, there is a plugin for that 20:56
bcsallerhatch: missed you I guess20:56
hatchgoing to grab some lunch21:09
bacsinzui: i've narrowed the problem to a small set of tests as seen at https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/charmworld/spurious-test-failures/+merge/18141821:42
* sinzui looks21:42
baci've listed abel as a reviewer so perhaps he can figure something out tomorrow21:42
bacif not i'll land it so i can proceed with my work21:42
* bac walks unusually patient dog21:43
MakyoSo this stuff is pretty good: https://twitter.com/bzr_pull_makyo/status/370264178293886977/photo/1  Nicely gingery without being too weird for a beer.23:28
MakyoPlus, it's called Good Juju.23:29

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