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mtenenhurray, I am running kubuntu 13.04 on a 8 year old computer - works great.01:13
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Guest61394Hello. I'm trying to install Kubuntu in a machine with UEFI boot, but the installer is unable to install grub into the UEFI partition. What should I do?02:45
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cantinstallgrubHello. My Kubuntu installation fails in the end because it cannot install the grub-efi package successfully. I'm trying to recover it manually, following this page: http://superuser.com/questions/376470/how-to-reinstall-grub2-efi, but it doesn't work either, I get errors when trying to reinstall it. What should I do?03:48
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ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI05:49
valorieyeah, but s/he left05:49
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skreech_No that was for me06:00
skreech_ I forget the stance of UEFI. I'm still really wary of buying a new computer because of it06:00
valorieah, ok06:01
valoriehiya skreech_06:01
skreech_hi valorie!!!06:01
* skreech_ huuuuuuugs06:01
valorieseems to be a bit of a hurdle, but people overcome it06:01
skreech_valorie: is it still fragmented by Distro?06:17
valorieuefi? I don't know06:18
valorieI guess ask the arch, fedora and opensuse people about that06:18
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:11
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BluesKajHI folks10:21
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izanagiargh, after kernel update, graphic drivers died - had to reinstall nvidia, but it is now working. 10:39
lordievaderGood afternoon.11:07
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* viteac is wondering why there's no buttons LEAVE, RESTART in KUBUNTU 13.0412:24
naughxthere is :o12:25
smartboyhwviteac, there certainly is12:25
naughxOpen the KDE menu12:25
viteacthen something wrong went after restarting, I do not have them12:26
viteacnaughx: when I open Kmenu, I go to Leave/ there is only Logout and Lock12:26
viteacI regret now moving from 8 something ;/12:27
BluesKajight click on the desktop , choose leave12:27
viteacits same man12:27
BluesKajthen choose logout , once on the logout page choose the red leave button down in the right hand corner12:28
naughxIt's in french, but I've it. http://imgur.com/1xJwNba12:29
BluesKajyou obviously logged in and out previously12:29
viteacthere is no other option, even in login out menu where is counting to... , or even same when I want to log in just lock and logout12:29
viteaccertaintly when want to reboot or shut the comp I need go to console ;/12:30
BluesKajtopen a terminal , sudo halt 12:30
viteacI know how to do it BluesKaj 12:31
BluesKajor reboot12:31
BluesKajhave you updated/upgraded lately , viteac?12:31
viteacIt doesnt bother me, I'm using nix since 1th versions ;-), but I'm not only one using PC at home12:32
viteacmy wife use it, and 2kids :-)12:32
viteacI dont want them scary them with black screens ;-)12:32
BluesKajthen put windows on the pc for them 12:32
viteacNo windows in mine home12:33
BluesKajthen teach your family that black scrns aren't scary 12:33
naughx@BluesKaj, BSOD are more. >.>12:34
viteacBluesKaj: egh BluesKaj not so easy always, but this silly chat doesnt solve mine problem actually.12:34
viteacnot everybody likes this wau communicating with computer.12:35
BluesKajI asked you before if you updated and upgraded lately , viteac12:35
viteacBluesKaj: to be honest is crashing while updating, first wanted to do installation of Mozilla and adds ons for mozi, und I was curious with Mozilla firefox Installer from Kmenu, and that things stopped while: WAITING  with installation.12:37
naughxIt's should've worked...12:38
viteackilled it, and wanted check UPDATES, for sake there were some (althought I checked updates while installing the system).12:38
BluesKajjust run an update then , and try the FF installer again12:38
ikoniawhy not just use firefox.....from the ubuntu repos12:38
naughxsudo apt-get install firefox12:39
viteacif there is no solution for this yeah I'm going to do it.12:39
ikoniaviteac: why not just do it as it's supported software12:39
viteacikonia: I was just curious with this new wizard. 12:39
naughxMuon package manager?12:39
ikoniasorry, that seems crazy12:39
viteacand unluckyli it was not working.12:39
ikoniayou just said other people use the PC - yet your messing around unkwno software12:40
viteacikonia: it's just a PC :/12:40
viteacthat's my job anyway12:41
BluesKajthe FF installer used to be default , dunno if it still is , haven't done a clean install since 12.04 12:41
viteacIf you have backup, many disc you can mess with you PC it doesn't bite you.12:41
ikoniaviteac: yes, but your argument was that other people use the PC 12:41
BluesKajdue to the ubiquity HW recognition problem that the devs can't seem to solve12:42
viteacyeah, and I want to have friendly PC at home, so I don't want to teach a wife line commands if she doesn't want.12:42
ikoniaso don't put unknown software on it12:42
ikoniakeep it stable and use trusted software12:43
viteacthat's is not problem.12:43
ikoniabecause it breaks like this and then isn't a friendly computer 12:43
ikoniaoh, you seem to be asking how to fix a problem, suggesting it's a problem you can't fix12:43
ikoniathat struck me as a problem 12:43
viteacno you're wrong.12:43
viteacJust came to ask if you meet the problem.12:44
ikoniacarry on then, it's clear you don't need help12:44
BluesKajthere's no leave option in the shutdown dialog , ikonia12:44
viteacJust wanted solve it without rebooting the window manager.12:44
ikoniaBluesKaj: yes, but he doesn't need help, 12:45
ikoniaBluesKaj: he's just said. 12:45
ikoniaBluesKaj: to me that seems like a pretty big problem for other users if there are no buttons12:45
ikoniabut I'm wrong12:45
viteacoh ikonia go take some air because your'e brain is crashing.12:46
ikoniaI assure you it's not12:46
BluesKajviteac, reboot your pc , see if the shutdown button is back 12:46
viteacBluesKaj: funny because done it already and there're not.12:47
viteacOk, I go away, having fun what went wrong ;-)12:47
BluesKajthe shut it off completely and boot up again :)12:48
BluesKajahh ppl with attitude become trolls so quickly :)12:49
viteacyeah, I check logs yet and try another account however I were not doing anything with Icons, or rights. The first thing I were doing was updates and installing mozilla when had have reset PC after installing os.12:50
BluesKajinteresting that some users think of the command line as unfriendly 12:55
BluesKajit's the opposite in fact ...fewer processes required to achieve an action12:57
Tm_TBluesKaj: if there's gui method to do things and the user is more familiar with the gui, I'd recommend instructing them with the gui tools12:57
BluesKajyes at first the gui is the method to use , but after one becomes familiar with the OS, it's time for a new phase and IMO learning some terminal commands is the next step13:00
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Tm_TBluesKaj: support channel's role isn't force that step though IMO, maybe we should continue on -offtopic from this?13:02
BluesKajTm_T, no need , I've already said my piece.13:04
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homeare somthing here?13:27
NanduXWe is h3r313:28
smartboyhwhome, yes we ARE here13:28
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cantinstallgrubResending the question I sent last night: Hello. My Kubuntu installation fails in the end because it cannot install the grub-efi package successfully. I'm trying to recover it manually, following this page: http://superuser.com/questions/376470/how-to-reinstall-grub2-efi, but it doesn't work either, I get errors when trying to reinstall it. I'm trying to install it in the Asus UX31A (Zenbook Prime). Is this a known problem? What should I do?15:09
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viteacBluesKaj: with mine previous problem it must be something with updates when installing. 15:17
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IdleOneon 13.04 I have had kscreen being held back for over a month. Could someone tell me why this package is being held back?15:38
BluesKajIdleOne, have you updated your kde version ?15:45
IdleOneBluesKaj: I run the updates regularly, but I haven't gone outside the regular repos.15:46
IdleOneso no PPA's15:46
BluesKajIdleOne, got the backports enabled ?15:47
IdleOnesorry, had to step away a moment. let me check the backports15:52
IdleOneBluesKaj: nope, backports are not enabled15:53
NalakaHewa_Hi, does kubuntu have mysql server by default or do I have to install it?15:55
BluesKajIdleOne, well , if your interested in the latest KDE version run a dist-upgrade 15:58
IdleOneBluesKaj: I have, but kscreen is still held back15:59
BluesKajIdleOne, odd , I haven't noticed that on 13.04 , I'll have to check . I'm on 13.10 atm 15:59
BluesKajBBL 16:00
IdleOneit doesn't seem to be affecting my install it just a little annoying to me to see that 1 package not updating :)16:00
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lordievaderGood evening.18:16
morigerGood evening :018:17
lordievaderHey moriger, how are you?18:17
morigerWell and well. How fares the Force?18:18
lordievaderQuite dark ;)18:18
morigerwel,l at least you will not be sunburned!18:22
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bopper_hello all19:13
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stalkerghello all19:27
lordievaderHey stalkerg 19:28
stalkergif I develop program and public under GPL, but this program for work need include freeware and link binary lib, I violate the GPL?19:30
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BluesKajIdleOne, muon upgraded kscreen just fine ...bit of a mystery there , maybe muon looks at the repos with dpkg instead of apt. 21:01
BluesKajdpkg first that is 21:02
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Kuuga-RXSounds pretty fair.22:15
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