xxzz | good evening | 02:11 |
xxzz | how do i install openssh-server | 02:12 |
xxzz | ehh it can't find openssh-server binary for install | 02:21 |
ianorlin | !info openssh-server | 02:27 |
ubottu | openssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.1p1-4 (raring), package size 336 kB, installed size 828 kB | 02:27 |
ianorlin | how are you trying to install it? | 02:28 |
xxzz | apt-get install openssh-server | 02:51 |
xxzz | sorry was taking supper | 02:51 |
xxzz | it says it has no installation candidate | 02:53 |
xxzz | anyway i will compile from src | 02:54 |
xxzz | maybe my apt-get is broken | 02:54 |
lubuntu-newbie | I'm having an issue with flash where if I'm trying to loading a youtube video it loads improperly. I'm not sure if it's an issue where I should purge flash and reinstall or not. | 03:11 |
holstein | lubuntu-newbie: flash is notoriously bad.. i suggest trying the chrome browser, (not chromium) and see if the flash in chrome works for you | 03:48 |
lubuntu-newbie | Thanks. | 03:55 |
carolm | hi i am having an issue with Lubuntu | 16:21 |
carolm | the system doesn't boot... is saying "01717062 kernal panic -not syncing :VFS: unable to mount root fs unknown block | 16:22 |
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digwiz | Hello, I'm using lubuntu installed on an older laptop to share my wireless internet connection with my PC. My PC is also running GFWL (specifically trying to play Dark Souls) but I'm having issues with GFWL picking up UPnP from my modem or seeing forwarded ports. Originally I went to google and did a search related to GFWL/Dark Souls and this issue but none of the fixes I've seen work. I'm starting to think it's the Lubuntu settings themselves | 18:58 |
digwiz | that might be preventing my PC (dual-boot Ubuntu 13/Windows 7) from using the proper protocols. Can anyone possibly assist me with this? | 18:58 |
digwiz | I guess what I'm wondering is, do I need to/how do I enable UPnP and/or forward the proper ports for a wireless connection that is then shared via ethernet to a PC | 18:59 |
digwiz | Rephrasing of earlier question: If I want to use an older laptop with lubuntu installed on it to share its wireless connection with a desktop PC that wants to run GFWL (which requires UPnP and/or specific ports forwarded for certain games), do I need to enable UPnP/certain ports on the lubuntu install, or just the modem? | 19:28 |
phillw | digwiz: as lubuntu shares all the core things (like wifi), you may get a speedier answer from the forum area (just do put a lubuntu tag in the question). http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=336 is the area that covers networking and wireless. | 19:48 |
digwiz | phillw: ok, thanks. I think it is the lubuntu settings, and now it is just a case of figuring out how to forward the necessary ports using iptables, or set up upnp properly | 19:49 |
digwiz | do you know where i can find a good tutorial for that? | 19:49 |
phillw | digwiz: server stuff, such as upnp is covered in that area https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers | 19:58 |
melodie | hi | 22:25 |
melodie | phillw are you around? | 22:25 |
phillw | melodie: indeed I am. | 22:29 |
melodie | great! | 22:29 |
phillw | my brain, however, has been packed off to bed.. so be gentle! | 22:30 |
melodie | phillw what do you think about talking about Lxappearance and it's bugs? | 22:30 |
melodie | I'll be gentle, I'll ask permission first :p | 22:30 |
melodie | phillw and I don't plan to stay too long either, have to get up early | 22:32 |
phillw | melodie: we do have a meeting coming up for bugs. Ibrere hunts down the bugs, but please do let me know of any bug numbers for laxappearance that you think are un-loved. in the meeting, we do get to ask the 'boss' about bugs | 22:32 |
melodie | when is this meeting and can we prior talk about my findings in the coming days? | 22:32 |
melodie | I am on several projects at same time so if this could be possible I would be at ease to feedback and participate more efficiently... | 22:33 |
phillw | I'm still buzzing with happiness as a bug that has affected PPC lubuntu for two cycles looks like it has been squished... | 22:33 |
melodie | great! | 22:34 |
phillw | melodie: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/IRC%20Meetings/Agenda | 22:34 |
melodie | I look | 22:34 |
melodie | this one? Tue 27th August (Pre Beta 1) | 22:35 |
melodie | that would be next tuesday? | 22:35 |
melodie | I'll add it to my schedule | 22:36 |
phillw | please add a bug number to the bug section and I will raise it with our head of dev. Yes, it is next Tuesday.... Beta 1 time! | 22:36 |
melodie | please where is the lubuntu bug section? | 22:36 |
melodie | phillw ? | 22:38 |
phillw | melodie: do you have a bug reported for lxappearance? Or do you know of such bugs? chatting about bugs is NOT the same as reporting a bug. The devs only look at bug reports officially reported. | 22:38 |
melodie | I know of such bugs but didn't have the opportunity to chech if they are yet reported | 22:39 |
phillw | melodie: if they are reported, they are not bugs... | 22:40 |
melodie | this is why I am asking if there is a lubuntu bug section somewhere and where | 22:40 |
phillw | *are not reported* | 22:40 |
melodie | ok I understand better | 22:40 |
melodie | please just point me to the right place for this and I will check and act accordingly | 22:41 |
phillw | melodie: are these on your list? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxappearance | 22:41 |
melodie | not yet, I add it | 22:41 |
melodie | I mean I didn't have this link, so I check | 22:42 |
phillw | that is a list of current bugs for lxappearance | 22:42 |
melodie | I can confirm this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxappearance/+bug/1062586 | 22:43 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1062586 in lxappearance (Ubuntu) "lxappearance not setting gtk theme for any user" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 22:43 |
phillw | melodie: it is marked as confirmed... give me a few a mins to read it up. | 22:43 |
melodie | I didn't try Quantal so I can't say for this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxappearance/+bug/905004 | 22:43 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 905004 in lxappearance (Ubuntu) "does not apply settings" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 22:43 |
melodie | what I noticed is different, and I'll refer to the log of the present discussion to add mine next to that page: | 22:44 |
melodie | in a version where it mostly works, in Precise, (I use an Openbox standalone remix I did, but I suppose Lubuntu has the same as I think I've seen it before), the default fonts are always "complete" for anti aliasing: each time it is re opened it does not show the last option chosen, but systematically reconfigures to the "full" antialising, which I think is incorrect. | 22:46 |
phillw | julien did comment on it, but that is a bug from october 2012. It is an old release. It needs re-checking with 13,04 (April 2013) | 22:46 |
melodie | yes yes | 22:46 |
melodie | 13.04 : does not start at all | 22:46 |
melodie | it has to be checked with the very current one, doesn't it? | 22:46 |
phillw | melodie: If 13.04 did not start at all, I *think* we'd have heard the screams! | 22:47 |
melodie | isn't that one? | 22:47 |
melodie | melodie> I can confirm this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxappearance/+bug/1062586 | 22:47 |
melodie | <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1062586 in lxappearance (Ubuntu) "lxappearance not setting gtk theme for any user" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 22:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1062586 in lxappearance (Ubuntu) "lxappearance not setting gtk theme for any user" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 22:47 |
melodie | I just said I can confirm this one | 22:48 |
phillw | melodie: DistroRelease: Ubuntu 12.10 | 22:48 |
phillw | 22:48 | |
phillw | too old! | 22:48 |
melodie | else, the Raring version has been presented by the Canonical people as being supported for 9 months and not more, because they have too much work with the mobile versions | 22:49 |
melodie | too old.... | 22:49 |
melodie | too bad? | 22:49 |
melodie | how long was it supposed to be supported? | 22:49 |
melodie | this is what I have noticed in the almost bare Openbox : the Lxde components are supposed to be standalone and able to live by themselves out of the Lxde desktop | 22:50 |
melodie | phillw I think I'd better report upstream | 22:50 |
phillw | i'm afraid so. 12.10 / 12.04 were just as lubuntu got adopted. They are only desktop supported, which is now 9 months. This allows the teams to devote their few resources to actually have an LTS. 14.04 will be the 1st lubuntu one. | 22:51 |
melodie | no problem with that, I know Lubuntu is young, and has a bright future. ;) | 22:52 |
melodie | the other annoyance is the lastest available versions modify gtk2 and gtk3 configuration at same time | 22:52 |
phillw | lubuntu made it very clear that 12.04 was NOT an LTS, regardless of us not having the man power to do it, it was specifically prohibited by the Tech Council. | 22:52 |
melodie | it annoys me because I would like to have 2 independant themes and configurations, therefore it's not quite the right way if others want to do the same and are not keen and aware about configuration files, there should be some specific parts for this | 22:53 |
melodie | phillw I know Lubuntu 12.04 is not LTS, I have been aware after I installed it to someone's machine. :à | 22:54 |
melodie | :) | 22:54 |
melodie | but never mind. | 22:54 |
melodie | I want to focuse on Lxappearance, because it is a very handy tool | 22:54 |
melodie | I'll post to the Lxde bugzilla place and to the Lxde ml. that will be better and make the message available for more communities | 22:55 |
phillw | melodie: we are used to *ubuntu* changing things... for the gtk / qt issue, that is for the devs. | 22:55 |
melodie | I am happy you have informed me about the meetings, I'll try to assit | 22:55 |
melodie | assist | 22:55 |
melodie | I didn't mention Qt, only gtk2/gtk3 | 22:56 |
phillw | melodie: ahh, now I recall..... I got a bit told off :) But, I do expect that if I step out of line for chasing things up :) | 22:56 |
melodie | you must be quite sleepy, something seems to lack in your last sentence | 22:57 |
melodie | what happens next? | 22:57 |
phillw | melodie: http://pastebin.com/pw9FcJsf | 22:58 |
phillw | The boss has it on the radar, just not quite now :) | 22:58 |
melodie | why not? Do you think I'd have a better luck and fun talking with the guy who looks after the zram part of the project? I'd love to have discussions by mail with him | 22:59 |
phillw | melodie: and do not worry, myself and the boss do not mess with pleasentries... the fewer words to get the idea over is better :D | 22:59 |
melodie | what is pleasentries? | 23:00 |
melodie | "" ? | 23:00 |
* melodie French lacks English vocabulary | 23:00 | |
phillw | Once FFe goes in, julien will look at bugs. At the moment the devs need to get feature things in (adding / improving the applications). Once that is past, they can deal with bug fixes, as they're allowed in :D | 23:01 |
melodie | this was my last question, then time to join the country of the dreams | 23:01 |
melodie | wrong statement from my part, the last questions is "what is FFe" ? | 23:02 |
phillw | Once Feature Freeze is in effect, we have to make specific case for an exemption. a bug fix is still allowed in.... And, yes, we do stretch the rules :) | 23:03 |
melodie | great | 23:04 |
phillw | Feature Freeze is no more altering how the application works.... only allowed fixing bugs after that date :D | 23:04 |
melodie | I'll do my best to put a salt grain in the dish | 23:05 |
melodie | I have to think about writing a mail to the one dev who looks after the zram module configuration | 23:05 |
phillw | melodie: why? | 23:06 |
melodie | this is the main major improvement I see in the next Lubuntu | 23:06 |
melodie | because I am very much used to configure it in distributions, since several years and can offer feedback about the results related to how it is configured | 23:06 |
phillw | melodie: bbs, dog needs out and I'm not too sure if we are ontopic here... may be better to move to #lubuntu-offtopic | 23:06 |
melodie | no need, I'll write to the man who asked for feedback on the ml, maybe about a month ago | 23:07 |
melodie | thanks very much for the discussion and the information and I will wish you a very good night | 23:08 |
melodie | (I'm also a bit exhausted now) :) | 23:08 |
melodie | going now | 23:08 |
Vivekananda | hello | 23:30 |
Vivekananda | anyone here ? a little help http://pastebin.com/hbVYQvrw | 23:30 |
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