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Mirvpopey: seems a valid bug. probably broken upstream since it's not a released module. I see flickr example bug fix after the snapshot was taken, but no fix for the others.03:30
Mirva newer snapshot as such is not possible anymore, since they just switched to requiring Qt 5.03:31
dholbachgood morning06:45
_5m0k3Thanks for the screenshots, mhall11907:10
dholbachbeuno, thanks for the updates in the doc07:36
popeyMirv: thanks08:19
Jamalno one ?08:53
randomcpphi Jamal :)08:54
Jamalcould someone help me with some QML tips ?08:54
randomcppjust ask :)08:54
Jamalok thanks :D08:54
randomcppI'm not so expert, but maybe I can help you08:54
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Jamalso..i want to make a small contact list with tabs, and when i click on items from the list I go anothr page from de pagestack, but that other page from pagestack I want to have tabs also08:56
JamalPageStack {         id: pageStack         Component.onCompleted: push(tabs)  -> and when i try to push another "Tabs" doesnt work08:57
timpJamal: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-13.10/qml/ui-toolkit/qml-ubuntu-components0-tabs.html has an example how to combine tabs and pagestack09:00
timpJamal: when you push a new page to the stack (on top of the Tabs), the tabbar will be gone. You have to navigate 'back' first before you get them.09:00
timpJamal: this was done on purpose, as specified by design here http://design.ubuntu.com/apps/global-patterns/navigation to avoid confusing navigation patterns.09:01
timpJamal: on http://design.ubuntu.com/apps/global-patterns/navigation see the "One Last Thing" note09:01
Jamalso i have to use one Tavs object and this will be updated across different pages from stack ?09:04
Jamalone Tabs* sorry09:04
Jamalthe Tabs from one page to another (from pagestack) should be totally different09:08
mihir_Good Monring all :)09:09
mihir_dpm: Hi09:15
dpmhi mihir_, good morning!09:15
mefriois there a designer?09:15
dpmlet me see if I can find christina or mehow09:16
christinamorning dpm09:17
dpmhi christina, thanks for joining us :) - mihir_ had a design question for calculator09:18
christinadpm, mihir_ sure- let me know09:22
dpmchristina, ah, sorry, I misread the IRC nick. There is no question about the calculator, so nothing for you to do. But it's good to have you here in any case, if something comes up09:22
dpmsorry for the confusion09:22
dpmmefrio, now there is a designer on the channel :) ^09:22
Jamali have a question :p09:23
christinadpm, no worries...09:23
christinamefrio, Jamal hello09:23
nik90iBelieve: When I try running the latest build, I get the error file:///home/krnekhelesh/AppShowdown2013/tasks-app/ui/StatisticsPage.qml:42 BarGraph is not a type09:23
Jamali want to combine tabs and pagestack, actually for now only 2 pages in pagestack and each of them to have different tabs09:24
mefriochristina, hi :) I need help with my application for the showdown contest. I am designing a grid layout to provide an alternative to the classic listview but I don't know how to design the grid items to fit the HIGs. Can you help me?09:24
mefriothe project is https://github.com/Mefrio/Memories09:24
Jamalis it possible ? pushing different Tabs in the pagestack didn't work. When we need to use deep navigation, for example when the user taps on a piece of content from a tabbed view, the header will update to represent the new view.09:27
christinaJamal, do you mean by tapping on a tab, it will go to a deeper page?09:28
Jamalno, the Tab will have a list of items, clicking on some item will push me in the stack09:28
christinamefrio, sorry, what's HIGs?09:29
Jamaland in the new view, i want another set of Tabs09:29
nik90Jamal: You cannot have different tabs in each page09:29
mefriochristina, design guidelines09:29
nik90Jamal: you have to do it the other way round09:29
nik90Jamal: tabs with different pages in them09:29
nik90Jamal: why dont you do that? To the user it wont make a difference09:30
christinaJamal, we don't recommend tabs and page stack together09:30
Jamallets say you have a list of Contacts and the tabs will be some filters, you click on a contact , then go back and click on another, now i would like to have 2 tabs with name of the two contacts09:31
timpJamal: what you propose is currently not supported with the PageStack.09:31
timpJamal: I can you discuss it with a designer because according to their guidelines this should be avoided09:32
timpJamal: perhaps I am wrong about what design wants, and in that case you can report a bug in the ui toolkit and we'll have to fix it09:32
* timp bbl09:32
Jamali don't see any workaround to have the same feeling09:33
christinaJamal, http://design.ubuntu.com/apps/global-patterns/navigation hope this helps- what you are suggesting seems to be coming flat navigation (Tabs) with deep navigation (page stack) which we dont recommend09:33
Jamaland how should i do it ?09:33
nik90mefrio: I cannot run the app anymore with the latest build09:34
asacso if i see "import Ubuntu.Components 0.1" being red in my editor, what could be wrong?09:34
asaci have ubuntu-sdk installed09:34
christinaJamal, would it be possible to consider introducing the filter, for example, for the contacts in the page09:34
mefrionik90, I added ubuntu-ui-extras dep as iBelieve suggested09:34
christinaJamal, tabs are used to switch between different pages of the app- not as a filter09:34
Jamalhmm, maybe i should put them in the Toolbar09:34
nik90mefrio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6009637/09:34
nik90mefrio: I added the ubuntu-ui-extras folder to the root folder09:35
christinaJamal, that's also a good possibilit09:35
Jamalif I do this, when I click on the contacts, I'll be able to use Tabs ?09:35
mefrionik90, ah yes I forgot to push the fix for that bug :P I will push it later09:35
nik90mefrio: ah okay09:36
christinaJamal, perhaps timp will be able to tell you a bit more when he's back. as your question concerns the SDK09:37
christinamefrio, hope timp can help you with your grid question09:37
mefriochristina, ok thanks09:38
Jamalok, I'll wait for timp :p09:38
Jamaltimp where are you? :p09:49
timpJamal: I'm not sure what you want to do09:58
dpmasac, if you hover the mouse over the red underline, what does the tooltip say as an error?09:58
timpJamal: if you want to use in-app search (is that what christina calls a filter?), ping kalikiana he knows more about that09:58
Jamalfillter i mean you have contacts and you filter them by some chriteria09:59
christinatimp, Jamal hi, no i didn't mean in app search.... i think closest we have to a filter at the moment is option selector10:00
Jamalif there isnt't any workaround for the recommended "dont use tabs and pagestack" i thought i could get rid off the first page Tabs, and the entries will go to Toolbar.10:00
Jamalif i do this, and I click on some contacts, will I be able to manipulate the Tabs as I want (just on Tabs now )10:01
randomcppcan PopupUtils.open accept other arguments after the componentId and the caller?10:02
asacdpm: ok i think that issue happened because i tried the sdk/ppa10:02
asacafter purge its better10:02
asacdpm: now when trying rick's test app, i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/6009708/ ... i assume i need to install something called qt5 location?10:03
asaclibqt5location5 is installed10:03
asacimport QtLocation 5.010:04
asacis the problem10:04
asacdpm: any idea where i could find that?10:04
dpmyeah, I was playing with qt location myself yesterday, it seems not to be pulled in automatically, you might need the qtdeclkarative-qtlocation-plugin package10:04
asacdpm: hmm. thats not avail in archive10:05
asacwhere is that?10:05
seb128asac, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtlocation-opensource-src/5.0~git20130805-0ubuntu110:05
dpmI said off the top of my head, let me check that's the right package name10:05
seb128asac, you want qtdeclarative5-qtlocation-plugin10:05
Jamalinstead of having two Tabs object (workaround would be nice), the first Tabs-entries i would put them in the Toolbar and then use only Tabs left for the second page in the stack10:05
dpmyep, thanks seb128 :)10:06
timpJamal, christina my impression was that it is best to have Tabs on the first page, and then you can push pages on top of the pagestack from that10:09
timpJamal, christina toolbar can have any button you like, but except for the back button I do not think it is meant for navigation10:09
Jamalbut when i push the second page on top of the stack, i need tabs for that page10:10
timpJamal: maybe it is best to make a mockup (drawings?) of how the navigation structure of the app should be and discuss it with christina10:10
asacseb128: dont send links to me :)10:10
asaci was reading emails to wait for the term to come back :)10:10
timpJamal: I can try to give recommendations on what to put where, but I would just be guessing the intentions of design10:10
seb128asac, haha10:10
asacok its installing10:10
JamalI'll do some screenshots and paste it here10:11
timpJamal christina, it is more important what is the best for the user, don't focus too much on what is best supported by the UI toolkit right now. If there is something missing we can add it.10:11
asacdpm: ok i think we are getting close. now i have http://paste.ubuntu.com/6009741/10:11
asacdoes that mean anything to you?10:12
asacAPP_ID seems to be a bit of a problem10:12
asacbut not sure10:12
Jamalyes, I'm thinking at the user10:12
christinatimp, Jamal yes, i agree. Jamal perhaps you can send me some sketches of your idea? Bit hard to visualise it over irc sometimes and i will see how i can help10:12
JamalI will paste some screenshots in a few minutes10:12
seb128asac, ignore the hud warning, that's "normal" (e.g doing it on other programs as well)10:15
seb128asac, file:///usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/MainView.qml:250:39: Unable to assign Tab_QMLTYPE_36 to Page_QMLTYPE_24 is a problem though,10:15
asacseb128: yeah sounds like it :)10:17
asaca bit cryptic for my background though10:17
asacdoes that mean i try to put a tab in a page10:17
asacbut that isnt allowed?10:17
seb128asac, seems like you try to assign an object from an invalid type10:17
asaclet me look what is at that line :)10:18
* asac senses the urge of reading rather than guessing10:18
seb128asac, it's "            property Page activePage: mainView.activeLeafNode" for me10:18
seb128asac, can you share your ApplicationLifecycleApp.qml ?10:19
asacseb128: so it really looks like i try to put a tab into a page10:19
asacand maybe thats just not compatible10:19
asaclet me check doc10:19
asacseb128: or is10:19
asacPage {10:19
asac   Tab {10:19
asac    ...10:20
asachow can i find out?10:20
seb128asac, http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/qml-ubuntu-components0-tabs.html10:21
dpmI think it's the other way round, tabs go into pages10:21
seb128"Tabs must be placed inside a MainView "10:21
asaci think its Page { Tabs { Tab10:21
seb128it's MainView { Tabs { Tab page:10:21
seb128see the example there10:21
asaci have MainView -> Page -> Tabs10:21
timpPages go into tabs. Each Tab has a page property that you should set10:21
asac... so that makes no sense?10:21
seb128MainView is your app view, Tabs is a containiner for individual tabs, tab have a page10:21
seb128no, it doesn't make sense the way you did it10:22
asachow can i reindent?10:22
timpasac: MainView -> Tabs -> (multiple) Tab -> Page (in the Tab.page property of each page)10:22
seb128asac, in qtcreator? ctrl-I10:22
asacis there a keycombo to just reindent the whole file?10:22
timpasac: ctrl+a, ctrl+i10:22
seb128asac, ctrl-a ctrl-i10:22
asacso i assume that haveing Tab -> Column also makse no sense?10:23
asace.g. i need Tab -> page: Page { ... Column, Column } ?10:24
randomcppnik90, I've changed the icon colors as you said :)10:24
randomcppnow there are white and I think they look ok10:25
nik90randomcpp: they look much better now10:25
asacseb128: so the mainview has no title10:25
asacdo i put the title into each page for each tab?10:25
seb128asac, it should have the title of the active page10:26
seb128asac, yes10:26
asacseb128: ok... is there a smart way to use a default?10:26
* asac becomes a magician with just that info :)10:26
randomcppnik90, did you prefer the X as delete or the trashbin?10:26
seb128asac, just set the title on the default page? not sure it makes sense to try to have a mainview without a page in it...10:27
asacseb128: i currently have MainView -> Tabs -> Tab -> Page10:27
asaci dont have a default page :)10:27
asaci assumed it was rather a default tab10:27
nik90randomcpp: the trash icon10:27
asace.g. the page in the default tab10:27
asacseb128: anyway... i actually think its good10:27
randomcppok perfect :)10:27
asacseb128: i will learn such sophisticated things later :)10:28
asacseb128: just one last thing: do i need Page -> Column -> elemnts?10:28
asaccant i just have Page -> elements?10:28
asacor would that not be vertically stackied?10:28
seb128asac, well, with your scheme you always have an active page10:28
asacright. hence i dont need a default :)10:28
asac(e.g. i am fine)10:29
seb128asac, tabs has an active tab which has an active page which has a title10:29
seb128asac, you don't need a Column, it's just an handy way to layout things10:29
seb128you could do10:29
seb128Element 1 {}10:29
seb128Element 2 {10:29
seb128anchors.top: element1.bottom10:29
seb128Element 1 { id: element1 }10:29
seb128asac, Column is a way to "pile" things, but you can pile by linking anchors.bottom/top to element.top/bottom10:30
asacAccountService being read10:30
asaceven though10:30
asacimport Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts 0.1 is OK10:30
asacmeans that i am screwed?10:31
seb128what does the ! say if you mouseover it?10:31
asacUnkonwn Component10:31
seb128it might also mean that AccountService doesn't export a definition of its objects10:31
seb128so qtcreator doesn't know about them10:31
asacAccountServiceModel is the same10:32
asacFriendsDispatcher as well10:32
asachave you ever seen any of those work?10:32
Jamalchristina ?10:34
seb128asac, I never tried to use those, let me have a look10:35
asacseb128: no...you already invested too much time supporting me :)10:36
asacdont do it for me :)10:36
asaci will just get rid of the friendstab and tell rick to fix it :)10:36
asacit has other problems: like it always wants another  }10:36
asaci already have three }}} at the end10:36
asacand all indentation clearly shows that there is no more {10:37
asacbut it still complains10:37
asacguess its a fall out from being unhappy about AccountSerice and friends keywords10:37
seb128complain about what?10:37
seb128can you pastebin/email your qml?10:37
asacone sec10:37
asacseb128: lp:~asac/+junk/app-l110:38
asacjust open the project10:38
asacand check the FriendsTab.qml10:38
seb128asac, you are missing } indeed, the bottom one matches the Column {10:40
seb128you need an extra } to close Page and one for Tab10:40
asacseb128: but the ctrl+i is buggy then10:40
christinahi Jamal sorry i was in a meeting10:40
asaci added that }10:40
asacthen next i saw was it asking for one more :)10:40
asacafter trying to run10:41
asacseb128: why is the indentation not showing the missing }?10:41
christinaJamal, did you say you have some screenshots?10:41
Jamalno problem, sorry from me :p10:41
asacseb128: there must be another parsing issue :)10:41
Jamalnot very explicit but maybe it helps a bit10:41
Jamalboth headers are Tabs10:42
Jamalbut the second image work only if I go back and click again a Contact10:42
seb128asac, what you are doing is hard to read/confuse qtcreator, use:10:43
christinaJamal, let me haev a look now10:43
seb128Object {10:43
seb128asac, e.g the { not on a new line10:43
asacseb128: ok... i would expect the ide to have this as a syntax rule and the ctrl+i to do the right thing :)10:43
asace.g. break lines, indent, etc.10:44
seb128yeah, it doesn't :p10:44
asaclet me try10:44
asacseb128: i always use next line now10:44
asacdoesnt help10:44
asaci only found the page: Page { line10:44
asacexcept stuff like10:45
asacdelegate: Text { text: column_9 }10:45
asacnot sure if i also need to break those?10:45
asaclet me try to move the Page out and give it an id10:45
seb128asac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6009843/10:46
seb128asac, wfm10:47
asacoh no :)10:48
asaclocked terminal again10:48
* asac restarts it10:48
asacok using xterm now :)10:49
asacseb128: yeah that works it seems10:50
asacwhat was it>?10:50
seb128asac, what was it what? for the indent?10:55
seb128asac, I just wrapped them with Object { and added the 2 missings at the end10:55
seb128asac, copy http://paste.ubuntu.com/6009868/ as /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/OnlineAccounts/plugins.qmltypes10:56
asacseb128: thx10:57
seb128asac, and add "typeinfo plugins.qmltypes" at the end of /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/OnlineAccounts/qmldir10:57
seb128asac, then restart qtcreator10:57
seb128and it should know about AccountService {}10:57
seb128we need to fix those to provide those object descriptions10:57
seb128asac, it's easy enough, that's one example I did for gsettings-qt: https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/gsettings-qt/build-qmltypes-description/+merge/17762610:58
asacseb128: why is that stuff not auto generated for everything we do?10:58
asacseems its easy to forget to do that part10:58
seb128asac, because we don't have "best practices" documents that include that10:58
asace.g. make it nice in the creator10:58
asacseb128: who would need to remember?10:58
seb128that would work as well I guess10:58
asace.g. who created AccountServices?10:58
seb128whoever is creating the bindings10:58
asacwho was that in this case?10:58
asacSDK team?10:58
seb128kenvandine I guess10:59
seb128or mardy10:59
seb128could be mardy10:59
asacwonder if there is a smart check that would autodetect10:59
seb128Ken did it for some of his bindings10:59
asacif we land a binding without qmltypes10:59
asacso we can encode that somewhere in our tooling10:59
asaclike a nice debhelper :)10:59
seb128I guess we could11:00
seb128it's only work :p11:00
mardyasac: that's me :-)11:00
* mardy reads the backlog11:01
seb128mardy, you didn't add a qmltypes to accounts-plugin which makes qtcreator sad11:01
asacmardy: my question is about the "why was qmltyupes not updated"11:01
asacso we can fix the root :)11:01
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seb128asac, "not updated"? it was not generated, that's an optional file11:02
seb128that project doesn't have one11:02
mardypfff, real developers use vim ;-)11:02
asacnot updated/added :)11:02
mardyOK, I'll add the types :-)11:02
asaci assume after we add it we have to keep it updated as well?11:02
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seb128asac, ^ that's why :p11:02
seb128asac, look at https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/gsettings-qt/build-qmltypes-description/+merge/17762611:02
seb128asac, that's generating it on build11:02
seb128we just need to do that11:03
asacseb128: how do we ensure that it happens? is there a single reviewer group that would see all such MPs?11:03
asacand can ensure people learn? or do we need a tool that checks it for everyone11:03
seb128ideally the tools would generate it for us11:04
seb128e.g we would have a cmake target for it or something11:04
seb128but while we don't have that, I guess the distro reviewers should put that on the "needs to be included before sponsoring"11:04
mardyasac: FYI: http://code.google.com/p/accounts-sso/issues/detail?id=19711:17
asacmardy: who is behind that project?11:18
asacis that a genuine upstream that we pull in for our accounts api11:18
asacok got it11:20
dpmtimp, bzoltan, I'm collecting some developer feedback that I'm putting into an FAQ. Could you help me answering this question? -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/335348/should-all-ubuntu-touch-apps-use-a-mainview11:20
dpmoSoMoN, the webapps and html5 documentation call I proposed, would it work better for you at 17:00 our time?11:22
nik90timp, Kaleo: Is there any standard sdk widget to achive the functionality shown at http://imgur.com/96T48O111:25
AskUbuntuShould all Ubuntu Touch apps use a MainView? | http://askubuntu.com/q/33534811:25
nik90timp, Kaleo: I am referring to the widget in the 3rd image from the left11:25
oSoMoNdpm: yes, that’d be better for me, if that works for the others11:27
nik90timp, Kaleo: This is essentially a value selector list Item but with the capability to choose *multiple* values. I remember creating a bug report about this sometime back but was marked by as Won't Fix since it didnt match with design patterns, but here we are at it again :P11:27
dpmoSoMoN, cool. Let me check with them when they get up, as I just noticed I won't be having my regular meeting at 17:00 today11:28
timpnic-doffay: ^ does the OptionSelector that you are working on offer functionality that nik90 is asking for?11:30
timpkalikiana: ^perhaps you know11:31
nic-doffaytimp, not currently.11:31
nic-doffayThe OptionSelector only has one active selection.11:32
nik90nic-doffay: But is there a plan to provide multiple selections?11:33
seb128nic-doffay, is the OptionSelector landing soon? ;-)11:33
nik90nic-doffay: I am finding it hard to believe that we do not have a multiple value selector since the need for such a feature has been much requested by several app developers11:34
nik90I am referring to the ubuntu app showndown developers11:35
nic-doffaynik90, as far as I'm aware not currently.11:35
nic-doffayseb128, some more refactoring was done to it to support custom models, so basically as soon as a working example with the filters is fine then it will land.11:36
timpdpm: I answered http://askubuntu.com/questions/335348/should-all-ubuntu-touch-apps-use-a-mainview/335351#33535111:36
seb128nic-doffay, great, seems like it might still be this week then ;-)11:36
nik90timp: Who should I talk to in order to get this into the blueprints? dpm, Kaleo perhaps?11:36
timpnik90: first, make sure that is needed and that design wants it to be like this. Some times they have other ideas,11:37
nic-doffayseb128, yeah just need to get an example running with a custom model.11:37
timpnik90: so all new components/features that we implement need to be verified with design first (to ensure we do not spend our limited time on something that should not be used).11:38
dpmnik90, I think Kaleo is still on leave, but I agree with timp, I think this needs to get past design first. Could you get in touch with Lina to get them to look at it?11:38
timpnik90: so I guess a designer, and then bzoltan or Kaleo, or find a developer to implement it (or do it yourself)11:38
timpnik90: we are happy to review MRs on the ubuntu-ui-toolkit from people outside of the UITK team :)11:39
dpmthanks for the Ask Ubuntu answer timp!11:39
nik90timp: I barely have time outside the clock app, app dev showdown.11:39
timpdpm: I hope it is useful for you. It still leaves freedom to the developer to decide what to do :)11:40
seb128nic-doffay, is somebody working on doing the example?11:40
timpnik90: I understand. So for your sake also, verify it with design to avoid implementing something else than they have in mind. Perhaps they want it differently and we (will) have something for that in the uITK11:40
nic-doffayseb128, me11:41
nic-doffayI'll have to do a test for it too though.11:41
seb128nic-doffay, ok, great, I'm done with question then, thanks ;-)11:41
nic-doffayseb128, ;P11:41
dpmtimp, quick question, is the "action manager" you're mentioning in your answer this? -> http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-13.10/qml/ui-toolkit/qml-ubuntu-components0-mainview.html#actions-prop11:41
nik90mehow: ping11:42
oSoMoNdpm: hey, sorry, I got a connection outage here, did I miss something?11:43
dpmoSoMoN, not sure. I was just saying I'll check with the others if 17:00 works with them when they're up and I'll let you know11:43
oSoMoNdpm: excellent, thanks11:44
oSoMoNdpm: otherwise I’ll try to be excused at my daily standup11:44
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oSoMoNnerochiaro: hey, do you have someone to review https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-extras/ubuntu-ui-extras-share-popover/+merge/181034 ?11:54
timpdpm: no it is not. the actionmanager is part of the API docs that you were discussing with antti how to publish11:54
timpdpm: I don't have the url at hand, need to leave now. bbl.11:54
nerochiarooSoMoN: i'm still testing it, but no, i don't have anyone11:54
dpmok, thanks timp11:55
nerochiarooSoMoN: would be nice to have some opinions on it in fact11:55
timpdpm: the "actions" property links to a property of the actionmanager, but we don't currently expose the actionmanager explicitly in MainView to keep it simple.11:55
* timp bbl.11:55
nerochiarooSoMoN: especially because for now it is still hardcoded to allow sharing only to FB11:55
oSoMoNnerochiaro: ok, when you need a review let me know (I’ll be out for lunch in a moment, but I can have a look at it later this afternoon)11:55
nerochiarooSoMoN: it's ready for review, just might fix some problems in its usage if i find any as i work on the apps11:55
nerochiarooSoMoN: but the bulk of the work is done11:56
oSoMoNnerochiaro: ok, so I’ll put it in my list for testing/review11:56
nerochiarooSoMoN: thanks. it goes along with https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/mediaplayer-app/mediaplayer-app-ubuntu-ui-extras-share/+merge/181271 and with https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-share-component11:56
AskUbuntuHow to create a python project using Quickly? | http://askubuntu.com/q/33536212:15
bzoltannik90:  it is all true what timp says :) spec the API, make  a proto, send an MR and talk out. Our hands are full for now, but for sure contributions are welcome!12:34
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aboudreaultHey devs.... /j #netrunners12:45
aboudreaultemm.. sorry. haven't noticed I had already something in my textbox :)12:45
nik90bzoltan: I have just sent an email to the designer who made these desings12:45
bzoltannik90:  it is a good start :)12:46
nik90bzoltan: hopefully I get a reply soon enough. As for submitting a MR, I already mentioned, I am swamped more than I can help (or want to help)12:46
nik90bzoltan: that said, I might talk to jono regarding moving the 1.0 milestone this october since realistically that's not gonna happen12:47
iBelievenik90, piong12:58
iBelievenik90, ping12:58
nik90iBelieve: pong13:00
randomcppxqwzts, in your db do you have only one type of document right? I mean all the documents have the same contents structures13:01
xqwztsrandomcpp: generally yes13:01
iBelievenik90, I've noticed you've suggested adding Markdown support to a couple apps, and others will also have it. Do you think I should add Markdown support to Ubuntu Tasks? Also, will it be complicated trying to type markdown on a phone/tablet keyboard?13:01
xqwztsbut a lot of times the json response from the rottentomatoes api is missing fields, so the doc created would be missing them too...13:02
nik90iBelieve: that wouldn't be a high priority thing for the task app since you already provide checklist support and others. If you have time, may be some bare basic markdown like bold, italics, underline could perhaps be added.13:03
nik90xqwzts: then try to dynamically hide them if the fields are empy13:03
xqwztsnik90: I do13:04
nik90xqwzts: btw I created two bug reports13:04
iBelievenik90, okay, thanks13:04
xqwztsrandomcpp: they're a _lot_ if fields, so adding them all to the index/query would be a hell of a pain13:04
nik90iBelieve: the apps like memories, cNotes definitely need markdown, in your case not mandatory13:04
xqwztsnik90: thanks, I just saw the email notifications will take a look at them real soon13:05
nik90iBelieve: Also if you are planning to add such options, definitely provide toolbar options for them. Cannot stress this more.13:05
nik90iBelieve: Phone users *cannot* be expected to type those weird characters to make a text bold13:05
randomcppyeah. do you think I need another database if I want to save other kinds of document, with completely different fields?13:06
iBelievenik90, yeah, I was thinking about putting them near/on the edge of the text field so they're more obvious13:06
randomcppbecause I wanted a document to save and restore the category list13:06
randomcppand some settings13:06
nik90iBelieve: It is hard to imagine it, but some mockup or screenshots would be awesome13:06
iBelievenik90, I'll file an issue in github and add a couple ideas so you can take a look if you want13:07
nik90iBelieve: perfect! btw did you take a look at the error message I get with bargraph stuff on startup13:07
xqwztsrandomcpp: I've done 2 dbs myself. 1 for settings 1 for movies13:08
iBelievenik90, I didn't see an messages about that, but I can guess that's because you just copied the ubuntu-ui-extras folder into the app. Then you updated my app, but not the extras folder.13:09
xqwztsrandomcpp: I'm considering each u1db as a table in a relational database13:09
randomcppxqwzts, that's what I was thinking13:09
iBelievenik90, my new bar graph is a generic one, so I put it in the extras folder13:09
xqwztsrandomcpp: i think it would make indexing/querying easier13:09
nik90iBelieve: that's what I thought, so I updated the extras again and copied it again to the task app13:09
nik90iBelieve: will give it a shot again now13:09
xqwztsrandomcpp: _but_ what you could do if you want to keep it to 1 db is add a "type" field and specify "recipe" or "setting" etc13:10
iBelievenik90, if you're familiar with git submodules, you could just add the ubuntu-ui-extras as a submodule. randomcpp suggested that, but I'm not familiar with them13:10
nik90iBelieve: no idea :/13:10
randomcppxqwzts, nope, because if I pass the db to a listview13:10
randomcppthe delegate would need a _lot_ of if statement13:10
xqwztsah very true13:10
iBelievenik90, I read up a bit on them, but they seemed so complicated, I decided to stick with using my own code-units concept, which I understand :)13:11
randomcppand those with a different tag should be set hidden13:11
_5m0k3iBelieve: If you need any help with uBible, let me know.  I may be able to squeeze some time to work on it.  I've written a simple Bible app at https://code.launchpad.net/~brad-4/esv-bible/main but it's not nearly as feature rich as what you're proposing13:12
nik90iBelieve: nope same error even after cloning the code-units again and install ui-extras13:12
_5m0k3I know that's probably been put on the back burner because of the showdown, but I just wanted to let you know13:13
randomcppxqwzts, it would be nice to have some kind of tables in u1db13:13
nik90iBelieve: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6010217/13:13
xqwztsrandomcpp: it's a document based flat db, not a table based relational db13:14
xqwztsrandomcpp: it has it's advantages13:14
xqwztsrandomcpp: mainly that you don't need a set schema, documents are schemaless so you can have some docs with 10 fields some with 2 without having problems13:14
randomcppI always used table based db, I feel uncomfortable :p13:15
xqwztswell it's always good to figure out new stuff :P13:16
xqwztsbut you could switch to localStorage and use straight SQL13:16
iBelieve_5m0k3, I saw your app and have been meaning to ask if you're interested in joining forces with us, but I figured you've been too busy with the showdown app. We'd love all the help we can get! Just start commenting on issues in the GitHub project we collaborate on who works on what.13:16
randomcppthat's what I was thinking, but how will I manage the u1 sync feature?13:16
randomcpp(if it will ever be available)13:17
iBelievenik90, can you paste the results of `ls` in the ubuntu-ui-extras folder?13:17
nik90iBelieve: COPYING  HideableTab.qml  README.md  Sidebar.qml  ubuntu-ui-extras.qmlproject13:17
xqwztsrandomcpp: doesn't u1 have a public api for pushing to it?13:18
randomcppnik90, iBelieve to use a git submodule, just clone the ubuntu-ui-extras repo under your git repo13:18
nik90randomcpp: ah13:18
iBelievenik90, I forgot to push my commits :(13:18
nik90iBelieve: hehe13:18
xqwztsso you could write your own requests to push into it13:19
randomcppthen when you do: git add -A, git will only add the reference to the submodule, without caching it's content13:19
randomcppif you want to update the submodule to a newer revision, run: git submodule update13:20
iBelievenik90, now they're pushed13:21
nik90randomcpp: so in the task-app directory, i cloned the ui-extras repo. Then I did "git add -A" and then "git submodule update". Is that right?13:22
nik90iBelieve: yup now it works13:22
iBelievenik90, good :)13:24
nik90iBelieve: i have one issue13:24
nik90iBelieve: when I click add checklist, I get the focus on the new checklist item where I type the checklist entry. Where do I press for it to lose focus (look normal) ?13:25
iBelievenik90, hit escape. I've haven't decided how to handle the losing focus of text fields, yet. Maybe just having an "Apply" or "Ok" button and the end of the text field?13:26
nik90iBelieve: i suppose yes13:27
iBelievenik90, do you think it should say "Apply" or "Ok"?13:28
om26erbug 121489513:28
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1214895 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Autopilot tests fail on touch devices" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121489513:28
randomcppnik90, the submodule must be registered in the tasks-app fork, I don't know if it works that way13:30
randomcppnik90, I think I'll end up using two db as you do13:30
randomcppsorry that was for xqwzts13:30
nik90randomcpp: lol13:31
nik90iBelieve: not sure, up to you13:31
iBelievenik90, I guess I'll go with "Apply". thanks for the feedback about how to loose focus.13:32
nik90iBelieve: truth be told, its your idea :)13:33
iBelievenik90, I meant not being able to figure out how to loose focus13:33
nik90iBelieve: I have an idea for https://github.com/iBeliever/tasks-app/issues/1513:36
randomcppxqwzts, the first startup (when it creates the databases) is slow as hell, do you have the same issue?13:37
xqwztsrandomcpp: nope, but my initial db is rather small [2 test docs for the movies and just 1 doc for settings]13:37
iBelievenik90, something other than what you have mentioned in the comment?13:39
nik90iBelieve: nope :)13:40
iBelievenik90, It seems rather confusing having the buttons say what they add while the other buttons say the action they perform. What do you think about moving the new list to the far left, where the back button would go?13:41
nik90iBelieve: wouldnt that look odd? with just one button in the left?13:42
iBelievenik90, here's what it looks like: http://i.imgur.com/HpCO33F.png13:43
nik90iBelieve: hmm not bad13:44
iBelievenik90, it puts the new icon under the projects list, which kind of helps to show what it does. Would putting it there break the design guidelines?13:45
randomcppxqwzts, I have two db with one document each13:45
xqwztsrandomcpp: I'm running it on an SSD so if there is some problem maybe it shows up on a regular HDD more than on this13:47
randomcppthat's why you don't notice slowdown :p13:48
nik90iBelieve: hard to say, since we did not really get any designs with one icon to the left other than the back icon13:49
nik90iBelieve: take a look at https://docs.google.com/document/d/16jj0bVmaMHVjJpfgWhgmWZO6EWRK-sOeF61mC-holgU/edit# for some inspiration13:50
nik90iBelieve: especially the images in black and white (wireframes)13:51
nik90ignore the rest13:51
iBelievenik90, what specifically should I be looking for?13:53
nik90iBelieve: the toolbar icons (placement, description) in the wireframes13:54
nik90@ app showdown developers, I am sure you will be interested in seeing https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/appsettings/+merge/18130413:54
om26ertimp, hello13:54
nik90its a still WIP, so no idea when it will land13:55
iBelievenik90, definitely! :)13:55
om26erjppiiroi1en, ping13:56
dpmom26er, I think he's on holiday13:57
iBelievenik90, so in the wireframes, I see toolbar buttons that aren't placed like other buttons, centered, etc. Is that the way they will be implemented?13:57
om26erdpm, probably you can approve this https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/autopilot_emulators_fix/+merge/181309 :)13:57
nik90iBelieve: regarding your toolbar description, the way you do it now has its drawbacks and consistency. For instance the statistics button uses a piechart icon and the word "statistics". But then in the project and tasks button you use the + icon instead of a task or project icon13:57
nik90iBelieve: why not change the statistics button to piechart icon and the word "View"13:58
dpmom26er, always happy to approve one-liners :), but unfortunately I can't, someone from the SDK team will have to do it13:59
nik90iBelieve: also the toolbar buttons such as options, statistics in theory is not required since you can access it using tabs?13:59
om26erdpm, ok, I'll wait for someone else then14:00
om26ergusch, can you ?14:00
nik90iBelieve: ignore my last statement. it seems you need the those buttons14:00
iBelievenik90, I can change the Add and New icons, though I'm not much of a graphics designer.14:01
dpmom26er -> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+members#active14:02
guschom26er: I can approve that emulator fix14:02
iBelievenik90, I was thinking about replacing the piechart icon with a bar graph icon, since that's what it is. But isn't "View" too generic sounding?14:02
iBelieveiBelieve, it sounds like it might open a task for viewing or something14:02
iBelieve** nik90, ^^14:02
om26ergusch, yeah that'll help and also https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/autopilot_device/+merge/181302 (if you feel like it)14:02
nik90iBelieve: the bar graph icon would be better.14:03
nik90iBelieve: we should try to stick to a convention. The icon should either depict the action (such as add, view, delete etc)  and the text the task (such as project, task, statics, options etc)14:04
nik90iBelieve: or vice versa14:05
iBelievenik90, makes sense. Which convention should I use?14:06
randomcppiBelieve, icon->action text->project/task/.. imo14:07
nik90iBelieve: what randomcpp said14:08
nik90iBelieve: because icons->project/task may not be intuitive enough for the user. I cannot imagine how you would differentiate between tasks and project using icons (in that size)14:10
iBelievenik90, randomcpp sounds good for the most part. But then you get things like rename or delete. What would the text be for those?14:10
randomcppnik90, in the latest commit I've changed the icons for the difficulty, they are ugly placeholders :p14:11
nik90iBelieve: in the screenshot you shared with me, the delete icon should be accompanied by the text project since thats what it does "delete projects"14:13
nik90randomcpp: taking a look now14:13
iBelievenik90, okay, I'll try that and see how it looks. I need to go now. Thanks for all the advice, very much appreciated!14:13
randomcppnik90, there may be malfunctions in the edit page, due to some strange bug with the flickable (don't know if it's my fault or not though)14:14
nik90randomcpp: I like the formatting :)14:16
nik90randomcpp: the edit page though needs some restructuring.. Looks a bit chaotic14:16
nerochiarokenvandine: hi, just to verify, the share menu in the mediaplayer app is currently hardcoded with a fake list of share services, right ?14:17
nik90randomcpp: for instance in the total time, I see two text field 0 and 0. But dont know which one refers to cook time or prep time14:18
nik90randomcpp: the restriction should probably be pushed up near the total time or something14:19
randomcppstrange, there should be the placeholder text, not two 014:19
nik90randomcpp: may be they are still in your local branch?14:19
randomcppnope, that's a bug I'll fix it in a moment14:20
nik90randomcpp: also when viewing recipes, the total time title is bold, but the Difficulty title is not. This should be more consistent.14:22
nik90randomcpp: In the main recipes list view, I do not see thumbnail pics. Is that not in trunk yet?14:23
randomcppnik90, if the recipe doesn't have some images, no image is displayed in the listview14:23
kenvandinenerochiaro, probably, i haven't looked at that14:25
nerochiarokenvandine: ok, it's fixed anyway, but i wanted to just confirm i wasn't missing anything14:25
guschom26er: I approved those two MRs14:26
randomcppnik90, I think I'll make total time not bold, I don't like it either and the HIG discourage the use of italics/bold14:26
kenvandinei had fixed gallery-app a while ago, never realized there was a share menu in the mediaplayer14:26
nik90randomcpp: so when you have some recipes with images and those without, only those with images will show thumbnails? Why not add a placeholder image for those not having them?14:26
randomcppbecause I don't have an appropriate placeholder yet :)14:27
om26ergusch, thanks14:27
nik90randomcpp: btw, in the EditRecipePage.qml, for the column, you specify the left and right anchor. And yet you set the width. That is redundant.14:29
nik90remove the width14:29
randomcppok thanks, btw, try to write a long recipe and go to recipe view14:31
randomcppand change the window size to something larger14:31
nik90randomcpp: I saw that earlier in the screenshot you shared14:33
nik90randomcpp: thats awesome14:33
randomcppyeah but I think the scrolling is awkward14:33
nik90randomcpp: we need the same treatment for the edit page14:33
nik90randomcpp: let me first write a huge recipe first14:33
randomcppnik90, that's easy to use the same solution in the editpage14:33
randomcppnik90, I want to implement servings proportions, but I don't what kind of widget do I have to use in the edit page xD14:36
nik90randomcpp: I am currently writing my traditional pasta recipe. 5 mins :)14:36
randomcppahaha ok :)14:36
nik90randomcpp: btw in the restriction you do not provide non-veg option14:36
randomcppmaybe I read it wrong, but didn't you said to use "None" as "non-veg"?14:37
nik90randomcpp: nope. In restaurant, they have Non-veg, veg, and vegan14:38
randomcppok thanks :)14:38
nik90randomcpp: one thing i noticed is that I am unable to add .jpeg files. They are not listed in the file viewer14:42
nerochiarooSoMoN: had any time to look into https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-extras/ubuntu-ui-extras-share-popover/+merge/181034 yet ?14:43
randomcppI'm dumb, I forgot to write a * before .jpeg in the filter14:44
oSoMoNnerochiaro: no, and given that I need to finish writing this API proposal for the download manager, I’m not sure I’ll have time for it today, if someone else can start reviewing that’d be safer14:44
nerochiarooSoMoN:  i was thinking renato but he doesn't seem to be around14:45
nerochiaromaybe gusch ? ^14:45
randomcppnik90, you the restriction you have set is not displayed correctly, that's a bug I'm already fixing14:46
oSoMoNnerochiaro: yeah, renato is on holiday14:46
randomcppI've already fixed* :p14:47
guschnerochiaro: ok - I suspect the code is "similar" to the one in gallery14:47
nik90randomcpp: saving my recipe before pulling14:47
guschnerochiaro: any chance to test the code?14:47
nerochiarogusch: this is the MR for gallery where i replace the code from gallery with using the component https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-share-component/+merge/18082014:48
nerochiarogusch: and yes, the code for the  SharePopup component comes from gallery14:49
nerochiarogusch: this is used in mediaplayer too: https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/mediaplayer-app/mediaplayer-app-ubuntu-ui-extras-share/+merge/18127114:49
guschnerochiaro: wow - so 3 MRs for the price of one ;)14:50
guschnerochiaro: might take a while14:50
nerochiarogusch: doing the component first would be best14:50
randomcppnik90, i've pushed those fixes14:51
guschnerochiaro: well - I anyway can only approve the others, once the share has landed14:52
nerochiarogusch: yeah, and after it's approved into saucy14:52
nerochiarogusch: the package i mean. sil2100 is working on it14:53
nerochiarobfiller: i'm trying the browser after flashing the newest image and the actions appear in the hud and seem to work14:55
nik90randomcpp: http://imgur.com/0oAEWnN14:56
bfillernerochiaro: really?14:56
nik90randomcpp: i love it :D14:56
nerochiarobfiller: i flashed with --pending an hour ago14:56
nerochiarobfiller: let me reflash again14:56
bfillernerochiaro: do other apps work as well?14:56
bfillermaybe it got fixed14:56
randomcppnik90, I was thinking, since all recipes are written with steps (step 1, step 2..) should I do something like the ingredients widget for the directions?14:57
nerochiarobfiller: this is reall weird, the camera app for example appears to have the same hud actions as the browser14:57
nerochiarobfiller: rebooting and trying to run camera first14:57
randomcppa new textarea for each step14:57
bfillernerochiaro: that is probably a hud bug14:57
nik90randomcpp: that would be nice but what If I missed a step and want to add one betweenn 2 existing steps?14:58
nik90randomcpp: with the ingredients I cannot do that as of now14:58
bfillernerochiaro: so I'd say even if it's working check to see if we are using the new action api and if not start cutting over to use it14:58
nik90randomcpp: but it doesnt matter there14:58
randomcppouch right14:58
nerochiarobfiller: after rebooting and starting first the camera, i get the proper hud for camera, but when switching to browser or gallery hud is empty14:59
bfillernerochiaro: ack15:00
nerochiarobfiller: and going back to camera hud is empty too. seems like an hud bug if anything15:00
bfillernerochiaro: file hud bug for that15:00
randomcppnik90, the restriction inthe recipe page, should be just "Non-veg" or "Restriction: Non-veg|Veg..|Vegan"?15:00
nik90randomcpp: you mean in the view page or edit recipe page?15:01
randomcppview page15:01
nerochiarobfiller: ok, trying to repro and then filing. what's the right lp project for that ?15:01
nik90randomcpp: you could change to Restriction: Non-vegetarian (aligned to the left)15:02
bfillernerochiaro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/hud15:02
nik90randomcpp: any extension to the current text, put that in the right15:02
bfillernerochiaro: then take a look at cutting apps over to new action api please15:02
nik90randomcpp: for instance prep time is an extension of total time and hence shown in the right15:02
randomcppok :)15:02
dpmoSoMoN, I'll be a couple of minutes late for the meeting, wrapping up another call15:02
nik90randomcpp: but the view recipe page looks gorgeous!15:03
nik90with pics and stuff15:03
oSoMoNdpm: no worries, I’m a tiny bit late myself, joining in a sec15:04
randomcppunfortunately you can't preview the pics15:04
nik90randomcpp: bug http://imgur.com/NzcOqqs15:04
guschnerochiaro: ok - code for the share popover looks good - I'll now test with your gallery MR15:04
nik90randomcpp: the Pasta subtext is overflowing its boundaries15:04
nerochiarogusch: thanks15:04
randomcppoops :p15:05
nik90randomcpp: why not when you click on a img thumnail in view page, the ubuntushape widget grows in size to cover the page width and 70% of page height?15:06
nik90randomcpp: you can even add a nice animation to this easily using qml15:06
nik90randomcpp: frankly I see no practical use to list the ingredients in the list view15:06
nik90randomcpp: every recipe will have many ingredient to list them all there15:06
nik90randomcpp: instead just show recipe title, restriction, difficulty, total time15:07
randomcppnik90, should I remove them?15:07
nik90randomcpp: otherwise you will have truncate the ingredients list which makes it less useless anyway15:07
nik90I meant *useless anyway*15:08
randomcppok say goodbye to ingredients preview :P15:08
* nik90 is amused at the bug report file called saucybug1 :)15:08
* nik90 blames randomcpp for this :P15:08
randomcpp\u1620 looks like a fish :p15:11
nik90randomcpp: one suggestion regarding the edit page, would you considering replace the category and dificulty buttons with a valueselector similar to the restrictions? Those big orange buttons create a discontinuity15:15
nik90randomcpp: to make it more elegant, you can even add a thick divider between the difficulty, category, restriction and the ingredient list15:16
nik90so 3 sections15:16
nik901 section - title, difficulty, restriction, category15:17
nik902nd section - ingredient list15:17
nik903 section - photos and steps to prepare it15:17
nik90should make it more organised15:17
randomcppnik90, I leave difficulty and category side by side or not?15:17
nik90no, it suddenly is a bit inconsistent considering everything else except for total time is placed one beneath the other15:18
nik90randomcpp: I have to ask. Why categories?15:18
nik90randomcpp: what is your plan with it?15:18
randomcppfor example all the recipes for pasta are under the Pasta category, so if I need to browse Pasta recipes I just select the category15:19
randomcppif u1db will support querying properly one day :/15:19
nik90randomcpp: ah ok. that makes sense15:19
randomcppnik90, how should the replacement icon for the listview look like?15:20
nik90randomcpp: will you provide a make favourite option in the toolbar? Clicking on make it favourite will show a start beneath the difficult icon in the list view.15:20
nik90randomcpp: which replacement icon?15:20
randomcppfor recipes that don't have photos with them15:20
timpom26er: hi15:21
nik90randomcpp: ah. That will take some thinking. May be look at some websites?15:21
nik90randomcpp: I will also search parallely15:21
om26ertimp, hey I wanted to get a few small MRs merged, gusch already approved them :)15:21
_5m0k3Is this still happening for popovers? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/119981715:22
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1199817 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "each time I click on a square I observe copious amounts of logging in /home/phablet/.ubuntu-touch-session/logs/unity8.log " [Medium,Confirmed]15:22
timpom26er: okay15:22
randomcppit's not easy to think of a symbolic icon for a recipe :/15:22
nik90randomcpp: no worries, we will help you find one15:22
randomcppthanks :)15:22
guschnerochiaro: I approved the share MR15:22
randomcpplet me fix the edit page first :p15:22
nik90randomcpp: yup15:23
nik90randomcpp: will create bug reports in like 10 mins to not forget it15:23
randomcppok :)15:23
nerochiarogusch: excellent thanks15:34
_5m0k3Are all popovers generating this error: Cannot connect QQuickShaderEffectSource:: to Item15:38
AskUbuntuDeveloper resources for desktop apps? | http://askubuntu.com/q/33545416:43
randomcppnik90, ping16:53
nik90randomcpp: pong16:56
nik90randomcpp: I created the bug reports16:56
randomcppI've refactored the edit page a bit16:56
randomcpptake a look if you want16:56
nik90randomcpp: testing now16:56
nik90randomcpp: so much better16:58
nik90I only wish the label align left16:58
randomcppIt's not easy17:00
nik90randomcpp: yeah. I will try to implement. If I do I will let you know17:00
randomcppnik90, I may need to hack the margins in the value selector17:06
* randomcpp doesn't like the new edit page :(17:07
nik90randomcpp: if you don't like the new edit page, change it back. I do not want to impose. Its your app after all17:12
randomcppI didn't like the previous either, that's the problem :)17:13
maarten_Hi! I'm wondering how I can install my own app that I published on the app store?17:17
maarten_I would like to test the setup an end user gets..17:17
maarten_There is a private launchpad ppa link but I'm not sure if I can even install from there17:17
nik90randomcpp: I fixed it! http://imgur.com/hfyX0M717:23
nik90randomcpp: It is a very small hack (barely 1 line)17:23
nik90randomcpp: Here is the overall fix that I did http://paste.ubuntu.com/6011061/17:24
randomcppthanks nik90 ;)17:25
randomcppnik90, favorite star :| http://i.imgur.com/69pwHqF.png17:33
nik90randomcpp: awesome!17:33
randomcppit looks strange, doesn't it?17:34
dpmmhall119, you played with the click scope, perhaps you know more about the question maarten_ ^^ is asking?17:34
mhall119maarten_: did you publish it on the new click-apps store?17:35
nik90randomcpp: strange? How so? If you want you can change it to a heart symbol which is universal for favourite17:39
nik90randomcpp: It is sort of like a recipe you really like and dont want to bother knowing which category it is in. You know you can always find it in the favourite category17:39
maarten_mhall119: No, I sent in a debsrc file and the canonical team packaged it for me17:47
randomcppnik90, I meant the placement, anyway the star is the predefined icon for favorite in the ubuntu-mobile-icons17:50
nik90randomcpp: try playing around with different placements and see which is better.17:51
randomcpplater, I have to go afk now :)17:51
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mhall119maarten_: ah, those won't appear in the Click scope on Touch17:57
mhall119maarten_: is this an app for phone/tablet?17:57
maarten_mhall119: No, desktop app.17:58
maarten_I can see the link to launchpad where the packages are (I guess) but I cannot access that page17:59
maarten_Basicly: How can I install my app without buying it? :p17:59
mhall119maarten_: ah, ok, does it show up in Ubuntu Software CenteR?18:03
maarten_mhall119: Yes.18:04
mhall119maarten_: sorry, I don't know how to test installing it without buying it, and the people who I know would know aren't online atm18:06
mhall119maarten_: do you have an email for the folks who packaged it for you?18:07
maarten_mhall119: Ok thanks, I'll ask again later. (or earlier)18:09
maarten_mhall119: Dave Morley moved it to ready to publish.18:11
maarten_I already asked there in the feedback section but got no response so far.18:11
mhall119davmor2: ^^ not sure if you can tell him how to download his app without purchase18:11
mefrioevery time I change the source property of my CrossFadeImage element I get the following warning: "Unable to assign QSize to QSizeF" is there a way to fix it?19:06
mefrioI am just parsing simple jpg and png files19:06
randomcpp|afkmefrio, I had the same issue, don't worry, it works19:06
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mefriorandomcpp,  I know but it's quite annoying19:07
mefrioI have not yet seen anything like that but I hope it will fit the design guidelines http://imagebin.org/26832319:14
AskUbuntuQML app icon not effective when called from app.setWindowIcon() | http://askubuntu.com/q/33550519:19
GuidoPallemanshey, quick question, can i make Tabs inside a pagestack?19:32
wellsbGuidoPallemans: Ubuntu’s design guidelines specify that a Tabs header never be combined with the Back button of a PageStack. Consequently, the only way to combine Tabs and PageStack is by pushing the Tabs as the first page on the PageStack, and pushing other pages on top of that.19:33
wellsbThere's an example here: http://blog.wellsb.com/post/57184218284/tutorial-how-to-write-ubuntu-touch-application19:33
wellsbunder Main View heading19:34
GuidoPallemansby the way, do tabs slide by on tablet/phone if you swipe them?19:36
wellsbby default it only does if you swipe the header19:40
GuidoPallemanscan i set it otherwise?19:44
randomcppnik90, ping19:46
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nik90randomcpp: pong20:36
nik90randomcpp: 1 hr late sry20:36
randomcppnp I was busy too20:36
nik90randomcpp: so whats up20:37
randomcppabout issue #5, I already have contents displayed on 2 columns, should I add a sidebar too?20:38
randomcppwouldn't be better put the sidebar with the listview to filter categories/favorite/veg/non-veg?20:38
nik90so in the sidebar under the favorite will I see the recipes?20:40
nik90randomcpp: however it is I think we could use the right column to view the recipe itself20:40
mefrionik90, hey :)20:43
mefrionik90, do you have 5 free minutes?20:43
randomcppnik90, but in that case I would use the one column layout for the recipe view :/20:43
nik90mefrio: hi :) and yes20:43
nik90randomcpp: my reasoning is that in the tablet view, we can sufficient width to show the entire recipe20:44
mefrionik90, great! I would show you a thing with Memories....20:44
nik90mefrio: Awesome. I love suprises :)20:44
mefrionik90, if you branch last commit you will see I implemented a grid layout. The problem is that memories images make the UbuntuShape which contains them to lose it's radius20:45
randomcppI'm going to push the two column layout for editrecipe page too soo20:45
nik90randomcpp: good20:45
mefrionik90, are there any ways to preserve it?20:45
nik90mefrio: testing your branch now20:45
mefrioI tried using additional Rectangles but nothing changed20:45
nik90mefrio: hmm, I tried adding a memory and it saves it. But nothing shows up in the main view20:50
mefrionik90, uhm, let me see....meanwhile does it happen if you restart the app?20:51
nik90mefrio: actually after restarting the app, I can see the saved memories20:51
nik90mefrio: they are shown in a list20:51
nik90mefrio: how do I enable grid view?20:52
mefrionik90, from the Options toolbutton20:52
mefrionik90, if you add some images to your memory you will see that the grid item's CrossFadeImage make the whole item to lose it's border radius...20:52
nik90mefrio: ah i see it now20:52
mefrionik90, that's my issue...I tried to put the CrossFadeImage element insiede a transparent rectangle with border radius set but nothing changed20:54
nik90mefrio: the issue could be due to the crossfade image20:55
nik90mefrio: why not use your own ubuntushape20:55
nik90mefrio: because it looks fine in the edit memory page20:55
nik90where you add from the folder20:55
mefrionik90, cause I would like to have the animation given from the CrossFadeImage element...20:55
nik90mefrio: what animation?20:56
boikoom26er: hi, could you please enable autopilot tests on jenkins for lp:dialer-app?20:57
nik90mefrio: also when you reduce the width, part of the grid gets cut out. You need to anchor them such that they depend on the app width20:57
mefrionik90, if you add two or more photos to the memory you will have the items showing different images each 2,5 seconds20:57
mefrionik90, yeah I already fixed it. I have only to push it20:57
nik90mefrio: wat,, wow! trying now asap20:57
om26erboiko, sure20:58
mefrionik90, let me commit20:58
mefrionik90, nope sorry, it was already committed :)20:58
nik90mefrio: I see the animation now..looks cool20:59
nik90mefrio: in that case lets file ask kalikiana. I think he was the one who implemented it though I am not sure.20:59
mefrionik90, ok thanks21:00
mefrioso kalikiana ping me when you are there please :)21:00
nik90mefrio: 1 more thanks. Can you reduce the size of the grid depending on the app width21:00
nik90mefrio: it would seem that with a phone's width, only 1 grid per row21:00
nik90which leaves some space21:00
mefrionik90, do you think 8 gu would be fine?21:01
mefrioI can't test as I don't have an Ubuntu Touch supported device...21:01
nik90mefrio: I dont have one either, but I thikn it is safe to assume 50 gu is the phone width21:03
mefrionik90, oh ok21:03
nik90mefrio: so set you app width to 50 gu and see what the grid size should be to accomodate 2 of them in one row21:03
nik90mefrio: and if you want in the tablet mode, you can keep the same grid size or else make it bigger to take advantage of the width21:04
nik90mefrio: iain lane is the one who implemented crossfade images. I found out by looking at the bzr commits. The crossfade one is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/revision/59621:07
mefrionik90, I will have to email him so. Thank you!21:08
nik90mhall119: do you know the nick of iain lane?21:08
nik90mefrio: rest assured, this is something that should be fixed upstream.21:08
mhall119nik90: Laney?21:09
nik90mhall119: I am not sure, but hope so :)21:09
nik90mefrio: so Laney it is21:09
nik90mefrio: btw, in the view memory page, why is that the memory description alone has a background to it?21:10
nik90mefrio: it stick outs :/21:10
mefrionik90, it's in a TextArea...I think I should use a Label :)21:11
nik90mefrio: I guess yes21:11
mefrionik90, I should have fixed the bug you noticed before...can you test please?21:12
randomcppIs anyone expert or have some knowledge on NumberAnimations? I can't find much resources online21:12
mhall119randomcpp: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-numberanimation.html21:13
nik90randomcpp: they are quite easy actually21:13
nik90randomcpp: let me guess you are trying to animate the ubuntushape size21:13
mhall119randomcpp: we also have http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-13.10/qml/ui-toolkit/qml-ubuntu-components0-ubuntunumberanimation.html in the Ubuntu SDK21:14
randomcppno :p, I'm trying to set an animation for item under a grid to move with an animation when they are reallocated21:14
nik90randomcpp: ah then you are animation the x,y position21:15
randomcppsort of21:15
nik90randomcpp: use Behavior on x: {}21:15
nik90randomcpp: and then in that put the numberanimation stuff21:15
nik90mefrio: checking now21:15
randomcppnik90, thanks, now I try21:15
mefrioLaney, ping21:17
nik90mefrio: which bug did you fix?21:18
mefrionik90, the one that made the list view to not be shown after creating the first memory21:18
randomcppnik90, nope :/21:18
nik90mefrio: fixed :)21:20
mefrionik90, great! :D21:20
nik90randomcpp: ?21:21
randomcppnik90, I can't get that animation, I want that the contents that are moved in the second column in the recipe view move smoooothly..21:22
randomcppbut they don't :/21:22
nik90randomcpp: I cannot debug without seeing code :P21:24
nik90randomcpp: let me find you some sample code21:25
randomcppyeah in a minute I push the cose21:25
nik90cose :P21:25
randomcppthanks nik9021:25
mefrionik90, as 50 gu is the width of a normal phone do you know which value can assume the height of common phones?21:26
nik90mefrio: 7521:26
mefrionik90, ok thanks21:27
nik90Behavior on contentY {21:27
nik90            UbuntuNumberAnimation { duration: UbuntuAnimation.SlowDuration }21:27
nik90        }21:27
nik90mefrio: replace contentY with x or whatever21:27
mefrionik90, I think it's for randomcpp....21:27
nik90mefrio: crap21:28
nik90randomcpp: yup @ you :)21:29
randomcppnik90, I've pushed the code for issue #421:33
nik90randomcpp: brb in 30 mins.. eating dinner :) at 11:34 PM21:34
nik90randomcpp: works as expected21:58
nik90bug fixed21:58
randomcppshould I use states or it is ok as it is?21:59
nik90randomcpp: states for animation?22:02
randomcppyeah (I'm finally writing a blog post about sb :) )22:03
nik90randomcpp: animation would definitely give it a nice polished look, so yes22:04
nik90randomcpp: animation are actually quite easy22:05
nik90randomcpp: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-animation.html22:05
nik90randomcpp: I learnt it within a day or two22:05
randomcppI've tried to add a Behavior in RecipePage:134, but it doesn't work yet. Behavior on width works, but not on x or y22:07
* nik90 takes a look22:07
nik90randomcpp: okay you first need to determine what you are changing to switch to the tablet ui22:09
nik90randomcpp: and then you animation that variable22:09
nik90randomcpp: I notice that you are not setting "y" anywhere, so animation that wouldnt change anything22:09
nik90randomcpp: briefly looking it seems you are changing the width of the grid layout22:11
nik90so that should be what you animate :)22:11
randomcppok I finish to upload some screenshot and I fix that22:14
nik90randomcpp: I found the solution, do you want it or have you fixed it yourself?22:19
randomcppnik90, let me try, if I fail I will come to you crying and ask forgiveness and help :)22:19
randomcpp(it will end up this way 99.99%)22:20
nik90randomcpp: Do not open this link until you tried your best. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6012002/22:21
randomcppthat's evil, you know that right? :p22:22
nik90randomcpp: lol :P22:23
randomcppnik90, ok I give up, it's late >.<22:56
* randomcpp opens link sadly22:57
nik90randomcpp: you will become familiar slowly, no worries22:58
randomcppI've added the behavior in the edit page while fighting with the single view page23:00
iBelievenik90, ping23:01
nik90iBelieve: pong23:02
nik90randomcpp: the code that I wrote is for the view page23:02
randomcppnik90, you targeted the first column, I was trying to do another thing lol23:02
iBelievenik90, I like to discuss issues in person if possible :)23:02
iBelievenik90, about https://github.com/iBeliever/tasks-app/issues/1923:03
randomcppnik90, I know23:03
nik90iBelieve: sure23:03
iBelievenik90, so for checklist placement. What exactly do you mean?23:03
iBelievenik90, the actual checklist is in the same place no matter what. Do you mean the "Add checklist" list item?23:03
nik90iBelieve: okay so when you edit an existing task, you will notice that all the checklist items are shown in the left column.23:04
nik90iBelieve: Now when you create a new task, the add checklist option is in the sidebar23:04
nik90iBelieve: shouldnt it be in the left column as before?23:04
nik90randomcpp: my code animates the first column and also the recipe step description in the second column23:05
nik90randomcpp: however it happens quickly23:05
iBelievenik90, okay, I know what you mean now. I put it in the sidebar because not all tasks would need a checklist, so it seems to make sense to put it under the options section, which is displayed in the sidebar23:05
randomcppnik90, yeah it seems that both are animating, while it is just the first that changes23:06
nik90iBelieve: yeah I realise that now. Then that is fine23:06
nik90iBelieve: what about the other consistency i mentioned in the report?23:06
iBelievenik90, okay, good. then on to part 1.23:06
iBelievenik90, I put the sidebar on the left in the Home page because that's what most apps do (Thunderbird, Geary, X-Chat, Qt Creator, etc)23:07
iBelievenik90, then in the task view page, I put it on the right because it contains non-essential features, while putting the actual task title/description on the left in the foreground23:08
iBelievenik90, sort of like how Netbeans/Eclipse put the widget Properties sidebar on the right23:08
nik90iBelieve: well stuff like due date and priority are essential features, but I get your point23:08
nik90iBelieve: my reasoning was that the user will get used to seeing the sidebar on the left and hence the left hand will always take of care23:09
iBelievenik90, yeah, they're essential, but not needed to complete the task. The user only needs to see the description, checklist, and title to know what to do to get the task done.23:09
iBelievenik90, I see your reasoning, and it seems like that might be an issue. I like consistency :)23:10
nik90iBelieve: also eclipse shows stuff on the right because the left sidebar is used to show the folder structure23:10
iBelievenik90, yeah, I didn't think about that. I'll try placing the sidebar on the left and see how it looks23:11
nik90this way the user can use the same hand without moving to perform a task.23:11
nik90sure try it out to your liking23:11
nik90iBelieve: while you are at it, can you add a temporay placeholder text to show the date format MM/DD/YYYY in the due date dialog23:13
iBelievenik90, ah, thanks, forgot about that.23:13
nik90I am so not used to MM/DD/YYYY format and hence need that to guide me23:13
randomcppI go to sleep, goodnight and god work nik90 iBelieve :)23:13
nik90randomcpp: gud nite :)23:13
iBelieverandomcpp, thanks :) same to you23:13
nik90iBelieve: what big feature are you planning next? Trello integration?23:14
nik90or app polishing?23:14
iBelievenik90, speaking of that, the Calendar app has a date selector that I'd like to use/improve. Is that legal under the licensing it uses? It uses GPLv3 while mine is GPLv3 or greater23:14
nik90I think as long as they are GPLv3 it should be okay I think23:15
iBelievenik90, App polishing + Trello integration. I redesigned the backend to make it easy to add Trello support.23:15
nik90although I am not that familiar with this23:15
nik90iBelieve: btw for the checklist item, how are you adding a new one?23:16
nik90iBelieve: I had an idea to make them slightly animated like similar to the sidebar.23:16
nik90so they slide out from beneath the previous checklist item23:16
iBelievenik90, that would be cool! I like lots of animations23:17
iBelievenik90, there's another bug I had questions on, https://github.com/iBeliever/tasks-app/issues/1823:18
nik90yeah go ahead23:18
iBelievenik90, so currently I don't have a Add task button in the Upcoming section because all tasks must be in a project23:19
nik90iBelieve: agreed, but in the new task page, cant you assign it to a default project like "uncategorised" or something?23:20
nik90iBelieve: I am thinking from the user's use case where he wants to quickly create a task. In the phone with the current interface, he has to navigate to projects tab, then click on a project before being able to create a task.23:20
iBelievenik90, I took away the "Uncategorized" concept when redesigning the backend. So I don't have any general project, except the default "Getting Starting" one.23:21
nik90that's 3 steps before being able to create a basic task23:21
iBelievenik90, I also took away the ability to choose a project when creating/editing a task, but if you think that's a good idea, I can add it back23:21
nik90iBelieve: didnt notice that until you mentioned it, but I think that would be nice.23:22
iBelievenik90, 3 steps, especially for a new user, isn't a good idea. I could have default, non-removable project, like "To do" or "General"23:22
nik90iBelieve: the thing is in the tablet interface the current interface is fine. But on the phone it is too many steps for a new user23:22
nik90iBelieve: yup, I leave the finer details to you while exposing the potential problem as a user to you23:23
iBelievenik90, I'll fiddle with different ideas. Thanks for all the feedback!23:23
GuidoPallemanscan I do a suggestion for the sdk here? I think there should be a function i18n.time(unix [, format])23:24
iBelieveGuidoPallemans, can't you use Qt.formatdate/formattime/formatdatetime?23:25
GuidoPallemanscant find any docs23:26
nik90GuidoPallemans: check out the locale app which comes with the Ubuntu SDK. You should be able to launch it from the unity dash23:29
GuidoPallemanswhere can i see the source of that app?23:30
GuidoPallemansnik90: this seems to be the thing i need though23:30
nik90GuidoPallemans: 1 min, let me check23:30
nik90GuidoPallemans: /usr/lib/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/examples/locale23:31
nik90u r welcome!23:32
iBelieveGuidoPallemans, you can also look on qt-project.org for non-Ubuntu Touch specific stuff23:39
GuidoPallemansi know23:39
GuidoPallemansis bookmarked with me23:39
GuidoPallemansthey should integrate that in qt creator though23:39
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