
=== Guest80089 is now known as RadiumCat
=== RadiumCat is now known as Guest78138
=== Guest78138 is now known as RadiumCat
ballIs Mir a networked window system like X, or is it more of a graphics library for displays that are on the same host as the client programs?02:51
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
shaunoI don't believe it's trying to do network transparency03:06
ballAh ok.03:11
shaunothat's not to say it won't be there / won't be able, just that I don't believe it'll be baked-in.  but I'm really the last person to ask (I just happen to be awake)03:13
ballPerhaps that's its rationale then: to be a simple local graphics library.03:16
* ball ponders03:16
ballI think it's bed time.03:23
ballGoodnight shauno03:23
MooDoomorning all06:54
MooDooon a mission to get an IP based webcam wireless....07:01
MartijnVdSMooDoo: AlanBell can help you with that :)07:02
MartijnVdSMooDoo: or is it a wired webcam you want to *make* wireless?07:02
MooDoono want a wireless webcam07:02
MooDoothe neighbour has a problem with a dog pooing on her garden everyday, I want to catch thm07:03
MartijnVdSMooDoo: you might want to consider one that's supported by http://www.openipcam.com/ -- but that's not actually required (as most IP webcams have a "proper"(ish) API)07:04
MooDoowas looking at this - http://www.amazon.co.uk/webcam-Internet-infrated-Nightview-Wireless/dp/B003VUY5PW07:04
MartijnVdS300 kilopixel.. that's not very high-res07:04
MartijnVdSMooDoo: for only a bit more you get http://www.amazon.co.uk/Wireless-HD-IP-Security-Camera/dp/B009OX0BTY07:05
MooDooooo even better07:05
MooDooAlanBell: what camera do you use for your chickens?07:12
brobostigongood morning everyone,07:29
MooDoobrobostigon: morning07:37
brobostigonmorning MooDoo07:37
* DJones finds a 3rd party website using photos from his own website without authorisation, actually copies of the photo's rather than just linking to the original photo08:17
MooDooDJones: get onto them quickly and demand they remove them or pay you for their use.08:18
DJonesPOssibly may do that, but probably not, website looks ok and if anything would be free advertising08:19
MooDooDJones: are you credited?08:20
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DJonesNope, thats one thing I may ask for08:20
MooDooDJones: yeah do it, if they credit you then fair enough :D08:20
DJonesOr more accurately, may ask them to credit the original professional photographer08:21
neetz_Hey , I reinstalled windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04 on my system 2 days back. Both OS were working fine . Yesterday I  Installed Nvidia Graphic card on windows 7  and I switched to ubuntu after rebooting it , ubuntu did not boot ( it says nouvea i2wc faill .... ). I have installed ubuntu on a seperate partition09:00
neetz_there ?09:01
popeyneetz_: interesting09:01
popeyyou could install the nvidia driver on your ubuntu system09:01
lubotu3For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto09:01
MooDooI can't see why if you install the drivers on windows it would affect ubuntu?09:01
popeyi can ☻09:01
neetz_but its not booting only09:01
popeycan you boot to single user recovery mode?09:02
MooDoopopey: really?  known issue?09:02
popeyi have seen similar09:02
neetz_is my nvidea driver installation reflected in bios09:02
popeyneetz_: can you boot to recovery mode?09:03
neetz_yea and i get a series of options09:03
neetz_what next09:03
popeycan you enable network, i think thats one of the options?09:04
neetz_thats there , but i dont have a wifi  network here09:04
popeyplug a cable in?09:04
neetz_ok fine , i'll go to college and have a lan plugged in , .. what next ?09:06
neetz_after entering enable networking09:06
popeywell, there's a few things I'd do09:06
popeyfirst I'd be interested in knowing why it failed09:06
popeyso I'd want to look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log for example09:06
neetz_ok how do i find if its failed and stuff like that09:07
popeythat log will tell you why x failed to start09:07
neetz_whats the exact command ?09:08
popeythe other possible "quick fix" is to install the binary nvidia driver, assuming it isn't already installed09:08
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popeycan you get online from college and come back and we can walk you through it?09:08
popeyor is that not easy?>09:08
neetz_its not easy , we dont have college today and idk how to come here through terminal and stuff09:09
neetz_can you me your emailid , so that i can contact you ?09:10
popeyso probably easier to reboot into ubuntu, get the exact error message and post it to http://askubuntu.com/09:10
DJonesok, its officially time to remove the register from browser bookmarks having just read the Australian fork related story09:13
neetz_@popey , have a look at this http://askubuntu.com/questions/221276/ubuntu-12-10-nvidia-driver-problems09:13
neetz_does it work on mine if i follow09:14
popeymaybe /me looks09:15
popeyneetz_: what model of machine do you have?09:15
popeyneetz_: and what version of ubuntu?09:16
neetz_dell n511009:16
neetz_and ubuntu 12.0409:16
neetz_@popey , i had this issue 2 weeks back when i had ubuntu 12.10 also , 3 days back i reinstalled my windows and ubuntu ..09:17
ali1234so it has optimus graphics?09:17
ali1234so disable the nvidia card in the bios settings, boot ubuntu, install the new optimus capable driver, then reenable it09:18
neetz_popey what?09:18
neetz_idont think there's an option in the bios , coz i asked dell people today , they said they can only control the devices on motherboard09:19
neetz_sudo apt-get purge nvidia* does this require internet ?09:23
neetz_ok @popey i wll try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/221276/ubuntu-12-10-nvidia-driver-problems09:25
neetz_and which mode do i enter first09:26
isleofmandanUbuntu updates to 13.04 are giving me kernel panic on boot. Sadly, grub doesn't seem to have kept previous kernel. What are my options?09:43
popeyisleofmandan: it keeps your old kernel in an option immediately below the most recent one09:57
isleofmandanIt's not there. Only one kernel is listed, (and again with a 'recovery' option)09:58
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
popeywell that's odd10:01
popeywhats the next option below that?10:01
isleofmandanpopey: nothing. Only two entries listed10:03
popeythis your xps?10:03
isleofmandanluckily not :)10:03
isleofmandanAcer revo10:04
popeyand this is a real ubuntu 13.04 install?10:04
popeynot mint or some other crap?10:04
isleofmandanYes, genuine 13.0410:04
popeyany usb devices attached you can unplug and boot?10:04
isleofmandanMachine hasn't been used for a week or so. I booted it, and did sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade10:04
isleofmandanonly keyboard and mouse are attached10:05
popeycan you boot to recovery10:05
popey(you should dist-upgrade, not upgrade)10:05
* isleofmandan wishes he'd not done full disk encryption now...10:05
isleofmandanpopey: I never knew that. So apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade10:05
isleofmandanI can boot to recovery so far... but then panic10:06
popeybut still, you shouldnt get a panic10:06
popeyhow odd10:06
isleofmandanIt's pretty rare for updates to totally bork my machine too. Hopefully just me and nobody else. I couldn't see any new bugs filed anyway10:08
popeyany clues about the panic?10:08
isleofmandanOh now this is weird. Powered off at mains socket, and now can get into recovery...10:08
popeycan you take a photo or video of it?10:08
isleofmandannew territory... I assume 'run in failsafe graphic mode' is best thing to try?10:09
popeyisleofmandan: well, as recovery works. try booting normally10:14
isleofmandana few [fail] whizz by.... but I have a mouse cursor now...10:17
isleofmandan...and lightdm10:17
isleofmandanand desktop :)10:17
isleofmandanso I should apt-get dist-upgrade now?10:17
popeyso, not an ubuntu problem \o/10:19
davmor2Morning all10:19
popeysomething got wedged, and a full reboot fixed it, interesting10:19
ali1234i see that sometimes10:19
isleofmandanSo what does 'update' do, that 'dist-upgrade' doesn't?10:19
ali1234i think it is something to do with USB10:19
ali1234sometimes the machine boots up with no working USB at all10:20
isleofmandanI reckon Nvidia card is to blame. I saw a message about it 'tainiting' kernel at some point10:20
ali1234it only happens on reboot, which i only do once a month anyway10:20
ali1234turning it off fixes it10:20
isleofmandanali1234: And on my machine, I had to physically pull power rather than just turn it off, it seems10:21
ali1234that's not unusual10:21
ali1234USB devices stay powered when the machine is in sleep states10:21
ali1234which is what happens unless you pull the power10:21
isleofmandandist-upgrade is pulling in some kernel sounding bits, so I'm hopeful it'll work next boot....10:22
isleofmandanali1234: makes sense10:22
ali1234so yeah i'm convinced there's a recent bug in linux USB which isn't initializing the USB chipset properly on warm reboot10:22
ali1234to go along with the bug that makes it eat the CPU on large transfers10:22
ali1234and gadgetfs being broken10:22
ali1234oh and the IRQ thing10:23
ali1234possibly these are all related10:23
ali1234but linux USB has really gone downhill recently10:23
popeyisleofmandan: upgrade will upgrade the packages you currently have installed10:23
popeybut it will _not_ pull in any new packages that those packages require10:23
popeydist-upgrade will10:23
isleofmandanpopey: Thanks. I'll remember to use dist-upgrade from now on then.10:23
popeyso if you are paranoid about new stuff appearing on your machine, you upgrade, because you will only ever get updates to stuff you already have10:24
popeymy revo (behind the telly) is set to auto update10:24
bigcalmHi davmor210:24
popeymorning davmor210:24
isleofmandanpopey: I suppose it means I have to trust the boffins not to push out new dodgy packages though ;)10:24
isleofmandanmorning davmor2 and bigcalm10:25
davmor2hey bigcalm going for steak tonight?10:25
bigcalmdavmor2: who knows? :)10:25
Monotokodon't suppose anyone knows how I postmap everything in main.cf in order?10:26
* isleofmandan reboots...10:26
bigcalmdavmor2: I actually want pizza10:27
davmor2bigcalm: You'll be lucky :D10:28
bigcalmdavmor2: very, considering that the pub doesn't serve it10:30
isleofmandanpopey: All good now. Thanks. Next time you're in the IoM, I'll buy you a beer or two. That's two machines you've fixed for me.10:30
popeyheh, yay10:30
lornajanehurrah, now I am crashing pitivi and openshot simultaneously.  Seriously, I just want to glue a handful of video clips together and I've been going on this for days so far10:32
popeyyeah, crap isnt it?10:34
bigcalmI need to stop reading the mailing list. It's like reading youtube comments sometimes10:34
popeykdenlive is apparently good10:34
popeyhaha bigcalm ☻10:34
DJonesbigcalm: I just thought all the Sounder list users had moved to the uk list10:35
lornajanepopey: aptitude produces output longer than my terminal scrollback when I ask it to install kdenlive, so I'm trying to avoid that10:36
popeyhowever the openshot devs are quite friendly10:37
popeyand i have found i can stop openshot crashing by deleting ~/.openshot before opening it10:38
lornajanewell I managed to get one clip into it and export it as video.  But VLC is playing it back by jumping 5 seconds at a time as it goes along so I don't think this has quite worked10:39
lornajanepitivi looks promising, and sometimes can output a video file.  Just not always10:39
popeyLinux Video Editors in "Still crap in 2013" non-shocker.10:40
jussilornajane: have you tried the "professional" alternative?10:41
lornajanejussi: what's that?10:41
jussiie. http://www.lwks.com/10:41
popeygood luck with taht10:42
popeyit barely supports any codecs on linux10:42
lornajaneI'll just have to do this all in one take with loads of alt-tab showing I think10:42
jussiahh, Ive not used it, just had people say try it.10:42
mungbeani had success with openshot and a k* one10:42
mungbeanlornajane: latest openshot version?10:43
lornajaneKazam used to be able to capture one monitor, so I just did that and flipped about between desktops, but the "upgraded" version can't do that10:43
lornajanemungbean: whatever apt gave me, I'm on 13.0410:43
jussilornajane: also, have you tried the vlc editor? (one sec, let me look it up)10:43
lornajane"stable downloads are not available"10:44
jussioh wait, seems its not quite ready for public10:44
lornajaneI'm not sure that would make it worse than the alternatives though, from the very frustrating issues I've had so far10:45
lornajaneopenshot seems to be producing nonsense, I don't think it's VLC's playback that's the problem.10:45
lornajaneand I really don't know anything about video codecs, I just want to record my screen and then glue together some clips, maybe trim them, and play it back10:46
mungbeandoes youtube let you do that?10:46
mungbeanpost upload editing.10:46
lornajaneI'm just looking for some online tools, when I typed my requirements, they didn't seem complicated10:47
bigcalmlornajane: just to distract you for a moment. Do you know what the 3 columns of numbers mean when one uses gearadmin --status?10:48
bigcalmBuggered if I can find mention of the output of that command10:48
lornajanebigcalm: sorry, no, I don't use it10:49
bigcalmlornajane: ho hum. Thought you were likely to do so due to your blog posts on gearman. No worries :)10:50
lornajanebigcalm: usually I just throw things in it and expect them to come out again - persistent storage lets me see what's in there ... I don't really administer it, just run it under supervisord and expect them to work it out between themselves10:52
bigcalmlornajane: just as I have been using it all10:52
bigcalmlornajane: but something's gone weird in production that I think might be a back-log of commands10:52
lornajanebigcalm: are you using persistent storage?  Is that why you think there's a backlog?10:56
bigcalmlornajane: yep, via mysql10:56
lornajanecan you tell if a worker script has attempted to process the job, but failed?10:56
bigcalmI've never looked in the table to find out :) I'll do so now10:57
bigcalmLocally I use sqlite3 as it's available by default10:58
bigcalmTook a lot of messing around to get mysql support working on test and production10:58
neetz@popey , tried but still no booting dude10:59
ali1234i had success with blender video editing recently11:01
lornajaneali1234: do you think that might be complicated for a beginner though?11:01
* lornajane is currently wrestling the youtube editor11:02
ali1234video editing is always going to be though11:02
popeyi still think kdenlive is worth a punt11:02
ali1234it's really not11:02
popeyyou can always sudo aptitude autoremove kdenlive   after11:02
lornajanepopey: I was freaked out by the huge amount of required/clashing/updating packages that apt showed me11:02
popeyits kde ☻11:03
bigcalmlornajane: there well over 2000 jobs in the queue table. I wish I could empty the jobs11:03
ali1234try blender, it's not that hard11:04
lornajaneI actually think I should find out how to combine video clips from commandline :)11:06
lornajaneif I was smarter about capture, I really only need to glue11:06
lornajaneI need pandoc for video!11:07
ali1234it's called ffmpeg11:07
MartijnVdSit's called avconv :)11:08
* lornajane makes a list11:10
neetznot bummer , deleting some files11:14
ali1234don't bother with avconv, it's just a fork of ffmpeg with more bugs11:15
lornajaneffmpeg does say I should use avconv, weirdly11:15
ali1234yes, the debian packagers inserted that message because they prefer avconv11:16
MartijnVdSlornajane: yeah, avconv is the new command-line tool for the same libraries as ffmpeg uses.. it's almost the same command-line too11:16
MartijnVdSali1234: did they? Because upstream seems to prefer avconv too11:16
ali1234you mean libav?11:16
ali1234which is also a fork of ffmpeg?11:17
ali1234obviously they prefer their own fork11:17
MartijnVdSah.. it's a schism within the ffmpeg community: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9477115/who-can-tell-me-the-difference-and-relation-between-ffmpeg-libav-and-avconv11:18
ali1234yes, on ubuntu you need to build ffmpeg manually, because ffmpeg package is just a wrapper around avconv11:20
lornajanethey seem like a muchness, at least to this beginner11:22
ali1234yeah. ffmpeg supports more codecs11:22
ali1234what are you actually tryng to do anyway?11:23
lornajanea short screencast11:23
lornajanekazam can capture an individual window, so I have bits of video captured from each of the windows that I wanted to show11:24
ali1234ok well blender absolutely supports the mp4 output from kazam11:24
ali1234you will have a problem if all the clips are different size though11:25
ali1234that will be hard to fix11:25
ali1234tbh that's probably why you keep getting crashes and nonsense11:26
lornajanethey are all the same size, I've resized my second monitor to 800x600, full-screened each window, and asked kazam to capture that11:26
lornajaneI was capturing in webm because that's what the pitivi channel recommended yesterday but it's not a big deal to recapture - getting the toolchain working is always the worst bit11:27
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
davmor2lornajane: if you have a bunch of videos of the same format that you just want to put together just do "cat vid1.ogv vid2.ogv vid3.ogv > completevid.ogv"  note no ability to edit but you can at least piece them together that way11:27
ali1234yeah and then watch as it spectacularly fails to play in about 50% of players11:28
lornajanethere seem to be so many things that could go wrong here that I probably should know but don't :(11:28
ali1234i suspect blender will work with ogg as it uses ffmpeg11:28
MartijnVdSffmpeg, or libav? :P11:30
davmor2ali1234: works for me when it is the same format/refresh and frame rate it is when it is different that it breaks horrendously :)11:31
MartijnVdSdavmor2: I think you have to set the framerate of the video *before* importing11:31
ali1234MartijnVdS: ffmpeg if you download it from blender.org11:31
MartijnVdS(in blender)11:31
MartijnVdSali1234: ah.. probably11:31
ali1234and they don't accept bug reports on anything else11:32
davmor2MartijnVdS: sorry I was talking about just cating them together :011:32
ali1234the only thing i can't figure out in blender is how you export the final sequence :S11:33
MartijnVdSali1234: there are HOWTOs for all of that on Youtube11:34
ali1234i know11:34
ali1234i'm trying to figure it out without reading any documentation though11:34
bigcalmlornajane: do gearman jobs have to return true?11:35
lornajanebigcalm: that's a good question.  I'd guess so, let me have a look11:37
bigcalmI have some returning an ID, which would be seen as a true if testing is loose11:37
lornajanehmmm, it's not obvious, but my worker does if things go well11:37
bigcalmIf things go wrong, I'm returning null. Maybe I'll just return true instead11:38
bigcalmNo, I'm returning false if things go wrong11:38
bigcalmAh well11:38
davmor2bigcalm: I read that as "Do german jobs have to return true"  I was thinking I know they are efficient but that is a little harsh :D11:39
Monotoko#postfix are as much help as a chocolate fireguard11:40
bigcalmdavmor2: googling for information on gearman often tries to correct one with german11:40
* MooDoo is looking into IP based wireless webcams :S11:40
davmor2MooDoo: is this for the random dog nextdoor?11:40
MooDoodavmor2: yup.11:41
davmor2MooDoo: speak to AlanBell popey and czajkowski I'm sure they can recommend some for you :)11:42
MooDooAlanBell: popey czajkowski hello all, I'm after a wireless IP based webcam, do you have any recommendations :)11:42
bigcalmMooDoo: this is the one that a few of us own: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Wireless-camera-Pan-Tilt-2-ways/dp/B00432J56G/11:44
bigcalmThough I still haven't used mine :S11:44
MooDoobigcalm: that looks grand, thanks :D11:45
popeyhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00432J56G/ref=oh_details_o05_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 is the one I have11:47
MooDooyeah thanks, looks just the ticket.11:48
MooDoodone thanks all11:51
MooDoopopey: I've ordered a 2.1mm extention cable with it, but just read a review saying it's not actually 2.1mm, is this right?11:58
davmor2great thinking there bigcalm now popey can't say anything till someone says his name, so you get to deal with all of his meetings for him, all the help he gives out on all the channels he is on and fill in the google docs we need to update daily :P11:58
bigcalmdavmor2: what?11:59
davmor2bigcalm: you Jinxed him11:59
bigcalmOh. Snap would have been a better word11:59
davmor2bigcalm: :D12:00
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g|lunch
popeyMooDoo: no idea12:07
MooDoopopey: ok thanks12:09
daftykinsanother episode of extreme support just occurred, 5 mile ride and back to swap a dead disk in a RAID setup ^_^12:12
bigcalmlornajane: I changed all of my workers to return a true-ish value and the backlog appears to be reducing :D12:13
bigcalmWii fit likes me today. 2lb down on last week's weigh-in12:15
bigcalmWill make up for it tonight12:15
bigcalmLarge onion rings is a good place to start12:16
bigcalmOh, maybe I'll have a large mixed grill ;)12:16
daftykinshow does it weigh you 0o12:16
bigcalmdaftykins: how does Wii Fit weigh me?12:17
bigcalmVia the balance board12:17
daftykinsoh ok, comes with gadgets12:18
lornajanebigcalm: that's good news (about the backlog, although the onion rings sound like good news too)12:18
bigcalmWell, Wii Fit comes with the balance board. The board is then useable with other games12:18
bigcalmlornajane: :D12:18
bigcalmCan I cope with the 6.5 hours until the LUG?12:22
popeyi should move the wii and balance board to the den12:22
bigcalmpopey: would it get used more in there?12:22
bigcalmThen it would be a good move ;)12:22
lornajanethis is making me realise how long it is since I used mine - not since I got the wii U I don't think12:23
bigcalmHumm, is the Wii U worth getting?12:23
daftykinsheh, i'm amazed they sell12:23
bigcalmASDA have stopped selling them in some stores I think12:23
popeyhm, current telly in den only has one scart12:24
popeymight have to dig out the scart multiplexer thing12:24
bigcalmpopey: does it have RGB component phono sockets?12:25
bigcalmThat's how I have mine hooked up12:25
popeynope, vga, dvi, hdmi only12:25
popeyvga, hdmi, scart only12:25
lornajaneI like the wii U, but not too many games are really made for it yet.  The super mario world has been huge fun12:25
popeyI might dig out my other old consoles too12:26
lornajanecurrently we're playing pikmin, that's fun too, I get to read the map and shout intructions while Kevin actually has to fight monsters and things12:26
bigcalmlornajane: I'm a sucker for Zelda games. It's why I bought a DS and the Wii :S12:26
lornajanebigcalm: yep, that's my main motivator also12:26
bigcalmJust been informed that lunch is ready. I do like Hayley being at home recently :D12:26
lornajanewe do have a PS3 but I'm definitely a nintendo fan, even though I came to gaming rather later in life12:26
* bigcalm toddles off12:26
MartijnVdSI don't like Nintendo. Their tech is too far behind the curve, and their games too childish. Imho.12:27
lornajanedepends what you're into I imagine - I'm endlessly enchanted by childish so it works really well for me12:28
mungbeanwii balance board is quite fun , but the ps/xbox of this world are a league above12:30
mungbeanthere's a snowboarding game for it which is quite fun12:31
daftykinsjust under 4 weeks for GTA V now12:33
davmor2mungbean: what nitendo got right was fun with their games, what xbox and PS got right was pretty and huge games, I remember the day when Nitendo was the place to go for huge rpg style games like final fantasy etc but now there are bigger games on android :)12:36
daftykinsNintendo seemed to innovate with the hardware, but they just don't seem to really know what to do for software12:37
daftykins"let's make another Mario!"12:37
ali1234as opposed to... everyone else?12:39
ali1234"let's make another fifa!" "let's make another CoD!"12:39
daftykinsyeah but that's not the full picture for those platforms12:39
MartijnVdSali1234: Flower, Journey, Heavy Rain, ...12:39
daftykinsyou're not even attempting to follow.12:39
ali1234yeah because everyone knows that nintendo consoles only have one mario game and one zelda game, rght?12:40
MartijnVdSNintendo just spams 20000 Mario games per console generation and hopes one or two stick12:40
MartijnVdSali1234: CoD, Fifa exist for Nintendo systems as well12:40
MartijnVdSmaybe not CoD12:40
MartijnVdSbut fifa for sure.12:40
directhexsweet, silly nintendo12:41
ali1234did it not ever occur to anyone to like, write numbers on the punch cards, so they would know what order they go in?12:42
daftykinsi was pondering this12:42
directhexnintendo are, for want of a better explanation, experts in crafting the most beautiful sculptures they can, from the walls of their rut.12:42
ali1234like after the third or fourth time you dropped a stack of them12:42
directhexthey didn't understand the internet with the gamecube, they didn't understand the internet with the DS, they didn't understand the internet with the Wii, and they don't understand the internet with the Wii U or 3DS12:43
ali1234"the internet" as far as consoles goes, is a load of 12 year old kids swearing at you... so there's that12:44
directhexto a degree they get away with it, because their MO for a long time now has been very much what japanese developers do - endless incremental refinement of existing formulae12:44
ali1234it's very ironic that people say nintendo games are childish... when basically children would rather play shootan games and call each other names12:44
directhexyes, that's true12:44
directhexnintendo's games are the pinnacle of their respective genres, but they're not really a place for innovation12:45
daftykinsmaybe that's why they keep coming up with fancy new controllers so it feels new12:46
directhexthe wii introduced millions of non-gamers to games, which made the wii seem an appealing development target for developers, despite the crummy spec. however, those non-gamers didn'12:47
directhexdidn't actually buy any games, they just racked up ten thousand hours of wii sports12:47
mungbeani think they bought animal corssing and wii party etc12:47
mungbeanjudging by the games that come up for sale on the chavvy local buy and sell groups on facebook12:47
directhexthe attach rate on wii is terrible12:48
mungbeani bought bta3 and spent 100s of hours on that12:48
directhexso lots of developers lost money by making wii games nobody bought12:48
directhexso now they're scared of publishing on nintendo platforms12:48
directhexto a degree the same happened with the gamecube - nintendo games sold, third party didn't12:48
directhexand even the n64, to a lesser degree12:49
ali1234the n64 was because of the expense of cartidges wasn't it?12:49
mungbeanis the sims on android full of paid DLC?12:49
directhexthe wii u..... they're trying to sell them to wii owners, but have cocked up the marketing *so badly* that nobody's bought one, and no third party publishers want to waste time on a console with no users12:49
ali1234i don't even know what a wii u is12:49
ali1234is it a controller?12:49
ali1234is it a tablet?12:50
mungbeanits like a wii with a tablet handheld controller12:50
directhexif they'd named it "wii 2", that would have cleared up *so much*12:50
ali1234i don't even know what it looks like12:50
mungbeani am a wii owner12:50
popeylike a fat wii12:50
mungbeanbut have no interest in getting a new console for sequels of games i already got bored of12:50
lornajanenintendo release new consoles in December, and I also have a birthday then.  So if there's a new nintendo platform, I usually own it pretty quickly12:50
directhexit's a HD-capable games console, with lots more RAM than the other HD-capable games consoles12:50
mungbeani still play my wii though12:50
mungbeanbecause i have a 3yr old son12:51
ali1234i will never get bored of zelda games as long as they stick to the OoT formula12:51
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
ali1234i got round to playing psychonauts recently, it's really good12:51
directhexsee, zelda games haven't really improved over time12:51
ali1234how do you mean?12:51
ali1234i didn't like the newer ones as much... because they put in quicktime events and stuff12:52
directhexi mean the best "zelda game" i played in the last decade was okami on ps2.12:52
directhexalthough i am excited for wind waker HD12:52
ali1234the best zelda game is OoT master quest12:52
bigcalmOkami was great12:52
ali1234but it's hard to tell if the games are getting worse, or if i just know them too well12:53
bigcalmI've completed Fez to 209.4%. A little confused. Is there anything to do once one gets 3d vision?12:56
directhexno idea, i'm waiting for the linux port12:58
bigcalmgit status ./13:11
bigcalmHumm :S13:11
BigRedSAnyone know a good place to get a Cisco power supply? Ideally by the end of the week...13:11
diddledan<troll> BigRedS: cisco? </troll> *ducks*13:17
diddledanI always find the manufacturer is a good place to get their gear13:17
diddledando cisco units have special power supplies anyway? I figured they'd use IEC C13 plugs13:20
BigRedSdiddledan: it's not a rackmounted one, sounds like a transformer-on-a-plug sort of affair13:22
BigRedS(I've been asked by someone else)13:22
BigRedSI guess maplins would do something...13:22
diddledanyeah, maplin is God-of-all-the-electrical-things13:22
bigcalmBigRedS: a PSU for a cisco branded retail router?13:22
BigRedSit's a srw208p apparently, not sure how retail it is13:23
diddledanbigcalm, wouldn't that be linksys?13:23
BigRedSI try to stay away from networking :)13:23
bigcalmdiddledan: yes, but still has the word "cisco" on the device. Confuses people13:23
bigcalmBigRedS: oh, that sort of switch13:24
bigcalmBigRedS: looking at the back of one, it looks like it needs 4.5VDC at 2.5A13:25
bigcalmFuzzy image though13:27
diddledanthis suggests 48V?! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SRW208P-Replacement-adapter-POE-Power-Supply-48V-2-5-Amp-AS-120P-48-AS120P48P1M-/36048184722813:28
MartijnVdSReal PoE is 48V, but lots of PoE isn't real PoE13:28
bigcalmI did say it was a fuzzy image :)13:28
MartijnVdSand they just put 5V or whatever on the wire13:28
MartijnVdSask AlanBell :)13:28
diddledanello MartijnVdS13:29
bigcalmThis page has an image of the PSU: http://www.e3050.com/ItemDesc/Cisco_SRW208P_8-port_10_100_Switch_Switches_Egypt--SRW208P-K9-EU.aspx13:30
MartijnVdSbigcalm: If it's Cisco, it's probably real PoE (802.3af)13:31
* bigcalm shrugs13:31
shaunothere's a lot of cisco stuff that isn't 'real' PoE  (eg, pre-standard)13:38
MartijnVdSshauno: sure, but stuff that's <5 years old will be fine13:39
BigRedSApparently the person who needs it has the broken one!13:41
BigRedSthat took a while to find out...13:41
bigcalmConsidering the the switch is eol, you might struggle to get a psu directly from cisco13:43
diddledanI think it would have been difficult before it was eol, too :-)13:43
diddledancertainly they don't seem to be commonplace13:44
BigRedShaha, yeah, probably13:44
diddledanBigRedS, quote for replacement with a gigabit equivalent?13:44
bigcalmGit commit log of a single word: GAH13:48
bigcalmI am amused13:48
MooDoobigcalm: fixed?  or done?13:48
lornajaneI assume the word is "GAH"13:48
MooDooah get ya lol though you were just saying GAH!13:49
MartijnVdSusually means "Forgot to commit this file in the previous commit"13:49
MooDooit's been a long day diddledan  :)13:49
diddledanI like leaving messages in gitlog for colleagues to notice and then work out that they never read the commitlog13:50
bigcalmI wonder when the guy selling the Galaxy Nexus will get around to responding to my question. Not used to such delays13:50
daftykinsthe samsung one? is that ebay?13:51
bigcalmdaftykins: Amazon 2nd hand13:51
davmor2MooDoo: lets look at some of these points shall we, can't use English, can't think straight, distracted more than normal by the shiny, you're either tired or 2 ;)13:51
MooDoodavmor2: tired and other things on my mind13:52
bigcalmI have a nice steak on my mind13:52
bigcalmBut as I don't know if I'll get one tonight, I will probably go for something else13:52
diddledanI tried having a nice steak on my mind, but it fell off13:52
davmor2MooDoo: let me guess the shiny is on your mind you wantzz it you neeeeedddzzzz it the shiny13:52
MooDoodavmor2: money, new job, christmas rotas etc etc13:53
diddledan... a human head really isn't the best place to store meat13:53
MartijnVdSdiddledan: ...14:11
MartijnVdSdiddledan: the inside, or the outside?14:11
diddledanon top14:11
shaunoreminds me, google fried-brain sandwich.  and don't look at me funny :)14:18
* daftykins glances at shauno with a raised eyebrow14:23
lornajanejust out of interest, what does "make distclean" do?  I've not seen it before14:23
MooDoohttp://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/automake.html#Clean does this help lornajane ?14:25
lornajaneMooDoo: yes, thanks.  Not sure why it's important to be cleaner today than normal but okay :)14:26
shaunodaftykins: sorry, was more for dan .. I trust most others to decide for themselves :)14:27
daftykinsi just didn't know what you meant :)14:28
diddledanshauno, you sick sick man14:30
diddledanthankfully it's only calves' brains and not human14:31
mungbeanbradley manning got 35 yrs in prison :-|14:39
mungbeansnowden would get 35014:39
mungbeanwith a pole up with butt14:39
MooDooif he gets caught14:41
diddledanhe'll just get an umbrella stabbed into his shin as he's walking along in moscow and a few days later be dead from poisoning that nobody knows how he contracted it14:41
mungbeanjust like inspector clouseau14:42
mungbeanwith the daggers coming out of her boobs14:42
mungbeanand the dagger in shoe trick14:42
mungbeani love that scene14:42
diddledanspikey boobs?14:42
shaunominus the anatomy, isn't that how they got litvinenko?  it's strange when it sounds absurd, but reminds me of the news14:44
popeyhe was poisoned in a sushi bar i thought14:44
popeyYo! Sushi!14:44
mungbeanspikey boobs 1:5914:44
diddledanis it my system or is the audio wonky on that video?14:45
mungbeani'm at work, sound down, i'm making the sounds14:45
mungbeancount about 10 ppl try to killl him in 5 mins14:45
jpdspopey: There's nothing quite as bad as bad uni.14:46
diddledanaah yes, I remember the spikey boobs now14:47
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
mungbeanheard about the website selling food just past its sell by date?15:09
daftykinsnope :o15:10
mungbean24 snickers for £1 special offer15:10
daftykinsooh what'a gamble15:10
mungbeanbrannigans crisps BBE 31/8/1315:10
mungbean10 packs for £115:11
mungbeanscoff them quick15:11
diddledanbrannigans are awesome15:11
mungbeanif i was skint and single i would def do this15:11
bigcalmI want a snickers now15:12
popeythats an excellent idea15:13
popeyI frequently eat food way beyond it's BBE15:13
mungbean24 Snickers Crunchers for £1 (usually £6.25 on Approved Food or £14 elsewhere, best before 11 Aug 2013). Simply enter the code snickersoffer at the checkout15:13
mungbeani ate some walkers crinkles from early july the other day15:14
DJonessnickers are always past their sell by date, its one of those 'food' items that should have been banned at inception as dangerous & unhealthy15:15
DJonesNah, they have minimal chocolate quota's, minimal taste quota's, pretty much cardboard in tar taste :)15:16
DJonesBiggest problem is the distinct lack of meat :)15:17
* bigcalm offers up some beef jerky15:18
lubotu3Uh, don't you mean !apt ?15:18
bigcalmThis stuff should be taken off me15:18
mungbeansuch cheap PR15:20
mungbean£10 and a free article int eh failyfail15:21
DJonesHmmh, daily snail, no surprise they post something that looks so inflammatory despite the people affected being quite happy with the result15:21
mungbeanhowever on the next page, polos give you cancer15:22
daftykinsmungbean: XD the green ones were wanted because they were the radioactive ones15:22
brobostigonso much non-news thats made up to be be worthwhile news.15:22
mungbeanits summer15:23
mungbeanso even worse15:23
mungbeanthey just trawl reddit etc for anything15:23
DJonesI wonder how they managed to report that, did they run out of Diana stories?15:23
* brobostigon hands out copies of private eye. :)15:23
* DJones replaces brobostigon's private eye with copies of viz15:24
popeyIts the express that prints diana stories, not usually the mail15:24
DJonesPretty much the same target audieance15:24
mungbeansatire has been rubbish since about 175015:24
DJonesto brobostigon15:24
brobostigonDJones: fair point, yes.15:25
brobostigonwell, viz was/is a comic.15:26
DJonesI always find the mail is diana centric as well, can't comment on the express15:26
daftykinsi've not encountered private eye, it's the one Ian Hislop of HIGNFY is to do with yeah?15:26
DJonesPrivate eye isn't a comic?15:26
daftykinswhat actually does it cover?15:26
mungbeanboring political satire15:26
brobostigonDJones: nope, it is not.15:26
popeyi used to buy it every week when i worked in london15:27
brobostigondaftykins: yes, ian hislop is editor of it.15:27
popeywell, every other week ☻15:27
DJonesLast time I bought private eye, I found it hard to distinguish between that and the beano15:27
popeymy mother in law bought a subscription to it15:27
popeyi enjoy it quite a bit15:28
* DJones nominates popey's mother-in-law for a CBE15:28
brobostigoni enjoy it still,15:28
popeyshe bought it for my birthday present15:28
* DJones kicks popey for to much info, TOO LATE15:29
mungbeani always wonders who actually buys newpapers anymore15:29
brobostigonian hislop might argue, people actually do some serious journalism in private eye, unlike a comic.15:30
DJonesOh wow, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-23780810 Bovril shots found during excavation of an early 1800's site15:32
popeynice promotion for bovril there15:36
popeywhich has been losing market share to marmite for years ☻15:36
popeyalthough my mum still drinks it15:36
* daftykins hasn't ever encountered it15:37
popeyi used to have bovril sarnies as a kid15:37
popeynot bought it in ~10 years or more15:37
DJonesMy dad will drink bovril at rugby matches, but can't stand marmite15:38
DJonesI prefer vegemite15:38
bigcalmTwo very different things15:38
daftykinsso people knock back those little funny jars? seems weird15:38
bigcalmI still drink bovril15:39
dwatkinsJust thinking about it makes me cough (as does anything salty)15:39
bigcalmTim: I'll have a pint of the black stuff15:39
bigcalmMike: you can't drink a pint of Bovril15:39
mungbeanbovril is northern thing15:40
mungbeandaftykins: i think they put a blobinto hot water15:40
mungbeanmake a sort of grravy15:41
bigcalmNow I fancy some miso soup15:41
mungbeanpeasant food15:41
* bigcalm goes to make miso soup15:41
diddledandon't ever go on "the milk diet". it's evil!15:41
diddledantwo weeks of nothing but milk, jelly and oxo15:42
diddledanI wanted to kill someone after that15:42
mungbeandoes jelly and ice cream count?15:42
diddledanand now. I hate milk. I hate jelly. and I hate oxo.15:42
diddledanmungbean, no15:42
mungbeanmm jelly15:42
diddledanmungbean, the jelly needs to be sugar free15:43
davmor2diddledan: did you lose weight though ?15:43
dwatkinsI just stopped eating bread, rice and chips, lost 15 kg.15:43
mungbeanthats 1/4 my body weight15:43
dwatkinsI started at 104kg.15:44
diddledandavmor2, I did, but I don't know whether that was the goal. I had to do it prior to having my gallbladder removed15:44
mungbeanguys, do you think this is H&S risk: http://imgur.com/a/NlSfi15:44
mungbeanand which one shall i jump under15:45
* bigcalm has miso soup!15:45
bigcalmAnd I'm suddenly whisked back to Japan, 200415:45
mungbeanhealth and safety doesn't seem to require corridors are clear of hazards :-|15:47
dwatkinscheck the fire regulations15:51
dwatkinscheck with the insurance company15:51
dwatkinscheck with HR15:51
mungbeando you think its unsafe?15:51
dwatkinsthen move it anyway, because it'll probably get damaged otherwise15:51
mungbean7ft high metal objects15:51
mungbeanready to fall15:51
dwatkinsIt's a case of the level of risk, it's not a binary property.15:52
mungbeanrecelying bin full of paper15:52
dwatkinsThere are too many factors to just give it a number.15:52
mungbeanbin = massive wheely bin15:52
dwatkinse.g. if it's a corridor no-one ever goes down, the risk is reduced15:53
mungbeanwe work there15:53
popeyhehe, public sector...15:53
dwatkinsthen it's a higher risk of you tripping up, I'd move it all to a storage room15:53
mungbeansomeone ticked a box so its fine15:53
dwatkinssomeone ticked a box so they could have the box ticked15:54
ali1234mungbean: i'm not sure where to start15:54
mungbeanits bad though right?15:54
mungbeannot just my impressino15:54
ali1234the chemical haze?15:54
mungbeanthats my phone15:54
mungbeanbut i smelt burning15:54
ali1234the pile of what appears to be medical waste?15:54
mungbeanlab coats15:55
ali1234the tub of who-knows-what chemicals jammed inside some kind of industrial machinery?15:55
mungbeanyeah lol15:55
mungbeanby the way this is next to open door that *anyone* could walk into off the street15:55
dwatkinsI'd start by imagining a toddler got loose in that corridor.15:55
mungbeanmy son15:55
mungbeanthe other day15:55
dwatkinsthere you go, then15:56
ali1234it looks like somehting out of half-life15:56
ali1234i want to smash everything with crowbar15:56
* dwatkins wonders if there's a crowbar15:56
diddledanmy clients: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2KLyBapfTc16:05
daftykinswoohoo the 1.5TB dead drive in a 4 disk RAID 5 i replaced just finished rebuilding16:29
daftykinsjust noticed that my gmail inbox reads 5:30 but inside the email it reads 6:30 O_O16:30
popeyooh, that reminds me...16:30
popeybtrfs scrub worked fine \o/16:30
daftykinspopey: did you see the message about your disks might be rebranded Seagates?16:31
daftykinswith 1yr warranty perhaps16:32
daftykinsah when you posted your dmesg, i looked up the drive model it was reporting16:32
daftykinsand found a comment suggesting they're not samsung at all16:33
daftykinsthis was the one i believe16:34
daftykinsi'm sure it's not really a concern but i found it interesting nonetheless16:34
popeyyeah, not seen that before16:34
daftykins1 year warranty is ouch, i tend to buy based on just getting the longest :D16:35
popeymine dont have 1 year, i know that16:36
MartijnVdSthey do. European laws :)16:37
popeymine are well over a year old anyway16:43
daftykinsi wonder how dead the enterprise WDs in my server are16:44
daftykinsfrom back when 1TB was new and impressive XD16:44
daftykinsuh-oh 40GB free on the downloads drive again16:45
daftykinsWestern Digital SEs are available :D16:48
daftykinsthey're the fancy new NAS/upper scale line16:48
daftykinssort of part way between the Reds and the full higher MTBF of the RE line afaik16:49
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
bigcalmSteak T-1.5 hours17:07
bigcalmSteak time!17:54
bigcalmI mean, LUG time!17:54
davmor2bigcalm: no you mean steak time17:59
daftykinsSUG time17:59
* popey returns from a lug meet22:24
daftykinspopey: any interesting shenanigans?22:43
popeyi learned some stuff, which was good22:51
daftykinsbut popey knows all D:22:51
popeywas talking to a guy about 3d printers22:51

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