
jelmervexo: sure, but you can merge a single directory from a branch00:02
jelmer(you'll get the full history from the branch but just the directory you specified)00:03
vexoMmmm, I just tested it, and when merging just a subdirectory (bzr merge other/dir -r0..-1), you don't get the history00:09
jelmervexo: hmm, I wonder if that is a recent change in behaviour00:12
jelmervexo: the other alternative is to merge the full branch and then remove the files you're not interested in00:13
vexoWell, yes, that'd obviously always work ;)00:15
vexoThat could potentially be a large amount of overhead, though, so not necessarily ideal if you really only wanted just the one folder00:18
rozzinSuch concern about subdirectories. svn really broke people ;)01:12
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ok259I'm using bzr-svn and when I try to bzr commit my changes to the SVN trunk, I get the following error "bzr: ERROR: This operation requires storing bzr-svn metadata in Subversion file properties. These file properties may cause spurious conflicts for other Subversion users during merges. To allow this, set `allow_metadata_in_file_properties = True` in your configuration and try again." I do not want any of my bzr metadata to be visible to other users of th13:59
ok259e repository. Is there a way for me to still commit my changes?13:59
ok259Ah, I'm so stupid. --lossy is what I need. My apologies.14:06
janoshi jelmer, you around?21:16
janosjelmer: I just wanted to say thanks for the tweet last week, I appreciate the support21:45
jelmerjanos: no problem :-)21:56
janosjelmer, another thing, the publisher is looking for technical reviewers21:56
janosdo you know anyone who might be interested? (yourself included!)21:57
jelmerjanos: sure, I would be happy to do some reviewing - perhaps a chapter or two22:03
jelmerjanos: some of the other core committers might also be good candidates22:03
janosjelmer, great! I'll look them up22:07
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