
smartboyhwOK, testing day for Kubuntu (after this, Xubuntu alternates and Mythbuntu)02:18
* smartboyhw will come back to test Kubuntu 12.04.3 amd64 alternate04:15
NoskcajSomething broke in ktp. can someone take a look? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktp-call-ui/0.6.3-1ubuntu1/06:04
soeegood morning06:18
jussiis there a way to make apt automatically install suggested packages? or ask you about them, instead of just telling?06:40
valorieI think it's --install-recommends06:57
jussivalorie: no, that is enabled already by default. I am talking about suggested packages07:12
yofeljussi: sure there is07:35
yofel           Consider suggested packages as a dependency for installing. Configuration Item: APT::Install-Suggests.07:35
valoriehaha, just found: http://askubuntu.com/questions/117635/how-to-install-suggested-packages-in-apt-get07:35
valorieBUT: --install-suggests installs the recommendations, and all *their* recommendations07:36
valoriecould be lotsa packages07:36
yofelit will be a lot, recommends are recursive too, but it's simply not that much07:37
lordievaderGood morning.08:23
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1214668] No login sound on Kubuntu 13.10 with KDE 4.11 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1214668 (by Marco Parillo)08:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1214668 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "No login sound on Kubuntu 13.10 with KDE 4.11" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:47
smartboyhw!testers | PLEASE test the 12.04.3 images at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/301/builds10:18
BluesKajHi all10:27
soeesmartboyhw, didn't work10:28
smartboyhwsoee, WHAT?10:46
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56 for information.10:46
smartboyhw^ Please test the 12.04.3 images10:47
shadeslayersmartboyhw: I did10:48
smartboyhwshadeslayer, the alternates also?10:48
* shadeslayer has never used the alternate ISO's10:48
smartboyhwshadeslayer, yes, they exist for amd64, sigh10:49
smartboyhwand i38610:49
smartboyhw(Actually I'm saying 12.04(10:49
BluesKajwhat's the ping all about ?10:49
shadeslayerQA is boring work 10:49
smartboyhwBluesKaj, 12.04.3 image testing10:49
BluesKajnot me 10:50
shadeslayerI wish we couldm automate away this stuff :<10:51
* smartboyhw agrees10:51
smartboyhwshadeslayer, and anyways you completed only 2 out of the 7 testcases10:51
shadeslayersmartboyhw: yes, because it was boring and monotonus10:52
smartboyhwshadeslayer, LOL10:52
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1214668] No login sound on Kubuntu 13.10 with KDE 4.11 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1214668 (by Marco Parillo)10:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1214668 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "No login sound on Kubuntu 13.10 with KDE 4.11" [Undecided,Invalid]10:56
soeethe no logoin sound i can confirm10:58
smartboyhwUh oh:(10:58
BluesKajnever noticed , always turn those sounds off , annoying to me 10:58
soeeBluesKaj, true :D11:00
BluesKajsoee, did you ever get your audio issue solved ?11:01
BluesKajjust curious11:02
soeeBluesKaj, the one with nvidia hdmi ?11:03
BluesKajsoee, I think so , yes11:05
BluesKajit was a while ago...my memory isn't so great11:06
soeeBluesKaj, partially, now i have only problem when Skype shows some notification than if for example playing Yutube video the voice is played like its speed would be set to x2 :)11:06
BluesKajsorry , I don't understand11:10
smartboyhwshadeslayer, no need to do the amd64 alternate, I will do it:P11:22
shadeslayersmartboyhw: already doing it11:23
shadeslayersmartboyhw: I'm doing the auto partitionining one11:23
shadeslayercan you do the manual partitioning stuff?11:23
smartboyhwshadeslayer, sure11:23
smartboyhwshadeslayer, auto partition is another thing, you seem to be doing entire disk11:23
shadeslayerah hmm11:24
shadeslayerwell this pointless 11:24
shadeslayersmartboyhw: k doing i386 then11:24
smartboyhwshadeslayer, sure.11:24
shadeslayersmartboyhw: does encrypted setup work for you on amd64?11:36
smartboyhwshadeslayer, NO.11:36
shadeslayerbecause I don't think it does on i38611:36
smartboyhwUh hum11:36
shadeslayerkeeps going back to "Setup partitions" after you write changes to the disk?>11:37
shadeslayeryeah, can you report a bug?11:37
smartboyhwUnfortunately, it seems that doesn't happen in Ubuntu alternates (they passed)11:37
smartboyhwshadeslayer, why you can't?11:37
shadeslayersmartboyhw: I'm running the tests on a server ontop of kvm11:38
shadeslayerand the alternate images don't detect the network11:38
shadeslayerso can't run ubuntu-bug11:38
smartboyhwshadeslayer, me doesn't either11:45
smartboyhwI'm on Virtualbox11:45
shadeslayerbah :/11:45
shadeslayersmartboyhw: try changing the network driver in VBox?11:46
shadeslayerand try virtio-net11:47
shadeslayerIIRC that should work11:47
smartboyhwshadeslayer, do you have http://imagebin.org/268366 ?12:18
smartboyhwshadeslayer, mark all as fail.12:18
smartboyhwI think:P12:19
* smartboyhw has to ask still12:19
shadeslayeryou just press Yes12:19
shadeslayerand it'll work12:19
smartboyhwshadeslayer, dunno, Xubuntu are all holding it off (they might not release it with that)12:19
shadeslayeroh, well, I pressed yes, and it worked I think12:20
shadeslayeryep worked12:20
smartboyhwshadeslayer, it worked12:20
smartboyhwBut I think I needed to further ask12:21
lordievadersmartboyhw: Got the same error here with the i386 alternate (OEM)12:25
smartboyhwlordievader, as expected12:25
shadeslayerI don't think it's an error12:25
* smartboyhw doesn't too..12:26
jussiThe shirts are in our warehouse and going to the embroiderer.12:33
jussi^^^ this is good :)12:33
BluesKajembroiderey ?12:33
jussiBluesKaj: yes, for the Kubuntu logo12:36
Riddellhow's the testing?12:36
Riddellhmm more needing done12:37
smartboyhwRiddell, we have a problem with encrpytion12:37
smartboyhwIt failed ruthlessly12:37
Riddellwhat sort of encryption?12:38
Riddellubuntu affected?12:38
smartboyhwRiddell, LVM12:38
smartboyhwUbuntu seemingly not affected12:38
BluesKajjussi, ahh , fancy :)12:38
Riddellsmartboyhw: alternate?12:39
BluesKajprobly don't make those kubuntu shirts in my size anyway :(12:39
smartboyhwRiddell, alternate.12:39
smartboyhwRiddell, we also have http://imagebin.org/268366 (which appears everywhere and we decided to ignore)12:39
smartboyhwEven Xubuntu:P12:39
Riddellum, that's quite nasty no?12:39
smartboyhwRiddell, yeah12:39
smartboyhwshadeslayer, reporting bug12:42
shadeslayersmartboyhw: cool12:42
shadeslayerI wonder if VBox can pass do fake keyboard events12:43
shadeslayerthen I can basically automate all of thos :P12:43
shadeslayerand we can concentrate on more awesome stuff12:44
smartboyhwIt failed! http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ubuntu-edge12:44
shadeslayernot surprised I am12:45
Riddella shame12:46
Riddellfailed is relative though, they can still go to manufacturers and say it's the most successful crowd sourcing ever and there's at least x thousand people willing to pay above market price12:46
Tm_TRiddell: well I'd say the price they were asking for the phone isn't above market price12:48
Tm_Tpretty much in line with flagship phone prices12:48
Riddell10 times what my phone cost :)12:49
smartboyhwRiddell, shadeslayer I bought a new phone today:P12:49
shadeslayercool :)12:49
smartboyhwVery new, the salesman said it just came out for less than a week:O12:49
smartboyhwshadeslayer, Bug 121451812:50
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1214518 could not be found12:50
smartboyhwBug 121541812:50
ubottubug 1215418 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Guided install with KVM and encryption failed in Kubuntu 12.04.3 pre-release alternate image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121541812:50
smartboyhwYes that.12:50
shadeslayersounds super expensive12:50
smartboyhwshadeslayer, not really, under $300 USD for sure12:50
shadeslayersmartboyhw: which one?12:50
smartboyhwshadeslayer, Samsung Galaxy ACE 312:50
smartboyhwWith Android 4.2.212:51
smartboyhwshadeslayer, can you confirm that bug?12:52
smartboyhwOh you did:P12:52
smartboyhwMake sure you mark the result as failed (for encryption)12:53
shadeslayeralready did12:53
smartboyhwshadeslayer, good12:53
* shadeslayer doesn't particularly like Samsung phones12:53
smartboyhwWe are releasing the image with that, right?12:53
smartboyhwshadeslayer, what do you like then?12:53
smartboyhwSamsung is the KING here;P12:53
shadeslayersmartboyhw: HTC, I have a HTC One X, still works, my HTC Desire recently died after being through 2 owners over the last 32 months12:54
smartboyhwshadeslayer, HTC12:54
smartboyhwI am sometimes called HTC at school12:54
smartboyhw(Howard the Coward)...12:55
shadeslayerthough I can probably get the Mobo repaired and it'll work12:55
smartboyhwshadeslayer, LMAO rather12:55
ScottKFun: http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/27327.html13:00
smartboyhwScottK, Mir team has proposed a fix13:04
ScottKIt was irresponsible to land it in the archive with a known security vulnerability like that.13:05
shadeslayercurious, but has anyone faked key events in VBox?13:11
shadeslayerthere's some documentation online but that's for their SDK, nothing that be done via the command line13:12
apacheloggerScottK: can we get such a feature as well please?13:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: wah?13:14
apacheloggeralso stop using vbox :P13:14
shadeslayerwhy :(13:14
apacheloggercuz oracle13:14
* shadeslayer is fine with the OSE version13:14
apacheloggeryes, that takes the oracle out of it13:14
shadeslayernope, but VBox is most certainly faster than kvm13:15
shadeslayeror qemu13:15
shadeslayerqemu takes *ages* to boot13:15
apacheloggerget proper hardware then13:19
apacheloggeranyway, I still do not know what you meant13:21
smartboyhwRiddell, ScottK shadeslayer : So we are still releasing the alternates even with the encrpytion problem?13:27
shadeslayerI wouldn't13:28
smartboyhwRiddell, ScottK your call, I and shadeslayer failed the encryption ones.13:29
shadeslayercan't someone who knows d-i stuff look into it?13:30
* smartboyhw doesn't13:30
smartboyhwshadeslayer, am asking in #ubuntu-release if they can fix13:33
smartboyhwEh, most of the desktop ones aren't completed.13:34
=== greyback is now known as greyback|food
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
smartboyhwALL ALTERNATE TESTERS: Please add Bug 1215453 to your results13:58
ubottubug 1215453 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "No Kernel Modules were found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121545313:58
smartboyhwshadeslayer, lordievader monkeyjuice ^13:59
lordievaderHmm my oem install seems to have frozen on updating grub... :(14:15
smartboyhwlordievader, :O14:15
* smartboyhw didn't have THAT bug.14:15
lordievaderIt might be that Vbox reads the iso out of memory (tmpfs).14:16
smartboyhwWARNING: possible respin of 12.04.3 alternates..14:31
=== greyback|food is now known as greyback
shadeslayerxnox: can you also have a look at the encrypted partman bug?14:58
shadeslayerxnox: bug 121541814:58
ubottubug 1215418 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Guided install with KVM and encryption failed in Kubuntu 12.04.3 pre-release alternate image" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121541814:58
xnoxshadeslayer: no, as I believe alternate cd is borked. The udebs & debs don't match the running kernel. Thus the kubuntu-meta needs an upload & alternate cd needs a respin. See merge proposals on bug 121545314:59
ubottubug 1215453 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "No Kernel Modules were found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121545314:59
shadeslayeryes I saw that15:00
shadeslayerwould that also fix the encryption bug?15:00
xnoxshadeslayer: i don't see how encrypted install of alternate cd can work, without loading device-mapper and crypto modules =)15:00
xnoxshadeslayer: I don't know, but at the moment encryption doesn't have a chance at working off that cd.15:00
shadeslayeroh ... I was told it worked in the ubuntu CD15:00
Riddelldid p:~xnox/ubuntu-seeds/fix-kernels-precise-xubuntu  go into xubuntu seed? I can't see the merge proposal15:01
Riddellah this is a cleaner merge into kubuntu :) https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubuntu-seeds/fix-kernels-precise-kubuntu/+merge/18157815:01
Riddellxnox: merged thanks15:03
xnoxRiddell: yeah, launchpad was very insistent that i merge all braches against kubuntu.precise.15:03
xnoxRiddell: i have no idea how to upload kubuntu-meta, can you do that?15:03
Riddellxnox: yep15:04
xnoxRiddell: thanks.15:04
xnoxRiddell: ditto xubuntu, but no idea how to do thsoe.15:04
Riddellsmartboyhw: able to do that or find someone who can?15:04
xnoxsmartboyhw: https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubuntu-seeds/fix-kernels-precise-xubuntu/+merge/18158615:05
smartboyhwRiddell, I will get knome15:05
smartboyhwHave to do it in #ubuntu-quality, Xubuntu is having a meeting to decide the fate of Mir in them15:06
Riddellxnox: kubuntu-meta says "No changes found", are you sure it needs an update?15:07
xnoxRiddell: no idea. something, somewhere should trigger updates such that when building the image the correct kernel modules are pulled in.15:08
* xnox ponders was it d-i upload.15:08
* xnox goes to ask kernel guyes.15:08
smartboyhwRiddell, xnox Xubuntu will be delayed a bit15:09
smartboyhwEven the project lead himself doesn't have commit rights, sigh15:09
* smartboyhw emits blood15:09
Riddellsmartboyhw: is it ubuntu-core-dev? I can do that15:10
* smartboyhw checks15:10
smartboyhwRiddell, yes15:11
smartboyhwRiddell, please merge then:P15:12
Riddellsmartboyhw, xnox: xubuntu merged15:13
smartboyhwRiddell, great thanks15:13
xnoxRiddell: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/kubuntu.precise/installer seems to have been updated. Respin alternate and check what kernels it gets? it's a borked image at the moment so it can't get worse =)15:53
Riddellkubuntu and xubuntu alternates rebuilding15:55
Riddellthanks xnox 15:55
xnoxthat's quick.16:02
smartboyhw!testers | Please test the alternate images AGAIN16:03
ubottuPlease test the alternate images AGAIN: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56 for information.16:03
* smartboyhw can't, sorry16:03
smartboyhwI need to sleep soon.16:03
shadeslayerI just had pizza16:04
shadeslayerso I'm well fed and not cranku16:04
mikhasbut now you're tired and not fit for work16:05
shadeslayernot really, I'm much better post food16:07
smartboyhwFood = protein, carbohydrates and lipid = energy16:07
shadeslayersmartboyhw: xnox also fixed the encryption issue16:14
smartboyhwshadeslayer, \o/16:15
* smartboyhw hugs xnox 16:15
xnoxshadeslayer: excellent.16:16
shadeslayersmartboyhw: as a vegetarian, I don't get alot of protien16:17
shadeslayeror well, the Indian vegetarian diet doesn't have alot of protien16:17
shadeslayermostly for lentils/pulses , but that's about it16:17
kubotushadeslayer meant: "mostly from lentils/pulses , but that's about it"16:17
RiddellI need to go out for about 3 hours, sorry about that16:54
Riddellamd64 desktop needs some more love and alternates need all tests done16:54
Riddellcall me if problems16:54
shadeslayeryou already did the tests?17:18
shadeslayermy alternate test just finished :<17:18
shadeslayerso slow17:18
lordievaderUgh I was just finished with alternate testing. When would/should 12.04.3 be released?17:26
QuintasanFinally back from "vacations"19:09
Quintasanshadeslayer: seen JT?19:14
shadeslayernot really19:15
shadeslayerI wished him on G+ and he +1'd my post19:15
shadeslayerso he's still alive19:15
Riddellhow's it going?20:56
Riddellstill need tests doing20:58
* Riddell cracks on20:58
NoskcajRiddell, I broke something, but can't fix due to a lack of kubuntu. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktp-call-ui/0.6.3-1ubuntu1/21:07
Riddellyou broke kubuntu without even having kubuntu installed?!21:09
QuintasanNoskcaj: >#include <telepathy-farstream/telepathy-farstream.h>21:09
QuintasanMissing development headers I guess21:09
QuintasanActually, I should update it in Debian and request a sync21:09
QuintasanWe don't have much delta from Debian, do we?21:10
RiddellQuintasan: Noskcaj was doing syncs21:11
Riddellbut because debian messed up the .orig with a funny tar in git thing it was fake syncs21:12
RiddellNoskcaj: I had to fix your other one too, the files had moved between binary packages21:12
Noskcajok. thanks. I really need to get a computer that can run VMs well enough to test this stuff21:14
RiddellNoskcaj: you can ask me to set up ec2s (or shadeslayer I think)21:19
RiddellNoskcaj: but why not just run it locally?21:19
NoskcajI've got a case mod i'm partway through that will have all the VMs when it's done. And because i prefer xubuntu and can (just) run the installer in a VM with it21:21
NoskcajAnd my gaming PC is windows21:21
Riddellhi littlegirl 21:25
littlegirlHey there. (:21:26
littlegirlMaybe you know the answer to the question I just posed in #kubuntu. (:21:26
Riddelllittlegirl: mine just has:21:28
Riddellsearch lan21:28
Riddelldns is managed by resolvconf I think21:28
ScottKActually dnsmasque21:29
ScottKOr something close to that.21:29
littlegirlYeah, I get the impression we don't use it any more and that the nameserver info has to be in /etc/network/interfaces but I'm trying to come up with a one-line command a new user can use to find out what their nameserver is, and I know the information is in my resolv.conf, but I'm not sure if that was there when I first installed Kubuntu. (:21:29
ScottKIt's a relatively recent change.21:30
Riddellroute  will tell you21:30
Riddellwell that'll tell you the gateway21:30
Riddellbut that's also the dns server on my home setups21:31
ScottKIt's dnsmasq21:31
littlegirlMine, too. Is that as it should be?21:31
littlegirlI can just tell users to use the gateway as the nameserver, but would that be telling them the correct thing to do?21:31
* littlegirl is updating her Static IP page.21:31
Riddellif you just want a random dns server go for
littlegirlI'm trying to come up with the proper way to tell users what information needs to go into /etc/network/interfaces to set up a static IP, and part of that is knowing what the bits needed by that file are. I'd like to give them solid information, so I'm not sure would be a good idea. (:21:35
littlegirlHere's what I've got so far: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6015549/21:35
Riddellit's a pretty good dns server https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/21:36
littlegirlIf the gateway can always be used in the dns-nameservers line of the /etc/network/interfaces file, then I'm almost done and can just flesh out the explanation and the steps to take. (:21:36
littlegirlOh, it's real! LOL21:36
littlegirlInteresting! Is that recommended rather than using your internet provider's DNS server(s)?21:37
Riddellit's easier to remember :)21:38
littlegirlHeh, that's true. Well, I'll put a note in the page suggesting that people might want to try it, but I'll probably recommend that they try the gateway first. I was hoping there was a command line incantation to ferret out the internet provider's DNS server from a fresh installation of Kubuntu. (:21:40
littlegirlI wonder how many people realize how difficult it is to take a complex topic and attempt to reduce it to simple concepts to make an easy to use document that provides enough information to get the job done without overwhelming the user with too much information which is surely aavailable elsewhere. (:21:43
yofel[12078.076124] pinentry[15285]: segfault at ffffffe302e30306 ip 00007fb03c605e49 sp 00007fffd8819468 error 5 in libQtCore.so.4.8.4[7fb03c547000+2d4000]21:48
Riddellyofel: mm it's been breaking for me22:00
=== dantti_laptop|2 is now known as dantti_laptop
Riddellimages all good for me23:35
* Riddell snoozes23:35

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