
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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pittiBonjour tout le monde !04:01
pittiRAOF, robert_ancell: hey Chris, hey Robert, how are you?04:02
robert_ancellpitti, hello!04:02
RAOFpitti: Aloha!04:02
pittirobert_ancell, RAOF: one question: what's the plan wrt. multi-monitor config under MIR? will xserver-xmir be taught to understand proper xrandr, or g-s-d be taught to apply .config/monitors.xml the MIR way?04:03
pittiand is there a workaround to disable the internal LVDS and drive the external monitor (on the dock) with full resolution?04:04
RAOFxserver-xmir will be taught to understand xrandr.04:04
pittiah, sweet04:04
pittii. e. that should apply to gnome, kde, etc. then04:05
RAOFThere'll be a call for testing shortly :)04:05
pitti(I tried it yesterday to debug something for sabdfl, but I don't want to run it like that all day, hence my question for a workaround)04:06
SarvattRAOF: awesome04:12
RAOFYeah, having actual multihead support is pretty important :)04:12
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pittibonjour didrocks05:18
Mirvrobru: can you approve https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/cupstream2distro-config/unity_add_indicator-keyboard/+merge/181458 ?05:22
Mirvah, canceling that one, already in robru's branch as of around the exact same time :)05:24
didrockssalut pitti!05:25
didrockshey Mirv05:25
Mirvhey didrocks05:26
robruhi didrocks, Mirv, pitti! ;-)05:30
pittihey robru, how are you?05:30
robrupitti, not bad. thinking about that pygobject help() introspection issue.05:31
didrockshey robru!05:31
robrudidrocks, hi!05:31
didrocksrobru: how was your travel? back home?05:31
robrudidrocks, almost home! I am just a short 2hr boat ride away! ;-)05:31
didrocksheh :)05:31
robrudidrocks, but the train was really nice. I got a sleeper cabin and had a shower on the train! so comfortable! I can never ride economy class ever again ;-)05:32
didrockswaow, excellent, indeed!05:32
Mirvdidrocks: I'd ask but it's missing Replaces05:32
robruthe shower was so nice! the drain was a direct hole in the bottom of the train, I could see the ground flying by as we went05:33
robruMirv, oh, good catch05:33
didrocksMirv: indeed, good catch :)05:35
didrocksrobru: 2 hours is enough to fix it? :p05:35
didrocksdo you mind?05:35
didrocksrobru: ah, the water was directly going on the rails?05:35
robrudidrocks, haha, yes and yes05:36
Mirvdidrocks: can you approve a libunity-dev b-d version bump?
MirvI'll hold from rerunning more stacks since a scheduled rerun is 15mins away05:47
didrocksMirv: yeah +1 ;)05:47
didrocksMirv: right, better to wait now05:47
didrockslet's hope leann's team will give us support soon on the intel kernel pb05:48
robrudidrocks, https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/qml-friends/fix-replaces/+merge/181462 please approve this packaging change to better handle this rename transition05:48
Mirvargh, I'm doing five things at the same time now, this is not healthy for brain05:48
Mirvdebugging qtwebkit, watching stacks, testing qtdeclarative patch on device, patching/building qtcreator and testing raring/quantal/precise qtcreator updates05:49
didrocksrobru: can you just add one package name per line and add trailing comma please?05:50
didrocksrobru: just in nitpick mode, but it's better to see what rename changed and so on ;)05:50
didrocks(and consistency between sources)05:51
didrocksMirv: heh, welcome to my world every single day!05:51
didrocksMirv: maybe that explains to you why I'm nuts :p05:51
Mirvdidrocks: I can feel it :)05:54
didrockswe lost a robru :)06:00
robrusorry, was busy06:01
didrocksnext tick is soonish06:01
didrocksI would rather not miss it06:01
robrunitpick mode: ON! `wrap-and-sort -a -t` you guys are gonna love this ;-)06:02
robruapprove now please ;-)06:02
robruoh, look at that! qtdeclarative5-test-plugin was included in the deps twice. this fixes that.06:03
didrocks(approved with hate :p)06:04
robrucan we somehow make `wrap-and-sort -a -t` a commit hook so that nobody can ever commit unsorted dep lists ever again?06:05
robrulike just make jenkins do it automatically during the merge or something.06:06
didrocksrobru: that's a nice idea in fact06:06
didrocksdoing that automatically as part of the MP06:06
didrocksrobru: mind noting it down somewhere?06:06
robruthe only trick is that wrap-and-sort likes to drop our little comment about the packaging team. So we'd need to fix that bug in order to automate it.06:07
didrocks(I still hate wrap-and-sort, don't mislead :p)06:07
didrocksyeah, it's just a bug that can be fixed, indeed06:07
robrudidrocks, I'll file a bug for this, what package should I use?06:07
robrudidrocks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/cupstream2distro perhaps here?06:08
didrocksrobru: there is no package for the upstream merger, just file against cupstream2distro, it's where I'm looking anyway06:08
didrocksyep ;)06:08
didrockshey dpm!07:19
didrocksdpm: how are you?07:19
dpmmorning didrocks, doing well, and you?07:24
* Mirv practices on getting core-dev acks on #ubuntu-devel07:36
didrocksMirv: heh, great!07:40
didrocksdpm: I'm good thanks! I wonder if you had any chance to have qreator fixes uploaded07:41
didrocksor is it stuck on a queue sponsoring?07:41
didrocksIIRC, I gave a conditional ack on some additional fixes07:41
dpmdidrocks, I haven't had a chance, but I filed the bug and milestoned it for the release I'm preparing, probably this weekend if I've got the time -> bug 121040807:43
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1210408 in Qreator "Fix packaging issues" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121040807:43
didrocksdpm: ok, thanks07:43
dholbachcan somebody have a second look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1213998?07:49
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1213998 in UbuntuKylin "[needs-packaging] youker-assistant" [High,New]07:49
dholbachit looks like the kylin folks are still waiting for a review there07:49
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sil2100A bit late, but had to deal with the internet in this new flat07:55
Mirvmorning sil2100!08:01
dholbachsalut seb12808:05
dholbachseb128, tu sais quelqu'un qui peut réviser bug 1213998?08:06
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1213998 in UbuntuKylin "[needs-packaging] youker-assistant" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121399808:06
seb128dholbach, salut, je peux le faire08:07
seb128good morning desktopers!08:07
dholbachtrès bien08:07
dholbachmerci beaucoup08:07
seb128Laney, hey, good morning! how are you?08:09
Laneygood thanks!08:09
pittisalut seb128, hey Laney08:10
* pitti hugs dholbach08:10
Laneyguten morgen pitti08:11
mlankhorstwie gehts08:11
seb128Laney, I'm good thanks08:11
Laneyooh patch piloting this afternoon, how exciting08:11
seb128pitti, salut!08:11
Mirvrobru: friends published, see #ubuntu-devel for the ack discussio08:18
* dholbach hugs pitti back08:18
seb128pitti, I confirmed that your upower fix works btw08:23
pittiseb128: très bien08:26
seb128pitti, I've other upower issues...08:26
seb128pitti, the history datas tend to have buggy charge=0.000 around suspend/resume, do you think it would make sense for upower to filter them out? or should I filter them out on client-side?08:27
seb128pitti, I'm going to do "if [n-1] > 1 && n = 0, then ignore"08:27
seb128in practice I doubt we often hit 0% charge anyway08:28
pittiseb128: these are status "unknown", not "charging" or "discharging", right?08:28
pittiseb128: yes, you need to filter out "unknown"; the test suite does that as well, I'm not sure what this means08:28
seb128pitti, I do that already, but some are "empty"08:29
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seb128pitti, I'm just going to do what I said, filter out the 0 if previous point is > 108:31
seb128in practice I doubt we ever have 0 on charge curves08:31
seb128or if we do we should get there by being at 1% before (if the device doesn't go flat while suspended)08:32
Mirvsil2100: compiz+unity would be "ready" and even autopilot succeeded, but you know better what to do with that transition..08:33
sil2100Mirv: thanks! Looking08:34
sil2100Mirv: ohshit08:36
sil2100Mirv: you saw the changelog?08:36
Mirvsil2100: big, lots of text, that one?-)08:37
sil2100Mirv: you think hm, is that acceptable ;p ? Yea08:37
sil2100Mirv: I mean, good they put those descriptive commit messages08:37
sil2100But COME ON08:37
darkxstpitti, seb128 hi08:39
seb128darkxst, hey08:39
darkxstseb128, so we can start on g-s-d now?08:39
seb128darkxst, to be honest I don't think we are going to have the spare cycles for that before feature freeze08:39
darkxstwell its basically ready08:41
Mirvsil2100: I think those are ok. well, huge, but still it seems it's their habit and it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't the whole commits for several months08:41
darkxstand was a lot of work getting it to the point08:41
seb128darkxst, yeah, things always seem ready, until you figure out that they have bugs and you need to deal with those08:41
seb128darkxst, even reviewing the work is going to take time and we are all overworked over crazy08:41
seb128darkxst, and fixing e-d-s goa/uoa is higher on my list than getting a new g-s-d in if I find spare cycle in the next week08:42
sil2100Mirv: anyway, we need someone to ACK at least the compiz changes08:42
seb128sil2100, Mirv: are we getting an unity landing today?08:42
sil2100Mirv: so someone that has some more time on his hands, as the diff is pretty big08:42
sil2100seb128: yes, with the new compiz, but we need an ACK08:42
seb128sil2100, packaging ack?08:43
sil2100seb128: while the new compiz has a BIG diff08:43
seb128packaging diff or code diff?08:43
sil2100seb128: packaging diff08:43
seb128nobody is going to be able to review the code diff08:43
seb128oh, how so?08:43
seb128shot me the url08:43
seb128I can try to have a look...08:43
seb128or run away :p08:43
sil2100seb128: most of it is a biiiig changelog ;p But well, it hasn't been released for a looong time08:44
Laneydarkxst: got it in a ppa?08:44
LaneyI'll try running it for a bit08:44
darkxstLaney, ppa:darkxst/gsd3808:44
sil2100seb128: there's not much actual packaging changes though, so it should be easy to review - although the big diff can scare a bit08:44
Laneymaybe mail the desktop list too08:44
Mirvin addition to that compiz ack, unity itself needs ack http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6013267/08:44
seb128sil2100, Mirv: compiz looks fine, but somebody should check that the grid.xml.in and expo.xml.in changes are fine08:46
seb128+-    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_4</default>08:46
seb128++    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Super&gt;Left</default>08:46
seb128do we overwrite those values somewhere else?08:47
seb128sil2100, Mirv: e.g please check that the grid keybindings are still the same after update08:47
seb128otherwise +1 on the other changes08:47
seb128Mirv, unity is +108:47
sil2100seb128: thank you! Will check08:48
seb128sil2100, Mirv: do you want me to update/run those updates to see if they are alright?08:48
sil2100seb128: I'm upgrading now as well08:50
Mirvseb128: I think that'd be welcome08:50
Mirvme too08:50
darkxstLaney, ok, guess I need to remerge the g-c-c in that ppa first though08:50
Mirvsay what you want about CLI, I like synaptic for package management08:50
Laneydarkxst: the gsettings override is specifying some keys that don't exist any more08:58
sil2100Mirv: seb128: working fine here after upgrade, at least my keybindings are the same now, so it looks ok here08:58
darkxstLaney, they are in ubuntu-settings packages though arent they?08:59
Laneyno it comes from gsd09:00
Laneyfor the media keys plugin09:01
Mirvbasic smoke test of new compiz + unity alright09:01
sil2100Let's publish09:07
sil2100Mirv: should I?09:07
darkxstLaney, ok will remove them09:10
sil2100Mirv: publishing09:15
Mirvsil2100: +1 for 4 months newer compiz :)09:17
sil2100\o/ Now it would be nice to get indicators + HUD released as well09:18
Mirvyeah, I updated the bug to tell that the fix didn't fix either at least completely09:18
Mirvand pinged wellark regarding hud, ted is obviously not awake yet. other pings welcome.09:19
Mirv(did not ping ted either)09:19
seb128Mirv, did you get a pong from Wellark?09:24
attenteseb128, do you have time to take a quick look at https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/indicator-keyboard/gvfs/+merge/181503 ?09:29
Mirvseb128: no09:30
Mirvseb128: now did09:30
seb128Laney, hey, please review https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/battery-charge-tweaks/+merge/181505 (load the webpage, I put review comments that you are not going to get via email)09:32
Laneywill do09:32
Laneytrying to find a solution to this i18n.tr thing09:33
seb128Laney, please don't spend a day on that, nothing is broken atm and we have bigger issues than making code look nicer...09:33
seb128attente, approved09:34
Laneyi'm not spending a day on it ...09:34
attenteseb128, thanks!09:34
seb128attente, I merged your accountsservice changes btw, going to review your indicator-keyboard patch to use that next09:34
mhr3_larsu, could you pls answer the qmenumodel question in https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/unity-theme-icon-provider/+merge/180805/comments/410625 ?09:34
seb128Laney, ok, I'm just saying, you were already on it when I left for exercice yesterday evening ;-)09:34
LaneyI tried to use the documented function09:34
Laneythen I saw that it didn't work09:34
Laneythen I left09:35
attenteseb128, ah, that's great, thanks!09:35
seb128Laney, ok, all good then ;-)09:35
Laneyok, got it09:37
Laneyi18n.tr("1 minute", "%1 minutes".arg(n), n)09:37
larsumhr3_: will do09:43
larsumhr3_: holy shit, why did setSchemeSearchPaths get added?!09:43
larsumhr3_: thanks for the catch ;)09:43
seb128larsu, can a GActionGroup be casted in a GActionMap?09:48
seb128larsu, or said differently, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/hud/g_action_map_lookup_action/+merge/181508 ?09:48
larsuseb128: no, not every actiongroup is an actionmap (GSimpleActionGroup is both, though)09:49
larsuseb128: I'll review it ;)09:49
seb128larsu, danke09:49
SweetsharkI seems like launchpad tried to import the LibreOffice repository again. Launchpad not sits not in a corner and whimpers. Poor thing, it always ends like that.09:50
seb128larsu, indicator stack is blocked because of that (indicators fail to build on deprecation warnings and we got a new glib that deprecates -g_simple_action_group_lookup)09:50
seb128Mirv, ^09:50
larsuseb128: that patch is correct. Approving.09:51
seb128larsu, thanks09:52
larsuwaiting for jenkins before top-approving09:52
sil2100Mirv, didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/remove_deprecated_scopes/+merge/18151210:03
sil2100Mirv, didrocks, pstolowski: there's also this for deprecation - https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity-scope-home/replace_deprecated_scopes/+merge/18151110:03
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seb128Laney, not sure if you noted the other day, but I've a "location" subpanel on my disk (at least the UI)10:20
Laneyyes I remember you saying10:20
Laneyshould be easy to hook it in10:20
seb128Laney, going to review your security&privacy now and then propose that subpanel on top10:20
seb128Laney, right, I just wanted to make sure you don't start on it/dup work10:20
Laneyshould we add gsettings keys for these settings?10:21
seb128which ones?10:22
Laneymost of the security-privacy ones10:22
Laneyor does something exist already10:22
seb128Laney, on that topic10:23
seb128bug #120785410:23
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1207854 in Unity 8 "[greeter] should provide launcher/camera/notes options" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120785410:23
seb128bug #120785710:23
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1207857 in Unity 8 "[greeter] should provide options for stats/messages on welcome screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120785710:23
seb128bug #120841810:23
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1208418 in Unity 8 "[greeter] should provide a "lock sound" option" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120841810:23
seb128Laney, I opened that a few weeks ago10:23
seb128Laney, it would be worth talking to mterry about it again, he said he wanted to use accountsservice for some of the stuff10:23
* seb128 wtf at indicator-datetime10:24
seb128make check fails on10:24
seb128The following files contain translations and are currently not in use. Please10:24
seb128consider adding these to the POTFILES.in file, located in the po/ directory.10:24
seb128I'm adding that to POTFILES.in but I don't get why that's happening10:25
Laneyadding a file in the debian/ build tree?10:25
seb128no, I was going to add po/POTFILES.skip to the upstream source10:25
seb128but that seems wrong10:25
seb128I wonder what changed that this just started10:26
Mirvsil2100: approved10:26
sil2100Mirv: sankyu!10:26
Sweetsharkseb128: any opinion on the phantom fix for 3.5.7 issue? Just remove it from changelog?10:26
seb128Sweetshark, sorry I didn't have time to look at your email yet10:27
seb128Sweetshark, let me have a look10:27
seb128sil2100, Mirv, didrocks: do you know if anything changed on the upstream CI side that makes make check run where it was not before?10:27
didrocksseb128: I don't know about it10:28
Laneyit's running some extra test now10:28
seb128k :/10:28
LaneyI: user script /var/cache/pbuilder/build//4040/tmp/hooks/B09googletests starting10:28
sil2100seb128: same here, not really sure what changed - I think we'll need Francis around10:28
Mirvnope here too10:28
Laneycompare https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/indicator-datetime-saucy-amd64-ci/32/console and https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/indicator-datetime-saucy-amd64-ci/33/console10:28
Mirvseb128: hey. did the powerpc trick you did on Tuesday for signon work? since libhud-qt is also stuck, and it also already has i386 amd64 armhf defined instead of any10:29
Mirvor the removal of packages10:29
seb128Mirv, yes, it worked10:29
seb128Laney, right, that B09googletests broke things10:29
Sweetsharkseb128: story is: guy prepared a patch, explicitly asked for inclusion in SRU, I applied the patch and asked if he would be happy with it and promised to include it, if its tested on the ppa for 1-2 weeks.10:31
Sweetsharkseb128: He reported back that he is happy with the fix -- although the patches are not in patches/series, so they are never applied. :/ My proposal is to not apply the patches for this SRU (as they have seen no testing in the PPA), but keep them and test them in the PPA for the next SRU. So the only change for the SRU would be removing them from changelog.10:31
sil2100didrocks: I know I asked that before, but do we have a common license that we use for assets for Canonical upstream projects?10:33
sil2100What CC was that?10:33
* sil2100 should probably ask management10:34
didrockssil2100: look on the canonical wiki10:34
Mirvseb128: excuses page says libhud-qt-doc on powerpc is outdated, so removing that powerpc binary would apparently unlock the proposed migration10:34
seb128Sweetshark, seems fair enough, +110:34
seb128Mirv, ok, let me have a look10:34
seb128Laney, is indicator-datetime just hitting segfault for everyone with the new glib?10:35
Laneyprobably everyone with eds enabled10:35
seb128Laney, hum, quite a gotcha, we already got a stack of dups10:35
seb128Laney, can you manually upload your fix to saucy?10:35
Laneyeven though it's still in proposed?10:36
Sweetsharkpitti: ^^ -- I will tweak the changelog for 3.5.7 and ping you when its done.10:36
seb128Laney, I would rather get that fix sooner than later10:36
seb128Laney, see bug #1215003 the dups10:36
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1215003 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "indicator-datetime-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_date_time_to_unix()" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121500310:36
Laneyhuh, ok10:36
Laneygive me a minute then10:36
seb128Laney, thanks10:36
seb128Laney, we need integration tests to make sure than glib updates don't break indicators/unity ;-)10:36
seb128Laney, thanks!10:46
Laneyi don't really understand the bug though10:46
Laneyit's something to do with the .ui file only10:46
Laneyotherwise it would list all of the files10:46
seb128Laney, the issue is that they run "make check" after the dh_install steps10:47
seb128Laney, intltool is looking for sources files10:47
seb128in debian/tmp you will get only binaries/datas10:47
seb128not source10:47
seb128the .ui is the only "source" there10:47
seb128but it's enough to make it looks like there is a source in the tree not listed by POTFILES10:47
Laneyso it can't see that the file is already translated10:47
seb128Laney, it's not translated10:48
seb128translations are in the .mo10:48
LaneyOK, that it's the same as a file that is listed in POTFILES.in then10:50
Laneyi.e. that it's a copy in the build tree of a file that was already listed for translation10:50
Laneyanyway, guess this check gets to be rethought :P10:52
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LaneyI guess it could write a potfiles.skip to ignore debian/ itself10:53
Laneyoh bums, it's failing to build10:53
Laneyargs, because I disabled proposed in my chroot yesterday10:54
sil2100Mirv, didrocks, seb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/dialer-app/packaging_review/+merge/18152011:01
didrockssil2100: I let you and Mirv deal with the first pass maybe? Then seb128 or I would do the preNEWing11:01
sil2100Mirv, didrocks, seb128: as mentioned in the description, there's one thing I need to still consult with upstream, but they're not around11:01
didrockssil2100: at worse, ask bill if you can't get upstream11:02
seb128Laney, don't workaround it, it's going to bite any source, we just need the CI guys to fix their config11:02
seb128sil2100, looking11:02
Laneyseb128: I'm not11:05
seb128Laney, k11:06
Laneylarsu: can you confirm/deny this please: https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/indicator-datetime/use_g_action_map/+merge/18152211:06
seb128Laney, can you mp the changelog of your manual upload back to trunk?11:06
seb128Laney, the daily release stuff is going to be unhappy otherwise11:07
larsuLaney: is p->actions a GSimpleActionGroup?11:07
Laneylarsu: yes; g_simple_action_group_new ();11:07
larsuLaney: looks good to me then, approving11:08
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Laneyseb128: really? won't it regenerate the changelog anyway from the proper MPs?11:08
Laneylarsu: cheers, uploading too11:08
seb128Laney, well, there is a manual upload, so it's going to block "wait, there is an upload in Ubuntu that we don't have in trunk, let's block to have somebody confirm that we don't override a direct distro upload"11:09
Laneyyeah I get that part11:09
LaneyI just thought you could say "OK, that's fine" and then carry on rather than needing to merge the changelog back in11:09
Laneycan just add it to the action map MP though11:09
seb128Laney, hum, I think didrocks added support for that but I'm unsure now, I don't find it in the FAQ11:10
seb128Laney, it might just work in fact, it used to not11:11
LaneyI'll leave it and see ;-)11:12
Laneyeasy to put it in otherwise11:12
seb128didrocks, if distro has a changelog entry with no change compared to trunk, is that going to work or do we still need to changelog entry to be merged back?11:12
seb128Laney, right11:12
seb128sil2100, dialer-app ... can it be arch: any rather than hardcoding the archs?11:13
sil2100I changed that, right?11:14
sil2100seb128: +Architecture: any11:14
sil2100seb128: or maybe you're asking if it's safe?11:14
seb128sil2100, sorry, too many pings, I branched lp:dialer-app to do the preNEW review, not your branch11:15
sil2100No problem!11:16
seb128sil2100, do we need 2 autopilot packages?11:17
sil2100seb128: that's something that I need to ask upstream exactly11:19
sil2100seb128: besides, both have different deps11:19
sil2100Conflicting deps11:19
seb128oh ok11:19
seb128if they have conflicting deps it makes sense I guess11:19
sil2100I'm just wondering why11:21
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didrocksseb128: need to force the rebuild11:28
didrocks(sorry this channel was focused, so didn't get the notifications)11:28
seb128didrocks, no worry, less notifications is good ;-)11:29
didrocksseb128: there is a "skip check" not exposed for now on the command line11:29
seb128sil2100, ^ please, use the skip check for indicator-datetime later on, we did a manual archive upload for it11:29
seb128sil2100, I reviewed https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/dialer-app/packaging_review/+merge/181520 ... good for preNEW, I just added a small nitpick, you have extra build-depends there that seem not needed11:29
seb128Laney, looking to your privacy work, I guess you can already do the phone locking subscreen/values (look to battery if you want, there is a pretty similar "%1 minutes" picker/subscreen for the suspend time)11:35
seb128Laney, looks like that one would make sense as a gsettings key (at least for v1 with one user, not sure with multiusers)11:35
Laneyseb128: ah, yeah, hmm, I wonder how those settings interact11:39
seb128Mirv, hud build fix merged in11:44
Mirvseb128: ok, rerunning11:48
Mirvthen someons should still fix indicator-messages as well11:49
seb128Mirv, what's the issue with it?11:50
Mirvseb128: similar to hud, same bug report as well bug #121518011:51
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1215180 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "Deprecated method call causes failing quaternourly release." [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121518011:51
seb128larsu, ^ can you do that?11:51
seb128larsu, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/148154412/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.indicator-messages_13.10.1%2B13.10.20130822.1-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:52
seb128larsu: same glib deprecation on gaction issues11:52
Mirvseb128: thanks if you have a chance to check the libhud-qt powerpc at some point11:59
Mirv(or libhud-qt-doc to be precise)11:59
seb128Mirv, sorry, today is another of those crazy pings days, doing that now12:02
Mirvseb128: yes, no hurry, that was both a thanks and a gentle reminder :)12:03
Mirvsil2100: part two https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/cupstream2distro-config/remove_obsolete_scopes_from_packages/+merge/18153512:07
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larsuseb128: will fix right away (coming from lunch)12:26
larsuseb128: the real fix is to specify the glib version number, so that we don't get those warnings12:27
larsuand to diable -Werror *cough*12:27
seb128larsu, thanks, the new glib is in saucy-proposed if you need it12:28
seb128larsu, yeah, I still think having Werror and include deprecation warnings doesn't make sense12:28
seb128it's good to know about deprecations12:28
seb128but that should "stop the production line"12:28
larsuseb128: exactly. GLib has macros for that (if you say you use 2.30, you won't get warnings about deprectations in 2.32)12:29
larsuI'll add them to indicator-messages12:29
seb128larsu, I've no strong opinion, is the intend to say "I targetted that version/verified with it"? it seems that's something that forces you to revisit the macro use every cycle12:30
seb128larsu, where most of the time things just work even on newer glib12:30
seb128I would rather go for "don't use the macro, don't stop build on deprecations, but report bugs when the CI find those warnings"12:31
seb128Mirv, libhud-qt moved to release12:32
larsuseb128: https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-compiling.html shows all the possibilities (search for MIN_REQUIRED)12:32
seb128larsu, right, I'm not convinced it's useful, it seems like we want to get warnings about those so we know we need to update our code, just not stop build on them12:33
seb128larsu, oh well, I've no strong opinion either way either, so just do whatever feels right to you ;-)12:34
larsuseb128: I agree, but ted doesn't like turning off -Werror...12:37
larsuso either you convince him, or I'll just use MIN_REQUIRED and MAX_ALLOWED :P12:38
seb128larsu, or you could port the code to the current apis :p12:38
seb128larsu, did you guys talk about doing -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations ?12:40
larsuseb128: ya, ovbiously this is only so that this doesn't happen again in the future12:41
larsuseb128: no, that might be a viable alternative. Good idea.12:41
seb128larsu, let me talk to ted about that when he gets online12:41
seb128larsu, -Werror -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations seems like it should make everybody happy12:41
Mirvseb128: awesome!12:43
seb128larsu, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/indicator-messages/dont-werror-on-deprecated-declarations/+merge/181546 ... let's see when ted gets in12:48
larsuseb128: ah thanks :)12:49
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tkamppeterThe package gksu has been removed from the standard installation of Ubuntu recently. Which package should I use as replacement? Or should I pull in gksu by a dependency?13:21
tkamppeterseb128, ^^13:22
tkamppeterseb128, bug 120924613:22
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1209246 in hplip (Ubuntu) "HPlip gui doesn't handle authentication properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120924613:22
seb128tkamppeter, we use pkexec instead13:23
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tkamppeterseb128, how can I get a password window being popped up instead of a console password prompt?13:27
seb128tkamppeter, "pkexec <command>" should give you a graphical ui13:29
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tkamppeterseb128, yes, what I did wrong is to run "pkexec <command>" in a terminal where I was SSHed into another machine. In a terminal on the local machine I get the GUI.13:35
tkamppeterseb128, thank you very much.13:35
seb128tkamppeter, yw!13:35
Mirvdrafted https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1308-qt51 , not sure how to move forward as I don't know who's the Client track lead13:38
seb128Laney, how crazy is your afternoon? would you fancy updating ubuntu-wallpapers with the new images selected for 13.10? (you can consider that as sponsoring I guess :p)13:38
Laneyi moved that to tomorrow13:38
seb128Mirv, I can accept it13:38
Laneybut i could do something like that13:38
seb128Laney, question stands ;-)13:38
seb128Laney, ok, fwding you the email, thanks13:38
Laneyi want to get some gsettings into security-privacy first though13:38
Laneylet me tell you which ones i'm planning on doing and you can see if they make sense13:39
Mirvseb128: ok.13:39
Laneylock method, phone locking timeout (not lock on idle), sleep locks immediately, encryption, stats on welcome screen, messages on welcome screen13:40
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Laneyin lieu of accountsservice handling them ...13:44
seb128mterry, hey13:45
seb128Laney, let's get mterry in that discussion13:45
mterryseb128, hello!13:45
seb128mterry, how are you?13:45
seb128mterry, Laney is looking at the security-privacy settings and they have the greeter options we discussed some weeks ago13:45
mterryseb128, that's a question guaranteed to make me wary  :)13:45
Laneybasically we want to know where to store the settings13:45
didrocksMirv: sil2100: kenvandine: cyphermox: robru: FYI, intel machine updated to latest kernel and rebooted on kernel's team demand13:46
didrockslet's hope :)13:46
Laneygsettings would be really easy but we heard you think it's best in accountsservice13:46
seb128mterry, I guess we could do gsettings for v1, but I'm not sure how things are going to work the day we go multiuser13:46
mterryseb128, Laney: well.  If we store in gsettings, it's tricky to get them to the lightdm user13:47
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mterryseb128, Laney: accountsservice solves that at least.  What's the problems you're considering with it?13:48
seb128mterry, I was wondering if we could use polkit to write to a system gsettings13:48
seb128mterry, I don't think we have problems/strong opinion, it's just that writting to gsettings is one line of qml :p13:49
mterryseb128, I'm not super familiar with system gsettings.  Is that just user-less settings?13:49
mterryseb128, with a plugin.  So is AccountsService  ;)13:49
seb128mterry, there is no "user less", but I guess we could write through polkit to the lightdm user config13:49
seb128mterry, do we have accountsservice qml bindings?13:49
mterryseb128, oh, didn't know if gsettings grew a capability13:49
Laneyno qml13:49
mterryseb128, in a unity8 branch we do, not really a public module13:49
Laneybut I don't think accountsservice has key-value stuff does it13:50
seb128mterry, we have gsettings qml bindings13:50
mterryLaney yeah it does these days13:50
LaneyI don't really mind writing some cpp13:50
Laneyoh really?13:50
mterryseb128, right13:50
LaneyI still see a load of SetBlah methods13:50
mterryseb128, you'd need a daemon to do the writing to the lightdm gsettings, right?13:50
Laneyaccountsservice would be preferable to that imho13:51
mterryLaney, hold on...  let me link you to a branch that adds a key for unity8 edge-demo purposes13:51
seb128mterry, yeah, that would be code as well13:51
seb128accountsservice might make sense13:51
mterryLaney, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/demo/+merge/17792313:51
Laneywhat's that stuff desrt was talking about re: accountsservice?13:51
mterryLaney, that's a branch I'm working on for unity8.  It shows how to talk to accountsservice, and how to register new key/value pairs with AS13:51
mterryLaney, that's the stuff desrt was talking about13:52
desrtmterry: thanks for working on this :)13:52
mterryLaney: notice the changes to the plugins/Accountsservice directory13:52
* mterry waves at desrt13:52
seb128Laney, that was added in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/accountsservice/0.6.34-0ubuntu113:52
seb128hey desrt ;-)13:53
Laneymterry: want to make this module public? ;-)13:54
mterryLaney, I'm not confident it's amazing enough.  Where do we put public modules like this?13:55
Laneynot sure ...13:56
mterryWould need to change the API a bit too, to handle custom interfaces, instead of hardcoding13:56
Laneyok I'll copy it for now :P14:01
Laneymterry: have you defined the names of the properties for these things?14:01
mterryLaney, hm?  You mean like hte com.canonical.unity.AccountsService.xml file?14:02
LaneyI don't know, do I?14:02
mterryLaney, so the important new files, besides the stuff to talk to dbus are:14:02
mterrycom.canonical.unity.AccountsService.xml - defines new properties14:02
LaneyI didn't know if it was just done dynamically14:03
Laneywhere can I get that file then?14:03
mterrycom.canonical.unity.AccountsService.policy - defines who can access them14:03
Laneyin unity8?14:03
mterryLaney, it's in my branch.  You make it for your stuff14:03
Laneybut it needs to cooperate with the greeter14:03
mterryLaney, so you define your own interface, drop it in the right directory, and AS will pick it up and add it as a dynamic property14:03
mterryLaney, I don't know if you want to put it in unity8 or not.  This sounded more like a system-settings thing, r ight?14:04
Laneywell s-s will set and unity8 will read14:04
NikThWhere is the 12.04.3 release announcement ? Expected 14 hours ago ...14:04
Laneyguess it doesn't matter14:04
LaneyNikTh: not out yet14:04
Laneythere is no 'expected' time14:05
NikThLaney: Do you know when ?14:05
Laneyno, when it's ready14:05
mterryLaney, so sure.  s-s or whatever can drop that file in and greeter could just use dbus14:05
NikThLaney: Yes there is.. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-12.04.314:05
Laneymterry: right, so I shall just invent the names14:05
LaneyNikTh: that is just the start of the UTC day, ignore it14:06
mterryLaney, keep in mind that while AS here is very useful, it has limited customization potential for system builders.  Like no default-overrides or lock-down support...  So if you need those, maybe a combo of AS and gsettings or something may help14:06
Laneyyou'll find no release has ever happened at that time14:06
NikThLaney: Hah, right. UTC.14:06
Laneymterry: well, /I/ don't but who knows what OEM people will want?14:07
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Laneyhmm, that's kind of tough14:08
LaneyI suppose it would be possible to dpkg-divert the interface file out of the way to install your own14:08
mterryLaney, OEM people always *could* do a dpkg divert yeah14:09
mterryLaney, :)14:09
Laneybut then s-s will probably blow up14:09
mterryLaney, so that solves OEM, but not admins.14:09
mterryLaney, why would s-s blow up?  As long as OEM was only changing default values14:09
Laneyas long as that, but if something's changed to read-only14:09
mterryAlthough, I hear dpkg diver was originally for admins, not packagers14:09
NikThLaney: When its ready, is not applicable in Ubuntu. Ubuntu has scheduled release dates : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule14:10
LaneyNikTh: when it's ready within the specified day14:10
mterryLaney, I think it's rare that people actually want to lock things down14:10
NikThLaney: Thanks :-)14:10
Laneymterry: happy not to worry about that for now anyway14:10
mterryLaney, :)14:11
Laneythere will still be ways for admins to do what they want14:11
Laneyjust might not be as easy as it could be14:11
Laneyok, let me propose some more UI and then work on this14:12
Laneyah, a thunderstorm14:14
* didrocks sees blue sky with no cloud14:14
mlankhorstit's just damned hot here14:15
tkamppeterseb128, can you hel the HP guys with pkexec on bug 1209246? Thanks.14:23
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1209246 in hplip (Ubuntu) "HPLIP GUI doesn't handle authentication properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120924614:23
seb128tkamppeter, what sort of help do they need?14:23
NikThjoin #ubuntu-gr14:33
NikThforgot the backslash :-P14:33
tkamppeterseb128, abou the correct call of pkexec, it seems that for the HP guy it asks for the root password and not for the password of the sudo user.14:37
tkamppeterseb128, I seeno that he broke out of the bug thread and only mailed my all in privacy. he wrote14:38
tkamppeterIn Ubuntu root user won't be created by default and user will be having SUDO permissions. Whereas pkexec requires root password instead of Sudoers password.14:38
tkamppeterHowever, this can be achieved by "pkexec --user<USER> <command>".14:38
LaneyI bet he enabled his root account or something14:39
Laneyit asks for my user password here14:39
seb128tkamppeter, see https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/update-notifier/pkexec/+merge/146003 as an example14:41
tkamppeterseb128, for me it works correctly when running in a terminal, asking for the user password, as with Laney.14:41
Laneyask for his hplip WIP and see what happens for you14:41
seb128tkamppeter, right, we don't have root on Ubuntu, they probably hacked their config14:41
jbicha_sabdfl has root on Ubuntu though ;)14:42
seb128jbicha_, hey14:42
tkamppeterseb128, or the HP guy wants to pop up a window from a UDEV-triggered process which is running as root. This process would have to find out which user is currently logged in on the desktop and then set the DISPLY and XAUTHORITY variables and run the "pkexec <commmand>" as the appropriate user.14:45
seb128tkamppeter, sorry, I don't know more about that and I've ton of others things I need to get done today, maybe ask on #ubuntu-devel14:46
tkamppeterseb128, sorry, that I asked you, should I perhpas better ask the X guys?14:47
seb128it's not an X thing14:48
seb128try asking mdeslaur/security team14:48
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xnoxtkamppeter: I had usb-creator-gtk popping up on the default user desktop using upstart job file. it has been removed but an example should be in history.14:53
xnox(when a flashable nexus7 was attached)14:54
xnoxadjust a UDEV event & the bits to execute.14:55
Laneywould be quite limited in its scope though14:56
xnoxtkamppeter: you cannot do this from udev.rules, because udev rules have timeouts and your process will be killed.14:56
xnox(10seconds ?!)14:56
xnoxLaney: well, the udev rule can executed "start --no-wait launch-user-program PROG=foo" and the launch-user-program.conf is wrapper to find current user and execute $PROG to make it more generic.14:57
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xnoxtkamppeter: you can't launch graphical programs using pkexec, without adding policykit files to allow that. And pkfile will need paths as to which commands you are executing...... so stick to sudo.14:58
sil2100seb128: thanks for the review15:00
seb128sil2100, yw15:00
seb128cyphermox, Mirv, sil2100: indicator-messages build fix is in, can we get the indicator stack retried?15:00
sil2100seb128: I saw some build-depends unneeded, like the libicu, but well15:00
sil2100seb128: let me take care of that in a moment then15:01
sil2100seb128: pushed the removal of unused build-deps - if you could approve, I will approve globally15:10
seb128sil2100, done15:12
sil2100seb128: thanks!15:16
tkamppeterxnox, is there a replacement for the getXconsole() function of /usr/share/acpi-support/power-funcs? I have another place whwere I wantr a system process to determine which user is currently logged in on the desktop.15:17
Laneylogind knows the display15:18
xnoxtkamppeter: it was the best I could find, which is also widely available. Of course that may not be true in the future with Mir, etc. And my script was before logind api was in place.15:18
tkamppeterxnox, the file /usr/share/acpi-support/power-funcs has gone away in Saucy, therefore I am asking for a replacement. Or is it a general security risk for system processes to know the user who is currently logged in?15:19
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xnoxtkamppeter: i guess you should use logind, but that will not work on precise..raring though. You are root already, so I don't see what security risk there is to launch an app in front of the user.15:21
xnox(preferably with dropped priviliges down to the user, don't just launch root apps to the user & thus opening root account for the user just because something got plugged in)15:22
xnoxtkamppeter: i raise my security questions on #ubuntu-hardened and usually get sensible replies =)15:23
tkamppeterxnox, do we have both systemd and Upstart in Saucy now?15:24
xnoxtkamppeter: no, we do not have systemd. We have upstart, and we have logind.15:24
xnoxtkamppeter: we dropped consolekit in favor of logind.15:25
xnox"systemd" is "systemd init" and myriad of other daemons (udev, logind, syslogd, datetimed, and so on and so forth)15:26
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seb128sil2100, did you say you would retry the indicator stack? how is that going?15:59
sil2100seb128: oh, I see some red and yellow, let me check that16:00
sil2100seb128: in the meantime - did almost the same changes for another package, needs review: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/messaging-app/packaging_review/+merge/18160016:01
sil2100I look at indicators16:01
sil2100seb128: looks like a failing unit test now... https://launchpadlibrarian.net/148175184/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.indicator-messages_13.10.1%2B13.10.20130822.3-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:03
sil2100tedg: ^16:04
tedgsil2100, Yes, that should go away when seb128's patch lands16:05
sil2100seb128: eh, there also seem to have been direct pushes to the archive of indicator-datetime, the trunk needs to be synced16:05
robrukenvandine, can I get you to approve this quickly? it's quite trivial https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/friends/disable-contacts-sync/+merge/18138616:05
tedgsil2100, Unfortuantely that was probably after the run started16:06
sil2100tedg: hm, I re-ran the stack, so I thought that it's in already16:06
tedgsil2100, Can we kick it off again manually?16:06
sil2100tedg: I'll just fix up indicator-datetime and let's re-run16:06
tedgsil2100, Can I see what revision?16:07
didrocksseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubuntu-system-settings/daemon-api-update-and-visual-refresh/+merge/18160516:07
sil2100tedg: it seems to have seb128's change in already, as the changelog says: * don't error out on deprecated declarations.16:07
sil2100tedg: and it passed on all besides i38616:08
sil2100Maybe some flacky test?16:08
didrocksthanks lp-propsoe :/16:08
tedgHmm, that's odd16:08
tedgsil2100, I bet it's because it's not a cpp flag16:08
sil2100https://launchpadlibrarian.net/148173982/indicator-messages_13.10.1%2B13.10.20130822.2-0ubuntu1_13.10.1%2B13.10.20130822.3-0ubuntu1.diff.gz <- this is the diff of the last revision, so looks ok16:09
sil2100seb128: ^16:09
seb128sil2100, yes16:12
seb128sil2100, -datetime, didrocks said there was a command line flag to override that and publish anyway16:12
seb128tedg, ?16:13
sil2100seb128: so no need of adding that manually in the changelog?16:13
seb128tedg, my fix works, I verified locally, that build failed in "FAIL: test-client.py"16:13
sil2100Since I think it would be good to have16:13
seb128sil2100, your call16:13
tedgseb128, Oops, misread.16:13
Laneythe daily release will have it in the changelog anyway16:13
LaneyI wouldn't bother16:13
seb128tedg, I wish we didn't hide the output of tests by default though :/16:13
sil2100Laney: but I guess the 12.10.3+13.10.20130731-0ubuntu3  entry will be missing16:15
Laneyjust saying that I wouldn't care about that if I were you16:15
sil2100And 12.10.3+13.10.20130731-0ubuntu2, which might anger the daily-release bot16:15
Laneywe often lose changelog entries while rebasing16:15
seb128sil2100, didrocks said you can override the angry bot16:15
seb128sil2100, but as said, your call16:15
sil2100didrocks: green flag for SKIP_PREPARE_CHECKS in this case?16:16
didrockssil2100: wfm16:17
seb128tedg, just got make check to fail locally on the same test: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6014566/16:17
didrockssil2100: don't do it on the whole stack16:17
didrockssil2100: just on the that one16:17
sil2100Right, just on one component16:17
seb128tedg, fails this way 1 every 5 run16:17
didrocksthis is the seb128's option :p16:17
sil2100seb128, tedg: I might do a re-run and publish anyway if it's just a flacky test - would be semi-nice, but at least the release would happen16:18
tkamppeterxnox, thank you very much. loginctl works great.16:18
sil2100By re-run I mean re-build in PPA16:18
seb128sil2100, right, please try a re-run16:18
didrockssil2100: you are the first one to use it, I hope it will work :)16:18
xnoxtkamppeter: well, thank Laney =)16:19
Laneytkamppeter: you're parsing loginctl? you know it has a d-bus api right?16:19
sil2100seb128: ACK, will tell you how it goes16:19
* Laney wonders what QtCreator does to eat up his compose key16:19
didrockssil2100: can you please ensure you run it now, like NOW? I will be busy/leaving soon ;)16:23
tkamppeterLaney, I am parsing it for a shell script, can I access D-Bus APIs also easily out of a shell script?16:24
sil2100didrocks: ACK! ;) Wanted to wait for -messaging to finish16:24
didrockssil2100: hum, why? it will pick it up where it is, right?16:24
sil2100Well, if the build fails again then the build step will fail again16:25
sil2100And another re-run would be needed ;)16:25
* sil2100 launches16:25
seb128Laney, updated your mp again, I've no strong opinion on the button, for the plural form see the tab in http://doc.qt.digia.com/qq/qq19-plurals.html16:26
seb128Laney, examples are better ;-)16:26
Laneythey are16:26
Laneylet me see that16:26
seb128Laney, see polish, you can't have 1 translations for the plural16:26
seb128it depends of the count value16:26
Laneydoes i18n.tr get this right?16:26
seb128yes, it goes through gettext16:27
Laneyright, let's use that then16:27
sil2100didrocks: I guess it worked!16:28
sil2100didrocks: 2013-08-22 16:25:46,384 INFO Skip destination version and conditional checking requested. Will overwrite even if destination has a newer version or the (optional) condition isn't met.16:28
didrockssil2100: \o/16:28
didrocksI should have written "bye bye changelog (seb128)" ;)16:29
kenvandinerobru, done16:32
seb128kenvandine, robru: is /usr/share/session-migration/scripts/install-default-webapps-in-launcher.py hitting16:34
seb128GLib-GIO-ERROR **: The mapping function given to g_settings_get_mapped() for key 'favorites' in schema 'com.canonical.Unity.Launcher' returned FALSE when given a NULL value.16:34
seb128that happens at every guest session start here, it's annoying16:34
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tedgseb128, Is there a reason that glib 2.37.6 is still in proposed?16:41
tedgseb128, Surprised that I can't get it easily.16:41
seb128tedg, buggy britney/autopkgtests16:41
seb128and cjwatson and jibel are on holidays16:41
tedgseb128, Just to be curious, how do you know that?16:41
seb128Laney, maybe you should force it in?16:41
Laneyi'll force it16:41
seb128tedg, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html16:42
Laneybeen distracted by other things16:42
seb128Laney, thanks ;-)16:42
seb128tedg, look for glib on there16:42
tedgWow, that's a bigger list than I imagined...16:42
seb128tedg, that's step 1 of the migration, those which are valid candidates can be blocked on transitions, that's http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt16:43
seb128tedg, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration has the details16:43
* tedg didn't expect to learn this much today16:44
Laneyseb128: pushed again, check now16:49
LaneyI get a file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/ListItems/ValueSelector.qml:174: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString16:50
Laneyin battery, not sure if that was there before16:50
Laneycan't see what is wrong though16:50
Laneyglib2.0 has slid on down into release16:55
seb128Laney, I wonder if that's due to the buggy upower, I've been adapting my code for pitti's fix that didn't land yet16:56
Laneycould be16:58
didrockskenvandine: some of the phone apps are listed in the spreadsheet, do not hesiate to update it16:58
* didrocks waves good evening16:59
seb128didrocks, 'night17:00
Laneysee you didrocks17:00
didrocksseb128: thanks! good luck to you ;)17:00
seb128didrocks, I'm about to submit your mp with some needs fixing, I guess for tomorrow17:00
didrocksseb128: don't comment too much on my MP :p17:00
didrocksbye Laney ;)17:00
seb128didrocks, hehe, I've already quite some comments, and I'm just doing a quick reading17:00
didrocksLaney: buttttt :p17:00
seb128it's hard to review that much changes :/17:00
didrocksseb128: let's see how it can get better tomorrow morning ;)17:01
seb128didrocks, sure17:01
seb128have a nice evening!17:01
didrocksthanks, you too!17:01
* Laney sniggers at seeing a screenshot on G+ of touch with the snail wallpaper17:02
Laneymy plan for slimy world domination begins17:03
seb128Laney, hum17:03
seb128Laney, how much do you hate me if I ask you to do the battery plural form in another mr? ;-)17:04
* Laney moans17:04
seb128Laney, I'm also not sure why you do "After %1 minute".arg(10)" rather than "After 10 minutes"17:05
Laneyso that you only get the string once to translate17:05
seb128oh, that might actual work ;-)17:05
Laneyi just thought i'd stop making assumptions like "oh, 10 will never be singular" and do the same thing to all of them17:06
Laneylet me revert battery then :(17:06
seb128Laney, don't bother17:06
seb128Laney, but next time please split different logical changes in different mrs17:07
Laneyyeah i should have17:07
Laneyi was thinking in "fixing plural" mode not "security-panel-ui" mode17:07
robrukenvandine, thanks!17:07
seb128Laney, I also note you didn't like my idea of the disabled button to show non implemented bits :p17:07
LaneyI did do that didn't i?17:08
seb128Laney, I got confused by the fact that put all the changes in 1 commit17:08
Laneymaybe I failed to push17:08
seb128Laney, no, it's there17:08
seb128the commit says "17:09
seb128    Use plural translations (hopefully) correctly17:09
seb128    and minor other fixes17:09
seb128and it's one commit17:09
Laneyoh yeah17:09
Laneydoes bzr have something like bzr add -p?17:09
Laneyto let you pick bits to commit17:09
seb128what would that do?17:09
seb128I think there is bzr shelve to do similar stuff, but I never tried it17:09
Laneyin git it interactively asks you which hunks to stage17:10
Laneyquite convenient17:10
seb128seems similar17:10
robruseb128, re: that python bug, the fix for that landed in trunk, but it seems to be stuck in -proposed for some reason.17:11
seb128robru, what package is that?17:11
Laneyseb128: let me fix those commits17:11
Laneyyou made me feel naughty now17:11
robruseb128, webapps-applications17:11
seb128Laney, haha, put it back to needs review then :p17:11
seb128robru, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt17:12
seb128skipped: webapps-applications (69 <- 1)17:12
seb128    got: 91+0: i-9117:12
seb128    * i386: unity-webapps-angrybirds, unity-webapps-cuttherope, unity-webapps-lordofultima, unity-webapps-tiberiumalliances17:12
seb128robru, the update is making the binaries listed there non installable17:12
seb128that's why17:12
robruseb128, yes... that's on purpose. those packages are no longer supported and we changed the packaging to force-uninstall them17:13
seb128robru, so you should request them to be removed from the archive17:13
robruI'm pretty sure I did that already.17:13
seb128https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-webapps-angrybirds has no open bug17:13
seb128well one about icon, no removal request17:13
seb128do you have the number?17:13
Laneyok, pushed again with --overwrite17:15
robruseb128, buh, I can't find it. i swear i filed bugs about these and some archive admin told me to ensure I had Breaks: lines in the packaging...17:16
robruseb128, I gotta run but I'll file new bugs for those when I get back from lunch. sorry!17:16
seb128robru, bug #1198285 you mean?17:17
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1198285 in unity-webapps-googlereader (Ubuntu Saucy) "Google Reader has shut down; please remove this from the archive." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119828517:17
seb128robru, you didn't do it for the others afaik17:17
seb128robru, thanks, and no problem17:17
robruseb128, i was pretty sure I did but I guess i'm hallucinating. ok bbl17:17
tkamppetersarnold, hi17:20
sarnoldhello tkamppeter :)17:21
tkamppetersarnold, did you already have a look into bug 711061? openjpeg needs to go into main for Ghostscript 9.09 to get into the release.17:22
ubot2`Launchpad bug 711061 in openjpeg (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libopenjpeg2" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71106117:22
sarnoldtkamppeter: not yet, sorry, but it is not forgotten.17:22
tkamppetersarnold, OK, thanks, I only wanted to know whether it gets done before FF.17:27
seb128sil2100, can we block indicators to be published somehow?17:42
seb128cyphermox, ^17:42
sil2100What do you mean blocked?17:43
sil2100i.e. not publishing anymore?17:43
sil2100Or you want it to be set to manual publishing all the time?17:44
seb128sil2100, ignore that, I saw https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/indicator-messages/phablet_epoch/+merge/181604 and I went wth17:44
seb128but it's on their ppa only17:44
sil2100Right, phablet17:45
sil2100Ok guys, need to jump out now, but I'll be back for a moment in ~1 hour17:45
seb128sil2100, btw what happened to indicators being published?17:45
seb128some people are going to get really unhappy if the converged indicator-messages doesn't land17:46
sil2100seb128: ah, check job failed, shit... extra packages17:46
sil2100I can *force* a publishing if you want, but that won't be too nice17:46
seb128sil2100, can you look at fixing it properly in 1h or hand it over to cyphermox?17:47
sil2100I can fix it properly now, but it would have to be released on the next tick then17:47
sil2100Or we'll miss this tick now17:47
seb128that's ok17:47
sil2100Ah, I get it what's wrong now17:49
sil2100seb128: I'll make sure the next tick publishes indicators17:50
tedgfginther, I'm a bit confused on this error: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/cu2d-indicators-head-1.1prepare-indicator-appmenu/417/console19:19
tedgNetworking hickup?19:19
fginthertedg, looking19:20
fginthertedg, that would be my guess, I see several other builds with a similar stacktrace19:21
tedgfginther, Is it just a "kick it again" thing then?19:24
fginthertedg, I think so, I can't do it, but cyphermox, kenvandine, mterry may be able to19:25
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tedgIf they all kick it as the same time does it work better?  :-)19:27
Sweetsharkpitti: are you all set for the raring/precise SRUs or do you still miss something?19:45
Sweetsharkhmmm, virtualbox not starting machines on saucy because of some network foo. known issue or workarounds?20:08
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howefieldSweetshark: are you using bridged adapter ? if so change it to NAT20:24
Sweetsharkhowefield: thanks, just try-n-errored that myself ;)20:29
sil2100Damn, what happened to indicators?20:29
howefieldstarted a few days ago after an update.20:30
Sweetsharkhowefield: same here -- it worked yesterday for me20:32
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